Aces High Bulletin Board

General Forums => Aces High General Discussion => Topic started by: JB82 on November 21, 2004, 03:43:31 PM

Title: Sore Losers
Post by: JB82 on November 21, 2004, 03:43:31 PM
What is the deal with certain people sending private messages to you when you shoot them down, talking *^*#?  If you don't like being shot down then don't fly.  I am far from being a good pilot so when certain people get shot down, by little poor ranking me, they get bent all out of shape.  If you don't have the guts to say these things face to face in real life you should keep your mouth shut, and I bet those that run their mouth on-line are some of the wimpiest people on the face of this Earth.  Do I have so much control over you that I can make you mad?

GROW UP!    :rofl
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Urchin on November 21, 2004, 04:09:11 PM
Oh, I wasn't calling you names.  I simply asked why you'd take a chance on a joust if you are that scared to fight.  You were making bore n zoom passes for a good 10 minutes while I was going after other planes, you wouldn't even commit to that if it was just the two of us.  

I've always been puzzled why the timid women are the ones that will almost always go for the joust, even when they are afraid to make a regular bore n zoom pass one someone, so I asked.  

Apparently you learned to "fight" from your squad, which is ok.  You also apparently picked up their really thin skin, which is ok too, I guess.  I'd probably have thin skin to if I flew like a ***** and got called on it all the time.

Oh, and by the way.. I'd be happy to say anything I say in here to anyones face.  I understand a lot of the JBs are 6'10, 300 lbs of pure internet muscle... but I guess I don't scare easy.
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: JB82 on November 21, 2004, 04:20:52 PM
I am far from being thin skined, I have worked DeathRow for 3 years and have spent the past 6 years working in a MAX prison.    So if you think I'm thin skined you are sadly mistaken.  By the way, what makes you think I was talking about you?

PS.  If you don't like the way I fly then leave.
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: RedTop on November 21, 2004, 04:21:23 PM
I can tell you for a of em is a BIG GUY. Not that it means anything..just interjecting:)
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: crims on November 21, 2004, 04:24:16 PM
Well if the shoe fits :aok :D

479th Raiders
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Urchin on November 21, 2004, 04:32:24 PM
Perhaps because I was the F6F you were "fighting" for 10 minutes?

PS.. while you JaBores might think you have a monopoly on flying like a *****... sadly... your "style" of "fighing" has become dominant in the MA.  

So it isn't just your "style" of "fighting" I don't like..  but I suppose like many people you still think the world revolves around you.
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: JB82 on November 21, 2004, 04:36:33 PM
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: ALF on November 21, 2004, 04:39:15 PM
Just remember, if they've done an exceptional job, if they b**ch and moan, you've done an OutStanding job, if they start calling names and questioning your parental heratige, and sexual appatite, you may sleep soundly that evening, knowing that you did a job so well, your opponents rational mind couldnt fathom it, and so he reverted to his primitive mind...which he usually only uses alone in the bathroom with a magazine hoping his mom doesnt  knock on the door.
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Urchin on November 21, 2004, 04:41:22 PM
So is this the part where all the timid people get together and reassure themselves that they really aren't *******?  

I love that part...
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Shane on November 21, 2004, 04:45:18 PM
Originally posted by Urchin
So is this the part where all the timid people get together and reassure themselves that they really aren't *******?  

I love that part...

tell me about it.  safety in numbers and all that.  people wonder why HTC removed the sheep ground objects.  I think that  they merely found it redundant since so many could be found in the air.
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Fruda on November 21, 2004, 04:52:21 PM
The timid pilots are really starting to get on my nerves.

Just two days ago, I was fighting an La-7 in my 109-G2. I got a few shots off and pinged him, and instead of turning to get a kill, he ran. I was low and slow at the time, and since he had more speed, he decided to climb and run at altitude. I couldn't catch him.

What makes me mad is the fact that he was in an La-7. He could have handed my bellybutton to me, but he just had to be a wuss and run.
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Ack-Ack on November 21, 2004, 04:58:36 PM
It boggles my mind why so many are intent on not fighting in a game that is based on PvP combat.

They should check out the Hello Kitty MMOG, it might be more to their tastes.

Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Urchin on November 21, 2004, 04:58:47 PM
Get used to it, it isn't going to get any better.  Worse in fact, as the very few people with balls leave over time, leaving the newbies to be trained how to "fight" by the women that are left.
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: JB82 on November 21, 2004, 04:59:29 PM
The whole point of this thread is that Certain players (names withheld) harass other players who are just wanting to have some peace away from their own kids.
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Urchin on November 21, 2004, 05:02:41 PM
Oh, my mistake.  To the thin skinned newb, anything other than "Wow, superb kill man!  Way to go, Hartmann!!!!``111" is "harrassment".  

You women amuse the hell out of me sometimes.
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: JB82 on November 21, 2004, 05:05:55 PM
Been here for two years now, thank you very much.
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Shane on November 21, 2004, 05:07:53 PM
so what's your excuse for still flying so timidly? :rolleyes:
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Arlo on November 21, 2004, 05:08:35 PM
Originally posted by Urchin
So is this the part where all the timid people get together and reassure themselves that they really aren't *******?  

I love that part...

Looking further past this down the thread it looks more like the part where the inflated egos gravitate toward one another and form a daisychain. :D
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: JB82 on November 21, 2004, 05:17:17 PM
Never mind...
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Shane on November 21, 2004, 05:17:46 PM
apparently this is also where the not-quite-totally-timid-but-terminally-clueless-who-have-nothing-better-to-do-than-post-in-a-hoity-toity-manner make their presence known.
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Furball on November 21, 2004, 05:20:37 PM
have to agree.. those that only cherrypick, bore n zoom, never commit, timid pilots bore the hell outta me. They may as well fight drones in IL2 or sightsee in MSFS.

Funny how if you catch the majority of them Co E, or at a disadvantage they are clueless what to do.
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Schatzi on November 21, 2004, 05:23:41 PM
Originally posted by Urchin
Get used to it, it isn't going to get any better.  Worse in fact, as the very few people with balls leave over time, leaving the newbies to be trained how to "fight" by the women that are left.

I resent that remark!
Flying style and skill has nothing to do with gender...
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Shane on November 21, 2004, 05:24:03 PM
that's not quite a totally accurate assessment furby...

they know *exactly* what to do... dive out and run screaming for help.
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Shane on November 21, 2004, 05:25:31 PM
Originally posted by Schatzi
I resent that remark!
Flying style and skill has nothing to do with gender...

agreed.  that's why i use the term, "gelding."

Title: Sore Losers
Post by: wrag on November 21, 2004, 05:40:39 PM
You private me with cursing and you can discuss it with HTC.  I'll take a picture and refer it to them.  You can then explain to them.   I will not accept cursing.  Also you get too abusive, again you can take it up with HTC.  

YA YA here we go with the thin skin stuff right?  

OH REALLY???  What else do I have?  Can we meet face to face?  Do I know where you live?  My attorney gonna contact yours?  Sending your 2nds over?  WHAT?

Hey, I pay my fee just like you.  I have the right to enjoy this MY WAY just like you have the right to enjoy this your way.  

NO I WILL NOT fly your way to please you.

Too often that seems to mean what you really want is me to fly in front of your guns and die.  I will not do so on purpose.  

I WILL NOT fly the way you want, you are not HTC, YOU HAVE NO MORE RIGHTS HERE THEN I.

Among all the individuals that sim/game here are many that can and do hand me my backside.

No Problem  (but means I gotta work harder to learn what i'm doing wrong)  

{Note: ya i get angry/upset but it's more with myself then anyone else}

Sometimes I get popped just because i'm in the wrong place at the wrong time doing the wrong thing.... aaarrrrggghhh LOL

No Problem  (how I fly and what I do .... it's on me not them or you, IMHO same applies to all OK???)

What you got some kinda rep to uphold?  

So exactly what is your rep is your rep that you can't deal with being shotdown by someone you consider ... what?  That you can't make some kinda mistake?  That you can't pull the wrong ACM move?

Hey I've had some really great fights and lost.  Sometimes I reup and right back in.  And lose again.  Fine I'm still learning.  And hopefully I will continue to learn.

Win or lose when I have a great fight I try to the other/others.

Got called self-righteous recently for this attitude.  huh?? meeee?? :rolleyes:

Then got told I was still young ????????

COME ON  some of you fly extremely well in here.  So why do SOME of you gotta then become some kinda arrogant prettythang.  Is that some kinda rule in here?

Well ... HEY THAT'S ON YOU for all to see.  You go too far with this attitude with me and you will be sharing it with HTC.

What's your family life like anyways????
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: killnu on November 21, 2004, 05:51:59 PM
some like to BnZ, some like to TnB, while other... well they do what they do.  that is up to you what you do, why all this crap all the time, "you dont fly like i want you too, now im gonna call you names and stuff"  .  sigh  
if you decide to put yourself in a situation due to your inflated ego and end up gettin shot down, get over it.  ive done it myself.  except ill move on and not do all this bs, PMs, BBS crap.  :(
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Arlo on November 21, 2004, 06:30:44 PM
Originally posted by Shane
apparently this is also where the not-quite-totally-timid-but-terminally-clueless-who-have-nothing-better-to-do-than-post-in-a-hoity-toity-manner make their presence known.

I wouldn't call ya terminal but that's more or less up to you. :D
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: WMLute on November 21, 2004, 06:36:43 PM
i've had chn200 off for a couple days, BUT in general you will get a g/k nearly 100% of the time as i'm going down.  I tend to do it berfore I even know who shot me down.  THE most negative thing I might say would be words to the affect of "Heck of a faceshot g/k", when indeed it was a heck of a face shot.  I'm not mad at THEM for jousting, it's MY fault I was out of position, and/or didn't avoid.  Sometimes you can't help it, BUT....

I can see the point of view of both sides here.

I understand the b/z guys, I tend to do it when I'm up high, and have ton's o' nme beneath me and no friendlies.  I understand the t/b guys, because I love to knife fight.  BUT my FAVORITE thing is to find that timid guy who only sets up for faceshots/jousts and get 'em out of position and screaming.  It is true that when you show up behind them co E, they act like "oh shoot, what do I do??".  You can almost SEE them try and figure out what to do, all fip flopin' around and doing stupid moves, and that gives me a chuckle.  

If you can't say g/k, or S! the guy that killed you, don't say anything at all.  If some obvious inferiour pilot shoots you down, it's in general YOUR fault.  You were out o' position, or your SA was lacking at that moment, whatever.  OR maybe they just pulled off a good shot.  Either way nutin' to whine about.  Just re-up and go hunting.
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Stang on November 21, 2004, 07:15:20 PM
After reading countless numbers of these kinds of posts, I have come to a conclusion:  the timid fliers just don't get it.  The evil furballer doesn't want you to fly his way so he can kill you.  That is the ultimate goal, yes, but what he wants you to do is take the situation you are in and exploit it to the maximum ammount of benefit, as he would.  That's why these guys are so good, not because they are uberpilots or cheat or get lucky, because time in and time out they know how to exploit advantage or even weakness to its maximum potential.  In the long run this is going to garner you many kills and get you out of extremely hazardous situations.    

That means if you are an la7 driver or 190 fighting a slower lower foe, take the advantage in your situation and use it.  I bet if you do without having to call your 5 friends in to help, these so called "whiners" will give you a big on ch200 when you shoot them down.  I know I would.  

You should equate alt and E to cash flow.  The more of both, the more cash you have in the bank.  But what's the point of having money if you're not ever going to spend it?  I can't tell you how many times I've been in the P40 and I come across a lala dweeb in a 1 on 1, where he obviously has a massive E advantage compared to me.  But what does he do?  Tries to ho me (in a pitiful attempt) and then bee lines outta there as fast as he came in.  Not even an attempt to fight.  If I turn to follow, he keeps running.  By the time he's 5-6k away I might find one of his buddies to tangle with.  THEN he comes around, but only for another ho.  Does everyone not see the fault in this?  Unless I get lucky and force some kind of overshoot or I ho him back I'm a goner, EVERY time.  But he refuses to use every single advantage he has, because why? I have no idea.  I'd love to pick apart the brains of someone like Razor, Kite777, Metatron and countless others.  My only guess is pure lack of confidence in one's ability to take advantage of the situtation at hand.  

What they do is pure waste, plain and simple.  They own the entire engagement yet decide its too dangerous because the guy might have a snowballs chance in hell of getting them.  Yet, as Urchin pointed out, they still will go for a ho every time.  WTF is with this logic?  It would be like these guys were dealt a royal flush off the draw in poker, yet still folded because the other guy might have a higher numbered royal flush.  Hell, I'd probably go all in on one pair lol.  

Maybe the problem is the old vets in the game haven't been active enough in teaching the pups about how to fly and to fight, I don't know.  What I do know is game play sucks, as every thread in the BB's points out, no matter which side of the fence you are on.  Now, before you guys bash me and others who have already made statements in this thread, I will repeat what I said before, and I'm sure 99% of the guys who know how to fight will agree with me.  It's not that we want you to fly "our" way, it's that we want you to fly and use every advantage you have.  If you're in trouble, running is perfectly fine with me.  But we aren't talking about that.   We are talking about when you hold all the cards and have the barrel of the gun pressed up agains the other guy's head.  In that situation, it's your prerogative to use all that you have in the bag to down the other guy, because if you don't he might go on to kill more of your countrymen or even worse your squaddies.  So look at it as an opportunity to help your coutrymen and your friends.  The less enemies left in the air, the less chance you or they will die.  So get up, fly that late war hog, get in there and get the job done.  Otherwise, you are doing a serious disservice to all who you fly with and call friends, because friends do everything they can to help one another.  Running from a perfectly good chance to remove a threat is hardly helping.
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: SFCHONDO on November 21, 2004, 07:27:22 PM
Cracks me up when I hear certian people whine about dieing (most know the top 5 whiners) on CH 200. Funny thing is NO ONE CARES  how you died. and if they'd just keep there inmature mouths shut, only a couple of people would even know they died.
At least if those types are going to rant and cry on CH200 they could at least get some new material. The same old crap everytime, Calling people Morons, idiots and the such. So for those that always whine after they die please use some variety. The 5th grade stuff is getting old :) Or just grow up and keep quiet. Which is what 98% in the MA would rather you did anyway. :cool:
Don't mistake the above with Good ole Fun Razzing amongst friends that fly for another country. Good hearted Razzing is always fun.

And I agree with Stang on the timid pilot statement above. Nicely put Stang.
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Vudak on November 21, 2004, 07:31:09 PM
Great post Stang, especially the part about the fellow who ho's, runs, waits for you to actually get in a fun scrap with someone else who wants  to fight, and then he turns around to either cherry pick or ho you again.

That frustrates me to no end...  Actually it's about the only thing in this game that really does.  If you don't want to try your best, fine, but please, if I find someone who does, don't come back just to steal THEIR hard earned kill.
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Wotan on November 21, 2004, 07:33:50 PM
Timid flyers are the worst thing ever in this game. They boring beyond belief. If you are 'timid' expect to be called out as timid.

Fly any way you want just get thicker skin...

Why would feel the need to run to your 'bbs mommy' to tell on some one who called you out?

WTG Urchin,

If they wont take you on in a friendly fight maybe if they hate you enough they may come after you. At the very least you may get a 'glimpse' of what a dog fight should be...
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: killnu on November 21, 2004, 07:48:26 PM
maybe im still missing something here, maybe.. just maybe thats how they want to fly.  timid to you may be fun to them.  when a timid flyer kills a not so timid flyer, does he pm him and give him crap for how he flies?  or give him crap on 200 for how he flies?  i could hear it now..."hey you dolt, you suk, you were flying all alone, low and slow into a giant horde"  

if thats how they want to fly, so be it.  if they want to learn, they will ask.  giving them crap for how they fly will not encourage them to ask the "aces" for help.:aok
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: ALF on November 21, 2004, 07:48:48 PM
I am consistantly amazed at the level of egomaniacal complaining.  You fly your plane the way you want, everyone else will fly their plane the way they want.

Anything further is only evidence that you either have a severe issue with controling others, or you just cant hang.  We all get frustrated at things, it is however important to remember that getting frustrated at the way someone else does things is a sure way to drive ones self crazy.

I refer you to: this link (
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Stang on November 21, 2004, 07:53:01 PM
Originally posted by ALF
Just remember, if they've done an exceptional job, if they b**ch and moan, you've done an OutStanding job, if they start calling names and questioning your parental heratige, and sexual appatite, you may sleep soundly that evening, knowing that you did a job so well, your opponents rational mind couldnt fathom it, and so he reverted to his primitive mind...which he usually only uses alone in the bathroom with a magazine hoping his mom doesnt  knock on the door.

This could be the biggest load of sh*t I have ever read.  

Yes, I stand by that statement
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: killnu on November 21, 2004, 07:53:57 PM
that is too funny  :lol :lol :lol :rofl :aok

edit..i meant the link to alfs last thread:aok
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: JB82 on November 21, 2004, 07:59:38 PM
Some of you guys are realy lost on what this post was about.  Someone got all paranoid thinking everything is about them.  If you think that this thread is about you then your the one that got called out, therefore your the one who needs to get the thicker skin.  Does the truth about your poor sportsmanship hurt that much?

I pay $14.95 a month to play an online sim game.  I do NOT pay $14.95 a month to be harassed and belittled by people who get so upset about getting shot down or about the way I fly.  There is a reason I don't tune to channel 200 and I would very much appreciate it if you do not PM me.  I have every right to play this game with out having to put up with the childish remarks.

I hope in the near future that HTC would make it so that we have the option of being able to squelch all PM, whether it's vox or text.  I have to put up with BS like this every day I work.  There is no reason I should have to listen to the same BS when I'm trying to relax at home with the very rare chance of being able to play.
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Elfie on November 21, 2004, 08:31:01 PM
I couldnt agree with you more Stang, nor could I have come even remotely close to putting it as well as you did :)

In my Hurricane I cant outrun anyone, I have to stand and fight heh.

