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General Forums => The O' Club => Topic started by: Ripsnort on October 01, 2002, 10:26:56 AM

Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: Ripsnort on October 01, 2002, 10:26:56 AM

Driver ended up with a slight scratch on his forehead, and his deer was pre-gutted for him.
Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: midnight Target on October 01, 2002, 10:38:31 AM
I owned a Honda CVCC back in the late 70's. For you youngsters that is a really really really small car.

I was on Highway 41 between Morro Bay abd Paso Robles at 5am came around a bend at 60+mph and there are 5 deer in the road!

2 went right, 2 went left, 1 went straight ahead. Bad move. I thought we were both goners, cause I wasn't gonna be able to stop or swerve (mountain road).

Well that little Honda went right over the top of the deer. Not a scratch on the car. Can't say the same for the deer, she was a mess.
Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: H. Godwineson on October 01, 2002, 10:40:22 AM

About two years ago three people were killed not far from my house one night when a driver swerved to miss a deer.  Three vehicles involved, two of which burned after impact.

Hit one myself in February in almost the same spot.  Just shot out into the road.  Never saw it until I hit it.  $2000 dollars worth of damage.

Regards, Shuckins
Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: Ripsnort on October 01, 2002, 10:41:30 AM
I had a close call last week, did I tell you guys how much I love 11.8" rotors?
Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: Leslie on October 01, 2002, 11:37:18 AM
Wow Ripsnort, I'm surprised the driver walked away from that accident.  Was very lucky not to have been killed, but probably did the right thing by hitting the deer and not swerving to avoid.

Most deer accidents happen at night...the headlights seem to hypnotize them and they freeze where they're standing.  One tactic is to flash headlights on and off and slow down without slamming on the brakes.  If you hit a deer, then you hit it.  Keep the car on the road.

There are some whistling devices sold which can be attached under the front bumper area.  Don't know how effective they are against collisions, but I would probably have them on my car if I drove in a heavily deer populated area.

Much more dangerous than deer are cattle lying down in the road.  This used to be a problem in the days of free ranging.  Hit one of them and it's like hitting another car parked in the road.

Back to in Alabama we have a four month gun season.  The deer population is so great, it's a hunter's choice season in some counties every day, i.e. one buck and one doe per day.  The doe population is out of hand in many areas, yet many hunters don't shoot them for varying reasons, much to the chagrin of local game management officials.

Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: Elfenwolf on October 01, 2002, 11:45:24 AM
You guys are all sick. How in the Hell can you make jokes about ANY creature that ends up stuck in a windshield??? I only hope the deer died instantly and didn't suffer. Sheeesh, you insensitive monsters.

:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: Ripsnort on October 01, 2002, 11:47:03 AM
Hehe, leslies, reminds me of old Ted see, theres a road that passes by his ranch on the way to Bozeman, major highway thats traveled quite a bit...Mr.Turner wanted to "ranch Buffalo", local farmers told him it was a bad idea, you see, buffalo cannot be fenced in, no matter what kind of fence you put up, they find a way to get thru it.  Well, Turner "knew better" being the Altanta city slicker he is, and did it anyway.  So far, 3 deaths have been attributed to Turners buffalo on this highway in 10 years, they not only stand in the road, they charge oncoming cars.

Another dumb dem that don't listen.
Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: Wlfgng on October 01, 2002, 11:55:58 AM
that's some scarey toejam.. happens all the time here.
so much so that I sometimes dread driving at night.

I see 1-2 deer a day on our highway... sad
Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: Ripsnort on October 01, 2002, 11:58:25 AM
Originally posted by Wlfgng
that's some scarey toejam.. happens all the time here.
so much so that I sometimes dread driving at night.

I see 1-2 deer a day on our highway... sad

They're pretty predictable on my commute route, there is two major trails they travel on, deer signs posted in the area too, and during the rut, you'll see more activity.  I just slow down a tad in those areas..the Elk are the ones that concern me, BIG animal, small know?
Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: loser on October 01, 2002, 11:59:33 AM
holy crap!  i cant believe there are no marks on the bumper or grille.

anyway, i hit a deer about the third week in july this year.  

I was driving back from this girl's place after saying "wow i hope i dont hit a deer on the way home hahahah" around 10 PM.  It wasnt that horrible dusk time that brings all the deer out, but much later, so i figured i was okay.

I was driving along at about 110 kph when i saw a doe jump out in front of me about a hundred yards down the highway.  I let off the gas and covered the brake.

It gets off the road so i think i am out of the frying pan...then all of a sudden i am in the fire.  Another MUCH larger doe is now directly in front of my car about 150 feet out.  (going about 80 kph at this point.)

I slam my foot on the brake and get as far below the dash as possible. (my car has that fancy ETS system so i know it will go straight and i dont have to look  :)   )

I end up hitting this 2 year old doe right in the ass.

I back up down the highway and look for blood or body parts on the road, but i dont see anything.  So i grab the old 4 D cell maglite that i keep beside my seat and go hunting.

I look aroud for about 5 minutes 'till i find the poor girl in the ditch.  Her H bone is obviously broken but the rest of her is fine.  She is making these god-awful sounds.  At this point i puke (dont know if it was shock or not.)

So i haul arse back to the nearest gas station and get the dude to call the RCMP.  I would have done it myself, but i was shaking a bit too much. I explain what happened to the receptionist lady and i requested that an officer come out to put down the deer.

She then asks me if my car was damaged.  I told her i dont know and i dont really care.

She then tells me that as long as the deer isnt on the road it isnt a problem.  I lose it and yell "ma'am this deer has been fatally injured but is not dead.......IT IS A PROBLEM."

