Aces High Bulletin Board

General Forums => Aircraft and Vehicles => Topic started by: humble on October 28, 2004, 12:45:33 PM

Title: "early war vs ubberville...."
Post by: humble on October 28, 2004, 12:45:33 PM
As we finally (I hope) see new toys begin to roll of the assembly line it seems we have a couple of distinct "player camps". The primary focus for many is the scenario planes. A lot of "we need" plane X for winter 1941 in botsilvania scenario or such. Since I gravitate to the 40+ rides more toys in that range isnt a bad thing. However, since the main gameplay is in the MA I dont think the rank and file gonna salivate over a P-38f or "early 109 g-6".

The 2nd group is looking for new "competitive" rides...Ki-100 & "king cobra" would come to mind...also G-55 or other "late war" italian ride.

I'm wondering about the planes like DO-335 and other "prototype" type or limited use planes. Personally I think there are planes that dont really "qualify" but should be involved...F7F would be my #1 choice. A plane that would dominate the game IMO. Possibly the best piston engine all purpose combat plane ever developed...certainly the F-14 of the 1940's. Would of allowed a multipurpose strike capability far beyond what actually saw combat in WW2.

To me unless a rolling plane set is adopted (not a bad idea) then adding more ubber is better than the early war lumber...just one persons opinion obviously.
Title: "early war vs ubberville...."
Post by: Guppy35 on October 28, 2004, 12:57:28 PM
Might as well have two arenas then.

1939--43 and a 1944-46 that includes the might have beens.

1939-43 keeps out the ubers and would allow for a larger variety of equally performing aircraft.  You'd be elminating the LA7, KI-84, P51s, Tempest, 262,163, Ta152, 190D9, Spit XIV and the late model Jugs, Corsairs, 38s and 109s.  And adding a P39, early model 38, maybe and A36 or P51A as well as maybe an Ki43 and some of the earlier Russian and Italian stuff.

the 44-46 could be the AH Quake 4 SWOTL  arena then :)  Add the Do335, DH Hornet, Meteor, P80, MB5 maybe along with all those maybe Luftwaffe and Japanese birds and unperk all the ubers.

who'd fly the 39-43 arena
Title: "early war vs ubberville...."
Post by: Karnak on October 28, 2004, 01:02:19 PM
I'd fly in the '39-'43 arena as well.

If it were a '44-'45 arena I'd fly there too sometimes, but if you start adding things like the Do335, Hornet, F7F, Fury and F8F I lose interest real fast.
Title: "early war vs ubberville...."
Post by: humble on October 28, 2004, 01:05:35 PM
Dan I dont disagree with you at all. I'm tooling around the MA in a Ki-61 having a blast. If the put a curtis hawk out I'd be tooling around in it:)...but realistically in an la-7/D-9/109-G10/P-51/P-38 world how many 1939-1942 rides are you going to if we have 12 new planes over the next set of releases and 10 of em are 1939-1942 85% of the player base won't see em except in the hanger...further alot of the rank and file will probably be disenchanted. We're all waiting for the if the "big" news was a P-38F and a 190-A3 ack ack and urchin would be doing cart wheels and the rest of us would be sleeping....
Title: "early war vs ubberville...."
Post by: Guppy35 on October 28, 2004, 01:08:52 PM
I was thinking about it the other day, trying to figure out where and what time in the war was the most balanced in terms of aircraft performance and variety of aircraft and I came up with the Med, meaning North Africa-Sicily-Italy 42-43

You'd have all the Italian birds, along with the Luftwaffe 109s, 190s 110s and medium bombers and Stukas for the Axis.

And you'd have the early A36s 38s, 39s and 40s  for the USAAF as well as the Spit Vs they were flying along with A20s, B25s and B26s and some B17Fs.  The RAF would have Hurri IIs, Spit Vs and a few early IXs along with the P40s they were flying along with Bostons, Beaufighters and the occasional Wellington.

It seems like a time where there was no dominating performer but a lot of planes that could survive against each other if flown well.

