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General Forums => The O' Club => Topic started by: Nash on November 29, 2004, 09:10:55 PM

Title: Stupidest thing you've done while driving
Post by: Nash on November 29, 2004, 09:10:55 PM
I pulled to a stop at a red light. I was about 17 at the time. I was in the center lane, and there was a car on my left and another on my right.

The car on my left started revvin' his engine, which caught my attention. I looked over at the driver and he was lookin' at me and makin' those gestures that suggested we race. I was in my mom's Buick Century but like, I was the best driver in the entire world at the time so it didn't matter. He was in one of those cars that Lazs could tell ya about.

Anyways, I nodded 'affirmative' to him, and immediately he looks forward and takes off. So I punched it and launched the car into the intersection. A blood curling scream from my girlfriend punctuates the roar of my V6. I look forward, and discover that I am racing through a red light. I check my mirror to find that my opponent (you know, the one to the left of me), having received his left turn signal, was making a standard left turn.

The bastard.

Your turn... Fess up!
Title: Stupidest thing you've done while driving
Post by: Dune on November 29, 2004, 09:30:09 PM
While driving State Route 85 (here in Arizona) at about 2pm in the afternoon.  Now this is a fairly heavily traveled roadway, especially in the middle of the afternoon.  It's also only two lanes.  I'm in my 4x4 Chevy pickup with my (then-) 5'5" (one of the hotest girls I've ever dated) girlfriend.  

And she decides to swing a leg over and start having sex with me while I'm doing about 65mph to make a concert in Phoenix.  Needless to say I was somewhat distracted but managed to keep from running off the road and killing anyone.  But I've always wondered what it looked like to the people in the cars headed the other way.

It's also the most fun I've ever had while driving.  

Title: Stupidest thing you've done while driving
Post by: SunTracker on November 29, 2004, 09:32:45 PM
While driving through West Virginia on the way to North Carolina (wilmington beach), I started to get hot.  I was following my two close friends in my S-10 (regular cab).  They were in a car.

So anyways, we are on this six lane highway.  Pretty heavy traffic.  My windows are tinted pretty dark.  In the passenger seat of my truck is my Kelty hiking pack and a pillow.  The cab of my truck is tiny for my 6'3 frame.  Long story short, I completely changed clothes while driving on the highway.  Changed from my long sleeve shirt, running pants, and boots into a t-shirt, shorts, and sandals.

Very dumb I know, but nobody was hurt and I wont do that again.
Title: Stupidest thing you've done while driving
Post by: GtoRA2 on November 29, 2004, 09:49:39 PM
2000 jeep wrangler, late fall. No top, 3 passagers, no towels no blankets... no jackets.

6 in the afternoon, late fall on Pismo Beach in Cali.

the stream was about 2 feet deep, drove through it at 20, 4 times.

Jeep had 6 inches of water in it, everyone was soaked to the bone.... we had to drive 3 hours home to the bay area in the dark with no top.

one passager was 6,4 and in the back seat....(anyone who has a wrangler knows why this is bad)

lucky for me the heater kept me more or less warm.

Not dangerous, just VERY unconfortable.
Title: Stupidest thing you've done while driving
Post by: Arlo on November 29, 2004, 09:49:39 PM
Title: Stupidest thing you've done while driving
Post by: Airhead on November 29, 2004, 10:01:15 PM
Originally posted by Dune
While driving State Route 85 (here in Arizona) at about 2pm in the afternoon.  Now this is a fairly heavily traveled roadway, especially in the middle of the afternoon.  It's also only two lanes.  I'm in my 4x4 Chevy pickup with my (then-) 5'5" (one of the hotest girls I've ever dated) girlfriend.  

And she decides to swing a leg over and start having sex with me while I'm doing about 65mph to make a concert in Phoenix.  Needless to say I was somewhat distracted but managed to keep from running off the road and killing anyone.  But I've always wondered what it looked like to the people in the cars headed the other way.

It's also the most fun I've ever had while driving.  


I'm always amazed when attorneys get lucky... it's testimony to just how stupid women really are.
Title: Stupidest thing you've done while driving
Post by: WMLute on November 29, 2004, 10:05:00 PM
not dumbest thing I did, but happened when I was in the car.

Just left a formal dance while in H.S., and was sitting in the back of a Mercedes Jeep w/ my chick.  The guy driving it was from some Arab country, and had ton o' $$ and was very drunk.  The jeep had those criss cross seat belts in it, and while we were cruising down the highway towards an afterparty, I asked the guy why the seatbelts were the crisscross type.

They guy said "here, I'll show you", veered over to the outside lane, onto the sholder of the highway.  On this particular stretch of the road there was a fairly steep grade downslope just past the sholder, and the IDIOT took the jeep off the sholder, onto the hill, and FLIPPED the steering wheel causing the jeep to flip over, and over, and over.  

