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General Forums => Aces High General Discussion => Topic started by: Wanker on June 08, 2001, 08:23:00 AM

Title: MAG 33 people, time for some payback
Post by: Wanker on June 08, 2001, 08:23:00 AM
<S> guys. Your fearless leader Ripsnort has been whin...erm, I mean requesting new historical terrains for the weekly events for some time now. I think I remember him boasting that there were 80+ members of MAG-33 that would be there as soon as the next terrain was released.

Time to pay the piper.  :)

The Aces High Scenario Corps will be hosting this week's snapshot event, "Torpedo 8", on the new Phillipines terrain recently released by the CM terrain team.

See you all Friday night at 10:00 eastern, and Saturday at 3:00 eastern.

The ETO terrain will be out next week, and a Staligrad terrain will be coming shortly after that. We've already begun work on another six historical terrains as well.

"Cobra" Johnson will be hosting tonight's snapshot, and I'll be hosting the one on Saturday.

Title: MAG 33 people, time for some payback
Post by: Cobra on June 08, 2001, 09:55:00 AM
banana Johnson is Right!!

But I think those MAG boys are afraid to show!!  I think they fear the IJN's superior fighting ability!

They have a chance to change history here, banana Johnson, but can they? And will they?

My money is on the IJN   :eek:

(And don't get me started on those DD's!...Woof DD's   :) )
Title: MAG 33 people, time for some payback
Post by: snafu on June 08, 2001, 01:32:00 PM
Well I'll be there :P

Title: MAG 33 people, time for some payback
Post by: Nifty on June 08, 2001, 01:33:00 PM
I'm there tonight if I get outta class in time.  Chances are I'll miss tonight.  Stupid professor making us make up class on a friday because HE was out of the country!  sheesh.  However, I'm presenting a paper tonight.  If I talk REALLY fast I might get the class out a bit early.   :D hell, I know I'm gonna get some nasty looks when they see the 25 slide power point presentation!

Oh yeah, great job on getting the Philippines terrain ready for events, jihad and CMs!   :)
Title: MAG 33 people, time for some payback
Post by: Wanker on June 08, 2001, 03:24:00 PM
Rip must have the day off. I figured I'd get some kind of retort outta him.  ;)
Title: MAG 33 people, time for some payback
Post by: -ammo- on June 08, 2001, 03:44:00 PM
I'll be there and I am going out on limkb and predicting an IJN win both nights...however I am manning a kitty anyway :)
Title: MAG 33 people, time for some payback
Post by: Wanker on June 09, 2001, 12:39:00 PM
Thanks to all MAG-33 and everyone else who flew in "Torpedo 8" last night. I think everyone had a good time.

Title: MAG 33 people, time for some payback
Post by: Ripsnort on June 10, 2001, 07:11:00 AM
Ha ha ha! (Yes, I did have the day off!)...was there both Fri and Sat, brought some friends, and it was great!  Thanks for CM'ing, and thks for the excellent historical terrain!
Title: MAG 33 people, time for some payback
Post by: Nash on June 10, 2001, 07:22:00 AM
How many MAG showed?
Title: MAG 33 people, time for some payback
Post by: Octavius on June 10, 2001, 11:30:00 PM
More than one can count.  MAG-33 dominated  :)

Title: MAG 33 people, time for some payback
Post by: Ripsnort on June 11, 2001, 07:58:00 AM
Originally posted by Nash:
How many MAG showed?

I didn't get a head count, but I'm sure at least 10 were there Fri, not sure on Sat.  I didn't get the note out to the MAG-33 leaders until late Fri...hope to have more this week!