Aces High Bulletin Board

Special Events Forums => Special Events General => Topic started by: FiLtH on January 18, 2005, 03:37:24 PM

Title: "On the Sight II"...please give opinion.
Post by: FiLtH on January 18, 2005, 03:37:24 PM
Since alot of people had fun in the last one, here we go again. The targets arent bases so those that wish to no be involved may play their way during the event.

     This time however (thanks to a great idea by chris) all three teams will be involved. We plan every other saturday night to hold something similar in the MA for 2 hours, starting at 8pm ET, and concluding at 10pm ET. That way it doesnt interupt the arena too bad, and allows us to play this way for a few hours a month.

     Each time we meet, one team will be the lone defender, while the other teams attack his strats, or whatever we decide the target to be( not bases for this would interupt gameplay of others).  It will be difficult for each side to win, but thats what makes it fun.

     The sides that are "allied" will always have separation, attacking the strats of the enemy closest to their border. This will reduce the chance of friendly fire incidents.

     We can have bragging rights as to what country defended the best each time we do it. Folks can post their after action reports and screenies after too for fun, and brag or mourn their deeds.

      I would need a few people from each side that would step forward and create missions for everyone. Please state if you are up to it. As always there will be people that wont play exactly to plan, but thats ok. Its an open arena.  However the way these will be designed, little can be done to effect the event, as it is made close to how we play in the MA anyhow. So tell me what you think, and we can get started planning to meet again in a couple weeks, fighting the same, but different :)
Title: "On the Sight II"...please give opinion.
Post by: Flossy on January 18, 2005, 06:20:42 PM
Sounds great, FiLtH.... looking forward to it!  :)
Title: "On the Sight II"...please give opinion.
Post by: Dawggus on January 18, 2005, 06:30:04 PM
I'm in, save me a Mossie ;).

Cya Up!

Title: "On the Sight II"...please give opinion.
Post by: FiLtH on January 18, 2005, 06:47:44 PM
Spread the word please...that way I dont look like the only spammin idiot in AH :P

 PS Dawg...the beauty of this is we dont assign slots. We just fly a certain country's planetype, and bomb the strat targets for 2 hours. If ya dont wanna bomb be a fighter. So much easier I think.
Title: "On the Sight II"...please give opinion.
Post by: ROC on January 18, 2005, 10:23:00 PM
I'm in, Lancasters Babeeee
Title: moin
Post by: syncrII on January 19, 2005, 12:11:53 AM
moin im chris3
these mission locks great. but my only question is who is RAF country and who is USairforce country. But i like it to kill bish ;-).

Title: Re: moin
Post by: Flossy on January 19, 2005, 01:29:36 AM
Originally posted by syncrII
but my only question is who is RAF country and who is USairforce country. But i like it to kill bish ;-)
As stated in the first paragraph of the black area.....
The Knights will serve as the US 8th Air Force
The Rooks will serve as the Royal Air Force
Title: "On the Sight II"...please give opinion.
Post by: Schutt on January 19, 2005, 02:07:50 AM
Great idea filth, ill see if i can stay up till late at night to make it
Title: Re: Re: moin
Post by: syncrII on January 19, 2005, 05:12:35 AM
lol sorry,
im stupid, i have read it two tree times to find it but doesnt see it.
Title: "On the Sight II"...please give opinion.
Post by: FiLtH on January 19, 2005, 07:00:12 AM
Chris its up at the top...where the 8th AF emblem, RAF roundel and german iron cross pics are.
Bishop Germany
Knights USAF
Rooks RAF
Title: "On the Sight II"...please give opinion.
Post by: FiLtH on January 19, 2005, 07:05:05 AM
ROC Im thinking a few of us form a big lanc raid, and after we all die :P, we do a couple mossie runs. Its alot to hit. We'll decide our responsibilities shortly before gametime. Hopefully our chaps are up to it :)
Title: "On the Sight II"...please give opinion.
Post by: ROC on January 19, 2005, 08:49:16 AM
Filth, that sounds great :)

I'll start beating the drums for players.

Side Note, let's rotate in an early Saturday AM event for us West Coasters so that the  friends across the pond don't have to stay up all night to enjoy one of these.
Title: "On the Sight II"...please give opinion.
Post by: FiLtH on January 19, 2005, 09:08:22 AM
Thats a good idea. Next time its AM!
Title: "On the Sight II"...please give opinion.
Post by: Vudak on January 19, 2005, 12:22:59 PM
Oooo! Oooo! I call a jug!

