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Help and Support Forums => Aces High Bug Reports => Topic started by: lazs2 on May 24, 2004, 12:15:03 PM

Title: ok tried it.. unplayable.
Post by: lazs2 on May 24, 2004, 12:15:03 PM
amd 1.44  gforce3 64 meg card.

my plane is invisible   mostly, the other guys are too..  enough that I can't tell what direction they are going in.   My frame rate is fine (40-80) but the planes (except mine) zoom around.    can't tell what they are doing.   even got behind an F4u and couldn't outturn his outline after making about ten circles I was in a yak fer chrissakes.

how do I tell what version of DX I have again?

Title: ok tried it.. unplayable.
Post by: Frodo on May 24, 2004, 12:25:56 PM
There is a link in pyro's last post in the news/announcement forum.It will update you to dx9 from there.

I have similar system and same vid card, and it ran fine,except for vox problem.I did have to drop down to 1024 res. though.

Title: ok tried it.. unplayable.
Post by: Flossy on May 24, 2004, 12:26:13 PM
Select Run from Start menu - type in dxdiag - resulting table will show your DX version under the System tab.  :)
Title: ok tried it.. unplayable.
Post by: lazs2 on May 24, 2004, 12:39:37 PM
ok.. have the right version.  guess AHII won't work on my system.

looks horrible can't read the boxes.   my plane is nothing but guages.   no idea which way the other planes are going.  can see their outline but it looks like they are flying kinda sideways.. no way to actually shoot at one.  

My FM seems fine but everyone else zooms around even tho my framerate is fine.  

oh... when I move the mouse it moves the views.. is that something that needs to be turned off?

Title: ok tried it.. unplayable.
Post by: SlapShot on May 24, 2004, 12:49:12 PM
Originally posted by lazs2
ok.. have the right version.  guess AHII won't work on my system.

looks horrible can't read the boxes.   my plane is nothing but guages.   no idea which way the other planes are going.  can see their outline but it looks like they are flying kinda sideways.. no way to actually shoot at one.  

My FM seems fine but everyone else zooms around even tho my framerate is fine.  

oh... when I move the mouse it moves the views.. is that something that needs to be turned off?


Oh boy ... this is gonna be like pulling teeth !!!

Lazs ... do you have the latest and greatest drivers loaded for your card ?

The "mouse" view can be disabled by ...

Go to clipboard > Setup > Preferences > View Options

Pyro added this to another thread ... all indications from his post would lead me to believe that your board should work. You may need to adjust some of the in-game video setting to get things right.


Here's a link to pricewatch where you can look at prices on various cards.

The absolute minimum card to get would be a GeForce2 MX400 with 32 MB. That is the card I currently have installed on my work machine and it will run AH2, but texture sizes have to be turned down. It would be the cheapest card to get, but it's not the best value.

Here are some prices (shipping included) for cheap cards to consider.

$26 - GeForce2 MX 400 w/32 MB - absolute minimum
$28 - Geforce2 MX 400 w/64 MB - 2 bucks more for double the memory is well worth even if you're going for the cheapest card possible.
$37 - GeForce4 MX 440 w/64 MB - Better performance for only $9 more.
$46 - Geforce4 MX 440 w/128MB
$54 - GeforceFX 5200 w/128 MB

You can find some benchmark tests for the above cards in these articles:
Title: ok tried it.. unplayable.
Post by: lazs2 on May 24, 2004, 01:01:50 PM
ok slap.   the mouse view thing is fixed.

my video card is a gforce 3 with 64 megs.   I went to the visiontek sight and they told me that my drivers were probly as good as it gets.

I have good frame rate but all the boxes are transparent and if the background is dark you can't read the selections.   This is one "improvement" I didn't need.

my plane is transparent.  so are the others.   They have no flight model.  when I get close my frame rate is fine but they either dissapear or zoom away.   Nothing looks as good as in AHI except maybe the clouds.

it is unflyable unless I just want to be a target.  No way I could dogfite in this game with the FM my planes have and the one all the others have.

what "in game video settings" are gonna make things not transparent?

My video card seems better than half the ones you are recomending.

maybe I just can't fly the new flight model.

Title: ok tried it.. unplayable.
Post by: Pyro on May 24, 2004, 02:02:54 PM
Just curious, but did you get a message on startup telling you to update your drivers?

