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General Forums => Aces High General Discussion => Topic started by: Mayhem on August 17, 2004, 06:51:50 AM

Title: Six calls, SA, Voice chans, and Profanity.
Post by: Mayhem on August 17, 2004, 06:51:50 AM
First off here’s the scenario I haven’t logged into AH for almost 2 weeks My little boy is up watching me play and I have my surround sound system running on my PC. I have just taken off fom a carrier in a f4u1a, some one I don't know has taken off as well in a f6f. I’m climbing away from my carrier playing with my tank settings and I start hearing flack burst go off. I look back and see a rook p38 diving on my six from 1.5 out. I invert and split S to evade before he can get to close. I fanaly come around to see that he took the tail off the f6f. now here’s the conditions I’m under.

1)   I have customized my Keyboard layout way back in ah 1 and have no clue where my check six call is bound to. If it is infact bound to anything at all.

2)   I normally give six calls over voice any way and since no one is on from my squad and I’m running with my 5.1 speakers on. My headset was set aside. So no way to send voice calls.

3)   By time I came back around to see where the 38 had gone the f6f was already dead flaming and on the way to deep blue so IF I had given a check six or Voice warning it would have been to Late.

4)   If I had heard the flack burst and had enough common sense to look back at where it was coming from I woulda expected the hellcat driver to do the same.

This is the Result. The f6f driver comes across voice cussing at me and teaching my 5 year old a few words I’de rather him not learn till he is at least in his teens at earlies. I try to explain to the guy there was nothing I can could have done. He basically bad mouths some more then types something about defecting to rooks.

Ok Where in the heck in the rule book does it say I have to compensate for peoples complete lack of SA that I’m required to give every one and there mother a six call (I gave your mom a six call last night any way). I don’t fly for you. I don’t fly for the knight rooks bishes az bz cz or any other country for that matter. I fly ah with my squad for my enjoyment and not yours or any one else’s. If your not in my squad and I don’t know you then I couldn't care if a rattz hind end about you. I don’t give six calls I don’t expect six calls. In fact I don’t want six calls they’re annoying. Half time I’m on their six any way and a six call just blows my shot at a kill cause I starting looking around for the person that was suppose to be on my six. I do give voice calls but I don’t expect them. They’re no substitute for SA. If you can’t take getting shot down and find it necessary to start spouting profanity over an open voice channel I can’t lock out because there’s no way to filter out your profanity and no one can touch you for it then please defect to rooks in fact defect to warbirds better yet defect to Russia so My family and I don’t have to listen to you’re foul mouth uneducated backwoods dialect. Grow up! It’s just a game and you didn’t even loose a quarter in the pac-man machine!

Now here is my question is there any way to cut of room voice and room voice alone without cutting out room text or other voice channels? And If there isn’t is there any way it can get put in a future build? Ia, sure Iam not the only person with this problem or concern. I prefer my kids to not learn biker bar lingo from a online flight sim. As it stands right now I can’t let my kids on this game just because a few people have to express there inability to look around once and awhile and pay attention to thier surroundings, with profanity.
Title: Six calls, SA, Voice chans, and Profanity.
Post by: Simaril on August 17, 2004, 07:06:51 AM
I agree completely. Your 6 is YOUR SIX. Nobody else's responsibility. If I get jumped from behind, its my own fault. Period.

Check 6 calls are gifts, not rights.

Sorry i can't answer your main Q about the room vox -- dont know.  Just wanted to vent on a peeve of mine too.
Title: Six calls, SA, Voice chans, and Profanity.
Post by: 1K0N on August 17, 2004, 07:10:23 AM
A range squelch feature would be a nice addition to AH2, but I dont think HT agrees with that because he refuses to respond to the feature request....

Title: Six calls, SA, Voice chans, and Profanity.
Post by: Mayhem on August 17, 2004, 07:32:45 AM
This is an issue can you honestly let your kids play this game if you're touchy about what people say around them. text is one thing but to hear a thirty something your old man bad mouth you and cuss at you over a channel you can't block out?. How can HTC ignore it when people can't let there kids on a game like this. It's a wwII flight sim not q3 ut2004 Counter Strike or doom3. it should be rated PG not R or X. If I put out a game that had that kinda lingo its get an ma17 rating on it for the profanity alone.
The SA and Check six issue is sort of a beaten dead horse. but theres 4 Problems with room voice. You can't block it out to my knowledge at least not without blocking out text chat as well (not even sure you can block voice with chat). It's un-moderated/monitored its a resorce hit and it clutters up things when your trying to talk to your own squadies on a private channel. it would be really nice if you just had a check box to disable room voice. Ide get better frame rates. I can hear and talk to my squad and my kids don't needs to hear some one spout forth trash from thier mouth becuase they haven't learned SA yet and they're to inmature to deal with getting shot down in a flight sim game.

It breaks down to ...
Hay Mayhem what games do you play on your computer I play Aces High
is it any good?
  Ya but you can't let your kids play it and you needs to keep the sound off or use headphones when people are in the room
Why's that?
Becuase people cuss at you when you don't compansate for they're lack of skill and you can't block it out any other way. Sort of like "Postal 2 Share the Pain" in airplanes.
that bad?
Ya there's really no controll over it they can't use rofanity on text becuase of filters. but there is no controll when it comes to voice so they perty much say what they want.
Title: Six calls, SA, Voice chans, and Profanity.
Post by: Zanth on August 17, 2004, 07:38:31 AM
There is no call for this sort of behaviour, but it is a crazy world "out there".  Range vox might not be squelchable for some technical reason we don't know about though.  As nuts as hitech is about typed profanity I can't imagine he would not proivided option.

On the check 6 thing, I wouldn't loose sleep over it.  The previous poster was correct in the "gift" statement.  I bet that guy's tantrum sure didn't increase his 6 calls, life has a way of evening out that way

BTW the key is  the " and ' key (with ' being the operational command)
Title: Six calls, SA, Voice chans, and Profanity.
Post by: Shane on August 17, 2004, 07:43:00 AM
not that i disagree about the apparent need for a more comprehensive squelch vox system, but... the point about movie ratings, well even PG includes the occasional "dam" and "hell"

i mean sheesh there was even a disney made for disney channel movie titled, "H E double hockey sticks"

but i disgress...

one can still use headphones. one can even turn off vox completely - which is what i do.
but still... my first statement would probably be best, what's so hard about setting up more squelch options for vox?  not sure exactly why HT is so resistent to the idea, especially since there exists a check 6 feature.
Title: Six calls, SA, Voice chans, and Profanity.
Post by: Rolex on August 17, 2004, 07:57:21 AM
You can use the ".vsquelch callsign" command to voice squelch someone. I'm not aware of any way to squelch all local vox.

I wouldn't complain if local vox was a selectable feature. Or, if a right click on the roster had the option to add someone to my squelch list... :)
Title: Six calls, SA, Voice chans, and Profanity.
Post by: Shane on August 17, 2004, 08:00:58 AM
well right now the vsquelch is an "after the fact" solution...

not sure if there are still:

a) limits on # one can squelch
b) whether the system "remembers" someone's squlech list
Title: Six calls, SA, Voice chans, and Profanity.
Post by: Mayhem on August 17, 2004, 08:18:41 AM

Funny thing about my keyboard set up. I started flying AH back in beta. at the time I was still a Game op and CM on Gamestorms AW line. I was using that old CH analog gear I recently gave away and didn't want to have to seprate speed key profiles for 3 games. so I remapped AH AW Classic and AWIII to match. that way I only needed to know one keyboard layout and one stick setup. I've made very few changes to that layout in AH. when I set up AH2 I allowed it pull my old ah1 setup. silly part AW is Gone and Iam using brand new ch USB gear. I should have just set every thing to defualts and reprogramed my ch gear to match. I probably still will and Iam gunna have to relearn the default kb  profile.

It was enough to get any movie a R rating it was beyond simple dam and hell. But to be honest I was steamed and probably overreacting a bit. I woulda just luaghed it off if my Kid didn't hear it. I was really cuaght unprepared for it. I hadn't flown at all in a few weaks and this takes place 3 minutes into my first flight. My kid hears it and asks me about it. I also have this agreement with my wife. I don't play ultra violent/gorey/bloody/scary games or games with profanity in them, like Q3 postal2 or doom3. when the kids are around, and she doesn't make me watch lifetime movies with her.