It came to a stop (upside down) and we all crawled out of it.  The driver was laughing, saying something about how "safe" these Mercedes jeeps were, when I crawled over to him, straddled 'em, and proceeded to punch him over, and over, and over.  Beat the fugger into unconciousness.

Idiot.  NEVER put my chick into that kinda danger.  At least, if you do, expect the arse whooping.

Sad part was he had another jeep in like a week.
Title: Stupidest thing you've done while driving
Post by: RTStuka on November 29, 2004, 10:05:36 PM
Originally posted by Dune
While driving State Route 85 (here in Arizona) at about 2pm in the afternoon.  Now this is a fairly heavily traveled roadway, especially in the middle of the afternoon.  It's also only two lanes.  I'm in my 4x4 Chevy pickup with my (then-) 5'5" (one of the hotest girls I've ever dated) girlfriend.  

And she decides to swing a leg over and start having sex with me while I'm doing about 65mph to make a concert in Phoenix.  Needless to say I was somewhat distracted but managed to keep from running off the road and killing anyone.  But I've always wondered what it looked like to the people in the cars headed the other way.

It's also the most fun I've ever had while driving.  


HA I got ya beat, I did it while driving a standard, you try shifting gears and keeping your eyes on the road.
Title: Stupidest thing you've done while driving
Post by: AKIron on November 29, 2004, 10:09:41 PM
When I was 15 I drove my motorcycle around town with my girlfriend in front of me and my buddy and his girlfriend behind me. Four of us on my Yamaha 125. :cool:
Title: Stupidest thing you've done while driving
Post by: Hawklore on November 29, 2004, 10:12:18 PM

I can tell yah the stupest thing I've done with a car..

And thats got into the truck or rather it was a car, while my dad was driving, and handing him the map, (CAUSE HE ASKED FOR IT) while he was driving, needless to say, We can within 3 feet of a guard rail while driving straight at it...

Empty road though.. :aok
Title: Stupidest thing you've done while driving
Post by: eskimo2 on November 29, 2004, 10:29:43 PM
Too many to mention…

One was putting a brick on the gas pedal at 55, climbing out of the sunroof and sitting on the roof with my feet on the steering wheel.  That was 20 years ago, but I can still see the look on a hitchhikers face as I wizzed by with my arms straight up like you do on roller coasters.

When I was growing up in Alaska I used to buy old junk cars just to jump and trash them…  I could go on and on.

Title: Re: Stupidest thing you've done while driving
Post by: Saurdaukar on November 29, 2004, 10:31:39 PM
Originally posted by Nash
I pulled to a stop at a red light. I was about 17 at the time. I was in the center lane, and there was a car on my left and another on my right.

The car on my left started revvin' his engine, which caught my attention. I looked over at the driver and he was lookin' at me and makin' those gestures that suggested we race. I was in my mom's Buick Century but like, I was the best driver in the entire world at the time so it didn't matter. He was in one of those cars that Lazs could tell ya about.

Anyways, I nodded 'affirmative' to him, and immediately he looks forward and takes off. So I punched it and launched the car into the intersection. A blood curling scream from my girlfriend punctuates the roar of my V6. I look forward, and discover that I am racing through a red light. I check my mirror to find that my opponent (you know, the one to the left of me), having received his left turn signal, was making a standard left turn.

The bastard.

Your turn... Fess up!

I liked your story about the cop and the loudspeaker at the light that wouldnt turn better.

How did it go?  "Meepmeeerrryiiip pull forward yeeeaaarmeep!"
Title: Re: Re: Stupidest thing you've done while driving
Post by: RTStuka on November 29, 2004, 10:33:47 PM
Originally posted by Saurdaukar
I liked your story about the cop and the loudspeaker at the light that wouldnt turn better.

How did it go?  "Meepmeeerrryiiip pull forward yeeeaaarmeep!"

Come on Nash, I gotta hear this story.
Title: Stupidest thing you've done while driving
Post by: Nash on November 29, 2004, 10:35:17 PM
Yeah, but that was a drinkin' drivin' story... man I got thousands of those. I thought it better to sick with stupid, and avoid idiotic altogether.
Title: Stupidest thing you've done while driving
Post by: RTStuka on November 29, 2004, 10:36:21 PM
Originally posted by Nash
Yeah, but that was a drinkin' drivin' story... man I got thousands of those. I thought it better to sick with stupid, and avoid idiotic altogether.

Title: Stupidest thing you've done while driving
Post by: cpxxx on November 29, 2004, 10:42:03 PM
Took up driving cars in my thirties so too sensible by then although I have perpretrated a few mad overtaking maneouvres and I did cross from coast to coast in two hours flat one night. OK it's only 130 miles but it's still damm fast.