Title: "On the Sight II"...please give opinion.
Post by: Wolf14 on January 19, 2005, 12:43:14 PM
I'm up for it but I think the slot pre-registration slots lend themselves to more balance. It lets me see who plans on flying what and where I need to consider taking up the slack in.
Title: "On the Sight II"...please give opinion.
Post by: FiLtH on January 19, 2005, 01:27:27 PM
Rgr that Wolf, but Ill tell ya, I do things the old fashioned way with the slots, and its a lot of work. If I was better at PCs etc Im sure theres an easier way.  Thing is...1/3 of the people sign in, and 2/3 s end up being walkons, and makes the whole thing moot anyways. Tell yer friends. :)
Title: "On the Sight II"...please give opinion.
Post by: Clifra Jones on January 19, 2005, 02:09:45 PM
Just posted your billboards on the squadron BB. Hopefull we will have a large turnout from the 31st.
Title: "On the Sight II"...please give opinion.
Post by: FiLtH on January 19, 2005, 06:47:44 PM
Thanks Clifra good call!
Title: "On the Sight II"...please give opinion.
Post by: SilverFox on January 19, 2005, 08:16:37 PM

Check your email, sir.

Title: "On the Sight II"...please give opinion.
Post by: FiLtH on January 19, 2005, 08:30:19 PM
Done... thanks bud!
Title: "On the Sight II"...please give opinion.
Post by: ROC on January 19, 2005, 09:29:57 PM

after you check your mail, say yes :)
Title: "On the Sight II"...please give opinion.
Post by: FiLtH on January 20, 2005, 01:19:48 AM
YES!  :)
Title: "On the Sight II"...please give opinion.
Post by: wombat on January 20, 2005, 06:49:37 AM
I'm in...look's like fun!
Title: "On the Sight II"...please give opinion.
Post by: GooseAW on January 20, 2005, 08:02:14 AM

We'll flatten a strat! :aok
Title: "On the Sight II"...please give opinion.
Post by: TBolt A-10 on January 20, 2005, 03:56:43 PM
I'd like to fly a Mossie, if a slot is still available.

Title: "On the Sight II"...please give opinion.
Post by: FiLtH on January 20, 2005, 04:19:34 PM
Everything is available Tbolt...its just like we're playing regular in the arena, except..

A. We are all flying missions in groups
B. We fly the planes for the country we are.. IE Rooks are RAF
C. If you die, just get into anther mission thats forming.
D. We arent looking to capture anything, just kill the Bish strats
Title: "On the Sight II"...please give opinion.
Post by: detch01 on January 20, 2005, 04:27:46 PM
Getting my tiffie detailed for this one :).
Count me in

Title: "On the Sight II"...please give opinion.
Post by: 68racer on January 20, 2005, 04:56:17 PM
I'm sure the 68th will be willing to join.:cool:
Title: "On the Sight II"...please give opinion.
Post by: ROC on January 20, 2005, 06:14:09 PM
Better get started early on your tiffie ASW, sheep fur takes a while to get out of the cracks.
Title: "On the Sight II"...please give opinion.
Post by: pipz on January 20, 2005, 06:22:27 PM
Hey Filth!
 Had a great time on that last mission ya did!Count me in on the next one.As far as creating missions I would do it but I gotta brush up on that.Usualy I just tell the guys this is what were flyin take this ,that,the other thing,take off here heheheheh.Im old school i guees Thanks for settin this stuff up!

Title: "On the Sight II"...please give opinion.
Post by: Bino on January 20, 2005, 06:55:08 PM

Now, I really don't like to be so negative, *especially* about any kind of Special Event, but this sure does not sound like much fun... for Bishops.
Title: "On the Sight II"...please give opinion.
Post by: ROC on January 20, 2005, 07:02:36 PM
This is a rotation thing, each time around the "target" changes and defense turns to offense.  

The event is not designed to interfere with the actual MA ongoing fights, and really isn't going to affect Bish, Rooks or Knights in any measurable way.
Title: "On the Sight II"...please give opinion.
Post by: syncrII on January 21, 2005, 12:15:33 AM
moin im chris3

i have a question, what time i have in center europe (germany) wenn you say we meet us at 8p.m ET?
sorry  about these stupid question but im not realy sur i think it must be 2 o clock in the mornig, is it corect?

cu chris3
Title: "On the Sight II"...please give opinion.
Post by: FiLtH on January 21, 2005, 08:27:20 AM
Ya I think central europe is 6 hours ahead of ET in US. So yes I think its 2am your time. Sorry so late. But next time we will do at 3pm et on a saturday afternoon so its only 9pm your time.
Title: "On the Sight II"...please give opinion.
Post by: chris3 on January 21, 2005, 01:19:52 PM
oh, no problem with that it is at standat AH time for me saturday lol, only want to know the time because i have a invite to a birthday of a frind, and i wanted to know what time i must be home :-).
i dont want to mis that event but i have doubt to make it early enought :-(. but i hope make it.

