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General Forums => Aces High General Discussion => Topic started by: MetaTron on July 10, 2004, 10:55:31 AM

Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: MetaTron on July 10, 2004, 10:55:31 AM
The MA has slipped back into pack mentality. I've had a few good fights. Climb to 5k and drive all the way to an enemy field where I find 20 flaks on the field and all the enemies hugging their ack. They come out briefly, when you offer them a coalt fight against a plane they think they can kill (P51), but then they run back and hide. When they attack us it's 20-30:1 odds and only then do they really want to fight.

I quit joining missions, because the pack mentality hits Bish the same way (and I despise seeing people steal a kill I've downed). The warps in these situations is awful. I've seen planes completely dissappear and then reappear 6k away. Small maps concentrate everyone into close quarters, and apparently the smoothing code, or whatever, just gets overwhelmed.

Is this what AHII is supposed to be like? or is it the summer time dweebs?

One big map is all we need! Trinity is my choice, or AKDessert, but any of them would be a welcome change. NDIsles is getting stale.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Slash27 on July 10, 2004, 11:59:37 AM
Id say bring back Fester's big maps. The hell with those other pieces of crap.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Urchin on July 10, 2004, 12:04:33 PM
How would that be any different on the big maps?  

You'd still have large packs of people roaming around hitting undefended fields and people still wouldn't want to fight.

The only difference is instead of only 80% of the map going unused, 99.5% goes unused.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Zazen13 on July 10, 2004, 12:51:24 PM
Small maps actually force teams to fight, there's only so many alternatives with a very finite number of fields along a restricted front. On big maps, there's always some undefended field that can be milkrunned as an alternative to actually fighting for a field. Chasing a reluctant enemies' bar dar all over a huge map trying to make a fight happen with an enemy who prefers moving around the map wherever their opponent isn't  is an incredible waste of time. I don't have 150+ hours a month of disposable free time like some. Large maps cater to the full-time gamer, not the employed 95% that pay HTC's bills.

Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: MetaTron on July 10, 2004, 01:05:42 PM
With the large maps you actually see four and five man squads trying to capture fields (or at least we did). Those situations were perfect for fights (defense). Like I said above, all we get now is a few cons that up to defend, give up, and then nothing; or we get 20-30:1 hoards.

Doesn't really matter anyway. There are so many bugs right now it's hard to have fun, and the best JABO's (twin engines) are frustrating team members to no end.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Zazen13 on July 10, 2004, 01:06:37 PM
Originally posted by MetaTron
With the large maps you actually see four and five man squads trying to capture fields (or at least we did). Those situations were perfect for fights (defense). Like I said above, all we get now is a few cons that up to defend, give up, and then nothing; or we get 20-30:1 hoards.

Doesn't really matter anyway. There are so many bugs right now it's hard to have fun, and the best JABO's (twin engines) are frustrating team members to no end.

The days of 4 or 5 guys taking fields is over...Thank God. The scale of viable field capture force required is now in very good proportion to the 30 man squadron HiTech has set-up. Because of the larger force required to capture fields the focus is on squadron operations and inter-squadron operations. This makes the MA alot like scenarios, special events, and real world war 2 operations. Four or five guys didn't take bases in world war 2....
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: MetaTron on July 10, 2004, 01:15:11 PM
Five or six guys can take fields. Hornets have done it.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Zazen13 on July 10, 2004, 01:21:29 PM
Originally posted by MetaTron
Five or six guys can take fields. Hornets have done it.

With little or no opposition, thus your desire for large maps. On small maps, you are going to be opposed by a dozen or more enemy, guarenteed, just by virtue of the ratio of players to fields being much greater, making that impossible. Checked your score, you have flown 57 hours in 9 days, that's over 200 hrs a camp. I'm happy you have the free time to blow flying for hours chasing a reluctant enemy all over a huge map, but most of us do not. The tiny percentage of paying customers that have your kind of disposable free-time of 6 to 8 hours daily are vastly outnumbered by those who do not and we all pay the same 15 bucks a month.

HTC is in the business of attracting new customers. Nothing drives away the newbie who just wants to fight like a 2 hour flight looking for an enemy con to engage on a 512X512 map. After two weeks of that on pizza map or whatever, do you think they are going to subscribe after their 2 week trial is up? Hell no...
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Urchin on July 10, 2004, 01:31:22 PM
Originally posted by Zazen13
Small maps actually force teams to fight, there's only so many alternatives with a very finite number of fields along a restricted front. On big maps, there's always some undefended field that can be milkrunned as an alternative to actually fighting for a field. Chasing a reluctant enemies' bar dar all over a huge map trying to make a fight happen with an enemy who prefers moving around the map wherever their opponent isn't  is an incredible waste of time. I don't have 150+ hours a month of disposable free time like some. Large maps cater to the full-time gamer, not the employed 95% that pay HTC's bills.


Actually that is probably the best I've ever seen it stated.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: simshell on July 10, 2004, 01:49:14 PM
how can we have big maps with the new fuel burn rate?

not saying we cant fly the short range planes on them just puting big maps in is going to shorten time over target which is already short for planes like the spitfire and many others
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Jackal1 on July 10, 2004, 01:56:43 PM
Originally posted by MetaTron

Doesn't really matter anyway. There are so many bugs right now it's hard to have fun, and the best JABO's (twin engines) are frustrating team members to no end.

Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: MetaTron on July 10, 2004, 02:17:36 PM
Well, you've gone and twisted what I was saying to suit your own agenda. The Hornets have captured bases with six guys and been opposed. Sorry you can't do it.

Jackal, piss off. Apparently you idiots want to be attacked by hoards. I don't.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Slash27 on July 10, 2004, 02:41:55 PM
Apparently you idiots want to be attacked by hoards.

Idiots because we wont play your way?
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: bj229r on July 10, 2004, 02:46:40 PM
log on, see 3 BIG blobs at 3 fields.....nothin else goin on.... H2H more fun (or even CT; ) and dweeb rides like spits and lala's HAD short range, thus it is more realistic
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Zazen13 on July 10, 2004, 02:50:15 PM
Originally posted by MetaTron
Well, you've gone and twisted what I was saying to suit your own agenda. The Hornets have captured bases with six guys and been opposed. Sorry you can't do it.

Jackal, piss off. Apparently you idiots want to be attacked by hoards. I don't.

Opposed by what? some newbie letting you vulch him on runway? If you guys are supposedly so fabulous, why can't you successfully combat the hordes like the rest of us do..You know, pick around the edges, lure some away etc? You are not making sense...I think what you really want is an atmosphere where you and 5 buds can pick an isolated base, vulch it to death at your liesure and eventually capture it, the opportunity to do this is rarely afforded on the small maps in AH2 where opposition is usually substantial and sustained...
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Jackal1 on July 10, 2004, 03:31:25 PM
Originally posted by MetaTron
Well, you've gone and twisted what I was saying to suit your own agenda. The Hornets have captured bases with six guys and been opposed. Sorry you can't do it.

Jackal, piss off. Apparently you idiots want to be attacked by hoards. I don't.

ROFL..Just up all the alias names you have used to try to hide from your fantasy fiasco and scam attempts at once and you will have your own hoard.
 Go study your CIA manual or spawn camp somewhere.  :D (
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: MetaTron on July 10, 2004, 04:05:24 PM
Fine, Jackal. You want to be an ass, I'll just make sure I don't see your crap again.

Point is, we HAVE all been fighting hoards. It's not fun. As I have said in COUNTLESS other threads, vultching is not fun. Hornets don't have to vultch. We will, and do, when we don't have the numbers to close a field before capture.

Zazen, you are telling me only what YOU do, not what Hornets do.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Zazen13 on July 10, 2004, 04:14:07 PM
Originally posted by MetaTron
Fine, Jackal. You want to be an ass, I'll just make sure I don't see your crap again.

Point is, we HAVE all been fighting hoards. It's not fun. As I have said in COUNTLESS other threads, vultching is not fun. Hornets don't have to vultch. We will, and do, when we don't have the numbers to close a field before capture.

Zazen, you are telling me only what YOU do, not what Hornets do.

Ummm, we know better Metatron, Hornets are all about score whoring, you know it, everyone knows it, pretending otherwise for the sake of argument is transparent and quite lame . The simple truth is, small maps with concentrated forces isn't as conducive to your style of score whoring as you would like so you're whining about it. As I am sure you are aware, your name itself has become universally synonymous with 'gaming the game', you are the quintessential score/rank potato, willing to devote vast amounts of time and effort doing everything and anything necessary to give the appearance of "greatness".

Btw, I detest vulching, hard to vulch from my 20k perch even if I was so inclined :aok
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: beet1e on July 10, 2004, 04:17:50 PM
I agree we need the big maps. The big maps seem to address the horde mentality. As of T54, I have logged only 3¼ hours. In AH1 I would simply sit out small maps weeks. In AH2 that means sitting out the entire game, which is pretty much what I've done.

I'm not going to argue which is right or better - small maps or large. All I'm saying is that unless we get some different maps soon, my interest in this game is going to wane very rapidly indeed.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Jackal1 on July 10, 2004, 04:21:40 PM
Originally posted by MetaTron
Fine, Jackal. You want to be an ass, I'll just make sure I don't see your crap again.

It`s me again Margaret! :D
That makes 3 times so far you have made that threat.
Poop or get off the pot Scorpion boy.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Urchin on July 10, 2004, 04:22:18 PM
For Gods sake.. it is hordes.  H O R D E S.  Not hoards.  That is a big pile of something.

And actually is probably is still possible to take a base with 5 or 6 guys if you can take down the town, then have the goon drop right away while the others cap the field.  You couldn't do it if people were in the air already though, because then they'd kill you while you were heavy.  

Honestly, I prefer the small maps because you WILL find a fight on the small maps.  There are only so many places to attack, so fights tend to happen there.  NDIsles is actually my favorite map, because there actually usually is something for everything.  You want to GV?  Go to the center isle, or any of the smaller islands with bases on opposite ends.  You want to go GV hunting?  Do the same.  You want to kill planes?  Fly to a base, or fly over the middle of the center isle and kill the planes killing the GVs... eventually an air to air fight happens there every day.  

Sure it is "mindless furballing" with "no purpose".. but fighting is its own purpose.

On the large maps, if you want to play around in GVs it involves finding the one guy milkrunning a base in a Panzer or Flak*****, killing him, then finding him again as he milkruns to a new base.  The only air to air fights are typically horde on few, as very few people will take off over and over again to be killed repeatedly by one or two guys flying over enemy territory by themselves.. they'll die once and go off to milkrun, or join the horde.

I know being "forced to fight" grates on some people (and no Voss, I'm not saying you are on of them, just people in general), but I honestly think that "forcing" the population to fight by sticking them in a limited total area with a limited number of things to bomb or attack makes for a better game for everyone.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: WilldCrd on July 10, 2004, 04:25:54 PM
We had big maps in beta....lots of bugs with them. Im guessing HTC is striving to make sure al the spawn points and bugs are worked out of them before putting them up.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: mechanic on July 10, 2004, 04:27:08 PM
Why cant we all just be happy with what we have.........

metatron: you say fighting hoards is no fun, i love it.
i fly spitfire mkV always and a one on one is usually in my favour, so where is the fun or challenge in that?

i love nothing more than to fly under 10 enemies on my own or with a wingman and see how long i can stay alive.

i couldnt care less about proving that my rank is better than anyone elses. i am here for on thing and one thing only, to fight, kill and die without moaning, and then repeat the procces.

big maps would be fun, but small maps are just as good,
unless you want to be ranked #1 for the Xth year in a row.......


admitedly this is only my view, not anyone elses.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Zazen13 on July 10, 2004, 04:40:56 PM
Originally posted by Urchin
For Gods sake.. it is hordes.  H O R D E S.  Not hoards.  That is a big pile of something.

And actually is probably is still possible to take a base with 5 or 6 guys if you can take down the town, then have the goon drop right away while the others cap the field.  You couldn't do it if people were in the air already though, because then they'd kill you while you were heavy.  

Honestly, I prefer the small maps because you WILL find a fight on the small maps.  There are only so many places to attack, so fights tend to happen there.  NDIsles is actually my favorite map, because there actually usually is something for everything.  You want to GV?  Go to the center isle, or any of the smaller islands with bases on opposite ends.  You want to go GV hunting?  Do the same.  You want to kill planes?  Fly to a base, or fly over the middle of the center isle and kill the planes killing the GVs... eventually an air to air fight happens there every day.  

Sure it is "mindless furballing" with "no purpose".. but fighting is its own purpose.

On the large maps, if you want to play around in GVs it involves finding the one guy milkrunning a base in a Panzer or Flak*****, killing him, then finding him again as he milkruns to a new base.  The only air to air fights are typically horde on few, as very few people will take off over and over again to be killed repeatedly by one or two guys flying over enemy territory by themselves.. they'll die once and go off to milkrun, or join the horde.

I know being "forced to fight" grates on some people (and no Voss, I'm not saying you are on of them, just people in general), but I honestly think that "forcing" the population to fight by sticking them in a limited total area with a limited number of things to bomb or attack makes for a better game for everyone.

Exactly Urchin. For better or worse it is human nature to seek the path of least resistance. Without some sort of decisive numerical or perceived skill/talent advantage this generally entails avoiding confrontation altogether on the huge maps. Taking 5 or 6 guys to an outlying base away from principle engagements, making it flash and wacking the few defenders as they attempt to up after you've dropped your ordinance is a fine example of this natural human inclination. While this is wonderfull for your score/rank, it is largely an exercise in airiel masturbation. On small maps this does not occur, as each base is vehemently defended and those same 5 or 6 guys would get wacked somewhere between flying there and trying to drop their ordinance.

In my opinion, successfully negotiating a 40+ plane furball to the best of your ability with the strength of your chosen aircraft in mind is far more interesting and meaningfull. While this won't necessarily give you a pretty rank, there are a wide variety of engagements to be found and test yourself with at the various strata of the furball. This is what small maps offer in abundance. This is the flavor of the typical engagements during WW2 where one squadron or more met another and fought it out over a finite geographic area.

Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: SlapShot on July 10, 2004, 04:45:29 PM
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Overlag on July 10, 2004, 06:18:47 PM
while i want to play the big maps like festerma and trinity, there just isnt a player base anymore for it

it just sucks coming on late morning early afternoon and only having 20 players per side.....since, you need MORE people to take a base now. UK time gameplay has got worse imo

HTC need to do some advertising because right now theres just not enough players during the day :(
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Overlag on July 10, 2004, 06:32:42 PM
Originally posted by Zazen13
Ummm, we know better Metatron, Hornets are all about score whoring,  


if we was about SCORE whoring they wouldnt have ME in it

we are about team work, and helping organise stuff between hornets, and friends like rollo, dadrabit SE guys, etc etc (sorry if i missed someone out! LOL).
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: MetaTron on July 10, 2004, 06:42:43 PM
Let it go, OverLag. These guys are disconnected and have no idea what we're about. The whole point of their bbs (BS) domination is to run their agenda up the HTC flagpole and to hell with the rest of us.

Eventually, the will of the user population will overwhelm their crap.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: kevykev56 on July 10, 2004, 07:09:54 PM
MetaTron, You say the gamplay is stale, that seems more to me the problem here than even the hordes. Yes the small maps stink for some, others like them. There plain and simple needs to be variety....this map is so stale I have been fighting to capture the same base for the last week. Yes we have captured it, but it gets taken back...then we take it...    you get the picture.

It is rediculous that it goes on like this. It is so easy to stop an assult unless it is a horde to completely overwhelm the field. If you bring 5 or 6 guys to take a field and there is anyone who knows what they are doing, they will stop you.

Bring on the big maps...they are needed. Even if they are buggy, the bugs must be worked out.....OZKANSAS!!!

Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Arlo on July 10, 2004, 07:23:54 PM
Eh ... like it really matters what's in the main, anyhow. ;)

Just get the ruttin' new TE up. :aok
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Urchin on July 10, 2004, 07:38:32 PM
Originally posted by kevykev56
MetaTron, You say the gamplay is stale, that seems more to me the problem here than even the hordes. Yes the small maps stink for some, others like them. There plain and simple needs to be variety....this map is so stale I have been fighting to capture the same base for the last week. Yes we have captured it, but it gets taken back...then we take it...    you get the picture.

It is rediculous that it goes on like this. It is so easy to stop an assult unless it is a horde to completely overwhelm the field. If you bring 5 or 6 guys to take a field and there is anyone who knows what they are doing, they will stop you.

Bring on the big maps...they are needed. Even if they are buggy, the bugs must be worked out.....OZKANSAS!!!


So you feel like you have to be capturing bases to "get anything accomplished"?

Why are the big maps needed?  So there is so much space and so many bases that there is no way the defenders can defend all the bases?
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Zazen13 on July 10, 2004, 08:02:19 PM
Originally posted by Urchin
So you feel like you have to be capturing bases to "get anything accomplished"?

