Aces High Bulletin Board

Special Events Forums => Scenario General => Topic started by: Newman on March 23, 2007, 12:34:58 AM

Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: Newman on March 23, 2007, 12:34:58 AM
Yes.. Pearl is on hold while the Terrain Team are working out the bugs, bless them!

The Scenario Team has another, new Scenario that we are looking for a couple good Co's for.

This is a mid war, ETO Scenario that will run next. The map is tested, and the basic design is done.

Both sides will have multiple lives, and all aspects of AH will be used (Bombers, Ground Attack, Fighters in multiple roles, Fleets and Ground Vehicles).

If YOU think you have the strategic mind to bring the Axis, or Allies to victory, reply here :aok


Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: detch01 on March 23, 2007, 02:35:54 PM
Newman - what are the dates the event will run? And can you give us a better description of the event?

Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: Newman on March 24, 2007, 12:21:50 AM
Dates are not set yet, likely in May, depending on how fast the Co teams can be  assembled. I'd like to have them involved in the finalization of rules and have enough time for the sides to practice.

It will be a 3 frame event centered around "Operation Husky", with goal for each side, each frame. Multiple lives, with flexibility for the Co. during the frames to react to a threat.

Official annoucement will be out soon.


Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: OOZ662 on April 03, 2007, 12:39:11 AM
My last CO try was a disaster. I'd go for a "CO's assitant" role if such a thing exists, though. Allied if possible.

If not, oh well. Back to being a GL. :D
Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: Newman on April 03, 2007, 11:19:08 PM
It's called an XO  ;)

Thanks for stepping up OOZ! We'll keep ya in mind.

Anyone else interested in a command slot?


Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: OOZ662 on April 03, 2007, 11:21:21 PM
Duh, I forgot about those. Kinda retarded since I am one. :rofl Though I have been "acting CO" for a while in my squad.....maybe I'm getting too comfy.

and thanks.
Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: detch01 on April 04, 2007, 12:23:24 AM
Newman, the last two weekends in May are out for me - sorry. Otherwise I'd volunteer to CO the allies. If this will run in June, count me in

Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: Krusty on April 04, 2007, 01:22:54 AM
Newman, can you clarify this:

"The map is tested, and the basic design is done." That, to me, sounds like you've got a map tested, but it's a new map, one that's reliant on HTC compiling it.

After all the problems with Stalin's 4th being recompiled almost every week, with the Pearl map totally shutting down the entire scenario, you can understand my concern over that line I quoted.

I don't think any scenario should be done on a map that hasn't been "in play" and bug-free for 3-6 months, but that's my opinion.

I'd love to CO another scenario (BOB06 was a blast!) but my schedule doesn't permit it. If I still have a sub at the time it starts I'll join it as a pilot, though!
Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: Newman on April 04, 2007, 01:57:17 AM
"Operation Husky" is the invasion of Sicily. Mid ETO planes, with a CV and GV element, using the Italy Map. The Italy Map has been well tested.

The only change that may happen is the addition of a historically correct vehicle instead of a sub. Otherwise, everything is a new design with off the shelf tools and plane set.

TY for asking  :)


Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: OOZ662 on April 04, 2007, 12:27:44 PM likes GVs... :cool: GO STALIN'S FOURTH!
Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: Krusty on April 05, 2007, 11:13:42 PM
Funny thing is I hated GVs (still do?) but in S4th I consistently did well in the T-34. Go figure.

Newman: Thanks for the reply! That definitely answered my question!

P.S. if a CO wants somebody to strategize with, I'm available for XO/support position!
Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: Newman on April 06, 2007, 01:24:41 AM
And so it begins..


A possible Allied CO.

And a few more in the Command Staff..

TY for asking questions and stepping up!


Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: Roscoroo on April 06, 2007, 01:40:31 AM
I beleive it will be a Good event that may even turn into a nail bitter like Stalins was ...  :D

its on the Italy map so its been inplay for quite a while so we dont have any map problems .  