The woman then tells me that she can't locate an officer to come take care of the deer.  I tell her that it is "a whoopee good thing i wasnt hurt, because if that was the case i guess i would be F*cked" Then i hung up.

I then called the Moose Jaw City Police and the girls there totally freaked out.  They were genuinely concerned and wanted to help, but the call was out of their juristiction.  They told me they would get ahold of a conservation officer and call me back asap.  They asked if i could stay at the gas station, and of course i obliged.

They called back in about 5 minutes and told me a C.O. was on the way and asked if i could go wait by the deer.  Of course i agreed.

I waited by that dieing deer for 2 and a half hours.....and no one showed up.  I wasnt going to try to kill the deer myself, as i have heard many a horror story of people getting mauled by injured animals.  Finally i had to leave as it was about 2 in the morning and i was getting extremely tired.  I left with the deer still alive but was a hard thing to do.

Long story time i will say i was drinking heavily, at least that way i would get some help. "oh yes i have been drinking..water...all night"
Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: Ripsnort on October 01, 2002, 12:03:55 PM
Hehe Loser...after the first deer I hit as a teenager, I learned the hard lesson, "where there is one deer, there are more..."  Once out in front of our farm someone hit a pregnant doe, my mom ran out with a butcher knife and gave the dead doe a C-section hoping to save the fawn, but it was underdeveloped.
Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: Curval on October 01, 2002, 12:10:57 PM
Originally posted by Ripsnort
my mom ran out with a butcher knife and gave the dead doe a C-section hoping to save the fawn, but it was underdeveloped.

Good lord!  Our mothers were very different Rip.
Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: Wlfgng on October 01, 2002, 12:15:09 PM
I know exactly what you mean Rip.. our town here has a resident population of Elk numbering over 500.  They calve here in the hills around the ski area.
We even have to close some of the single track trails during calving season.
Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: Elfenwolf on October 01, 2002, 12:16:47 PM
Originally posted by Ripsnort
Hehe Loser...after the first deer I hit as a teenager, I learned the hard lesson, "where there is one deer, there are more..."  Once out in front of our farm someone hit a pregnant doe, my mom ran out with a butcher knife and gave the dead doe a C-section hoping to save the fawn, but it was underdeveloped.

OH MY FREAKIN GOD!!!! I can't take any more of this. Stories of poor deer suffering, Ripsnort's Mom mutilating a doe carcass, Ted Turner and the Democrats releasing buffalo on the highways.... I need to go splash some cold water on my face.
Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: Ripsnort on October 01, 2002, 12:18:34 PM
My mom has shot 3 elk while she lived in Salida, CO.  Shes a hunter.;) Well, she was, she's 70 now. Matter of fact, I just got her Remington 7mm from her when I saw her in Missouri.
Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: Wlfgng on October 01, 2002, 12:29:03 PM

actually, being a fly tier, I relish the chance to get a little belly fur from elk and deer :)

or fox, rabbit, fowl !!!
Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: Ripsnort on October 01, 2002, 12:36:58 PM
Originally posted by Wlfgng

actually, being a fly tier, I relish the chance to get a little belly fur from elk and deer :)

or fox, rabbit, fowl !!!

Man, you GOT to come up to Montana, you and my stepdad would get along great, he's been tying flies for 25 years now, has his own float outfit (and some of his clients are people like Ann Richards, ex-Govner of Texas)  He gets about $250 for a 1/2 day float trip, but wouldn't charge you and I anything for the Madision river...otoh, we could just milk the rainbows up at the lakes available to landowners. :D
Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: Kanth on October 01, 2002, 12:53:43 PM
could you please post a link or a warning or something next time.

if it's going to have like death and eviseration of any sort...please.

Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: Ripsnort on October 01, 2002, 01:04:14 PM
Originally posted by Kanth
could you please post a link or a warning or something next time.

if it's going to have like death and eviseration of any sort...please.


Umm, guess the road workers in your area better rope off any road kill on your highways and warn the public that "Animal intestines may be scattered on the highway, proceed with eyes shut" , eh? ;)
Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: gofaster on October 01, 2002, 01:20:55 PM
Bambi! :eek:
Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: H. Godwineson on October 01, 2002, 01:21:29 PM

Did they manage to save the backstrap?

Dang, this thread is making me hungry!

Droolingly, Shuckins
Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: Wlfgng on October 01, 2002, 01:29:17 PM
Man, you GOT to come up to Montana, you and my stepdad would get along great, he's been tying flies for 25 years now, has his own float outfit (and some of his clients are people like Ann Richards, ex-Govner of Texas) He gets about $250 for a 1/2 day float trip, but wouldn't charge you and I anything for the Madision river...otoh, we could just milk the rainbows up at the lakes available to landowners

I am so there next spring !!!
count me in.. when it gets closer I'll set up some time with ya'!
Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: AKSWulfe on October 01, 2002, 01:29:47 PM
Clearly that deer dove into that car from a cliff. How else can you explain the absence of any dents, scratches or damage of any sort to the ENTIRE area of the car beginning at the back end of the hood and proceeding forward.

Is it deer suicide season again?
Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: Wlfgng on October 01, 2002, 01:36:15 PM
I'd bet he (the deer) tried to jump over or out of the way...
like Rip said.. good thing it wasn't an Elk...      or Wolf :)
Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: Elfenwolf on October 01, 2002, 01:36:51 PM
SW, are you trying to say it's the DEER'S fault?? Get real! It's obvious that driver was speeding and has no regard for wildlife. I hope he goes to prison. Sheeesh, you guys.
Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: AKSWulfe on October 01, 2002, 01:37:04 PM
Deer can jump?

In that case, that deer gots ups!
Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: H. Godwineson on October 01, 2002, 01:41:34 PM
I've seen deer clear a seven foot YES they can jump!


Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: AKSWulfe on October 01, 2002, 01:44:35 PM
Ah yes, good point. I forgot that they jump fences and what not...

I've never seen them try to hop a vehicle though, guess that deer mistook that Durango as a high speed fence with lights. ;)

Atleast that deer's meat is already tenderized. :D
Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: Wlfgng on October 01, 2002, 01:53:17 PM
they jump UP the friggin hills/cliffs around here.
it's amazing how high they can jump..

now if they'd stop eating my friggin veggies I have growing maybe I'd stop making them jump into traffic !

Too bad Ted Nugent doesn't play AH.. he'd love this thread !
Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: H. Godwineson on October 01, 2002, 01:53:24 PM
Be careful driving through Arkansas.   Our deer population in 1900 was approximately 1,000.   Today it stands at 1,000,000 in spite of the deer seasons.

Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: Wlfgng on October 01, 2002, 01:55:09 PM
but those are those short little deer aren't they ?   ;)
Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: Elfenwolf on October 01, 2002, 02:04:26 PM
Is anyone else reminded of that scene in Me, Myself and Irene where Jim Carey tries to humanely dispatch a milkcow?
Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: Rude on October 01, 2002, 02:14:00 PM
I hit a deer once in my cessna.....was horrible! He was cut up badly and screamin this horrible sounding cry all the while that little red nose just kept flashin and was awful!
Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: Kanth on October 01, 2002, 02:23:26 PM
When I'm driving down the road, I know it's a possibility and it cannot be avoided.

That isn't the case on HTC's boards.

Originally posted by Ripsnort

Umm, guess the road workers in your area better rope off any road kill on your highways and warn the public that "Animal intestines may be scattered on the highway, proceed with eyes shut" , eh? ;)
Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: Wlfgng on October 01, 2002, 02:26:32 PM
FWIW I don't think this is tasteless.

It's a fact of life and good for some people to see.  I can't tell you how many turons... er.. tourists think hitting a deer wouldn't mess up their vehicle.
Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: Kanth on October 01, 2002, 02:29:19 PM
How far do you want to go with that idea?

because adult (humans) die in disgusting ways thru negligence every day and so do children.

should I begin posting those so we can all learn from it and get used to seeing it?

would I actually be doing the community a favor?

I don't think that is for me to do, and this definately isn't the forum for it.
Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: midnight Target on October 01, 2002, 03:05:54 PM
Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: Modas on October 01, 2002, 03:18:00 PM
Originally posted by Ripsnort
Hehe, leslies, reminds me of old Ted see, theres a road that passes by his ranch on the way to Bozeman, major highway thats traveled quite a bit...Mr.Turner wanted to "ranch Buffalo", local farmers told him it was a bad idea, you see, buffalo cannot be fenced in, no matter what kind of fence you put up, they find a way to get thru it.  Well, Turner "knew better" being the Altanta city slicker he is, and did it anyway.  So far, 3 deaths have been attributed to Turners buffalo on this highway in 10 years, they not only stand in the road, they charge oncoming cars.

Another dumb dem that don't listen.

Can't be fenced in??  WTF?  Sure they can.  There is a HUGE buffalo farm just south of where I deer hunt.  Fence is about 12' high with 10 strands of electrifed wire.

They've never had any get out.  Maybe Ted T needs to crank up the juice to his fence.  Put enough voltage to it, they'll stop.
Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: H. Godwineson on October 01, 2002, 03:27:43 PM
This is the natural world.  Animals and people die.  Country people love wildlife too.  They just don't delight in seeing them standing on the side of the road.  When they do see one, they grit their teeth and prepare to take evasive action.

When deer numbers are too high, you are likely to have one come crashing through the windshield.  Discussing the situation doesn't make us any less civilized.  Even the jokes are normal behavior.

Besides, everyone should have to kill their own meat at least once in a lifetime in order to gain a greater appreciation of it, and what it represents.

Regards, Shuckins
Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: Reschke on October 01, 2002, 04:26:15 PM
Yes deer can jump and they jump well in fact. When I was in high school and on the way home from a date one night in early October 1987 I had a very large buck jump over my car (1986 Honda CRX Si). I was going up a road (For those of you familiar with Central Alabama the road was Highway 14 between Marion and Selma.) about 11:30pm when I noticed something show up on the side of the road about 300 yards away. It was a full moon and no clouds in the sky. As I got closer (probably 100 yards or so) I saw about 10 deer standing within 20-30 yards off the road. I slowed down and when I did the buck closest to me started running toward the road. It was too late for me to slow any further and I kept the car straight. I had the sunroof open and looked up when I saw the deer jump on the side of the road. As I looked up I saw white belly and hooves about a foot over the car. I was shaking so bad I had to stop the car and get out and walk around.

This was after I had already hit 4 deer in two months. I totaled a 1981 Cutlass Calais when I hit the second deer a week after I got the car out of the shop from hitting the first one. The next one I hit in a 1942 Willys Jeep that we had rebuilt and made into an off road deer hunting ride for getting deep into the swamp area to hunt. And the last one I hit with my Mom's Buick Regal. The only one not reported and not causing damage was the one I hit in the jeep. The other three hits caused over $10,000 in damage and totaled out one car.

The one I hit that totaled out my car I hit at 2:30 AM coming back from an away football game. I hit that deer going 65 mph and tore the entire front and right front off the car and warped the frame. From the point I came to a stop that deer was another 60 feet in front of my car and was split in half connected only at the spine. The state trooper that showed up to write up the accident estimate that the deer flew about 150 feet.
Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: AKDejaVu on October 01, 2002, 04:38:40 PM
A good deer fence is about 12 feet tall.  I guess that means they can jump.

