Aces High Bulletin Board
Help and Support Forums => Help and Training => Topic started by: ispar on June 12, 2000, 07:11:00 PM
Hey all! I started AH this last thursday and love it so far, but have couple of questions about scoring.
Apparently, I have killed a Spit 9 whilst flying the Gooney Bird! How is this possible? I would really like to know.
The other question involves scoring. Is it accurate? I am credited with around six fighters, which seems accurate, but 9 bombers? That seems incorrect to me.
In addition, how does the scoring number work? I have 421 last I checked. Are higher scores better? Lower scores? Is this a good score? Thanks!
Finally, I would like to find out when it would be easiest for me to get some training, because whoah! I keep dying! (
"If I told you that there were a squadron of fighters waiting to pounce the moment you fired at me, would you believe me?"
"Er... how about just one then?"
[This message has been edited by ispar (edited 06-12-2000).]
Hello ispar,
glad to here your enjoyin the game and welcome.I'll take a shot at answering your questions.
Concerning the how can you kill spit while in 47:he probably augered making a pass on you thus you were givin credit for a manuver kill.
Your score may show more bomber kills than the number of bombers you shot down because kills of c47's-m16's-and panzers are included under bomber kills.
The lower your number for score the better.But do yourself a favor and don't worry about score to much.You'll enjoy the game even more (
Far as the best time for getting help in training I'm not sure.I'd guess 5-7(est) on weekdays.
Hope this helped ya out some.
To find a trainer, pop into the Training Arena and look at the roster, trainers will have "Aces High Training Corps" as their squad. Get on channel 1 and ask about training.
Or, go to the Main Arena, and ask on channel 1 to meet a trainer in the TA. If a trainer sees the message, he will respond.
Or, post your email address here, and the best times for you to meet a trainer in the TA, and someone will respond.
Drop me a line at and we'll set up sometime in the Training Arena.
Playboy Leader
307th FS/31st FG
You can run but ya just die tired
"The other question involves scoring. Is it accurate? "
Scoring is perfectly accurate. It's just not a perfect reflection of pilot skill or ability. My squad has 12 "pretty good" regulars of eaqual abilities, but our scores are pretty spread out.