Oh well one can dream :)

Title: "early war vs ubberville...."
Post by: storch on October 28, 2004, 01:26:09 PM
On a whim two days ago I upped an Mc 202 in the MA during the early morning east coast U.S. time.  I had a blast in it.
Title: "early war vs ubberville...."
Post by: xHaMmeRx on October 28, 2004, 05:21:02 PM
I've never really understood the adversion to a rolling plane set. I have never played WarBirds, and Air Warrior never did it, but it seems like a good idea. Especially given the robust plane set HiTech has created. Not trying to steal the thread or anything, but could somebody who did not like it explain?
Title: "early war vs ubberville...."
Post by: Pongo on October 28, 2004, 06:13:33 PM
Numbers appear to be creaping up. Right now there is no chance for a second area but if we got up to 600 players again it would be cool to do.
Title: "early war vs ubberville...."
Post by: DoKGonZo on October 28, 2004, 06:48:39 PM
I'd love to have an early-war rotation. Just switch from week to week. Base capture would be quite different without heavy bombers around to soak up damage.
Title: "early war vs ubberville...."
Post by: Flyboy on October 28, 2004, 07:00:29 PM
the problem is that ATLEAST 50% of the players want to fly their uber planes all the time. if HTC start doing a RPS thingi you can bet that atleast half of the 50 above will leave.

and i doubt HTC can afford loosing 25% of its costumers.
Title: "early war vs ubberville...."
Post by: lasersailor184 on October 28, 2004, 07:11:37 PM
I'd go early war over late war any time.  Except for rare occasions when I need to up a Corsair.
Title: "early war vs ubberville...."
Post by: Redd on October 28, 2004, 07:34:58 PM
Originally posted by xHaMmeRx
I've never really understood the adversion to a rolling plane set. I have never played WarBirds, and Air Warrior never did it, but it seems like a good idea. Especially given the robust plane set HiTech has created. Not trying to steal the thread or anything, but could somebody who did not like it explain?

In WB I was never a huge fan of RPS as I was in a F4u squad, but we adapted and flew F4-F for the 1st week.

In AH they won't even fly a B pony instead of a D, so you can imagine the whining , it would lift the roof. (read the ENY whine threads)

Only way I  could see it working would be in a separate arena, once the numbers get huge in the MA.

Today I would fly it without hesitation, it would be a blast. You might as well call the current MA the late war arena anyway.
Title: "early war vs ubberville...."
Post by: bozon on October 28, 2004, 08:01:17 PM

To me unless a rolling plane set is adopted (not a bad idea) then adding more ubber is better than the early war lumber...just one persons opinion obviously.

then why stop at 1945? go right to the ATF and F15E. Or even better: X-wing vs. Tie fighter.

A full plane set for a narrow timespan is better than sopwith pup vs F16 areana.

Title: "early war vs ubberville...."
Post by: DoKGonZo on October 28, 2004, 08:13:08 PM
Two arenas would be tough to pull off given the way numbers are tailing off as it is. But ... if you did have an early war arena and if you could link the perks between then two, then you could do something like have a 2X perk multiplier in early war as incentive for people to fly there.

Then once you get 3/4 of the player base over there on a regular basis, you can merge the arenas and have RPS.
Title: "early war vs ubberville...."
Post by: Guppy35 on October 28, 2004, 09:25:39 PM
Originally posted by DoKGonZo
Two arenas would be tough to pull off given the way numbers are tailing off as it is. But ... if you did have an early war arena and if you could link the perks between then two, then you could do something like have a 2X perk multiplier in early war as incentive for people to fly there.

Then once you get 3/4 of the player base over there on a regular basis, you can merge the arenas and have RPS.

There's a danger in making sense around here Dok :)

Title: "early war vs ubberville...."
Post by: Guppy35 on October 28, 2004, 09:27:49 PM
Originally posted by lasersailor184
I'd go early war over late war any time.  Except for rare occasions when I need to up a Corsair.