Why are the big maps needed?  So there is so much space and so many bases that there is no way the defenders can defend all the bases?

That's exactly what they want Urchin. They want a map that guarentees at any time their little cadre can attack a base on the periphery with little or no resistance assured that there will not be more defenders than they can vulch. Having to fight large, unpredictable forces over a finite area has proven too difficult compared to the EZ mode they have enjoyed to this point.

The one thing that sets AH apart from other games of this genre is the very ability and player base for large scale engagements. That is why AH is more successfull than those other games. Why the hell would we want to take that very quality away by dispersing the player base over a disproportionately large area? If the majority wanted small scale engagements they'd be playing IL2, where numbers are restricted.People play in the MA precisely because it affords the opportunity to participate in large scale engagements. The large furballs are what make AH better than those other games, it sure as hell ain't the milkrunning, spawn camping point potatos.

Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: 68DevilM on July 10, 2004, 09:17:03 PM
ive been thinking about this for the last couple of days and i can go off and write paragraph's about issues i like and dislike, but on the subject ill say this! better frame rates for me in the bigger
arena's less horde and the best of all????

more options! ;)

Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: DipStick on July 10, 2004, 09:23:29 PM
Originally posted by Zazen13
Ummm, we know better Metatron, Hornets are all about score whoring, you know it, everyone knows it, pretending otherwise for the sake of argument is transparent and quite lame . The simple truth is, small maps with concentrated forces isn't as conducive to your style of score whoring as you would like so you're whining about it. As I am sure you are aware, your name itself has become universally synonymous with 'gaming the game', you are the quintessential score/rank potato, willing to devote vast amounts of time and effort doing everything and anything necessary to give the appearance of "greatness".

First time I've agreed with Zazen on anything I think. ;)

PS... Would like to see the 2 Fester maps back up.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Zazen13 on July 10, 2004, 10:23:58 PM
Originally posted by 68DevilM
ive been thinking about this for the last couple of days and i can go off and write paragraph's about issues i like and dislike, but on the subject ill say this! better frame rates for me in the bigger
arena's less horde and the best of all????

more options! ;)


Pushing for huge maps because of a deficiency in your personal computer rig is just sad. If your computer can't handle furballs that's not our fault, upgrade your system, don't make us fly for 2 hour looking for reluctant enemy cons because you have inadequate hardware for the high end entertainment we call Aces High.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: MetaTron on July 10, 2004, 11:59:42 PM
Zazwn, again your imagination is getting the better of you. Hornets don't fight like you have imagined. Obviously, you don't know squat on the subject.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Arlo on July 11, 2004, 12:04:41 AM
Originally posted by MetaTron
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

Since when has this been your mantra? Heh.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Jackal1 on July 11, 2004, 12:08:35 AM
Originally posted by MetaTron

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

This brought to you by the same guy that wrote the handbook. :D
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: NoBaddy on July 11, 2004, 12:40:15 AM
Apparently the folks asking for the big maps don't bother to read threads about the big maps....

If you want to cut to the last post fairly well explains it. :)
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Zazen13 on July 11, 2004, 01:44:58 AM
Originally posted by MetaTron
Zazwn, again your imagination is getting the better of you. Hornets don't fight like you have imagined. Obviously, you don't know squat on the subject.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

Metatron, we all know exactly what you are about. Anyone who has played this game 6 months or more knows. Worst of all you know we all know...So get over it already. We all kind of figured it out the 6 millionth time you or one of your squaddies spawn camped for 8 hours straight to pad your score and prove how wonderfully talented you are....Duh.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: MetaTron on July 11, 2004, 01:58:58 AM
With every word Zazen, you prove yourself a bigger fool.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Zazen13 on July 11, 2004, 02:21:17 AM
Originally posted by MetaTron
With every word Zazen, you prove yourself a bigger fool.

You've devolved from substantive debate to insulting one-liners have you Metapotato? Why am I not suprised?

Have a nice day :cool:

Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: beet1e on July 11, 2004, 03:01:08 AM
I don't agree that large maps like Pizza mean no fights. All you have to do is to look at the map. There are about five warnings systems: Bardar, flashing map, base under attack, radar, siren...

The difference is that the engagements will have about 6 people on each side instead of 50. The small maps with the limited front line precipitate huge furballs, which is OK if you like that sort of thing. But what I have seen that turn into is a lemming conveyor belt of heavy P51s etc. diving into the field to pork vulch & auger, only to re-up and be back to repeat about 3 minutes later. You can't defend against that, and this is probably why fuel porkability has been restricted to 75% in AH2.

On the larger maps where the flying distance between bases is greater, that 3 minutes turns into more like 6 minutes. The fight is more often between the bases instead of at the bases, which means all kills are air-to-air and not vulches. The conveyor belt lemmings are nowhere to be seen because their attention span won't stretch to the 6 minutes it takes to get there. It will be a fair fight between two bases, without interference from a third base by LA7 opportunists.

Two of the best sessions I have had in recent months were on the Pizza. One of those was against Taki's guys in just such a scenario- story here (

I think a lot of what is being discussed here depends on the time of day. USPT is from about 2am to 5am here, so I rarely see it, and rarely see the sort of thing that's being talked about here.

Urchin, you know I respect you, and you've helped me a lot with my 109 suckage problem, but "Sure it is "mindless furballing" with "no purpose".. " - OK, if that's what you want. And it can be kind of fun if it happens along the way to a greater goal ;) but just upping to find that sort of thing does not hold my interest. As I've said before - the Chess board with no Kings.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Zazen13 on July 11, 2004, 03:07:09 AM
Originally posted by beet1e
I don't agree that large maps like Pizza mean no fights. All you have to do is to look at the map. There are about five warnings systems: Bardar, flashing map, base under attack, radar, siren...

The difference is that the engagements will have about 6 people on each side instead of 50. The small maps with the limited front line precipitate huge furballs, which is OK if you like that sort of thing. But what I have seen that turn into is a lemming conveyor belt of heavy P51s etc. diving into the field to pork vulch & auger, only to re-up and be back to repeat about 3 minutes later. You can't defend against that, and this is probably why fuel porkability has been restricted to 75% in AH2.

On the larger maps where the flying distance between bases is greater, that 3 minutes turns into more like 6 minutes. The fight is more often between the bases instead of at the bases, which means all kills are air-to-air and not vulches. The conveyor belt lemmings are nowhere to be seen because their attention span won't stretch to the 6 minutes it takes to get there. It will be a fair fight between two bases, without interference from a third base by LA7 opportunists.

Two of the best sessions I have had in recent months were on the Pizza. One of those was against Taki's guys in just such a scenario- story here (

I think a lot of what is being discussed here depends on the time of day. USPT is from about 2am to 5am here, so I rarely see it, and rarely see the sort of thing that's being talked about here.

Urchin, you know I respect you, and you've helped me a lot with my 109 suckage problem, but "Sure it is "mindless furballing" with "no purpose".. " - OK, if that's what you want. And it can be kind of fun if it happens along the way to a greater goal ;) but just upping to find that sort of thing does not hold my interest. As I've said before - the Chess board with no Kings.

Beetle, what you are looking for is what the Combat Theater offers. If you want exclusively 5 on 5's an arena full of 500 people isn't where you're likely to find it. In any event, during prime-time US time, when the vast majority of us fly, large maps don't even have the 5 vs 5's you so highly seek, it's 50 vs 5 on one side, and 5 vs 50 on another. On small maps it's 25 on 25 on every side, which most find preferable to the 50 vs 5 situations huge maps tend to offer.

As far as your base spacing argument goes, it doesn't fly logically. One base vs. one base offers a much greater chance of one being porked and vulched than 1 base with at least 1 other proximate base supporting it. Mutually supporting fields allow fighters from a support field to establish or re-establish cap if it is temporarily lost and the primary field is porked. If it's just 1 field vs. another there is no opportunity to regain CAP once one of the fields is porked, therefore vulching commences and the domino effect milkrun session begins sequentially, one base after another.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: beet1e on July 11, 2004, 03:22:44 AM
Originally posted by Zazen13
Beetle, what you are looking for is what the Combat Theater offers. If you want exclusively 5 on 5's an arena full of 500 people isn't where you're likely to find it. In any event, during prime-time US time, when the vast majority of us fly, large maps don't even have the 5 vs 5's you so highly seek, it's 50 vs 5 on one side, and 5 vs 50 on another. On small maps it's 25 on 25 on every side, which most find preferable to the 50 vs 5 situations huge maps tend to offer.
Well, I take your point. But did you read that Taki story I linked? Note the time - 1400 UTC. That's 1500 local here, 1600 Central European - 10am Eastern, 7am Pacific. I have NEVER seen a 50v5 on the pizza map. But I see huge numerical disparity on the small maps any time I log on.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Zazen13 on July 11, 2004, 03:26:07 AM
Originally posted by beet1e
Well, I take your point. But did you read that Taki story I linked? Note the time - 1400 UTC. That's 1500 local here, 1600 Central European - 10am Eastern, 7am Pacific. I have NEVER seen a 50v5 on the pizza map. But I see huge numerical disparity on the small maps any time I log on.

Hmmm, that's all I ever see on pizza map is one big wad running amok on one end of a slice, if opposed that wad just moves to the other side and continues on. I spend 90% of my fly time chasing bar dars all over the map trying to find a con willing to stand and fight at one location, usually to no avail.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: DREDIOCK on July 11, 2004, 03:46:32 AM
Originally posted by Zazen13
That's exactly what they want Urchin. They want a map that guarentees at any time their little cadre can attack a base on the periphery with little or no resistance assured that there will not be more defenders than they can vulch. Having to fight large, unpredictable forces over a finite area has proven too difficult compared to the EZ mode they have enjoyed to this point.

The one thing that sets AH apart from other games of this genre is the very ability and player base for large scale engagements. That is why AH is more successfull than those other games. Why the hell would we want to take that very quality away by dispersing the player base over a disproportionately large area? If the majority wanted small scale engagements they'd be playing IL2, where numbers are restricted.People play in the MA precisely because it affords the opportunity to participate in large scale engagements. The large furballs are what make AH better than those other games, it sure as hell ain't the milkrunning, spawn camping point potatos.


No. what some of us want is not to be FORCED into playing in a MASSIVE furball environment.
May be fun for some. But not for everyone.
I SOMETIMES enjoy the furball but it sure as hell isnt what I want to be forced into doing all the time.
I much rather enjoy the smaller enguagements. Not those with no resisance cause that gets just as old as the massive furball real fast. But ones with lower overall numbers. A minifurball  so's to speak

"Large unpredictable force"?? the only truth in that statement is that its a large force. but hardly unpredictable by anyones standards other then perhaps, the blind.
 Its not like anyone has to try to figure out where that raid is going. Unless maybe someone has difficulty counting to 1

The large furballs is what makes AH better for YOU. not for everyone. Some of us like a bit more diversity in our choices

If some people want to milkrun, or spawncamp, or landgrab or anything else you dont like to do,so what? Ignore em. Stay with your furball.
Let them have their fun and you have yours. Dont let yourself be sucked into playing their way and dont insist they play yours
And I have yet to see anymap where finding a fight or a furball was a problem, reguardless of  map size. The only real difference is the size of the furball may not always be a huge blob of
40 V 40 fights. And thats the real issue isnt it
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Zazen13 on July 11, 2004, 03:59:16 AM
You misunderstand what I mean by 'unpredictable'. I'm not implying the direction or intention of the enemy as a whole is unpredictable. What I am saying is that in a large engagement the internal dynamic of the engagement is largely unpredictable. This opposed to an engagement where you have an isolated and low number of friendlies and enemies, a 3 vs 3 for example, where you can fairly easily keep tabs on where each aircraft is at all times while fighting. The large engagement is quite a bit more complex containing various strata both vertically and extending a long distance outward from the main body, offering fights in various and sundry forms.

As far as freedom of choice goes, you speak as if furballs on huge maps are omnipresent or even present at all, which is not the case. So, while I could really care less what others do, huge maps do tend to preclude persistant furballing in effect preventing myself and those like-minded from enjoying our game. The reverse is not true however, there are still GV battles on small maps, you can still spawn camp, there are still a variety of air to air fights away from the furballs,  you can do everything except possibly capture fields with only a handfull of people which seems reasonable and realistic to me. The only difference is on small maps, due to limited geographic space furballs are virtually omnipresent.

Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: beet1e on July 11, 2004, 04:08:23 AM
Originally posted by Zazen13
Hmmm, that's all I ever see on pizza map is one big wad running amok on one end of a slice, if opposed that wad just moves to the other side and continues on. I spend 90% of my fly time chasing bar dars all over the map trying to find a con willing to stand and fight at one location, usually to no avail.
And would that be during USPT? That might have something to do with it.

Drediock said "No. what some of us want is not to be FORCED into playing in a MASSIVE furball environment. May be fun for some. But not for everyone. I SOMETIMES enjoy the furball but it sure as hell isnt what I want to be forced into doing all the time." I agree entirely. And I agree with pretty much everything else he said in the above post.

There isn't a *good* map or a *bad* map. There isn't a *good* engagement or a *bad* engagement. It all comes down to one thing: Personal preference. I have long since accepted that different people want different things out of AH. There is no "right" way or "wrong" way. Different maps offer different choices.

As long as the map rotation is balanced and fair, there will be something for everyone in the course of one full rotation. Right now it's small maps all the time, which is partly why I've flown only 3¼ hours in T54.

Looking forward to the larger maps in AH2! :aok
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Zazen13 on July 11, 2004, 04:19:47 AM
Originally posted by beet1e
And would that be during USPT? That might have something to do with it.

Drediock said "No. what some of us want is not to be FORCED into playing in a MASSIVE furball environment. May be fun for some. But not for everyone. I SOMETIMES enjoy the furball but it sure as hell isnt what I want to be forced into doing all the time." I agree entirely. And I agree with pretty much everything else he said in the above post.

There isn't a *good* map or a *bad* map. There isn't a *good* engagement or a *bad* engagement. It all comes down to one thing: Personal preference. I have long since accepted that different people want different things out of AH. There is no "right" way or "wrong" way. Different maps offer different choices.

As long as the map rotation is balanced and fair, there will be something for everyone in the course of one full rotation. Right now it's small maps all the time, which is partly why I've flown only 3¼ hours in T54.

Looking forward to the larger maps in AH2! :aok

Read my reply post to Dreidock above this one, it applies here too, we posted at about the same time.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: GODO on July 11, 2004, 04:33:19 AM
I would love to have a map-generator with a generation-rules editor, and then use the map editor just to retouch minor details. IMO, all the current small maps are too used, too old. And the big maps are too few and too similar.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Citabria on July 11, 2004, 07:05:38 AM
Originally posted by MetaTron
Let it go, OverLag. These guys are disconnected and have no idea what we're about. The whole point of their bbs (BS) domination is to run their agenda up the HTC flagpole and to hell with the rest of us.

Eventually, the will of the user population will overwhelm their crap.


Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Jackal1 on July 11, 2004, 08:53:02 AM
:D  About time. I had the stamp laying on the desktop, but couldn`t find the guide handbook to see the official policy for usage of said stamp.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Citabria on July 11, 2004, 09:08:16 AM
only USDA choice metavoss whines recieve the official seal.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: MetaTron on July 11, 2004, 11:04:34 AM
Hmm, Fester's right hand must be worn out with all the offline time he has. CHaffing a problem there Fester old BOY?
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: 68DevilM on July 11, 2004, 11:17:56 AM
Originally posted by Zazen13
Pushing for huge maps because of a deficiency in your personal computer rig is just sad. If your computer can't handle furballs that's not our fault, upgrade your system, don't make us fly for 2 hour looking for reluctant enemy cons because you have inadequate hardware for the high end entertainment we call Aces High.

hell kills are good but base captures are the name of the game, and as far as computer upgrading,, how the hell do you think im still playing this premature version game, that should have been probably tested out a little longer before ripping the already working one out of our hands, so i guess what your saing is you like the small maps better so you can get kills eaiser when theres a furball,,  hmm yep :aok
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Zazen13 on July 11, 2004, 01:43:06 PM
Originally posted by 68DevilM
hell kills are good but base captures are the name of the game, and as far as computer upgrading,, how the hell do you think im still playing this premature version game, that should have been probably tested out a little longer before ripping the already working one out of our hands, so i guess what your saing is you like the small maps better so you can get kills eaiser when theres a furball,,  hmm yep :aok

I beg to differ. The "Name of the Game" as you put it, IS Air to Air combat. The base capturing merely provides an interesting context within which the fights can occur. You are confusing the means and the end. Bases come and go, maps come and go, the fighting itself is the constant, it is what makes AH the enjoyable game it is. Without the air to air fighting AH would just be multi-player RISK.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: MadSquirrel on July 11, 2004, 02:04:48 PM
I beg to differ. The "Name of the Game" as you put it, IS Air to Air combat.

And I beg to differ.  First, the "Name of the Game" is combat, not just Air to Air combat.  Second of all, without the base capture, you might as well be flying MS Combat sim.  There is an overall theme that exists to attract a larger cross section of Sim drivers.