It would be nice to have more control to block stuff out and have more controll over voice comms. even squalching this guy wouldn't have helped. I had no way of predicting his behavior and by the time I coulda typed in the squalch command to squalch him out it woulda been to late. I don't want to loose voice comms I just want more controll over them. It's easier to hide text from the wife and kids then some one screaming FU in 5.1 surround sound. I Like this game and I want my kids intereted in it and in ww2 history. My Sons favorite airplane is Corsair :D . In any event I need to be more mindfull of this game I use to let my kids fly under my account unsupervised. that has to stop and I need to be more restrictive about letting them watch and listen to me pay as well and that is a real shocker to me.
Title: Six calls, SA, Voice chans, and Profanity.
Post by: DREDIOCK on August 17, 2004, 08:22:58 AM
I would also like to see something done with the Range vox.
The language itself doesnt bother me reguardless of content so much as trying to talk-co-ordinate with my squadmates while some locals, yak away about whatever.
Specifically I'd like a seperate volume control just for range vox.

Oh and to the WM squad specifically.
You guys have your vox all figured out perfectly.
No offence intended but
You you all be so kind as to turn your Mikes down JUST a little bit.
You guys have the best and clearest sounding vox in the game I've ever heard.
Only problem is your a bit LOUD.
And I mean near burst your eardrums loud
Title: Six calls, SA, Voice chans, and Profanity.
Post by: rod367th on August 17, 2004, 08:25:03 AM
Film every sortie. Then turn film to HTC if there is problem. I film every sortie  at end of day i remove those i don't want and rename those I do want to see later.
Title: Six calls, SA, Voice chans, and Profanity.
Post by: Shane on August 17, 2004, 08:27:46 AM
Originally posted by rod367th
Film every sortie. Then turn film to HTC if there is problem. I film every sortie  at end of day i remove those i don't want and rename those I do want to see later.

i just wish we could name the films as we save them instead of having to review them and then figure out a name.  or the ability to delete before they get saved, i.e., giving the option once alt-r is toggled the 2nd time.

ah well, not a high priority, just a little feature wish.
Title: Six calls, SA, Voice chans, and Profanity.
Post by: Edbert on August 17, 2004, 08:28:13 AM
We need a global range-vox squelch button that recalls the setting when you relog. As well as permasquelch for text that also recalls the settings when relogging.

Another cool squelch feature would be some sort of bot-tool that would automagically squelch any player's text (say for 15 minutes) anytime 20, 30, 50 (pick a number) of other players added them to their own squelch list. The number required would have to be high enough to prevent people from using it incorrectly of course, but trying to get 30 people in the MA to do ANYTHING together is sometimes a chore.

EDIT: How about making the second vox channel (what we currently have for range) tunable? We could use it for private vox if desired, or leave it on range or kill it entirely that way. It sure would come in handy for scenarios and missions as well.
Title: Six calls, SA, Voice chans, and Profanity.
Post by: Shane on August 17, 2004, 08:29:57 AM
you're forgetting ch200 is entirely voluntary now.

if you don't like what you see, detune, squlech or go play bunnyluv.
Title: Six calls, SA, Voice chans, and Profanity.
Post by: DREDIOCK on August 17, 2004, 08:48:32 AM
Oh and as for Check 6 Calls.

Couple things I've had/ and seen  happen

From the "You gotta be kidding me Dept"
Few nights ago I'm flying in a furball when I see a P51 diving on a countryman. Im just aobut to give a check6 call when he starts evading then fighting the rook pony
Now from where I was sitting he started his evasives well before he was in any kind of trouble which seemed to me to indicate he saw the pony all along.
In any event he musta got pretty shot up cause while he defeated the pony he was smoking.
Next thing I know he is whining over Vox about not getting a check 6 call.

I've seen this type of thing hapen more then once. Someone see's a plane comming down and evades, wins or looses the fight then complains about not getting a check 6 when it was perfectly clear he didnt need one.

Another thing that has happened to me on more then one occasion is someone  complaining that I didnt give a check 6.
To whom it may concern.
I give check 6's whenever I can. I give them when it does not look as though you see the bogie.
If you start doing evasives before I get to give a check 6
Im not going ot bother cause you have already spotted it.
If you do not get a check 6 from me and get shot it is more then likely, and highly probable  because I didnt see you to know you needed one,was not looking at your six to know you needed one and quite possably because I was checking my OWN 6 which is something you shoulda been doing yourself.
also I might have been dealing with wife,child,phone,pet ack.

  So do NOT come over vox ranting and raving at me for not giving a check 6 from me when you needed one if you ever want one from me again because now my policy is going to be that if you do, in the future I will make a point of watching you get killed without warning.

And to the person who frequents these boards  that the other night that was upset with me for not giving a check6 (whom I didnt see to know he needed one)
You can KMA
I am NOT your mommy. Its not my job to wetnurse you,wipe your nose,your butt, or watch your 6. particularly when I have 3 bogies of my own. to keep track of.
I give 6 calls when I can. And if I cant I dont.
Simple as that
Title: Six calls, SA, Voice chans, and Profanity.
Post by: mars01 on August 17, 2004, 08:59:28 AM
You right about the language there is no excuse for it.  But if you are going to shelter your kid, never let him go to school, ride the bus or go out in the world then you have a chance.  It is ok for children to know the words, what is more important is for them to be taught it is wrong to use them.  I'm not for sheltering children from the every day things that are wrong, expose them to everything and teach them right from wrong.  This world is not friendly to a sheltered child.

As for the check sixes, anyone that gets all mouthy about not getting a check six is a newbe and has no clue, if he is not a newb then he is just a dumbprettythang.  People that don't give check sixes just means their SA sucks too and they have a hard enough time watching their own six let alone anyone else’s.  I'm not saying this about you personally Mayhem, just in general.

You should have posted the call sign as well.  People think they can hide on these games, but if the community makes issues like these public then maybe people will realize we are all watching and might think twice.
Title: Six calls, SA, Voice chans, and Profanity.
Post by: Westy on August 17, 2004, 09:04:53 AM
I agree wholeheartedly with Mayhem.  there's no need for this garbage but since it's the intardnet it's unavoidable. A perma-squelch for text AND voice is long over due.

 As for answering whiners about not getting a "check six?"   I used to respond along the lines of  "It's not my fault you suck so bad that you can't watch out for yourself and that you expect me to do it for you."

I mean come on.  Only the blind or completedly fixated could miss the AH MA's big honking icons that give away every airplace within 5k of you.  Add in the all seeing AWACs radar and only a fool would get on the radio and show himself to be the retard he is for admitting he was shot down by someone he never saw or knew was there.
Title: Six calls, SA, Voice chans, and Profanity.
Post by: Mak333 on August 17, 2004, 09:06:55 AM
The most likely reason for HT's argument would be: It would decrease the level of teamwork and cooperation with the pilots in your area and the country as a whole.

He wants to promote this as a team game, not a rambo shooter like Doom.

Then again, range vox does get kind of out of hand.  Wish there was an in-game vote system to vote people off the server or somethin. When enough votes have gone a certain way, action would be taken and a temp ban would be placed or atleast a mute from range for a good hour or two.
Title: Six calls, SA, Voice chans, and Profanity.
Post by: hawk410 on August 17, 2004, 09:07:52 AM
i also would like to be able to disable range vox, i dont wanna hear about what you and your friends did this weekend etc etc.

it also gets in the way of Squad Vox

Title: Six calls, SA, Voice chans, and Profanity.
Post by: Polaris on August 17, 2004, 09:13:33 AM
Originally posted by mars01
You right about the language there is no excuse for it.  But if you are going to shelter your kid, never let him go to school, ride the bus or go out in the world then you have a chance.  It is ok for children to know the words, what is more important is for them to be taught it is wrong to use them.  I'm not for sheltering children from the every day things that are wrong, expose them to everything and teach them right from wrong.  This world is not friendly to a sheltered child.

I couldn't have said that better myself.  I'm SO happy I wasn't a sheltered child.  Those that were are painfully obvious and stick out like a sore thumb.  Poor people.
Title: Six calls, SA, Voice chans, and Profanity.
Post by: Zanth on August 17, 2004, 09:20:26 AM
Let's not get into telling people how to raiose there kids, it really is beside the point don't you think?
Title: Six calls, SA, Voice chans, and Profanity.
Post by: dedalos on August 17, 2004, 09:28:18 AM
Originally posted by Shane

one can still use headphones. one can even turn off vox completely - which is what i do.

No wonder you did not get my check 6s last night.  Was too busy to hit the keyboard and I was calling them over vox.  :aok  
Title: Six calls, SA, Voice chans, and Profanity.
Post by: Polaris on August 17, 2004, 09:32:00 AM
Originally posted by Zanth
Let's not get into telling people how to raiose there kids, it really is beside the point don't you think?