Title: "On the Sight II"...please give opinion.
Post by: Dace on January 21, 2005, 07:51:20 PM
Count in the 65th!! BEWARE THE THUNDERBOLT!:D
Title: "On the Sight II"...please give opinion.
Post by: Scrap on January 22, 2005, 07:11:49 AM
Awwww crud!  I have to be in Cle-Land to sign my new lease!  :mad:
Title: "On the Sight II"...please give opinion.
Post by: FiLtH on January 22, 2005, 10:39:45 AM
We have 1 week until the event.  Although we dont know what map it will be, we need to start assigning targets. Atleast the type your squad will be hitting. If you represent a squad, please state what you would like to hit.
Title: "On the Sight II"...please give opinion.
Post by: Schaden on January 23, 2005, 03:40:31 AM
If it was 3.00pm ET I'd be there like a shot, with a lot of other peeps too - but 1.00am start is kinda late.
Title: "On the Sight II"...please give opinion.
Post by: FiLtH on January 23, 2005, 03:48:48 AM
next time we do early for euro players.
Title: "On the Sight II"...please give opinion.
Post by: koda76 on January 24, 2005, 02:56:19 PM
This is a hour before our normal squad knight ...I will see if I can get a feel for attendance before commiting to a target.....
Title: "On the Sight II"...please give opinion.
Post by: FiLtH on January 24, 2005, 02:59:07 PM
Title: "On the Sight II"...please give opinion.
Post by: koda76 on January 25, 2005, 10:30:42 AM
I sent polls out through my squad group waiting on results now....
Title: "On the Sight II"...please give opinion.
Post by: Gypsy Baron on January 25, 2005, 03:18:14 PM
Originally posted by FiLtH
We have 1 week until the event.  Although we dont know what map it will be, we need to start assigning targets. Atleast the type your squad will be hitting. If you represent a squad, please state what you would like to hit.

 If I remember to get up in time ( retirement means unusual hours )
and I mark my calendar, I'll try to be there FiLtH.

I haven't been in the MA in months but I think I can
still find my way around with a buff :)

 We're looking at 5 PM, PST takeoff, right?

Title: "On the Sight II"...please give opinion.
Post by: FiLtH on January 25, 2005, 04:03:27 PM
Yes 5pm Pacific. Great to see ya GB!
Title: "On the Sight II"...please give opinion.
Post by: daddog on January 25, 2005, 05:36:57 PM
Good luck gents. I will not be home from work yet.

Oh! Just realized it takes place on Saturday! This has been a solid good idea Filth. Hats off to you.
Title: "On the Sight II"...please give opinion.
Post by: FiLtH on January 26, 2005, 08:31:12 AM
Friday the 28th we will probably know what map we will have. We will have an idea what the strat layout will be. COs and individuals can start claiming their targets then.
Title: "On the Sight II"...please give opinion.
Post by: jordi on January 26, 2005, 08:46:37 AM
I will see if any DAMEND are interested.

Title: "On the Sight II"...please give opinion.
Post by: Gypsy Baron on January 26, 2005, 02:36:44 PM
Originally posted by jordi
I will see if any DAMEND are interested.


"DAMEND"...??   Is that some sort of "get around the
 auto-censor" name for the DAMNED squad, Jordi?   :)

Title: "On the Sight II"...please give opinion.
Post by: FiLtH on January 26, 2005, 03:20:57 PM
Hiya Jordi!  Yeah get em in on this please!
Title: "On the Sight II"...please give opinion.
Post by: Stegahorse on January 26, 2005, 04:21:16 PM
Why not just make them snapshots in the events arena?
SEA is open all the time. Seems arrogant to force MA to do what a few players want. If you want to compete with the CM team, do it on thier own turf....SEA. Then we can see!
Title: "On the Sight II"...please give opinion.
Post by: FiLtH on January 26, 2005, 07:38:35 PM
Arrogant?  No one is forcing anyone to do anything. Play or dont play with us. No biggy.  Read previous posts as to why we want to do it in MA. Its nothing more than a Joint Op night, except it includes all 3 countries. And its targets have little to no effect on the gameplay of others in there. 2 hours. Twice a month. The horror!
Title: "On the Sight II"...please give opinion.
Post by: koda76 on January 26, 2005, 07:52:12 PM
I just have to throw my 2cents in on this one. IMHO I think it will add a level of excitement to the MA with absoutly no interference in the way the MA has been the past 6 months....the furballers and spawn campers won't even know we are there. (really)
Stegadude come have some fun if your on....(really)
Title: "On the Sight II"...please give opinion.
Post by: ROC on January 26, 2005, 08:20:54 PM

Filth is not competing with the CM team.

Seeing how I and several of the CM team are actively engaged in this, and have devoted a significant amount of time to make sure it does NOT interfere with the normal MA Game, this appears to be a great way to introduce and promote interest in events to a great many people that do not read the boards.

We had a turnout on the last event that rivaled a published scenario with months of advance planning and advertisement.

I see this as a great thing for the community.  The mission plans are not set in stone until the map rotates in Friday, and the exact target will be identified Just Prior To Launch so that it does not in any way hamper, affect, interfere with or negate the normal game play of the MA.

Hope you can make it, good to see ya
Title: "On the Sight II"...please give opinion.
Post by: ROC on January 26, 2005, 08:25:59 PM

hope to see you there, this is gonna be fun.