I partially agree with you in your statement that:  The base capturing merely provides an interesting context within which the fights can occur.  But the reverse is also true.  Without the base capture, there would be no incentive for the fights.  Yes, you will have the ones that just want to furball, but there a those that the furball is just part of the overall appeal of the main strategy.

Consider this.  Two unsinkable carriers in the middle of an ocean.  Pilots takeoff and do battle time and again.  After a while, the fun would be gone.  This varied venue keeps the interest level up.  The same maps keep coming up, but the battle is new every time.

Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Busher on July 11, 2004, 02:24:05 PM
Ummm, we know better Metatron, Hornets are all about score whoring, you know it, everyone knows it, pretending otherwise for the sake of argument is transparent and quite lame .

You don't know any of my squadron or how they fight or fly so keep this BS to yourself.:mad:
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Zazen13 on July 11, 2004, 02:58:30 PM
Originally posted by Busher
You don't know any of my squadron or how they fight or fly so keep this BS to yourself.:mad:

I know all about your squadron and what they are about, we all do. I have known some of your people for many years. Dismount your high horse. This whole thread was started by your very own Metapotato whining because he and the rest of you can't get your lil' base captures to pretty up your scores because there's no undefended fields for you guys to womp with your lil' band of spawncamping scorepotatos.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Zazen13 on July 11, 2004, 03:00:57 PM
Originally posted by MadSquirrel

And I beg to differ.  First, the "Name of the Game" is combat, not just Air to Air combat.  Second of all, without the base capture, you might as well be flying MS Combat sim.  There is an overall theme that exists to attract a larger cross section of Sim drivers.

I partially agree with you in your statement that:  The base capturing merely provides an interesting context within which the fights can occur.  But the reverse is also true.  Without the base capture, there would be no incentive for the fights.  Yes, you will have the ones that just want to furball, but there a those that the furball is just part of the overall appeal of the main strategy.

Consider this.  Two unsinkable carriers in the middle of an ocean.  Pilots takeoff and do battle time and again.  After a while, the fun would be gone.  This varied venue keeps the interest level up.  The same maps keep coming up, but the battle is new every time.

:aok [/B]

That's what 'provides an interesting context means' obviously. As for the game not being about air combat I think you are wrong. Aces "HIGH" is all about air combat, the other stuff was added as an afterthought again to enhance the overall experience. But, you subtract GV's from AH, you still have a great game, you subtract Airplanes from AH, you have diddly squat....
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: beet1e on July 11, 2004, 03:04:10 PM
Originally posted by MadSquirrel

And I beg to differ.  First, the "Name of the Game" is combat, not just Air to Air combat.  Second of all, without the base capture, you might as well be flying MS Combat sim.  There is an overall theme that exists to attract a larger cross section of Sim drivers.

I partially agree with you in your statement that:  The base capturing merely provides an interesting context within which the fights can occur.  But the reverse is also true.  Without the base capture, there would be no incentive for the fights.  [/B]

Agreed!!! :aok :aok :)
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Busher on July 11, 2004, 04:02:43 PM
I know all about your squadron and what they are about, we all do. I have known some of your people for many years. Dismount your high horse.

OK - you are entitled to your opinion.

My opinion is U should take on individuals and not a team.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Furball on July 11, 2004, 04:24:24 PM
Originally posted by Zazen13
I know all about your squadron and what they are about, we all do. I have known some of your people for many years. Dismount your high horse. This whole thread was started by your very own Metapotato whining because he and the rest of you can't get your lil' base captures to pretty up your scores because there's no undefended fields for you guys to womp with your lil' band of spawncamping scorepotatos.

WTF zazen, you know that isnt true.  In fact - im disgusted you would even say that.

For a start, Hornets have a large squadron.  Some like the GV aspect, others rarely touch them.  Some like to play for rank, i know i do occasionally, i do it sometimes because its good to set yourself targets in the game to aim for - it gives incentive for improvement, along with other stats such as k/d k/s k/t.  

Whats the prob with meta asking for the big maps back? all the small maps are too crowded and give those that want to avoid the mass gangbangings no alternative.

Hornets is in my opinion the best and the most tight knit squadron in aces high.  I would never be in any other squad, and dont be suprised if you get a lot more squad members pissed off with you about this.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Arlo on July 11, 2004, 04:40:01 PM
Originally posted by Zazen13
That's what 'provides an interesting context means' obviously. As for the game not being about air combat I think you are wrong. Aces "HIGH" is all about air combat, the other stuff was added as an afterthought again to enhance the overall experience. But, you subtract GV's from AH, you still have a great game, you subtract Airplanes from AH, you have diddly squat....

Zaz, buddy ... he's an LTAR .... D. They actually think HT needs to stop modeling planes altogether and add 40 new GV models. :lol
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Jackal1 on July 11, 2004, 05:36:44 PM
Originally posted by Furball

Whats the prob with meta asking for the big maps back? all the small maps are too crowded and give those that want to avoid the mass gangbangings no alternative.

Hornets is in my opinion the best and the most tight knit squadron in aces high.  I would never be in any other squad, and dont be suprised if you get a lot more squad members pissed off with you about this.

Gonna have to go with Busher and Furby about the Hornets being a good squad. Most of the guys with the Hornets that I have flown with have great reps in the game and are a lot of fun to be online with.
  There lies the prob that has been a curiousity . How in the hell did MetaTron................ awww hell , let`s get to it...How the hell did VOSS get in this squad? ( you can call a squad by any name, it`s the players that makes it)I mean someone who pulled the lamest rip off attempt in the history of the internet. Not only that, but it was targeted at the Flightsim community itself........ya know the community that we all have in common.  Then to compund matters the li`l sick , pathetic puke goes on to conjour up stories of Brain tumors, scorpion bites while on secrets Ops for the CIA, F-16 pilot, etc to try and cover his butt from repercussions. C`mon guys , Hornets don`t deserve to be associated with someone who tryed to rip off our little part of the internetdom.
  Ever notice how during the week MetaVOSS is all peachs and cream about things, then come the weekend, (HINT... when HTC office is closed), he is on the BBS and in the game spouting all the BS to get things stirred up.  Hell, he knows all the stuff that`s going on at HTC right now trying to get things worked out, but then comes in here on the weekend spouting about something so far on the back burner it`s unreal.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Arlo on July 11, 2004, 05:52:50 PM
Voss wants you to invest in his game. KenJr offers a free ride in his B-17 with each PC purchase. MrBlack wants to kick your arse at the con. I say give them all gratis accounts with the one prerequisite being they have to fly in the same squad and keep the above names. Kind of like sex offender registration.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: SirLoin on July 11, 2004, 05:58:16 PM
Originally posted by Zazen13
Ummm, we know better Metatron, Hornets are all about score whoring, you know it, everyone knows it...:aok

Anytime u want a lesson in duelin let us know Zazen.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Arlo on July 11, 2004, 06:00:52 PM
Originally posted by SirLoin
Anytime u want a lesson in duelin let us know Zazen.

Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Replicant on July 11, 2004, 06:07:01 PM
Originally posted by Zazen13
I know all about your squadron and what they are about, we all do. I have known some of your people for many years. Dismount your high horse. This whole thread was started by your very own Metapotato whining because he and the rest of you can't get your lil' base captures to pretty up your scores because there's no undefended fields for you guys to womp with your lil' band of spawncamping scorepotatos.

High horse?  You haven't the decency to argue without dragging others in?  You know very little about the members of 418 Sqn and its history.  There's some guys that fly with us that I always looked up to before they even joined the Hornets.  Some that many have learned from (such as Furball, Busher, DsrtRat, bluedeth, JOC, SirLoin, escafe, attila2, ESB, Hammy, Swoop, BillReed, OverBKil, Cavalear, Acid, Overlag, Mox, snafu, Ripsnort, SlowHand....).  For you to tarnish our squadron is just displaying your complete ignorance and stupidity.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Arlo on July 11, 2004, 06:11:46 PM
As a side note .... and certainly not saying anything derogatory about the Hornets .... I notice Metatron was not on your list.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Jackal1 on July 11, 2004, 06:17:12 PM
Originally posted by Arlo
Voss wants you to invest in his game. KenJr offers a free ride in his B-17 with each PC purchase. MrBlack wants to kick your arse at the con. I say give them all gratis accounts with the one prerequisite being they have to fly in the same squad and keep the above names. Kind of like sex offender registration.

Bwahaaaahhhhaaah!!!! sig material. :D
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: MetaTron on July 11, 2004, 06:41:34 PM
Jackal has his head shoved so far up his own butt his brains are oozing with poop. Makes a nice mental image, Citabria jacking off, zazen running away mentally, and jackal spewing chit. What a wonderful group picture you three would make.

Urchit, the word 'hoard' is appropriate to the situation I outlined. I'm sorry you haven't the mental capacity to put it together.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Citabria on July 11, 2004, 06:41:49 PM
Originally posted by Arlo
Voss wants you to invest in his game. KenJr offers a free ride in his B-17 with each PC purchase. MrBlack wants to kick your arse at the con. I say give them all gratis accounts with the one prerequisite being they have to fly in the same squad and keep the above names. Kind of like sex offender registration.

heh classic
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Citabria on July 11, 2004, 06:46:12 PM
Originally posted by MetaTron
Jackal has his head shoved so far up his own butt his brains are oozing with poop. Makes a nice mental image, Citabria jacking off, zazen running away mentally, and jackal spewing chit. What a wonderful group picture you three would make.

Urchit, the word 'hoard' is appropriate to the situation I outlined. I'm sorry you haven't the mental capacity to put it together.

Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Overlag on July 11, 2004, 06:50:13 PM
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: MetaTron on July 11, 2004, 07:00:23 PM
You have to wonder why Fester's mother would ever have kept that picture of him as a lad. He was one ugly fug.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Overlag on July 11, 2004, 07:06:12 PM
this thread should be renamed "lets bash hornets" :(

i wonder how many bish are the bashers....

no wait, its only the guys we shoot down that are annoyed :aok
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Estes on July 11, 2004, 07:08:30 PM
The funny part me to me is voss never tells you to shut up about calling him a lieing, ****bag scam artist. :)
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Citabria on July 11, 2004, 07:20:55 PM
Originally posted by MetaVoss
Hmm, Fester's right hand must be worn out with all the offline time he has. CHaffing a problem there Fester old BOY?

Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Overlag on July 11, 2004, 08:57:47 PM
Originally posted by Citabria

Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: MetaTron on July 11, 2004, 09:26:47 PM
Estes, the only scumbag in these threads are bashing 'Voss.'

Oh, wait. That includes you.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Jackal1 on July 11, 2004, 09:38:26 PM
Originally posted by MetaTron
Estes, the only scumbag in these threads are bashing 'Voss.'


VOSS/Preddy/BarneyFife , whatever , changing your name don`t feed the bulldog.
  BTW I noticed you are still seeing my "crap" as you put it.
 Can ya hear me now? lmao
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Estes on July 11, 2004, 10:18:19 PM
Originally posted by MetaTron
Estes, the only scumbag in these threads are bashing 'Voss.'

Oh, wait. That includes you.

Pretending you're not voss isn't fooling anyone. :)
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: MetaTron on July 11, 2004, 10:38:30 PM
You haven't got a clue, Estes. :lol
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Estes on July 11, 2004, 10:43:22 PM
Probably true. But you do?

Can you tell me how to fly an f-16? I always wanted to do that.
Oh yeah, and tell me how to make and run a flight sim.. That would be really cool.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Arlo on July 11, 2004, 10:55:35 PM
Can't. The skorpion bite affected his memory.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: DrDea on July 11, 2004, 11:21:53 PM
Wow.Ive said my peace on this.Nothing on the Hornets but I would rather be seen with a gay fat man than Voss in my squad.:rofl
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Zazen13 on July 11, 2004, 11:39:16 PM
Originally posted by Furball
WTF zazen, you know that isnt true.  In fact - im disgusted you would even say that.

For a start, Hornets have a large squadron.  Some like the GV aspect, others rarely touch them.  Some like to play for rank, i know i do occasionally, i do it sometimes because its good to set yourself targets in the game to aim for - it gives incentive for improvement, along with other stats such as k/d k/s k/t.  

Whats the prob with meta asking for the big maps back? all the small maps are too crowded and give those that want to avoid the mass gangbangings no alternative.

Hornets is in my opinion the best and the most tight knit squadron in aces high.  I would never be in any other squad, and dont be suprised if you get a lot more squad members pissed off with you about this.

Lol and I give a crap what you personally think about Metapotato and the Hornets why?!?! lol

Sometimes the truth hurts, deal with it and move on

Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Citabria on July 12, 2004, 01:05:39 AM
Originally posted by MetaTron
Estes, the only scumbag in these threads are bashing 'Voss.'

Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Arlo on July 12, 2004, 01:09:42 AM
Someone fix his straightjacket ..... it's crooked.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: MetaTron on July 12, 2004, 02:09:07 AM
None of you bastards are fit company anyway. Hornets are the best there is. No squadron I've ever had the pleasure to fly with has ever had so much fun, been such outstanding sports, and still been able to lead all you turds in tour after tour.

Berating me doesn't hurt them. It doesn't hurt me, either. I see you guys for the worthless fugs you are. My skin can easily withstand your ****.

But, thanks for hijacking yet another thread. Your efforts to reduce the desire for larger maps into another rant against ancient ****ing history has been noted.

You may now resume your sucking on Fester's anatomy.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Zazen13 on July 12, 2004, 02:17:06 AM
Originally posted by MetaTron
None of you bastards are fit company anyway. Hornets are the best there is. No squadron I've ever had the pleasure to fly with has ever had so much fun, been such outstanding sports, and still been able to lead all you turds in tour after tour.

Berating me doesn't hurt them. It doesn't hurt me, either. I see you guys for the worthless fugs you are. My skin can easily withstand your ****.

But, thanks for hijacking yet another thread. Your efforts to reduce the desire for larger maps into another rant against ancient ****ing history has been noted.

You may now resume your sucking on Fester's anatomy.

AHhhhhhhhh Finally, the true colors show themselves. I can't improve upon what Metapotato just posted here to prove my point, well done Metapotato, long live the potatonets. Nothing is more pure and sweet than the truth...truth at last, truth at last!

Proof that if if wait long enough the leopard always shows his spots ;)

and well done Fester and Jackal, we flushed him out real good! :D
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: beet1e on July 12, 2004, 02:57:36 AM
I think Skuzzy took a week's holiday starting at the July 4 weekend.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Overlag on July 12, 2004, 06:23:13 AM
Originally posted by Zazen13
AHhhhhhhhh Finally, the true colors show themselves. I can't improve upon what Metapotato just posted here to prove my point, well done Metapotato, long live the potatonets. Nothing is more pure and sweet than the truth...truth at last, truth at last!

Proof that if if wait long enough the leopard always shows his spots ;)

and well done Fester and Jackal, we flushed him out real good! :D

do you even PLAY AH? :rolleyes: or you just a forum troll looking to cause trouble?
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Overlag on July 12, 2004, 06:38:16 AM

so, well done to fester and Zazen13....
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Urchin on July 12, 2004, 06:38:51 AM
Originally posted by MetaTron
Jackal has his head shoved so far up his own butt his brains are oozing with poop. Makes a nice mental image, Citabria jacking off, zazen running away mentally, and jackal spewing chit. What a wonderful group picture you three would make.

Urchit, the word 'hoard' is appropriate to the situation I outlined. I'm sorry you haven't the mental capacity to put it together.

Main Entry: 1hoard
Pronunciation: 'hOrd, 'hord
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English hord, from Old English; akin to Gothic huzd treasure, Old English hydan to hide
: a supply or fund stored up and often hidden away

Main Entry: horde
Pronunciation: 'hOrd, 'hord
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle French, G, & Polish; Middle French & German, from Polish horda, from Ukrainian dialect gorda, alteration of Ukrainian orda, from Old Russian, from Turkic orda, ordu khan's residence
1 a : a political subdivision of central Asian nomads b : a people or tribe of nomadic life
2 : a teeming crowd or throng : SWARM

a HORDE of planes

So.. lemme go back and see how you used it..

With the large maps you actually see four and five man squads trying to capture fields (or at least we did). Those situations were perfect for fights (defense). Like I said above, all we get now is a few cons that up to defend, give up, and then nothing; or we get 20-30:1 hoards.

Lets try to see how this sentence would look if we replaced the words.. if your usage "is appropriate to the situation I outlined" it'll still make sense.  

[whine]Like I said above, all we get now is a few cons that up to defend, and then give up, and then nothing; or we get a 20:30:1 supply or fund stored up and hidden away. [/whine]

Damn.. that apparently doesn't make sense.  That is some long lasting, logic-effecting scorpion venom I guess.  

Now, we'll try the correct usage.  