We're not telling anyone how to raise their kids.
Title: Six calls, SA, Voice chans, and Profanity.
Post by: 1K0N on August 17, 2004, 09:42:50 AM
Originally posted by Mak333
The most likely reason for HT's argument would be: It would decrease the level of teamwork and cooperation with the pilots in your area and the country as a whole.
He wants to promote this as a team game, not a rambo shooter like Doom.

No one is using Range vox as a team building tool, its being used as a yuk-yuk tool and a FU for no checksix tool... But please continue with the smoke and mirrors its entertaining really!!

Title: Six calls, SA, Voice chans, and Profanity.
Post by: FiLtH on August 17, 2004, 09:43:27 AM
Great post!!  But next time keep my six clear you *&*^ing M*&DTH#^$&!!!

   J/k   I totally agree I wish we had a way to turn off range. It over rides squad channels and screw everything up as well as having to hear everyone screaming at eachother because they didnt give a check 6, or killshoooter or something.

Title: Six calls, SA, Voice chans, and Profanity.
Post by: mars01 on August 17, 2004, 09:49:01 AM
Let's not get into telling people how to raiose there kids, it really is beside the point don't you think?
It's advice not an order, it's without judgement.  

It's not besides the point.  He mentioned his kid hearing bad language while watching him play an adult game.

While I can understand where he is comming from and I agree there is no excuse for the language, it is like watching an R rated movie and getting mad because it's not a G rated movie.

This is an adult dominated game, this is not Mario Brothers.  Some adults use bad language as if they don't know it is wrong.  We are unfortunately bound to have some AHole cursing bottom line.
Title: Six calls, SA, Voice chans, and Profanity.
Post by: Muddie on August 17, 2004, 10:06:37 AM
Mayhem, I don't run the surround sound with the family home, and mine are teenagers.  It's not just the language, it's the whole attitude thing (folks basically losing control over a game?????).  

    I believe if you text squelch somebody (.squelch) they are also voice squelched.  After the fact I know, but it seems to be what we have.

Originally posted by Mayhem

It was enough to get any movie a R rating it was beyond simple dam and hell. But to be honest I was steamed and probably overreacting a bit. I woulda just luaghed it off if my Kid didn't hear it. I was really cuaght unprepared for it. I hadn't flown at all in a few weaks and this takes place 3 minutes into my first flight. My kid hears it and asks me about it. I also have this agreement with my wife. I don't play ultra violent/gorey/bloody/scary games or games with profanity in them, like Q3 postal2 or doom3. when the kids are around, and she doesn't make me watch lifetime movies with her.

Title: Six calls, SA, Voice chans, and Profanity.
Post by: mars01 on August 17, 2004, 10:10:45 AM
and she doesn't make me watch lifetime movies with her.
Man that is worth giving up everything you love, your lucky!!!  We need to start a mens group against the Lifetime channel.:aok
Title: Six calls, SA, Voice chans, and Profanity.
Post by: Muddie on August 17, 2004, 10:11:16 AM
Not true.   We use it a fair bit (when the chatter permits) for intersquad kinda stuff, like when the Damned and FBs are working the same area, etc.

    But you guys are right about the chatter, sheesh.

Originally posted by 1K0N
No one is using Range vox as a team building tool, its being used as a yuk-yuk tool and a FU for no checksix tool... But please continue with the smoke and mirrors its entertaining really!!

Title: Six calls, SA, Voice chans, and Profanity.
Post by: DoctorYO on August 17, 2004, 10:30:16 AM
I think there is ingame volume for vox? am i correct...

Use teamspeak / Ventrilo or other sound system to communicate... you control the server you control what is up to your standard.. (this as a squad you should already have.. it costs nothing but time..)

now the cursing i dont agree with but I also dont agree with no solutions on your end and then looking to the community to police for a solution you as a parent should have..

people who dont parent their kids and then expect others to do it for them i lose alot of respect for them.. They are the same people who whine about the vchip or whatever else they have on the market from the ministry of thought control..  

I have nephews that come over and want to watch me fly..(i know what the ma is all about; so....) My solution is turn down the treble and up the bass on my home stereo hooked up to my box..  The only vox they hear BRRRRRRRR   BRRRRRRR BRRRRR..  DoctrBRRRR..... and engine sounds...with the other out hooked up to my headphones.. works for me ....

Use your brain and form a solution = good

Complain to community about something clearly in your power to change = bad...

maybe you didn't know that.. so ill cut you some slack..  but now you know and you as a parent have the power to raise your children in anyway you want.. Never forget that..

Title: Six calls, SA, Voice chans, and Profanity.
Post by: Mayhem on August 17, 2004, 10:39:56 AM
I know My kidds are going to exposer to some stuff and I try not to over shelter them. But this one took me completely by suprise. it came unexpectedly from a game I never expected it from. this is the first time this has ever happened to me. now put your kids into the mix and all in the first 3 minutes of the game. I didn't get the guys handle tried to remember it and even tried pulling it out of the text buffer but no go to much traffic his handled I think started with a b and ended with numbers. I aked around but no one replayed as to who it was. No big deal I really didn't have any intentions of going that far. If I'm lucky he will read the post realise how overboard he went. no big deal I'de just like a tool to keep it from happening again. I think the point here is I couldn't filter it out. I can tune out of any other voice com I can even set the chan so I can see text and no voice. But I can't tune out local com to my knowledge and I know I can't kill local comms and keep room chat. If we had a took it would solve a few problems for alot of people. it would stop some one from getting in range and using perty 4 letter words. it would clear up traffic for squad comms and it would probably help people with bandwith and resource problems.

 As far giving the guy a check six I couldn't no mic and no check six key. It wouldn't have matter any way I didn't even have time to point and grunt at the screen. I basically heard the ack puffs and looked back and there was a 38. I kicked my rudder rolled and did a wicked split S by the time I got my bearings it was over with I was also in a birdcage f4u If I heard the ack puffs and was smart enough to look back and actually see the 38 I don't see why this guy couldn't have done the same. I think the part here that upsets me the most is people get this Idea the have constitution right to a six call, and they get pissed when they don't get it even even if ti would have been at your expense. I can see if this was real but it's nto it's only a game. Ide expect this from some point mongering 13 year old with an ego trip but this guy sounded like a 30 year old. Guru had better manors and less expectations from people around him. Heck Guru is a saint compaired to current standards.
Title: Six calls, SA, Voice chans, and Profanity.
Post by: SunKing on August 17, 2004, 10:44:10 AM
range vox mute please!!!

I'm tired of being forced to listen to 7 guys race to call off EVERY con they see. No more air traffic controllers!
Title: Six calls, SA, Voice chans, and Profanity.
Post by: mars01 on August 17, 2004, 10:56:40 AM
rgr Mayhem,

I agree the Swearing is not appropriate and unecessary and I can understand your frustration and concern but I don't think HT is responsible for it.  

Some real world issues are going to creep in no matter what and I'd rather HT increase the playability and immersion of AHII and TOD rather than worry about some policeing  codeing.

My comments on the check six were not directed at you.  You mentioned that the timing did not allow you to quickly get off a check six, I can understand that, been there myself.  

Title: Six calls, SA, Voice chans, and Profanity.
Post by: LtPillur on August 17, 2004, 10:57:05 AM
Originally posted by Shane
not that i disagree about the apparent need for a more comprehensive squelch vox system, but... the point about movie ratings, well even PG includes the occasional "dam" and "hell"

If those were the only 2 words to be uttered by the inconsiderates i wouldn't worry. I heard a litany of SOB's Gd's and FU"s from several people last night. Mostly wooried that they didn't get a "six check". Judging by the voices I doubt these are 13-16 year olds but adults (I should put that in quotes). On some nights I would need a note pad and pencil to keep track of people I need to squelch. If we don't self police our mouths someone willdo it for us. Just think before you talk. It will make it a nicer envirnment for everyone regardless of age.
Title: Six calls, SA, Voice chans, and Profanity.
Post by: LtPillur on August 17, 2004, 11:00:26 AM
Originally posted by mars01
It's advice not an order, it's without judgement.  

It's not besides the point.  He mentioned his kid hearing bad language while watching him play an adult game.

While I can understand where he is comming from and I agree there is no excuse for the language, it is like watching an R rated movie and getting mad because it's not a G rated movie.

This is an adult dominated game, this is not Mario Brothers.  Some adults use bad language as if they don't know it is wrong.  We are unfortunately bound to have some AHole cursing bottom line.

