Author Topic: TE Crashing on Build  (Read 312 times)

Offline Waffle

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TE Crashing on Build
« on: October 13, 2003, 06:01:05 PM »
I'm working on a a map, and have just been roughing in textures.
I have them saved in the "texsrc" folder and all tiles are 256x256 bitmap saved in 256 colors at 8bitdepth. All names of the files are correct and no errors there.

Whenever I hit build map, I get the old "encountered an error" message and must close.

It works fine using the regular stock terrain, but not the edited - so I figure in this lies the problem. I also have "savedtex" folder in as I though this might be the problem. Still Crashes when I hit Build.

Any ideas?

Offline gatso

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TE Crashing on Build
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2003, 06:38:39 PM »
Double and then triple check the 8 bit textures thing. Make sure all your terrxxx.bmps are in ALL lower case, makes sure any other textures are named exactly the case the TE throws them out as.

Are there any errors in the object reporter or any "water not 0"?

Check your terrain name. 8 standard characters long max and all lower case.

Stick a clipboard map in the texsrc folder if you haven't already. If you don't already have one get the TE to 'Make Map' from the file menu, 1024x1024. Once its done that grab the file its chucked out into the root of your map folder and alter the bit depth down to 8 bit and rename to .bmp, stick it in the texsrc folder.

If it still crashes, move your entire texsrc folder apart from the cb map elsewhere and try and build it then.

If it crashes and your sure everything above is OK youve got a complex problem and we might have a bit of trouble tracking it down... Have you built your map before and what have you done to it since?


Offline Waffle

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TE Crashing on Build
« Reply #2 on: October 13, 2003, 08:00:01 PM »
Tried all of those things and it still crashes on build.

The previous maps I built were just single land mass using original terrain textures to test some skins that I had made for a fw190d9.

As far as exporting the terrain tiles to edit, i don't know how to do that using the terrain editor, for I can't find a "save texture" feature for terrain, as there is one for the objects.   I found the 20 stock terrain tiles on the bbs and edited those and placed them into the texsrc folder. These are labled "terr000, terr0001, and so on" Again all these files are 256x256 all 8bit, all labled in small caps.
Only difference between the files is that some are at a 96dpi resoulution and some are at 71dpi.

At a loss here....

Offline zmeg

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TE Crashing on Build
« Reply #3 on: October 13, 2003, 08:57:35 PM »
The most common and most overlooked cause for this is upper case letters on 1 or more file extensions or 1 too many zeros in 1 of your terrain names  (terr00012.BMP)