So Step up get the CO's XO's buttered up and drooling and lets GO !
Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: Husker on April 06, 2007, 06:30:36 AM
I'd almost be tempted to toss my hat into the ring, but I'll be in the middle of moving down to P'Cola for some real Navy flying right around then.

Not to mention it'd be my first time out the gate on somthing like this.
Title: B17 Pilot
Post by: 1Way> on April 06, 2007, 12:19:39 PM
I want to fly in scenarios/events etc as a B-17 pilot ...

How do I get involved, where do I sign up?

Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: OOZ662 on April 06, 2007, 12:27:35 PM
We're not that far into this yet, 1way.
Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: Newman on April 06, 2007, 11:29:31 PM
Husker, a good way to get your feet wet is as a member of the command staff for one side or another. Generally, there is a CO, XO and a few GL's on each side that are in the loop. I did that for years before I took a few XO slots..

1Way, the bombers that will be used are the B-24, Boston, TBM, Ju-88 and Ju-87. Feel free to sign up for any of these groups  :aok

I've tried to design an event that uses the best historical tools/ plane set without substitutions that AH has to offer, as well as give command groups an ability to flow with the battle.

Scoring will be a bit different as well. Survival will add bonus points to the final score. Say the Axis sink a CV.. They get points for that. Say the Allies still have their CV floating at the end of the Scenario.. they get the same points the Axis would have if they sunk it.

Like Rosco said, it may come down to the last minutes of the last frame..


Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: Husker on April 07, 2007, 08:32:00 AM

Yeah I'd thought about a GL or if things got really bad a XO slot. But like I said I'll be in the middle of moving down to NAS Pensacola to begin flight training with the Navy. I don't wanna leave my guys high and dry if I have issues with the net and what not down there. If this event gets moved into anytime after the middle of June, I'm down for flying me some Allied warplanes in a GL or somthing role.
Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: weazely on April 07, 2007, 09:19:44 AM
Sounds so tempting but idk seems like a lot of work, mabey I could do a XO possition then again I dont know my schedual in may yet so Im not sure...Ill get back to ya when i know more.  I was sapposed to lead a section in peral but seems thats on hold for qite some time now.

Till then woot operation husky! love the name :p
Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: Husky01 on April 07, 2007, 09:22:13 AM
Woops sorry guys I didn't know that weazely was singed on my computer weazelys post is actually from me Husky01 sorry for the confusion there.
Title: Not to hijack
Post by: Odee on April 07, 2007, 10:28:20 AM
Historical perspective here... from the USCG Military History ( website.

by Robert M. Browning, Jr.

With great anticipation CDR Rodger C. Heimer USCG stood on the bridge of the Samuel Chase. The attack transport was part of the approach formation of a large amphibious invasion force. Twenty five miles in the distance he could see flares followed by anti-aircraft fire and explosions that silhouetted the shoreline. At midnight planes showing prearranged recognition lights passed low on the port side. Inside were paratroopers poised to jump behind enemy lines. As the transports and escorts neared their destination Heimer passed along orders readying his ship for an attack on the enemy.

In total darkness, the Chase and nearly 1400 other ships and over 1800 landing craft made final preparations to support or disembark nearly one-half million men. In the initial assault, nearly eight reinforced divisions were to come ashore abreast on a broad front nearly 150 miles wide. It was a daring plan to send so many men ashore in the initial landings. This had never been tried before and it has not been done on this scale since. The operation, however, was not the Normandy invasion but Operation "Husky"--the invasion of Sicily in July 1943.

The idea for the invasion of Sicily was born at the January 1943, Casablanca meeting between President Franklin Roosevelt and English Prime Minister Winston Churchill. The overwhelming success of the North African Campaign allowed the Allies to consider pushing their plans forward to take the war onto the European continent. The initial decision they had to make was where to land. A landing across the English Channel in 1943 could not be accomplished due to a lack of resources. Instead they chose to land in Sicily in order to continue the pressure on the Germans, to secure lines of communication, and to divert German troops from the Russian front. A campaign in Sicily would weaken the Germans and make a cross channel invasion possible for the allies the following year. The Allies viewed the capture of the island as a campaign unto itself and not necessarily a springboard to an assault on Italy....