On the other hand I rode motorcycles for many a year and did the most insane things.  Like crashing one in Wales and riding home with a broken thumb and no front brake.  Riding home in a snow storm so bad that I had to use kerbs to keep straight.   My best effort was racing a Ford Escort RS2000 down a suburban road with all the usual cars, kids and curves you expect.  I saw 85 mph as  I passed it  and he stuck to my bellybutton all the way as I overtook four cars simultaneously on a curve and continued it onto the main road until I got stuck at a pedestrian crossing. He tried to outflank by using the road into a small shopping area. But I got past him again.  At this point my sanity returned and I went  home. But it was crazy.  I don't know how I'm still alive.

Now if someone will start a thread about stupid things you did while flying a plane I have even more stories:eek:
Title: Stupidest thing you've done while driving
Post by: Nash on November 29, 2004, 10:46:38 PM
Okay here's one that happened to a guy my dad worked with.

He gets pulled over by the cops. Cop asks him why he thinks he got pulled over. He replies "No idea officer, I wasn't speeding and I didn't do anything wrong."

The cop says that he wasn't wearing his seatbelt.

He goes "Hell yeah I was! I just took it off so I could reach my glove compartment to get my insurance papers out for you."

"Oh yeah?" says the cop. "Put your seatbelt on."


"Right now, put your seatbelt on."


The guy goes to put on his seatbelt, but it was stuck. Jammed.

Turns out he was draggin' about a foot of seatbelt out his car door.

Title: Stupidest thing you've done while driving
Post by: Rafe35 on November 29, 2004, 11:14:01 PM
Cussing at the old people who drive reckless and drive too slow.
       Is that a problem?
Title: Stupidest thing you've done while driving
Post by: Hawklore on November 29, 2004, 11:16:00 PM
Originally posted by Nash
Okay here's one that happened to a guy my dad worked with.

He gets pulled over by the cops. Cop asks him why he thinks he got pulled over. He replies "No idea officer, I wasn't speeding and I didn't do anything wrong."

The cop says that he wasn't wearing his seatbelt.

He goes "Hell yeah I was! I just took it off so I could reach my glove compartment to get my insurance papers out for you."

"Oh yeah?" says the cop. "Put your seatbelt on."


"Right now, put your seatbelt on."


The guy goes to put on his seatbelt, but it was stuck. Jammed.

Turns out he was draggin' about a foot of seatbelt out his car door.


Now thats classic..

Cop got him on two cases..or three rather..

Driving without a seatbelt, Driving with a hazerdous object attached/tied to the vehicle, and lieing to an officer.
Title: Stupidest thing you've done while driving
Post by: vorticon on November 29, 2004, 11:40:54 PM
driving rather fast, over railway crossings...
Title: Stupidest thing you've done while driving
Post by: Dune on November 30, 2004, 12:03:23 AM
Originally posted by Airhead
I'm always amazed when attorneys get lucky... it's testimony to just how stupid women really are.

And I thank God for it every day.
Title: Stupidest thing you've done while driving
Post by: Octavius on November 30, 2004, 12:04:56 AM
yeah, i'm with arlo on this one. :(
Title: Stupidest thing you've done while driving
Post by: GreenCloud on November 30, 2004, 12:37:24 AM
.......2 people in a car..

Drivers Blind folded........Passenger directs which way to sharp..slow down..speed up...ect

hours of fun
Title: Stupidest thing you've done while driving
Post by: Creamo on November 30, 2004, 12:41:33 AM
Nash's post reminds me of the guy that returned to the airport after taking off and thinking he had a major mechanical problem.

I guess the seat belt buckle made a hella racket beating on the airframe when he got to speed.

No good stunt drinking and driving stories here, cabs are just too cheap and easy. For Vort, I did see a motorcycle try to accelerate over the METRA tracks in Chicago. I think the back tire made it in front of the headlight, but he recovered.
Title: Stupidest thing you've done while driving
Post by: Naso on November 30, 2004, 03:26:48 AM
Originally posted by Creamo
Nash's post reminds me of the guy that returned to the airport after taking off and thinking he had a major mechanical problem.

I guess the seat belt buckle made a hella racket beating on the airframe when he got to speed.


This happened to one of my colleagues during flight school in his first solo !!

He (an us) was scared like hell. :)

the equivalent of 300€ of damage on the left side of the plane, and the expenses of the emergency call.

Frigging seat belts.

Title: Stupidest thing you've done while driving
Post by: Naso on November 30, 2004, 03:41:19 AM
I have made a lot of stupid things while driving... very dangerous stuff.

The one that jump in my mind at the moment, being a lot of you Americans is a stunt made in Oregon, during one of my holidays in the land of freedom.

I had this rented Ford Taurus, full with local friends, with my girl aside.