[whine]Like I said above, all we get now is a few cons that up to defend, and then give up, and then nothing; or we get  20:30:1 teeming crowds or thongs [/whine]

You need to know the definition of "teeming", retard?  It shouldn't be to difficult to see that I am right, and you are wrong.  Thats the way it usually goes.  I'm sorry you haven't the mental capacity to put it together.

As far as the Hornets go... Sirloin is good, or at least he used to be.  If he still plays I can't imagine he has gotten any worse.  I've never been real impressed with the rest of em.

Oh, here is another definition that might be appropriate to the situation, Voss...

Main Entry: potatod
Pronunciation: 'hOrd, 'hord
Function: verb
Etymology: All the cool kids :)

1. to be made fun of horribly.
2.  to be beaten mentally in a chat room by the other       members,, i'm talking being really kicked around,, i'm talking mistreated too the 2nd power, and a good potato will just sit there and watch in silence
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Replicant on July 12, 2004, 07:03:45 AM
Originally posted by Urchin
As far as the Hornets go... Sirloin is good, or at least he used to be.  If he still plays I can't imagine he has gotten any worse.  I've never been real impressed with the rest of em.

I think the feeling is mutual Urchin, although you always crack us up with your luftwhining which is worth its weight in gold. :lol
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Urchin on July 12, 2004, 07:09:14 AM
I just meant as far as fighting ability goes... I'm sure you are all great people though.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Stang on July 12, 2004, 07:31:42 AM
I'm really enjoying this thread.  Go furballers!!  :rofl
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: ESB on July 12, 2004, 07:56:50 AM
How dare you lot slag the hornets off when knowing jack all about us, I bet you're only calling us score potatos because we do so well.

And what's your problem wit hour base captures? Because they are so well executed? Because non of you defend against it?
When the hornets take a base, it is an excellent example of a base capture. And you call us score potatos for it? Who scores apart from the goon? We all get 1 hanger kill and then no one ups. There's no points in that. Most of us don't give a damn about scoring, just playing for the country.
Title: Remember its only a game.......
Post by: Bunyip on July 12, 2004, 08:19:08 AM

still waiting for computer parts :mad:
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Replicant on July 12, 2004, 08:19:36 AM
Originally posted by Urchin
I just meant as far as fighting ability goes... I'm sure you are all great people though.

I'm the first to admit I'm a crap dogfighter but then I fly mostly in the jabo support role and hit whatever needs hitting.  We don't fly together all the time, quite often we lone wolf doing our own thing, fighter sweeps, GVs, buffs, defending stuff etc.  It's just that if we're all online then we have quite a turn out and the best option for us to fly and stay together is to take bases.  If we did fighter sweeps or buffing together then it gets tedious because there's only so many targets.  As with many other squads I think the fact that you're flying with friends make it more enjoyable more than the game itself.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Zazen13 on July 12, 2004, 08:38:51 AM
Originally posted by ESB
How dare you lot slag the hornets off when knowing jack all about us, I bet you're only calling us score potatos because we do so well.

And what's your problem wit hour base captures? Because they are so well executed? Because non of you defend against it?
When the hornets take a base, it is an excellent example of a base capture. And you call us score potatos for it? Who scores apart from the goon? We all get 1 hanger kill and then no one ups. There's no points in that. Most of us don't give a damn about scoring, just playing for the country.

ESB, hate to burst you're lil' bubble but I've known/flown with/against some of your precious potatonets for many years longer than you or most of the other potatonets have known them, long before AH even existed. I am quite qualified to make the statements I have made. In fact, Matapotatos own blustering comments have proven  the assertions I have made correct beyond a reasonable doubt.

By your own admission, you guys take bases that are undefended, what the hell does that prove?Finding some isolated base with no enemies, dropping hangers, and capturing it proves nothing, that's what we call a 'milkrun', that is why Metapotato wants huge maps back so you all can do that. Got news for ya, if that's fun for you, you don't even have to log-in, you can play by yourselves offline all you want and not have to worry about furballers killing you at all .


Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Jackal1 on July 12, 2004, 09:30:05 AM
Originally posted by MetaTron
None of you bastards are fit company anyway.

 It doesn't hurt me, either. I see you guys for the worthless fugs you are. My skin can easily withstand your ****.

Whaaaaaa Whaaaaaaaaaaa! Mommy, make the bad men stop.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Furball on July 12, 2004, 09:35:21 AM
i'm sorry we dont get your seal of approval Urchin, what are we going to do with ourselves now we know we suck so bad, can i pay you for lessons?

The Aces High community has degraded fast since the short time i've been here, clearly shows in this sort of thread where someone personally attacks another, then everyone else jumps on the bandwagon.  I am just suprised HT and co. are allowing this to go on.

My guess is half of these people attacking 'Voss' never actually flew with, or talked to him.

Originally posted by Zazen13
ESB, hate to burst you're lil' bubble but I've known/flown with/against some of your precious potatonets for many years longer than you or most of the other potatonets have known them, long before AH even existed.

I dont even know who the hell you are.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: beet1e on July 12, 2004, 09:39:08 AM
This thread has become a mess. Unsubscribing.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Jackal1 on July 12, 2004, 09:42:02 AM
Originally posted by Furball

My guess is half of these people attacking 'Voss' never actually flew with, or talked to him.

Sorry Furby, but who in the hell would want to fly or talk to someone who tryed to pull a rip off on our community? I`ll have to admit the coverup attempts were so pathetic they were hilarious.
  I mean sheeesh , c`mon, Hornets are a great bunch of guys, but what gives with aiding and harboring such a low life?
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Zazen13 on July 12, 2004, 09:42:32 AM
Originally posted by Furball


I dont even know who the hell you are.

Yea, likewise, who the hell are you? Never heard of you before. I've been playing this stuff for over a decade, and you? Anyways, nice to meet you... Have a nice day ! :rofl

Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Furball on July 12, 2004, 09:43:16 AM
well, if you know hornets as well as you say you do, you should know me?
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Overlag on July 12, 2004, 10:46:57 AM
Originally posted by Furball
well, if you know hornets as well as you say you do, you should know me?

he doesnt even play it furball.......hence hes so good at forum work, along with fester right now........
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Sooner00 on July 12, 2004, 11:15:07 AM
I've flown with the Hornets and MetaTron a little they are a good group, having said that why are their posters out there just waiting to jump someones post? I liked the bigger maps for the smaller engagments.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: MetaTron on July 12, 2004, 11:54:24 AM
I just looked you up on the score page 'Zazen.'

How are you doing, VOSS? :D
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Grimm on July 12, 2004, 11:56:54 AM
Iv no problem with Hornets.  

Probably most folks feel that way, its just your association with a certain extremely questionable individual that sets everyone off.    The flight community has a long memory and will probably never forget.  Rightfuly so I might add.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Citabria on July 12, 2004, 12:19:46 PM
grimm hit it.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: ESB on July 12, 2004, 12:42:05 PM
Originally posted by Zazen13
By your own admission, you guys take bases that are undefended, what the hell does that prove?Finding some isolated base with no enemies, dropping hangers, and capturing it proves nothing, that's what we call a 'milkrun', that is why Metapotato wants huge maps back so you all can do that. Got news for ya, if that's fun for you, you don't even have to log-in, you can play by yourselves offline all you want and not have to worry about furballers killing you at all .
Zazen [/B]

Zazen, why don't i give you a shovel so you can dig urself a bigger hole.

We take bases taht are undefended because we are not mindless furballers, we do like to use tactics. The whole objective of the game is to take as many bases as possible, fighting round a base with 30 other people does nothing, going for an undefended base and droppign the hangers is called tactics, we can't be score potatos if there's no one upping to kill.

And no milkrunning is when a load of people take one base after another, we just take one.

We don't like to jsut take bases, we do dogfight, but we like to do it as a squad, we do fighter sweeps and work together, and it works.

Metatron isn't the only one that wants a bigger map, these small maps get boring quick, because all that happens is mindless furballing around just a few bases, now that gets boring quick.

why do you think we take undefended bases?!? To liven things up.

And like Furball said.... Who are you?
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Arlo on July 12, 2004, 12:49:45 PM
Originally posted by ESB
And no milkrunning is when a load of people take one base after another, we just take one.


Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Lazer on July 12, 2004, 12:53:37 PM
Hornets are a kickass squad if you ask me.  I don't know anything about this Voss crap, so I better just keep my mouth shut.

I just thought the insult against the hornets as a group was a low blow.:D

As far as the Hornets "leading" everyone else tour to tour MetaTron, score is a lame attribute that many don't fuss with.;)
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: sax on July 12, 2004, 02:35:37 PM
Hornets are a great bunch , Nexx is a friend always will be.

As far as Voss , the guy may or may not have changed who knows. I personally will never associate with him under what ever name.
The Voss who belonged to the 13th was arrogant , a lier , and a manipulator.
He loved to stir up trouble , especially on the BBS and then scurry for cover to await his squaddies to come to his defense . It was kinda his sick way to get attention.

If he is a member of the Hornets and contributes possitively to thier squad online and offline , well best of luck to both.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: DrDea on July 12, 2004, 02:37:25 PM
Grim  hit it top dead center.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Jackal1 on July 12, 2004, 02:37:39 PM
Originally posted by Grimm
Iv no problem with Hornets.  

Probably most folks feel that way, its just your association with a certain extremely questionable individual that sets everyone off.    The flight community has a long memory and will probably never forget.  Rightfuly so I might add.

Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Grimm on July 12, 2004, 02:42:29 PM
Originally posted by Lazer
I don't know anything about this Voss crap

If your interested,  take a stroll thru this thread (

Greyeagles comments probably give the most insight into why people react so venomously.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Zazen13 on July 12, 2004, 02:51:16 PM
Originally posted by sax
Hornets are a great bunch , Nexx is a friend always will be.

As far as Voss , the guy may or may not have changed who knows. I personally will never associate with him under what ever name.
The Voss who belonged to the 13th was arrogant , a lier , and a manipulator.
He loved to stir up trouble , especially on the BBS and then scurry for cover to await his squaddies to come to his defense . It was kinda his sick way to get attention.

If he is a member of the Hornets and contributes possitively to thier squad online and offline , well best of luck to both.

Hmm sounds exactly like what he has done here....yet again. Changed?...I think not! Same old jerk! :rolleyes:
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Replicant on July 12, 2004, 02:56:27 PM
Originally posted by sax
Hornets are a great bunch , Nexx is a friend always will be.

Hey Sax, thank you for your kind words! :)  I owe 13th TAS and you guys for teaching me everything! :)  
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Zazen13 on July 12, 2004, 03:10:31 PM
Originally posted by Furball
well, if you know hornets as well as you say you do, you should know me?

I should ?!? Where did I say I know every single person in the potatonets? I said I know "MANY" of them, you are not one I know. Feel better now? ;)

Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Zazen13 on July 12, 2004, 03:16:24 PM
Originally posted by ESB
Zazen, why don't i give you a shovel so you can dig urself a bigger hole.

We take bases taht are undefended because we are not mindless furballers, we do like to use tactics. The whole objective of the game is to take as many bases as possible, fighting round a base with 30 other people does nothing, going for an undefended base and droppign the hangers is called tactics, we can't be score potatos if there's no one upping to kill.

Ummmm, dude, maybe for the thrill of experiencing virtual air to air combat?!?!? What is the thrill in milkrunning undefended bases? Most people who are forking over 15 bucks a month are doing so because they enjoy the air to air combat for it's own sake. Paying 15 bucks a month to fly a WW2 Combat Flight Simulator just to  be a non-combatant real estate broker seems somewhat lame to me. But, hey that's just one fighter dweebs opinion. In the end you, Metapotato, and the potatonets do whatever gets your rocks off. Just don't punish the rest of us by demanding we play in giant spacious vacuums that are disproportionately large relative to the number of players just so you can have your lil' milkrun parties in peace, is all.

Have a nice day! :cool:

Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Westy on July 12, 2004, 03:22:19 PM
Paying money each month to play a game where all you do (or stive to) is bomb inanimate, pixelated objects that don't fight back is like forking over a subscription to an online racing sim and being the shuttle bus driver making runs for people going between the grand stands and the parking lot.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Zazen13 on July 12, 2004, 03:23:48 PM
Originally posted by Westy
Paying money each month to play a game where all you do (or stive to) is bomb inanimate, pixelated objects that don't fight back is like forking over a subscription to an online racing sim and being the shuttle bus driver making runs for people going between the grand stands and the parking lot.

ROFLMFAO, very apt anology Westy. That's exactly it! And they're mad because on the smaller maps ALL the fields are defended, so they can't just fight the pixels alone, in peace. They've got to fight other people! How rediculous is that! The fact that they pay good money to play a MASSIVELY MULTIPLAYER COMBAT Sim then endeavor to avoid combat altogether and play alone with the defenseless pixels is even more rediculous.

Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Dead Man Flying on July 12, 2004, 03:28:45 PM
The 418th are fun to fly against.  They're often coordinated and determined.  Voss is a headcase and obviously score-obsessed, but I wouldn't let one bad apple soil my impression of the rest of them.  Good bunch.

-- Todd/Leviathn
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Zazen13 on July 12, 2004, 03:33:53 PM
Originally posted by Dead Man Flying
The 418th are fun to fly against.  They're often coordinated and determined.  Voss is a headcase and obviously score-obsessed, but I wouldn't let one bad apple soil my impression of the rest of them.  Good bunch.

-- Todd/Leviathn

Probably true to a limited extent, but unfortunately for the potatonets, Metapotato has designated himself as their official spokesperson, so he tends to cast aspersions on the rest of them by association as he has done in the past and continues to do.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Replicant on July 12, 2004, 03:34:38 PM
Originally posted by Westy
Paying money each month to play a game where all you do (or stive to) is bomb inanimate, pixelated objects that don't fight back is like forking over a subscription to an online racing sim and being the shuttle bus driver making runs for people going between the grand stands and the parking lot.

And who exactly does that?  It's boring if you don't get any opposition.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Zazen13 on July 12, 2004, 03:36:17 PM
Originally posted by Replicant
And who exactly does that?  It's boring if you don't get any opposition.

The potatonets do according to Metapotato and ESB's posts here. You should read their posts, they're your squaddies and are indirectly speaking on your behalf. :eek:

Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: 214thCavalier on July 12, 2004, 03:45:37 PM
Zazen i know your having fun baiting and netting the lil fishes.
However continually insulting the entire squad by referring to them as potatonets when you have a problem with an individual is unwarranted.
I would hope you could appreciate that fact and alter the target of your insults accordingly.

As for how the guys decide to play the game, paying their subs earns you the right to criticise them.

One things for sure, for this Hornet you can trawl back as far as you like and will never find the slightest hint of me flying for score.

And attacking undefended fields is totally boring and a waste of time, in fact i even find vulching a defended field boring as well and rarely bother.

Zazen the 418th is a large squad if some are happy attacking undefended fields good luck to them they pays their money, but again to call the whole squad is going too far.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Furball on July 12, 2004, 03:55:29 PM
Originally posted by Zazen13
I should ?!? Where did I say I know every single person in the potatonets? I said I know "MANY" of them, you are not one I know. Feel better now? ;)


So... you generalising a large squad, by the 1 or 2 you know...  which is the point i was getting to, and said in my first post here:-

Originally posted by Furball

For a start, Hornets have a large squadron.  Some like the GV aspect, others rarely touch them.  Some like to play for rank.

Which is what i was trying to get at. Its a big squad and everyone is good at their own thing, just counted the roster on squad score pages, and we have 52 members in 2 wings.  And you are calling us potatonets because of the 1 or 2 you know.

Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Lazer on July 12, 2004, 03:56:11 PM
hahah.. Where is this GreyEagle guy?

I like him... :D
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Furball on July 12, 2004, 03:57:17 PM
want me to ask him for his phone number for ya? ill hook you up for a date :D
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Furious on July 12, 2004, 03:58:42 PM
When you associate with liars and *******s, don't be shocked when you are lumped in with their lot.

BTW Voss, where's that MA map?  ...and that 3d skin tester app?
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Zazen13 on July 12, 2004, 04:00:27 PM
Originally posted by Furball
So... you generalising a large squad, by the 1 or 2 you know...  which is the point i was getting to, and said in my first post here:-


Which is what i was trying to get at. Its a big squad and everyone is good at their own thing, just counted the roster on squad score pages, and we have 52 members in 2 wings.  And you are calling us potatonets because of the 1 or 2 you know.


I know alot more than 1 or 2. ;)  But, yes, obviously I am generalizing somewhat, but given what Metapotato has posted about your goals and mindset you leave myself and any other reasonable person with no other conclusion to draw.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Furball on July 12, 2004, 04:01:56 PM
Originally posted by Furious
When you associate with liars and *******s, don't be shocked when you are lumped in with their lot.