Not many recall the Coast Guard does overseas duty in times of war too.
and looking forward to flying this one. :aok
Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: Odee on April 07, 2007, 10:50:19 AM
Here is this from the USAF HISTOICAL ARCHIVES ( at Maxwel, AFB
by Maj. Robert A Renner, USAF
Combat Air Support

Like many airpower roles, close air support also came of age in the Italian campaign. Several aspects of CAS taken for granted in modern air forces were developed in the mud and skies of Italy. The Allies experienced problems in air-ground coordination, communications, and identification of friendlies, but also implemented several solutions that survive in today’s battlespace. One solution was a daily meeting between Army and Air Force staffs to review the day’s activities and the Army representatives would nominate the targets they wanted to have attacked the next day.58 This meeting was the forerunner of today’s Joint Coordination Board, at which similar issues are still discussed. Another solution was "prearranged CAS" sorties, missions over the next 24 hours initiated at division level (brigade level for the British). These requests made their way to a joint army-air force group that created an air program (now called an Air Tasking Order, or ATO) conforming to the army’s overall tactical plan.59 In addition, some fighter-bomber squadrons were reserved for "Call Missions" which took into "account changes in the battle situation that favored attacks against targets of opportunity."60 Two further CAS developments forged in Italy were the Rover system and ‘Horsefly.’

The Rover system significantly improved CAS effectiveness and army-air force cooperation. Named Rover David and Rover Paddy (after 2 fighter pilots and originators of the idea) for the RAF and Rover Joe (as in G.I. Joe) for the USAAF,61 it was the pioneer of today’s FACs (Forward Air Controllers). The Rover system paired air controllers and army liaison officers to ‘rove’ the battlefield calling fighter-bombers to attack targets of opportunity.62 To respond to these CAS requests, fighters were ‘Cabranked,’ whereby flights of aircraft arrived at 30-minute intervals. Prior to take-off, the fighter-bomber pilots planned for alternate targets they would attack if they received no call after 20 minutes on-station. If, however, the Rover had a suitable target, he would talk the flight onto the target through grid coordinates, terrain description, and artillery-fired colored smoke.63 The only noticeable change in today’s CAS missions in Afghanistan is the use of technology (specifically, Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) and laser-designation) to mark targets. Operational Analysis of fighter-bomber support for British V Corps operations in Italy between October and December 1944 showed 100 fighter-bomber attacks (equal to about 500 sorties) equated to 60-90 fewer troops killed and 200-300 fewer wounded by German artillery shellfire. The cost to the RAF was 2.6 pilots killed or missing, 0.3 pilots injured, and 4.5 aircraft lost.64 Sufficient CAS, then, can help win battles and save friendly soldiers’ lives. This level of CAS support, however, is only possible with air superiority, as previously discussed.

Another innovation in Italy that improved Allied CAS effectiveness was ‘Horsefly,’ a precursor of today’s Airborne FACs. An artillery spotter pilot flying a Piper L-5 ‘Grasshopper’ suggested the concept for ‘Horsefly’ when he realized an L-5 could also "direct fighter-bombers onto a target when artillery was unavailable to mark the target with smoke shells."65....

still seraching for Axis/Allies air fource compositions in Husky.  Suspect the Allies had the P-38-H, P-47C (maybe D too) P-51-B, Spit ix, (was the xiv out then?), a slew of A-26, B-26, Lancs, etc for bombers.

I'm not up enough on the Axis a/c to hazzard a gues on their make up at this time.

Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: 1Way> on April 07, 2007, 05:49:38 PM
Originally posted by Newman
Husker, a good way to get your feet wet is as a member of the command staff for one side or another. Generally, there is a CO, XO and a few GL's on each side that are in the loop. I did that for years before I took a few XO slots..

