Aces High Bulletin Board

General Forums => Custom Skins => Topic started by: Kev367th on November 23, 2004, 10:37:51 PM

Title: Get ready for the Mossies
Post by: Kev367th on November 23, 2004, 10:37:51 PM
Got acceptance/in the game emails today, so I assume they will be coming this Friday :)
Title: Get ready for the Mossies
Post by: FTJR on November 24, 2004, 01:44:59 AM
Congrats, I also had my 464 skin accepted, but my 1 sqn knocked back due to being too clean.

I just threw a bucket of mud over it and sent it back in. Waiting to see how that works.

Title: Get ready for the Mossies
Post by: oboe on November 24, 2004, 08:02:00 AM

Really freshens the game to have so many new skins to try out!