I have nothing personal against him, never offended me or been nasty to me in any way.  I have no need to dislike him, and being a squaddie i would always stick up for him.  I'm sure you would too for squad members?
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: kevykev56 on July 12, 2004, 04:02:14 PM
Ummmm, dude, maybe for the thrill of experiencing virtual air to air combat?!?!? What is the thrill in milkrunning undefended bases? Most people who are forking over 15 bucks a month are doing so because they enjoy the air to air combat for it's own sake. Paying 15 bucks a month to fly a WW2 Combat Flight Simulator just to be a non-combatant real estate broker seems somewhat lame to me. But, hey that's just one fighter dweebs opinion. In the end you, Metapotato, and the potatonets do whatever gets your rocks off. Just don't punish the rest of us by demanding we play in giant spacious vacuums that are disproportionately large relative to the number of players just so you can have your lil' milkrun parties in peace, is all.

That's exactly it! And they're mad because on the smaller maps ALL the fields are defended, so they can't just fight the pixels alone, in peace. They've got to fight other people! How rediculous is that! The fact that they pay good money to play a MASSIVELY MULTIPLAYER COMBAT Sim then endeavor to avoid combat altogether and play alone with the defenseless pixels is even more rediculous.

So zazen by your accounts we shouldnt even have ordanance enabled?  What would be the point? A2G is a part of warfare. It was used during war to slow an enemy or force them to retreat. To remove that aspect from the game would be taking away a real part af Air combat.....wars arent just fought plane to plane.

This is why Hitech added these elements to the game. Nobody wants to just kill a base and take a shot at a pixel. Its about making the enemy react to you...not reacting to them. It effects the other team, not the pixel that is destroyed. It is about seeing the big picture and not just the next guy in your sights.

If it is all about the furball and the next kill I would suggest H2H, get your fill in there, kill all the people with unlimited ammo. Stand on top of the tower an yell "I AM THE GREATEST!!!!", Or is there not a big enough audience in there for you?

Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Boozer2 on July 12, 2004, 04:04:13 PM
...and it's no business of mine if that's how they want to spend thier money, why take it away from them?

 I'd like to leave the "Hornet" option always available to all new players for instance. I can imagine that it would be a great benefit for "trial account joe" to be able to actually fly into a lesser defended field for once without getting jumped by 20 LA-7s and N1Ks, just for the learning experience. If some guys prefer it always, thats fine too, no skin off my back.

    I'm definitely ready for the big maps to be put back in rotation too, small maps just leave fewer options for everyone. I get tired of having to face a horde every flight, my preference is searching out the nice  2v2 ,3v3, or 4v4. Small maps have nothing but the 30v30 which gets boring for me.  
  I've heard complaints by furballers that they can't find their fight on a big map... hmm... is it that folks have to be forced to fly nothing but furballs for their fight to materialize? Is that what the furballers are saying? If you give folks the option, the majority doesn't choose your favorite?
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Zazen13 on July 12, 2004, 04:04:28 PM
Originally posted by 214thCavalier
Zazen i know your having fun baiting and netting the lil fishes.
However continually insulting the entire squad by referring to them as potatonets when you have a problem with an individual is unwarranted.
I would hope you could appreciate that fact and alter the target of your insults accordingly.

As for how the guys decide to play the game, paying their subs earns you the right to criticise them.

One things for sure, for this Hornet you can trawl back as far as you like and will never find the slightest hint of me flying for score.

And attacking undefended fields is totally boring and a waste of time, in fact i even find vulching a defended field boring as well and rarely bother.

Zazen the 418th is a large squad if some are happy attacking undefended fields good luck to them they pays their money, but again to call the whole squad is going too far.

I thought potatonets was a cute play on words actually. :D In any event, yes, I do delight in giving people of low moral character the rope with which to publicly hang themselves. It's a fetish, I know. But, within my bait and hook posts I have contributed meaningfully to the original debate at hand, making a concerted effort to refocus on that topic continually. Admittedly, coercing Metapotato into publicly showing his arse became an alterior motive. But it's so damn fun I couldn't resist :D I do call into question any squadron who harbors Metapotato and his ilk, I can only conclude it is because he's a scorepotato and helps keep your squad in bright lights on top of the leaderboard. It surely isn't because of his pleasant demeanor, charming personality or his innate ability to work and play well with others.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Lazer on July 12, 2004, 04:09:41 PM
I don't want to come on too strong Furball ;)
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Westy on July 12, 2004, 04:10:11 PM
"If it is all about the furball"

It's ALL about player versus player combat.

As a kid ever play a game called "Red Rover?"

quick refresher.....

Milkrunning and shed battling,  where there is no enemy defending and the lack of resistance is what attacker prefers, is like playing "Red Rover."   But with no opposing team to rush through.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: straffo on July 12, 2004, 04:13:55 PM
The only hornet that deserve insults is .... ...


I'm still waiting for my typhoon picture !
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Furball on July 12, 2004, 04:14:58 PM

Whats your e-mail? :)
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: kevykev56 on July 12, 2004, 04:15:48 PM
It's ALL about player versus player combat.

And you dont see taking a base as Player vs Player? Defended or not, it is Team vs Team.

Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Zazen13 on July 12, 2004, 04:19:47 PM
Originally posted by Boozer2

  I've heard complaints by furballers that they can't find their fight on a big map... hmm... is it that folks have to be forced to fly nothing but furballs for their fight to materialize? Is that what the furballers are saying? If you give folks the option, the majority doesn't choose your favorite?

Are you a scientifically inclined person? Are you familiar with the term diffusion? Diffusion is the movement of material from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration. In terms of this game when you provide a space overly large for the 'material' (people) they tend to diffuse. Not by any conscious decision or choice per se, but because they seek to fill the areas of low concetration to prevent 'foreign material' (enemies) from infiltrating their space. While this sounds good in theory, what happens is there is a critical point where the space itself becomes so large in relation to the 'material' that not all the space can be occupied by all sides.

So what you have is areas with a few people, areas with just one side or another, and almost never any areas with several to many from both sides. This can be deduced mathematically by the laws of averages, dividing the space into units and dividing those units by players. My contention is that HUGE maps actually, by no conscious player will, PREVENT anything vaguely resembling furballs from forming except in the rarest of circumstances. Worse yet, with large spaces, what tends to happen is specific areas will be overrun by one side or the other, precluding by virtue of numerical disparity the inclusion of the other side, one sided gang-bangs, vulch fests and ultimately milkrunning ensues. At least on small maps you tend to have relatively equal forces meeting each other at strategic focal points due to high overall concentration.

To put this more simply by generalizing:

Small Maps = Furballs
Big Maps = Gang-Bangs, Vulch-Fests and Milkrunning

If I had a choice I know which I'd choose....

Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Furball on July 12, 2004, 04:21:57 PM
Straffo, this is what you need: -

here ( (at the bottom)
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: straffo on July 12, 2004, 04:24:38 PM
yummmy !!!

Furby :)
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: dsrtrat on July 12, 2004, 04:28:44 PM
Awwww booo hooo Zazen!!! Seems you have put a lot of time and energy into discussing our squad. Nothing makes me happier than bringing out the whiner in someone. You, Jackel1 and Urchin stepped up to the plate perfectly. Keep it up boys!!! Every post you make on here makes me happy to know that you can't ignore our squad or make it go away.  So let's start counting. How many replies will you sorry sacks make? Remember we are keeping score now!

To show no hard feelings I bought you and you boyfriends something.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: MetaTron on July 12, 2004, 04:29:17 PM
Urchitforbrains, you obviously know what hoard means. Apply it to the crowd. 'Hoarding' bases to win the reset. You Whine potatos don't have a clue. Hold three fingers up in front of your face and read between the lines, dumbazz.

Now, write me another 500 words on why you're not stupid as chit-fer-brains-tardling Zazen (who can't buy a center fight kill to save his ***).
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Zazen13 on July 12, 2004, 04:33:06 PM
Originally posted by MetaTron
Urchitforbrains, you obviously know what hoard means. Apply it to the crowd. 'Hoarding' bases to win the reset. You Whine potatos don't have a clue. Hold three fingers up in front of your face and read between the lines, dumbazz.

Now, write me another 500 words on why you're not stupid as chit-fer-brains-tardling Zazen (who can't buy a center fight kill to save his ***).

Id' love to make some witty reply to this, but for the life of me I can't figure what the hell you're saying. Is english your second language? Not being rude, just asking. ;)

Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Furball on July 12, 2004, 04:35:37 PM
hes directing that at urchin, and asking him to write 500 words on how he is not as stupid as you.  Oh.. and you cant kill anything on center island.

I hope that clears it up, i even did it in kiddie writing for you.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Zazen13 on July 12, 2004, 04:36:24 PM
Originally posted by Furball
hes directing that at urchin, and asking him to write 500 words on how he is not as stupid as you.  Oh.. and you cant kill anything on center island.

I hope that clears it up for you :D

Kill anything on center island? What does that mean? lol
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Furball on July 12, 2004, 04:37:41 PM
aww you replied before i could edit the size lol, guess it means you cant fight in the middle island furballs on maps like ozkanzas, furball island etc.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Zazen13 on July 12, 2004, 04:39:34 PM
Originally posted by Furball
aww you replied before i could edit the size lol, guess it means you cant fight in the middle island furballs on maps like ozkanzas, furball island etc.

Ummm, lol. Ok, I'll pretend that makes sense. After reading that post the irony of Metapotato calling me stupid is overwhelming! :D

Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Westy on July 12, 2004, 04:41:17 PM
"nd you dont see taking a base as Player vs Player?"

Nope.  Not as can be seen done in the AH MA these days.  It is RARE, if not downright extinct, to see a "team" attack a base that has an enemy presence already at it.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Zazen13 on July 12, 2004, 04:42:10 PM
Originally posted by dsrtrat
Awwww booo hooo Zazen!!! Seems you have put a lot of time and energy into discussing our squad. Nothing makes me happier than bringing out the whiner in someone. You, Jackel1 and Urchin stepped up to the plate perfectly. Keep it up boys!!! Every post you make on here makes me happy to know that you can't ignore our squad or make it go away.  So let's start counting. How many replies will you sorry sacks make? Remember we are keeping score now!

To show no hard feelings I bought you and you boyfriends something.

I  think you need to read this thread a lil' more carefully, the only whining being done is by Metapotato. Urchin, Jackal and myself are merely giving him the smackdown everytime he pops his peanut head up out of his hole. :D

Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Replicant on July 12, 2004, 04:47:54 PM
"The players in the game have evolved a keen sense of community and pride themselves not only in their skill, but their sense of camaraderie and fair play"

Nightmares are one of the best and largest squadrons in Aces High today..."

Shame they have such a wazzock as yourself...
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Zazen13 on July 12, 2004, 04:49:07 PM
Originally posted by Replicant
"The players in the game have evolved a keen sense of community and pride themselves not only in their skill, but their sense of camaraderie and fair play"

Nightmares are one of the best and largest squadrons in Aces High today..."

Shame they have such a wazzock as yourself...

Indeed ! :eek:


P.S. I don't take bait, I just cast it out ;) Nice try though!
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Furious on July 12, 2004, 04:49:09 PM
Originally posted by Furball
...I'm sure you would too for squad members?

Hell no.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Zazen13 on July 12, 2004, 05:01:17 PM
Originally posted by Westy
"nd you dont see taking a base as Player vs Player?"

Nope.  Not as can be seen done in the AH MA these days.  It is RARE, if not downright extinct, to see a "team" attack a base that has an enemy presence already at it.

Exactly Westy. Everyone seeks the path of least resistance foresaking the path of greatest fun. Kind of tragic really...
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: kevykev56 on July 12, 2004, 05:12:55 PM
Not as can be seen done in the AH MA these days. It is RARE, if not downright extinct, to see a "team" attack a base that has an enemy presence already at it.

Westy, what game have you been playing?? Certainly not AH2. Using your logic in AH2 a base could never be taken.  You need a team and effort from the 3rd country to make a diversion to take a field. There are no front line bases without enemy presence. The small maps and inability to pork ensure that.

3 teams, 3 unporkable 10K bases, tank town in between all 3 fields, unlimited ammo, unlimited fuel. No ord available.....make it a seperate how many of you would be happy?    now for how long will you be entertained?

Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: kevykev56 on July 12, 2004, 05:16:14 PM
Exactly Westy. Everyone seeks the path of least resistance foresaking the path of greatest fun. Kind of tragic really...

Greatest fun for who?   It must be real fun for you to drop in on a heavy attack aircraft with your lala. Real fun indeed! I see the tragedy here.

Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Furball on July 12, 2004, 05:17:40 PM
Originally posted by Furious
Hell no.

oh yeah, FDB :D
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Zazen13 on July 12, 2004, 05:18:37 PM
Originally posted by kevykev56
Greatest fun for who?   It must be real fun for you to drop in on a heavy attack aircraft with your lala. Real fun indeed! I see the tragedy here.


I have never flown an La7 ever, not once ever, and never will, try again ;)

Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: kevykev56 on July 12, 2004, 05:23:28 PM
Was a generalization,   Insert "your" favorite  fighter in place of the La7 and re read the will still apply.

Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Zazen13 on July 12, 2004, 05:25:45 PM
Originally posted by kevykev56
Was a generalization,   Insert "your" favorite  fighter in place of the La7 and re read the will still apply.


I have no problems jabo'ing on small maps, maybe you're going about it the wrong way? I have yet to be killed on a jabo mission.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: dsrtrat on July 12, 2004, 05:27:21 PM
That is 8. So far the tally is:

Zazen 8
Urchin 0
Jackal1 0

You are winning the whine by a good stretch. Keep up the good work!!!

I think you need to read this thread a lil' more carefully, the only whining being done is by Metapotato. Urchin, Jackal and myself are merely giving him the smackdown everytime he pops his peanut head up out of his hole.

Oh I have read the post. You have included more than MetaTron in your posts.

Keep up the good work on the whinescore though. I bet you will be the champ over everyone else. If it things get too tough for ya I will buy you an extra large towel.

8 and counting.

Damn, had to edit, you were crying while I was posting. Sorry I will try to be more precise next time.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: kevykev56 on July 12, 2004, 05:31:23 PM
once again,

Exactly Westy. Everyone seeks the path of least resistance foresaking the path of greatest fun. Kind of tragic really...

have no problems jabo'ing on small maps, maybe you're going about it the wrong way ?

So by your own account you are as "tragic" as everyone else. Of course unless you fly your jabo through the furball, survive and make it to the target.....possible if your in orbit only.

I believe I do it in the correct way, just as you do. You are very correct in the path of least resistance, Just dont act like its something bad to is smart to avoid the fight for a jabo run.

Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Zazen13 on July 12, 2004, 05:31:42 PM
Originally posted by dsrtrat
That is 8. So far the tally is:

Zazen 8
Urchin 0
Jackal1 0

You are winning the whine by a good stretch. Keep up the good work!!!

Oh I have read the post. You have included more than MetaTron in your posts.

Keep up the good work on the whinescore though. I bet you will be the champ over everyone else. If it things get too tough for ya I will buy you an extra large towel.

8 and counting.

Damn, had to edit, you were crying while I was posting. Sorry I will try to be more precise next time.

Was going to post something then realized you are not worth my time. Have a nice day! :D

Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: kevykev56 on July 12, 2004, 05:35:01 PM
Was going to post something then realized you are not worth my time. Have a nice day!  

What zazen says when he is beat down at his own game:)

Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Zazen13 on July 12, 2004, 05:36:15 PM
Originally posted by kevykev56
What zazen says when he is beat down at his own game:)


No, it's what Zazen says when he refuses to feed the trolls :aok

Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: kevykev56 on July 12, 2004, 05:38:24 PM
No, it's what Zazen says when he refuses to feed the trolls  

I thought that was your favorite past time?

Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Zazen13 on July 12, 2004, 05:39:41 PM
Originally posted by kevykev56
I thought that was your favorite past time?


Not at all, I do the trolling, I don't feed the trolls, I'm at the top of the troll food chain ;)

Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: kevykev56 on July 12, 2004, 05:44:15 PM
Not at all, I troll, I don't feed them, I'm on the top of the troll food chain  

I'll give you the first post on that, after that your a big juicy troll steak.

Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Urchin on July 12, 2004, 05:44:21 PM
Originally posted by MetaTron
Urchitforbrains, you obviously know what hoard means. Apply it to the crowd. 'Hoarding' bases to win the reset. You Whine potatos don't have a clue. Hold three fingers up in front of your face and read between the lines, dumbazz.

Now, write me another 500 words on why you're not stupid as chit-fer-brains-tardling Zazen (who can't buy a center fight kill to save his ***).

And if that had been your original usage of the word, you might have a leg to stand on.  It wasn't, so you don't.

I don't even need to make up wierd "insults"...  Voss is insult enough I think.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: dsrtrat on July 12, 2004, 05:52:05 PM
Whineometer   Zazen 11
                        Urchin 1
                        Jackal1 0
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Zippatuh on July 12, 2004, 05:54:01 PM
Originally posted by Zazen13

I do call into question any squadron who harbors Metapotato and his ilk, I can only conclude it is because he's a scorepotato and helps keep your squad in bright lights on top of the leaderboard.  

I’m going to chime in quickly here but… “his ilk”?

