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Help and Support Forums => Help and Training => Topic started by: LJK_KämpferAs on June 26, 2000, 07:30:00 PM

Title: Mouse eyes....
Post by: LJK_KämpferAs on June 26, 2000, 07:30:00 PM

Is there a way to setup the mouse to be your head/eyes, ie move the mouse to change where you are looking. I was looking to a better way to keep my targets in view, as there doesn't appare to be any sort of pad-lock view in AH that I know of?

Oberstleutnant LJK_KämpferAs
Kommandeur von II Gruppe
ExecutivOffizier von LuftJägerKorps
Title: Mouse eyes....
Post by: Spatula on June 26, 2000, 07:45:00 PM
Not that im aware of. But neat idea  (

As for padlock view, i would find that too dis-orientating (that's just me tho).

Title: Mouse eyes....
Post by: Sharky on June 26, 2000, 08:12:00 PM

Nope, no mousey viewy thingy and no padlock.  Get your joystick buttons set up for all the differant views and modify your head position for each and you'll never miss mouse panning or padlock.

If ya need help with setting it up lemme know and I'll help.


Title: Mouse eyes....
Post by: LJK_KämpferAs on June 27, 2000, 07:24:00 PM
ty again, I read some stuff from a link to another post, and have the 'goods' on getting the most outta the hat on the stick with mods to the head possie by F10ing them all.

ty again.

Oberstleutnant LJK_KämpferAs
Kommandeur von II Gruppe
ExecutivOffizier von LuftJägerKorps
Title: Mouse eyes....
Post by: Sharky on June 28, 2000, 12:31:00 AM
My pleasure,

Glad we could help.  NEXT!!!!  (

Title: Mouse eyes....
Post by: Minotaur on June 28, 2000, 12:48:00 AM
I think I would like to try padlock.  It is not so dis-orientating for myself.  

IMO padlock provides a better point of reference between the pilot and the simulated plane during ACM.  

The Wrecking Crew

"I kinda like it.. and the hell with the cat"
Title: Mouse eyes....
Post by: Westy on June 28, 2000, 07:40:00 AM
Padlock?              PADLOCK???????

<Westy commences to build a bunker to wage war from>
Title: Mouse eyes....
Post by: LJK_KämpferAs on June 29, 2000, 07:55:00 PM
a perfect padlock.

1. you have to fine the target with a manual key view.

2. padlock view breaks if, you go to any other view. if the locked a/c moves below canopy view. if you red/black out. if locked a/c moves from one side of 6 to other side(no noodlescrew heads  lol). if locked a/c moves beyound vis range(including clouds, hills etc).

Oberstleutnant LJK_KämpferAs
Kommandeur von II Gruppe
ExecutivOffizier von LuftJägerKorps