My brother was on his way to Mt. Bachelor for his honeymoon (the irony of that only now occured to me).  It was snowing and he was going slow... very slow... about 10 mph.  Suddenly, a deer came screeming down the hill and rammed the side of his car.  It shattered his windshield and the passenger side door, mangled the a-pillar and actually broke his sunroof too.  Then it got up and ran off.

Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: -ammo- on October 01, 2002, 04:46:07 PM
there is a huge difference between a dead deer and a dead human kanth.
Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: Elfenwolf on October 01, 2002, 04:48:29 PM
Originally posted by Reschke
I had the sunroof open and looked up when I saw the deer jump on the side of the road. As I looked up I saw white belly and hooves about a foot over the car.

...And then you heard a "Ho ho Ho! Merry Christmas to All and to All a Good Night!"

 Meanwhile, coming in the opposite direction at an elevation of twelve thousand feet in a Cessna was Rude...

(j/k, I bet u DID have to stop and walk around.)
Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: Wlfgng on October 01, 2002, 05:02:00 PM
kanth lighten up.. I suggest you keep your (overly) sensitive self out of this thread.

lol elfenwlf.. I'd bet he had to clean out his britches too !
Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: gofaster on October 01, 2002, 06:02:12 PM
Originally posted by AKDejaVu
My brother was on his way to Mt. Bachelor for his honeymoon (the irony of that only now occured to me).  It was snowing and he was going slow... very slow... about 10 mph.  Suddenly, a deer came screeming down the hill and rammed the side of his car.  It shattered his windshield and the passenger side door, mangled the a-pillar and actually broke his sunroof too.  Then it got up and ran off.

That wasn't a deer; it was Bill Romanowski on a 'roid rage.
Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: Thrawn on October 01, 2002, 06:34:16 PM
So I guess it's okay if I post pictures of eviserated, burnt, shot mangled humans?

What about babies?

I mean death is all part of  the circle of life right?
Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: Udie on October 01, 2002, 06:45:37 PM
Originally posted by Rude
I hit a deer once in my cessna.....was horrible! He was cut up badly and screamin this horrible sounding cry all the while that little red nose just kept flashin and was awful!

 OMG dude this has to be the most aweful thing I have ever read on this board!!!! ROFLOL!!!!!  If I drank milk, and if I had been drinking it when I read that I would have spewed it out my nose for sure!

 About the dead deer up there.  I BET THAT CAR STANK!!!!! I wonder if he'll ever be able to get that smell out of there?  I hope the state let him keep it, that was one expensive freezer full of meat!!  A deer lease would have been cheaper!  Shame to waiste such a fine animal.  Sucker's got a thick neck!

 About hitting deer on the road.  I've come close a few times but never managed to get one yet, they sure can dodge good! :D  Seriously,  I was told that if you're going fast like over 45-50 mph that it's best not to swerve to miss the deer, you'll most likely lose control and wreck.  I've always been told to hit the breaks hard until just before you hit, then you floor it, pedal to the metal.  Now Elfie,  I'm not saying this to be mean.  The attitude of the car will change when you get off the breaks and on the gas and the nose will lift, lessening the chance that the deer will come through the windshield.

 Never tested it, but it seems like it would work, if you could remember it that fast.....


 Just noticed something ironic about the last picture.  Look at the bottom of the guts that just came through the broken windshield.   There's a squeegy :eek:
Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: Cobra on October 01, 2002, 06:53:31 PM
Originally posted by Thrawn
So I guess it's okay if I post pictures of eviserated, burnt, shot mangled humans?

What about babies?

I mean death is all part of  the circle of life right?

Relax, Frances.

Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: Innominate on October 01, 2002, 06:59:53 PM

Animals are NOT disney characters.

The animals don't secretly talk to each other when people aren't around, regardless of what disney movies may be.

In much of the USA, deer are overpopulated.  It causes hazards for motorists, and suffering for the deer(not enough food, etc)  Where I used to live(Amherst, NY near buffalo) the deer had to be constantly kept in check by hunters, just to keep them from starving.  The lack of any predators requires humans to be the predators, or let the deer starve.  Anyways, which is a more humane way for a deer to go? Starve, get your throat ripped out by a wolf, or shot by a hunter?  The natural world is far more cruel than anything humans can do.

Anyways, A few years ago we were on the interstate, late at night, at the last 45mins of a four hour drive.   Out of nowhere a deer leapt across the road, right in front of our minivan, and was decapitated from the impact.
Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: Thrawn on October 01, 2002, 07:01:52 PM
Originally posted by Cobra

Relax, Frances.


Relax, Frances, yourself.

Asked three questions.  Not even one exclamation mark in the entire thing.
Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: Cobra on October 01, 2002, 07:08:40 PM
LOL Thrawn...I'm sorry, it was the hyperboly of the entire post, not so much its inclusion or exclusion of any specific punctuation.

Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: Thrawn on October 01, 2002, 07:09:40 PM
One sec, I have to look up hyperboly.
Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: Yeager on October 01, 2002, 07:10:10 PM
Obviously that damned deer thought itself was a P47 and believed the SUV was a AcesHigh CV :eek:


Seriously, these photos are a good lesson for people.  A Deer wighing 150 pounds hitting a car going 60 MPH can make for a very lethal and tragic impact.  Think now how you might react now.  These pictures could go along ways towards saving life.
Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: Cobra on October 01, 2002, 07:10:34 PM
Ok....maybe absurdity.

Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: AKDejaVu on October 01, 2002, 07:14:16 PM
Relacs Francis
Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: Thrawn on October 01, 2002, 07:21:11 PM
I'm not the one that brought up the "circle of life" rationalisation.

But seriously no one else would mind if I put up some pictures of dead homo sapiens?

I mean we're all animals right?