This is NOT an adult game. People usually know when they've crossed the line. They do it because thy can. Making excuses for those that can't stop from pushing the talk button before cursing (swearing whatever) is pathetic. Andthikjing it's ok is equally pathetic.
Title: Six calls, SA, Voice chans, and Profanity.
Post by: Ohio330 on August 17, 2004, 11:13:07 AM
Sad part about the keyboard check six calls is, from my
recollection, is that they seem to turn out to be false most
of the time anyways.
   Secondly, and I think this has been addressed in the past..
I understand cockpit mirrors were not stock items in planes, but
many pilots added their own.   This game touts realism,  but
it can still be on a realism theme if they make it the pilot's choice
to add a mirror to his  (ok, or her's ) ride.  I think this would help reduce the whines when they can clearly see they got jumped even though they were stupid enough to get jumped in the first place.
   Yes, and have an option to kill range channel.  Squad ops are extremely chatty and range just makes things worse.
Title: Six calls, SA, Voice chans, and Profanity.
Post by: mars01 on August 17, 2004, 11:15:56 AM
This is NOT an adult game. People usually know when they've crossed the line. They do it because thy can. Making excuses for those that can't stop from pushing the talk button before cursing (swearing whatever) is pathetic. Andthikjing it's ok is equally pathetic.
Step down off the Soap box pillur and read a little more carefully.

Since you quoted me I will respond as if this whole post is to me.

This game is dominated by adults, this is an adult game.

Who is making excuses?  Not me, Read my post this time... "I agree there is no excuse for the language"
Title: Six calls, SA, Voice chans, and Profanity.
Post by: LtPillur on August 17, 2004, 11:37:05 AM
Originally posted by mars01
Step down off the Soap box pillur and read a little more carefully.

Since you quoted me I will respond as if this whole post is to me.

This game is dominated by adults, this is an adult game.

Who is making excuses?  Not me, Read my post this time... "I agree there is no excuse for the language"

it really wasn't aimed at you though I see how you could feel that way. I apologize for the insinuation that you felt  making excuses for language is Ok.
I think there is a difference between adult dominated games and adult games. I still don't feel this is an adult game , though it might well be adult dominated. I hear kids (one I know is someones son and is 12) all the time.  Even as an adult, having lived a very UNsheltered life and even prone to occasional usage of such words it still bugs me when people berate another with such anger and language. I can say one thing for IS a game. Nobody really dies. We all go to bed with or without six checks. And in the end how you handle all this is the thing that is important. BTW last night I was told "Don't give me an f'in check 6 OK?" OK, and I'll be sure not to fly with the individual as well.
Title: Six calls, SA, Voice chans, and Profanity.
Post by: SlapShot on August 17, 2004, 11:48:28 AM
Let me first say that I don't believe that there is any excuse that could justify some of the garbage that is spewed out on vox.

Now ...

it came unexpectedly from a game I never expected it from. this is the first time this has ever happened to me.

Now trying to downplay your plight Mayhem, but I find this a little hard to swallow. I don't really know how long you have been around, but let me guess ... for awhile.

With that, how could you not expect this type of behaviour from some of the trash/potty mouths that poplulate this world and find their way in AH.

It may have been the first time that you got caught unaware and had your speaker system turned on, but it can't be the first time that you have heard such trash over vox (pre-apology if it really was).

Again .. there is no excuse for what happened !!!

I always fly with headphones.
Title: Six calls, SA, Voice chans, and Profanity.
Post by: Nwbie on August 17, 2004, 11:52:36 AM
Originally posted by DREDIOCK
Oh and to the WM squad specifically.
You guys have your vox all figured out perfectly.
No offence intended but
You you all be so kind as to turn your Mikes down JUST a little bit.
You guys have the best and clearest sounding vox in the game I've ever heard.
Only problem is your a bit LOUD.
And I mean near burst your eardrums loud


I will assume that you mean WMSpin, he lately has been having problems with his vox setup, he needs a new mic setup or something because he either is so low you can't hear him, or so loud it is dang annoying, just throw a note to him if he is range voxing close to you that he is loud again and he will adjust it, or do like the rest of his squadies and squelch him :)

He is getting way better at his SA cuz his squadies laff about him not getting check 6 calls :)

He is a good guy and knows he has vox problems, so he won't get upset if ya tell him to lower it

Title: Six calls, SA, Voice chans, and Profanity.
Post by: YUCCA on August 17, 2004, 11:54:23 AM
HE shouldn't of done that to you, but regaurdless you shouldnt come into an highly compettive sim expecting just buttercups n' rainbows.  I'd say do this game like rated R movie.  Just dont let your kid be aroudn when you're doing it.  Just a thought :)
Title: Six calls, SA, Voice chans, and Profanity.
Post by: 68DevilM on August 17, 2004, 11:55:13 AM
Originally posted by Simaril
I agree completely. Your 6 is YOUR SIX. Nobody else's responsibility. If I get jumped from behind, its my own fault. Period.

Check 6 calls are gifts, not rights.

Sorry i can't answer your main Q about the room vox -- dont know.  Just wanted to vent on a peeve of mine too.


but on the same note if i have time ill give check six's whenever i can, even to morph and i dont even like him:aok
Title: Six calls, SA, Voice chans, and Profanity.
Post by: mars01 on August 17, 2004, 12:08:50 PM
Rgr Pillur,

Sorry for taking it that way.  

Title: Six calls, SA, Voice chans, and Profanity.
Post by: lasersailor184 on August 17, 2004, 12:18:00 PM
Hehe, my favorite is when I get a check six call when I'm 2 minutes into a dogfight.
Title: Six calls, SA, Voice chans, and Profanity.
Post by: tactic on August 17, 2004, 12:22:58 PM
yup.. Range channel voicing over the squad channel does cause problems.  I have seen my people die, because john doe was BS'n about his weekend in the sand box on range channel, meanwhile I'm on the vox squad channel tring to tell a squadie he's about to be in pieces, and all they hear is about john doe's sandy crack.  ya  thats not a good thing.

then john doe is the first one to be cussing you out about no ck6 call , because he thinks you should be his arse while hes telling his story!

with all the channels to bad we cant have range channel 300, like open channel is 200 now. you may tune or you may not.  

And cussing  on what ever channel beside your own squad channel is a disrespect problem, its like using someone's toilet and not flushing, gezzz man  no one want to hear or see your crap.  I cuss and i cuss Alot!  I'm talking tons of foul words, but I dont here on AH (excuding squad channel, we bad) time and place for all that. RESPECT thats all.
Title: Six calls, SA, Voice chans, and Profanity.
Post by: TequilaChaser on August 17, 2004, 12:23:05 PM
Originally posted by DoctorYO

now the cursing i dont agree with but I also dont agree with no solutions on your end and then looking to the community to police for a solution you as a parent should have..

people who dont parent their kids and then expect others to do it for them i lose alot of respect for them.. They are the same people who whine about the vchip or whatever else they have on the market from the ministry of thought control..  

Use your brain and form a solution = good

Complain to community about something clearly in your power to change = bad...

maybe you didn't know that.. so ill cut you some slack..  but now you know and you as a parent have the power to raise your children in anyway you want.. Never forget that..

I do not see where Mayhem asked anyone to parent his kids for him, he simply asked for a feature to block local range vox, and he stated he let hiself be caught off guard with his headphones and mic off.

now the potty mouths have always existed in all online games, that is a given. The problem here is it is fast becoming the everyday norm in AH it is 3 times as bad now than it was 3 years to me the problem is the community has let this degenerate to this level, so the community should work on cleaning it up if they don't like it. If they do then that shows you what our AH community is becoming.......

none of us are Saints and we all slip up here and there, but some of these geezers insist on using this type of language on vox to show how macho they really are..........

Is this the type of behavior that this AH community wants to embrace? Think before you speak!
Title: Obscenity and indecency
Post by: SPIKER on August 17, 2004, 12:25:34 PM
Since the beginning of two-way communications a way to regulate what is broadcast has been tried, implemented and amended.

 Without having HT set on some other thorns and try to handle individuals who are unaware of, cannot or do not understand rules, simple precautions should be taken to prevent exposure.  

This is supposed to be a likeness of war and it capability of communications, you did not hear these things unless you were an airman who just let a burst go into your CO wing!

  FCC regulations is very straight and to the point, to be posted is another issue.  The people that indulge in this mostly spur of the moment act are breaking the law.

  HT has or had several filters in place to combat such actions, I myself have had several situations where I had to turn the volume down or off.  

Obscene, Profane & Indecent Broadcasts -FCC Consumer Facts
It’s Against the Law
It is a violation of federal law to broadcast obscene programming at any time. It is also a violation of federal law to broadcast indecent or profane programming during certain hours. Congress has given the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) the responsibility for administratively enforcing the law that governs these types of broadcasts. The Commission may revoke a station license, impose a monetary forfeiture, or issue a warning, for the broadcast of obscene or indecent material.