I’ve never flown with Voss, Metatron, or the other nic’s he has used; I have flown with Cav.

Stand up guy, good stick, and would not associate with a squad who was Voss’ “ilk”.  With a number like 52 it is going to be damn near impossible to not have pilots that fly for score or have questionable character but that doesn’t mean that all of them do.

If Cav is associated with this group then I can say that the majority of them like to knife fight, like working together, and probably take pride in the squad camaraderie.  I do not know who the Hornets are and who all is associated with them.  If they have Cavalier, then I beleive that says a lot.

So, with that I would say, lay off the squad.  Cute play on words but I don’t think its relative or probably appropriate.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Zazen13 on July 12, 2004, 06:03:34 PM
Originally posted by Zippatuh
I’m going to chime in quickly here but… “his ilk”?

I’ve never flown with Voss, Metatron, or the other nic’s he has used; I have flown with Cav.

Stand up guy, good stick, and would not associate with a squad who was Voss’ “ilk”.  With a number like 52 it is going to be damn near impossible to not have pilots that fly for score or have questionable character but that doesn’t mean that all of them do.

If Cav is associated with this group then I can say that the majority of them like to knife fight, like working together, and probably take pride in the squad camaraderie.  I do not know who the Hornets are and who all is associated with them.  If they have Cavalier, then I beleive that says a lot.

So, with that I would say, lay off the squad.  Cute play on words but I don’t think its relative or probably appropriate.

I understand what you're saying, but saying the potatonets must be a good bunch of guys because Cav is a potatonet is just as gross a generalization as if I were saying the potatonets are a bad bunch of guys because they have Metapotato... Do you see how that is actually a hypocritical assertion?

Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Jackal1 on July 12, 2004, 06:09:33 PM
Originally posted by dsrtrat
You, Jackel1 and Urchin stepped up to the plate perfectly. Keep it up boys!!! Every post you make on here makes me happy to know that you can't ignore our squad or make it go away.  

I think you have your spurs tangled up in your bloomers here hoss.
  I have said nothing but good about your squad and have not bashed it in anyway.
  I fly and enjoy most of the guys there.
  I don`t place a entire squad in bad light just because of one player.
  If it POs ya that I`m slammin VOSS then I don`t know what to tell ya but tough chit. A liar, a cheat,scam artist, pathetiic pick it.
  Get YOUR facts straight before you start lumping people together. That is your point isn`t it?
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Jackal1 on July 12, 2004, 06:29:47 PM
Originally posted by dsrtrat
Nothing makes me happier than bringing out the whiner in someone. You, Jackel1 and Urchin stepped up to the plate perfectly.

Let`s see enter the discussion on page 4, not before as" dsrtrat" and your bringing out something in someone?  Who`s smoochin the pooch here? Got something you would like to share with us? :D
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: NHattila on July 12, 2004, 06:40:07 PM
this thread has become a pathetic pissing contest. sad times when people are trying to puff themselves up by insulting someone over the internet for an idea they have.

it's also pathetic to start ripping on an entire squad. i for one know that the majority of hornets do not give a fug about their scores. some worry about their K/D, but i think that applies to a large majority of the AH community.

Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Overlag on July 12, 2004, 07:31:31 PM
I, personaly attack undefended bases in the hope that a few will up, its not my fault if no one can be botherd to defend is it?

attacking undefended bases can

a: take bases easy (boring but good as a whole for the "country")
b: cause a little furball/gv action, which causes a great deal of fun
c: start a full blown furball on a new front
d: start a horde of our side attacking 1 poor rook/knit (BORING)
e: do the oposite of d, which is even worse! lol

big maps like festma are set up for all

round the sides you have massive furball arena bull**** with 50 or so guys fighting

in the middle you normaly have 5 v 5s which is much more fun and tactical

or the gv wars (including GV vs Fighters) which is also fun ;)

small maps = massive furballs everywhere. and not much for anyone else.

IF, however HTC arnt any time soon going to use the big maps, maybe they should make some more small maps?
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Overlag on July 12, 2004, 07:36:38 PM
Originally posted by Zazen13
Exactly Westy. Everyone seeks the path of least resistance foresaking the path of greatest fun. Kind of tragic really...

maybe its fun for you to fly into a horde of 20-50 rooks @ 35k while you are at the average alt of 15k, but its not for me........

early morning UK time is fun simply because the small numbers mean each field has about 5 players (if shared evenly)....which is more up my street
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: dsrtrat on July 12, 2004, 07:36:39 PM
Jackal, I went back and read the posts. OK, you didn't bash the Hornets. I edited the picture for ya. Zazen gets and extra towel now. If you and Meta have a problem, he is a big enough boy to take care of you by himself.

I guess Zazen must be so busy reading his own posts that he missed Sirloin's invite into the DA. There couldn't be any other reason for him not responding could there?

Score now

Zazen 12
Urchin 1
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Zazen13 on July 12, 2004, 07:47:04 PM
Originally posted by Overlag

big maps like festma are set up for all

round the sides you have massive furball arena bull**** with 50 or so guys fighting

in the middle you normaly have 5 v 5s which is much more fun and tactical

or the gv wars (including GV vs Fighters) which is also fun ;)

small maps = massive furballs everywhere. and not much for anyone else.

IF, however HTC arnt any time soon going to use the big maps, maybe they should make some more small maps?

I agree that Fester's maps are a decent compromise. I disagree that small maps preclude anything, other than milkrunning undefended fields, simply because virtually all fields are going to be defended. There are still GV battles, Strat bombing opportunities, spawn camping, etc. on small maps. The prescence of furballs has no effect on those facets of gameplay. So, small maps offer everything except milkrunning. Conversely, HUGE maps do in fact preclude furballing almost without exception, espcially during off peak US prime-time hours. So, unless milkrunning is what you pay 15 bucks for, you are losing nothing on the small maps, but if your 15 bucks is going to fight in large scale fighter engagements you are losing out on the HUGE maps.

As far as the maps go. As was discussed in Fester's most recent map thread, the responsibility for making maps has fallen upon the community, HTC does not make maps anymore. Furthermore, HTC has only allowed 512X512 maps, which are almost universally considered too large a template for the current player base. The liklihood of HTC suddenly accepting new 256X256 maps is about zero. Why we only have a choice between 256X256 or 512X512 is beyond me, having never looked at the map editing process. If there was a way, I would think making a 384X384 template would be an amicable compromise, I'm sure Fester could come up with something interesting. We have small maps and HUGE maps, but no MEDIUM maps, Perhaps that is the solution that would best fit the whole community, without there having to be this perpetual cycle of the 'have's' and the have not's' we are plagued with currently.

Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: BlueJ1 on July 12, 2004, 07:49:10 PM
I think that makes 13 DsrtRat. Whats the prize for 15 ?
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Zazen13 on July 12, 2004, 07:55:35 PM
Originally posted by BlueJ1
I think that makes 13 DsrtRat. Whats the prize for 15 ?

You spelled 'hear' wrong in your sig. I hope you're not one of those Bishops that dropped out of high school to become a 'career' gamer! :eek:

Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: BlueJ1 on July 12, 2004, 07:57:27 PM
Thanks for seeing my mistake. Im sorry if I dont care what my spelling is like. And I may be wrong, but is that a bait ?
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Zazen13 on July 12, 2004, 08:04:35 PM
Originally posted by BlueJ1
Thanks for seeing my mistake. Im sorry if I dont care what my spelling is like. And I may be wrong, but is that a bait ?

You seem like a nice kid, so I'll tell you. That is not bait, that is what we professional fishermen call 'subject deflection'. I take a jab and like in martial arts I use your own energy against you with something unrelated as a weapon. In this way I avoid addressing your original comment, but at the same time afford myself the opportunity to riposte your thrust.

If I were baiting you I would have presented a situation that would have invited you into a discussion I had a pre-prepared 'trap' for in order to allow you to 'dig your own hole' as I did with Metapotato.

Hope that helps my Padawan learner.


Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: J_A_B on July 12, 2004, 08:07:37 PM
I still find it amusing that an area bigger than Wisconsin is considered "too small" for 300-600 people.  

Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Zazen13 on July 12, 2004, 08:11:32 PM
Originally posted by J_A_B
I still find it amusing that an area bigger than Wisconsin is considered "too small" for 300-600 people.  


It is when a squadron wants an area the size of Vermont as their own private play-thing with no intrusions from pesky enemy except if they are willing to be vulchables! :rofl

Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Boozer2 on July 12, 2004, 08:31:48 PM
Originally posted by Zazen13
I agree that Fester's maps are a decent compromise. I disagree that small maps preclude anything, other than milkrunning undefended fields, simply because virtually all fields are going to be defended.

 I'll have to disagree, small engagements really suffer ( < 5v5)

 I enjoy finding the little fights in my jug or hog, and I just don't see them on the small maps at all without 12 more high spitfires reaching it before it's conclusion. Conversely, I could always find a furball even on Bigisles and AKdesert. I also still see enourmous value in the existence of undefended fields for newer players. Milkrunning can be a step in learning the game and should be possible for those that take that step.

  Fester's current maps are fine because they're still 512 maps with enough room and fields that the small fights can spawn.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: XtrmeJ on July 12, 2004, 08:41:20 PM
Originally posted by MetaTron
None of you bastards are fit company anyway. Hornets are the best there is. No squadron I've ever had the pleasure to fly with has ever had so much fun, been such outstanding sports, and still been able to lead all you turds in tour after tour.

Berating me doesn't hurt them. It doesn't hurt me, either. I see you guys for the worthless fugs you are. My skin can easily withstand your ****.

But, thanks for hijacking yet another thread. Your efforts to reduce the desire for larger maps into another rant against ancient ****ing history has been noted.

You may now resume your sucking on Fester's anatomy.

I have always thought the Hornets were cool guys. Bragging about your squad leading everyone in each tour is just wrong. Seems I was just tied with you 2 days ago when I was ranked 1. And my squad and yours usually go back and forth for the #1 spot. Hornets are great guys, all are very cool. No need to go about talking about how your squad "leads all you turds tour after tour". I don't agree with berating  the Hornets, but I see why ppl do it in this thread. Bragging just leads to trouble. As I said earlier tho, all the Hornets are great guys/sticks, I don't have anything against any of you.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Zazen13 on July 12, 2004, 08:42:30 PM
Originally posted by Boozer2
I'll have to disagree, small engagements really suffer ( < 5v5)

 I enjoy finding the little fights in my jug or hog, and I just don't see them on the small maps at all without 12 more high spitfires reaching it before it's conclusion. Conversely, I could always find a furball even on Bigisles and AKdesert. I also still see enourmous value in the existence of undefended fields for newer players. Milkrunning can be a step in learning the game and should be possible for those that take that step.

  Fester's current maps are fine because they're still 512 maps with enough room and fields that the small fights can spawn.

While what you say about new players may be true to a certain extent there are some problems. Firstly, the small maps may have the inescapable furball syndrome during the few hours of Prime-Time US time. However, during any other period, the other 20 hours of the day, smaller engagements are the norm. On HUGE maps furballs are a rare sight, and if they due appear they tend to last only a brief time and only during that same peak 3 to 4 hour time period. So, the other 20 hours of the daily play cycle the map is totally devoid of any meaningfull large scale engagements. While this is fine for people who exclusively play during prime-time US time, think of the European/Asian players and those with non-traditional work schedules here in the US. HUGE maps completely rob them of gameplay opportunities.

While I have no doubt some newbies come to AH and find they wish to learn to bomb stuff, or avoid enemy to learn in peace, I have to believe the vast majority are drawn to AH for the lure of Air Combat as is advertised by HTC. Small maps are far more conducive to finding immediate fights that require little 'down-time' (therefore more fighting opportunities per unit time and opportunities to learn more quickly). I am a very very experienced player and even I can fly around for 30+ minutes looking for something to fight on huge maps. A newbie is not going to have much tolerance for this kind of down-time.

Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Boozer2 on July 12, 2004, 08:46:32 PM
Originally posted by J_A_B
I still find it amusing that an area bigger than Wisconsin is considered "too small" for 300-600 people.  


 If wisconson only had 10 valid targets for a constant 300-600 combat planes it would indeed be too small.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Jackal1 on July 12, 2004, 08:53:32 PM
Originally posted by dsrtrat
Jackal, I went back and read the posts. OK, you didn't bash the Hornets. I edited the picture for ya. Zazen gets and extra towel now. If you and Meta have a problem, he is a big enough boy to take care of you by himself.

Thank ya sir. :D
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Boozer2 on July 12, 2004, 09:04:33 PM
Originally posted by Zazen13
I am a very very experienced player and even I can fly around for 30+ minutes looking for something to fight on huge maps.

  I'll have to take you on a tour and teach you how to locate a fight then, I have no trouble finding something in less than 5 minutes.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: dsrtrat on July 12, 2004, 09:11:32 PM
Zazen 18
Urchin 1

Still no answer from Zazen to Sirloin's challenge.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Zazen13 on July 12, 2004, 09:46:26 PM
Originally posted by Boozer2
I'll have to take you on a tour and teach you how to locate a fight then, I have no trouble finding something in less than 5 minutes.

You should hold a class and charge tutition, because hundreds of people have the same problem on maps like Pizza Map. You'll be a very wealthy Boozer... :aok

Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Overlag on July 12, 2004, 10:02:13 PM
ok then, either

a: more small maps with better designed terrains allowing better GV wars (ie not 80% steep hills etc etc)

b: more maps that are 512 BUT have alot of "waste" around the edges, fester did this well on his maps.......

right now, my problems are:

a: we've been on this same freaking island map for 2 weeks now, sure its the best small map but 2 weeks?!!?!?!

b: not enough maps (dont care on size, just want more choice

c: not enough players

and well all this is down to AHII....... ;)
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: MetaTron on July 12, 2004, 10:15:01 PM
Zazen doesn't want a fight. Zazen is a text buffer and bbs dweeb. Check what he flies and how frequently he kills. He's peripheral at best, and a rook.

Fights are low, usually below 5k and don't require hordes. Zazen is ill-suited for this. What he really wants is large groups of his own guys fighting lots of enemies so he can cherry off the horde.

Check it out anytime he's online. He's filling the buffer with rants and insults. I believe I actually saw him come down to 20k once, but he ran because atilla and I were not flying level and got within 10k of him once. :D
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Citabria on July 12, 2004, 10:30:58 PM
voss you just don't get the fact that no one cares what your score is but you and no one cares if you can fly well or not. they never will. yet you keep posting tails of your great exploits thinking anyone is interested other than yourself.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: dsrtrat on July 12, 2004, 10:37:42 PM

Zazen 19
Urchin 1
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Arlo on July 12, 2004, 11:18:32 PM
This thread is still buzzin?! Hell ... it's like someone kicked a hornet's nest. :lol
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Zazen13 on July 12, 2004, 11:27:45 PM
Originally posted by Arlo
This thread is still buzzin?! Hell ... it's like someone kicked a hornet's nest. :lol

I'm guilty as charged! Starting forest fires now and then is good, keeps things interesting :aok

Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Zazen13 on July 12, 2004, 11:31:48 PM
Originally posted by Overlag
ok then, either

a: more small maps with better designed terrains allowing better GV wars (ie not 80% steep hills etc etc)

b: more maps that are 512 BUT have alot of "waste" around the edges, fester did this well on his maps.......

right now, my problems are:

a: we've been on this same freaking island map for 2 weeks now, sure its the best small map but 2 weeks?!!?!?!

b: not enough maps (dont care on size, just want more choice

c: not enough players

and well all this is down to AHII....... ;)

People in AH are spoiled, we had same map in AWFR for many years.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Zazen13 on July 12, 2004, 11:38:03 PM
Originally posted by Citabria
voss you just don't get the fact that no one cares what your score is but you and no one cares if you can fly well or not. they never will. yet you keep posting tails of your great exploits thinking anyone is interested other than yourself.

It's pattern sociopathic behavior, Fester. I could write my doctoral thesis in Psychology on Metapotato's various and sundry nuerosis. But, alas, the horrific trauma from delving into the tragically warped mind of such a morally depraved individual would undoubtedly drive me to blow a gaping hole through the back of my head.:rofl

Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: DrDea on July 13, 2004, 12:53:53 AM
I think the vaporware thread gets revisited about every 6 months.Probebly a good thing too.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Zazen13 on July 13, 2004, 01:03:49 AM
Originally posted by DrDea
I think the vaporware thread gets revisited about every 6 months.Probebly a good thing too.

Yes it is! :D

Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Dead Man Flying on July 13, 2004, 01:14:08 AM
Remind me never to solicit funds for a nonexist, vaporware game while claiming to be a CIA F-16 pilot in Iraq who suddenly suffers from a debilitating scorpion sting.  

You guys are one tough crowd!

-- Todd/Leviathn
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Arlo on July 13, 2004, 01:24:01 AM
I'm a doctor .... I'm a lawyer .... I'm a movie star ....

I'm an astronaut and I own this bar ......
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Zazen13 on July 13, 2004, 01:38:11 AM
Biggest ego's of the game
I nominate

Whels = your always lucky when you kill em.