And BTW, expect mail on Coral Sea, Filth has taken up the slot as our oppositionary counterassemblance :)  ( did I speel that write?)
Title: "On the Sight II"...please give opinion.
Post by: FiLtH on January 28, 2005, 08:21:33 AM
Its Friday the 28th!

     Im thinking it may be a good idea for all the interested players to be ingame by 7pm et tomorrow night (Sat 29th) so we are sure what we are hitting. Guys who can make missions should do so. For the first strike I would make perhaps 3 targets. The strats require many bombs.

      Figure in escort, we'll need alot of them. If a mission man goes down, or if you know how to make them, start a new mission immediately, and have dead guys from the first strike fill it up. We cant wait too long between strikes as we only have 2 hours to kill every strat. But dont go with 3 guys. Lets have sizable missions  of 15-20 minimum.
Title: "On the Sight II"...please give opinion.
Post by: SilverFox on January 28, 2005, 08:43:52 AM
Relayed to 327th Saturday night OO.
Title: "On the Sight II"...please give opinion.
Post by: koda76 on January 28, 2005, 09:26:39 AM
Participation results so far from the *NDM* is looking good We should have 6-12 on at least 15 min before start time...I can be available before.
I also submitted a poll on the strat targets and the top 3 results were:
Troops and Training-----> 50%
Fuel Depot----------------> 33%
City-------------------------> 17%
Title: "On the Sight II"...please give opinion.
Post by: Sisk on January 28, 2005, 10:59:17 AM
is there going to be a CO for each side setting up missions and stuff?  like for rooks, we could have one CO set up flights of buffs/jabos to hit certain targets, then he would let the LW know what we are planning to hit.  same for the bish.  CO would make things alot more coordinated and fun :)
Title: "On the Sight II"...please give opinion.
Post by: FiLtH on January 28, 2005, 02:00:43 PM
Good idea Sisk, we can get that set before start time.
Title: "On the Sight II"...please give opinion.
Post by: FiLtH on January 28, 2005, 05:04:10 PM
With the new patch can you imagine what the sky will look like with so many bombers burning? :)
Title: posible targets
Post by: chris3 on January 29, 2005, 08:26:23 AM
Originally posted by FiLtH
With the new patch can you imagine what the sky will look like with so many bombers burning? :)


would be nice if city and flack factory(in 7, 10) is hiting by the roocks and
the ammo and fuel facktory(in 7, 10) is hit by the knights.

i think it would be the best target to get some fun, but 163s are going to be a problem we need to think about killing there fild.

Title: "On the Sight II"...please give opinion.
Post by: FiLtH on January 29, 2005, 09:25:30 AM
Neg Chris...we arent going to hit fields. Just the strats. If guys want to spend perks, and have cool targets to hit...thats the idea. Few even like flying jets, others arent good at it, and know(as I would) Id only end up spending 1000 perks before the night was over.

  Im going to wait till tonight to see who hits what. The way the maps change I dont want to plan till the last minute. Last minute being 7pm et. See ya tonight!
Title: "On the Sight II"...please give opinion.
Post by: ROC on January 29, 2005, 10:36:38 AM
See you all tonight!  Getting all warmed up for the blast :)
Title: "On the Sight II"...please give opinion.
Post by: koda76 on January 29, 2005, 04:36:02 PM
Rip Roarin and ready 2 go.....Are we going to communicate on 200?
Title: "On the Sight II"...please give opinion.
Post by: ROC on January 29, 2005, 04:49:28 PM
I'll have 200 going
Title: "On the Sight II"...please give opinion.
Post by: koda76 on January 29, 2005, 05:17:22 PM
Roger Wilco
Title: "On the Sight II"...please give opinion.
Post by: FiLtH on January 29, 2005, 10:11:26 PM
Thanks all who participated!  RAF took a beating. We hit the Munitions, and the refinery. I havent got a clear aar from the Lanc run but ROC can fill us in.

   1st Strike we had 1 mission as lancs and 1 as Bostons. I was in the Boston raid and died. We got jumped and lost alot of planes to madmitch's crew in 190s. Survivng planes hit the munitions good. Plink led BostonIII raid.

   Lancs hit hard too. ROC ran this raid.

   2nd Strike was a mossie raid to refinery. Some of us got through and damaged it pretty good.

   3rd Strike was Lancs..we upped a12..2 lucky b26 met us as we rolled blowing up a bunch of us :)

   Rest of us tried to hit refinery again but clock expired. Im anxious to hear how the Knights USAF did.

   Great defense Bishops! We paid heavy for the hits we got.

   Special thanks to Chris3 for idea to involve all 3 countries, to ROC,SIM,Plink for planning missions for Rooks, to Koda and Falcon3 for planning Knight missions and getting their side involved, and to all the cool buds who took part in it! WTG!
Title: "On the Sight II"...please give opinion.
Post by: ROC on January 29, 2005, 10:48:54 PM
Bish were on Fire tonight with their defense!  Very Nice Work all.