We were driving near an airport in this perfectly straight road.

I saw in distance a big bump, a small, sharp bridge over a channel, yelled "ready to take off" and push the accelerator "to the firewall".

The car took off with all four wheels.

In an istant I realized that few meters ahead there was a crossing.

Push the brakes, the car traversed, and we stopped right in the middle of the center lane of the crossing, in the center island, aligned with the road, in a cloud of tire smoke.

In the exact moment we stopped, two trucks, one in each direction, passed on each side of the car with the horns screaming at full volume.

We were freezed for no less than 10 seconds, before one of my friends whispered:

"Francesco, you are fu**ing crazy"

I had hand shakes for the longer time I remember, and drove well under any limit for the rest of the holiday :)

I there's a God, that day was looking at me.
Title: Stupidest thing you've done while driving
Post by: CyranoAH on November 30, 2004, 03:56:15 AM
Well I hope he was looking after you, cos if he was looking for you, he almost fediddleing found ya! :D

Title: Stupidest thing you've done while driving
Post by: Naso on November 30, 2004, 04:02:55 AM
Originally posted by CyranoAH
Well I hope he was looking after you, cos if he was looking for you, he almost fediddleing found ya! :D


LOL, yes, I ment "after", thanks for the correction :)
Title: Stupidest thing you've done while driving
Post by: FUNKED1 on November 30, 2004, 04:09:55 AM
6 pack and a bongload :)
Title: Stupidest thing you've done while driving
Post by: SirLoin on November 30, 2004, 05:19:12 AM
One time I pulled up at a red light on my new 89 Yamaha DT200R enduro...I had just finished the break in period and it was night time in Toronto at a sidestreet intersection...Nary a car anywhere except for the one that pulled to a stop behind me.

The light went green and I let her rip!..a nice wheely followed by redline shift after shift(think I carried the front wheel into third gear)..maxed out at about 90mph as I came upon another intersection(Better slow down I thinks).

I slow to a rolling stop..Green goes the light..this time I go slowly through the gears and just as I hit cruise speed,that car that had stopped behind me previously had his siren and roof lights blarin away..He was yellin over his car bullhorn to "PULL OVER!!!"

Well I did..pulled into a gas station and switched her off and prepared myself for the worst(liscence suspension or worse)

He got out of his car and he was outta breath..Just then three other cruisers pulled into the gas bar...He yelled at me a bit then calmed down..Talked to his buddies for a bit while they ran my plates.

Anyway..He cut me a break and knocked down my infraction to 3 points(speeding)..He thought I was trying to escape in a stolen bike and couldn't believe I had pulled over...His buddies all had a chuckle when I tried to explain why I took off like a rocket..wheel in air..

"Um officer...All I can see in these mirrors is my elbows..I didn't see you parked behind me".

The other scary thing was after he handed me my ticket and issued me my stern warning about dangerous driving...He was right in my face...It was then that I noticed the red eyes and distinct odour of booze on HIS breath.
Title: Stupidest thing you've done while driving
Post by: Curval on November 30, 2004, 05:52:51 AM
My sister came to visit me in Toronto when I was in University.

On her last night we hit the pubs and everyone got hammered.

I drove home, which was really really stupid in and of itself...but that isn't what I wanted to relate.

The next morning, despite my sister offering to take a cab I decided to drive her to the airport.

On the way home my hangover decided to "kick it up a notch" and I started to feel quite ill.  I thought smoking a cigarette might help.  WRONG.  Two puff later I coughed.  This coughing activated a gag reflex.

I then started to throw up.

I caught the first "wave" in my right hand.  The second "wave" spilled over into my lap.  By the time waves three and four hit there was no point in trying to maintain the vomit I was holding in my right hand, so I emptied it into my lap with the rest of it.

Five minutes later the smell forced more vomiting despite my wide open window and the numbing cold from outside I had hoped would make me feel better.

When I got home I did a cursory clean up and went to bed.

That evening I started to clean the car.  I found the cigarette I had tried to smoke burned deeply into the driver side seat.
Title: Stupidest thing you've done while driving
Post by: Heater on November 30, 2004, 06:50:31 AM
Pulled up to the main gate at Altus Air Force Base (late 70's) during a security check,  where you have to show your ID,

I was drunk and on a Honda 750 and forgot to put my feet down, I fell over, The Guard at the gate helped me up and then escorted me to the Q so I could sleep it off before he would give me the keys back.
Title: Ok
Post by: Tinpot on November 30, 2004, 06:53:20 AM
Picture an Austin Mini Metro. (for you americans its a more angular version of the old  Mini! with a hatchback instead of a boot, oops sorry trunk )
6 teenagers. The guy in the driver seat operates the foot pedals only. The guy in the middle ( not sitting on a seat but kind of wedged between driver and passenger ) operates the gear stick and handbrake when neccessary. The guy in the passenger front seat operates the indicators, wipers lights etc. The guy behind the driver leans over and operates the steering wheel. The other two shout commands or scream in terror!

