Aces High Bulletin Board

General Forums => The O' Club => Topic started by: 78con on May 19, 2000, 10:47:00 PM

Title: What are your other hobbies?
Post by: 78con on May 19, 2000, 10:47:00 PM
After seeing a couple of post concerning 4wheeling I came to a realazation. Some poor souls out there have not one but multiple combinatios of the same afflictions as I. Sometimes I find it amazing I have time to breathe. So I wondered, What other hobbies do you have?
Title: What are your other hobbies?
Post by: 1776 on May 20, 2000, 12:23:00 AM
Boat building. Been building a strip-plank West system Cat boat(Charles Witholtz design)since 1994.  She's 17' of epoxy and cedar.  Teak here and there.  When will it be done? Prolly 2 weeks,maybe,who knows, heheeee!!  Ya, she's gaff rigged too.  The design was drawn for the Herman boat works.

Any other sailors out there??
Title: What are your other hobbies?
Post by: StSanta on May 20, 2000, 03:42:00 AM
Boats should be used not as fishing vessels or for dragging dweebs on skis or fr any other idiotic thing, like cruising. Maybe very high speed cruising would be acceptable.

Boats, or ships, or sailing vessels, well, basically anything that can move and float have one purpose only; DIVE PLATFORMS.

As soon as everyone learn this basic truth about Boats And Other Floating Things, life will be better.

Jetskis are pure evil. "Look, some diver down flags! Let's race over there and use them as a slalom course!"

Scuba diving and rock climbing (more of the former) takes up my time. Not at the moment though since my drysuit is busted and only dweebs wanna get really wet while scuba diving  (

This summer I am taking up something I've done a lot of in AH - sky diving. Looks like it will be a lot of fun.  (

Title: What are your other hobbies?
Post by: leonid on May 20, 2000, 04:23:00 AM
Not at the moment though since my drysuit is busted and only dweebs wanna get really wet while scuba diving.
- StSanta

Hmm.  Back home in Guam a wetsuit was unthinkable, and a dry suit?  Ridiculous!  when you're 14 degrees north of the equator the water gets mighty warm   (   You know what we wore?  Clothes!  That's right, long sleeve shirt, and pants, with tabis, of course.  It was to protect us from the Fire Coral which could leave sting marks.

Also, we almost never dove off a boat.  Instead, we'd walk across the reef (all 300-400m of it) at low tide, then jump off the edge into the deep.  That first jump into the water was the best, because it was murder to walk that distance with a tank and your equipment.  I would just go dormant those first few seconds, letting the cool envelope me, while my legs re-energized.

Miss those days <sigh>   (
Title: What are your other hobbies?
Post by: indian on May 20, 2000, 08:57:00 AM
Those Dweebs pulled behind the boat are top water jigs used to troll for alligators in florida and Lousiana. Get slow enough you might hook a big one. Kinda hard on friends tho keep haven to find new ones that like to Water Ski.

Tommy (INDIAN) Toon
  1st Aces High Trainer Corps.
Home of The Allied Fighter Wing A.F.W.
A.F.W. Homepage (
Title: What are your other hobbies?
Post by: StSanta on May 20, 2000, 10:11:00 AM
Hmm. Back home in Guam a wetsuit was unthinkable, and a dry suit? Ridiculous! when you're 14 degrees north of the equator the water gets mighty warm  You know what we wore? Clothes! That's right, long sleeve shirt, and pants, with tabis, of course. It was to protect us from the Fire Coral which could leave sting marks.

FEH! WARM WATER? FEH! BAH HUMBUG! Biological life? Who needs THAT?

REAL men, like me, use boats, or dive platofrms as I call them, to get to other sunken dive platforms, and to get into lots and lots of cumbersome gear that can be really uncomfortable so you can crawl in the mud and see three inches in front of you?


Seriously, Guam is one of my dream dive places - has it all. Great underwater life, excellent wreck diving, great water temp, great conditions.

Must have been quite nice. A change from the mudcrawling we do here.

The advantage of not diving dry is (if you're a newbie) avoiding suit squeeze. My old busted suit was a tad bit small, and imagine all air being compressed and the suit starting to squeeze around your groin while you realize you've forgotten to connect the inflation hose.

Who needs helium?  (

How long did you stay there?

Title: What are your other hobbies?
Post by: Gunthr on May 21, 2000, 10:32:00 AM
I dive a bit too. My wife and I spearfish in the Florida Keys, off Pompano Bch and in Palm Bch County.

She points to a fish and looks at me. I nod my head yes or no. I had to institute that procedure to keep her from killing everything that swims.

Off Pompano Bch/Ft. Lauderdale area where I live, you have to go deep for decent fish, say 70 ft. We get hog snapper and grouper amoung other species. Off Palm Beach county it is more pristine and not quite so fished out. The Keys are really nice too, with many juvenile hog snapper amoung the bigger ones, but they taste just as good.