1Way, the bombers that will be used are the B-24, Boston, TBM, Ju-88 and Ju-87. Feel free to sign up for any of these groups  :aok

I've tried to design an event that uses the best historical tools/ plane set without substitutions that AH has to offer, as well as give command groups an ability to flow with the battle.

Scoring will be a bit different as well. Survival will add bonus points to the final score. Say the Axis sink a CV.. They get points for that. Say the Allies still have their CV floating at the end of the Scenario.. they get the same points the Axis would have if they sunk it.

Like Rosco said, it may come down to the last minutes of the last frame..



Do you have a link for me to sign up??? I would like to drive a 24
Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: Roscoroo on April 07, 2007, 06:30:27 PM
Sign up starts after we get the CO/XO's in place at that time the Rules come out and everything gets set ... Scenario's are ussually 3-4  3 hour frames .
Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: Odee on April 07, 2007, 10:05:05 PM
Originally posted by Roscoroo
Sign up starts after we get the CO/XO's in place at that time the Rules come out and everything gets set ... Scenario's are ussually 3-4  3 hour frames .

Clarification please... Is that, 3 to 4 frames of up to 3 hour duration, or the total frame time allowed is 3 hours spread over up to 4 games/weeks?
Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: Krusty on April 07, 2007, 10:17:15 PM
3 to 4 frames total. Norm is 4 (1 month). Each frame can last 2.5 to 3 hours.
Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: Roscoroo on April 07, 2007, 10:21:35 PM
3 to 4 frames of up to 3 hour duration.

ussually covers a months time  or 9-12 hours of your life sucked into a scenario

Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: toadkill on April 07, 2007, 11:37:59 PM
Woot scenario.

sry for posting a worthless post :rolleyes:
Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: Krusty on April 07, 2007, 11:50:42 PM
Originally posted by Roscoroo
3 to 4 frames of up to 3 hour duration.

ussually covers a months time  or 9-12 hours of your life sucked into a scenario


Only if you just show up and fly :D

COing for it might take up 30+ hours :)

EDIT: Not that I'm trying to scare folks off! I just mean you can really get into it!
Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: detch01 on April 08, 2007, 01:03:07 AM
3 or 4 frames. Each frame lasting 3 hrs. At least that's how it works in my time zone :D

Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: Brooke on April 08, 2007, 02:32:16 AM
The promotional info for Operation Husky is up here:

The first draft of the rules is done.  Once it gets an additional round of comments from the CM's, I'll post the link here.
Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: doobs on April 08, 2007, 11:49:43 AM
Originally posted by Roscoroo
3 to 4 frames of up to 3 hour duration.

ussually covers a months time  or 9-12 hours of your life sucked into a scenario


9-12 hours :lol :lol :lol  more like 9-12 hours a week for 2-3 months.

And if ya want to CO, ya really need to be on the ground to do it and not it the air.
Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: Krusty on April 08, 2007, 04:48:09 PM
Unless you totally kick the enemy's petude in the first 3 frames, and fly in the 4th frame for fun!
Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: Newman on April 08, 2007, 11:49:08 PM
Nice work Brooke!

The plane set and basic setup is in the link Brooke has privided. The design of this Scenario offers each side a few rides for each life, up to the side CO, plus "Vampire CAP".


Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: Keeler101 on April 09, 2007, 08:36:11 AM
Cant we Sneak a Jug in the plane set :aok
Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: Newman on April 17, 2007, 12:46:11 AM
Originally posted by Odee
Clarification please... Is that, 3 to 4 frames of up to 3 hour duration, or the total frame time allowed is 3 hours spread over up to 4 games/weeks?

Just caught this post..

3 frames, 150 mins each.

A strong wind will crash any groups that haven't RTB'd at T+150, thus not allowing them to gain RTB points in scoring.

Yes.. Living through the frame is awarded as well as kills.