Sure wish I had filmed those fights with you the other night. Then I could see what you did and evaluate how to counter, maybe I'll have the film running next time :)
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: killnu on November 21, 2004, 08:38:51 PM
In my Hurricane I cant outrun anyone, I have to stand and fight heh.

once again, that is how some choose to fly, other dont.  that simple really.
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: RTSigma on November 21, 2004, 11:30:49 PM
Heck, I'll shoot down anyone anywhere in any style I want. I'll do what I can to get you out of the sky to allow my wingman through, a bomber to save, or to prevent vulching of an airfield.

I honestly don't care how I'll kill another pilot/plane. I'll HO, I'll cherry-pick, I'll BnZ, TnB. If I can get you out of the sky in one swipe and 30 rounds, I'll do it.

So heres my advice. Fly like you're paying $15 a month. Play to win.

Its like joining a cigar club for 20 bucks a month and not smoking them and yelling at those who do.
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Urchin on November 21, 2004, 11:34:29 PM
Originally posted by JB82
Some of you guys are realy lost on what this post was about.  Someone got all paranoid thinking everything is about them.  If you think that this thread is about you then your the one that got called out, therefore your the one who needs to get the thicker skin.  Does the truth about your poor sportsmanship hurt that much?

I pay $14.95 a month to play an online sim game.  I do NOT pay $14.95 a month to be harassed and belittled by people who get so upset about getting shot down or about the way I fly.  There is a reason I don't tune to channel 200 and I would very much appreciate it if you do not PM me.  I have every right to play this game with out having to put up with the childish remarks.

I hope in the near future that HTC would make it so that we have the option of being able to squelch all PM, whether it's vox or text.  I have to put up with BS like this every day I work.  There is no reason I should have to listen to the same BS when I'm trying to relax at home with the very rare chance of being able to play.

I'm kind of caught between amusement and confusion.  

Apparently Hartmann here took what was meant to be a genuine question and turned it into some sort of indictment on his "fighting" "style".  

So I'll give my version of what happened earlier, you guys can pick it apart all you want.  

Flew a couple sorties today, nothing really good going on.  See a carrier down around a knight base with 3-4 guys flying off it, and a pretty fair sized red bar in the 3 sectors around the carrier.  Roll an F6F.  See some B-26s coming in at about 200 feet, they actually don't try to suicide the carrier (wonder of wonders!)... fly between the B26s and the carrier for about 2-3 minutes, waiting for them to turn back in, they never do.  Some other friendly was doing a tail-chase on em, the guy was probably sitting in the tail gun waiting on his free kill.  

Turn back, see an enemy Spit headed my way.  Shoot rockets at enemy spit.  Kill enemy spit with rockets.  Laugh my bellybutton off, because I've never actually had an A2A kill with rockets before.  

Bout 30 seconds after that, a Tiffie comes in past me headed in to suicide the cruiser.  Get a couple pings on the Tiffie, he gets the cruiser, I get the kill on him.  See a flight of Ju-88s, go after them.. miss em.  Come back around for another pass.  Get the crap shot out of me with the lil paintball guns on my way past, then fly parallel to him for a while trying to get in front of him as he heads toward what was left of the "fleet"  (all 3 destroyers).  

See a Ju-87 ahead co-alt, decide to pick up a free kill and then deal with the Ju-88s.  Get pings on the Stuka, but don't kill him.  A 190 that I hadn't seen zips past me after blowing his pass on me.

He zooms back up, I kill the Stuka.  He makes another pass, I bank, he zooms back up.  

Make another pass on the Ju-88s, he waits until I'm attacking the bombers to come back down, but changes his mind because I finish my pass on the bombers before he can get down to me.

Leave the bombers alone while I try to sucker this run90 down where I can kill him... that doesn't work.  Ju88s fly home.  See a P-47 attacking 2 friendly Pt-boats about 5k below me, decide that if the run90 isn't gonna fight, then I'll just kill the P-47.  Make my first pass on the P-47, as expected the run90 dives in right behind me.  Make an abbreviated pass at the P-47, get some hits but don't kill him.  Pull up early to get the run90 to overshoot, get some hits on the run90 but don't kill him either.  P-47 tries to go up after me, the run90 keeps running.  I come back over the top behind the P-47 and kill it.  

Run90 gets out of icon range, then turns around.  See some B24s coming in to bomb one of the PT boats.  Attack the B24s.. miss the B24s.  Run90 is camped out up there, not really doing anything.  B24s turn around, I go after the B24s again...  and I miss em again.  Look around for the run90, he is like 5.5k away.  

Run90 is ~co-alt with me, I turn toward run90.  We fly straight at eachother, about 1k I open up, he does a little dive, then pulls up at ~600 and opens up himself.  I fly straight through him, and die.  Dunno if he did or not, I smoked his oil or radiator with like the 1st hit though, so his sortie was over one way or another.  

So then I private him -

"Yea, I thought I was prolly "fighting" a JaBore there"
"Anyway, I want to ask you a question"
"Why on earth would you go for a joust when you are plainly terrified to fight?"
"I can tell you why I did it, I was bored stiff, but you could have run me out of fuel eventually, so why did you do it?"

Never got any response.  

Ended with "Ah well, guess the JaBores got something other than their balls cut off", said me goodbyes to the squad and logged.  

Apparently Hartmann decided it was better to present his "case" on the BBS rather than answer a simple question.
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: JB82 on November 22, 2004, 12:02:33 AM
I did reply to you but I guess you loged before you got the message.  I would not have gone for the HO, I thought you were going the other way. I did not otherwise know until I saw your tracers.  I tried to dive under but realized I was screwed either way.  When your bullets started hitting my D-9 that's when I pulled back up and fired.  You are not the first nor the last to PM me like that, I simply don't like it.  If you feel this was aimed just towards you, your wrong.
Title: Re: Sore Losers
Post by: soda72 on November 22, 2004, 12:35:14 AM
Originally posted by JB82
What is the deal with certain people sending private messages to you when you shoot them down, talking *^*#?

Yeah, this is a growing trend now since channel one has been disabled...   Can't really say it's bad or good...  I suppose it's better than having it on an open channel for everyone to read...
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Kweassa on November 22, 2004, 12:51:42 AM
What if they just run away because they think they can't win?

 Is that a bad thing?

 I've seen a lot of self-proclaimed vets run any time they want. Usually cleverly disguised as a "fight" - if you can say clubbing baby seals a "fight" - they kill a lot of planes, and then when the odds seem to get bad, they turn back and go land their 5~6 kills.

 Hey, isn't that running? Shouldn't have they just died on that scene? Why do the vets go land kills anyway? Why do they bother rtbing with low fuel load or ammo? Shouldn't they try to get manuever kills until the moment their wings fall off?

 Or, how about this. Is the "fights" you guys are praising really so fair? Some of you are clearly excellent pilots with years of experience.

 So is it a really a 'fair fight' when you want a 1vs1 or want a fight to the death against an average guy who flies uber planes, thinks he needs that uber plane at least to survive, and will think to run away because he knows he can't win against you guys?

 I mean, really guys, its an ego spill.

 The fact that the guy runs means that he knows he can't beat you. Its a moral and situational victory for you. Isn't that enough? Do you have to shoot down everything in your way to be satisfied? What's all this unsatiable thirst to be acknowledged as a superior  pilot?

 Just let it go guys. Whatever intentions or lack of skills or cowardice or whatever you think the other guy has, its his thought to think and his plane to maneuver.

 I've known a lot of you in this thread for years. I've entered AH looking at you guys thinking that I'd like to be that good a pilot. Don't spoil it anymore for me please :) You're the kind of guys can get kills almost any situation you want. Whomever runs away runs because he has more friends or faster plane nearby, and you know that you can kill him whenever a solo engagement occurs.

 Its all a bit of parts and parcel of the flight sim kind. There are always much more average, lacking guys then you vets. These guys need whatever edge they can get to survive. Just admit that fact and really, its nothing to be frustrated of.

 Look at the big picture - the MA resembles a real war more and more everyday, though it lacks the strategic components or military organization.

 The people who constitute the "airforces" of each countries are like drafted pilots with little experiece. Its a battle, a war which numerous people - often less skilled - take part in, and not all of them regard a fight to the death as an "opportunity to have fun" or an "opportunity to learn". They just want to live as long as they could without dying.

 The days of cheerful, pure-aircombat related fun is over in AH. Gotta accept that friends, its gone, and its not coming back.
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: XrightyX on November 22, 2004, 01:14:41 AM
ALF--love the clip.
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Pongo on November 22, 2004, 01:20:00 AM
Because 82 some people are whiners. they are whiners here and whiners in the game.
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Speznaz on November 22, 2004, 01:33:19 AM
Great post  Kweassa .
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: stegor on November 22, 2004, 03:52:43 AM
Just wondering what's the opposite of   "Timid" ; maybe "the very best"?

Is this the dichotomy in AH?

A sore loser is better or worse of a sore winner?
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: MOIL on November 22, 2004, 04:32:27 AM
This place just keeps getting better & better:rolleyes:

Carry on
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: TequilaChaser on November 22, 2004, 05:28:13 AM
Originally posted by Stang
It would be like these guys were dealt a royal flush off the draw in poker, yet still folded because the other guy might have a higher numbered royal flush.  Hell, I'd probably go all in on one pair lol.  

play cards much?  do you know which hand would be the winner if player A had a Spade Royal Flush and player B had a diamond royal flush? btw the A,K,Q,J,10  of same suite= Royal Flush

going back now to read rest of this thread  :)

added: finished reading it, liked what you said there Stang :aok, I would like to see others give it all they have

also liked what Kweassa posted for the most part:aok
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: 101ABN on November 22, 2004, 05:42:09 AM
i like cheese
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Tilt on November 22, 2004, 05:49:00 AM
PM'ing insults (if thats what this is about) is out of order IMO.


Put it on Channel 200.......... if the guy does not want to read them then he has a right not to.

The timid flying debate is one where players of a certain skill and playing style want others to play in a similar style because it makes stuff more enjoyable for them.

Alot of it is experten trying to get folk to set them selves up for the experten to kill. Some (but very little it seems to me) is a plea for better game play..........however as the main method of persuasion seems to be moans, whines, derogatory comments and insults, I fear for its success.

I agree with kweassa that satisfaction does not only have to come from the kill............if you forced someone to run then you have won the engagement, we all know this,

we know when we have been out manouvered,

we know when we have out manouvered others,

we know when our opponent has just held an advantage to no effect but stalemate.

we know when we have played just too safe

we know when we cherry pick

we know when we vulch

we know when we spawn camp

we know when we join a daisy chain

we know when we run

Yet to a lesser or greater extent we all do it, or some of it.

Players will choose the form of gameplay that suits their level of skill and gives them the most enjoyment.
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: 101ABN on November 22, 2004, 09:08:58 AM
Originally posted by Fruda
The timid pilots are really starting to get on my nerves.

Just two days ago, I was fighting an La-7 in my 109-G2. I got a few shots off and pinged him, and instead of turning to get a kill, he ran. I was low and slow at the time, and since he had more speed, he decided to climb and run at altitude. I couldn't catch him.

What makes me mad is the fact that he was in an La-7. He could have handed my bellybutton to me, but he just had to be a wuss and run.

that could have been me, i think that you were 200 yards behind me at one point.  if it was me then yea i admit... my out of ammo wuss butt ran.  if it wasnt me then my out of ammo wuss butt still ran.     :aok
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Vudak on November 22, 2004, 09:17:58 AM
Maybe some people really do enjoy flying in a way others would call "timid", I suppose, and, hey, power to them, it's their $15, it's their relaxation, they can do whatever they like, I'm not going to give them a mouthful about it...

That said though, I have to wonder, if at least some of the people who fly "timid" are not doing it so much because they enjoy it, as because they feel that they cannot beat a certain plane , or situation, in the plane they are in.

The obvious observement is that, yep, you can't beat that plane, or that situation, if you never try to and figure out what works and what doesn't.

But if they would try, man, they might just suprise themselves.  I know I have.

I just wish that someone who says "I'm in a Mustang....  I'd better not get close to that P-38" would take a look at Flyboy's film in the help & training section...  That was a really great film of how it's possible to beat a 38 close in with a Mustang.  He didn't beat a bad pilot, either, he beat Rocky, and Rocky's not too bad at all.

Again, if it's your cup of tea to fly "timid", by all means, enjoy.  I'm not going to tell you not to (heck, what's it matter to me?  Your in my fight a whole 2-3 seconds out of every minute, whatever).  Still, if you'd like to not fly so timidly, yet are concerned of "failure" just remember, you get a new plane if you die, so by all means, push yourself, and pay attention.  Eventually you'll do well.

Title: Re: Sore Losers
Post by: Zanth on November 22, 2004, 09:21:50 AM
Originally posted by JB82
What is the deal with certain people sending private messages to you when you shoot them down, talking *^*#?  If you don't like being shot down then don't fly.  I am far from being a good pilot so when certain people get shot down, by little poor ranking me, they get bent all out of shape.  If you don't have the guts to say these things face to face in real life you should keep your mouth shut, and I bet those that run their mouth on-line are some of the wimpiest people on the face of this Earth.  Do I have so much control over you that I can make you mad?

GROW UP!    :rofl

A better approach is to type .squelch then forget about it.  If it was too bad to just forget about then email HTC.  Posting on this board will never make it better - ever.
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: JB73 on November 22, 2004, 09:34:44 AM
Originally posted by Urchin
Oh, I wasn't calling you names.  I simply asked why you'd take a chance on a joust if you are that scared to fight.  You were making bore n zoom passes for a good 10 minutes while I was going after other planes, you wouldn't even commit to that if it was just the two of us.  

I've always been puzzled why the timid women are the ones that will almost always go for the joust, even when they are afraid to make a regular bore n zoom pass one someone, so I asked.  

Apparently you learned to "fight" from your squad, which is ok.  You also apparently picked up their really thin skin, which is ok too, I guess.  I'd probably have thin skin to if I flew like a ***** and got called on it all the time.

Oh, and by the way.. I'd be happy to say anything I say in here to anyones face.  I understand a lot of the JBs are 6'10, 300 lbs of pure internet muscle... but I guess I don't scare easy.
well JB82 learned to fly way before joining us... but we do try and instill a sence of survivability in our squadmates. makes for better teamwork, and mroe fun for all who virtually "live"

so you think if someone does not fly exactly like you want, into your gunsights, they are a "woman flier"?

you got shot down by what you consider in your tiny mind as an "inferior" pilot, and decided it would be best to private tune that gentelman and belittle him.

wtg urchin. you are and always will be the epotimy of the flight sim community. considers himself the best stick in the game, has no class or sence of respect for a fellow man, no comprehension of the differences in ideals or motives for someone to fly, basically a whiny little school girl.

grow up and grow a pair. you get shot down either the virtual "foe" or shutup. if you absoulty can not refrain from saying something do it on CH200 for all to see what an arse you are. dont hide what you are, be proud and stand tall for all other morons to look up to.
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Urchin on November 22, 2004, 09:48:13 AM
No, Hartmann... I didn't belittle him.  I asked him a question.  He apparently belittled himself...

By the way....  your squad is so bad I literally have to suicide into your planes to kill myself...  yet in your "tiny little minds" you believe you are the best of the best.  

I was actually trying to clarify why your squadmate, who was plainly terrified of dying (or at least fighting, leading one to believe that he assumed he would die if he got below 400 mph), would basically flip a coin to see how the engagement would end.  In your typical joust, there are 3 outcomes.  One plane dies, the other plane dies, or both planes die.  In a regular "fight", even one of the bore n zoom variety, usually only one plane dies.  

So why would someone who is scared to take a "regular" i.e. "non-joust" shot basically just flip that coin?  

I already told you why I did it.. I was bored stiff and had nowhere to RTB to.. so I didn't much care one way or the other.  But I am always curious as to why other people do the things they do, so I asked.  

I was actually quite surprised, at first I didn't think it was a JaBore no matter how timidly he was flying... I think that is the first time I've ever seen one of you guys even get near an enemy plane all by yourself.

I already know the reason for your (collective) behaviour, I was curious as to the reasoning behind the individual in questions actions.  

He (and you) take it as some sort of indictment on his manhood... it wasn't.  Perhaps an indictment of his intelligence.. the wiser course of action would have been to just run me out of gas and strafe me as I ditched, but I'm sure one of you "aces" will guide him along the path of enlightenment on that score.  

In any case, it doesn't really matter.  He supplied an explanation in the thread, in between protestations of his virility, so I'm satisfied.  

I could really give a **** what your pack of newbs thinks of me in any case... it isn't like I lose any sleep at night over it.  But if it makes you feel better trying to one-up me in a game of insults, blather away.
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Clifra Jones on November 22, 2004, 10:29:36 AM
Originally posted by Furball
have to agree.. those that only cherrypick, bore n zoom, never commit, timid pilots bore the hell outta me. They may as well fight drones in IL2 or sightsee in MSFS.

Funny how if you catch the majority of them Co E, or at a disadvantage they are clueless what to do.

And that's just the point. If they don't catch you from behind while your engaged you can usually avoid them and turn the tables on them. That is if they stay around long enough.

There's no shame in knowing when you are beaten and escaping so you can come back and fight from a better position. It's another to zoom in take your shots and run like hell.
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Clifra Jones on November 22, 2004, 10:41:46 AM
Originally posted by WMLute

If you can't say g/k, or S! the guy that killed you, don't say anything at all.  If some obvious inferiour pilot shoots you down, it's in general YOUR fault.  You were out o' position, or your SA was lacking at that moment, whatever.  OR maybe they just pulled off a good shot.  Either way nutin' to whine about.  Just re-up and go hunting.

How true.  I'm sure I've been shot down by some very good pilots but I can assure you that I made a mistake that gave them the edge they needed to get it done. Most times I acknowledge it with a S! unless I'm to buzy cussing myself out.:mad:
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: RTSigma on November 22, 2004, 10:49:21 AM
Call the fire department, this is going to turn into a flame war.
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Clifra Jones on November 22, 2004, 11:03:16 AM
Originally posted by Stang
Tries to ho me (in a pitiful attempt) and then bee lines outta there as fast as he came in.  Not even an attempt to fight.  If I turn to follow, he keeps running.  By the time he's 5-6k away I might find one of his buddies to tangle with.  THEN he comes around, but only for another ho.  Does everyone not see the fault in this?  Unless I get lucky and force some kind of overshoot or I ho him back I'm a goner, EVERY time.