The driver seat guy shouts things like "helmsman turn to the left" to get the steerer to turn. "Engage warp factor?" depending on what gear he wishes to use. "fire photon torpedoes" depending on whether he wants indicators ( sorry turn signals ) on or not, and so on. The passengers warn of enemy klingons or ships ( other cars or coppers )

As I recall it was hillarious, scary and completely crazy, but growing up in rural east anglia with little or no traffic on the lanes at night ,most of the police asleep or miles away. we managed not to cause too much mayhem.
Title: or
Post by: Tinpot on November 30, 2004, 07:00:27 AM
There was the time my best mate at university and I dressed up like the PLO, sunglasses arab shemaghs, on College carnival day. Bought a couple of battery powered uzi water pistols, made saddle bags full of water from two old squashed buckets, to refill from, and jumped on my old suzuki 250 motorcycle. We rode up and down the college carnival floats soaking people. Got stopped by a policewomen whom my mate propmtly dumped a bucket of water over, and hot footed it back to the university grounds, down the central reservation of the dual carriage way. We had taken the precaution of removing the license plate. We hid the bike and spent the afternoon in a weed induced haze laughing ourselves stupid!

Probably get shot by the anti terrorist squad for it nowadays!

Oh well
Title: Stupidest thing you've done while driving
Post by: jigsaw on November 30, 2004, 07:22:05 AM
Similar story as Dune, but on an '83 V65.

Re: planes and seatbelts - When I'm flying solo I use the right side seat belt to strap my flight bag down. Prevents it from any chance of going out the door and keeps the bag in place in turbulence.
Title: Stupidest thing you've done while driving
Post by: 1K0N on November 30, 2004, 07:47:19 AM
sex... while driving on the interstate...Not worth the flashbacks...

Title: Re: Ok
Post by: Replicant on November 30, 2004, 07:52:18 AM
Originally posted by Tinpot
Picture an Austin Mini Metro. (for you americans its a more angular version of the old  Mini! with a hatchback instead of a boot, oops sorry trunk )
6 teenagers. The guy in the driver seat operates the foot pedals only. The guy in the middle ( not sitting on a seat but kind of wedged between driver and passenger ) operates the gear stick and handbrake when neccessary. The guy in the passenger front seat operates the indicators, wipers lights etc. The guy behind the driver leans over and operates the steering wheel. The other two shout commands or scream in terror!

Heh, we did the same thing when I was at Technical college.  One of the guys had a MG Metro and we managed to get four in the back and three in the front.  The thing was about scrapping along on the floor and I was stuck in the rear footwell.  Not very bright considering a few weeks after someone else did something similar and had a crash and a few were killed.

Another time was when I was a mechanic.  It was 1990, I was 17 and I took out a Rover Sterling V6.  I ended up doing 120mph down a very bouncy but straight road.  I then realised it had an onboard computer that recorded the average mph.  It was now reading 69mph as an average.  Damn... so I crawled along at about 10mph trying to lower the average!  I managed to do it!

Yet another time as a mechanic and another Austin Metro!  There was a humped back bridge in a small village nearby.  I stopped before it, then floored the accelerator and launched over the bridge.  Bang... anyone familiar with a Metro engine (like the old Mini engine), it is transversely mounted with the gearbox directly below it.  I managed to scrape all the cooling fins off the gearbox when the thing landed in a mass of sparks!  It was a works 'courtesy car' so I kept inspecting the car all afternoon to see if there were any oil leaks!

BTW Tinpot, which part of Brum you from?  I'm originally from the otherside of Leicester.
Title: Stupidest thing you've done while driving
Post by: EN4CER on November 30, 2004, 07:59:42 AM
Two actually come to mind.

#2 is when I worked a couple of double tours in a row (never again) and on my last midnight tour I was parked at an intersection while heading into Headquarters around 6:30 AM.  Needless to say woke up to honking horns and the time was 6:45 AM.  Behind me was about 20-25 cars all afraid to go around me.  Not a shining moment.

#1 was back in 1996, the department just got 2 brand new Police Scooters (Hondas).  The jerk in me had to show off at the Town Garage.  Didn’t make a turn and crashed into the Air Compressor.  Broke the front panel on the Scooter ($175) and tore my uniform shirt and pants all while still in the middle of working a tour.  Had to race home and change and then go to Honda and beg the guy to let me buy the front panel off the show model.  The salesman was pissed stating “We just dropped them off yesterday.”  Lucky I didn’t get any calls in the meantime.  My fellow brothers in blue who witnessed the debacle swore secrecy and dimed me out within the hour.  I to this date have been banned from riding Scooters at the job.  Thank god – never liked the helmet with the red flashing light.