CM's are still hashing out details.. and CO's who want to be part of it are welcome to step up and join in  :aok


Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: keeler on April 24, 2007, 11:42:43 PM
Hell I'll throw my hat into the ring as an apprentice or whatever
Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: leitwolf on April 25, 2007, 07:17:33 PM
Any news yet?
Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: OOZ662 on April 25, 2007, 10:18:20 PM
Yes; we need COs.
Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: Newman on April 25, 2007, 10:26:53 PM
We're working on finalization of rules and checking the SEA Terrain since the last update.

CO's are still wanted. Are you up for it Leitwolf?


Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: doobs on April 25, 2007, 10:29:20 PM
how much does it pay?

for the right amount, I might be able to put the command team "DMD" together for this.;) :p
Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: Newman on April 25, 2007, 10:44:12 PM
I think the going rate is a few nuts (from Roscoroo's squirrels stash) and a jar of Miracle Whip.


Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: doobs on April 25, 2007, 10:47:29 PM
so we get paid off via rosco's nut's covered in miracle whip, tell ya the truth dont think the guys are going to go for it.
Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: Roscoroo on April 25, 2007, 11:16:02 PM
We could Brib ya with a "Patch "

Btw Doobs dig you get a downfall patch ?? if not email me your addy .
Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: Gaidin on April 26, 2007, 04:03:45 AM
I would be interested in being on a Command team.  As this is the first scenario I will be trying from the command aspect I don't think CO would be the best place, but if no one else wants it I would give it a shot.  I spent 10 years in the army and have good strategic planning skills.  I can't spell very well, but I can plan missions with the best of them!

Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: leitwolf on April 26, 2007, 07:07:34 AM
Originally posted by Newman
CO's are still wanted. Are you up for it Leitwolf?

No, there are P-38s in this one.. a non-flying seat won't do this time :)
Just asking because the scenario withdrawal syndromes set in :cry
Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: Husky01 on April 26, 2007, 10:04:41 AM
Ill put my hat in the ring, I ran CO of the allies in the beta test for pearl due to the fact that the real CO never showed but If no one else will do this one ill step up and do it sounds like a good way to really get my feet wet with the CM team any who!:aok

Although I would much prefer the XO position:aok
Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: Krusty on April 26, 2007, 04:46:57 PM
You'd be the CO, not to be mistaken for "part of the CM team" -- those guys have server control access and can change settings etc. HTC picks them. COs can be whoever steps up for the job, though, and if you do I bet you'll have fun.
Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: HB555 on April 26, 2007, 05:31:58 PM

Krusty sez:
 "You'd be the CO, not to be mistaken for "part of the CM team" -- those guys have server control access and can change settings etc. HTC picks them. COs can be whoever steps up for the job, though, and if you do I bet you'll have fun."

Sometime in the future, though, you might want to try to join the CM Team, and a well done CO position in a scenario would look good on your resume.
Having flown as a Group Leader in a number of these events with CO's who insisted on lots of practice, I can tell you that the time demands get  high, but it is a very rewarding experience to see all the practice pay off in wins for the side you are flying for, be you CO, XO, GL, FL, or just one of the guys.
Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: Brooke on April 26, 2007, 06:44:54 PM
While there are CO's who stay on the ground and don't fly, there are CO's who do fly and command at the same time.

I have been a CO in about 5 scenarios, and I been a pilot also in every one of them.

It depends on how you set up your command structure and battle plans and upon your style of command.
Title: Re: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: Spikes on April 26, 2007, 07:14:38 PM
Originally posted by Newman
Yes.. Pearl is on hold while the Terrain Team are working out the bugs, bless them!

The Scenario Team has another, new Scenario that we are looking for a couple good Co's for.

This is a mid war, ETO Scenario that will run next. The map is tested, and the basic design is done.

Both sides will have multiple lives, and all aspects of AH will be used (Bombers, Ground Attack, Fighters in multiple roles, Fleets and Ground Vehicles).