Edit: Look I found the picture offensive.  I don't expect to be greeted with animal guts on this BBS.
Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: Cobra on October 01, 2002, 07:31:53 PM
No, just one who took it too absurdity.

Swoops Mingers where much more horrifying than the deer picture.  (j/king for the sense of humor impaired).

Then why not just say you found the pictures offensive?  Why the dramatics?

And what do you think you see everday at the deli or meat counter?  Fake Animal meat? (could be true at the Piggly-Wiggly)

Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: Thrawn on October 01, 2002, 07:51:30 PM
Originally posted by Cobra
Then why not just say you found the pictures offensive?  Why the dramatics?

More entertainment value and I like the socratic method.

And what do you think you see everday at the deli or meat counter?  Fake Animal meat? (could be true at the Piggly-Wiggly)


HA!  I've never seen fresh venison a'la car at the meat counter.  :D
Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: Cobra on October 01, 2002, 08:46:06 PM

Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: Elfenwolf on October 01, 2002, 10:36:01 PM
Originally posted by Innominate

Animals are NOT disney characters.

The animals don't secretly talk to each other when people aren't around, regardless of what disney movies may be.

I agree Disney deer are not modeled properly and I find the lack of deer genitals in the Bambi trilogy (Bambi, Bambi Comes Home and Bambi vs. Godzilla) somewhat disconcerting, but really, this is Disney Corp. and given the G rating they strive for in their movies I can understand.

However, Hi Tech Creations has no such obligation to the Motion Picture Association and should take the bold step of modeling the sheep with proper genetillia. I sincerely believe the battle between Warbirds and Aces High for survival will depend upon who has the most anatomically correct sheep, but I am confident the staff at Hi Tech Creations will win the battle against their Warbirds counterparts due to their superior knowledge of sheep genetillia. After all, why do you think HT hired Skuzzy?
Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: Kanth on October 01, 2002, 10:48:04 PM
You have got to be kidding me.

at least nature doesn't do it on purpose for the fun of it.

Originally posted by Innominate
 The natural world is far more cruel than anything humans can do.
Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: Kanth on October 01, 2002, 10:51:38 PM
really ammo?

turn them both inside out and post them on this bbs then explain to me exactly what the difference is.

Originally posted by -ammo-
there is a huge difference between a dead deer and a dead human kanth.
Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: Toad on October 01, 2002, 11:01:42 PM
Hey, Elf.. just what the heck is "sheep genetillia" anyway?

Is that some sort of fancy evening meal or what?

"Tonite we have zee Salad Niçoise, Medallions of Veal Oscar and Sheep Genetillia followed by Peach Melba ".

Doan teel me U spant weigh two much time in that thar thred aboot speeeling or sumting?

Kanth, I suspect the driver of the Durango didn't do it on purpose for the fun of it.

(I sense a disturbance in the force...... I believe this is about to turn into an anti- thread.)
Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: Kanth on October 01, 2002, 11:05:51 PM
I never implied that he did Toad. I was responding to the post that I quoted in particular, that's why I quoted it.

Originally posted by Toad

Kanth, I suspect the driver of the Durango didn't do it on purpose for the fun of it.
Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: Kanth on October 01, 2002, 11:18:06 PM
Well said.

discussing the situation without the images wouldn't have been a problem for me. I felt blindsided tho by the images, when I was expecting something entirely different and I wanted to see if, I asked nicely,  it could be avoided in the future.

As far as whoever mentioned the mingers being disturbing, I agree but at least those are labled "mingers" every time, so I know not to look. If this one was labled "dead deer pictures" I would have known to skip it.

Originally posted by H. Godwineson
This is the natural world.  Animals and people die.  Country people love wildlife too.  They just don't delight in seeing them standing on the side of the road.  When they do see one, they grit their teeth and prepare to take evasive action.

When deer numbers are too high, you are likely to have one come crashing through the windshield.  Discussing the situation doesn't make us any less civilized.  Even the jokes are normal behavior.

Besides, everyone should have to kill their own meat at least once in a lifetime in order to gain a greater appreciation of it, and what it represents.

Regards, Shuckins
Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: AKSWulfe on October 01, 2002, 11:19:23 PM
Originally posted by Kanth
You have got to be kidding me.

at least nature doesn't do it on purpose for the fun of it.


In Response to:

Originally posted by Innominate
The natural world is far more cruel than anything humans can do.

True Kanth.... there was a story posted on this UBB a while back about a man cutting the legs off of dogs being kept in the pound and left 'em to suffer/die.

I guarantee you, what humans can dream up is 10x worse than anything you'll ever encounter in the "natural world".

I could bet a million bucks on that statement, and there's a 120% guarantee I'd win.
Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: Elfenwolf on October 01, 2002, 11:48:17 PM
Originally posted by Toad
Hey, Elf.. just what the heck is "sheep genetillia" anyway?

Is that some sort of fancy evening meal or what?

"Tonite we have zee Salad Niçoise, Medallions of Veal Oscar and Sheep Genetillia followed by Peach Melba ".

Doan teel me U spant weigh two much time in that thar thred aboot speeeling or sumting?

Damn Toad, I wish you would focus on what I mean instead of what I say. If I can't see it I can't spell it. Thank you for trying to make me look stupid, buit that's not necessary bud, I can do that myself.
Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: Wlfgng on October 02, 2002, 09:01:27 AM
So I guess it's okay if I post pictures of eviserated, burnt, shot mangled humans?

aeren't we a little senstivie?

If you can't discern the difference between human and animal.. well..(not counting the FDB's)

we have no common ground to speak on.
Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: rosco on October 02, 2002, 09:14:16 AM
I dont see anything in this thread gory or gross, there arent any blood and guts strewn about, so other than the sight of a dead animal there is nothing to be offended about. And if you cant see the difference between a dead animal and a dead person, then arguing further is pointless, I feel sorry for you.