Mission formed and we were ready to roll.    A21 would let me assign the spits and mossies to an East runway takeoff, but I couldn't get any choices other than NE and SW for the Lancs, so I chose NE.  We spawned to the hanger.

Wiped everyone out, so we free formed and ran the mission without the waypoints.

We had great escorts with us, and the flight was pretty routine until we were near the coastline.

Then we got jumped, big time.  Flossy was the only bomber to even reach the coastline, but not one of the Lancasters got to target.

We were hit with just about everything they could throw at us, jets, props, you name it, it came.  Looks like the Axis hit the black market and picked up some overstocked P38s and P51s, few TBFs lol  but it was fun, really wouldn't have mattered if they had 100% german planes or not, they had a good blockade up against us and fought well.

Our second run was a Mossie raid, again targeting the deeper strats, and I got tangled up early just past the coastline again and taken down.

While flying the mossie run, setup another Lancaster raid and as the pilots from Mossie Run got wiped, they attached for the last run of the night in that mission.

Again, we were hit hard by the 262s and I was about the 5th bomber to go down in a blaze of new graphics brilliance.

Fantastic night.

I'd like to open the question now, since this seems like it is quite a popular battle, do we run this in SEA?

I think if we set the map up based on normal arena settings, nothing fancy, nothing to learn, just allow the planeset to match the mission, we could draw enough to make the battle worth fighting.

With little setup other than selecting the planes, anyone from the MA could come in, join up with really very little in the way of mission planning and preperation.  

I'd be happy to handle the arena setup, wouldn't be much to it, and I think this could be very popular for those who really like the MA but are interested in longer, more planned attack and defensive missions.

Each event the joy of defense would rotate, and we could pick any map we wanted to play on.

Thoughts?  Ideas?  Suggestions?  Opinions?   Ice for my Soda that's getting warm?
Title: "On the Sight II"...please give opinion.
Post by: FiLtH on January 29, 2005, 11:14:46 PM
Lets try it ROC!   Next time its gonna be Rooks as defenders. We also want an earlier time so more euros can get in on it. You know how I feel about the MA/attendance vs trying to get people to leave it to goto another arena, but its worth a try! :)
Title: "On the Sight II"...please give opinion.
Post by: wombat on January 30, 2005, 08:47:30 AM
What fun! Thanks FiLtH and your staff for putting this on. I have been waiting all week for the event.

I posted a mission for our squad (DUSTOFF) of 190A-8's (most our my guys never drove one until that Saturday) as luck would have it "Madmitch" joined. After a nasty disco I turned the misson over to Mitch...I think they did ok.

Second mission: We regrouped and up a mix of 109G-10's & 190A-8's and intercepted the mossie raid on the refinery. The refinery was at 100% so we knew where the RAF was going. The mossies made a great strike, flew right by us (we were thinking Lancs not mossies) and had the site down below 50% in no time. I would say RAF won that wave.

Last mission: Again we regrouped and upped another mix of aircraft, but only came across a mission of B-24's...don't think was part of the event.

Not sure of the number of kills the squad had...not sure if I care, but we did have fun and thats why we are here!

FiLth thanks again...DUSTOFF is ready for the next one. We love flying buffs.

Title: "On the Sight II"...please give opinion.
Post by: SilverFox on January 30, 2005, 09:06:01 AM
I think this is a good idea.  :aok

We'll need to coordinate because there is already a Euro event, very similar to this that has been occuring in the SEA on Saturdays.   You may have noticed the Fin-Rus map up in recent weeks.  

There are some benefits as well as pitfalls to doing this:

First we can run logs, so people can see who accomplished what.  This will show people the extended aspect of events.  Anyone can look at the logs here  Event Logs  (

Second, this is minor, but worth noting, many special events are registered events, so players need to be aware when the registered events are taking place.  Not that walking into a Scenario would be a bad thing, but walking into a Squad Ops, which is a pre-registered only event would cause some disruption.

;)  And here I'll end my Sea Lawyer stint.   Just food for thought :)
Title: "On the Sight II"...please give opinion.
Post by: rabbidrabbit on January 30, 2005, 10:03:55 AM
The big problem with the SEA is getting folks to go there.  You need to advertise heavily.  Might want to talk with HT and have them put it in the message of the day as well as on these forums since I doubt more than 5 percent actually come here.
Title: "On the Sight II"...please give opinion.
Post by: FiLtH on January 30, 2005, 10:16:04 AM
ALthough Im willing to try SF, its the little stuff that gives me reservations about how it will turn out. As you said there are already many events in the SEA, snapshots, and that Euro thing.

       Between having to worry about interphering with another event, and the general lack of folks wanting to leave the MA to goto another arena,during primetime, where their scores count, Id have to say we can try it, and compare the attendance. If it doesnt pan out, we can always head back to the MA.

      Although I wanted to hold an afternoon running of this next time, to get a better idea of attendance in the SEA, lets keep it at 8pm et. The next one will be Feb 12th at 8pm ET, in the SEA.