Title: Stupidest thing you've done while driving
Post by: lazs2 on November 30, 2004, 08:10:55 AM
I put about a thousand or so miles ona rental car in england and Scotland once.

Title: Stupidest thing you've done while driving
Post by: Ripsnort on November 30, 2004, 08:13:18 AM
Title: Stupidest thing you've done while driving
Post by: Mighty1 on November 30, 2004, 08:43:30 AM
Telling my wife to stop because someone might see. DOH!
Title: Stupidest thing you've done while driving
Post by: Tinpot on November 30, 2004, 08:44:54 AM
I'm from Northfield, replicant
Title: Stupidest thing you've done while driving
Post by: Mickey1992 on November 30, 2004, 09:20:42 AM
#1 - Driving my Mom's '80 Chevy Citation with two friends during high school.  A couple of idiots from my high school pull up behind us at a stop sign and start blowing the horn.  Being all cool I decide that I am going to go screaming through this residential area and try and "lose" them.

I take a 90 degree turn at about 45MPH and slide off the road over the curb, running right over a fire hydrant.  We come to a stop on top of the hydrant and we all freeze in terror waiting for the water to come gushing out.  Fortunately, we didn't bust the valve in the ground and no water came out.  We backed off the hydrant back onto the street and drove away.  Mom still thinks that some idiot in a yellow car put the fist-sized dent in her chrome bumper.

#2 - Driving around the block and returning to the scene of the crime to see if we could get the fire hydrant into the trunk.  We couldn't because there was still a couple of bolts attached to the ground.
Title: Stupidest thing you've done while driving
Post by: Ripsnort on November 30, 2004, 09:24:09 AM
Originally posted by Mickey1992
#2 - Driving around the block and returning to the scene of the crime to see if we could get the fire hydrant into the trunk.  We couldn't because there was still a couple of bolts attached to the ground. [/B]

:rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl
Title: Stupidest thing you've done while driving
Post by: AcId on November 30, 2004, 09:28:32 AM
stupidest thing had to be landing an 86 mustang upside down in an oak tree
Title: Stupidest thing you've done while driving
Post by: JBA on November 30, 2004, 11:03:49 AM
Had SEX, I was the driver.......twice,:D
Title: Stupidest thing you've done while driving
Post by: AWMac on November 30, 2004, 11:26:43 AM
Originally posted by JBA
Had SEX, I was the driver.......twice,:D

Single Occupant vehicle.

Title: Stupidest thing you've done while driving
Post by: AKS\/\/ulfe on November 30, 2004, 11:29:48 AM
I was talking on a cell phone, eating fried chicken, drinking a forty, cutting up a watermelon, having sex, all while driving backwards down a highway waving my gold plated forty five in the air. I had spinners on my ride too.
Title: Re: Re: Re: Stupidest thing you've done while driving
Post by: Saurdaukar on November 30, 2004, 12:04:38 PM
Originally posted by RTStuka
Come on Nash, I gotta hear this story.

By popular demand.

Originally posted by Nash

Sandman - "I can recall sitting at a four-way stop sign for awhile."

I'm real wasted, and I come up to a red light and stop. And Iwaited... and waited. Then eventually cars started to pile up behind me while we all waited for the light to turn green. The car directly behind me? The cops. And we all had a good long wait...

Until the cop car started flashing its lights, and making whoop whoop sounds. Then over their speaker I hear them say this muted "Mmppp yrrrr hrrricle mmmmmmrrrwww!". I'm like, "WTF?!"

But I'm panicking now, cuz I want VERY badly to get away from all this and the freaking light is still red. I look in my rearview, and now one of the cops is getting out and walking up to me. "Ah man, I am hooped.".... I roll down the window and in a moment of bravado I pre-empt whatever he's about to say with a witty "What the hell is wrong with these lights?!" I can't imagine how it must of actually sounded.

He said, "These lights are controlled by the weight of your car. You're way too far back. Move forward on to the pad."


So I moved up a bit, the light turns green almost immediately, and I am a free man. I think my legs stopped shaking by the time I got home.
Title: Stupidest thing you've done while driving
Post by: spitfiremkv on November 30, 2004, 12:28:38 PM
not me, but someone I know got pulled over watching a film on a portable dvd player while driving.
The cop let her go....
moral: hot chicks get away witha  lot of stupid things.
Title: Stupidest thing you've done while driving
Post by: Chortle on November 30, 2004, 12:38:48 PM
Trying to create my own overtaking lane at about 90mph in a hire car. The gravel bouncing off the windscreen was the first clue that all was not well, followed by the central reservation looming out of the murk.

