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General Forums => Custom Skins => Topic started by: SELECTOR on October 03, 2004, 04:16:21 AM

Title: AH pallet and tools
Post by: SELECTOR on October 03, 2004, 04:16:21 AM
I know there are colour swatch sights out there, most popular is skinners heaven prob, but i find these swatches not very accurate when viewed in AH2, or dont look accurate, these colours are for il2 which uses different light effects than AH2.

What i propose we do (if its been done already i haven't seen it) is produce our own colour swatch set for ah2. Between us all and help from the arts team at HTC im sure a sticky post or web page will help us standardise the colours we use..

I know there will be heated debate about what colours are best, but as the skin bbs is quite professional in its essence im sure we can do it..
Title: AH pallet and tools
Post by: SELECTOR on October 03, 2004, 04:47:51 AM
Title: AH pallet and tools
Post by: Kev367th on October 03, 2004, 01:19:18 PM
I suggested this some time ago and was poo-poo'ed.
Title: AH pallet and tools
Post by: Superfly on October 04, 2004, 10:06:51 AM
I use this site quite often for colors in AH:
Title: AH pallet and tools
Post by: Dux on October 04, 2004, 10:49:42 AM
Wow, that's a pretty good site. Thanks, Superfly.

Aww, Kev... Nopoop and I never said it wasn't a good idea to have a place to start, we just wanted people to realize that NO SOURCE is the end-all final-word on color. If you need a place to start, Supa's site is great... just don't read it as Gospel.
Title: AH pallet and tools
Post by: Waffle on October 04, 2004, 02:04:08 PM
Those are good color references. I've also used the corrected RLM color chips scanned from Michael Ulmmans book 'Luftwaffe colors'. One thing to consider though, is that most colors / chips need to be lightened for scale. At least I use most of the principles used in airbrushing models when doing skins.

Another factor is the age of the lacquer on the plane as well as the the tint of the lacquer produced. I know German planes had many variations of single colors. This was due to dwindling supplies, time efforts to speed up production, ect....some cases specified 2-3 coats of rlm66 on the interior surfaces of the planes - by the end of the war - they were down to one light coat over primer. Even some of the late model GE planes came out with primer and another color as a camo  applied from factory.

Also ground crews that would paint the planes if needed - would sometimes use captured paint stores, ect... or any other available source.

I don't really see the need for a "standardized" AH color scheme.
Currently, it looks as most of the folks who are doing the skins and putting serious effort into it are doing a good job at selecting colors and making them fit the game.

Half of the fun for me, when I do a skin - is doing the research behind it. Finding pictures, drawings, ect and building from the ground up.
Title: AH pallet and tools
Post by: Superfly on October 04, 2004, 05:00:22 PM
I actually try to compare colors of at least 2 or more sources to find a median.
Title: AH pallet and tools
Post by: Waffle on October 04, 2004, 05:27:15 PM
Here's one of the charts from "luftwaffe colors"

Title: Re: AH pallet and tools
Post by: glenmorangie on October 05, 2004, 08:09:48 AM
Originally posted by SELECTOR
... but i find these swatches not very accurate when viewed in AH2, or dont look accurate, these colours are for il2 which uses different light effects than AH2.

I had extensive conversations with, and help from Kweassa, Fruda, straffo and others( ...on my one skin ). It took some time for the information to penetrate, but I finally understood that the colors of the image in AH should match the color chips, not the color in Photoshop.  

I'm in the process of producing an adjusted pallette for the Russian colors and I'll be happy to provide the results as RGB values when I am done.