If YOU think you have the strategic mind to bring the Axis, or Allies to victory, reply here :aok



what map are you using? is it named :  pearl    ? or a different one.
Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: Brooke on April 26, 2007, 07:25:48 PM
It's the standard Italy terrain (which I think is called "italy_1").
Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: HB555 on April 26, 2007, 07:34:19 PM
Speaking of slave driving CO's.....   :rofl
Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: Newman on April 27, 2007, 12:12:56 AM
Originally posted by HB555
Speaking of slave driving CO's.....   :rofl

LOL! Been there.. Team Alpha kicked our ARSE in Coral Sea, both as Axis AND Allies after the side switch! You did your home work, and Team Zulu didn't.

There seems to be a good bit of interest in Allied Command Group. Any one willing to try the Axis? The design offers each side the chance for victory  :aok


Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: Krusty on April 27, 2007, 09:56:54 AM
I'm willing to help plan things and whatnot, but I just don't have any time at ALL these days. I got a taste of COing in BOB06. I'd like to CO more, I just can't. So I offer my "assistance/help/etc" for whomever wants to be CO.
Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: Husky01 on April 27, 2007, 04:56:34 PM
Krusty I know if i did take the spot Id probably really need your help!:aok

Got a questions what happened if the CO missed a day due to something popping up or something happened in the middle of a frame where he has to leave?
 Overall I really want to try this sounds like a great opportunity Im just worried what if I miss a day or have to leave earlier cause somthin pops up.  Now being a CO would be new to me although I was a FL is previous scenarios (BoP).  So If I do this will the CM team and staff kinda walk me through the first part getting me going sorta thing?
Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: OOZ662 on April 27, 2007, 05:26:05 PM
In my experience, the CMs didn't have much to do with it in terms of aiding command. If I were your XO, I could probably take over as long as I knew what you had in mind. That's one of the roles of XO; command in the absence of Command.
Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: Husky01 on April 27, 2007, 05:33:53 PM
Ya I just got done reading a write up brooke had on CO's and stuff looks like a lot of work but man it sounds like so much fun its well worth it.

OOZ sounds good who knows mabey if I get the CO spot Ill be looking your way for a good XO:D
Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: Newman on April 27, 2007, 11:31:57 PM
Part of being a good CO is having a Command Group that is involved in the planning, recruiting and executing of the plan your Command Group comes up with.

If you take it on and try to manage everything yourself as a CO, you'll likely miss a frame due to an Anurism...


Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: doobs on April 27, 2007, 11:41:47 PM
and having a teamspeak server will help tons
Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: Newman on April 28, 2007, 01:35:12 AM

Are you still interested in running as the Axis CO?

We're getting close  :cool:


Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: Husky01 on April 28, 2007, 09:40:27 AM
Here is my only deal with TS and believe me my squad have tried to fix this with me but nomde just dosn't have any ideas.  When I use TS and Aces High vox when I try to talk with aces high vox when team speak is on the the back round aces high vox is completely static:(

Any who boy Im starting to get excited about this one kinda like I wanna start planning already!:O

Also I have plenty of time to invest in this due to mono I just sit around all day.:lol
Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: doobs on April 28, 2007, 10:50:53 AM
Originally posted by Newman

Are you still interested in running as the Axis CO?

We're getting close  :cool:



uhhhh NO, btw where did ya get the I'm interested part from?
Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: Husky01 on April 28, 2007, 11:30:08 AM
Just got done reading the write up on operation Husky! Man sounds like this on is going to be a blast!:O
Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: OOZ662 on April 28, 2007, 12:53:06 PM
TeamSpeak can also be handy for just "sitting around the fireplace" planning sort of things. It's also good to have it open when you're just putting around on your computer in case someone on your staff has a question; then they can just log in and ask.
Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: pez on April 28, 2007, 09:05:25 PM
Originally posted by doobs
uhhhh NO, btw where did ya get the I'm interested part from?

we were all hopeing doobs. loved the slaughter in downfall.

Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: toadkill on April 29, 2007, 02:44:59 AM
Ahh. Op downfall.