  Deer are Ontario's most dangerious animal, more people killed and property damaged by deer than any other animal. There have been 5 on my road alone in the last year, myself being one of them. Six Thousand dollars damage.  Hit it at 80kmph, I wont go into any gory details so as not to offend anyone :rolleyes: but lets just say there wasnt anything worth salvageing for the freezer ;)  Only thing that saved me IMO is the fact I was in a truck, had it been a compact car, I dont think I would have been as lucky. Looking at the picture in this thread, im amazed the driver wasnt seriously hurt, or worse.
Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: H. Godwineson on October 02, 2002, 10:28:32 AM

Sorry friend, but after spending a good portion of my life in close proximity to wildlife of all kinds I can state the following without fear of contradiction:

Predators enjoy killing their prey.  I have witnessed several kills by predators and, believe me, they appeared immensely pleased with themselves.

Having skinned several deer in my back yard I can also state that my dogs heartily approved of the entire process.  They watched the proceedings with unfeigned interest, at times offering to help when I was having difficulty.

My point is this.  Modern Americans have become increasing estranged from any close contact with the natural world.  The attempts to reestablish this contact by electronic means have distorted our understanding of the world that exists outside of our great metropolitan areas.

We see "through a glass, and darkly."

Disney and other animators have succeeded in grafting human emotions and morality upon wildlife.  While it is great entertainment for children, should we accept these perceptions as the truth?  Did you not find it utterly ridiculous that the opening scene in Disney's "The Lion King" shows all the animals bowing down and worshipping the young lion cub?  Worshipping a predator that is going to kill and devour many of them?  That movie was so rife with political correctness and offered a view of nature so distorted that, for me, it had no redeeming qualities.

Naturally (no pun intended) Hollywood bestowed much praise and many awards upon it.

The effect of all this upon our society has been profound.  Concern over animal rights and activism has grown ridiculous.  Many high school students, having been raised on this nonsense, now refuse to dissect animals in biology classes, preferring to use computer programs instead.  Their right to refuse has been back up by court rulings.  Can you imagine a medical student refusing to sink a scalpel into animal flesh during medical school but hoping to practice surgery on human beings?  That may have sounded impossible twenty years ago, but is rapidly becoming not only possible, but probable.

I am not advocating cruelty, only rationality.  The attempts by our modern society to graft human emotions and concepts of right and wrong on a natural system that is totally amoral, are ill-conceived.

Regards, Shuckins
Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: AKSWulfe on October 02, 2002, 10:40:23 AM
Shuckins- err.. most doctors DO disect human beings. They've been doing it for hundreds of years...

But it still stands true, what humans can dream up (and in turn do) is far worse than anything that occurs naturally.

Predators hunt their prey, and kill their prey. Anything else is percieved.

Humans, OTOH, can revel in tortue, death and other inhumane acts of violence.

Wildlife have stampedes, humans have riots.
Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: Wlfgng on October 02, 2002, 10:56:44 AM
ya'll are making me hungry
Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: Horn on October 02, 2002, 11:01:24 AM
Originally posted by Modas

Can't be fenced in??  WTF?  Sure they can.  There is a HUGE buffalo farm just south of where I deer hunt.  Fence is about 12' high with 10 strands of electrifed wire.

They've never had any get out.  Maybe Ted T needs to crank up the juice to his fence.  Put enough voltage to it, they'll stop.

Yeah, I wondered about that, too. We have a ranch near (South Park!) w/ 6000 head of bison. They don't get out. Big fences. Lots of electricity.

(who's hit 4 deer and one elk in last five years--our area averages two deer/auto wrecks per DAY--yes, Rip--just up the road from Salida :-)  )
Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: AKSWulfe on October 02, 2002, 11:01:48 AM
So hungee....

I dunno, I like veal more than I like venison... (different isn't it? veal is baby deer, venison is grown deer?)

I'm gonna go eat a baby!
Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: Wlfgng on October 02, 2002, 11:02:51 AM
baby cow

and on the Bison thing.. easy to keep fenced as they don't jump like deer do !

(just imagining that is funny)
Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: AKSWulfe on October 02, 2002, 11:04:20 AM
I knew it was a baby something... veal, venison... they both got ve in it!

How about ostrich burgers, anyone had those?
Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: Wlfgng on October 02, 2002, 11:09:32 AM
lol   nope. .not ostrich but buffalo is pretty good.
Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: Leslie on October 02, 2002, 12:01:13 PM
Good points Rosco, Shuckins and AKSWulfe.  I think this thread was intended as a warning to motorists to be careful this case the driver hit a deer.

The deer hunters among us have seen so much, that this picture doesn't bother us much, as far as the deer is concerned.  After all, we hunt them and have seen many deer.

I completely understand how some may be offended at seeing that picture, especially if they had little kids and they saw it and started crying.

............................. ............................. ............................. ...............

About hunting:

Modern day hunting is not so much a sport as it is a exercise in tradition, and a rite of passage.  Fathers take their children hunting to teach them respect for nature, to be responsible with a firearm, and to learn right from wrong.  It is quality time.

Lessons learned from hunting include never pointing a gun at something you don't intend to shoot, and don't just kill something to be killing it, but instead go through the preparations of cleaning and eating what you kill.  This is often enforced, so you learn not to kill possums or songbirds, etc...

Hunting does involve killing an animal with one shot, so it dies quickly without suffering... And, imo, is only justified when the animal is eaten.   Hunting is hard work, and successful hunts, where you kill a deer, are not an everyday event.  If it was, it would be called killing instead of hunting.

Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: Kanth on October 02, 2002, 01:10:51 PM

I understand what you are saying, trying to graft human emotions
on a natural system.. are ill conceived.

