Aces High Bulletin Board
Help and Support Forums => Technical Support => Topic started by: 101ABN on May 20, 2004, 04:30:12 PM
what do i have to do inorder to put a "68" behind my current callsign? 101ABN68101ABN68
how about youchange to a name then a number its a lot easier to call check six fred then it is check six 1234567801,useually its to late by then:rolleyes:
Drop me an email about it. I need your login ID and what you want the game ID to be. NOTE: The game ID is restricted to 8 characters or less.
Also note, you will lose your perk points, squad associations, and scores when we do this. Acknowledge that in the email.
Originally posted by rogerdee
how about youchange to a name then a number its a lot easier to call check six fred then it is check six 1234567801,useually its to late by then:rolleyes:
101ABN = 101st Airborne...they call me Airborne for short.. no check 6 problems as of yet....well normally its the lack of check 6's ha ha
Originally posted by Skuzzy
Drop me an email about it. I need your login ID and what you want the game ID to be. NOTE: The game ID is restricted to 8 characters or less.
Also note, you will lose your perk points, squad associations, and scores when we do this. Acknowledge that in the email.
wow lose my points.... i have a hard time as it is getting them, ha ha. ok thanks skuzzy