First Impression - Nice Terrain, Nice Towns, Nice Airfields. I look forward to destroying them.

Default mouse paning is very annoying...I turned this off.
System Specifics-
ASUS Geforce4 Ultra
4x AGP
DRIVER ASUS V8460 V45.23
DirectX 8.x (build 810)
ASUS A7V8X (KT400) Motherboard
AMD XP 2700
1GB RAM 333Mhz FSB
WindowXP Pro - SP1/Current
CH PRO USB Controls - stick/throttle/rudder
Frame Rate avg 20-35 near lots of objects (airfields/towns).
Increased to 45 with some alt and distance.
I'm seeing a stutter every few seconds while flying low (crossing tile boundries?) This is about a 0.1-sec pause, just enough to notice.
Went to town (enemy) in Tiger.
Frame Rate avg 35 in GV, got near a hedgerow dropped to 23.
Crashed into something (I believe it was the horizontal textures.) I was driving under them at the time. I stayed out of the shadows on the next trip and arrived without incident.
Sighted in on water tower and elevated the gun.
Zoomed view.
Tracked site about halfway up the tower when tower disappeared. Kept elevating and top of tower appeared in lower part of sight. Never could get the water barrel centered in the view. Shot tower in leg.
It appears from the GV perspective that destroyed objects are blocking shots at objects behind them.
Texture under town builds destroyed, town buildings appear to float. Kind of like the port object and the AA guns in current game version.
Nicely done, I'll have more to say as I play with it.