Obscene Broadcasts are Prohibited at all Times

Obscene speech is not protected by the First Amendment and cannot be broadcast at any time. To be obscene, material must meet a three-prong test:
·   An average person, applying contemporary community standards, must find that the material, as a whole, appeals to the prurient interest;
·   The material must depict or describe, in a patently offensive way, sexual conduct specifically defined by applicable law; and
·   The material, taken as a whole, must lack serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value.

New technologies are changing the landscape of our communications arena almost daily. With an increasing number and variety of communications entering our homes each day, it can be hard for parents and caregivers to monitor, or even track, what children are watching and hearing. While technology has great potential to teach the nation's children, it also has the power to shape their lives and opinions.

The FCC has an array of information to help parents deal with, decipher, and monitor the communications that their children can access.

Title: Six calls, SA, Voice chans, and Profanity.
Post by: kj714 on August 17, 2004, 12:30:18 PM
Originally posted by 68DevilM

but on the same note if i have time ill give check six's whenever i can, even to morph and i dont even like him:aok

I hate that 6 call button. Been the wrong guy too many times.
Title: Six calls, SA, Voice chans, and Profanity.
Post by: tactic on August 17, 2004, 12:33:00 PM
LMAO!!  lasersailor that is funny when that happens! (well kinda)    Then it ruins your concentration, when it happens, then it works more for the guy your fighting.  hehe
Title: Six calls, SA, Voice chans, and Profanity.
Post by: Edbert on August 17, 2004, 12:42:11 PM
Originally posted by tactic
Then it ruins your concentration, when it happens, then it works more for the guy your fighting.  hehe

I get those a lot when I'm closing on a con. I usually trust my own SA regarding what was where 5 seconds ago more than an unknown team mates pushing the chk-6 button. Most of the time it is just that, a false alarm sent by mistake.

But more than once I have seen tracers flying over my cockpit that are accompanying the chk-6 call. Those are hard to ignore. The only time I ever wish killshooter was off is when I break my pursuit only to find the chk-6 call came from someone who was trying to steal my kill. GRRRRR!
Title: Six calls, SA, Voice chans, and Profanity.
Post by: Furious on August 17, 2004, 01:24:18 PM
This is beautiful.  Someone spews on vox and it's your fault for having your children spend some time with you while you enjoy one of your hobbies.

I don't see an adult only esrb associated with AH.

Don't get me wrong, I cuss like a sailor on squad vox, but that is because they are mean to me and I need to retaliate and anyway we know exaclty what to expect from each other.

Misuse of local vox channel should result in a weeks time-out.
Title: Six calls, SA, Voice chans, and Profanity.
Post by: Mayhem on August 17, 2004, 01:31:29 PM
Slap shot
this post isn't completely a response to your post alone.

I expect people to talk smack thats no big deal. Until today I have never on any WWII online sim ever have some one Cuss me out on Voice for not checking there six (never had any one cuss me out at all for that matter). I've said some bad stuff on the mike and I've had squadies do it. We have enough common sence to tell people there on speaker and wife and or kidds are present and we are on a squad channel. Ive talk smack over channel 1 I've done it on AW and WBs Ive never cussed but I do alot worse without the perty words anyway. to be blunt Since it has never happened to me before It took me completely by supprise. basically from what alot of you say I should put this game in MA17 list with doom3 and Postal2becuase it's an adult game . No problem done. My kids will never play this game untill they hit thier mid to late teens.
I guess this was a learning experiance for me. I really didn't realise this game had degressed this far and the community sunk this low over the years. Ive been around since the beggining I never remember it this bad. Iam assuming It's happening alot. No big deal I was in the army I can talk trash to. I always ranked AH as a more milder game until now sort of like Air warrior. my mistake.

I did know my speakers where on I never expected that from a friendly so I figured it was safe. IF Nmy can talk to you  on a voice channel without the abality to turn it off Like a Forced Chan 1 text Hell ya I woulda had my speakers off! It's one thing to have an nmy trash talk you over Chan 1 with a filter in text then it is to hear a freindly cuss you out over voice.

I basically started the thread as a vent. I really don't expect HT to FIX it Here and Now specially with all the stuff they have going on now. I kinda wanted to draw attention to it and mabey get a fix for it in the future.. and well I wanted to vent kindof a officail "don't expect six calls from me I don't expect them from you!" delceration . All I'de really like to see in the future is a Mute Local Comms swtch. You can't turn off local comms or Turn the volume down unless you take squad comms down with it. It's not like chan 200 and squad Comms where you have to choose to use it. Its kinda forced open by defualt.

In five (or has it been four or Six I forget) years of AH the worse I've seen is a few friendlies get erked at me or disagree with me. even get mad at me to a point but never been cussed out on voice coms. I'm still erked. No biggy AH is an adult game I guess I can live with it and respond just as good as I get.

Again Iam assuming this isn't a rare Isolated case and alot of you have run ins with pickle heads to?

 :rofl  if so then I guess I got my cherry popped.
Title: Six calls, SA, Voice chans, and Profanity.
Post by: mars01 on August 17, 2004, 02:55:45 PM
LOL Mayhem,

Yeah there are some Aholes out there, but it is not that bad.  For the most part the countries have alot of good people flying for them and the game is fairly civil.

As you continue, you will see that.  Good luck and happy hunting :D
Title: Six calls, SA, Voice chans, and Profanity.
Post by: Zanth on August 17, 2004, 03:04:40 PM
Originally posted by mars01

This is an adult dominated game

THAT is highly debatable.
Title: Six calls, SA, Voice chans, and Profanity.
Post by: SlapShot on August 17, 2004, 03:09:18 PM
I really didn't realise this game had degressed this far and the community sunk this low over the years.

I wouldn't brush with a broad stoke the whole "community" with that paint.

Even you said yourself, that over all the years you have been playing, this is really your first encounter. I have been playing for close to 3 years now and have not been jumped like that either. So it sounds like an exception and not the norm ... but it still doesn't make it right ... no excuse for that type of behaviour.

Title: Six calls, SA, Voice chans, and Profanity.
Post by: SlapShot on August 17, 2004, 03:10:38 PM
Originally posted by Zanth
THAT is highly debatable.

You have such INSIGHT !!! ....  ;)
Title: Six calls, SA, Voice chans, and Profanity.
Post by: YUCCA on August 17, 2004, 03:45:45 PM
Originally posted by Furious
This is beautiful.  Someone spews on vox and it's your fault for having your children spend some time with you while you enjoy one of your hobbies.


Well if you want a flight sim as your hobby which you should KNOW is highly competitive for some people, you shoudl be prepared for people to get suddenly angry when they get shot down, i realize this game isn't real life, but like real life you got people with short fuses out there.  So i would say just be prepared! :)
Title: Six calls, SA, Voice chans, and Profanity.
Post by: Furious on August 17, 2004, 03:56:34 PM
I know that if I drive in bumper-to-bumper rush hour traffic, some tard could go ballistic and start shooting the other drivers around me.  Knowing this does not make it acceptable.

It should not be tolerated.
Title: Re: Six calls, SA, Voice chans, and Profanity.
Post by: gofaster on August 17, 2004, 04:05:03 PM
Originally posted by Mayhem
Ok Where in the heck in the rule book does it say I have to compensate for peoples complete lack of SA that I’m required to give every one and there mother a six call (I gave your mom a six call last night any way). I don’t fly for you. I don’t fly for the knight rooks bishes az bz cz or any other country for that matter. I fly ah with my squad for my enjoyment and not yours or any one else’s. If your not in my squad and I don’t know you then I couldn't care if a rattz hind end about you. I don’t give six calls I don’t expect six calls.

Nice way to teach your son about teamwork, making new friends, and common courtesy.  Nice job.  He'll get along great in kindergarten.
Title: Six calls, SA, Voice chans, and Profanity.
Post by: RedTop on August 17, 2004, 04:42:27 PM
Well known squad for the knights had a guy on day before yesterday. Myself and 5 squaddies defending against a carrier group that was just off the coast. Vehicles coming in..Planes out the whazoo....

Upon his arrival it went like this....

You F'in guys gonna kill that CV or what...thats what I thought..F'in knights..what a joke..F 6 calls here? WTF you guys blind...You guys suck..F this..Could someone go kill that carrier...Fi'n get this guy off my tail...F'in guiys..dam yall suk..I fi'n had it..Guess I'll have to sink that carrier myself..You F'ers aren't going to do Sh**.......on and on he went til I just logged.

My nephew was at my house watching one day..same type of thing happened.

Squad Im in will be getting Ventrilo or Teamspeak soon.
Title: Six calls, SA, Voice chans, and Profanity.
Post by: TequilaChaser on August 17, 2004, 05:10:39 PM
Originally posted by RedTop
Well known squad for the knights had a guy on day before yesterday. Myself and 5 squaddies defending against a carrier group that was just off the coast. Vehicles coming in..Planes out the whazoo....