Sounds like a simple driver problem.  Go to for the latest drivers.  Make sure you follow their tip to uninstall your old drivers before installing the new ones.
Title: ok tried it.. unplayable.
Post by: SlapShot on May 24, 2004, 02:17:24 PM
Try to get the drivers straightend out first.

Have you updated the drivers since you got the box or installed the card ? I'll bet you haven't !!!

If not, go here ...

and click on "Download Drivers" on the top menubar.

And answer the questions ..

"Graphics Drivers"

"GeForce and TNT" (a list of supported cards will be displayed below)

finally what OS you have ... that I don't know.

It appears that the latest version is ... Version: 56.72

Download the drivers for your OS and install them.

OR ....

You could go to this site ...

This guy tweaks the nVidia drivers especially for gaming.

Click on nVidia GF on the left-hand menu

Click on you OS on the left-hand menu

Read the "README FIRST!!!" link

Download the drivers and install them.

I have an ATI card and I use this guys drivers all the time ... but that is just me.

Just read Pyro's post ... important note on that uninstall if you are using the nVidia download. Omega install automatically uninstalls old drivers first. Here is the "README FIRST!!!" text ...

Suggestions when using the Nvidia Omega Drivers:

1- The drivers can be installed just by upgrading your current  drivers, there is no need to uninstall previous ones, they are made in a way that all your previous settings will be erased when they are installed.

2- When possible use default settings.

3- If you installed the QUALITY DRIVERS, in the Nvidia Control   Panel, Direct3D Settings, the MipMapDetail will be BLANK, DON'T CHANGE IT!, if you change it the extra detail level in D3D will be gone.

4- In the Nvidia Control Panel, OpenGL Settings, Anisotropic   filtering will be disabled, leave it like that, since the detail level in OpenGL was increased there is no need to enable it, if you do, games may have a big performance hit.

5- If you do wish to use Anisotropic Filtering with my drivers, please run the downloaded file again and select "performance"
when asked, then install the drivers over the current ones.

6- Don't use any tweakers to change the settings, they will
override my settings and make my work useless. Use them only when you need to change a specific tweak for a specific game, to make the game work.

7- The only settings that will not harm my work are FSAA,  v-sinc and overclocking.

Thanks for your support and happy gaming,
Title: ok tried it.. unplayable.
Post by: GODO on May 24, 2004, 02:25:17 PM
Lazs, you have a GForce3, beware with the latest nvidia drivers, they are not exactly optimized for your card.

Try with detonators 45.23 first.
Title: ok tried it.. unplayable.
Post by: Easyscor on May 24, 2004, 02:27:05 PM
For the love of Gawd post your system spec. completely.
Title: ok tried it.. unplayable.
Post by: lazs2 on May 24, 2004, 02:39:36 PM
pyro... yes I did so I went to the visiontek support and they told me there were none available for the card.... told me all sorts of bad things would happen if I just loaded late drivers for a gforce3

Soooo... went to general discussion and rosco told me to simply load 56.64.

I did and it fixed everything.   I don't know squat bout puters and I was going by what the tech support guy told me.  

I didn't even know what card I had cause the visiontek booklet doesn't say...  Had to learn from guys on here.   woulda believed you too pyro if you woulda said it so no offence.  Just get a little nervous when the card guy tells me not to do something and have as little puter savy as me.

Title: ok tried it.. unplayable.
Post by: lazs2 on May 24, 2004, 02:43:55 PM
Oh... to me...

It would seem that if AHII will run on my ancient machine with so little adjustment and at the ham fists of myself...

That just about anyone could get it to work... the release must be pretty well worked out.

Oh.. nice touch on the copy files thing.   I didn't know how to do that and now I don't have to learn or be frustrated trying.  It worked perfectly.

And... if it's not too much to ask... if you can't find it in your heart to give us wep in the FM2 how bout a f4f-3 or f6f-3 ?

Title: ok tried it.. unplayable.
Post by: Flossy on May 24, 2004, 05:18:23 PM
I do like to see a happy ending!  :D  Just shows what can be achieved with some determination!  ;)
Title: ok tried it.. unplayable.
Post by: Virage on May 24, 2004, 06:54:38 PM
It's official.. Lazs is a Bug.
Title: ok tried it.. unplayable.
Post by: nopoop on May 24, 2004, 07:12:20 PM
Whoot !!!

Cya tonight.