Hammy = big mouth no skill

Voss = never seems to mind his own business, always jumpin in others conversations UN-invited.


4WING =441 Silver Fox=

A post I cut and pasted from that old Voss thread linked in this thread from a current member of Hornets before he became a Hornet about Hammy and Metapotato, now his squadmates.

Enjoy. :aok
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Zazen13 on July 13, 2004, 01:42:30 AM
Originally posted by Dead Man Flying
Remind me never to solicit funds for a nonexist, vaporware game while claiming to be a CIA F-16 pilot in Iraq who suddenly suffers from a debilitating scorpion sting.  

You guys are one tough crowd!

-- Todd/Leviathn

Lol, Todd,  Metapotato/Voss should at least get points for creativity and 5 Bonus points for criminal insanity. :aok
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Jackal1 on July 13, 2004, 06:01:34 AM
Originally posted by MetaTron
I believe I actually saw him come down to 20k once

  Which spawn point were you camping that was on top of a mountain, under what name, on which account, with which of the squads?
This is from a close associate who was part of the Voss scam called 'TAS' .. and aye, Maverick .. he probably took the name of the squadron, but the scam was not done by the squad was perpetrated by Voss.

> How much money did he get from who?

Before I answer your question, I'll put my cards face up on the table, just so you know where I'm coming from.
Back when Paul "Voss" Hinds began his Scam I had already been playing AW for several years. Voss was a member of an Air Warrior Squadron called the 13th TAS, a Squad that has since had links with other online flight sim's and is also currently running in Aces High.
I only mention that because TAS was the name of the new online game at the centre of the scam, and it is important to point out that they were in no way connected with it, as far as I know the other members of the Squad are all honourable men.

Also, I've never written any of this down before, so by way of disclaimer, I will say that I'm working entirely from memory, but this is in any case how I remember those events as they occurred.

I was one of the beta testers for TAS and although I was one of the lucky ones, the scam cost me money, and wasted a great deal of my time. Also, let's not forget that at the time this was the biggest, longest and most outrageous scam ever to hit the flight sim' community! Now you know where I'm coming from, I'll answer your question.

The person who lost the most was the main investor, Michael "Amok" Hobuss, who I believe was one of Voss's AW Squad mates. From my perspective as one of the beta testers, the deal appeared to be that Voss did all the programming and design while Amok covered the expenses and development
costs, including having a new powerful development machine delivered to Voss, setting up and maintaining the beta team, bulletin board, and all advertising and promotional costs.

Now before we go any farther, let's just look at that set-up. Voss had built credibility by claiming to have two doctorates, and vast relevant experience, he was not just exaggerating, he was deliberately giving false information to a squad mate, in order to
encourage him into parting with money and equipment for services he knew that he could not deliver.

He was never in the CIA, was never an F-16 pilot and he did not shoot down two enemy aircraft has he claimed, he did not own
a P-51, and has probably never even flown one, and he did not have two PhDs.
He fabricated that entire web of lies with the obvious motivation of securing investment for his own personal gain.

This scam lasted a long time, and was fed with screen shots that looked magnificent, but which were in fact only artwork, and the delays were blamed on all manner of incredible circumstances, a scorpion bite, brain tumour, even some mention of special missions with the CIA.

During that time a large number of people were involved on the beta site, and I was one of them. I've heard that some of the beta testers were also asked for front money, but I can't recall being asked, but I do remember that I didn't send money. So I can't confirm that.

The scam dragged on so long that someone eventually checked into his background, and his military service was the first thing to come under scrutiny.
When it transpired that he had not been an F-16 pilot in the
USAF, he invented the CIA story to explain why his name didn't appear in military records, but the wall was beginning to crumble.

As more of his lies were exposed, Michael Hobuss became suspicious, but no doubt found it very hard to believe that a squad mate would lie and steal from him, so at that point he was actually covering for him.

Then things began to move quickly, because his stories were stretching credibility to the limit. I know how long you need to remain in education to get a PhD, not to mention two! Computer skills that exceeded those of the best programmers of the day, USAF training, a flying career, converting to F-16s, recruitment by the CIA, a privately owned P-51, and this man appeared to have achieved more than most could manage in two life times.

Everyone was suspicious and people were asking awkward questions. Michael Hobuss was also getting nervous and began asking awkward questions too, and that's when Voss disappeared. The Scorpion bite! It was reported that Folk
even visited Voss in hospital, so perhaps that part was true, but it just went down hill from there.

Time dragged on, and after more revelations, and no further evidence that the game even existed, Voss was supposed to have a brain tumour resulting in the end of the game's development, but then Michael Hobuss blew the whistle!
He admitted he had been conned, and lost his hardware, the
expenses and development costs, and that there never was any game. Any beta testers who had fronted money to the project had lost it. I had spent a lot of time logging onto the beta test site and incurred telephone costs and wasted many hours of my own time, but I was one of the lucky ones!

How much did Michael Hobuss eventually lose, I can't say, but I'd guess the figure must have been at least several thousand, and to be fair I heard that he was able to recover some of it. I'm not even sure how much I lost, I certainly wasn't bothered about it because it would have only been a fraction of what I was spending on AW at that time :)

This was a classic con! He fooled an investor, into parting with money and goods, by pretending to be something he wasn't.
The scam involved a large number of people, and left the community shaken, not because they had been taken in by a conman, but because they had been taken by one of their own,
some one many believed to be a squad mate and a friend.
For many it wasn't so much the money as the betrayal, that hurt that most.

Now I guess that all this could be forgotten if Voss had gone away, but he is still here, and he is attempting to rebuild his stock in the community.
Only recently he put out a call to the Aces High community to become involved in another project, that appeared to have all the hallmarks of another scam.
I was amazed when I saw it, and I thought to myself, "Here we
go again". Make no mistake, given the opportunity I believe he would do it again, it even looks very much as though he has actually tried already.
But fortunately, nobody took the bait. They never took the bait thanks to the efforts of those who remember, nobody has been allowed to forget.
The community has successfully protected itself by not allowing others to be taken in. That in my humble opinion is the morally correct, right and proper, thing to do.

When I see folk rehash the Voss stuff (as you call it) I'm always pleased to see it, because everytime it comes out I think that perhaps another few individuals have been made wise to him.
It also saddens me to see others defend him, because they are only helping him build a platform from which to strike again.

I haven't been able to give you exact figures, but does that answer your question?


-brought to you by Frank P. 'Gray Eagle' Williamson
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Citabria on July 13, 2004, 06:41:49 AM

available soon at your local book store
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: ESB on July 13, 2004, 07:04:49 AM
Damn that's a lot of threads in a short time.

Well I'm pretty sure zazen is still digging himself a pretty big whole and must be far down by now.

He keeps going off topic a lot, and doesn't seem to have a response to a lot of insults thrown his way.

But first, zazen, about only insulting 1 member of the hornets, why the sudden attack on hammy?

And i know it's late, but your still wrong, taking undefended bases is boring, but like overlag said, it may provoke some interesting distraction and open up new front of battle and make the game more interesting. I'm sorry if you like to sit high up in the stratosphere and cherry pick the enemy out of a horde, but kev put it very well, hornets work as a team and work for the country, there's nothing I like better than getting stuck in a good dogfight, 5v5 is great fun, but mindless furballing gets boring.
And just because one member of the hornets says we like to take bases that are undefended, you foolishly jump to the conclusion  that the squad does nothing but.

I hate small maps like mindano, the action takes place around 3-4 bases and can stay like that for a long time.

I actualy agree with you on one point, medium maps would be a good thing, some of the big maps are a little too big, but a big map allows for a lot of stratigical battles and more fun as there is more choice (you don't have to go into a 30v30 battle because there is no where else to go)
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Jackal1 on July 13, 2004, 07:42:26 AM
Originally posted by Citabria

available soon at your local book store

Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Zazen13 on July 13, 2004, 08:45:08 AM
Originally posted by ESB

But first, zazen, about only insulting 1 member of the hornets, why the sudden attack on hammy?


Ummm, do you read? I didn't insult Hammy..Slowhand, your now squadmate did. I cut and pasted that post from another thread. I actually have always kind of liked Hammy, he's one Hornet I think pretty highly of, always have. He's pretty good guy...for a brit! :aok

Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: ghostdancer on July 13, 2004, 09:11:19 AM
Overlag .. believe me the issues with only a few maps available (whether they are small, large, or Fester/Citabria design) is known. Right now we don't have the TE for AH2 so not much we can do about it. And HTC and crew are busy working on programming / code / etc. issues of AH2.

The lack of maps might be boring for the MA (I agree on this point .. little tired of same 3 maps) but its a killer for special events.

I basically have had to put Squad Ops and CAP on hold until we get some maps converted by HTC. We are hoping .. (fingers crossed) .. to have the Slot Map (Guadacanal) ready converted for friday (but that map doesn't help the MA).

Whether you like small or large or large with only a medium size layout (lots of unusued space around edges), once the TE is out I think everyone will be happy and the old maps will be converted quickly and new ones made.

Just have to be patient until then.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Zippatuh on July 13, 2004, 09:42:41 AM
Originally posted by Zazen13
I understand what you're saying, but saying the potatonets must be a good bunch of guys because Cav is a potatonet is just as gross a generalization as if I were saying the potatonets are a bad bunch of guys because they have Metapotato... Do you see how that is actually a hypocritical assertion?


Personally, I believe that in general people are good.  Do they have differences in opinion and personalities, of course.

I didn’t say that they must be a “good bunch of guys”… what I said was that with 52 in the squad there are going to be some oddities.

I don’t think that I’m being hypocritical, I’m just not being critical.  Saying the whole squad is bad because of one or two individuals is asinine.  Saying that the whole squad is good because of one or two individuals is also asinine.

I didn’t say the whole squad was good, I’m saying that if Cav is involved with the squad then there is a good chance that most of them are good people rather than not.

You are stating just the opposite which I believe is probably grossly inaccurate.

If you want to flame voss, go ahead.  If you want to flame the individuals who stand up for him in the squad, so be it.  Flaming the whole squad though is inappropriate.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Zazen13 on July 13, 2004, 09:56:25 AM
Originally posted by Zippatuh

You are stating just the opposite which I believe is probably grossly inaccurate.

If you want to flame voss, go ahead.  If you want to flame the individuals who stand up for him in the squad, so be it.  Flaming the whole squad though is inappropriate. [/B]

I never said the whole squad was anything, I just called into question their discretion in regard to their association with Metapotato/Voss. Anyone voluntarily associating with him has some issues in my opinion. There are several members of the Hornets I like very much and agree they are good people, as I have stated above about Hammy. Questioning their motives for allowing Voss to be in their squadron is not tantamount to indicting each individual person's character.

Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: dsrtrat on July 13, 2004, 10:32:50 AM
Anyone voluntarily associating with him has some issues in my opinion

LOL well aren't you the high and mighty!!!!! Fact is Zazen he is in our squad. Big deal. Even if he was all those things that you claim he is, it has no bearing on my life or my gameplay. Hell, I would let Saddam in the squad if he wanted to join. It is an online game. I could care less what these people do in their offline life. Sounds to me like you can't say the same. You cliam to be the ultimate troller, yet you, Fester and jackal1 seems to have a hard time letting this go. Maybe Metatron has trolled all of you

Based on what little I know about this whole mess that Zazen, fester and the lot are screaming about, I have a couple questions.

1. Did anyone actually give money to an unknown person over the internet?

2. Fester, Zazen or Jackal1, did any of you guys give money to an unknown person over the internet?
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Zazen13 on July 13, 2004, 10:44:18 AM
Originally posted by dsrtrat
Hell, I would let Saddam in the squad if he wanted to join.

Really?!?! Wow, you guys really, really aren't picky at all! Better to be many than good eh? Wow that's really disturbing, no wonder you have no problems harboring a known scam artist! You'd even harbor a tyrannical, mass murdering genocidist if it helped you achieve your selfish goals. That's just scary stuff! :eek: Well I hope for your sake Osama Bin Laden isn't looking for a squadron, I'm sure you'd welcome him with open arms too....:mad: I hope all those who are/have been in the US and British military are paying attention to this post by a Hornet.

Zazen :mad:
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: ESB on July 13, 2004, 11:30:54 AM
Ok, sorry about the hammy thing, my bad.

OOOOoooo soo tempting to turn this into a thread about the war on iraq, but lets not.

He's only proving a point zazen, lets not make a song and dance about it.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: NHattila on July 13, 2004, 11:35:06 AM
Originally posted by Zazen13
Really?!?! Wow, you guys really, really aren't picky at all! Better to be many than good eh? Wow that's really disturbing, no wonder you have no problems harboring a known scam artist! You'd even harbor a tyrannical, mass murdering genocidist if it helped you achieve your selfish goals. That's just scary stuff! :eek: Well I hope for your sake Osama Bin Laden isn't looking for a squadron, I'm sure you'd welcome him with open arms too....:mad: I hope all those who are/have been in the US and British military are paying attention to this post by a Hornet.

Zazen :mad:

it's an online game you simpleton. read through the lines.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Furious on July 13, 2004, 11:48:08 AM
Originally posted by NHattila
it's an online game you simpleton...

But who you defend on the bbs is not.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Zazen13 on July 13, 2004, 12:37:41 PM
Originally posted by ESB
He's only proving a point zazen, lets not make a song and dance about it.

What point was that exactly? That he has no morals or scruples whatsoever?
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: dsrtrat on July 13, 2004, 12:54:50 PM
Wow that's really disturbing, no wonder you have no problems harboring a known scam artist! You'd even harbor a tyrannical, mass murdering genocidist if it helped you achieve your selfish goals. That's just scary stuff!  Well I hope for your sake Osama Bin Laden isn't looking for a squadron, I'm sure you'd welcome him with open arms too.... I hope all those who are/have been in the US and British military are paying attention to this post by a Hornet.

LOL don't be such a drama queen Zazen.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Zazen13 on July 13, 2004, 12:57:25 PM
Originally posted by dsrtrat
LOL don't be such a drama queen Zazen.

Hey, you're the one that posted that truly insane crap not me! You scare me! You're a home-grown terrorist waiting to happen! :eek: Where do you live? I want to make sure I never go there! :eek:

Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: dsrtrat on July 13, 2004, 01:12:03 PM
LOL yeah that's it Zazen. I am a home grown terrorist!!! And of course, you are going to act like the screaming little girl that is afraid.  I can hear you crying from here.

You are just too smart for the rest of us. 1st you uncover the supposed voss scandal all by yourself (bet you gave money). Now you have found out that the Hornets are actually an online squad of terrorists using AH to gain valuable US military secrets so that we can attack the US using digital FWs and spitfires. I bet the B29 hasn't been put in AH because of the hornets. They probably used your valuable information and you saved the world from a possible Nuke. WTFG man. Keep this up and you might solve the Kennedy murder next.

Now go hide in the corner and ask mommy to make the bad man go away!!!

Whineometer Zazen 30
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: BlueJ1 on July 13, 2004, 01:13:20 PM
zazen, would you consider yourself a skilled manipulator ? The way you "bait people so you can insult and rip them apart ?
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Zazen13 on July 13, 2004, 01:18:39 PM
Originally posted by BlueJ1
zazen, would you consider yourself a skilled manipulator ? The way you "bait people so you can insult and rip them apart ?

No, I consider myself a conscientious member of the community with little tolerance for weak-minded people who blindly defend those with no scruples that represent a very real threat to the integrity safety of the AH community as a whole.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: dsrtrat on July 13, 2004, 01:22:04 PM
LOL What a load of crap!!!!!

For one I am not defending MT. He is big boy and can fight his own battles. The only reason I am slapping you like a little girl is because you chose to bash the whole squad. Now when one of the squad (sirloin) challenged  you to show him some of the skill you claim to have, you ignored it. Why? Because you are the typical pansy that can spout whatever he wants because he knows there is a million miles of DSL to save him. If you got scammed that is your fault. Most 6 year olds know better than to give money, name or address over the net.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: BlueJ1 on July 13, 2004, 01:34:43 PM
I was going to say the same thing. But in a tad different way.
All Posted By our dear friend zazen
I never said the whole squad was anything,

Hornets are all about score whoring, you know it, everyone knows it, pretending otherwise for the sake of argument is transparent and quite lame


Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Furball on July 13, 2004, 01:36:33 PM
Originally posted by Zazen13
No, I consider myself a conscientious member of the community with little tolerance for weak-minded people who blindly defend those with no scruples that represent a very real threat to the integrity safety of the AH community as a whole.

Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Zazen13 on July 13, 2004, 01:38:49 PM
Originally posted by Furball

I love it Furby!