And while he's running his countryman is getting killed. I agree with you. I have no problem with someone who uses his advantage but is all your going to do is zoom in take your HO shot and run your not really getting everything out of this experience. Your certainly not learning to be a better pilot.
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Wotan on November 22, 2004, 11:28:52 AM
For those of you who can't comprehend the meaning of 'timid' in the context of the game here's (  a link to a good thread that breaks it down for you.

This is a game not a real war. Make the game boring and people will call you on it. If you don't like that get thicker skin. No one will give a GK or !S to some some scared runner for doing nothing more then boring the other guy to death.

Have fun anyway you can find it but butch up a little and accept the criticism for what it it is, truth...

If you are boring and timid then embrace it, don't run to the BBS because your feelings get hurt when you get called out...
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: dedalos on November 22, 2004, 11:45:28 AM
I used to get mad when people would run from a 1 on 1, or comme in vulch a couple of times and then run.  Not anymore.  You see, there is this plane called LA7.  No one runs any more.  They may kill me when I catch them, but they cannot run anymore.  

Couple of days ago I chaced a guy 3 sectors.  He flew over two fields and one town to try to get the ack to kill me.  I finnaly got him when he figured he did not have enough fuel to get to the next ack so he tryid to come back to the same field.

Last night, some ace with an over all score of < 26, saw a lala 2K below him so he turned around and run.  After a few mins it was a clear 1 on 1 with him 2K infront and a few K alt advantage.  He ran back to the base ack and started sircling in there till I got killed by it.  So, I went back.  This time we are co alt and we have over 6k seperation.  As we bass I pull up and look back to see what he was doing.  He dove in to the base ack and stayed there flying in sircles.  This time I got him and got out of the ack.  Not even a hint of an attempt at fighting.  I guess his score was in danger.

Now, I don;t think its bad to run when you are out numbered or if some one is d800 on your six, but when you have a 1 on 1 and a little bit of alt, and no one on your six?  Why play the game then?
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Shane on November 22, 2004, 11:57:54 AM
Originally posted by dedalos
Last night, some ace with an over all score of < 26, saw a lala 2K below him so he turned around and run.  After a few mins it was a clear 1 on 1 with him 2K infront and a few K alt advantage.  He ran back to the base ack and started sircling in there till I got killed by it.  So, I went back.  This time we are co alt and we have over 6k seperation.  As we bass I pull up and look back to see what he was doing.  He dove in to the base ack and stayed there flying in sircles.  This time I got him and got out of the ack.  Not even a hint of an attempt at fighting.  I guess his score was in danger.

name!! we need a name!!

Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Stang on November 22, 2004, 12:25:49 PM
Q:  What is the purpose of a fighter aircraft?

A:   To shoot other planes down.

What most guys do would be the equivalent of buing a Ferrari and never getting out of the right lane or going over 55mph.
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Arlo on November 22, 2004, 12:41:59 PM
q: What's the purpose of the PM channel in AH?

a: To keep everyone else from seeing ya whine on 200.

:aok :D
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: DoctorYO on November 22, 2004, 12:47:34 PM
I am far from being thin skined, I have worked DeathRow for 3 years and have spent the past 6 years working in a MAX prison.

So let me get this straight you get to flail non armed angry men whose best weapon is feces and call yourself tough when you have chemicals, armor, and firearms at your disposal and lets not to mention cages and act if thats tough guy...

Muahahahahahahahahahahhaahahh aaha

Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Stang on November 22, 2004, 12:48:04 PM
To listen to some in this thread, it would seem that pm'ing someone is a serious offense.  PM'ing is there for a reason, just like that plane you are flying in.  Use it  :D

Edit:  Arlo is this weak flying prevalent in the CT as well?
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Arlo on November 22, 2004, 12:50:22 PM
Could be. The whining is starting to immigrate as well. :D
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: JB82 on November 22, 2004, 12:50:40 PM
We carry no weapons nor have any armor in the state of S.C.  The inmates are better armed then the CO's.  Get your facts straight.
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Stang on November 22, 2004, 12:58:00 PM
Originally posted by dedalos
I used to get mad when people would run from a 1 on 1, or comme in vulch a couple of times and then run.  Not anymore.  You see, there is this plane called LA7.  No one runs any more.  They may kill me when I catch them, but they cannot run anymore.  

Couple of days ago I chaced a guy 3 sectors.  He flew over two fields and one town to try to get the ack to kill me.  I finnaly got him when he figured he did not have enough fuel to get to the next ack so he tryid to come back to the same field.

Last night, some ace with an over all score of < 26, saw a lala 2K below him so he turned around and run.  After a few mins it was a clear 1 on 1 with him 2K infront and a few K alt advantage.  He ran back to the base ack and started sircling in there till I got killed by it.  So, I went back.  This time we are co alt and we have over 6k seperation.  As we bass I pull up and look back to see what he was doing.  He dove in to the base ack and stayed there flying in sircles.  This time I got him and got out of the ack.  Not even a hint of an attempt at fighting.  I guess his score was in danger.

Now, I don;t think its bad to run when you are out numbered or if some one is d800 on your six, but when you have a 1 on 1 and a little bit of alt, and no one on your six?  Why play the game then?

We do need a name, no fair teasing like this  :D
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: dedalos on November 22, 2004, 12:59:44 PM
Originally posted by Shane
name!! we need a name!!


lol, I gave you evrything you ask for.

Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Shane on November 22, 2004, 01:04:46 PM
nooooo you didn't, because i can see at least 10 guys ranked <26 who could fit that description.

Title: Sore Losers
Post by: DoctorYO on November 22, 2004, 01:07:49 PM
We carry no weapons nor have any armor in the state of S.C. The inmates are better armed then the CO's. Get your facks straight.

if you were really in a max.. the cons got to shackle to leave their cage..  you telling me a shackled man with at best a shiv (being shackled has about 3 inches of motion) of some sort is more heavily armed than the prison response team. what world your living in.. and if it is true fire your warden for incompetence..

if you were talking general pop thats one thing max is somthing else... max is max in hence max security 24hr lockdown 1hr of sunlight a day..

don't feed us this jibberish..

people i talked too said feces is their biggest problem... (lifer throwing crap on you what are going to do to him except kick the crap out of him which you cant do unless he lunges (hard to lunge in shackles..) at you catch 22 to the extreme..)

save it for the naive...


PS:  Hypocritical claiming offense from PM when you blare the same response in retaliation on these boards..  pathetic to say the least....
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Howitzer on November 22, 2004, 01:08:15 PM
I thought that originally Urchin was fine doing it in PM.  If it was the way he says, that wasn't bad.  

Then when you get him on here, every other word is an expletive, and he continues to act up to his reputation.  Of course he's got the almighty shane to back him up.  As far as Shane is concerned he will never give a in the MA.  There is always some excuse why he died.  He wants every fight to be like a DA fight, Co-alt merge, equal planes, 1 vs. 1....  Well it just isn't that way.

I never once saw the JBs saying they were aces or the best squad like urchin alleges..  They fly good as a group, but if they get one to bait ya, while the other waxes you, then all you will hear from these ego-trips on ch. 200 is "you guys not bad 5 on 1".  Well gee... that is toooo bad you got suckered into that.  Maybe someday everyone will play video games according to your rules, until then I guess we can just resort to calling them names like "morons, idiots, geldings", and whatever else derogatory comes to mind.

Maybe these guys are new, and they find humility in getting shot down...who knows?  When they get a better feel for the planes, maybe they will start learning the merge and the ACM, but the way to encourage them to learn is not to belittle them in public (once again, urchin didn't do this in the game).  

to Stang though, he and I are on different sides of this argument, but his post was done tactfully and I didn't see a name call in there.  

As for the rest of you "uber" pilots, keep the insults on 200 coming, besides the one or two ankle biters that like to bask in your self-proclaimed glory the rest of us get a big kick out of the joke you guys really are.

Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Shane on November 22, 2004, 01:17:25 PM
Originally posted by Howitzer
As far as Shane is concerned he will never give a in the MA.  There is always some excuse why he died.  He wants every fight to be like a DA fight, Co-alt merge, equal planes, 1 vs. 1....  Well it just isn't that way.

whoa... how can you continue to be so clueless?  the only thing you got right is i don't do faux in the MA/CT. :rolleyes:

but good to see dedalos pulled you into the discussion. :aok
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Stang on November 22, 2004, 01:19:23 PM
hmm, would seem to be clever, what i could gather from that were the letters k-b... so... kbman is my guess?
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Shane on November 22, 2004, 01:27:34 PM
while he'd surely fit the description - but alas, he's not in the top 26.

i don't see where you're picking up the K from (unless you mean the alt references), altho i see the "bass"/pass. there's also a "sircle"/circle, so....   pc.... pacerr?
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Howitzer on November 22, 2004, 01:28:33 PM
Originally posted by Shane
whoa... how can you continue to be so clueless?  the only thing you got right is i don't do faux in the MA/CT. :rolleyes:

but good to see dedalos pulled you into the discussion. :aok

You are correct, oh mighty one, you replace the with rantings about how people are clueless, you almost always call them names, and surround your claims with excuses how you were ganged and killed 5 vs. 1.  No no... I think I pretty much hit the nail on the head....  However, I have seen cases where you were shot down pretty evenly, but somehow you always seem to clam up on those occasions.....  Hmmm that is interesting.
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Stang on November 22, 2004, 01:31:51 PM
hmm, sounds like something pacerr would do but I doubt he ever flies the la7.  He might be on the same side too.

We shall figgure this out my lala driving gelding friend, Shane  :D
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: JB82 on November 22, 2004, 01:32:40 PM
Originally posted by DoctorYO
if you were really in a max.. the cons got to shackle to leave their cage..  you telling me a shackled man with at best a shiv (being shackled has about 3 inches of motion) of some sort is more heavily armed than the prison response team. what world your living in.. and if it is true fire your warden for incompetence..

if you were talking general pop thats one thing max is somthing else... max is max in hence max security 24hr lockdown 1hr of sunlight a day..

don't feed us this jibberish..

people i talked too said feces is their biggest problem... (lifer throwing crap on you what are going to do to him except kick the crap out of him which you cant do unless he lunges (hard to lunge in shackles..) at you catch 22 to the extreme..)

save it for the naive...


PS:  Hypocritical claiming offense from PM when you blare the same response in retaliation on these boards..  pathetic to say the least....

Many inmates are able to come out of the chains without any problem.  Many times after taking an inmate to the showers or to the rec field the inmate will hand us the chains without unlocking them.  Many inmates will also grab us as we are walking down the cell block, the pathway is to narrow to get far enough away.  So say what you think, but I live it.
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Wotan on November 22, 2004, 01:36:09 PM
Originally posted by JB82
We carry no weapons nor have any armor in the state of S.C.  The inmates are better armed then the CO's.  Get your facts straight.

You brought your 'profession' into the discussion. As DoctorYO correctly points out if you think pushing around a bunch caged men will earn you some sort of respect on this bbs or in rl then you are mistaken. All it will do is get you laughed at and mocked.

What I gather from this thread is you wouldn't like that at all.

As I suggested above, butch up and take your lumps as they come...
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Stang on November 22, 2004, 01:42:49 PM
Aha!  My guess is Sirloin (SIRcling) and not a score of 26, but < (less than) 26.  Gimme my cookie!  :p
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: JB82 on November 22, 2004, 01:44:57 PM
All I'm asking is for you not to PM me.
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Shane on November 22, 2004, 01:45:30 PM
Originally posted by Howitzer
You are correct, oh mighty one, you replace the with rantings about how people are clueless, you almost always call them names, and surround your claims with excuses how you were ganged and killed 5 vs. 1.  No no... I think I pretty much hit the nail on the head....  However, I have seen cases where you were shot down pretty evenly, but somehow you always seem to clam up on those occasions.....  Hmmm that is interesting.

so when i congratulate the geldings for their 5 on 1 ganging it's whining, and yet if i lose "evenly" i clam up - which is also whining??

please try and be consistent and you'll better understand why i replied to your original post the way i did.

Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Shane on November 22, 2004, 01:52:35 PM
Originally posted by Stang
hmm, sounds like something pacerr would do but I doubt he ever flies the la7.  He might be on the same side too.

We shall figgure this out my lala driving gelding friend, Shane  :D

 pay attention, sheesh, youth these days.  at no point did dedalos say the other guy was in la7 or refer to any plane type... dedalos himself was in the la7...

sirloin isn't quite that timid, ircc... i didn't include him in my 10 of 26 list. I originally said 15, but changed it due to being unsure of some of the names, marked by <--- ?? below.

here's my list :D  

nuke33 <---??
bystandr <--- ??
ramair <--- ??
lynx <--- ??
drag00n <--- ??
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Shane on November 22, 2004, 01:55:01 PM
Originally posted by JB82
All I'm asking is for you not to PM me.

next time you see him online, why don't you PM that request? :rofl  i mean he only occasionally tunes ch200.

and for all we know he might have you ignored here on the BBS now.

or... you could simply

a) squelch
b) simply ignore any PM
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: DoctorYO on November 22, 2004, 02:02:46 PM
Many inmates are able to come out of the chains without any problem. Many times after taking an inmate to the showers or to the rec field the inmate will hand us the chains without unlocking them. Many inmates will also grab us as we are walking down the cell block, the pathway is to narrow to get far enough away. So say what you think, but I live it.

I dont want to hijack your thread but since you created it and are participating...

I call bull .. on the above..  your either in a max or not...  a max is for the problem childs there is no grabbing thru the cage except for food.. (thats two way food door to boot.. if your not lowtec or pofunk..)  if you guys are in a max in a  steel bar enviroment something is wrong...  thats the whole purpose of max is maximum security and safety for all parties involved.. big doors no grabbing.. freaking impossible.. unless your etheral...

What does the inmate do when he grabs you.. special sauce lettace and cheese and  put a shiv through your fore-arm...  at best..  oooohhh.. then you call the team and guess who gets the beatdown.. (you get paid leave for the fleshwound..maybe disability oh the horror..)  you chose the job you live with it..  no sympathy here...  How many injuries from inmates have your sustained..  3 to 1 odds none... if so it was a exception..  now general pop is a harder place ....... tougher enviroment  but max there is no BS that you talk... if so your warden is incompetent... you claim they inmates get out of their shackles..  what everyone has been thru the houdini school of excellence.. and the ones that do get out of them; do your strip them for contraband such as paperclips/picks of soap/plastic or such they didn't magically get out of the shackles if they are applied in the proper fashion..

arms behind back.. waist chain.. ankle chain..  etc.. about 3 inches of movement all directions...  even if you dislocated a joint you still have 3 or for more joints to pop out to even have a chance to get out...  at best the so called shackle escapee had some help in the form of a pick...  

Freaking BS to the "Max" no pun intended...


PS: not impressed.....
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: dedalos on November 22, 2004, 02:28:35 PM
Originally posted by Shane
 pay attention, sheesh, youth these days.  at no point did dedalos say the other guy was in la7 or refer to any plane type... dedalos himself was in the la7...

sirloin isn't quite that timid, ircc... i didn't include him in my 10 of 26 list. I originally said 15, but changed it due to being unsure of some of the names, marked by <--- ?? below.

here's my list :D  

nuke33 <---??
bystandr <--- ??
ramair <--- ??
lynx <--- ??
drag00n <--- ??

Sirloin would have turned around and hand me my arse in a bag, lol.  It was not him.

On a side note, I think I have goten an from Shane once and it was kind of a cherry pick kill.
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: jaxxo on November 22, 2004, 02:34:21 PM
No offense to anyone but i rarely get shot down one on one by the well known" best sticks " in the game. Hanging out in a group of 3 or 4 and waiting for a low con to come play and ya bang him isnt exactly the bravest flying either. Ive found I choose how i want to die..sometimes i furball...sometimes I hang at 20k and try and land some kills.Either way your SA should dictate how bad ya wanna live or die.
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: dedalos on November 22, 2004, 02:42:10 PM
Originally posted by jaxxo
No offense to anyone but i rarely get shot down one on one by the well known" best sticks " in the game. Hanging out in a group of 3 or 4 and waiting for a low con to come play and ya bang him isnt exactly the bravest flying either. Ive found I choose how i want to die..sometimes i furball...sometimes I hang at 20k and try and land some kills.Either way your SA should dictate how bad ya wanna live or die.


:mad: Stay away from my 110 next time
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: JB82 on November 22, 2004, 02:44:39 PM
Or Prison was designed as a min but was made a max because of budget cuts .  It was built to house 800 but we now have 1500.  In max there a 2 inmates to a cell now, just started this last month:( .  I got transferred to the yard a few months ago because we are only allowed so much time in Max, the yard is a cake walk.  Most of the lifers are on the yard and they are the easiest ones to deal with.  You seem to forget that I am in the state of SC.  We have a very high turn over rate because of the saftey factor.  Some of us have tried to start a Union in this state to no avail.  Two of our officers got stabed last week from an escape attempt, but nothing was ever said in the paper or on the news about it.  Things are much worse then you think because the state keeps a lid on it for fear of scaring the public (out of sight, out of mind).  The state of SC does not run their prisons like other states do.  Our gas is a joke and we only have one armed guard and he is outside, and this is a Deathrow prison.  We also have a total of 148 officers and we are suppose to have 240, that's counting all shifts.

I made a mistake in bringing up my line of work, but I guess I'll have to live with it.
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Howitzer on November 22, 2004, 02:53:39 PM
I didn't say both were whines.  When you get ganged you whine, when you get killed evenly you get quiet.  May not be EVERY time, but most of the time.  If Dedalos got a from shane.. wtg, cus I've been around 2 years and have yet to see one in the MA.  

And look, I made your list.  Well how neat.  It wouldn't be me unless someone was playing under my name.  I haven't fought Dedalos in a while either.  

You can keep putting on the show that what you are doing is for the greater good or honorable, but basically its just meaningless drivel spewing out of your over inflated ego.  You are becoming more entertainment on a nightly basis than the MA, so you got that going for you I guess.  :aok
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Urchin on November 22, 2004, 03:19:34 PM
Sirloin is pretty aggressive, I don't see him hauling bellybutton to the ack twice.  