I think back to when I dove the Great Lakes in Michigan, USA when you needed a dry suit to extend the diving season. All that pain to get down there, and when you finally did, there wasn't anything to see unless you were on a wreck.

My buddies and I also used to dive in the St. Clair river near Detroit. We would tie 6 foot buddie lines at the wrist and go flying down river at 40 feet depth for about a mile until the river turned and we came up to meet whoever was going to give us a car ride back. And for what? To see sunken automobiles, water heaters and all kinds of other stuff. Yechhh.



332nd Flying Mongrels

[This message has been edited by Gunthr (edited 05-21-2000).]
Title: What are your other hobbies?
Post by: StSanta on May 21, 2000, 01:43:00 PM
You're a spoiled brat gunthr  (

I live for wreck diving, so lack of marine life isn't that big an issue for me.

I bet it would be if I ever experienced coral reefs though <g>

Closest thing I've come is diving in Norway - great cold water diving with abundant wildlife. Well worth it, plus the fjords anre just stunning.

Title: What are your other hobbies?
Post by: Gunthr on May 21, 2000, 05:13:00 PM
 I know, StSanta  (

Still, I wonder what it is like other places... Guam would be fascinating.

I do like wrecks and the fish they attract, but I never go inside unless its wide open... I get the willys.  (


332nd Flying Mongrels


332nd Flying Mongrels
Title: What are your other hobbies?
Post by: JENG on May 21, 2000, 08:09:00 PM
Hehehehe nice to see people sharing the same hobby. I'm a scubadiver too, and indeed boats are just things to get you where ya want to dive  ( Hehehehe santa, our students do their first 10 dives in the estuarium of the schelde river. Normal visibility is less then one yard  ( So compass and lifeline are pretty much bread and butter for me  (

Everywhere I go I look up the local divingplaces  ( (been a bit discusted tho by the amount of risk taken in some places to get 'touristdollars')

Title: What are your other hobbies?
Post by: funked on May 22, 2000, 08:39:00 AM
I did some muff diving once.
Title: What are your other hobbies?
Post by: Ripsnort on May 22, 2000, 08:49:00 AM
Funked, you're nasty! (I was thinking that same thing as I scrolled down!)

My hobbies are in this order:
~Raising my 2 boys.
~Physical Fitness (wife says I'm obsessed, but yet enjoys the end results, you go figure).
~Collecting A/C memorabilia, pictures, stamps, etc.
~Fishing, bird hunting.

Hobbies 10 years ago:
~Water skiing
~Snow skiing
~Chasing women(only chase one now)
~Elk and Deer, bird hunting, fishing

[This message has been edited by Ripsnort (edited 05-22-2000).]
Title: What are your other hobbies?
Post by: sourkraut on May 22, 2000, 11:06:00 AM
Hobbies -
Water Skiing
#1 is saloming around those funny flags
on my Sea Doo. It's great stuff, especially
when they are moving. (LOL satan!)

Also enjoy great music and theatre.


JG-2 Richthofen (

"Hey - someone has to be the target...."

Title: What are your other hobbies?
Post by: Swager on May 22, 2000, 11:55:00 AM
I golf alot.  Almost killed myself skiing earlier this year.  Had alot of fun!   (

Whipping Sour in horseshoes, while drinking his beer!!    (  He kicks my butt at golf though!!

Fishing.  Don't do much of that anymore!

I also hunt but house improvements have gotten in the way last year.  Hope to bow hunt this year.

I love to snowmobile!  Give me a nice, quiet, beautiful, snowy landscape and I can mess it up pretty quick!!

Love sitting outside on a warm night, drinkin a cold beer and chatting with my wife!  One of the finest pleasures!

I have about 4-5 model WWII fighters I need to build.  Just never enough time!    (

Over all I'm a pretty simple guy!  

"Damn.....I can't believe I missed that shot!!!"
JG2 "Richthofen" (

[This message has been edited by Swager (edited 05-22-2000).]
Title: What are your other hobbies?
Post by: Ripsnort on May 22, 2000, 12:09:00 PM
Originally posted by Swager:

Love sitting outside on a warm night, drinkin a cold beer and chatting with my wife!  One of the finest pleasures!

Bingo, forgot to add this one to my favorites!  Though I don't consider it a hobby, it's more like day to day life!

I used to golf alot, actually managed to get a 14 handicap, but then my wife wanted to learn, she did, and it cost us ALOT of money for two of us to golf, decided to give it up until we retire, when we have two less living with us and more money!

<S> Swager, alot of us are more alike than you can imagine..

Title: What are your other hobbies?
Post by: StSanta on May 22, 2000, 02:34:00 PM
The simple pleasures are the ones who make life good, IMHO. The big ones come so rarely that setting onself up so one only enjoys them and not smaller ones will make one miserable.