Except that in a 39-43 arena you'd have the first Corsair, just not the later ones.  Kinda like the 190s and 109s.  It would be A5s and G6s latest but you'd still have a 190.  If you add the Allison Mustang the uber Mustang driver's wouldn't know the dif :)

Title: "early war vs ubberville...."
Post by: Karnak on October 28, 2004, 09:31:59 PM
Originally posted by DoKGonZo
Two arenas would be tough to pull off given the way numbers are tailing off as it is. But ... if you did have an early war arena and if you could link the perks between then two, then you could do something like have a 2X perk multiplier in early war as incentive for people to fly there.

Then once you get 3/4 of the player base over there on a regular basis, you can merge the arenas and have RPS.

I'm kinda with you, until you talk about merging to two arenas.

That wouldn't fly.
Title: "early war vs ubberville...."
Post by: DoKGonZo on October 28, 2004, 10:21:02 PM
Originally posted by Karnak
I'm kinda with you, until you talk about merging to two arenas.

That wouldn't fly.

The end result should be to re-merge once people realize that various extremeties won't drop off if they don't fly uberplanes. The risk is that two not very full arenas will present an impression that the game isn't very vibrant. So a 3-month "introduction to other planes" phase would bridge that.
Title: "early war vs ubberville...."
Post by: Karnak on October 28, 2004, 10:45:16 PM
Originally posted by DoKGonZo
The end result should be to re-merge once people realize that various extremeties won't drop off if they don't fly uberplanes.

You're far more optimistic than I am.  I doubt they'd ever realize that, and those few that did (not to mention those that did from the get go) would whine endlessly about certain aircraft such as the Spitfire Mk IX.
Title: "early war vs ubberville...."
Post by: humble on October 29, 2004, 09:02:55 AM
Originally posted by bozon
then why stop at 1945? go right to the ATF and F15E. Or even better: X-wing vs. Tie fighter.

A full plane set for a narrow timespan is better than sopwith pup vs F16 areana.


You already have the 262/tempest/Ta-152/spitXIV. Your not really going to up the "ubberante" any further if you stick with planes that were operational during WW-2 (not combat operational). Add meteor and P-80 plus all the prototypes etc and you wont really change the balance of play all that much. P-47M is coming anyway (I'm guessing). To me whats the difference between facing an La-7/262/tempest or a F8/P-47M/seafury in my -1 hog or Ki-61. Now I avoid some of the early war stuff like the 109-E and A6M2 because I hate the Ballistics....again unless you go to a RPS your simply not going to see any play on the earlybirds beyond those that all ready fly em anyway.
Title: "early war vs ubberville...."
Post by: Halo on October 29, 2004, 10:47:29 AM
Rolling plane set in WarBirds got tedious because of the ride limitations.  Many people simply would not play until their favorite ride was activated.  

And each period in the rotation had its own uber planes, so the issue of people preferring the most superior ride is always there somewhere.

Adding later planes that did not see action in WWII defeats the idea of a WWII plane set.  It would be intriguing to have an additional arena for the latest and last prop warplanes, but might not be worth the cost and effort to develop.

The ultimate spectrum of guns-only planes (no air to air missiles) would span WWI to Korea.  Would be great to have an Aces High WWI arena and Korean arena -- perhaps in AH VI or AH VII.
Title: "early war vs ubberville...."
Post by: humble on October 29, 2004, 11:38:00 AM
The meteor P-80 Do-335 F7F P-47M Sea Fury were all operational during the war...they are not post war planes the last two were front line service planes...the meteor and P-80 flew operationally in combat uinits. The Do-335 saw some action I believe and the F7F was operational but not deployed I believe...none of em are experimental what if "1946" planes...all were in development in 1942-43 and production capable in 1944.
Title: "early war vs ubberville...."
Post by: HoHun on October 29, 2004, 11:39:25 AM
Hi Xhammerx,

>I have never played WarBirds, and Air Warrior never did it, but it seems like a good idea. Especially given the robust plane set HiTech has created.