Shawk isn't that bad either, flown with him a couple times.  

Dunno about anyone else on the list.
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: dedalos on November 22, 2004, 03:21:43 PM
Originally posted by Howitzer
I didn't say both were whines.  When you get ganged you whine, when you get killed evenly you get quiet.  May not be EVERY time, but most of the time.  If Dedalos got a from shane.. wtg, cus I've been around 2 years and have yet to see one in the MA.  

And look, I made your list.  Well how neat.  It wouldn't be me unless someone was playing under my name.  I haven't fought Dedalos in a while either.  

You can keep putting on the show that what you are doing is for the greater good or honorable, but basically its just meaningless drivel spewing out of your over inflated ego.  You are becoming more entertainment on a nightly basis than the MA, so you got that going for you I guess.  :aok

Nop, Howitzer has my number also
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Chitownflyer on November 22, 2004, 03:25:10 PM
Well my dictim is when you get shot down is not to get mad...GET EVEN....
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Howitzer on November 22, 2004, 03:27:48 PM
Originally posted by dedalos
Nop, Howitzer has my number also

back at ya, always celebrate if I'm lucky enough to get a kill on you.
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Howitzer on November 22, 2004, 03:32:46 PM
Originally posted by Urchin
Sirloin is pretty aggressive, I don't see him hauling bellybutton to the ack twice.  

Shawk isn't that bad either, flown with him a couple times.  

Dunno about anyone else on the list.

I still remember the last time I ran into Urchin =)  It was AH1, and I was trying to land my busted jug at this port.  Saw a 109 there, but was hoping he'd leave me alone.  He didn't =)  Had a great lag pursuit on me, I was trying to out slow fly him, but he had great slashing attacks in that 109.  :D
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Dead Man Flying on November 22, 2004, 03:33:08 PM
Originally posted by jaxxo
Either way your SA should dictate how bad ya wanna live or die.

My SA dictates how badly I want to kill.  Living or dying is optional.

-- Todd/Leviathn
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: RTSigma on November 22, 2004, 08:08:42 PM
I think there should be automatic salutes given to the killing player when the plane is in the air and not on the ground.

However this can be turned off to show to the rest of the players that some don't want to give a salute to someone who got in their sights.
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: plank on November 22, 2004, 08:49:26 PM
I play to have fun, if that doesn't fit into other people's modes of play so be it. Their method of playing and source of enjoyment doesn't mirror my own either.

Frankly, I'm only on one side of my monitor so I don't know how anyone else sees me in this respect but I don't very much care either. If people want to call me this or that, it's their right and I'll keep on playing the way that gives me the most enjoyment.

I have great fun getting shot down as much as I do, can't wait until I start doing the killing. Alas, that may be a lifelong wait :)
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: nopoop on November 22, 2004, 08:58:52 PM
It was last month I think I ran into the JB's fairly regularly. They always have a group. Who cares ??

A couple of months back I had the best fight of six years of flyin against them. One little spit against the group. Some La closing made me reverse, and there they were with a Yak thrown in.

I died, didn't get a kill and put some bullets into a couple of'um. But it's a fight I'll never forget.

3 or 4 minutes that I won't forget.

Was I pissed because I got ganged ??

I wish I had recorded it, it was the best the gender has to offer all in one sortie that I didn't land.

THAT'S where it's at. Good stuff.

Ranting in PM or 200 ??  I'm too old for that. I'd be embarrassed.

Cept Shanes 200 comments make me laugh. Fuggin lag weenie :D
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Ack-Ack on November 22, 2004, 09:05:07 PM
Originally posted by Wotan
For those of you who can't comprehend the meaning of 'timid' in the context of the game here's (  a link to a good thread that breaks it down for you.

I think that is the thread that I posted a film of -IG- as an example of what a timid rainbow warrior is.

Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Ack-Ack on November 22, 2004, 09:14:39 PM
Originally posted by jaxxo
No offense to anyone but i rarely get shot down one on one by the well known" best sticks " in the game.

LOL!  Do you find yourself forced to wear waders so you don't get all that crap you just spewed all over you?  

Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Murdr on November 22, 2004, 11:28:24 PM
Originally posted by Ack-Ack
LOL!  Do you find yourself forced to wear waders so you don't get all that crap you just spewed all over you?  

Dunno akak mabey he ment the lessor sticks shoot him down before the 'best sticks' can get to him.:D
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: XrightyX on November 22, 2004, 11:38:51 PM
Plank, where you live in Atlanta?
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Murdr on November 22, 2004, 11:42:21 PM
Come to think of it, this thread reminds me of the 10 RULES (of timidness) ( lol
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: MOIL on November 22, 2004, 11:43:52 PM
:rofl :eek: :lol :rofl :lol :eek: :rofl
Man this is some good stuff:rolleyes:

Carry on
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: plank on November 23, 2004, 12:01:00 AM
Originally posted by XrightyX
Plank, where you live in Atlanta?

I live just north of Lenox Mall and work Downtown. You in Atlanta yourself?
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Stang on November 23, 2004, 12:10:10 AM
Originally posted by Murdr
Come to think of it, this thread reminds me of the 10 RULES (of timidness) ( lol

Thank you, Manx. I see you're at 35k 2 sectors away from the fight. What are you doing now?

Moe: (watches Manx cherry pick a nme A4 that was fighting 4 Azs) Uh....sheeesh, Manx, you stole that o_ne from your teammates.

Manx: KILL!!! (typing o_n Ch 1) A4 nice 1 o_n 1 fight you had alt but I am Manx and I am great so you died.

Moe: Hmm, I see. So you o_nly fight cripples, busy enemies, and ungunned buffs?

Manx: Yeah. MANX RULE 5- "never take chances".

Manx: (looking concerned) Oh- oh....its a high Dora...oooohhhh....(begins to shake visibly) oh man he's after me...(looks very scared, begins to sweat, Addams apple bobbing crazily) Nooo....(hops o_n o_ne foot) i don't wanna die...and I violated MANX RULE 8..."always have ack to run to"...(shaking so hard he can barely hold his joystick)

Moe: (watches the Dora start to close as Manx begins sobbing) Manx, he's closing fast!

Manx: (begins wetting pants) Oh please nooooooo...Don't shoot me...I am Manx....I am great.....(red screen flashes as Dora shoots Manx) NO!!!!! NO!!!!!! (typing o_n Ch 1) Dora, you had alt, you had buddies and you had luck! Duel me in that crate! C'mon coward! I am Manx! I am great! Let's duel! You warped! Your buddies jumped in! You're a cheater! I was bingo!

Ms. Thigmon: (noticing wet spot o_n Manx's pants) Squigmon, I see you forgot RULE 10 again...

Moe: Rule 10? What is that?

Ms. Thigmon: Always wear Depends while flying. That's MY rule.

OMFG LOL!!!!!!!     :lol :rofl :rofl :lol
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: RTSigma on November 23, 2004, 12:11:22 AM
I might just have to get that name Manx
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: stantond on November 23, 2004, 12:15:56 AM
Manx was from .... of course AW.  He was not the timid fellow described in the very humorous 10 rules:lol .  I fought several 1 vs 1 w/Manx and while he may have done some of the 10 rules, around me he was an agressive pilot.  

Not that it means anything, or his handle/cpid is special.  Just a comment.


Title: 2 er 3 points
Post by: go4maw on November 23, 2004, 06:34:18 AM
point 1
My pappy said always know where ya going before a
coon hunt, or ya might get lost.
 After working for a year with ward in the Max unit at
S.C.D.C ,I dont think I would call him "timid" !!!
 Screwed up ?  yep..( He was'nt happy unless he smelled
like O.C.Gas.) But timid not frecken hardly.
point 2
 The only ones who ever shoot me down are great
air combat fighter aces!  
Never  a ( let;s see now " jousting only,scared to fight,
bore n zoomer,thin skined .fly like a ****,timid women"
 :rofl :rofl
point 3
it takes 2 to joust ?
 Dont they have an arena for the fair fight thing ?
O hell here we go again ( Fair fight thing )
:rofl :rofl
Title: Re: 2 er 3 points
Post by: JB82 on November 23, 2004, 12:01:21 PM
Originally posted by go4maw
point 1
My pappy said always know where ya going before a
coon hunt, or ya might get lost.
 After working for a year with ward in the Max unit at
S.C.D.C ,I dont think I would call him "timid" !!!
 Screwed up ?  yep..( He was'nt happy unless he smelled
like O.C.Gas.) But timid not frecken hardly.

Lol...been a long time Gopher, how's it going, is the Charleston County Jail treating you alright?  Things have only gotten worse here at Lieber C.I. since you left.  Did you hear what happend at Evans C.I. ?  I lost your phone number so would you e-mail me at ?

PS.  I blame you for my addiction to AH.:)
Title: Re: 2 er 3 points
Post by: Furious on November 23, 2004, 12:04:58 PM
Originally posted by go4maw
point 1
My pappy said always know where ya going before a
coon hunt, or ya might get lost.
 After working for a year with ward in the Max unit at
S.C.D.C ,I dont think I would call him "timid" !!!
 Screwed up ?  yep..( He was'nt happy unless he smelled
like O.C.Gas.) But timid not frecken hardly.
point 2
 The only ones who ever shoot me down are great
air combat fighter aces!  
Never  a ( let;s see now " jousting only,scared to fight,
bore n zoomer,thin skined .fly like a ****,timid women"
 :rofl :rofl
point 3
it takes 2 to joust ?
 Dont they have an arena for the fair fight thing ?
O hell here we go again ( Fair fight thing )
:rofl :rofl

What language is that?
Title: Re: 2 er 3 points
Post by: Clifra Jones on November 23, 2004, 12:14:12 PM
Originally posted by go4maw

point 3
it takes 2 to joust ?
 Dont they have an arena for the fair fight thing ?
O hell here we go again ( Fair fight thing )

Yup, maybe we should put it's name into practical useage. You guys can all settle your differences there like real men in the good ol' days!:aok
Title: Re: Re: 2 er 3 points
Post by: Arlo on November 23, 2004, 12:50:51 PM
Originally posted by Furious
What language is that?

Just read the last three words over and over. Should be funny. Should be. :D
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: XrightyX on November 23, 2004, 12:56:29 PM
Originally posted by plank
I live just north of Lenox Mall and work Downtown. You in Atlanta yourself?

Virginia Highlands...but moving soon to California!
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: DipStick on November 23, 2004, 01:05:35 PM
Originally posted by Kweassa
Do you have to shoot down everything in your way to be satisfied?

Uhhhhhhhhh........ YEA! That's the game. ;)

Originally posted by Furious
What language is that?

That's MAWbonics. :eek:
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: FT_Animal on November 23, 2004, 01:32:45 PM
What's worse?

A timid flyer
a loud mouth dweeb, dribbling on forever about the timid flyer?

Frankly,.... BnZ is a tactic used to survive. For some ac, that's the only real way to fly them right. Imagine that.

Any time you get shot down it's your own fault. Either you lost control of the situation, or you didn't think enough to get control of it in the first place.

If you whine about it, then I should suggest the thin skin is on your body. Sniveling is a sign of a ruptured pride.

When you think you know it all, that's a sure sign you don't.

Honor between pilots can go a long way. It leaves more time for having *fun*. You could also learn what your mistakes that left your 6 open.

The way I see it, you jumped him here, which probably means you jumped him in the MA as well. Taunting is one thing, throwing a temper tantrum is embarrassing. It's what makes the MA taste bad to those with more mature attitudes. I think that is a lagitimate point the makes.


OTOH, the MA is just for practice for events. If you don't like the mentality of the MA, join more events, or fly CT.

MA = Gamers
CT\Events = Simmers


Originally posted by Urchin
Oh, my mistake.  To the thin skinned newb, anything other than "Wow, superb kill man!  Way to go, Hartmann!!!!``111" is "harrassment".  

You women amuse the hell out of me sometimes.
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Urchin on November 23, 2004, 03:04:22 PM
Lol... I'm so glad to have the analysis of "experts" everywhere.  

I guess this is tough for most newbs to understand... I don't CARE if I die.  I might land one of 5 sorties.  I don't "lose control of the situation" blah blah, etc etc... I just don't give a **** if I die.  

I asked the newblet a question, that is all.  I went into the joust figuring I'd die... I had nothing to lose.  I was damn near half asleep from the "fight" anyway.  I was curious as to why someone who is so afraid to engage in a situation where they have "all the cards" so to speak would basically end his sortie on a roll of the dice.  

He answered me.  

All you Dr Phil wannabe's amuse the hell out of me too, actually.  Can any of you fight 1/10th as well as you analyze **** from second and third hand accounts? Well actually... just plain make **** up since I already gave a recap of the "fight".

Ah far as your pithy sayings....

 I don't know it all.  Do I know a lot more than you do?  More than likely, yes.  You see... this is why people don't like me.  I'm not coy.  I don't expect other people to "recognize my greatness".. I could give a ****.  I know what I'm talking about .. oh.. probably 99.9995% of the time.  

See, this is where stats do come in handy... I'll look up Ms Cleos stats and there'll be a 1.5 K/D, a .6 K/S, a 2.5 K/H, and a 5% hit %... at which point I go.. yea... just another ****ing windup windbag.  

Oh and by the way...  

The timid flyer is worse.
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Wotan on November 23, 2004, 03:21:30 PM
The timid flyer is worse, at least there is some entertainment value in smack talking...
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: FT_Animal on November 23, 2004, 03:39:18 PM
Take your meds, I'm not impressed with your style of force feeding.

I never expressed to have known it all, but I know what I know. I've been at this for 9+ years, I'm not as stupid about this as you wish I was.

When you need to put people down to make yourself feel bigger and better, then maybe, just maybe, you're not liked because you don't make yourself likable.

Don't worry, someday you'll mature past the age of 14, give it time.

Dogs with big bark have little bite.


I've heard rotting fungus in the bottom of a benjo ditch belch gases that contain more intelligence.


After you King Salami..


Originally posted by Urchin
Lol... I'm so glad to have the analysis of "experts" everywhere.  

I guess this is tough for most newbs to understand... I don't CARE if I die.  I might land one of 5 sorties.  I don't "lose control of the situation" blah blah, etc etc... I just don't give a **** if I die.  

I asked the newblet a question, that is all.  I went into the joust figuring I'd die... I had nothing to lose.  I was damn near half asleep from the "fight" anyway.  I was curious as to why someone who is so afraid to engage in a situation where they have "all the cards" so to speak would basically end his sortie on a roll of the dice.  

He answered me.  

All you Dr Phil wannabe's amuse the hell out of me too, actually.  Can any of you fight 1/10th as well as you analyze **** from second and third hand accounts? Well actually... just plain make **** up since I already gave a recap of the "fight".

Ah far as your pithy sayings....

 I don't know it all.  Do I know a lot more than you do?  More than likely, yes.  You see... this is why people don't like me.  I'm not coy.  I don't expect other people to "recognize my greatness".. I could give a ****.  I know what I'm talking about .. oh.. probably 99.9995% of the time.  

See, this is where stats do come in handy... I'll look up Ms Cleos stats and there'll be a 1.5 K/D, a .6 K/S, a 2.5 K/H, and a 5% hit %... at which point I go.. yea... just another ****ing windup windbag.  

Oh and by the way...  

The timid flyer is worse.
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Urchin on November 23, 2004, 03:48:24 PM
I honestly don't care how long you've  been at it.  The difference between you and me is I really don't care what any of you all think about me... because I don't like 99% of you by default anyway.  

I don't feel the need to put people down at all... I merely tell it like it is.  

That squeeking noise you hear?  That is the chorus of castrati belting out "I AM good, I AM I AM I AM!!!!!" in perfect falsetto.  The difference between you and me is I can say ... "No.. you pretty much suck" and be right.  You apparently think it is un-PC to do that.
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Stang on November 23, 2004, 04:11:30 PM
Originally posted by FT_Animal
What's worse?

A timid flyer
a loud mouth dweeb, dribbling on forever about the timid flyer?

Frankly,.... BnZ is a tactic used to survive. For some ac, that's the only real way to fly them right. Imagine that.

When are you timid runners who frankly hide behind the "BnZ' style of fighting going to realize that what you do is not BnZ fighting?  It's a hig speed pass w/ no hope of getting a kill unless the guy jousts w/ ya, followed by 5-6k of running then repeat.  That is not BnZ fighting, and that is the type of crap people get called out for, and rightfully so.  BnZ fighting is using your engery state to dictate the fight and make the opponent your little seal cub, doing whatever you want and pretty much making him look like a fish outta water before you finally bag him.  If you guys flew like that in real life, like you guys say is most likely, Wotan is right:  you'd get courtmartialed and ostracized by your squadmates who you leave helpless by your incessant running.
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Murdr on November 23, 2004, 04:57:12 PM
Originally posted by Urchin
See, this is where stats do come in handy... I'll look up Ms Cleos stats and there'll be a 1.5 K/D, a .6 K/S, a 2.5 K/H, and a 5% hit %... at which point I go.. yea... just another ****ing windup windbag.  
Kinda makes me curious what the spots above and below "****ing windup windbag" on the urchin scale are called :)
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Arlo on November 23, 2004, 05:11:09 PM
Originally posted by Urchin
Lol... I'm so glad to have the analysis of "experts" everywhere.  

I guess this is tough for most newbs to understand... I don't CARE if I die.

(snip the rest of it since it's just excuse and rationalization)

Then shaddup, Oprah. :D
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Furious on November 23, 2004, 05:12:57 PM
Two observations, not necessarily related to the topic at hand.

1.  If you were in a night club, macking on some chick, would you bring up the topic of how timid BnZ'ers were ruining an online video game in the hopes of gettin some nook?

2.  Why do the "realism" guys think that if only the game were more "realistic" or played more "realistically" they would then be able to show all the "gamers" just exaclty how good they really are?

...oops, guess they turned out to be questions.
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Arlo on November 23, 2004, 05:13:01 PM
Originally posted by Wotan
The timid flyer is worse, at least there is some entertainment value in smack talking...