Upon his arrival it went like this....

You F'in guys gonna kill that CV or what...thats what I thought..F'in knights..what a joke..F 6 calls here? WTF you guys blind...You guys suck..F this..Could someone go kill that carrier...Fi'n get this guy off my tail...F'in guiys..dam yall suk..I fi'n had it..Guess I'll have to sink that carrier myself..You F'ers aren't going to do Sh**.......on and on he went til I just logged.

I am totally against that  type of language, I  can see where it upset you RedTop. He could have typed or voiced his comments clearly and still left the vulgarity out of it.

If I am ever out of line I expect my squad mates and countrymen alike to call me on it and tell me to chill. I usually will log first before venting that much frustration though.

I also would appreciate the same from all knights, if you see an individual totally snapping and going off the deep end ask them to log and take a break, nicely though.  
If you  see any Damned venting his anger like this, I would like to be informed, you can email me through my profile. It is 1 thing to taunt players over ch200 or  act like a child it is another to show disrespect to your team as in this case the knights,  we have to police ourselves in what we will accept and not accept as a community.

or if you feel obligated, record it by using Alt+R to turn film( films will be located in the films folder with a .ahf   file extension) on then send it to HTC. or even take a picture by using Alt+S pictures are in the main acesHighII folder listed as ahss0.bmp, ahss1.bmp etc..........
Title: Six calls, SA, Voice chans, and Profanity.
Post by: Mugzeee on August 17, 2004, 05:33:28 PM
This is an old old request. It floors me that it hasn’t been granted as of yet. I was certain that AH2 would have a Range Channel Squelch. I am also inclined to think it was a mere oversight. Recommending us to squelch an individual is indicative that it is or was too late. HTC, please give us some indication as to whether there are any plans to implicate a Rang Voice channel squelch? The reasons are plenty and there have been dozens of threads just like this one.
Title: Six calls, SA, Voice chans, and Profanity.
Post by: FiLtH on August 17, 2004, 05:33:45 PM
I use TS the same time Im on vox. I use the TS to scream and swear. Sometimes I forget and use the vox button. My squad usually is silent. Followed by a "Sorry bout that" from me.
Title: Re: Six calls, SA, Voice chans, and Profanity.
Post by: phookat on August 17, 2004, 05:41:27 PM
Originally posted by Mayhem
If your not in my squad and I don’t know you then I couldn't care if a rattz hind end about you.

Naturally I agree that 6 calls are not a "right".  But I've seen this sentiment repeated several times, and I have to wonder where it's coming from.  What's so difficult about helping a stranger?

Speaking personally, I think this attitude and its ramfications are much more important than saying some words that mean "to copulate" and "to defecate".
Title: Six calls, SA, Voice chans, and Profanity.
Post by: DREDIOCK on August 17, 2004, 06:22:25 PM
Originally posted by Shane
i just wish we could name the films as we save them instead of having to review them and then figure out a name.  or the ability to delete before they get saved, i.e., giving the option once alt-r is toggled the 2nd time.

ah well, not a high priority, just a little feature wish.

 I Think we should make a heavy push for this.
Trying to look for a specific fight over the course of several hours is a pain.
Title: Six calls, SA, Voice chans, and Profanity.
Post by: DREDIOCK on August 17, 2004, 06:23:44 PM
Originally posted by Shane
you're forgetting ch200 is entirely voluntary now.

if you don't like what you see, detune, squlech or go play bunnyluv.

we're talking Vox(voice) not text.
Title: Six calls, SA, Voice chans, and Profanity.
Post by: dfl8rms on August 17, 2004, 06:29:02 PM
Squad Im in will be getting Ventrilo or Teamspeak soon.

Not meaning to single out anyone, but if the lack of a range VOX solution is to have people abandon  AH's VOX system, doesn't that lead to less "team"ness?  If HTC's reluctance to address range VOX is about team communication, this statement and others in this thread should point out that if not addressed by the maker of the game, the community or at least cocerned community members will address it.

Regarding Mayhem's original post, I fly with a squad that has 2 sub-12 years old on it.  Both fathers have warned their children about this, but to have the first or second word out of a persons mouth be obscene shows either the lack of respect/maturity that this community allows.

For those of you who've advanced the notion that the "community" should help police, my question is how?  A simple reminder over same VOX that it is not appreciated?  Also send a copy of the text buffer and/or film to
Title: Six calls, SA, Voice chans, and Profanity.
Post by: DREDIOCK on August 17, 2004, 06:31:28 PM
Originally posted by hawk410
i also would like to be able to disable range vox, i dont wanna hear about what you and your friends did this weekend etc etc.

it also gets in the way of Squad Vox


Or at least have Squad vox get priority over range vox.

I dont want ot squelch it really. just be able to turn it down.

Would also like ot see players develop a bit more etiquette and Not hold general conversations suvch as what you discribe  in a combat area..

Switch to a private channel!
Title: Six calls, SA, Voice chans, and Profanity.
Post by: DREDIOCK on August 17, 2004, 06:41:29 PM
Originally posted by DoctorYO
I think there is ingame volume for vox? am i correct...

Yes you are but that is a volume control for all vox.
In that manner of speaking yea you can squelch it.
Me myself I dont want to sqelch it entirely I just want to turn range down and be able to turn squad vox up
I'de like seperate volume controls for each.
Or better yet I would rather see squad vox over ride range Vox.

If someone in my squad is yakking too much and Im trying to listen to something on range I can tell my squaddie to shut the hell up a min and have it happen without him taking it too personally and have it turn into a huge  arguement.
Title: Six calls, SA, Voice chans, and Profanity.
Post by: RedTop on August 17, 2004, 06:44:30 PM
Originally posted by dfl8rms
Not meaning to single out anyone, but if the lack of a range VOX solution is to have people abandon  AH's VOX system, doesn't that lead to less "team"ness?  If HTC's reluctance to address range VOX is about team communication, this statement and others in this thread should point out that if not addressed by the maker of the game, the community or at least cocerned community members will address it.

Regarding Mayhem's original post, I fly with a squad that has 2 sub-12 years old on it.  Both fathers have warned their children about this, but to have the first or second word out of a persons mouth be obscene shows either the lack of respect/maturity that this community allows.

For those of you who've advanced the notion that the "community" should help police, my question is how?  A simple reminder over same VOX that it is not appreciated?  Also send a copy of the text buffer and/or film to

I certainly understand that feeling. Using another voice program will not take away AH VOX. However it give you an option to turn the AH VOX off if you like and just use your squad channel that you have separtly.

I don't like the issue really fo turning the AH VOX off. I sometimes get a bit frustrated with a bunch of chatter that doesnt have a place in a fight , however , I have been guilty I would think of the same thing. Not the cussing:(

Maybe have a permanant squaelch list..I don't really know the answer...What I do know is it was NOT called for with Mayhem nor my squad nor ANYONE else for that matter. This game can get frustrating and I for one understand it...But the BAd Mouthing your fellow players..calling em names and cussing em out..Well..Not even close to acceptable to me.

As far as I'm concerned I'll simply squelch him everytime.
Title: Six calls, SA, Voice chans, and Profanity.
Post by: sfd997 on August 17, 2004, 06:53:39 PM

I don't think it has anything to do with sheltering our children.  I don't cuss in front of my kids, I shouldn't have to worry about someone else doing it either.  My 9 y/o loved to play AH, unfortunately he is no longer allowed to because of idiots as described by Mayhem, I would love to be able to squelch to he can pay again.
Title: Six calls, SA, Voice chans, and Profanity.
Post by: DREDIOCK on August 17, 2004, 06:58:57 PM
Originally posted by Nwbie

I will assume that you mean WMSpin, he lately has been having problems with his vox setup, he needs a new mic setup or something because he either is so low you can't hear him, or so loud it is dang annoying, just throw a note to him if he is range voxing close to you that he is loud again and he will adjust it, or do like the rest of his squadies and squelch him :)

He is getting way better at his SA cuz his squadies laff about him not getting check 6 calls :)

He is a good guy and knows he has vox problems, so he won't get upset if ya tell him to lower it


Cool. Like I said there was no offence intended.
but man on a couple occasions he almost blew my eardrums out. LOL

Tell ya what though. He sounds clear as a bell.. or Gong whichever the case may be .
I picked up an  Altec Lansing headset at office depot for like $20 Works pretty damn good for the price
and I can control the volume and has 3 settings for the mike "mute,low, and high  right on the wire.(Make sure he gets that one)
Title: Six calls, SA, Voice chans, and Profanity.
Post by: Shane on August 17, 2004, 07:01:02 PM
Originally posted by sfd997
I don't think it has anything to do with sheltering our children.  I don't cuss in front of my kids, I shouldn't have to worry about someone else doing it either.  My 9 y/o loved to play AH, unfortunately he is no longer allowed to because of idiots as described by Mayhem, I would love to be able to squelch to he can pay again.

disable vox when he plays, don't tune ch200...

there's usually a way.
Title: Six calls, SA, Voice chans, and Profanity.
Post by: Morpheus on August 17, 2004, 07:04:18 PM
Not to get off topic here.... BUT.