Actually, Air Warrior had an RPS in the end, but only in the little-used Axis-vs-Allies arena. It was slow to rotate, though, limited to ETO planes, and featured poorly chosen adversaries.

That highlights the danger of an RPS - you've got to get it right, or it will annoy the players :-) Given enough aircraft to choose from, that's not a real problem though.

Often, players complain about the earliest phase of the RPS because there are relatively few aircraft types to choose from. I'm not sure how serious this issue is.

With regard to free-for-all vs. RPS, it seems to me that by maintaining a FFA arena you shape player habits and encourage pilots to specialize on one particular type at the expense of tactical (or mental ;-) flexibility.

In an environment where the RPS is the norm, you will find only few specialists who refuse to fly anything except their favourite aircraft, though there are some. When their favourite is not available, specialists often pick a fighter with similar strengths, or sometimes limit their play to the days when their favourite is available. (Though for jet jockeys, I admit ;-)

With regard to the question what the majority of the players prefer, it's difficult to guess for us, but Hitechcreations could simply alternate between FFA and RPS a couple of times and then look at the player statistics :-)


Henning (HoHun)
Title: "early war vs ubberville...."
Post by: bozon on October 29, 2004, 11:43:00 AM
Rolling plane set in WarBirds got tedious because of the ride limitations. Many people simply would not play until their favorite ride was activated.

That is exacly the problem. If they didn't have 1945 planes, they wouldn't have been disapointed not being able to fly them...

RPS is bad idea. having a static plane set of a long time as WWII is problematic too.
I'd love it if HTC would narrow the period that they represent in the game, and provide with a full plane set for that period.

Having two areanas is like having two games of two different periods. I like that -  if the player base is big enough to support this.

Title: "early war vs ubberville...."
Post by: DoKGonZo on October 29, 2004, 12:09:52 PM
I think a multi-year RPS is overkill and does have the inherent problem that has been mentioned : too few planes to choose from.

But an "early war/late war" set up is much more manageable. We have "late war" now. If "early war" included the F4U-1, P-51B, P47B, Fw190A-5, Me109F, Me109G2, Me110C, Seafire, Spit V, Hurri II, La-5, P-40E, FM2, F4F, C202/205, Zeke-5 ... that's 16 decent and competetive fighters to choose from. Given that only 3 or 4 planes see most of the use in the MA as it is now, this is more than plenty. About the only people who'd really be bummed is the P38 drivers as there's no early model of the Lightning.

Then if you yank the heavy bombers - leaving just the Ju-88 and Boston III - that drastically changes field capture. The MA becomes a very different game.
Title: "early war vs ubberville...."
Post by: HoHun on October 29, 2004, 12:39:26 PM
Hi Gonzo,

>I think a multi-year RPS is overkill and does have the inherent problem that has been mentioned : too few planes to choose from.

Actually, that's only true for the earliest period of WW2, where you have Spitfire/Hurricane vs. Me 109E/Me 110/Ju 87/Ju 88 in most simulations.

Once the RPS gets rolling, you actually have more valid choices because aircraft that are obsolete in a 1945-based FFA can be quite competitive earlier.

In fact, a 1945 FFA is just an RPS frozen at one single month.

>If "early war" included the F4U-1, P-51B, P47B, Fw190A-5, Me109F, Me109G2, Me110C, Seafire, Spit V, Hurri II, La-5, P-40E, FM2, F4F, C202/205, Zeke-5 ... that's 16 decent and competetive fighters to choose from. Given that only 3 or 4 planes see most of the use in the MA as it is now, this is more than plenty. About the only people who'd really be bummed is the P38 drivers as there's no early model of the Lightning.

Well, the P-38J preceded the P-51B, so your plane set doesn't seem to be based on a deadline :-)


Henning (HoHun)
Title: "early war vs ubberville...."
Post by: DoKGonZo on October 29, 2004, 01:01:57 PM
I know some of it is lopsided ... but I was going more for feel. The 51B has speed but weak guns, whereas the 38J would overpower a lot of the early-war planes. Also the 38 sees lots of use in late war, but the 51B sees next to none (save for ENY-fests). That's the same reason I left the F6F and Spit IX off the early war list - they get used plenty in late war.

