Author Topic: Wheels, Tower, Clipboard, Textbox, CTD  (Read 704 times)

Offline Easyscor

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Wheels, Tower, Clipboard, Textbox, CTD
« on: October 17, 2003, 09:21:22 AM »
1) Clipboard text over written but can’t duplicate – On the right hand side of the clipboard list box, two categories were superimposed.  Happened twice but didn’t make notes, sorry, will update when it happens again.
2) In Tower, boundary for the handrail isn’t set, can up arrow out into space.
3) The wheels of the 109 are visible momentarily when they come up into the wheel wells – both cockpit and outside view.
4) Frame rates text is in black background.
5) CTD on selecting P51b in hanger after searching for the above clipboard problem and launching several different A/C (1 death and 3-4 ditch to tower.)

Intel P3
ASUS CUSL2-C MoBo    Award Medallion BIOS v6.0
256MB Ram
WindowsXP Pro
DirectX 9.0b
ASUS AGP-V7700 Pure/deluxe v31.40G, 32MB
1024 x 768 / 32bit / 75Hz
SB Live! at 25% acceleration.  Microsoft driver
Easy in-game again.
Since Tour 19 - 2001