Aces High Bulletin Board

General Forums => Wishlist => Topic started by: CptTrips on December 09, 2018, 01:39:27 PM

Title: Plane Editor
Post by: CptTrips on December 09, 2018, 01:39:27 PM
Looking at the Greebo's skin's and Bustr's maps and all the talented work done by the Special Events teams, it's amazing how much talent there is out there.  HTC has been smart to leverage that force multiplier whenever it can with it's content editors.

I'd like to see more support for allowing content providers to build custom planes that can be built into a custom map (at least initially for offline or custom arena).  It looks like some of this is already in the AHObEdit components selector.  Maybe this is just a matter of formalizing a specification and the AHObEdit can do the rest.  Maybe high quality examples can be submitted to HTC for official review for inclusion like they do with skins.

This might not include a full flight model.  Maybe the initial model is derived from a similar existing plane and HTC does the final production level tweaking.  But just having the modeling and texturing done for you would be a significant assistance.

Unleash the power of your player-base.  Look how much stuff gets added for X-Plane. 

(BTW, Remember this one? ;) )


Title: Re: Plane Editor
Post by: CptTrips on December 10, 2018, 05:48:28 PM
Hmm they nuked my picture.   :rofl

Lets try again...

Title: Re: Plane Editor
Post by: hitech on December 11, 2018, 02:33:01 PM
Funny you posted that picture, when I was creating Confirmed Kill we licensed the graphic engine from Domark I.E. Flight Sim tool kit.

Then had a falling out with domark renamed Confirmed Kill to Warbirds and continued on with Graph Sims F18 engine.

Title: Re: Plane Editor
Post by: CptTrips on December 11, 2018, 03:04:22 PM
Funny you posted that picture, when I was creating Confirmed Kill we licensed the graphic engine from Domark I.E. Flight Sim tool kit.

Then had a falling out with domark renamed Confirmed Kill to Warbirds and continued on with Graph Sims F18 engine.


I remember you telling me that one time.

I had FST and was addicted to it for a while.
I had a bunch of those plane files laying around for years thinking I would use them for something.  lol.  50 polygon models.  :rofl
That file format was a lot like a simple AC3D  wasn't it?  It's been many years though.  I might be mis-remembering.


Title: Re: Plane Editor
Post by: hitech on December 11, 2018, 03:36:19 PM

I remember you telling me that one time.

I had FST and was addicted to it for a while.
I had a bunch of those plane files laying around for years thinking I would use them for something.  lol.  50 polygon models.  :rofl
That file format was a lot like a simple AC3D  wasn't it?  It's been many years though.  I might be mis-remembering.


The only thing i really remember about it was creating code for an exploding Eiffel tower. And all the bugs & memory leak the engine had in it.


Title: Re: Plane Editor
Post by: Shuffler on December 11, 2018, 03:56:56 PM
If we can't remember.... we should not be talking about "memory leaks".  :D
Title: Re: Plane Editor
Post by: CptTrips on December 11, 2018, 04:12:32 PM
If we can't remember.... we should not be talking about "memory leaks".  :D

OK.  You occasionally have a good one.   :cool:
Title: Re: Plane Editor
Post by: Shuffler on December 11, 2018, 09:09:06 PM
OK.  You occasionally have a good one.   :cool:

I'm a 1 per center........ one percent of what I say is ummm good.