I think I'll shrink it down and make it my Avatar, been looking for a good Avatar! :aok

Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: dsrtrat on July 13, 2004, 01:39:47 PM
LOL furball (the unknown hornet)!!!!
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Furball on July 13, 2004, 01:39:56 PM

Glad my name appears on my left when i post, or i myself might forget who i am too!
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Furball on July 13, 2004, 01:42:11 PM
hey rat, isnt it time for work? better go start delivering pizza's..... ;)
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: BlueJ1 on July 13, 2004, 01:48:22 PM
And this would be knight zazen's wife.  Queen whine.........(http://[img][/IMG]
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: BlueJ1 on July 13, 2004, 01:48:59 PM
Only $75. wow she must have been on sale.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Grimm on July 13, 2004, 03:04:35 PM
Originally posted by dsrtrat
the Hornets are actually an online squad of terrorists using AH to gain valuable US military secrets so that we can attack the US

Its sad to see that Voss infection has really warped a fine group like the Hornets   :(

In case anyone missed this by MetaVoss

Originally posted by MetaTron
Anyone that sent money, provide proof. I will return any money you SUCKERS lost. Apparently you fell victim to Hobuss, not I, but I will make good on this promise to return funds.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: BlueJ1 on July 13, 2004, 03:17:37 PM
Grimm, you may wana put the WHOLE quote in about the Hornets being terrorists.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Grimm on July 13, 2004, 03:30:27 PM
Yes, just reread that and its taken out of context.   It was a very sarcastic post.    Its just crazy to see all of you get dragged into defending Voss.   That was an illistration of the craziness.  

Iv got no problem with the Hornets really,  I guess I just dont understand why you all defend him.   :(
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Zazen13 on July 13, 2004, 03:51:49 PM
Originally posted by SirLoin
I don't want to scare you Grimm but DsrRat is an airline pilot with Air Canada.

Airline pilots are scary? :confused: They only scare me when they drink 15 scotch on the rocks before they take-off :eek:

Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Grimm on July 13, 2004, 03:56:10 PM
Originally posted by SirLoin
I don't want to scare you Grimm but DsrRat is an airline pilot with Air Canada.


Oh Beefy one,  at least someone got me a laugh outa this. :)

See your a exactly what Im talking about when I say what a fine bunch the Hornets are.   You and a bunch of your squad are top notch guys.    Its Voss thats the problem for everyone.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: SLO on July 13, 2004, 04:28:13 PM
Voss is a problem for you not us.... still playin troll the fishes I see....

you weak minded little nutcase....

I'm coming with a needle mr.nutcase....time to deflate your over grown blotted head
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Zazen13 on July 13, 2004, 04:36:05 PM
Originally posted by SLO
Voss is a problem for you not us.... still playin troll the fishes I see....

you weak minded little nutcase....

I'm coming with a needle mr.nutcase....time to deflate your over grown blotted head

OOOOOooooo tough guy! No, really, I'm scared, no, really, you gotta believe me!  ;)

Ok, maybe I'm not scared :aok

Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: dsrtrat on July 13, 2004, 04:36:20 PM

There has been no infection from voss. I have only countered those clowns (Zazen and Urchin) who lumped the whole squad in. If you guys want to argue with MT, go ahead. I am sure he is up for the challenge.

The terrorist accusations make me laugh. It is a perfect example of somone who can't read between the lines getting hysterical over nothing.

Still waiting for Zazen to answer Sirloin. Maybe he'd fly with one wing tied behind his back for ya.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: SLO on July 13, 2004, 04:44:45 PM
nah...I know you zazen

your a wannabe....
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Jackal1 on July 13, 2004, 04:45:24 PM
Originally posted by dsrtrat
Fester and jackal1 seems to have a hard time letting this go.

1. Did anyone actually give money to an unknown person over the internet?

2. Fester, Zazen or Jackal1, did any of you guys give money to an unknown person over the internet?

 First of all as long as this POS is dumb enough to keep coming in to an online flight sim , or any other area of the internet as far as that goes, and is stupid enough to let folks know who and where he is at, I will not let it go and will alert the general public of his presence and his slimey past history if given the opportunity. Ya see there is a whole new group of folks that is growing every day that knows nothing of this fiasco and I , among others, believe if given the right opportunity he will try it again. The flight sim community  I consider "my community" and have for quite a few years. I`ll put it to you this way....... If, let`s say, a child molester or a scam artist moved into my neighborhood , I would make sure that everyone knew about it and would let anyone that moved into the community know about it .  

 In answer to question #1 and #2........
 If your really as interested in this as you seem to be then you would read things through in it`s entirety and do the math. I believe you can figure this one out yourself. When you do, you will be one step ahead of Scorpion boy because he hasn`t been able to put it together for years.

Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Zazen13 on July 13, 2004, 04:47:19 PM
Originally posted by SLO
nah...I know you zazen

your a wannabe....

I'm already what I want to be. I'm fully self-actualized as a person. Why would I want to be anything other than me? I love me! :D

Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: dsrtrat on July 13, 2004, 04:52:53 PM
Jackal1 I am only curious to know if we have a bunch of people yelling about something that doesn't involve them or if there are a bunch of people on here who gave money to an unknown person over the internet.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Jackal1 on July 13, 2004, 04:54:25 PM
Originally posted by dsrtrat
Jackal1 I am only curious to know if we have a bunch of people yelling about something that doesn't involve them or if there are a bunch of people on here who gave money to an unknown person over the internet.

  If your involved in the flight sim community , and you actualy give a rat`s *** about that community, your involved.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: dsrtrat on July 13, 2004, 05:05:27 PM
LOL I see. Now we are all one big happy commmunity. Together we stand? Yeah right. Take a look around at all the bickering and crying. Nice community!!! Are you the AH commmunity police now? Give it a rest.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Zazen13 on July 13, 2004, 05:16:58 PM
Originally posted by dsrtrat
LOL I see. Now we are all one big happy commmunity. Together we stand? Yeah right. Take a look around at all the bickering and crying. Nice community!!! Are you the AH commmunity police now? Give it a rest.

Don't know about being a big, happy community but, getting rid of criminally insane sociopaths like Voss/Metapotato will give the community a GIANT leap forward in that direction!

Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: 214thCavalier on July 13, 2004, 05:21:52 PM
Lol Zazen if you got rid of him what would you do for kicks :)
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Zazen13 on July 13, 2004, 05:25:42 PM
Originally posted by 214thCavalier
Lol Zazen if you got rid of him what would you do for kicks :)

I'm very creative, I'll find other ways to amuse myself, no worries ;)

Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Jackal1 on July 13, 2004, 05:34:50 PM
Originally posted by dsrtrat
LOL I see. Now we are all one big happy commmunity. Together we stand? Yeah right. Take a look around at all the bickering and crying. Nice community!!! Are you the AH commmunity police now? Give it a rest.

Read the post.   Flight Sim Community.
Rat I don`t know exactly where you are coming from, but you really need to do some research if you want to form an opinion and comment. It`s all there in front of ya bud.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: SLO on July 13, 2004, 06:14:33 PM
Originally posted by Zazen13
I'm very creative, I'll find other ways to amuse myself, no worries ;)


<<--hands Zazen a giant spy glass so he can find his wittle wee wee...there amuse yourself now :D
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Arlo on July 13, 2004, 06:19:40 PM
Posted by a player who calls himself "slowhand" no less. :lol
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Zazen13 on July 13, 2004, 06:22:06 PM
Originally posted by Arlo
Posted by a player who calls himself "slowhand" no less. :lol

WOoohoo! Arlo, now that is funny! :rofl
Refreshing to see someone with some genuine wit, not just peddling lame high school'ish, "I know you are but what am I comments"

Post by: RedTop on July 13, 2004, 06:46:39 PM
Originally posted by Westy
Paying money each month to play a game where all you do (or stive to) is bomb inanimate, pixelated objects that don't fight back is like forking over a subscription to an online racing sim and being the shuttle bus driver making runs for people going between the grand stands and the parking lot.

:rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl

For some reason Westy this just made me spit Purple Hull peas all over my monitor. :lol

I used to race NASCAR 2003 online...My wife thinks this online simming is funny...I can just see me telling her......

"Baby..we cant go out just yet...I have a shuttle bus to run here in NASCAR for the league drivers a bit...You know its hard work dodging all those people while trying to get those few fortunate drivers to there respective pits..."
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: MetaTron on July 13, 2004, 08:04:26 PM
Originally posted by Zazen13
Don't know about being a big, happy community but, getting rid of criminally insane sociopaths like Voss/Metapotato will give the community a GIANT leap forward in that direction!


Criminally insane sociopaths? Zazen put down the crack pipe you stupid potato.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Busher on July 13, 2004, 10:05:39 PM
Geezuz Krist - and HT holds a convention for the community ???

Not even fediddleing maybe:p
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: DrDea on July 13, 2004, 11:35:40 PM
6 pages of bashing a just deserving scam artist and not a peep from HT.Looks like even HT creations has a serious disdain for those that would f@^k the WW2 sim community.Take a hint Voss.if THAT doesnt spell it out for you you have no clue.:rofl
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: ESB on July 14, 2004, 07:47:05 AM
Originally posted by Zazen13
What point was that exactly? That he has no morals or scruples whatsoever?

Zazen, I don't know why you keep on trying, you're not gonna win.
I know it's late, but I have better things to do than get stuck up in this argument, the point dsrtrat was making is it's an online community, how do we know who the other person is unless we have met them? Point is, you could be an insane fascist that dances around his room at night looking like hitler wearing your mother's stockings. But then again you could just be a sad little 6 year old sitting at his computer with no friends and nothing better to do with his life than try and insult people and lose badly.

But we just dont't know do we.
Although one thing that's bloody obvious is that you are full of yourself
Originally posted by Zazen13
I'm already what I want to be. I'm fully self-actualized as a person. Why would I want to be anything other than me? I love me!  


If i were you zazen I'd get out of this thread before hornets rip you apart.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: jaxxo on July 14, 2004, 09:36:24 AM
Oh man has the metavosstabriaer virus spread everywhere? I understand the point of exposing a fraud artist...but put up or shut up...arent we just dividing the bbs community even more with these childish rants? Now the hornets have a whole new list of people not to like..and people do remember. If Voss upset the flight sim community before,  now these current  posts are making potential enemies out of former associates. Dont feed the fire anymore people.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Urchin on July 14, 2004, 10:35:32 AM
Originally posted by ESB
Blah Blah...

If i were you zazen I'd get out of this thread before hornets rip you apart.

That is absolutely hilarious.  

By the way....  why hasn't any potatonet challenged me to the DA?
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: SirLoin on July 14, 2004, 10:42:17 AM
Lets go Urchin..When you want duel?:)
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Zazen13 on July 14, 2004, 11:02:29 AM
Originally posted by ESB


If i were you zazen I'd get out of this thread before hornets rip you apart.

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahah aha!

Oh, I'm sorry was that supposed to, in some pathetic lil' internet bully kinda way, threaten or intimidate me?!?!?!

Give me a freakin' break! :rofl

That's just so utterly pathetic it's funny!

Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: SirLoin on July 14, 2004, 11:15:52 AM
You too busy postin' to fly ZazenChicken?

Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Zazen13 on July 14, 2004, 11:18:22 AM
Originally posted by SirLoin
You too busy postin' to fly ZazenChicken?


More like too busy at work....:eek: I can post from work, but cannot fly from work, unfortunately :(

Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Urchin on July 14, 2004, 12:19:01 PM
You on now Sirloin?  I'll let ya kill me a couple times :).
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: ESB on July 14, 2004, 12:25:36 PM
Oh I'm sorry zazen, but if you've not noticed, you're not exactly winning you're argument, and we've been taking the piss outta you way to easily.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: SirLoin on July 14, 2004, 01:03:26 PM
Originally posted by Urchin
You on now Sirloin?  I'll let ya kill me a couple times :).

Back from lunch..Whatta  ya say?..Duelin Ju88's(Best 3 outta 5?):D
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: HUN on July 14, 2004, 01:13:00 PM
Hey SirLoin

You said you were BEEF in AW that sounds familiar to me--were you by any chance a memeber of teh 54th Flying Jackals in AW4W in PAC2? or the 202nd Superheats?

the BEEF I'm thinking of was a B17 pilot.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: SirLoin on July 14, 2004, 01:18:11 PM
No..I forget most of the squads I was with(I remember being in FiLtH's squad for a while as well as the Dirty Dozen DDZ)..Didn't really get into flying with others until EAW.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Zazen13 on July 14, 2004, 03:22:59 PM
Originally posted by ESB
Oh I'm sorry zazen, but if you've not noticed, you're not exactly winning you're argument, and we've been taking the piss outta you way to easily.

Winning what argument? You see us playing on HUGE maps ? I'm winning so far! Everyday we're not on Pizza Map is a 'V' for Victory day for ole' Zazen.

Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Hammy on July 14, 2004, 03:47:24 PM
hmmm Zazen, did u lose money to Voss? someone u didnt know? shame on you, thought u were more intelligent.

Urchin?  why has this turned into an attack on Hornets?  I`ll tell ya why, its coz we stand together and no matter what "zazen" dreams up or decides to type on the BBS he "WILL NOT" and i repeat so he cant say he didnt see it, "WILL NOT" force this squad to sack, dismember, oust, whatever ya wanna call it our friend and colleague Metatron.

Now, i'm sure you will agree that everybody deserves a second chance in life and even if Meta has done the things u accuse him of (which i doubt), then surely he deserves a second chance in life? BUT!  i would tread carefully because what you guys are typing in here are bordering on the lines of slanderous and if it was me you was on about........................ ..........................

I suggest you Zazen get a life away from this BBS coz u seem to be here 24/7 and thats why we dont see you in MA very often.

You Urchin have my utmost respect sir, but cmon, quit bashing folks down and start rebuilding this community which seems to be splitting unnecessarily!

all, thats my 2 pennies worth.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Zazen13 on July 14, 2004, 04:02:48 PM
Originally posted by Hammy

Now, i'm sure you will agree that everybody deserves a second chance in life and even if Meta has done the things u accuse him of (which i doubt), then surely he deserves a second chance in life? BUT!  i would tread carefully because what you guys are typing in here are bordering on the lines of slanderous and if it was me you was on about........................ ..........................


Actually Hammy, slander is defamation by 'spoken' word. This would be 'libel', defamation by written word. That is of course if it were not true by Voss/Metapotato's own admission. :aok

Strange, I always assumed you were an educated man?

Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Zazen13 on July 14, 2004, 04:07:26 PM
Originally posted by Hammy

You Urchin have my utmost respect sir, but cmon, quit bashing folks down and start rebuilding this community which seems to be splitting unnecessarily!

all, thats my 2 pennies worth.

Actually, this is bringing the community together! It has given the entire community, with the notable exception of members of the 418th Hornets, a common enemy. Nothing is a greater unifying force than a common enemy, history enunciates this point very clearly.

Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Hammy on July 14, 2004, 04:10:30 PM
both slanderous and libellious would have the same effect.

Like I said, You need to get out more.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Zazen13 on July 14, 2004, 04:23:40 PM
Originally posted by Hammy
both slanderous and libellious would have the same effect.

Like I said, You need to get out more.

Obviously, your understanding of the nuances of the English language are about on par with your ability to judge character in people. Just curious, have you given your 'good friend' Voss any money to help with his brain tumor? I'll bet you have!! ;)

Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: ESB on July 14, 2004, 05:16:59 PM
Golly-geemit zazen you are really dumb aren't you, I don't know why i'm bothering with such a cretin like yourself, I'm on about your so called vendetta against the hornets, what's the matter? We shoot you down too many times? You get upset and cry to your mum? Hammy is right, you really should get a life and do something else than looking for a fight on the BBS cos this is one you're not gonna win.

How for some reason do you think that you are bringing the AH community together by giving them a common enemy which is us hornets? Most people that have posted here have said the same thing, they have nothing against us, and I commend them for saying that, it is you that I have the quarrel with and your petty excuse for not liking our squad. If anyone is the enemy it is you sir as you are the only one that seems to have a problem with our squad, ok so some people may have a problem with Metatron, but as I wasn't around when all that stuff happened I cannot have my say on the matter, but my personel opinion regarding Metatron is that he is a very good man and there isn't a bad word I would have to say about him.

I would say that Hammy has judged your character extremely well, you just don't want to admit it, get a life zazen, find something better to do than pick fights on an internet message board.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Zazen13 on July 14, 2004, 05:25:13 PM
Originally posted by ESB
We shoot you down too many times?

I have never been shot down by a Hornet, that I can recall. But, that makes sense since I refuse to up from vulched fields.
Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Zazen13 on July 14, 2004, 05:27:37 PM
Originally posted by ESB

How for some reason do you think that you are bringing the AH community together by giving them a common enemy which is us hornets?

I never said who the common enemy was. I was actually referring to Voss/Metapotato not the Hornets as a whole. I don't consider the Hornets collectively as my enemy. I just consider the Hornets collectively to be very much lacking in scruples for supporting/sanctioning/defending a known internet villain such as Voss/Metapotato. That is all.

Title: HTC - Bring Back Big Maps!
Post by: Hammy on July 14, 2004, 05:51:45 PM
i refer the gentleman to the answer i gave earlier   =  SUCKAH!!!!!