From those who have a smidgin of skill at it. Takes more than an occasional inventive phrase that ends up getting used to death and a third hand to do it with. ;)
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Arlo on November 23, 2004, 05:14:10 PM
Originally posted by Urchin
I honestly don't care how long you've  been at it.  The difference between you and me is I really don't care what any of you all think about me... because I don't like 99% of you by default anyway.  

Well that's mighty convenient, dotcha think? ;)
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Waffle on November 23, 2004, 05:22:45 PM
I've been watching this thread awhile -

and normally I don't have bad words to say about people, but Urchin - you live up to your name.

This thread started about PM'ng people(no names used)   - but you've got a penchant for PM'ng and chimed in on the second post.

I must say - just take your "virual death" and deal with it - no one wants to hear your blather. You have no class - You're a disgrace to the game in the way that you handle loosing or getting killed...I could go on and on.

 QUOTES from Urchin:
I guess this is tough for most newbs to understand... I don't CARE if I die. I might land one of 5 sorties. I don't "lose control of the situation" blah blah, etc etc... I just don't give a **** if I die.


Title: Sore Losers
Post by: go4maw on November 23, 2004, 05:23:08 PM
MawBonics ?
 yea I like that,
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Urchin on November 23, 2004, 05:34:18 PM
See, Waffle is a perfect example of the "new" AH player.  He sucks ass, he knows it, and he is damn proud of it.

I've got to be honest though.. I don't remember any of that, which means it was probably the typical gangbang after a 3 sector run type ****.  

Looks like the second one was a manned ack kill, way to ****ing go, "ace".. rofl.
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Arlo on November 23, 2004, 05:36:43 PM
Originally posted by Urchin
See, Waffle is a perfect example of the "new" AH player.  He sucks ass, he knows it, and he is damn proud of it.

Dunno. All I saw was you peeing in the buffer steadily after he killed ya. I admire his self control. Yours ... well .. needs a lil work. ;)
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Urchin on November 23, 2004, 05:41:24 PM
No *****.... I typically do my talking where I do my fighting.  

You on the other hand... don't fight.. so I guess you've gotta talk in here.  

But like I said... in my opinion you are a waste of oxygen, so I'm not sure why I'm bothering even talking with you.  

Oh.. by the way.. I tried out your sounds... they kinda suck.  

Get with Mitsu, he'll help you out.

Awww.. cheesedick deleted his post lol.
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Murdr on November 23, 2004, 05:42:57 PM
Originally posted by Urchin
He sucks ass, he knows it, and he is damn proud of it.

Originally posted by Murdr
Kinda makes me curious what the spots above and below "****ing windup windbag" on the urchin scale are called :)
Is "suck ass" better than "****ing windup windbag" on the urchin scale?  Inquiring minds want to know ;)
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Arlo on November 23, 2004, 05:44:27 PM
Originally posted by Urchin

Oh.. by the way.. I tried out your sounds... they kinda suck.  

Get with Mitsu, he'll help you out.

Geez, Urchie-poo. WTF has THIS got to do with the price of tea in China? Where's YOUR fuggin' soundpack? :rolleyes: :lol
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Murdr on November 23, 2004, 05:46:06 PM
Originally posted by Arlo
Geez, Urchie-poo. WTF has THIS got to do with the price of tea in China? Where's YOUR fuggin' soundpack? :rolleyes: :lol
That was my thought back at the "See, Waffle is a perfect example of the "new" AH player." comment.
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Urchin on November 23, 2004, 05:47:45 PM
Originally posted by Murdr
Is "suck ass" better than "****ing windup windbag" on the urchin scale?  Inquiring minds want to know ;)

I dunno.. they are all kind of synonomous for me.  

Where's YOUR soundpack Arlo?  Who the **** gives a ****?  I was just telling the guy his sounds suck.
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Arlo on November 23, 2004, 05:51:02 PM
Originally posted by Urchin

Where's YOUR soundpack Arlo?  Who the **** gives a ****?  I was just telling the guy his sounds suck.

You're just lashing out. Yasee ... I don't do that. I laugh at people who do that. They're stupid. I'm allowed. ;)
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Waffle on November 23, 2004, 05:51:40 PM
Originally posted by Urchin

Awww.. cheesedick deleted his post lol.

Just to fill in the blanks I posted:

"That the best you got?" in response to his post about "New AH player"

But evidently "Old" Urchin is getting crocthity in his old flightsim age and has nothing to stand on but personal attacks.

Urchin - why don't you do something positive for the community and build a skin, try a soundpack...or just leave.
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Murdr on November 23, 2004, 05:53:22 PM
I uninstalled Arlo's sound pack because the fart noises from starting engines got old after awhile.
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Waffle on November 23, 2004, 05:54:41 PM
Originally posted by Murdr
I uninstalled Arlo's sound pack because the fart noises from starting engines got old after awhile.

Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Urchin on November 23, 2004, 05:56:57 PM
Lol, why don't you do something constructive with your hands?  I think I hear your boyfriend calling you all the way across the country.  

See, my "respect" scale is based on what people can do in the game.  People with big mouths but can fight (Shane, even Arlo to an extent) get some respect.  Girls that don't know how to fight, but open their big mouths anyway get no respect.  Sorry, Waffle.  I could give two ****s about your crap soundpack to be honest... fly like a *****... and you are a *****.  Simple, really.
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Waffle on November 23, 2004, 06:02:23 PM
Originally posted by Urchin
Lol, why don't you do something constructive with your hands?  I think I hear your boyfriend calling you all the way across the country.  

See, my "respect" scale is based on what people can do in the game.  People with big mouths but can fight (Shane, even Arlo to an extent) get some respect.  Girls that don't know how to fight, but open their big mouths anyway get no respect.  Sorry, Waffle.  I could give two ****s about your crap soundpack to be honest... fly like a *****... and you are a *****.  Simple, really.

Again, another **** (tee-yerd, say it like you're from the south) falls out of a mouth named Urchin.....lmao!

My god man - don't you have anything positive to contribute to this game/sim? All it is personal attacks and "internet tough guy"

Catch a clue. Just shutting up and not PM'ng people would be positive for the community.
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Fruda on November 23, 2004, 06:14:10 PM
Looks like Urchin's got some problems at home :lol .
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Arlo on November 23, 2004, 06:20:18 PM
Originally posted by Murdr
I uninstalled Arlo's sound pack because the fart noises from starting engines got old after awhile.

Hehehe ... I forgot all about that. :lol
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Urchin on November 23, 2004, 06:22:23 PM
Originally posted by Waffle BAS
Again, another **** (tee-yerd, say it like you're from the south) falls out of a mouth named Urchin.....lmao!

My god man - don't you have anything positive to contribute to this game/sim? All it is personal attacks and "internet tough guy"

Catch a clue. Just shutting up and not PM'ng people would be positive for the community.

Aw... I'm depressed!  Some skill-less newb doesn't like me!  I may go slash my wrists now!  

Oh wait... I forgot.. you are a *****... your opinion means nothing.  Whew...
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Stang on November 23, 2004, 06:28:25 PM
I think Urchin is just genuinely fet up with what this game has become, and quite frankly he is right to be upset about it.  He might now have the most tactful way of dealing with the problem, but at heart he is dead on about what is going on.  Unfortunately, the majority of the pilots fly in this retarded timid and lame style that is not B and Z fighting, but lame ho joust passes w/ the help of 3 or more friends.  to make matters worse, they make up probably 90% of the people who post on the boards as well, so no matter how right anyone is who is trying to get you guys to learn acm and how to fight, you brush it aside as whining that they died, simply because you were able to get a lucky joust on one of us in the midst of the horde of your friends, all trying to do the same to that one guy trying to take you all on.  Alas, it is frustrating.  Like being the parent of an adolescent who never listens and keeps messing up.

BTW I don't think he's pulling some kind of "tough guy" routine.  he's just calling people for what they act like in the game.  I'm not condoning his actions, just simply saying I totally understand where he's coming from.   Wake up, timid lamers.
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Stang on November 23, 2004, 06:30:54 PM
Originally posted by Waffle BAS
Catch a clue. Just shutting up and not PM'ng people would be positive for the community.

Actually, putting an end to the mindless horde dweeb lameness, pointlessly timid flying, and suicide tards would be a much better way to help the community.
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: RTSigma on November 23, 2004, 06:34:15 PM
Thats it.

I'm getting the brooms.

Whos in on this?
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Arlo on November 23, 2004, 06:45:52 PM
I'm worried about the sexual connotation there.
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: nopoop on November 23, 2004, 07:09:25 PM
I gotta jump back in here. I've been doin this "shoot people down" thing since 98 and spanning 2 games and alot of years there is only 2 people that I've interacted with that I really don't like. Beet and I are friends, have some laughs but are polar opposite on how we approach the game.

Is his way better ?? It is for him and I can't deny that.

What gets lost here, is that what we do in the arena is supposed to be fun. When it gets to the point that it's not, for whatever reason, it is better resolved by doing something else with ones time.

Urchin if at this point in time your finding yourself despising players and players actions to the point of PM's and posts shown you gotta chill. Take a breath.

You were one of the goodguys. The old guard that believes the fight is paramount.

Take some time. Come back as Urchin of old.

Title: Sore Losers
Post by: plank on November 23, 2004, 07:17:37 PM
Originally posted by nopoop
What gets lost here, is that what we do in the arena is supposed to be fun. When it gets to the point that it's not, for whatever reason, it is better resolved by doing something else with ones time.

Well put :aok

Can't say I've never flown off the handle myself but I'm trying to get back into 'fun mode' again.
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Ack-Ack on November 23, 2004, 08:08:41 PM
Originally posted by Arlo
Geez, Urchie-poo. WTF has THIS got to do with the price of tea in China? Where's YOUR fuggin' soundpack? :rolleyes: :lol

Because he can't excuse away his death by Waffle so he has to lash out somehow at Waffle.  By bashing on his sound pack he thinks he can do what he wasn't able to do in the game.

BTW- I do find Waffle to be quite the good stick.  We had some really good P-40 duels in the DA while back.

Title: Sore Losers
Post by: RTSigma on November 23, 2004, 08:12:47 PM
If you're not a good pilot whats the point of even flying in AH2?
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: plank on November 23, 2004, 08:29:18 PM
Originally posted by RTSigma
If you're not a good pilot whats the point of even flying in AH2?

To become a better pilot :)
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Waffle on November 23, 2004, 08:30:15 PM
Shh...Akak -

Never mention those duels
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: killnu on November 23, 2004, 08:41:56 PM
all i can say is wow  :rofl   seems some have been called on other things than being a "timid" flyer and they dont like being called out.  oh well, life does go on.  :D
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: DrDea on November 23, 2004, 09:01:21 PM
Originally posted by Arlo
Looking further past this down the thread it looks more like the part where the inflated egos gravitate toward one another and form a daisychain. :D

:rofl :rofl :rofl
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: DrDea on November 23, 2004, 09:47:05 PM
Originally posted by Stang
I think Urchin is just genuinely fet up with what this game has become, and quite frankly he is right to be upset about it.

   Ya know what?Spewing names and obviously after reading this thread,having a serious complex DOESNT come from how other people fly.It comes from being a very small person.Dont like how the game works now?Do as many others have and step away from it for awhile but dont EVER think you have a right to bust someones chops for their flying skills or the lack there of.What a candy assed way to play.I flew with +Fang -Vatti and he did all he could to land.That was his thing.Nobody would say HE ran from a fight .SHut up...GROW up....LIGHTEN up you crybabies.:rofl
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Howitzer on November 23, 2004, 09:50:26 PM
Originally posted by Stang
I think Urchin is just genuinely fet up with what this game has become, and quite frankly he is right to be upset about it.  He might now have the most tactful way of dealing with the problem, but at heart he is dead on about what is going on.  Unfortunately, the majority of the pilots fly in this retarded timid and lame style that is not B and Z fighting, but lame ho joust passes w/ the help of 3 or more friends.  to make matters worse, they make up probably 90% of the people who post on the boards as well, so no matter how right anyone is who is trying to get you guys to learn acm and how to fight, you brush it aside as whining that they died, simply because you were able to get a lucky joust on one of us in the midst of the horde of your friends, all trying to do the same to that one guy trying to take you all on.  Alas, it is frustrating.  Like being the parent of an adolescent who never listens and keeps messing up.

BTW I don't think he's pulling some kind of "tough guy" routine.  he's just calling people for what they act like in the game.  I'm not condoning his actions, just simply saying I totally understand where he's coming from.   Wake up, timid lamers.

Sorry Stang, this is one of those posts I'd expect to see from shane or urchin.  I don't understand what the big honking deal is... If they fly like this, they should be easy kills.  Well it seems that this style touches a nerve with some of you and there is just a huge concern for teaching people ACM.  Who freakin cares about the new pilots development really?  They will learn the game by playing, last I checked Hitech doesn't employ you guys to go off "teaching" the new guys.  

Just because you guys can hold your own against most pilots doesn't give you the right to berate people for trying, nor should it go hand-in-hand with the constant barrage of obscenities in the game or on the BBS.

You guys fed up with the game?  Go find another one.  There are other flight sims, and tons of online games out there...maybe its time for a change.  I don't forsee many folks crying if you all were to make your departure.  Believe it or not, the game will go on... hundereds of folks will still be on at the same time engaging in combat any way they please, and that is their right for 15 bucks.  Maybe all you heroes should start worrying more about yourselves and care less what others do....
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Urchin on November 23, 2004, 10:24:58 PM
Oh, I don't even bother.. most of them have decided, like you apparently, that it is to hard.. they'd rather not try at all.  Hey, a kill is a kill, right?  Its my 15 bucks, right?

Besides which, most of em, like Waffle there, gets real bent out of shape if you have anything to say after he runs 75 miles to ack and friends before deciding to "fight", unless it is "Man, outSTANDing kill Waffle!  Never seen better flying, ever!  It was pure poetry!"  

Calling a ***** a ***** is apparently verboten.  Guess everyone's bought into the "Oh, you can't say anything NEGATIVE, you big meanie!  You might hurt their poor widdle self esteem! "  Of course... if the ******* had any to begin with they put a little effort into it.  

Actually... the only time I remember "fighting" waffle (and I might have him mixed up with another newb) is him trying to vulch some folks that were landing, seeing me in a 262 also, and then running 75 miles to a friendly base.  He did finally turn around after he made it to the field ack and a few buddies upped to help him.  After I got shot down he gloated on 200 about "beating me at my own game".. apparently my game has become running like a ***** to my ack and begging for help to anyone that'll listen.  

That is the only one that stands out, and I like I said earlier... I might have him mixed up with some other big mouth, low/no skill newb.  Apparently me calling him a ***** really rankled though, since he is still trying to prove something.
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: MOIL on November 23, 2004, 10:33:09 PM
Other than the small bits of rioting and slander, everything here seems to be just about normal............
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: RTSigma on November 23, 2004, 10:45:27 PM
Why not we just all reset the scores, the tours, and everyone is a newb. Everyone sucks. There ya go.
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: FT_Animal on November 23, 2004, 11:48:45 PM
In all seriousness,.....

Frankly, I'm embarrassed *for you*.

ACM is one thing, cryin because he won't plant his butt in your sights is another.

Seems to me he was practicing perfect ACM, especialy the part called,... "Life Preservation". He lived, you died. YOU are responsable for exposing your 6, not him. It's his job to shoot an exposed 6.

Had you been thinking, you could have upped from 2 bases away and come over the top and handed him his butt,.... but that's the problem,.. you weren't thinking. So you attempt to publicly humiliate him because you were too lazy to think. NICE!!! real class.

For you to place yourself below him is YOUR error, and his success. The fact that you don't get this part of ACM yet only proves to me you have a long way to go.

You think you're some tough guy while hidding behind oak trees 300 yds away calling people poopy butt. I'm not impressed nor intimidated.
So far you seem to be the biggest cry baby in here. Your skin isn't thin,.... it's transparent.

The title of this thread seems to fit you perfect, just as the post that went with it. The more you ramble the more you make him right. Basically , you stood up and exposed your 6 yet again, when this thread could have remained,"un-named".

Being humble does have it's advantages. ;-)

Originally posted by Urchin
Oh, I don't even bother.. most of them have decided, like you apparently, that it is to hard.. they'd rather not try at all.  Hey, a kill is a kill, right?  Its my 15 bucks, right?

Besides which, most of em, like Waffle there, gets real bent out of shape if you have anything to say after he runs 75 miles to ack and friends before deciding to "fight", unless it is "Man, outSTANDing kill Waffle!  Never seen better flying, ever!  It was pure poetry!"  

Calling a ***** a ***** is apparently verboten.  Guess everyone's bought into the "Oh, you can't say anything NEGATIVE, you big meanie!  You might hurt their poor widdle self esteem! "  Of course... if the ******* had any to begin with they put a little effort into it.  

Actually... the only time I remember "fighting" waffle (and I might have him mixed up with another newb) is him trying to vulch some folks that were landing, seeing me in a 262 also, and then running 75 miles to a friendly base.  He did finally turn around after he made it to the field ack and a few buddies upped to help him.  After I got shot down he gloated on 200 about "beating me at my own game".. apparently my game has become running like a ***** to my ack and begging for help to anyone that'll listen.  

That is the only one that stands out, and I like I said earlier... I might have him mixed up with some other big mouth, low/no skill newb.  Apparently me calling him a ***** really rankled though, since he is still trying to prove something.
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: RTSigma on November 24, 2004, 12:21:55 AM
I heard they're going to make an addition to AH2.

Everyone spawns at 5k with 200mph and in P-51s, Me109, or Spit VIV. Theres no ack, no sides, and no text buffer.

That would actually send all those pilots who want their knife fights and lone wolf mentalities away while pilots who want to fly with others and fly their own way can fly*

*redundant? Not really. Leaves all the teamworkers and squads to fly and attack as a group and do their strats and JO's and find fights above 10k and against enemies with conventional strategies.
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: SFCHONDO on November 24, 2004, 01:00:51 AM
Man that Boy has some serious Mental issues. God if i disliked the game and the people in it as bad as him I'd just quit. I'm sure no one would care and most probably wished he did. It's pointless to try and make him understand, seems like only a mental health instutution could help him. Just ignor his ranting and crying and he'll get bored eventually when no one replies to him. It's obvious he is way beyond any help that we could give him.  :D
Besides when he whines on 200 99% of the MA don't believe what he's saying nor could they care less. Once he figures out "NO ONE CARES" how he died he might shut-up about it, but with his personality I doubt that will ever happen. Just squelch the Nugget and enjoy the game as if he weren't ever there.
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: wipass on November 24, 2004, 02:41:42 AM
This is someone in need of serious help, best thing to do now urchin is not to post in this thread again and let it die ....

