Aces High Bulletin Board

Help and Support Forums => All things VR => Topic started by: RichardDarkwood on October 16, 2022, 06:53:10 AM

Title: Weird Issue
Post by: RichardDarkwood on October 16, 2022, 06:53:10 AM
I use a Xbox controller to play other games. When I play these other games my HOTAS makes that a problem as the game recognizes them and doesn't work.

So I got a powered USB hub to plug all controllers in. I had all of these hooked up for months and was playing Aces High the whole time with no issues. I decided to relocate the powered hub to my desktop. I unplugged all the cords and plugged them back in, then ran the powered hub into a blue 3.0 USB connector.

Now the weird part

If I put on my headset and log into the game, the game shows my controllers and that they are programmed right but they will not respond.

When I log into Aces High without the headset on the controllers all show up and they work.

I have the hand controllers turned off.