How in the world do you people play with your surround sound on? For those that have it.

I have a 5.1 set up with a sweet sub and all which sounds awsome. But when I turn it on and take off the head phones I can just about concentrate on flying. If that makes sense. :p

I guess maybe if you get used to if you'll do well. But I just fly better with head phones on.
Title: Six calls, SA, Voice chans, and Profanity.
Post by: mars01 on August 17, 2004, 07:29:43 PM
I don't think it has anything to do with sheltering our children. I don't cuss in front of my kids, I shouldn't have to worry about someone else doing it either. My 9 y/o loved to play AH, unfortunately he is no longer allowed to because of idiots as described by Mayhem, I would love to be able to squelch to he can pay again.
Saying that, since you don't curse infront of your kids no one else that they ever come across in life will either is just silly.

My point is that your children are going to hear these words sooner or later and there is nothing you can do about it.  

So what?  They heard a curse word.  If you taught them right from wrong and they understand it is wrong to curse then you have nothing to worry about.  Then you could let your 9 y/o play knowing there is a minimal risk that he/she might hear a curse every now and again and know that they understand it is not right, respected or respectful.  It is not the idiots that are keeping your child from playing, it is your sheltering that is keeping them from playing.

If you read my posts you must obviously understand I am against the cursing.
Title: Re: Obscenity and indecency
Post by: DREDIOCK on August 17, 2004, 07:31:30 PM
If memory serves correct the only problem is that programming your are specifically paying to get like HBO, Cinemax, etc  and I would imagine here are not subject to these FCC regulations as they are not being bradcast over open airways such as local TV and radio programming.

Basically It is up to HTC  to set or not and enforce or not  his own standards.

For me personally the language thing doesnt bother me one way or the other and is pretty much a non issue
My kids 7 and 16  arent shocked or bothered by it . Put it this way. My dauighter now 7 favorite movie is Predator" Has been since she was 5.
So she knows the words but never uses them.
My son. only on Rare occasion and then never in front of women.
But thats me and my kids. Others I understand do things different And I can understand the reasoning behind their thinking even though I dont particularly go along with it

For me The babbling in combat areas about .. the Olympics for example. Or not being able to get a word in edgwise with my squad mates is a bigger issue then the language used.

but thats me

Originally posted by SPIKER
FCC regulations is very straight and to the point, to be posted is another issue.  The people that indulge in this mostly spur of the moment act are breaking the law.

Obscene, Profane & Indecent Broadcasts -FCC Consumer Facts
It’s Against the Law
It is a violation of federal law to broadcast obscene programming at any time. It is also a violation of federal law to broadcast indecent or profane programming during certain hours. Congress has given the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) the responsibility for administratively enforcing the law that governs these types of broadcasts. The Commission may revoke a station license, impose a monetary forfeiture, or issue a warning, for the broadcast of obscene or indecent material.

Obscene Broadcasts are Prohibited at all Times
Spiker [/B]
Title: Six calls, SA, Voice chans, and Profanity.
Post by: DREDIOCK on August 17, 2004, 07:48:59 PM
Hmm I think I was there for part of  this. Telll me. did this happen to be on the west side of the southern portion of the map?
I missed his comments but did manage to get into range just in time to hear 2-3 people chewing him out and telling him to grow up.
I have a funny feeling I know exactly who you are talking about.
If I bet $10 on it would I win?

I commend you for your responce over vox to him.
You were far more polite then was due.

Originally posted by RedTop
Well known squad for the knights had a guy on day before yesterday. Myself and 5 squaddies defending against a carrier group that was just off the coast. Vehicles coming in..Planes out the whazoo....

Upon his arrival it went like this....

You F'in guys gonna kill that CV or what...thats what I thought..F'in knights..what a joke..F 6 calls here? WTF you guys blind...You guys suck..F this..Could someone go kill that carrier...Fi'n get this guy off my tail...F'in guiys..dam yall suk..I fi'n had it..Guess I'll have to sink that carrier myself..You F'ers aren't going to do Sh**.......on and on he went til I just logged.

My nephew was at my house watching one day..same type of thing happened.

Squad Im in will be getting Ventrilo or Teamspeak soon.
Title: It's the Law
Post by: SPIKER on August 17, 2004, 08:03:18 PM
_____________________________ ____________________
My point is that your children are going to hear these words sooner or later and there is nothing you can do about it.
_____________________________ ___________________

 Yes they will, but it is set forth by the Federal Communications Commission that this will not be allowed over any radio Fqcy.
   If it is found that HT has violated such statutes there could be warnings, fines and or revoked license.  

I was in the Air Force for 15 years in communications...
(MARS) Military Affiliate Radio Systems, Kelly AFB TX
Weather Intercept, Incerlik AB Turkey
1st Aero Medical Evacuation Squadron, Pope NC, Korea, Germany

This has nothing to do with allowing children to listen or 6 calls, this is about allowing someone to break the law.

Title: Six calls, SA, Voice chans, and Profanity.
Post by: RedTop on August 17, 2004, 08:05:26 PM
You may have been there Dred. And yes I think it was in  that loc 33? I think it was. ;)

As far as being polite? Well its been said that there is no need to prove it by arguing or something along those lines. Cant remember exactly what it is.

I hear this type of stuff all the time tho. What is said on squad channel (not that that makes it ok to rant like that) is between a few guys that know one another as a squad. But to publicly go off like that is just not good for the team , knights , or that persons squad.

You prolly were there so even tho you may have heard only a little bit of his rant , believe me it was much worst.

I think I commented to my squaddies something to the effct of...

Hmm...think with all that ranting and stuff he'll make friends and influence ANYONE to help him with that carrier? They all laffed and commented on it as well. Basically we all said the same thing.

AND as CO of a squad...I see that or hear that type of thing on Open channel on Voice VOX  or 200 and Ill be taking care of it pronto.:mad:
Title: Six calls, SA, Voice chans, and Profanity.
Post by: mars01 on August 17, 2004, 08:14:14 PM
Ummm ok spiker so tell me what radio frequency is HTC transmitting over?
Title: Six calls, SA, Voice chans, and Profanity.
Post by: Shane on August 17, 2004, 08:17:30 PM
Originally posted by mars01
Ummm ok spiker so tell me what radio frequency is HTC transmitting over?

kenneth might know...

Title: Six calls, SA, Voice chans, and Profanity.
Post by: mars01 on August 17, 2004, 08:19:18 PM
LOL Shane yer ghey  :D
Title: Six calls, SA, Voice chans, and Profanity.
Post by: Polaris on August 17, 2004, 09:07:35 PM
FCC??  Are you freakin' kidding me?!?!
Title: Re: Re: Six calls, SA, Voice chans, and Profanity.
Post by: Mayhem on August 17, 2004, 09:16:39 PM
Originally posted by gofaster

Nice way to teach your son about teamwork, making new friends, and common courtesy.  Nice job.  He'll get along great in kindergarten. [/B]

GoFaster that was a vent a decloration, I do give warning mostly over voice when I know where my check six key is I use them to. however voice is faster. in this case there was no way I could have issues a six call even if I new where the key was and if voice was on I still would have not been able to give the warning in time to save him. you could have put a 100 bucks on my keeping him alive and I woulda lost the 100 bucks no way I could have saved him. To be blunt it was his booboo not mine and then to go after me for his screw up. my view has always been if I give you a six call be thankfull if you give me one "thank you" in advanced. If you don't give me a six call no biggy my fualt anyway. If I don't give you a six call then "sorry" but iam not obligated to it.

As far as team work is concearned ... well thats why I'm in a squad. I gave up in country loyalty and team work way back in aw4w on aol.

so your telling me you have never ever missed given some one a six call?
Title: Six calls, SA, Voice chans, and Profanity.
Post by: IK0N on August 17, 2004, 09:20:59 PM
Wow the lights just dimmed....impressive display tonight!!!

Title: Re: Re: Six calls, SA, Voice chans, and Profanity.
Post by: Mayhem on August 17, 2004, 09:24:59 PM
Originally posted by phookat
Naturally I agree that 6 calls are not a "right".  But I've seen this sentiment repeated several times, and I have to wonder where it's coming from.  What's so difficult about helping a stranger?