Title: Sore Losers
Post by: WMLute on November 24, 2004, 03:35:12 AM
a little friendly smack talk i'm ok with.  P.M.'ing someone like that is crossing the line.  

I understand what you are saying urchin.  They are not b/z'ing at all.  Face shot, run, face shot, run.  It DOES get old.   I've logged many a night in frustration over it.  All I wanted was to find a fight, not chase some weenie 2 sectors until he was over ack, and w/ 4 friendlies and THEN they decide to fight. happens.  I find that spending an hour in the TA w/ the new pilots help.  WE can help start breeding a new kinda' pilot.  I feel that 100% of the reason they do the joust thing, is ignorance.  It's where they are "at".  Only way to fix it is to train them.  If more of the "good" sticks took the time to train the newbies, we would reap the reward in the MA with much more satisfying fights.

recap.  Taunting=acceptable   Verbal abuse and cursing via p.m.=Bad (if not baning material)
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: wrag on November 24, 2004, 06:13:53 AM
I talked a couple of fairly new flyers into the TA once and both basicaly became friends.  I showed em both the very little I knew at the time, not that I know very much more now, and they seemed to appreciate it allot.

PM'ing someone with abuse makes only enemies of potential friends.  Sometimes very good friends.

Also PM'ing with abuse makes the abuser look like a LOOSER IMHO.

Caught something in Urchin's posting that made me think.

So what's with this constant reference to Newb's???

Hasn't Waffle been around awhile?

Is this some kinda thing about look at me I'm an "Old Salt" or something?  Some kinda entitlement thing for time put in?

How long does someone have to be around before they're no longer a Newb?

Hey!  Without new flyers this sim and all others will die!

Don't like the way they fly?  Then offer to show em a better way!

Several of the people that have posted in this thread are excellent at acm, and usually hand me my backside real quick, but more importantly they could really make a difference to a newbees abilities.

I've heard Shane frequently offers to teach people he's shot down some ACM.  And does so patiently and well Shane :D
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Urchin on November 24, 2004, 06:29:44 AM
Originally posted by FT_Animal
In all seriousness,.....

Frankly, I'm embarrassed *for you*.

ACM is one thing, cryin because he won't plant his butt in your sights is another.

Seems to me he was practicing perfect ACM, especialy the part called,... "Life Preservation". He lived, you died. YOU are responsable for exposing your 6, not him. It's his job to shoot an exposed 6.

Had you been thinking, you could have upped from 2 bases away and come over the top and handed him his butt,.... but that's the problem,.. you weren't thinking. So you attempt to publicly humiliate him because you were too lazy to think. NICE!!! real class.

For you to place yourself below him is YOUR error, and his success. The fact that you don't get this part of ACM yet only proves to me you have a long way to go.

You think you're some tough guy while hidding behind oak trees 300 yds away calling people poopy butt. I'm not impressed nor intimidated.
So far you seem to be the biggest cry baby in here. Your skin isn't thin,.... it's transparent.

The title of this thread seems to fit you perfect, just as the post that went with it. The more you ramble the more you make him right. Basically , you stood up and exposed your 6 yet again, when this thread could have remained,"un-named".

Being humble does have it's advantages. ;-)

I'm curious animal.... what the **** are you talking about anyway?  Are you just making some scenario up in your head?

This thread is basically about all the people who think I'm a dick because I won't say "Wow man!  Superb flying, amazing job, you kick bellybutton BRO!  Keep doing that 8 on 1 thing man, you are great at it!" and deciding to make themselves feel better.  I couldn't care less, to be honest.  

2/3rds of the people talking **** about me in here I've never heard of... and I probably never will.  They'll remain faceless, anonymous little sheep, flying around in a herd for the entirety of their time here.  The other 1/3 I already know are *******.  I think what gets them so riled up is they know it too.  

I'm not showing any newb how to fly, because honestly... anything I'd be showing them would be basically incomprehensible.  

I'm not interested in making friends.  All the people I'm "friends" with have the same mentality as me, and we stopped coming to the party 3 years ago.  

Anyway, I'm done.  You all can keep the circle-jerk up until your hands get tired though... I'd hate to deny you your "fun".
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Murdr on November 24, 2004, 06:59:09 AM
Originally posted by Urchin
I'm not interested in making friends.  All the people I'm "friends" with have the same mentality as me, and we stopped coming to the party 3 years ago.  
Say hi to them from us when you get on the short yellow bus today.
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: wrag on November 24, 2004, 07:08:54 AM
Urchin said.....

"This thread is basically about all the people who think I'm a dick because I won't say "Wow man! Superb flying, amazing job, you kick bellybutton BRO! Keep doing that 8 on 1 thing man, you are great at it!" and deciding to make themselves feel better. I couldn't care less, to be honest. "

I don't see that in this thread, I do see the PM'ing with abuse repeatedly discussed.

I'm thinkin no one here expects anyone to say wow great flying or wow great gang bang or wow great what ever.  I know I don't expect it.

I' am thinkin what they expect or want is a stop to the PM'ing with abuse.

Smack talkin is one thing, abuse is something else all together.

I have NO objection to some smack talk but when someone gets themselves into a veritable sh*t sandwhich and then complains about getting shot  down afterwards, (AKA having to eat that sandwhich),  I say BS.

You got into a fight and continued, for what ever the reason, until you got yourself into, or it just simply became, a bad situation and as a result you did not survive.  DEAL with it, please.  Or maybe do us all a favor and don't fly into that situation again.  

Hey We do it, we get involved and get into too much and we lose, and we deal with it.  ( OK, OK, I admit it, I've sat there cussing at myself for being stupid and,or not paying attention, ask my squadies LOL they've put up with me Squadies {NwBie made me do it???} )   If you, or anyone else for that matter, are unable to do the same, then please avoid that situation or anything that may lead to it.

Why do we gotta suffer for what happened, if ALL involved played a part in it?

Did we make you or anyone else fly that way?  Do we somehow have that much power over you or others?

We see a possible kill, and are we supposed to say oh wait thats the famous (insert name here) we best let that one fly away?  Bbecause that one might complain and or PM us with abuse?

Or are we supposed to enjoy ourselves and go for the kill?

Would you go for the kill?  Or let em go?
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: TBolt A-10 on November 24, 2004, 08:20:38 AM
Originally posted by Arlo
Looking further past this down the thread it looks more like the part where the inflated egos gravitate toward one another and form a daisychain. :D

Amen... :lol

It's usually a certain collection of veteran aces that do most of the whining, *****ing & moaning...makes it very hard to look up to any of them.  Then, some of them complain about a poor community.  Problem is that they're just as responsible for the cr/\ppy community as the Quake players that fly here.

Maybe HT could disable scores & ranks in that 2nd MA.  See if enough people go there & enjoy flying without the scores.  Flying styles might change a bit in there.  (beta test it!)

However, everyone - including the aces - should make their own adjustments in tactics if they're not catching the kills they so desperately wanted.  Quit blaming the runner.  :rolleyes: :)
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Waffle on November 24, 2004, 08:36:17 AM
Originally posted by Urchin
Besides which, most of em, like Waffle there, gets real bent out of shape if you have anything to say after he runs 75 miles to ack and friends before deciding to "fight", unless it is "Man, outSTANDing kill Waffle!  Never seen better flying, ever!  It was pure poetry!"

not bent out of shape here...more in awe at how dense you are.
As far as the runnning thing -kinda hard to run in an a6m. Ask pretty much anyone - I will hang and fight in a furbal. A week or so ago, I and one other friendly were over a base with aboout 12-13 cons below us and mixing it up.  Ask Stang :)

Calling a ***** a ***** is apparently verboten.  Guess everyone's bought into the "Oh, you can't say anything NEGATIVE, you big meanie!  You might hurt their poor widdle self esteem! "  Of course... if the ******* had any to begin with they put a little effort into it.  

As far as this, it's your behavior in part that is detrimental - you have no clue as to who you are PM'ng and how old they are. Remember, it is a game.

Actually... the only time I remember "fighting" waffle (and I might have him mixed up with another newb) is him trying to vulch some folks that were landing, seeing me in a 262 also, and then running 75 miles to a friendly base.  He did finally turn around after he made it to the field ack and a few buddies upped to help him.  After I got shot down he gloated on 200 about "beating me at my own game".. apparently my game has become running like a ***** to my ack and begging for help to anyone that'll listen.

Lmao - I was plotting revenge against Fester and Morpheous and I guess you were in the bunch - took a 190 NOE to the base where the 262 vulch horde was landing - was gonna go get you slow on landing. Almost worked - few minutes earlier Would've had more. I didnt Run that trip -= stayed and mixed with the your cronies that upped.  

That is the only one that stands out, and I like I said earlier... I might have him mixed up with some other big mouth, low/no skill newb.  Apparently me calling him a ***** really rankled though, since he is still trying to prove something.

I got nothing to prove other than you're a first class (place you're own words here - and I don't mean "Stick" or "virtual pilot")

out till late thurday - will catch up then.
Happy Thanksgiving.

Need any more rope Urchin?
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Urchin on November 24, 2004, 09:08:37 AM
then apparently I've got you mixed up with some other ****-talking newb...  

That is how much an impression you've made on me...  i.e.  "who are you again?"
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Urchin on November 24, 2004, 09:22:23 AM
Originally posted by wrag

We see a possible kill, and are we supposed to say oh wait thats the famous (insert name here) we best let that one fly away?  Bbecause that one might complain and or PM us with abuse?

Or are we supposed to enjoy ourselves and go for the kill?

Would you go for the kill?  Or let em go?

See, that is the difference between me, and you and the rest of the MA.  

In the MA, I show more respect for the average opponent (even not knowing who it is) then you guys ever will.. because apparently all that you see when you see 5 friendlies and one enemy is "Oh look, a possible kill".  

I see one guy already fighting 5, he doesn't need me to jump in there, and I don't need to jump in there... I can get kills all by myself.  Of course... since I literally can get kills all by myself I'm coming at it from a different perspective than most.  To me, a 3-4-5---> on one isn't any fun.  It isn't any fun whether I'm ganging on someone or getting ganged..  I don't do it.    

I get killed all the time, I don't get particularly bothered by it.  I don't play for stats.. if a sortie doesn't pan out I'll auger and up where some action is.  All you newbs that are obsessed with living and figure that is why I'm such an ******* are so off-base it actually IS kind of funny.  But apparently my way of playing the game is so foreign to new players (or even crappy "vets") that they literally can't wrap their minds around it.  

But the "community" has devolved to the point where if you see a red con, it is not only ok to jump on in, it is expected.  People also expect a "thanks for helping" when they dive in to shoot the hell out of someone you are 200 yards back on getting ready to kill.  The idiocy is literally astounding, to me.

But I suppose most of the "vets" are still traumitized from getting their tulips handed to them when they actually tried to fight (in those long ago days when they were new, as opposed to newbs), and the new players learn from the "vets".  So the cycle of mediocrity continues... hell, mediocrity is being generous.  

So no.. I'm not a part of your "community".  I honestly want nothing to do with you.  If I came to a convention I'd probably spend the weekend in jail after beating the **** out of some internet tough guy that thought he'd start some **** in real life.

I guess I've just got higher standards than you all have, which is fine.  If you all feel the need to take potshots at me on the BBS, feel free.. I figure you are just compensating for inadequacies in the MA.  But if you are hoping for a " awesome flying man, great kill!"  when you jump into a 4 on 1, or if you are sitting in a manned ack or flak***** spraying away at the planes that are fighting.. well... yer **** out of luck partner.  If me calling you a ****ing loser makes you cry... just squelch me when you log in.
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: dedalos on November 24, 2004, 09:54:52 AM
I don't know Urchin, but the fact is that HE did not run his mouth on 200 and HE did not start the thread.  He sent a private message.  He might have been right or wrong but it was in private.  Since when did we become so sencitive that we can't handle a private message?

As far as his motives I can't tell.  I can tell you that the only kill I have on him was on a head on.  I cam out of the smoke, he poped up from smoke on the other side of the field and we were lined up perfectly.  No time to do anything other than pull the triger.  He lost,  I send an and his responce was an .  I think he recognized that it was an anavoidable situation.  Based on that one experience and how pissed off people get when they get HOed or come close to being HOed,  I would say that maybe he does care about the game?
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: DrDea on November 24, 2004, 10:48:28 AM
"I guess I've just got higher standards than you all have, which is fine. If you all feel the need to take potshots at me on the BBS, feel free.. I figure you are just compensating for inadequacies in the MA. But if you are hoping for a " awesome flying man, great kill!" when you jump into a 4 on 1, or if you are sitting in a manned ack or flak***** spraying away at the planes that are fighting.. well... yer **** out of luck partner. If me calling you a ****ing loser makes you cry... just squelch me when you log in.":

  Sure looks like High standards to me.:rolleyes:
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Grits on November 24, 2004, 11:32:19 AM
Hey, I heard somwhere that they took the walnuts out of Rocky Road ice cream, and replaced them with almonds.
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Sox62 on November 24, 2004, 11:35:52 AM
I always suspected Jim Mora was an Aces High player.
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: DipStick on November 24, 2004, 11:55:39 AM
Originally posted by Stang
I think Urchin is just genuinely fet up with what this game has become, and quite frankly he is right to be upset about it.  He might now have the most tactful way of dealing with the problem, but at heart he is dead on about what is going on.  Unfortunately, the majority of the pilots fly in this retarded timid and lame style that is not B and Z fighting, but lame ho joust passes w/ the help of 3 or more friends.  to make matters worse, they make up probably 90% of the people who post on the boards as well, so no matter how right anyone is who is trying to get you guys to learn acm and how to fight, you brush it aside as whining that they died, simply because you were able to get a lucky joust on one of us in the midst of the horde of your friends, all trying to do the same to that one guy trying to take you all on.  Alas, it is frustrating.  Like being the parent of an adolescent who never listens and keeps messing up.

BTW I don't think he's pulling some kind of "tough guy" routine.  he's just calling people for what they act like in the game.  I'm not condoning his actions, just simply saying I totally understand where he's coming from.   Wake up, timid lamers.

Pretty much sums it up.
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Arlo on November 24, 2004, 12:09:14 PM
Originally posted by Urchin

This thread is basically about all the people who think I'm a dick because I won't say "Wow man!  Superb flying, amazing job, you kick bellybutton BRO!  Keep doing that 8 on 1 thing man, you are great at it!" and deciding to make themselves feel better.  

No .... it's not. :lol

It's about players (and it WAS somewhat non-specific) who feel the regular compulsion to pm other players and cry about the way they fought them.

It only became about you after you identified with the act and thought it was worth defending. Sadly, so did a dozen or so others.

Now ... that being said ... what you get out of it is totally up to you. Someone mentioned the "old Urchin." Don't think I ever met him. Would be interested to, though. :D
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: mechanic on November 24, 2004, 12:09:58 PM
here is all i can offer in terms of 'How i play the game'.


PS: Urchin and the select few have more skill, balls, and true to life HONOUR than most i come accross.

not trying to 'big up' myself or anyone, just saying that i only have a great fight about once a week if im lucky. I give for most stuff, but thats it. when a great fight occours, i go private and, win or lose, salute the pilot in question.
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Arlo on November 24, 2004, 12:15:26 PM
Originally posted by Urchin
If I came to a convention I'd probably spend the weekend in jail after beating the **** out of some internet tough guy that thought he'd start some **** in real life.


I'm having a hard time taking this part seriously. Then again ... so far I've missed every single con I planned to attend since `97. Even the one where Mr. Black (the guy you're starting to sound an awful lot like) wanted to intimidate people into respecting him at.
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: streetstang on November 24, 2004, 12:25:07 PM
This thread hurts my brain.

Each and every one of you has a different idea on how to fly. Urchins and my own are very similar if not identical. The reason we are in the same squad. Some like to kill, others like to live and not kill as much. Others just enjoy taking a base.

To me its a game. To urchin its a game. When we see someone running away from one of use... Its like... why? Wouldnt turning and fighting be so much more fun? To me it is I guess. I guess to others it itsn't and they just dont want to die or risk dying. It can be frustrating when someone runs away, or tries to. Its frustrating because its a game,aand I dont get why some are so afraid to die in a game. This "one life to live" mentality has grown more and more into the norm than ever before. Hence the hordes you see now. 7 or 8:1 are way better odds and these people are less likely to die flying with those kind of odds in their favor. Whats fun for me is taking 4 or 5 of them with me before I die.

Urchin sees how things were way back when and misses them. I know it because we talk about it all of the time. He gets pissed off because he knows that by fighting and dying you can learn much more than by just running away from any fight you see that you think you may not walk away from.

Stang just sucks and thats all there really is to it. Quah he can't get any better and Quah!!!! he flys a P40 to try and be cool. errr umm can't we all just get along?
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Stang on November 24, 2004, 12:30:16 PM
Quah you little b*tch!! Quah yo momma!         :lol
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: mechanic on November 24, 2004, 12:40:28 PM
hey morph, considering how similar we think, it seems very strange that we have found such a disliking to each other.

then again they do say opposites attract and the same will never get along too well.

I hearby appologise for any moronic arguments we have had and look forward to HO'ing you in my LA7 with 10 teammates to help me on more friendly terms.

Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Arlo on November 24, 2004, 12:42:47 PM
Daisy .... chain .... ahem. :lol
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: mechanic on November 24, 2004, 12:43:44 PM
Arlo can be my wingman.
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Arlo on November 24, 2004, 12:47:55 PM
No, Iceman ... you can be mine. ;)
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Stang on November 24, 2004, 12:51:43 PM
Originally posted by Arlo
No, Iceman ... you can be mine. ;)

Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Urchin on November 24, 2004, 12:51:56 PM
Originally posted by Arlo
Daisy .... chain .... ahem. :lol

Lol... and what do you call the circle-jerk falsetto chorus YOU lead?
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: mechanic on November 24, 2004, 12:52:21 PM
what, prey tell, makes me the iceman?

btw way, on the daisy chain, you prefer right hand over, or the more modern left hand back? I find the lefty gives that' i'm still 14 feeling of excitement, as it feels less experienced with less rythem.