*Turns to Allies, after sinking the Enterprise*

"Thank You, Come again"

(But they didnt :cry )
Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: OOZ662 on April 29, 2007, 02:59:57 AM
After watching hoards of suicide-but-not-quite-kamikaze attacks sink our ships and seeing the game thwart our strategy of "deathstar ack," we didn't really want to come back.
Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: Husky01 on April 29, 2007, 08:52:26 AM
Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: Husky01 on April 29, 2007, 09:24:13 AM
Man Im all excited about this now wanna get going!!!!! So much to do so little time hehe:aok
Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: Husky01 on April 29, 2007, 02:44:59 PM
Doobs check your InBox:aok
Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: toadkill on April 29, 2007, 03:09:29 PM
Originally posted by OOZ662
After watching hoards of suicide-but-not-quite-kamikaze attacks sink our ships and seeing the game thwart our strategy of "deathstar ack," we didn't really want to come back.

yeah too bad. But I think most of the CV damage was done by the Ki-67s.

And i wonder how long a fighter would last in the ack now. Now that the ack guns are roughly as accurate as a Phalanx gun system.

That was a helluva sight though, running across what would have been the largest invasion fleet in history.
Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: ROC on April 29, 2007, 03:20:35 PM
When Downfall runs again, we now have the ability to change CV hardness so the carriers will have a more realistic chance of survival.

That one feature brings a whole new level to carrier events.
Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: Husky01 on April 29, 2007, 03:25:16 PM
Brooke check your INbox.
Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: Gaidin on April 29, 2007, 04:09:08 PM
I cant wait to get this started aswell.  I am looking forward to this.

ROC, did you get my PM?
Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: ELD66 on April 29, 2007, 05:49:52 PM
I will be a GL for 613th, If there is any positions open that is. I should be able to get many people from my MA squad to join up. For Pearl Harbor i had 11 not including me. So keep us in mind :) .
Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: OOZ662 on April 29, 2007, 07:21:37 PM
Originally posted by toadkill
yeah too bad. But I think most of the CV damage was done by the Ki-67s.

And i wonder how long a fighter would last in the ack now. Now that the ack guns are roughly as accurate as a Phalanx gun system.

That was a helluva sight though, running across what would have been the largest invasion fleet in history.

Ack accuracy hasn't been changed. Amount of ack installations on land bases has been increased.
Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: Roscoroo on April 29, 2007, 07:30:11 PM
we normally turn down the auto ack in scenario's .
i think the settings for husky is .037 for the Ack ,,,

Its better for everyone to enjoy dieing to another players skill then it is to get taken out by AI .
Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: Brooke on April 29, 2007, 07:52:59 PM
The preliminary version of the rules writeup is posted on ahevents here.  (It is also available from the "Current or next scenario" link).
Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: toadkill on April 29, 2007, 08:13:26 PM
Originally posted by OOZ662
Ack accuracy hasn't been changed. Amount of ack installations on land bases has been increased.

Tell that to the Auto ack gun that got a pilot kill at a gv base other night. had already bombed the manable and the other auto ack. No gvs up and going to strafe last auto ack. BAM! Dead from auto ack.
Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: OOZ662 on April 29, 2007, 08:22:52 PM
That's it's job, is it not? However, I had the same thing happen, only by  mannable. Last night as well.
Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: Husky01 on April 30, 2007, 05:37:50 PM
I know someone out there wants to step up for the axis CO!
Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: freezman on April 30, 2007, 06:51:36 PM
<-- would be glad to help in a support position but cannot give a major dedication till after june 15th
Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: ELD66 on April 30, 2007, 07:10:14 PM
I will step up for allied XO if needed. Just let me know goldy. :)
Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: Husky01 on April 30, 2007, 07:13:03 PM
Your assuming I get the CO position eld although OOZ662 has already offered to be XO I know Im going to need a Group Lead for the 613thSOS:D :aok
Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: Newman on April 30, 2007, 10:59:06 PM
Originally posted by doobs
uhhhh NO, btw where did ya get the I'm interested part from?