Lost the deposit on that one with chipped windscreen, bodywork etc.
Title: Stupidest thing you've done while driving
Post by: eagl on November 30, 2004, 03:04:00 PM
I was on a wide city street on a saturday night, and ended up #1 in the slow lane at a stoplight while driving my trans-am.  Sure enough, a camaro SS pulls up in the fast lane and a turbo'd ricer pulls up in the middle lane.  Like an ass, I figured I'd play boi racer and off we go.  The SS got a great launch but I was beating the ricer even though his car was making these loud whsssfhhhppp-weeeee noises from some popup valve or whatever makes those little engines go fast.  Anyhow, right as I approached the redline and maxed the torque/hp curves, the wheels slipped just a bit and the car turned just a bit on me, probably due to my abused limited slip rear end.  I've had this happen before and a short-shift always fixes it, so I decided to just short shift and continue.  But as I did, another part of my brain had already decided to powershift so I powershift into second and the car immediately looped right there in the middle of the damn street, towards the poor dude in the ricer.  Fortunately he saw my car start to get squirrly and he had dropped back enough that I missed him.

I spun left across all 3 lanes, and managed to slow the rotation enough with gas/throttle/brake to slide through a gap in the center divider, thereby avoiding removing my tires and suspension on the median curb.  Of course this meant I entered the opposite direction lanes going sideways at about 50, but thank god nobody was even in sight coming the other way so I never even kissed the curb as I ended up coasting in the opposite direction from how I'd started.

There's no good reason why I didn't wipe out 3 or more cars right there, other than pure damned luck.  I've always thought street racing was full-up stupid and that's why before this incident I had strictly limited my racing to track events and autocross.  Of course the one time I give it a go, I pulled a stunt I've never done even during solo laps on wet track.

It didn't help that my tires were old/hard and my rear shocks were set up for turning/acceleration grip instead of straight-line hookup, but it was still a dumb thing to do and something I won't repeat.  I still do a little track racing from time to time...
Title: Stupidest thing you've done while driving
Post by: slimm50 on November 30, 2004, 03:12:41 PM
I once drove home drunk as a skunk. The good Lord was watching over me and everyone else along my route that night.

That was many years ago, and I haven't touched a drop of liquor in 5 or 6 years. I don't miss it.
Title: Stupidest thing you've done while driving
Post by: AcId on November 30, 2004, 03:17:18 PM
I'm doing what I can to make up for ya slimm but I'm only one man.
Title: Ripsnort!
Post by: 2stony on November 30, 2004, 03:20:26 PM
And I thought I was the only one in our state that did that. High five Rip!

Title: Stupidest thing you've done while driving
Post by: 2stony on November 30, 2004, 03:28:13 PM
#1 "The sex thing": My wife and I took a trip from Washington, through Oregon, California, Arizona, Utah and Nevada. I got "road head" in all six states.

#2 "The drinking while driving thing": I was at an afternoon party drinking all day into the early evening. I decided to head to my favorite watering hole. The last thing I remember is waiting for the light to change at the I-5 overpass. I don't remember doing any of the following.
      I drive over the overpass and miss my turn onto I-5. I go through an "S" turn and drive down the road. I turn around and am headed back through the "S" turn again. I drive straight at the 90 degree corner and go off the road flying over a dirt burm. I now come to my senses airborne in my 72' VW bug. I hit the ground and stomp on my brakes. All the softball equipment in my car is flying all over the place hitting me in the head. After gathering my senses, I turn the car around and drive around the burm and there's a car stopped by the side of the road that saw me go "airborne". I wave at him as I drive to the onramp and get on I-5.
     Guess where I went? That's right, to the tavern I was originally headed to and closed it down.
     I drank alchohol for another 2 or 3 years, but haven't drank in over 20 years to date.

:aok :aok
Title: Stupidest thing you've done while driving
Post by: mosgood on November 30, 2004, 03:49:17 PM
Got my first (and last) D.U.I. a little over a week and a half ago.  :eek:

Since then I've been hearing a lot of info about accidents related to drinking and driving....  23% of car accidents are related to it.  

Heard a story, at the court house from one of the lawyers, about a girl leaving the same bar i did with a friend in the passenger seat.....  crashed on the freeway and the friend is paralyzed.  

While I'll be screwed for a very long time because of this, I gotta say I still support the laws about it.  first time offence....minimum 180 days suspended license, fines... and 4 days in a seminar. ... plus the insurance bendover that is coming.....  ouch.

Interesting side note......

One of the officers present during my arrest was a squadmate from AH.
Title: Re: Stupidest thing you've done while driving
Post by: BlckMgk on November 30, 2004, 07:29:18 PM
Originally posted by Nash
I pulled to a stop at a red light. I was about 17 at the time. I was in the center lane, and there was a car on my left and another on my right.