EDIT: Oh, i get it, because i only been here  a year and a bit, my opinions are dog****.
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Urchin on November 24, 2004, 12:56:33 PM
Originally posted by Arlo

I'm having a hard time taking this part seriously. Then again ... so far I've missed every single con I planned to attend since `97. Even the one where Mr. Black (the guy you're starting to sound an awful lot like) wanted to intimidate people into respecting him at.

No.. I actually attended the 2002 con.  What surprised me is everyone that was such a huge ****-talking retard over the internet is real nice and polite in real life.  

You see... I don't start ****.  But I also wouldn't have a problem with calling a ***** a ***** to his face.  And with this country being what it is, he'd make an issue of it, and then I'd be in jail while he contacted his lawyer.  

Basically the country is rather degenerate, I'm pretty sure the internet tough-guy routine played by most people is simply the product of real-life frustrations.. a sort of modern day "kick the dog" type stress reliever.  

Besides which... the vast majority of those talking **** are old, and extraordinarily out of shape.  I wouldn't anticipate losing a "fight" to some 40 year old fatass that has had to much to drink.
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Stang on November 24, 2004, 12:59:26 PM
Originally posted by mechanic
EDIT: Oh, i get it, because i only been here  a year and a bit, my opinions are dog****.

No, its actually because you try to use the plane for something other than building busting and hording that causes problems.  Non conformity is a community killer, didn't ya know?  Brave New World of AH  :rolleyes:
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Arlo on November 24, 2004, 01:02:00 PM
Originally posted by Urchin
Lol... and what do you call the circle-jerk falsetto chorus YOU lead?

People without social disorders? :D
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Arlo on November 24, 2004, 01:04:00 PM
Originally posted by mechanic
what, prey tell, makes me the iceman?

btw way, on the daisy chain, you prefer right hand over, or the more modern left hand back? I find the lefty gives that' i'm still 14 feeling of excitement, as it feels less experienced with less rythem.

EDIT: Oh, i get it, because i only been here  a year and a bit, my opinions are dog****.

(shakes head) Whaaaaaaa ?

Don't get all insecure on me. I, for the most part, like most of what ya type ... Val Kilmer. :D
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Arlo on November 24, 2004, 01:05:49 PM
Originally posted by Urchin
No.. I actually attended the 2002 con.  What surprised me is everyone that was such a huge ****-talking retard over the internet is real nice and polite in real life.  

You see... I don't start ****.  But I also wouldn't have a problem with calling a ***** a ***** to his face.  And with this country being what it is, he'd make an issue of it, and then I'd be in jail while he contacted his lawyer.  

Basically the country is rather degenerate, I'm pretty sure the internet tough-guy routine played by most people is simply the product of real-life frustrations.. a sort of modern day "kick the dog" type stress reliever.  

Besides which... the vast majority of those talking **** are old, and extraordinarily out of shape.  I wouldn't anticipate losing a "fight" to some 40 year old fatass that has had to much to drink.

Well hell .... that's damned near as impressive as that pming thang. WTF is all this? :lol
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: navajoboy on November 24, 2004, 01:06:54 PM
Originally posted by killnu
some like to BnZ, some like to TnB, while other... well they do what they do.  that is up to you what you do, why all this crap all the time, "you dont fly like i want you too, now im gonna call you names and stuff"  .  sigh  
if you decide to put yourself in a situation due to your inflated ego and end up gettin shot down, get over it.  ive done it myself.  except ill move on and not do all this bs, PMs, BBS crap.  :(

You all can call us 50 feet off the deck weenies, la gay 7 dweebs, spit dweebs and countless other names.........

I think if ya are good at your own tactics, use it. and if you can't handle it, then find the best way to counter it.

Terrell Owens says "if you dont like my endzone dance, then don't let me score the touchdown!!"  - same concept.
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: mechanic on November 24, 2004, 01:10:51 PM
Originally posted by Arlo
(shakes head) Whaaaaaaa ?

Don't get all insecure on me. I, for the most part, like most of what ya type ... Val Kilmer. :D

HEY! I'm way better looking than punk *** excuse for an actor.

Look, here's me trying to kill Stang in his 109 in the DA recently..

Title: Sore Losers
Post by: streetstang on November 24, 2004, 01:14:05 PM
Quah!!! this thread!
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Arlo on November 24, 2004, 01:14:52 PM
Ok ...ok ... besides .. I'm more the Goose type anyhoo. :lol
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Roscoroo on November 24, 2004, 01:16:18 PM
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: streetstang on November 24, 2004, 01:17:10 PM

is that really u? good god man!
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: mechanic on November 24, 2004, 01:29:54 PM
no chit, thats me, the laxatives worked thankfully.

heres one of my better angles....


no one say im a faceless internet tard now. now im a tard with a face.

EDIT: yes i play in pitch darkness, and sometimes in the nude.
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Arlo on November 24, 2004, 01:31:20 PM
Ok. You can stop now. :lol
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: DrDea on November 24, 2004, 02:26:53 PM
Thats just so wrong on SOO many levels.:lol
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: mechanic on November 24, 2004, 02:47:06 PM
hey, if you cant poke fun at yourself, sure as hell dont take the piss out of someone else.

thats my theory.
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: streetstang on November 24, 2004, 02:48:29 PM
holly watermelon i've never seen anything like this in all the gaming BBs!
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: wrag on November 24, 2004, 03:05:11 PM
Originally posted by Urchin
No.. I actually attended the 2002 con.  What surprised me is everyone that was such a huge ****-talking retard over the internet is real nice and polite in real life.  

You see... I don't start ****.  But I also wouldn't have a problem with calling a ***** a ***** to his face.  And with this country being what it is, he'd make an issue of it, and then I'd be in jail while he contacted his lawyer.  

Basically the country is rather degenerate, I'm pretty sure the internet tough-guy routine played by most people is simply the product of real-life frustrations.. a sort of modern day "kick the dog" type stress reliever.  

Besides which... the vast majority of those talking **** are old, and extraordinarily out of shape.  I wouldn't anticipate losing a "fight" to some 40 year old fatass that has had to much to drink.


Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Ack-Ack on November 24, 2004, 03:35:46 PM
Originally posted by Urchin

Basically the country is rather degenerate, I'm pretty sure the internet tough-guy routine played by most people is simply the product of real-life frustrations.. a sort of modern day "kick the dog" type stress reliever.  

Kettle meet pot, pot meet kettle.

Title: Sore Losers
Post by: FT_Animal on November 24, 2004, 03:42:04 PM
Originally posted by Ack-Ack
Kettle meet pot, pot meet kettle.


Title: Sore Losers
Post by: WMLute on November 24, 2004, 04:31:54 PM
Originally posted by Ack-Ack
Kettle meet pot, pot meet kettle.


Hahahahahahah!!!  was thinkin' the same thing.
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Urchin on November 24, 2004, 04:45:20 PM
Yea.. except for the fact that I'm not playing at internet tough guy.  I simple call things as I see em.  

If I go to the con and some JB takes offense at me calling him a ***** to his face and takes a swing at me... well... I'd have to put em down.  If not, we'd be alright.  

Basically... anything I'd say on here I'd say in real life.  As opposed to the 45 year old, 260 lb 5'3'' average AH player... i.e.  you.  Like I said earlier...  you'd be amazed at how much more polite people are in real life.

I'd wager a sizable bet that most of the loudmouths on here that are like "Oh, I'd beat your bellybutton in real life if you said that to me" would actually be snivelling "if you touch me I'll SUE!!" in real life.  

I'd probably be able to stand in your face and make you ****ing cry... except then I'd start laughing and the effect would be completely lost.
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: DoKGonZo on November 24, 2004, 04:46:08 PM
Originally posted by Urchin

But the "community" has devolved to the point where if you see a red con, it is not only ok to jump on in, it is expected.  People also expect a "thanks for helping" when they dive in to shoot the hell out of someone you are 200 yards back on getting ready to kill.  The idiocy is literally astounding, to me.

But I suppose most of the "vets" are still traumitized from getting their tulips handed to them when they actually tried to fight (in those long ago days when they were new, as opposed to newbs), and the new players learn from the "vets".  So the cycle of mediocrity continues... hell, mediocrity is being generous.  


I agree that the gang-bangery, poor manners, and general incompetency in the MA has reached epic proportions. I haven't flown in about 10 days and can't say I miss it one bit.

Just about everything else you have to say is dung. The returning veteran players don't have your gunnery skills, Urchin. They don't play 73 hours a day like you. What they have still, though, is the sense of the flow of the game. Meaning they can still avoid getting killed, even if they can't land shots effectively yet. I fly with a bunch of other what you would call "vets" and we don't gang bang, we fly within the level of gunnery skill we've regained and have the discipline to know when we're getting in too deep. It's called: "thinking." You should try it some time.

As for your slams on Waffle and some others ... at least Waffle works hard to make this game better. He does skins and sounds and I'm sure lots of other stuff I'm not even aware of. What the hell do you do, Urchin, to improve Aces High? Sit around and rant that people won't stallfight you so you can get more kills? Abusively private message folks after a fight to satisfy your ego?

The sad thing is you're obviously a very skilled player who clearly "gives a damn." It sure would be nice if you channeled that into something constructive.
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: DrDea on November 24, 2004, 04:48:19 PM
Making a beer run.:lol
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Ack-Ack on November 24, 2004, 04:59:48 PM
Originally posted by Urchin

 ...As opposed to the 45 year old, 260 lb 5'3'' average AH player... i.e.  you...


HAHAHAHA!  More ASSumptions on your part.  You know what they say about ASSuming things don't ya?

Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Urchin on November 24, 2004, 05:00:50 PM
... ack-ack... yer already in my ***** category lol.  

If I wanted your opinion, I'd give it to you, woman.
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: WMLute on November 24, 2004, 05:11:12 PM
Originally posted by Urchin
Yea.. except for the fact that I'm not playing at internet tough guy.  I simple call things as I see em.  

If I go to the con and some JB takes offense at me calling him a ***** to his face and takes a swing at me... well... I'd have to put em down.  If not, we'd be alright.  

Basically... anything I'd say on here I'd say in real life.  As opposed to the 45 year old, 260 lb 5'3'' average AH player... i.e.  you.  Like I said earlier...  you'd be amazed at how much more polite people are in real life.

I'd wager a sizable bet that most of the loudmouths on here that are like "Oh, I'd beat your bellybutton in real life if you said that to me" would actually be snivelling "if you touch me I'll SUE!!" in real life.  

I'd probably be able to stand in your face and make you ****ing cry... except then I'd start laughing and the effect would be completely lost.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! (wipin tears) you crack me up urch.  Nothing funnier than some guy talking trash on the internet, and INSISTING they are tough.  (really i'm tough!! I REALLY am!! I MEAN it!! i'm a tough guy)  Hahahahahaha!!  Sad really.  No, more like amusingly pathetic.

I was bored, and decided to try and find any 2002con picks that you would be in.  So I searched the bbs a bit.  I keep picturing a late 20's, shortish fellow, who has "little guy" syndrome (correct me if i'm wrong.  I'd LOVE a picture so I know exactly who i'm feeling sorry for).  Of COURSE you will say things to peoples faces.  Most "men" tolerate "lap dogs" yipping at them.  They are not a threat.  Didn't find any pics, BUT after about 20 wasted min. of my life perusing your threads for the past 3yrs, I've noticed you have not changed a bit.  Somebody mentioned the "old" Urchin.  They must be reaching back REAL far because you have not changed a lick in the 3yrs that I read your posting.  

Dunno why I even tried to appeal to your sense of "nobility" or "honor" in suggesting that you train the noobs.  You have made a career (past 3yrs anyway) whining about them.  You NEED them.   They make you "feel" better about yourself.  Keep it up tho'!   I'm fairly entertained by it all.
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: SOB on November 24, 2004, 05:16:30 PM
Fantastic thread!  Urchin, it's people like you who make the Intardnet great; keep up the good work man!
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Furious on November 24, 2004, 05:28:42 PM
Originally posted by Urchin
Yea.. except for the fact that I'm not playing at internet tough guy.  I simple call things as I see em.  

If I go to the con and some JB takes offense at me calling him a ***** to his face and takes a swing at me... well... I'd have to put em down.  If not, we'd be alright.  

Basically... anything I'd say on here I'd say in real life.  As opposed to the 45 year old, 260 lb 5'3'' average AH player... i.e.  you.  Like I said earlier...  you'd be amazed at how much more polite people are in real life.

I'd wager a sizable bet that most of the loudmouths on here that are like "Oh, I'd beat your bellybutton in real life if you said that to me" would actually be snivelling "if you touch me I'll SUE!!" in real life.  

I'd probably be able to stand in your face and make you ****ing cry... except then I'd start laughing and the effect would be completely lost.

This is some fantastic ****.  All you need is testicular cancer and a sniper rifle and you can be mrblack.
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Urchin on November 24, 2004, 05:35:49 PM
Originally posted by WMLute
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! (wipin tears) you crack me up urch.  Nothing funnier than some guy talking trash on the internet, and INSISTING they are tough.  (really i'm tough!! I REALLY am!! I MEAN it!! i'm a tough guy)  Hahahahahaha!!  Sad really.  No, more like amusingly pathetic.

I was bored, and decided to try and find any 2002con picks that you would be in.  So I searched the bbs a bit.  I keep picturing a late 20's, shortish fellow, who has "little guy" syndrome (correct me if i'm wrong.  I'd LOVE a picture so I know exactly who i'm feeling sorry for).  Of COURSE you will say things to peoples faces.  Most "men" tolerate "lap dogs" yipping at them.  They are not a threat.  Didn't find any pics, BUT after about 20 wasted min. of my life perusing your threads for the past 3yrs, I've noticed you have not changed a bit.  Somebody mentioned the "old" Urchin.  They must be reaching back REAL far because you have not changed a lick in the 3yrs that I read your posting.  

Dunno why I even tried to appeal to your sense of "nobility" or "honor" in suggesting that you train the noobs.  You have made a career (past 3yrs anyway) whining about them.  You NEED them.   They make you "feel" better about yourself.  Keep it up tho'!   I'm fairly entertained by it all.

Lol.. I'm not insisting I'm tough.  I suppose the best description would be telling you that you aren't.  

It is a moot point though, since I guess you are the typical 6'8 300 lb of solid internet muscle, original tough guy.  

I could honestly give a **** though.. odds are good that I'm not going to any con in the future, simply because there isn't anyone I'd really like to meet.  All the folks I wanted to meet have stopped playing this game.  Their replacements are sadly not up to par, in my book.

Lute... you pretty much qualify as a "Who the hell are you".. I don't recall ever fighting you.  Let me guess... typical La7 "one pass haul ass"'er?

I do at least know of Ack-Ack, via his timid reputation.. I don't think I've ever gone high enough to fight him.

There should be at least one pic of me floating around from the Con, someone took a shot of me falling down drunk wandering around in shorts.  Just shorts.  It is kind of a scary pic, unless you are stout of heart I'd suggest not looking for it.  

I'm only 5'9, bout 190 lbs.  

BTW... regarding the "I'm xxx, no really..  "  ... replace "tough" with "good" and that is pretty much what I read in whatever you and your fellow castrati post.  But I'm real impressed... no.. really I am.  I mean it.
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: WMLute on November 24, 2004, 06:13:17 PM
Originally posted by Urchin
Lol.. I'm not insisting I'm tough.  I suppose the best description would be telling you that you aren't.  

It is a moot point though, since I guess you are the typical 6'8 300 lb of solid internet muscle, original tough guy.  

I could honestly give a **** though.. odds are good that I'm not going to any con in the future, simply because there isn't anyone I'd really like to meet.  All the folks I wanted to meet have stopped playing this game.  Their replacements are sadly not up to par, in my book.

Lute... you pretty much qualify as a "Who the hell are you".. I don't recall ever fighting you.  Let me guess... typical La7 "one pass haul ass"'er?

I do at least know of Ack-Ack, via his timid reputation.. I don't think I've ever gone high enough to fight him.

There should be at least one pic of me floating around from the Con, someone took a shot of me falling down drunk wandering around in shorts.  Just shorts.  It is kind of a scary pic, unless you are stout of heart I'd suggest not looking for it.  

I'm only 5'9, bout 190 lbs.  

BTW... regarding the "I'm xxx, no really..  "  ... replace "tough" with "good" and that is pretty much what I read in whatever you and your fellow castrati post.  But I'm real impressed... no.. really I am.  I mean it.

Woot! nailed it.  I had you figured for a little guy yap yap dog that nobody really takes serious.

No...not 300lbs and 6'8".  More like 6'4"  say 215-220lbs ish.  A tad out of shape (read can't bench 300 anymore. heck, i bet 250 would hurt) and get's a kick out of guys like you.  Napolean syndrome is what I call it.  I mean of course you get away talkin' smack to men.  Who would take you seriously?

Who am I?  You dont' know?  Hmmm.... interesting.  It's probably because I don't shoot my mouth off like you, or whine when I die due to my own error, and then try and blame everone else that I was so horribly out of position, or that I did a stupid thing and got dead. my 3yrs here at AH (and many more in AW) myself, nor my squad, are much for verbal abuse, or smack talking.  We have always tried to fly with honor, and let our skill and ability do the talking for us.

La7 face shooter?? lol hardly.  

I AM someone that would probably hand you your arse 1 on 1 in the DA.  I say prob. becaue I'll give you a tiny bit of credit that you MIGHT be 1/2 way good.  Beating you is not in doubt.  Just whether or not you put up a decent fight is in question.

Was ftn Elguapo there last night, and he mentioned beating you.  I don't recall EG even geting a guns solution in 5-6 fights, let alone pull the trigger.  If HE beat you, then I'm not understanding what your chest pounding is about.  You are one that I always wondered about.  i.e. where they get their mouth from.  I'm betting it isn't skill.  I WOULD tie it back to that "tiny man" syndrome, but I digress.  Shane, ok he's good.  His smack talk is justified.  You??? lol I'm going with short guy syndrome until proven otherwise.

