Aces High Bulletin Board
General Forums => Custom Sounds => Topic started by: killnu on February 27, 2005, 04:03:39 PM
i downloaded the P38 sound pack from fruda's site. now, do you have to pull out each sound for the individual folder(ie P38L, P38G, P38J) and put them in AH2 sounds folder, or just put the P38 sounds folder from Fruda in the AH2 sounds folder?
You need to extract each of the P-38 folders from the pack, and put them in the AH2 "sounds" directory.
ahh thank you fruda...i love those 38 sounds..:D :aok
It's no problem. And thanks... I'm still surprised that very few people are interested in my packs.
Originally posted by Fruda
It's no problem. And thanks... I'm still surprised that very few people are interested in my packs.
Fruda, some of us are just barely smart enough to DL and install the Big packs.....much less separate packs. I'm trying yours now.
I like em too, if it makes you feel better :)