The car on my left started revvin' his engine, which caught my attention. I looked over at the driver and he was lookin' at me and makin' those gestures that suggested we race. I was in my mom's Buick Century but like, I was the best driver in the entire world at the time so it didn't matter. He was in one of those cars that Lazs could tell ya about.

Anyways, I nodded 'affirmative' to him, and immediately he looks forward and takes off. So I punched it and launched the car into the intersection. A blood curling scream from my girlfriend punctuates the roar of my V6. I look forward, and discover that I am racing through a red light. I check my mirror to find that my opponent (you know, the one to the left of me), having received his left turn signal, was making a standard left turn.

The bastard.

Your turn... Fess up!

You have lost all credibility...

Title: Stupidest thing you've done while driving
Post by: Widewing on November 30, 2004, 11:41:28 PM
What is the stupidest this I've done while driving?

Hmmm.....  Yesterday or today?

My regards,

Title: Stupidest thing you've done while driving
Post by: lasersailor184 on December 01, 2004, 07:42:59 AM
Christ, I have nothing that compares with any of this.
Title: Stupidest thing you've done while driving
Post by: rpm on December 01, 2004, 08:46:15 AM
Back in the 80's when I was driving 18 wheelers cross country, I had a habit of catching cat naps in the driver's seat instead of crawling in the sleeper. If I laid down I would be out for 6-8 hours, sleeping in the seat I would only nap an hour or two and could stay on schedule.

I was an owner/ operator and had to push myself very hard to keep the wheels rolling and make near impossible deadlines dispatchers put on me. On more than one occassion I fell asleep at the wheel and this scared the **** out of me. Falling asleep while driving almost became a phobia to me.

So.....this one night I woke up and all I could see was the back of a truck trailer I was just feet away from smashing into! I jerked the wheel left and slammed on the brakes, then yanked hard right....then realised I was parked in a crowded Rest Area not moving at all. I looked around to make sure nobody was standing there laughing their arse off at me and tried to recover from my near heart attack.

From that point on if I took a nap in the seat I put a pillow on the steering wheel. If I woke up and the pillow was there everything was cool. No pillow and I was free to proceed with a coronary.
Title: Stupidest thing you've done while driving
Post by: lazs2 on December 01, 2004, 09:02:04 AM
Once long ago when I was really drunk I pulled in to get gas and a cop pulled in after me.   I could barely stand but was doing my best to look normal even tho I was a biker with a beat up sedan deville caddy.    After I gassed up I got into the car with as little stumbling as I could manage and noticed that I wasn't looking at the steering wheel but at the back of the front seat.

Title: Stupidest thing you've done while driving
Post by: mora on December 01, 2004, 09:02:37 AM
Originally posted by mosgood
Got my first (and last) D.U.I. a little over a week and a half ago.  :eek:

Since then I've been hearing a lot of info about accidents related to drinking and driving....  23% of car accidents are related to it.  

Didn't you receive any alcohol related education in high school and driving school?:rolleyes:
Title: Stupidest thing you've done while driving
Post by: RightF00T on December 01, 2004, 10:37:18 AM
Originally posted by lazs2
Once long ago when I was really drunk I pulled in to get gas and a cop pulled in after me.   I could barely stand but was doing my best to look normal even tho I was a biker with a beat up sedan deville caddy.    After I gassed up I got into the car with as little stumbling as I could manage and noticed that I wasn't looking at the steering wheel but at the back of the front seat.



After a long, stressful day at work I was going down one of the main streets in town in a bit of a hurry.  I had been behind some idiot that had to drive 10 below the speed limit, so at this point I was pretty twerked, and proceeded to pass the slow-poke.  As I came up to a light I noticed a long line of cars in front of me and wondered where everyone was going.  
   So I sit there, and I sit there, and finally the slow-poke passes me and makes a left turn through the green turning light.  Now pretty pissed, I lay on the horn and look around furiously for why these people are sitting at a light.  Two more cars pass and make a left turn, then a third goes straight through the green light in front of the line in front of me.  So I lay on the horn again and right at this point I notice noone is sitting in the car in front of me, the horn dies off symbolic of my dying humility.  
   As I wheel around the car in front of me I nbtice none of the cars have occupants and at this point I realize I was sitting behind parked cars in front of a Funeral Service.  Luckily, the deceased didn't come out that day.
Title: Stupidest thing you've done while driving
Post by: mosgood on December 01, 2004, 10:43:08 AM
Originally posted by mora
Didn't you receive any alcohol related education in high school and driving school?:rolleyes:

nope  ........

:rolleyes:    <--  back at ya
Title: Stupidest thing you've done while driving
Post by: JCLerch on December 01, 2004, 10:51:01 AM
Does this count?


No Breaks, No steering, No rear suspension, 5ft wheel base, 400cid small block, so lets chain it to a tree and do burn outs :0

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