I just don't know how to get around the whines that even trying something like this would cause, though. Early war planes can be plenty uber versus other early war planes - but I fear too many people will just balk at anything less than an La-7 or Millenium Falcon.
Title: "early war vs ubberville...."
Post by: humble on October 29, 2004, 01:15:24 PM
Actually I think the ENY limiter is forcing more folks to explore the plane set. Alot more 110's, 205's, -1 hogs, la-5s and Ki-61's can be found roaming the MA. The issue here is new planes...all but 1 (P-38j) of the planes above are already in the set. Obviously the P-39 is long overdue...but what other early war planes are really going to get used...of course the 190-A5 drivers will swap out to the A4 or A3 but otherwise nothing will get used in MA...
Title: "early war vs ubberville...."
Post by: HoHun on October 29, 2004, 01:20:25 PM
Hi Gonzo,

>I know some of it is lopsided ... but I was going more for feel.

A valid approach, too :-) A strictly chronological RPS is not the only possiblity, it would be quite possible to create a dynamic RPS in which the less-used planes come out earlier and the most-used ones are pushed back. Perk points could buy you newer planes - the current FFA actually isn't that really free either, now that I think about it.

>I just don't know how to get around the whines that even trying something like this would cause, though.

I think announcing it would cause more whines than actually trying it ;-)


Henning (HoHun)
Title: "early war vs ubberville...."
Post by: humble on October 29, 2004, 01:39:25 PM

The F7F entered operational service with the marine corps in April 1944.

....The opinion of the Navy flight testers read, in part, "in addition to its potentialities as a night fighter, this airplane is the best medium-altitude day fighter, Army, Navy or foreign, yet evaluated." ....

I've always been amazed that the best all purpose strike plane developed in WW2 was never but into action. It would have easily dominated any other plane from any other nation in addition to being mission capable as both a ground attack or sea attack (carried a torp)

460mph top speed, 1200 mile range, 4500 ft/min climb and outturns an F6F with 4 x 20mm and 4 x .50....hehe :aok
Title: "early war vs ubberville...."
Post by: Guppy35 on October 29, 2004, 02:36:53 PM
Originally posted by humble
Actually I think the ENY limiter is forcing more folks to explore the plane set. Alot more 110's, 205's, -1 hogs, la-5s and Ki-61's can be found roaming the MA. The issue here is new planes...all but 1 (P-38j) of the planes above are already in the set. Obviously the P-39 is long overdue...but what other early war planes are really going to get used...of course the 190-A5 drivers will swap out to the A4 or A3 but otherwise nothing will get used in MA...

Give me an early model 38F,G or H with the smaller intakes, no dive brake etc.  I'd fly that one on principle :)

An Allison Mustang might be fun too since so much of the MA is low alt where a single stage supercharged bird can do quite well.  That would be a reason the 39 will do fine too I think as it's low level performance was very good.  

I think it would be fun to up an I-15 or I-16 too with the Russians.  Couldn't catch much, but that turning on a dime in a furball would be a blast :)

Title: "early war vs ubberville...."
Post by: Angus on October 29, 2004, 02:41:07 PM
A late I-16...
A P63......

Yumm Yumm
Title: "early war vs ubberville...."
Post by: Halo on October 29, 2004, 06:35:08 PM
The Combat Theater has nearly everything people find attractive about limited war periods or rolling plane sets.  CT is always looking for more players.  

CT enthusiasts constantly petition for more complete middle and early war plane and vehicle sets.  

And although the appeal of any game diminishes over time, the Main Arena still offers many more challenges for all skill levels than many players have begun to explore.

For example, try attacking a B-17 formation with a 202.  Take a B5N anywhere and try to hit a target and land the strike.  Dogfight a D3A.  Recon the entire area in an Me-262 without someone somewhere somehow ruining your perk ride.