       We can plan the details over the next week or so. Thanks for your help!
Title: "On the Sight II"...please give opinion.
Post by: FiLtH on January 30, 2005, 10:23:26 AM
Wombat nice work! You guys defended brillantly! We're thinking of trying this in the special events arena next time...comments?
Title: "On the Sight II"...please give opinion.
Post by: 68falcon on January 30, 2005, 11:40:45 AM
Originally posted by FiLtH
ALthough Im willing to try SF, its the little stuff that gives me reservations about how it will turn out. As you said there are already many events in the SEA, snapshots, and that Euro thing.

       Between having to worry about interphering with another event, and the general lack of folks wanting to leave the MA to goto another arena,during primetime, where their scores count, Id have to say we can try it, and compare the attendance. If it doesnt pan out, we can always head back to the MA.

      Although I wanted to hold an afternoon running of this next time, to get a better idea of attendance in the SEA, lets keep it at 8pm et. The next one will be Feb 12th at 8pm ET, in the SEA.

       We can plan the details over the next week or so. Thanks for your help!

First off let me say I enjoyed this event and hope to attend another. Hats off to Filth and all that helped but it together.
As for the SEA, Feb. 12th there is an event scheduled, KOTH at 9PM ET. Use of the arena is usually requested and posted on the CM board to insure there is no conflicts of any sort.
Title: AAR
Post by: koda76 on January 30, 2005, 12:16:00 PM
Our CO (raises hand) Had some minor glitches with the mission. First run was very effective.

At the end of the event strats were down to 0% on the comm factory and went between 2 and 5 % on the City.

We did not acheive O% at the same time.

One of the factors in this was the fact the two citys reported to the same zone base (only 1)

We lost about half the origional group but had enough left to make 4-5 sorties.

Thanks to all who joined!

The last strat base was the hardest to hit as we encounted 163's and other bogies.

Another think that made it fun and interesting was the fact the building shells now stay up....this made for some ord being dropped on down blds or double drops on the same buildings.

99% of the *NDM* had a blast.

Thanks to all


Title: "On the Sight II"...please give opinion.
Post by: ROC on January 30, 2005, 12:19:37 PM
rgr that Falcon,

I was going to post that SEA worked in an early run for our Euro friends, but not a later one.

There are alot of good reasons to keep this in the MA, Filth is on to a good thing here, there are just as many reasons that this could benefit the Events community as well, with moving a popular event into SEA.

We have a long way to go and lot's to talk about both pro and con.  But, the turnout was good again, and this looks like it is really going to stick.  Nice Work Filth.  I'll have a better lock on the missions next time, I think I found what was glitching me on the lanc mission.  I've been running setups all morning trying to figure out what launched them into the hanger.
Title: "On the Sight II"...please give opinion.
Post by: chris3 on January 30, 2005, 01:19:23 PM
it was a nice event again.
the US. air group did have easy play with here targets. it semes to me the bish didnt wait for us. we hit the radar factory to 0% the first city nearly to 0% and the last city nearly to 0%. on the flight i only saw 2 163s one 262 and two spitfires. but it was fun we had 19 formation in the air with some escorts.
but i think the most fun was at the RAF front if i see all the read bars at these front line i can imagine how hard and funie the way to the targets was.

I think in two weeks we gat more people in ouer event, because the MA event becomes more populariti and the people begun to talk about it.

thats way i think we should save these event in the MA arena, you start it in the main arena as a maen arena event and we shold save it as a main arena event. last week i was thinking about the saturday night every day, because so much fun we have in the last event. im very sad about here some people talking about to have these event in the SEA we never had so much fun in the SEA and these great event is going to diea in SEA.
i hope we can  place these event as a main arena event for a lot of years, i think it becomes biger and biger by the time.

p.s. :aok FilTH

cu chris3
Title: "On the Sight II"...please give opinion.
Post by: plink on January 30, 2005, 02:59:13 PM
Boston damage on the Munitions plant. A few more hits followed, bringing it down to 51%.

Title: "On the Sight II"...please give opinion.
Post by: FiLtH on January 30, 2005, 04:02:11 PM
Nice work Plink! Any other recon shots anyone?
Title: "On the Sight II"...please give opinion.
Post by: 68falcon on January 31, 2005, 07:59:37 AM
Originally posted by ROCrats
rgr that Falcon,

I was going to post that SEA worked in an early run for our Euro friends, but not a later one.

There are alot of good reasons to keep this in the MA, Filth is on to a good thing here, there are just as many reasons that this could benefit the Events community as well, with moving a popular event into SEA.

We have a long way to go and lot's to talk about both pro and con.  But, the turnout was good again, and this looks like it is really going to stick.  Nice Work Filth.  I'll have a better lock on the missions next time, I think I found what was glitching me on the lanc mission.  I've been running setups all morning trying to figure out what launched them into the hanger.