You asked about pay. Oh well.. I had a lovely jar of Miracle Whip all picked out for you..

Any one else want it :aok


Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: HB555 on May 01, 2007, 01:38:02 AM
That just caused everyone to rethink offers. :D
Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: Newman on May 01, 2007, 01:45:25 AM
Originally posted by HB555
That just caused everyone to rethink offers. :D

Down with the Mayo Majority!



Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: culero on May 01, 2007, 07:22:53 AM
Originally posted by Newman
I had a lovely jar of Miracle Whip all picked out for you..


mmmmmmmmmmmmmm, Mirrracle Whip!


Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: Husky01 on May 01, 2007, 08:43:38 AM
I love miracle whip can you send it my way?:)
Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: Husky01 on May 01, 2007, 05:33:28 PM
Brooke just an idea since no one is stepping up to be CO for axis why not post something in the general forum where it will get more views? just a thought?
Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: Bodhi on May 01, 2007, 06:37:42 PM
When will signups be?
Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: Husky01 on May 01, 2007, 08:03:07 PM
Bodhi after the COs are finalized I believe. I put my hat in the ring for allies CO so far no one has stepped up for Axis CO:(
Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: Brooke on May 01, 2007, 08:46:09 PM
Originally posted by Bodhi
When will signups be?

Once the CM team has selected the CO's, then the rest of the schedule will be set.  My guess is that registration will start sometime in May -- but that is just a guess right now, of course.
Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: Husky01 on May 01, 2007, 08:47:06 PM

    Brooke just an idea since no one is stepping up to be CO for axis why not post something in the general forum where it will get more views? just a thought?
Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: Husky01 on May 01, 2007, 11:49:01 PM
Never mind. Newman beat you to it. thanks Newman.
Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: Gaidin on May 02, 2007, 04:43:03 AM
I have no side preference.  I would rather be on the command team, but if noone else wants it, I will take axis CO.
Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: doobs on May 02, 2007, 07:24:48 AM
Originally posted by Gaidin
I have no side preference.  I would rather be on the command team, but if noone else wants it, I will take axis CO.

Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: Husky01 on May 02, 2007, 08:02:59 AM
Doobs I was thinking the same thing
Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: OOZ662 on May 02, 2007, 08:09:08 AM
Gaiden, if you were the Axis CO, you'd be the head of the Command Team for that side. :D
Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: 4deck on May 02, 2007, 08:53:24 AM
Im Down with it


Ill also see how many of my squad is intrested. I would say 4-5 maybe more. Not sure yet, will bring it up this weekend, when everyones on.

Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: Gaidin on May 02, 2007, 09:12:31 AM
I understand that I would be head of that command team if I am CO.  What I meant by the other post was that I would prefer to be part of the command team instead of leading it, but if noone else wanted to lead it then I would take the CO spot and do my best with it.
Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: Husky01 on May 02, 2007, 09:26:22 AM
for the Axis?
Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: Gaidin on May 02, 2007, 09:47:31 AM
Yes the Axis, or Allies.  I dont care which side I am assigned to lead or help lead.  I am interested in the planning and execution, it makes no difference to me which plane/vehicle set I have to work with.
Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: Husky01 on May 02, 2007, 04:59:52 PM
Any updates CMs?
Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: Newman on May 02, 2007, 10:25:34 PM
We are talking amongst ourselves, and will be making a formal announcement at weeks end.

Anyone else interested in tossing their hat in the ring?


Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: Husky01 on May 02, 2007, 10:36:12 PM
Thanks for the update newman.
Title: Next Scenario Co's wanted.. not Pearl
Post by: ROC on May 02, 2007, 10:42:22 PM
It is a long, drawn out discussion regarding the CO selection process.  Care must be taken to consider Public Appeal to the leadership, draw potential, ability to handle crowds, problems and communication, the ability to draft a plan and modify it on the fly, history of the potential COs and their online conflicts, and so much else that it baffles the mind.

At the moment, the coin hasn't landed, so bear with us.