 I agree.

As long as immensly pleased isn't a human emotion it's all good =)

Originally posted by H. Godwineson

Sorry friend, but after spending a good portion of my life in close proximity to wildlife of all kinds I can state the following without fear of contradiction:

Predators enjoy killing their prey.  I have witnessed several kills by predators and, believe me, they appeared immensely pleased with themselves.

  The attempts by our modern society to graft human emotions and concepts of right and wrong on a natural system that is totally amoral, are ill-conceived.

Regards, Shuckins
Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: Kanth on October 02, 2002, 01:14:32 PM
Rosco, look at picture 3 and tell me what exactly is hanging from that deer touching the passenger side floor.

It's red and purple and pinkish and resembles a thick rope.

Originally posted by rosco
I dont see anything in this thread gory or gross, there arent any blood and guts strewn about, so other than the sight of a dead animal there is nothing to be offended about.  
Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: Thrawn on October 02, 2002, 02:03:56 PM
Originally posted by Wlfgng

aeren't we a little senstivie?

If you can't discern the difference between human and animal.. well..(not counting the FDB's)

we have no common ground to speak on.

Uh, humans are animals.
Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: -ammo- on October 02, 2002, 02:25:45 PM
Originally posted by Kanth
really ammo?

turn them both inside out and post them on this bbs then explain to me exactly what the difference is.


Yessir.  I dont have to show you the guts of both to prove a point.  God created man in His own image, and created the creatures of the earth.  God then gave man dominion over them.  They do not have  a soul, and are a resource for mankind. Mankind have souls and are held accountable to God.

Well... You asked:)
Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: midnight Target on October 02, 2002, 02:28:31 PM
Originally posted by -ammo-

Yessir.  I dont have to show you the guts of both to prove a point.  God created man in His own image, and created the creatures of the earth.  God then gave man dominion over them.  They do not have  a soul, and are a resource for mankind. Mankind have souls and are held accountable to God.

Well... You asked:)

Now THATS how you troll!
Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: Wlfgng on October 02, 2002, 02:37:20 PM
sry man but I can tell the difference between human and animal despite your play on words.
I certainly wouldn't put the value on an animal's life over that of a human's.
Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: Thrawn on October 02, 2002, 02:40:55 PM
Originally posted by Wlfgng
sry man but I can tell the difference between human and animal despite your play on words.
I certainly wouldn't put the value on an animal's life over that of a human's.

Dude, your not thinking about this right.  You can't tell the difference between animals and humans.

Humans are a sub-set of of the super-set animals.  Therefore Humans are also animals.  It's not word play it's fact.  I suggest you aren't saying what you mean to say correctly.

I bet you mean to say, "I can tell the difference between humans and OTHER animals.
Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: Wlfgng on October 02, 2002, 02:47:03 PM
I stand grammatically corrected !
Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: AKSWulfe on October 02, 2002, 03:02:34 PM
I certainly wouldn't put the value on an animal's life over that of a human's

Some things that pass for "human" these days aren't even worth the bullet it takes to put 'em down....

I value SOME human life over animals... others, well....
Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: Kanth on October 02, 2002, 03:14:11 PM
Ammo we simply have different beliefs, that's kewl man, to each their own.

you understand maybe where I'm coming from and I think I  understand where you are coming from.

it's not a problem.

This goes towards explain why you don't have a problem seeing that deers guts on this board. (that's not a slam I'm simply saying that I understand why you don't have a problem from your perspective)

eh, I wanted to add while were all going off track about our beliefs and such, that my only point was that the innards made me uncomfortable because (we have different beliefs AND) I wasn't expecting to see them, and I asked nicely for some sort of warning to be displayed.

Originally posted by -ammo-

Yessir.  I dont have to show you the guts of both to prove a point.  God created man in His own image, and created the creatures of the earth.  God then gave man dominion over them.  They do not have  a soul, and are a resource for mankind. Mankind have souls and are held accountable to God.

Well... You asked:)
Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: Wlfgng on October 02, 2002, 03:26:26 PM
Some things that pass for "human" these days aren't even worth the bullet it takes to put 'em down....

I was going to add to to my post but decided to not give Kanthany more ammo :)
Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: rosco on October 02, 2002, 03:59:31 PM
I know what it is,  but id hardly describe it as graphic or gross. If I did I wouldnt ever be able to watch the evening news, go to the movies or do my job for that matter  :p  If you think thats gross I could snap a few picts of a holstien heifer with a sever sun alergy.

 I think there are a few cityfied people in  the world who should visit  country more often...wait no I dont :D

Originally posted by Kanth
Rosco, look at picture 3 and tell me what exactly is hanging from that deer touching the passenger side floor.

It's red and purple and pinkish and resembles a thick rope.

Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: Kanth on October 02, 2002, 04:21:54 PM
Wow, following your logic, I guess you can't eat beef or go out into the sun.

Originally posted by rosco
I know what it is,  but id hardly describe it as graphic or gross. If I did I wouldnt ever be able to watch the evening news, go to the movies or do my job for that matter  :p  If you think thats gross I could snap a few picts of a holstien heifer with a sever sun alergy.
Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: -ammo- on October 02, 2002, 05:03:08 PM
Kanth, I appreciate your response.

Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: Kanth on October 02, 2002, 06:24:57 PM
you get what you give dood

Originally posted by -ammo-
Kanth, I appreciate your response.

Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: Charon on October 03, 2002, 11:40:58 AM
Let's see, the title of the thread happens to be: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license

Now just what could I expect on opening the thread? Bambi licking the soft fur on the back of a cute bunny rabbit? Hunters sitting in a circle singing: 'I ain't gonna hunt those deer no more?" A photo safari?