IMHO, moving this event out of the MA would not continue in the spirt of which it was brought about. It gives the MA players an oppurtunity to be involved with a SEA type event. Furthermore it introduces to the general playing public a whole new aspect to the arena and the game. The next step, for those who do enjoy this type of play, would be the Scenrios, Snapshots and Friday Night Squad Ops.
Title: "On the Sight II"...please give opinion.
Post by: koda76 on January 31, 2005, 09:51:00 AM
IMHO....this is a MA thing....taking it to another arena would result in low turn out. It was ran just like a mission only it was a 2 hour mission....I also like the time someone else gets to defend.
We did have allot less resistance than the Rooks but hey everyone wants to shoot down
Title: "On the Sight II"...please give opinion.
Post by: Flossy on January 31, 2005, 12:29:09 PM
Originally posted by 68falcon
IMHO, moving this event out of the MA would not continue in the spirt of which it was brought about.
I have to agree.  I think it needs to continue as it started off - a Main Arena event. Then, if players want to further their event experiences, they may decide to look at the official Special Events.  I think we need to continue with this in its current format, which will hopefully continue to give people a 'taster' of what taking part in a special event can be like.  Taking it to the SEA at this stage I think would have a detrimental effect.  My 2p.  :)
Title: How about 2 events per day every 2 -weeks?
Post by: koda76 on January 31, 2005, 01:20:11 PM
I was reading some of the posts from our friends across the pond and that got me to thinkin...(look out!) why couldn't there be 2-2 hour missions every other saturday....that way it would allow for timezones and schedules....myself I would try and attend both.
Title: "On the Sight II"...please give opinion.
Post by: FiLtH on January 31, 2005, 02:04:56 PM
Hehe Koda...having just 1 every two weeks ruffles enough feathers of some folks. I know I only have the time to do one. :)

  Flossy...thats my gut too. Maybe if we run it a few times, we could plan an extra special type for the SEA some night. Once we get enough guys interested.
Title: "On the Sight II"...please give opinion.
Post by: FiLtH on January 31, 2005, 02:24:13 PM
Ok...its decided. We keep it in the MA.

    Now...we talked about doing this next one on a Saturday afternoon so the Euro folks can get in on it, without waking up in the middle of the night to play :)

    So how about we try this at 3:30pm ET on the 12th of Feb.
I think we keep the same plane setups, atleast till the rotation is complete. Eventually we will say ALL PLANES, since many like to fly pacific stuff.

     If you are interested in doing this regularly, and have a squad or friends in the game, please let them know about this, and do some advertising yourselves. The more that are aware of it, the more people we have flying it.

    Eventually, once we get a solid base of players, Id like to try an event in the Special Events Arena (SEA), with the help of the CM crew. But for now, we'll stick to whats working.

    If you are interested in becoming a leader-type for your who is willing to create missions for your teams duties for each On the Sight (OTS) event, please say so. I will then know I have guys on the other countries I can depend on, to handle that team. Its a big help, and wouldnt work without you.

   I'll get to work on advertising the next event "On the Sight III", soon. This next one the Rooks will be the Luftwaffe, the Knights will be the RAF, and the Bishops will be the US 8th AF.

   See ya!
Title: "On the Sight II"...please give opinion.
Post by: 68falcon on January 31, 2005, 02:46:25 PM
Originally posted by FiLtH

   I'll get to work on advertising the next event "On the Sight III", soon. This next one the Rooks will be the Luftwaffe, the Knights will be the RAF, and the Bishops will be the US 8th AF.

   See ya!


When it is ready let me know and I will add it to the Events Server
Title: "On the Sight II"...please give opinion.
Post by: rabbidrabbit on January 31, 2005, 02:51:00 PM
I would recommend a couple uppings per attacking sides on the hour or some sort of coordination so it does not become a 2 hour CF..  The more ordered this is the more likely folks will give it a go.
Title: "On the Sight II"...please give opinion.
Post by: syncrII on January 31, 2005, 03:07:33 PM

jou are my hero Filth. you saveed it in the main arena :aok im very thxful. Thats a god decision because it rises the fun in the MA. was very afraid about hering of the end of that MA event.

thx for your decision.:aok

cu chris3
Title: "On the Sight II"...please give opinion.
Post by: ROC on January 31, 2005, 04:52:48 PM

I love a good discussion and decision :)
Title: "On the Sight II"...please give opinion.
Post by: FiLtH on January 31, 2005, 06:38:52 PM
Rabbidrabbit makes a good point. Rather than the dead guys at say..30 to 40 mins into it, upping in small groups, perhaps we should do two large missions at the top of each hour.

 Example: Knights and Bishops launch main body attack at the start of the event with escort. These flights can last close to an hour before we know if they are going to get to target or die trying. Many are already dead. This leaves them waiting, or doing other arena stuff for an hour. In which time they may lose interest by the time the second window opens, launching the second wave.