Rolling plane sets were the way the WWII actually evolved including the ultimate rides that did not see significant combat.  
But Aces High still seems to have it right in having a mostly unlimited Main Arena, changing scenarios in Combat Theater, and the most significant planes and vehicles that saw significant combat.

Once the present plane and gv parameters are filled in -- and that will obviously take a long time -- then perhaps other eras can be added.  Definitely would be great to sometime have the ultimate props, Korea, WWI, and even the 20s and 30s too.    

However, by the time all that happens, HiTech and staff's grandkids will be running the store.
Title: "early war vs ubberville...."
Post by: Oldman731 on October 30, 2004, 10:50:24 AM
Originally posted by Halo
The Combat Theater has nearly everything people find attractive about limited war periods or rolling plane sets.  CT is always looking for more players.  

This is true.  The rolling plane set already exists there.  The numbers (to me, at least) show that most people really don't want to participate in the challenge of early- and mid-war machines.  Generally, we find that we get the greatest participation in those weeks when we run late-war setups.  

I think HoHun is probably right - most people want a rolling plane set that is frozen in March, 1945.

- oldman
Title: "early war vs ubberville...."
Post by: DoKGonZo on October 30, 2004, 11:31:37 AM
I think it's more of a chicken-and-egg thing ... there aren't big numbers in CT so not many people check it out, and since not many people go there there's never big numbers. There is always a lot of sentiment attached to P40's, the classic "Spit v. Me109" matchup, and so on ... but there's no reason to fly these planes in the MA, and no reason to go to the CT when there's seldom more than 20 people in it.

The early/late MA rotation could be very good for AH if done right and strongly supported - by both HTC, and the core of the playerbase who gets the big picture. For one thing, it extends the life of the game by making it two games - without heavy bombers and uber-cannon-jabo-birds base capture becomes very different. Closure rates drop, turn rates go up ... it's all pretty different. It'd also showcase the depth of the game - instead of just the 6 or 7 planes everyone flies 90% of the time. And it'd at least provide some variety in the MA - even if it's just between "vanilla" and "chocolate."

Now, the interesting question really is: how would perks and ENY function in an early war set up? How would plane values need to shift, and what planes could be slide in and perked (Spit IX and P38 could be perk planes, for instance).
Title: "early war vs ubberville...."
Post by: Guppy35 on October 30, 2004, 12:11:43 PM
Originally posted by Oldman731
This is true.  The rolling plane set already exists there.  The numbers (to me, at least) show that most people really don't want to participate in the challenge of early- and mid-war machines.  Generally, we find that we get the greatest participation in those weeks when we run late-war setups.  

I think HoHun is probably right - most people want a rolling plane set that is frozen in March, 1945.

- oldman

The difference with CT is it's limited to one historical area and time.

a 39-43 plane set would include both Pac and Euro planes that fit.

Personally I'd leave the 38L and 51B out of it as they're too much a part of the 44-46 time frame.  US rides would be the P40s, and P47D-11 along with the Wildcat, Hellcat and early model F4U

Title: "early war vs ubberville...."
Post by: HoHun on October 30, 2004, 12:31:29 PM
Hi Oldman,

>I think HoHun is probably right - most people want a rolling plane set that is frozen in March, 1945.

Actually, I think that very few people want a rolling plane set that is frozen in March, 1945, and that these people had their habits formed in an environment like that. An RPS certainly makes for a more interesting game.


Henning (HoHun)
Title: "early war vs ubberville...."
Post by: Oldman731 on October 30, 2004, 05:22:10 PM
Originally posted by DoKGonZo
I think it's more of a chicken-and-egg thing ... there aren't big numbers in CT so not many people check it out, and since not many people go there there's never big numbers.

Could be, but I suspect it isn't.  CT numbers DO vary.  When we run a 1945 plane set we get much bigger numbers than we do the rest of the time (this is true of PAC, as well).  The extra people, of course, are visitors from the MA.  When we have Battle of Britain or Guadalcanal or one of the other early-war setups, the most common comment from the visitors is along the lines of "these guns don't work."

