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Help and Support Forums => Help and Training => Topic started by: ChasR on April 12, 2004, 09:27:32 AM

Title: Landing PT kills
Post by: ChasR on April 12, 2004, 09:27:32 AM
Last night I got a couple of kills with the 40mm on the back of the PT boat.  I motored back to the spawn point, which was right outside a friendly base.  Came to a stop with map zoomed all the way in to be sure I was right on the spot.  Pressed tower and got you have crashed message.  How the heck do you land kills in a PT?

15/JG52  "Air Legion"
Title: Landing PT kills
Post by: 101ABN on April 12, 2004, 12:13:08 PM
did you kill the engine before you hit the tower button?
Title: Landing PT kills
Post by: ChasR on April 12, 2004, 01:19:51 PM
As I recall, yes.
Title: PT landings at bases
Post by: MOSQ on April 12, 2004, 03:43:07 PM
I have successfully landed several times at friendly airbases next to the water. Here's how:
Look at the map and visualize where the runway would be if it was extended out into the water. Very slowly motor directly toward the beach where the runway would exisit if it were extended out into the water. As you get close to the beach slow to 3-5 mph. You will probably be in Neutral with occassional Reverse gears to get that slow. Gently "beach" the PT onto the sand. Hit the Tower button and you will land.

If you are going too fast when you beach, you will explode. I've never been able to make this technique work at a VH, only an Airbase on the coast.
Title: Landing PT kills
Post by: Halo on April 12, 2004, 06:36:41 PM
Landing PT kills?  What an interesting concept.  I don't remember ever living long enough in a PT boat to think about exiting it except jumping off in a lifevest.
Title: Landing PT kills
Post by: SixxGunn on April 12, 2004, 09:44:16 PM
I think it matters if your original VH is up where you spawned from.

Did a PT sortie and spawned out right at the spawn point, I spawned in waited a few then spawned out without moving.

I got a "you are captured" landing.

I noticed that the VH had been bombed and knocked out while I was spawned out.  

I waited for VH to come up spawned a PT out to a far spawn point waited a minute or 2 and spawned out. Got a landed successfully.

So it seems if your originating VH is dead you cannot land successfully.

This also works with GVs on some maps. If you spawn to an adjacent airfield, no AC or GVs around take no hits you can spawn out and get a successful landing if your VH is still up, if your VH is down I always get a ditched even tho I met no NME or took anyfire.

These are just GENERAL rules of thumb I use as they dont always work, but for the most part they do.
Title: Landing PT kills
Post by: Morpheus on April 13, 2004, 07:34:38 AM
Landing PT's... Hmmm, I think in the 2+ years or so I've landed a PT boat a total of 2-3 times successfully. With probably 300 times that total in actual soties.

The only luck I've had EVER landing a PT is near a carrier when I tug back up in between the escort ships.

This thread made me curious to try landing one on shore. I went and tried this off line at just about every spot around the base. I couldnt get it to say anything but. "you have ditched":mad:

I would like if posible, that someone from HTC explain the actual method for landing one of these boats successfully.
Title: Landing PT kills
Post by: MOSQ on April 14, 2004, 07:41:57 PM
Next time I land at a airbase, I'll film and post it here.
I've never tried it offline before, so I don't know if it will work offline.
I'll try tonight!