OF course I would love to be shown that I am wrong.  I would like to find out that you REALLY are a good stick, but sadly i'm fairly sure you are just another big mouth chest pounder that is makin' up for "real" world lacking by beating up on noobs.
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Urchin on November 24, 2004, 06:25:55 PM
You want your lesson tonight?
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Arlo on November 24, 2004, 06:40:18 PM
Urchin Black. Who'da figured? If it wasn't for him insisting that he really didn't give a watermelon in every other post where he's showing us how much he really doesn't give a watermelon then I'd suspect he really does give alot of chit. Alot. :lol
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Ack-Ack on November 24, 2004, 06:54:20 PM
Originally posted by Urchin
... ack-ack... yer already in my ***** category lol.  

If I wanted your opinion, I'd give it to you, woman.

Like I really care what some InterTARDnet kiddie thinks of me.

Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Ack-Ack on November 24, 2004, 06:56:57 PM
Originally posted by Urchin

I do at least know of Ack-Ack, via his timid reputation.. I don't think I've ever gone high enough to fight him.

HAHAHAHA!  Again with the ASSumptions.

Why don't you provide a film that shows me fighting above 20k or running away from the enemy?  Anyone that has fought me can hardly say that I'm "timid".  

Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Stang on November 24, 2004, 07:28:29 PM
But you do fly pretty high   ;)

Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Murdr on November 24, 2004, 07:33:21 PM
Originally posted by Stang
But you do fly pretty high   ;)


SHHH Stang.  Acky wouldnt want the cops at his door looking for his stash.
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Ack-Ack on November 24, 2004, 08:03:20 PM
Originally posted by Stang
But you do fly pretty high   ;)


Just because I like to fly high, doesn't mean that I'm flying high :c)

Title: Sore Losers
Post by: FT_Animal on November 24, 2004, 08:04:44 PM
Stand in MY face and spew your crap,... BAAAAhahahahahahaha.

Now what?


Your attempt at intimidation makes me laugh uncontrolably. PHHHHHIIFFFFFF!!

You may want stop before you paint yourself into a corner you can't get out of.

You may want to consider that some of us are not wimps, are not fatasses, and come from worlds your mother warned you about all your life. Some of US are the types to show no mercy to stupid errors like yours. So don't count your chickens pal.

Just the thought of you standing in my face calling me names,...excites me.

Don't let your aligator mouth over-run your hummingbird butt.

Originally posted by Urchin
Yea.. except for the fact that I'm not playing at internet tough guy.  I simple call things as I see em.  

If I go to the con and some JB takes offense at me calling him a ***** to his face and takes a swing at me... well... I'd have to put em down.  If not, we'd be alright.  

Basically... anything I'd say on here I'd say in real life.  As opposed to the 45 year old, 260 lb 5'3'' average AH player... i.e.  you.  Like I said earlier...  you'd be amazed at how much more polite people are in real life.

I'd wager a sizable bet that most of the loudmouths on here that are like "Oh, I'd beat your bellybutton in real life if you said that to me" would actually be snivelling "if you touch me I'll SUE!!" in real life.  

I'd probably be able to stand in your face and make you ****ing cry... except then I'd start laughing and the effect would be completely lost.
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: FUNKED1 on November 24, 2004, 08:04:59 PM
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: RTSigma on November 24, 2004, 08:08:32 PM
Aces High 2 is like the porn industry but backwards.

You gangbang a few times to feel comfortable and then you do one on one. Then, when you do that, you learn the tricks.
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: FT_Animal on November 24, 2004, 08:09:34 PM
Originally posted by DrDea
Making a beer run.:lol

<< Getting more popcorn

Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Mathman on November 24, 2004, 08:24:38 PM
I think we should get some of this:


to go with Funked's Prozac.
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: wrag on November 25, 2004, 06:32:58 AM
Originally posted by Urchin
Yea.. except for the fact that I'm not playing at internet tough guy.  I simple call things as I see em.  

If I go to the con and some JB takes offense at me calling him a ***** to his face and takes a swing at me... well... I'd have to put em down.  If not, we'd be alright.  

Basically... anything I'd say on here I'd say in real life.  As opposed to the 45 year old, 260 lb 5'3'' average AH player... i.e.  you.  Like I said earlier...  you'd be amazed at how much more polite people are in real life.

I'd wager a sizable bet that most of the loudmouths on here that are like "Oh, I'd beat your bellybutton in real life if you said that to me" would actually be snivelling "if you touch me I'll SUE!!" in real life.  

I'd probably be able to stand in your face and make you ****ing cry... except then I'd start laughing and the effect would be completely lost.

Hmmm .... just how old did you say you were?

You have gotten in peoples faces and made em back down then?

Been around seen allot have you?

Hmmm .... I'm not very big really, about 5',10'" maybe 5',11" ...  Maybe tip the scale at 170 or 180.  55 this year. Kinda out of shape though  10% disability service connected.

Hmmm ... if you ever were to get in my face and get all froggy :) would you leap?  would you make some sort of physical contact??????? HUH????

I don't think I would cry, really I don't....

Hmm this net tuff guy stuff pretty much sux :(

Not even a little bit amazed at how polite people are vs the net.

In real life there are some that talk the talk, some that walk the walk, and a few that do both.

On the net this tuff guy stuff is just silly.

Hmmm noticed you state you would start laughing and ruin the affect?  Hmmm guess I see a sense of humour there but .... hmmm wisdom comes with age, and expierance they say.  

Known a few with the "once your start you better finish" attitude.  Cause they will if you don't.  I learned rather quickly manners often prevent misunderstandings, so you don't have to start or finish something over a misunderstanding.

Of course from time to time ... everything is crystal clear, there is no misunderstanding by anyone within seeing and hearing range whatsoever.
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: streetstang on November 25, 2004, 07:23:15 AM

Just take one tho guys. Or beetle will start looking like a hot blonde in tight white pants at a club. Hell, maybe half a pill would do. But atleast you'd all love eachother haha. 8)
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: SHawk on November 25, 2004, 11:09:15 AM
Man some of you guys really take this crap Seriously don't you?
I could care less what another online Pilot thinks of my Flying.
OH yeah..Go ahead and say it...Urchin, Shane...ect...Bore and Zoom...Same move over and Over...All they care about is Rank..........Umm I could go on and on.
But I personally fly any damn way I please, and if it Pisses you off...GOOD!
I come here to have fun.  When I get a PM from a pissed off pilot, well it's pretty obvious, HE'S NOT! So Why play?
I own and run a business, been married 22 yrs to the same girl, have 2 Kids (Grown now), Deep in Debt, again I could go on and on...........
Why would I come here for more aggravation? And YES thats what this Game is to you whiners that want everyone to conform to your way of thinking and flying.
Well Guess what...It's NEVER gonna happen...So GET OVER IT!

OH and have a Happy Turkey Day!:p
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: WMLute on November 25, 2004, 03:57:07 PM
Happy Turkey day everone.

As much as I hate to do this........

I was pm'd last night by a cpid i didn't recog.  They asked me to the DA.  I thought it must be some guy I had told I would help out, so I landed and headed to the DA.  

We chatted, and JUST before the merge the person made ref. to this post.  OMG!! I said.  Urchin????

Yup. they said, and we were d3k out and merging.  Oh ***, I was soooo out of position.  What followed was a HECK of a fight.  Lasted quite long.

Then another great fight.

Then another great fight.  They all lasted easily 5+min, and were VERY well fought.

I learned two things in the DA last night.

1.  Urchin can fight.  PERIOD.  I put him right up there with the Shanes etc.  The guy has moves.

2. (and here's the secret) Urchin is a nice guy.

Sorry to "out" you brother, but it's true.  For all the bluster, and smack talk, he's about as nice a guy as you will find in the merry virtual skies.

Soooo..... <> to Urchin.  Much respect from me to you.  I just hope you can keep that temper reigned in a wee bit, and lay off the private msg. cursing.

(p.s. he WON the duel btw)

(p.p.s. shawk.  nobody wants you to conform to their fighting style.  Just broaden yours.   again for the fights the other nights)
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: mechanic on November 25, 2004, 04:20:18 PM
Originally posted by WMLute
Happy Turkey day everone.

As much as I hate to do this........

I was pm'd last night by a cpid i didn't recog.  They asked me to the DA.  I thought it must be some guy I had told I would help out, so I landed and headed to the DA.  

We chatted, and JUST before the merge the person made ref. to this post.  OMG!! I said.  Urchin????

Yup. they said, and we were d3k out and merging.  Oh ***, I was soooo out of position.  What followed was a HECK of a fight.  Lasted quite long.

Then another great fight.

Then another great fight.  They all lasted easily 5+min, and were VERY well fought.

I learned two things in the DA last night.

1.  Urchin can fight.  PERIOD.  I put him right up there with the Shanes etc.  The guy has moves.

2. (and here's the secret) Urchin is a nice guy.

Sorry to "out" you brother, but it's true.  For all the bluster, and smack talk, he's about as nice a guy as you will find in the merry virtual skies.

Soooo..... <> to Urchin.  Much respect from me to you.  I just hope you can keep that temper reigned in a wee bit, and lay off the private msg. cursing.

(p.s. he WON the duel btw)

(p.p.s. shawk.  nobody wants you to conform to their fighting style.  Just broaden yours.   again for the fights the other nights)
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: vorticon on November 25, 2004, 04:21:47 PM
Originally posted by mechanic

usually it helps to add a comment, when you qoute...
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: mechanic on November 25, 2004, 04:24:57 PM
Originally posted by vorticon
usually it helps to add a comment, when you qoute...

Title: Sore Losers
Post by: beet1e on November 25, 2004, 05:52:25 PM
Nopoop said "Beet and I are friends, have some laughs but are polar opposite on how we approach the game. " Maybe we are friends because we are opposites! :)

I read your email carefully - the one where you explained about creating skins/paint jobs. Still trying to understand it. I know your work is well appreciated, but to me it still seems like trying to enjoy a card game by admiring the design on the backs of the playing cards.


Maybe I'll get it one day, but it won't be today. :aok:aok  <-- one extra one because it's you. :D;)

Beet <-- who would not know which end of a paint brush to hold.... :(
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: mechanic on November 25, 2004, 06:31:33 PM
skins bring more individuality to the game than any fighting style imo. just a shame we cant have non-historic ones that can be squad limited or even player limited.
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: FT_Animal on November 25, 2004, 06:43:17 PM

I don't think anyone said he wasn't good, it's when you brag and place yourself on the pedistal that people will try to bring you back to earth. The best compliment is the one that isn't asked for.

As far as the good guy thing goes, ... anyone can be a good guy *IF* they choose to be. I don't know the guy, other then the only post I've seen from the guy have contained bellie aching, and tough badars talk to try to intimidate, gain free space.

That said; is it possible, that maybe seeing how many people really do hate that attidtude he carried in here, that he's trying out some suggestions, rather then the force feeding style? Maybe something at home keeps him aggitated I know how that can be.

All you have to do is ask a few people in here who are regulars on BW NG, and they'll tell you *CAN* be a real ***hole when worked up. And it's intensional. OTOH, I CAN be a nice guy, give you the shirt off my back, and help with anything I can to make game play *fun*. But i am usually reflecting on how people approach me, in the style they choose to use. I then fire back at the same level.

Point being; we can all be complete ***holes *IF* we choose to be.

I think at some point everyone snivels until they pass a certain era, then it seems to sink in that instead of playing "King of the Hill" and bragging, it's more fun to show someone else how to fly good so that there is more competent competition. The more you teach other players about PC performance and piloting, the more players there are to not only stay in the game, but the skill level of the community as a whole begins to elevate.

Sometimes part of the territory of simming\gaming is taunting, it's like a must from time to time. But if you spend/waste time bickering, sniveling, blaming all the time, the population skill elevation progress will stay slow. Hence causing more bickering, sniveling, and blaming, a momentum in the wrong direction for the community itself. The sniveling needs to slow and the teaching accelerate to change the momentum in the *right* direction for the community.

For some reason, there seems to be more satisfaction in being humble and liked, then being a bullie and disliked.

Originally posted by WMLute
Happy Turkey day everone.

As much as I hate to do this........

I was pm'd last night by a cpid i didn't recog.  They asked me to the DA.  I thought it must be some guy I had told I would help out, so I landed and headed to the DA.  

We chatted, and JUST before the merge the person made ref. to this post.  OMG!! I said.  Urchin????

Yup. they said, and we were d3k out and merging.  Oh ***, I was soooo out of position.  What followed was a HECK of a fight.  Lasted quite long.

Then another great fight.

Then another great fight.  They all lasted easily 5+min, and were VERY well fought.

I learned two things in the DA last night.

1.  Urchin can fight.  PERIOD.  I put him right up there with the Shanes etc.  The guy has moves.

2. (and here's the secret) Urchin is a nice guy.

Sorry to "out" you brother, but it's true.  For all the bluster, and smack talk, he's about as nice a guy as you will find in the merry virtual skies.

Soooo..... <> to Urchin.  Much respect from me to you.  I just hope you can keep that temper reigned in a wee bit, and lay off the private msg. cursing.

(p.s. he WON the duel btw)

(p.p.s. shawk.  nobody wants you to conform to their fighting style.  Just broaden yours.   again for the fights the other nights)
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: wrag on November 26, 2004, 05:34:01 AM
Originally posted by WMLute
Happy Turkey day everone.

As much as I hate to do this........

I was pm'd last night by a cpid i didn't recog.  They asked me to the DA.  I thought it must be some guy I had told I would help out, so I landed and headed to the DA.  

We chatted, and JUST before the merge the person made ref. to this post.  OMG!! I said.  Urchin????

Yup. they said, and we were d3k out and merging.  Oh ***, I was soooo out of position.  What followed was a HECK of a fight.  Lasted quite long.

Then another great fight.

Then another great fight.  They all lasted easily 5+min, and were VERY well fought.

I learned two things in the DA last night.

1.  Urchin can fight.  PERIOD.  I put him right up there with the Shanes etc.  The guy has moves.

2. (and here's the secret) Urchin is a nice guy.

Sorry to "out" you brother, but it's true.  For all the bluster, and smack talk, he's about as nice a guy as you will find in the merry virtual skies.

Soooo..... <> to Urchin.  Much respect from me to you.  I just hope you can keep that temper reigned in a wee bit, and lay off the private msg. cursing.

(p.s. he WON the duel btw)

(p.p.s. shawk.  nobody wants you to conform to their fighting style.  Just broaden yours.   again for the fights the other nights)

Welp WMLute may be my CO ... but he's always been mellow and cool to me (even if he don't like my singing very much).  Even before he became CO.

LOL I thought Urchin had a sense of humour.  

Urchin .... I offer apology if I said anything untoward or improper.

Oh and Urchin is a bully. :D  That ManeTMP fellow is a bully too!  And rawr, and Shane, and Ramair, and...  ahhh geezzz the list is just too long to put em all here.   But all of em pick on that poor defenseless guy that flys around and minds his own business called wrag.  

Hmmm maybe I could get HTC to take perks point from em if they shoot down that poor defenseless, gentle, kind, and HANDSOME wrag person :D   hmmmmmmmmmmm ..... muhahahahahahahahahaaaaaa ... errr, ahh, ummm, ..........

Shawk SIR IMHO you should fly how ya like, when ya like, and where ya like and BUT :D watch out for high 109's :D

RE the Happy Turkey Day ... SAME TO YOU ALL BUT MORE OF IT!!!
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Hammy on November 30, 2004, 02:55:46 PM
I remeber urchin handing my butt to me over a base that he was capping on his own and telling me what i was doing wrong when he did. Eventually what he was saying stuck in the ole' grey matter and i managed to get him with a quick snapshot, to which i received a hearty . (he does give them)

Afterwards we had a private discussion, whereby he tried to explain the art of ACM and the very basics u need to remember and for that little lesson i will be eternally grateful to him,   sir.

Oh and before anyone else says it, yes "I AM A SORE LOSER TOO"  and 90% of the time its aimed at myself, so a wholehearted BBS apology to all ive offended in the past with my rantings, and bleetings on chan 200.

Urchin, dont ever change, its your competitive nature that makes you the player you are and when you lose the competitiveness, you lose interest, perhaps a wee coffee break is in order???  how many sugars sir and do u take milk? :aok
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Swager on December 02, 2004, 01:35:08 PM
Nice rule:  if you don't have anything nice to say................

Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Shane on December 02, 2004, 03:35:55 PM
....say it anyway.

yep, pretty good rule.

Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Arlo on December 02, 2004, 03:58:55 PM
Which is akin to the rule:

"No death (of mine) shall go 'unpunished."

Though, traditionally, that used to mean not trying to type the guy to death. You're good enough to leave that part off, I reckon, Shane. Drop the insecurity blanket. You play the game fine. :D
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: 999000 on December 03, 2004, 01:36:36 AM
Wow,    am i missing something here???..Gee i thought everyone shoots everyone down here?????
I always thought the honorable thing to do is the guy who shot you down........
Gentlemen isn't their enouph ill will in our lives outside of Aces High???
I always thought ....(ok had ideas) lol that this community could be anything and everything we choose it to be!
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Stang on December 03, 2004, 02:50:08 AM
Nice post 999  :D

Your buffs have probably shot down a lot more guys than have got you   :aok
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: dedalos on December 03, 2004, 09:51:59 AM
Originally posted by 999000

I always thought ....(ok had ideas) lol that this community could be anything and everything we choose it to be!

it is
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: texasmom on August 25, 2007, 10:03:59 AM
LOL ~ good thread.
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: SlapShot on August 25, 2007, 10:16:00 AM
I hear Skuzzy walking down the hall and he is carrying a lock in his hand.
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Masherbrum on August 25, 2007, 10:23:06 AM
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: 68ROX on August 25, 2007, 10:32:09 AM
Title: Sore Losers
Post by: Waffle on August 25, 2007, 10:48:43 AM
13- Do not punt topics. Punting would be making a non-substantive post for the express purpose of bring the thread to the top of the thread list.