- oldman
Title: "early war vs ubberville...."
Post by: Oldman731 on October 30, 2004, 05:24:07 PM
Originally posted by Guppy35
The difference with CT is it's limited to one historical area and time.

a 39-43 plane set would include both Pac and Euro planes that fit.

Possibly.  But I'll bet that if you ran the entire 39-43 set, you'd find that the Germans always fly the A5 or the F4, the Allies always fly the Spits, and the Japanese always fly the M5s.

Just a guess.

- oldman
Title: "early war vs ubberville...."
Post by: Oldman731 on October 30, 2004, 05:28:45 PM
Originally posted by HoHun
Actually, I think that very few people want a rolling plane set that is frozen in March, 1945, and that these people had their habits formed in an environment like that. An RPS certainly makes for a more interesting game.

The Warbirds folks pretty uniformly say that the RPS there had a very negative effect on the game.  The Axis v. Allies arenas in AW were virtually unpopulated (especially in FR - ask me how I know).  

I think you can see the reason in the threads on the ENY limitation.  There is a huge number of players who simply want to fly one (possibly two) airplane.  That airplane is almost always a 1945 model.  Although I personally think that's an odd approach to the game, I'm certainly not going to be the one to tell them that they can't do that just to satisfy my desires.

- oldman (and hey, how come I don't see YOU in the CT, Ho Hun?)
Title: "early war vs ubberville...."
Post by: Karnak on October 30, 2004, 05:35:33 PM
Originally posted by Oldman731
Possibly.  But I'll bet that if you ran the entire 39-43 set, you'd find that the Germans always fly the A5 or the F4, the Allies always fly the Spits, and the Japanese always fly the M5s.

I'd love that setup as my preffered ride would be a viable choice.  Sure, La-5FNs would still be an issue, but the speed difference is not nearly so marked as it is against the La-7.

You are right though, and 1939-1943 setup would see the planes like the following dominate (italics not yet added):

Spitfire LF.Mk IX
Title: "early war vs ubberville...."
Post by: HoHun on October 30, 2004, 06:20:17 PM
Hi Oldman,

>The Warbirds folks pretty uniformly say that the RPS there had a very negative effect on the game.  

Well, my experience on was that the RPS idea (along with the Axis/Allies split) was universally accepted, even though the exact sequence of the RPS was hotly discussed :-)

But as I said, we can only guess - Hitechcreations doesn't need to guess, they can run an actual test.

>The Axis v. Allies arenas in AW were virtually unpopulated (especially in FR - ask me how I know).  

Just three planesets for the entire war, just ETO planes, Luftwaffe having far better planes in 2 of the 3 subsets (and Luftwaffe jets in the third), but heavy bombers only for the Allies, and an arena that tended to deadlock with both sides separated by the English Channel :-)

No, it didn't attract the masses, though I had a lot of fun in the RR arena even at European times. The lack of attraction, however, can hardly be blamed on the RPS concept - the implementation perhaps, but not the concept.


Henning (HoHun)
Title: "early war vs ubberville...."
Post by: Grendel on October 31, 2004, 02:31:08 AM
Originally posted by Oldman731
The Warbirds folks pretty uniformly say that the RPS there had a very negative effect on the game.

No we don't. RPS was a huge boost to the game and gave great variety during the three week campaings. There was always something to wait for and it was fantastic, how the game progressed from early war setups to 1945.

Introducing RPS and the early times of Axis vs Allied arena gave WarBirds (2) the best time it has ever had.
Title: Re: "early war vs ubberville...."
Post by: gatt on October 31, 2004, 03:30:08 AM
Originally posted by humble
The 2nd group is looking for new "competitive" rides...Ki-100 & "king cobra" would come to mind...also G-55 or other "late war" italian ride.