No, for some reason I expected to see a deer hit by a car, or some other "non-traditional" killing machine. From personal observations, I know that in such cases, a deer can be cut in half. Arent we being a little bit dramatic?

Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: Leslie on October 03, 2002, 08:54:00 PM
Bambi licking the soft fur on the back of a cute bunny rabbit?

Was on a stand one time and witnessed a rabbit attempting to nurse on a doe.  Strangest thing I ever saw while hunting.  The doe didn't seem to mind, and made no attempt to stop it.  The above statement may not be so far fetched as it seems.

At first I thought it was a very small fawn, but it sure hopped around and looked like a rabbit.  Have any of you ever seen anything like this in the wild?

Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: SaburoS on October 03, 2002, 09:15:56 PM
Originally posted by Rude
I hit a deer once in my cessna.....was horrible! He was cut up badly and screamin this horrible sounding cry all the while that little red nose just kept flashin and was awful!

ROFL!!!!!! OH man! laughing so hard got tears in my eyes!!! LOL!
Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: SaburoS on October 03, 2002, 09:23:56 PM
Originally posted by Elfenwolf

...And then you heard a "Ho ho Ho! Merry Christmas to All and to All a Good Night!"

 Meanwhile, coming in the opposite direction at an elevation of twelve thousand feet in a Cessna was Rude...

(j/k, I bet u DID have to stop and walk around.)

Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: Charon on October 03, 2002, 09:46:55 PM
Was on a stand one time and witnessed a rabbit attempting to nurse on a doe. Strangest thing I ever saw while hunting. The doe didn't seem to mind, and made no attempt to stop it. The above statement may not be so far fetched as it seems.

At first I thought it was a very small fawn, but it sure hopped around and looked like a rabbit. Have any of you ever seen anything like this in the wild?


No, Les, that is downright freaky :)

Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: SC-Sp00k on October 03, 2002, 09:58:52 PM
Road Accidents are not that uncommon. All sorts of things get killed and maimed for the most innocent of reasons.
Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: SirLoin on October 03, 2002, 10:02:51 PM
Sorry you had to go throught that Loser.Now I know in case that happened to me I will say over the phone "I;m Injured and my car is on fire!"

Even if the fire dept arrives first,I'd think they'd have the means to put the poor animal out of it's misery..
Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: Wlfgng on October 04, 2002, 10:02:56 AM
but can you really blame the tractor driver?? no..
and shouldn't the guy laying down notice also... yes.
Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: Dingbat on October 04, 2002, 10:05:46 AM
Originally posted by Elfenwolf
You guys are all sick. How in the Hell can you make jokes about ANY creature that ends up stuck in a windshield??? I only hope the deer died instantly and didn't suffer. Sheeesh, you insensitive monsters.

:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

MMMM deer lunch dinner for a month. :)
Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: Ripsnort on October 04, 2002, 10:13:57 AM
Originally posted by Modas

Can't be fenced in??  WTF?  Sure they can.  There is a HUGE buffalo farm just south of where I deer hunt.  Fence is about 12' high with 10 strands of electrifed wire.

They've never had any get out.  Maybe Ted T needs to crank up the juice to his fence.  Put enough voltage to it, they'll stop.

Guess I should have mentioned "Traditional fencing" see, your type of fencing over 1000 acres would be quite expensive, and of course, out of the question due to cost.
Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: Ripsnort on October 04, 2002, 10:20:21 AM
Well, if that image upset Kanth, I suppose this one would upset him too! :eek:
Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: Dingbat on October 04, 2002, 10:20:55 AM
Originally posted by Innominate

Animals are NOT disney characters.

The animals don't secretly talk to each other when people aren't around, regardless of what disney movies may be.

In much of the USA, deer are overpopulated.  It causes hazards for motorists, and suffering for the deer(not enough food, etc)  Where I used to live(Amherst, NY near buffalo) the deer had to be constantly kept in check by hunters, just to keep them from starving.  The lack of any predators requires humans to be the predators, or let the deer starve.  Anyways, which is a more humane way for a deer to go? Starve, get your throat ripped out by a wolf, or shot by a hunter?  The natural world is far more cruel than anything humans can do.

Anyways, A few years ago we were on the interstate, late at night, at the last 45mins of a four hour drive.   Out of nowhere a deer leapt across the road, right in front of our minivan, and was decapitated from the impact.

What a hood ornament :) .
Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: Wlfgng on October 04, 2002, 10:23:34 AM
so did the guy operating the paint truck get a straight ticket to hell or what?
Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: eskimo2 on October 04, 2002, 03:35:57 PM
Deer are tiny, moose are big.
600 moose live within the Anchorage city bowl.

They post signs in the winter stating how many moose have been killed so far per season.

In the winter, when the train runs between Anchorage and Fairbanks (360ish miles) it kills 1 or 2 moose per run.  Moose walk on the tracks because there's no snow on them, they know that they'll get bogged down in the several feet of snow that sometimes cover the ground.  So, they either run down the tracks away from the train, or they charge it.

I know a couple of folks who have actually even hit moose while skiing.  I had a close call once, was charged by one... hehe.

Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: BUG_EAF322 on October 04, 2002, 05:28:57 PM
What's the fun of hunting on animals????

It's a sickly sport really

I'm not even a godloving person to see that.

It takes more skill to shoot em with a camera . :rolleyes:

just a thought.
Title: Alternatives to buying a Deer hunting license
Post by: rosco on October 04, 2002, 10:02:20 PM
Originally posted by BUG_EAF322
What's the fun of hunting on animals????

It's a sickly sport really

I'm not even a godloving person to see that.

It takes more skill to shoot em with a camera . :rolleyes:

just a thought.

  Ill take a Venison Roast over a Kodac moment anyday :)