Speaking personally, I think this attitude and its ramfications are much more important than saying some words that mean "to copulate" and "to defecate".

I think you miss the point "I couldn't give him a six call in any way" this was a vent BTW and I was erked. but if I'm going to get my arse chewed and cussed out becuase I miss giving some a six call, I'de rather tell the entire community DO NOT EXPECT SIX CALLS FROM ME!
Title: Re: Re: Six calls, SA, Voice chans, and Profanity.
Post by: Simaril on August 17, 2004, 09:34:41 PM
Originally posted by phookat
Naturally I agree that 6 calls are not a "right".  But I've seen this sentiment repeated several times, and I have to wonder where it's coming from.  What's so difficult about helping a stranger?

Speaking personally, I think this attitude and its ramfications are much more important than saying some words that mean "to copulate" and "to defecate".

Nothing's difficult about it -- I throw check 6s out by the bucketful when I'm scanning for places to jump in, or when I'm otherwise not tightly engaged. I sometimes worry that I'm annoying others with all the checks, in fact.

However, I get annoyed at the attitude some have about 6s, which seems to be that if shot down its someone elses fault. Those folks also seem very vocal about their ..... disappointment .... that no one gave them a check 6.

I guess I think of it like givng gifts to my kids. I like doing it for them, and love it when the gifts are appreciated. But, when the kids start demanding gifts or whining about what's given, there's an attitude  problem that needs to be addressed.

And, I don't think anyone would disagree that many in the MA could do with a sound spanking followed by a time out in the corner.....
Title: Six calls, SA, Voice chans, and Profanity.
Post by: Stegahorse on August 17, 2004, 09:54:51 PM
This Thread should be locked....its going nowhere fast.
Title: Re: Re: Re: Six calls, SA, Voice chans, and Profanity.
Post by: phookat on August 17, 2004, 11:41:26 PM
Originally posted by Mayhem
I think you miss the point "I couldn't give him a six call in any way" this was a vent BTW and I was erked. but if I'm going to get my arse chewed and cussed out becuase I miss giving some a six call, I'de rather tell the entire community DO NOT EXPECT SIX CALLS FROM ME!

I understand you are venting...  But this is sort of what I'm getting at.  If there's a bad apple, then see him as the exception and move on.  Don't let it affect your behavior to others.  IOW don't let bad culture feed on itself.
Title: Re: Re: Re: Six calls, SA, Voice chans, and Profanity.
Post by: phookat on August 17, 2004, 11:46:08 PM
Originally posted by Simaril
However, I get annoyed at the attitude some have about 6s, which seems to be that if shot down its someone elses fault. Those folks also seem very vocal about their ..... disappointment .... that no one gave them a check 6.

I guess I think of it like givng gifts to my kids. I like doing it for them, and love it when the gifts are appreciated. But, when the kids start demanding gifts or whining about what's given, there's an attitude  problem that needs to be addressed.

Yes, certainly I agree with that.  But don't let it affect you or your generosity to others.  Disassociate yourself from it, and it won't annoy you.  The guy who's foaming at the mouth should still be corrected, of course.

It sounds like a small thing, perhaps, but it is on these small things that a culture and a community are built.
Title: Six calls, SA, Voice chans, and Profanity.
Post by: TequilaChaser on August 17, 2004, 11:56:47 PM
you damn right this thread should be locked, you have one guy come on here and vent his frustration about some foul mouth lil dweeb bellybutton punk trying to cuss him out on vox because he was not able to give a 6 check , then all that comes of the thread is a bunch of trolling pencil neck jerks telling him how to raise his kids, or taking his words out of context and construeing them into their own personal agenda / meaning............and the damn fact that all this took place ( most of the construeing part) after hitech posted new rules for the message boards. go chew on that!

the degenerates of this board and AH are dragging it down in my opinion
Title: hmmm
Post by: SPIKER on August 18, 2004, 12:11:56 AM
It does not matter what fqcy according to…
Title 18 United States Code, Section 1464 (18 U.S.C. § 1464).

Title: Six calls, SA, Voice chans, and Profanity.
Post by: DREDIOCK on August 18, 2004, 12:16:18 AM
Originally posted by mars01
Ummm ok spiker so tell me what radio frequency is HTC transmitting over?

He's not. And this is something privately funded and paid for. Just like HBO,Playboy channel etc etc
Which is not subject to the rules/laws he is quoting
Title: ...
Post by: SPIKER on August 18, 2004, 12:31:33 AM
I must apologize, according to Miller v. California, 413 U.S. 15, 37 "obscenity is to be determined by applying ‘contemporary community standards,' not ‘national standards.'" While free speech law typically focuses on the interests of speaker, receiver, and public at large, the community standards doctrine takes account of local communities as well.  The use of community standards safeguards First Amendment values by assuring that allegedly obscene material is judged neither on the basis of each juror's personal opinion, nor by its effect on a particularly sensitive or insensitive person or group.  

Title: Six calls, SA, Voice chans, and Profanity.
Post by: Stone on August 18, 2004, 01:40:54 AM
There is the option of setting the VOX volume to 0, so you can not hear it :D

Ok, you loose squad VOX also, but then again squad can use text buffer.

As people get mad getting check6 calls, I have stoped to give em. That frees a button on the stick also :aok

You can record your own check6 sound. That way you could record silence or eg. your kid saying "look out" or sumting sweet :)

I agree that its your own responsibility to check your 6.

Some times I do wonder not getting one, when I see a red plane chased by 15 green planes, sneaking on my 6.

Meny times people dont even want to give the check6 call, as you are lineing up their kill.

I have also seen when high ranked players "drag" a con from their 6 close to me, hoping that the con leaves them alone and jump me. A dirty trick, but just goes to show, that you really have to check your 6.

So check your own 6, that gives you a better SA and makes you a better player :aok
Title: Six calls, SA, Voice chans, and Profanity.
Post by: opus on August 18, 2004, 01:42:56 AM
I too think profanity in uneeded to expess one's self. But I am curious about the initial post and how it relates to a 5 year old child, as thats the context the post was presented. The biggest question in my mind is, if the child had never heard the words before, how did the child know they were bad words? I use words in front of children all the time, that I can guarantee they've never heard - but they aren't profane - mostly technical terms. They don't raise an eyebrow.

It just puzzles me how the child knew he heard cursing.
Title: Six calls, SA, Voice chans, and Profanity.
Post by: TequilaChaser on August 18, 2004, 01:55:08 AM
opus quit trying to stir the pot please.....

let this thread die!

Thank You
Title: Six calls, SA, Voice chans, and Profanity.
Post by: YUCCA on August 18, 2004, 01:58:39 AM
I never said it was unacceptable furious, i said that you shouldnt act so damned suprised.
Title: Re: Six calls, SA, Voice chans, and Profanity.
Post by: beet1e on August 18, 2004, 05:16:59 AM
Originally posted by Mayhem
Ok Where in the heck in the rule book does it say I have to compensate for peoples complete lack of SA that I’m required to give every one and there mother a six call (I gave your mom a six call last night any way). I don’t fly for you. I don’t fly for the knight rooks bishes az bz cz or any other country for that matter. I fly ah with my squad for my enjoyment and not yours or any one else’s. If your not in my squad and I don’t know you then I couldn't care if a rattz hind end about you.
2¾ years in AH for me now, and this ^ for me encapsulates everything that is wrong with AH. The largest squad in the game: The "it's my $14.95" squad.
Title: Six calls, SA, Voice chans, and Profanity.
Post by: mars01 on August 18, 2004, 07:47:29 AM
you damn right this thread should be locked, you have one guy come on here and vent his frustration about some foul mouth lil dweeb bellybutton punk trying to cuss him out on vox because he was not able to give a 6 check , then all that comes of the thread is a bunch of trolling pencil neck jerks telling him how to raise his kids, or taking his words out of context and construeing them into their own personal agenda / meaning............and the damn fact that all this took place ( most of the construeing part) after hitech posted new rules for the message boards. go chew on that!

the degenerates of this board and AH are dragging it down in my opinion
Hey Tequila why all of a sudden are you the self appointed thread monitor? Your quote above is the worst troll in the thread. Your not reading this thread either. No one is telling anyone how to raise their kids, they are merely voicing opinions to a public post on a public BB.  You usually have some good points to add, I'll chock this one up to you having a bad day.

Beetle, your stick stirring again, read all of the thread. Mayhem was venting, he has stated that. How can you slight a whole squad about something you misunderstood? Wait, who am I talking to lol, :rolleyes: Never mind.