Just to let you know that humble has sarcasm mode ON ....  the G.55 is a late 1942, early 1943, ride. Much better than the gun pods armed G-6 and with a lot more ammo, but still a 42-43 a/c. Great mid-war high altitude buff interceptor. Oh yeah, I'm in the 2nd group  :)
Title: Re: Re: "early war vs ubberville...."
Post by: storch on October 31, 2004, 05:57:41 AM
Originally posted by gatt
Just to let you know that humble has sarcasm mode ON ....  the G.55 is a late 1942, early 1943, ride. Much better than the gun pods armed G-6 and with a lot more ammo, but still a 42-43 a/c. Great mid-war high altitude buff interceptor. Oh yeah, I'm in the 2nd group  :)

I caught that.  It is true in the sense that it was late in the Axis war for Italy.  :D   I'd like to see the Re 2005.  Stripped of it's operational problems it ruled.
Title: Re: Re: "early war vs ubberville...."
Post by: humble on October 31, 2004, 01:28:11 PM
Originally posted by gatt
Just to let you know that humble has sarcasm mode ON ....  the G.55 is a late 1942, early 1943, ride. Much better than the gun pods armed G-6 and with a lot more ammo, but still a 42-43 a/c. Great mid-war high altitude buff interceptor. Oh yeah, I'm in the 2nd group  :)


Certainly not an expert on all the WW2 planes...simply recall it as the best "late war" (for Italinas anyway:)) option they had. From all accounts its a plane that would be competitive in the MA....
Title: Re: Re: "early war vs ubberville...."
Post by: Meyer on October 31, 2004, 02:13:46 PM
Originally posted by gatt
Just to let you know that humble has sarcasm mode ON ....  the G.55 is a late 1942, early 1943, ride. Much better than the gun pods armed G-6 and with a lot more ammo, but still a 42-43 a/c. Great mid-war high altitude buff interceptor. Oh yeah, I'm in the 2nd group  :)

Hi gatt, AFAIK the G.55 did enter in service in september of 1943.
Title: "early war vs ubberville...."
Post by: humble on October 31, 2004, 08:15:22 PM
From what I recall it's a serious T&Ber with a 385mph top end and 3 x 20mm + 2x12.7mm.
Title: "early war vs ubberville...."
Post by: Zanth on November 01, 2004, 10:19:55 AM
And lo did Hitech createth the CT arena and it was empty...

I hated rps in warbirds, put up with it for a time (waiting on other promised developments) until I could no longer bear it.  RPS is/was always will be a failed experiement in Warbirds and a non-starter in AH.  Let's be serious here - you think you heard a fuss over ENY?  That is nothing but a mild whisper compared to what RPS would unleash.

For the record I fly early war more often in the MA these days than not.  I like downing the later model "uber" planes in them.  - (and If I can do it, recovering from a stroke and 5-bypass heart surgery, surelly anyone else can.)  I also like sometimes flying other things too when I get bored - that of course is what MA is for.

Indeed, the place for what you guys want has already been provided to you and has been there a very long time.  I'd say go use it and try to get others to go with you.  Thinking of restructuring the MA though, you are barking up the wrong tree.
Title: "early war vs ubberville...."
Post by: HoHun on November 01, 2004, 11:57:23 AM
Hi Zanth,

>And lo did Hitech createth the CT arena and it was empty...

Well, if it was created alongside a crowded MA, that's simply a critical mass problem. The real test will be to take the MA offline and set up an arena that's identical to the MA in every respect except for the RPS, and then observe how many hours the players actually spend online. Repeat a few times to wear off the novelty, and then you have a valid test :-)

(AOL AW consisted of a crowded ETO arena and an empty PTO arena. Did that mean players couldn't stand planes like the F6F, F4U, Ki-84 or N1K1? Certainly not - every player who was logging on simply went where the crowd already was.)


Henning (HoHun)
Title: "early war vs ubberville...."
Post by: Angus on November 01, 2004, 01:42:20 PM
A view on the CT.
I think it just needs more aircraft, and those are gradually coming.
I actually stay away mostly in the late-war scenarios, and in, mostly in the early ones.
Many players I know enter the late-war ones just to be able to fight in perk-planes without great penalty.

The BoB is usually well attended, but for anything earlier than that, AH has hardly no aircraft yet....