   So rather than do that...why dont we discuss this. We split the attacks in two waves at strat. A main body consisting of the heavies, and a secondary strike group consisting of medium bombers. It would be up to the COs which group launches first at the top of the hour. The other group waits until T+30 TO LAUNCH. By that time, casualties will be mounting in both escort and bomber crews. They can then join the second wave that launches at T+30 minutes into the event. (Meaning if the event starts at 3:30 pm et, the second wave would launch at 4:00pm et)

    A third mission would be posted to launch at   T+60 (4:30 pm et) This would consist of the survivors of the first mission, casualties of the second mission, and anyone who wanted to get in on the event at that time.

A fourth and final mission could be posted to launch at 5:00 pm et. It would be the last chance to hit any targets leftover. It would require fast planes, and could consist of Jabos (fighter/bomber)if the CO wanted it. I think the last mission should be the only mission allowing Jabos, as the flavor of the event is geared toward strategic bombing. However since time is a factor, this would give the attacking forces a fast way to finish a target, and since the event would likely expire near that time, it would allow players to play past the End of event time in a fighter with something to do, rather than to continue on to target in a B24, that wont count anyways.

  So basically there will be a mission launched every 30 minutes of the event.
T+0   Bombers and escort
T+30 Bombers and escort
T+60 Bombers and escort
T+90 Bombers and escort OR Jabo
 At T+120 the event is over.

   This way only 4 missions have to be made. It will allow late comers a chance to join, allow casualties a chance to get up again without waiting too long, and create an even flow to the event, structured simply enough to be fun.

Discuss :)
Title: "On the Sight II"...please give opinion.
Post by: ROC on January 31, 2005, 06:40:48 PM
Great! That sounds like a perfect idea.
Title: "On the Sight II"...please give opinion.
Post by: FiLtH on January 31, 2005, 06:41:52 PM
LOL ROC i just edited it too fast..slight changes reread if ya will :)
Unless you were talkin to Rabbidrabbit  :)

 68Falcon rgr and thanks..will do!
Title: "On the Sight II"...please give opinion.
Post by: FiLtH on January 31, 2005, 09:08:37 PM far as the outcome of OTS2...Id have to rate it as a glorious Bish/Luft defense. The Knight/US 8th AF hit them very hard ruining cities and the comm center, but the Rook/RAF was massacred...although the RAF hit some key targets, at great cost.

  Outcome:Bish/Luft Major Victory
Title: "On the Sight II"...please give opinion.
Post by: ROC on January 31, 2005, 09:17:44 PM
LOL  man that was right on top of each other :)

Still liking it alot, and it does make the mission creation much easier, got really hectic trying to put one together at the end while in flight.

Might also be a good idea for the actual mission planner to be on the ground tracking ops and modifying the flight plans as the situation develops, rather than flying.

I will gladly do this for the Rooks side, as you call out the changes and progress, I could modify the overall mission and not be distracted with trying to maintain formation and communicating with the pilots that are down and need direction.
Title: "On the Sight II"...please give opinion.
Post by: FiLtH on February 01, 2005, 01:54:56 AM
Ya we could take turns at tha too.
Title: "On the Sight II"...please give opinion.
Post by: koda76 on February 01, 2005, 11:04:05 AM
Sounds Good....I just made a mission with a 2 hour window and if you died it was reccomended you lift with at least one other person.

I think the 4 missions is a good idea but I may have a issue with the time. My normal squad knight is Sat. 8-10 cst. And the honey due list is usually worked on sat. afternoons.
We'll see.
Title: "On the Sight II"...please give opinion.
Post by: FiLtH on February 01, 2005, 12:36:48 PM
Rgr that Koda..Id personally rather hold these in US evening, but I told some Euro guys wed cut them some slack this time, so they dont have to be up all night.
Title: Great Idea - Had Fun With It, But...
Post by: nonsense on February 13, 2005, 01:07:55 PM
If you are allowing the USAAF & RAF to use all of their vehicles from the beginning to the end of the war, I think the Luftwaffe should be able to use theirs as well.  Part of a good defense on the part of the Luftwaffe would be to kill the fh's, vh's, & ord at the bases closest to thier lines using Ju-88's & AR234's.  Otherwise, the only Luftwaffe defense is reactionary.  Think of the possibilities!!

Just a thought

Nonsense, Generalleutnant, Kampfgeschwader 200
Title: "On the Sight II"...please give opinion.
Post by: FiLtH on February 13, 2005, 05:48:48 PM
This event is just about forming a mission, delivery the cargo to target, and trying to get home alive. We arent hitting bases, or capturing anything.  Just the HQ.  

    Mainly its a challenge to the allied teams to see if they can invade the defending teams airspace, and impose their will thru teamwork, or its about the defensive schemes the Luftwaffe setups, to hold back both allied onslaughts.
Title: "On the Sight II"...please give opinion.
Post by: snak on February 13, 2005, 07:44:32 PM

afaik, each country can use whatever planes they have enabled / preked to either defend or attack.

** edit ** how dare they up spit 14's to attack our 232's?~~?!!~
Title: "On the Sight II"...please give opinion.
Post by: FiLtH on February 14, 2005, 10:08:29 AM
LOL Snak! I nearly shat meself!  I expected a bunch of lancs!