I like to keep life simple. It IS simple, only it seems most either overtrivialize it (i.e spend all their days watching tv and wining) or make it overly complex and do exactly the same thing.

Now, if I *ever* get this %/&¤&/ program written, compiled and run without errors, *I* will be happy for it  (

Where's my beer?  (

Poor rip and swag, married tsk tsk tsk. I'll spend all my money on ME thankyouverymuch  (

Title: What are your other hobbies?
Post by: Ripsnort on May 23, 2000, 09:01:00 AM
Originally posted by StSanta:
Poor rip and swag, married tsk tsk tsk. I'll spend all my money on ME thankyouverymuch    (

My wife makes 20% more in wages (with a 35 hour work week) than I, and I'm doing quite well!

Advice: Marry your best friend~! I did!

[This message has been edited by Ripsnort (edited 05-23-2000).]
Title: What are your other hobbies?
Post by: daddog on May 23, 2000, 12:17:00 PM
Nice thread 78con!   (

Gunthr, you do realize someday I am going to come visit.   (

Other hobbies... umm where to start. Martial Arts and Fencing for many years. Rockclimbing ,backpacking, and hunting are near the top of my list. Not much of any of the above lately. Been too busy making babies and then chasing after the little buggers.   (
332nd Flying Mongrels (
Snapshots (
You Know You're In Trouble When ...
Your accountants letter of resignation is postmarked

[This message has been edited by daddog (edited 05-23-2000).]
Title: What are your other hobbies?
Post by: Gunthr on May 23, 2000, 02:18:00 PM
Yes Dad, the little crumb snatchers have a way of pointing ya in one direction don't they?  (

And, stop by anytime...



332nd Flying Mongrels
Title: What are your other hobbies?
Post by: MarkVZ on May 23, 2000, 07:11:00 PM
R/C Planes

Free-Flight model planes

Plastic model planes

Full Scale Student Pilot

Paintball (Spyder TL)


CAD - Technical Drafting

Camping under the wing of a plane me and my Dad flew into a remote airfield.

Aircraft Restoration at my local branch of the Yankee AirForce, and helping my Dad overhaul and re-cover his plane (Piper Pacer) when he still had it.

Computers (built the one I'm typing this on)

Student Council (if you consider that a hobby)

I want to get into photography sooner or later, maybe take some great warbird pictures   (

I enjoy reading about anything WWII, when I get a magazine such as Flight Journal, I usually read it cover-to-cover in a night.

Time to get back to the CAD thing I mentioned  earlier, drafting my first self-designed R/C plane.  Speed 400 anyone?   (

Mark VanZwoll
33rd Strike Group

[This message has been edited by MarkVZ (edited 05-23-2000).]
Title: What are your other hobbies?
Post by: MarkVZ on May 23, 2000, 07:13:00 PM
Double Post

[This message has been edited by MarkVZ (edited 05-23-2000).]
Title: What are your other hobbies?
Post by: Dingy on May 23, 2000, 07:41:00 PM
Hobbies?  Oh yeah tons of em...

First I got....ummm

I even....ahhh

Once I even...crap.  Cant think of any  (


Actually I enjoy golfing, skiing, hanging out with the wife and friends on the weekends listening to a good band, eating and cooking good food, drinking and brewing good beer and other such exquisite bacchanal delights!

I am the party master  (
Title: What are your other hobbies?
Post by: StSanta on May 24, 2000, 12:18:00 AM
Ripsnort wrote
My wife makes 20% more in wages (with a 35 hour work week) than I, and I'm doing quite well!

Advice: Marry your best friend~! I did!

Rip, I asked my 13 year old lab if he wanted to marry me, but he says he's not ready for a commitment just yet.

Hm, she makes more than you? Good move on your part. Now, who controls the cash? "oh, we have a mutual economy" is PC term for "the wife is in control, I am only a repressed Man that is under the controls of a much smarter Woman".  (

This marriage thing sure is funny. I haven't figured it out yet, but I am still relatively young. Why bother? Sure, the legal technicalities might be worth it, especially if she earns more (I WANT HALF!"). But other than that, and consider this an honest question; why bother? Commitment? It would be a legitimate answer I gather, but to me it somehow isn't that, really. Commitment can be had without a piece of paper and divorces happen all the time. Social indoctrination? Probably to some degree. Natural instinctual thing? Hm, monogamy would be so for females and to a slightly lesser extent also for males, but does that suggest that one must marry?
<cynical mode>

Or is it simply a mutual agreement to put a leash around each other's necks?
</cynical mode off>

SOMEONE explain this to me; my comrades just dribble on about ethereal nonsensical things I cannot begin to understand, mostly because all they say is something like "oh, but you gotta do's special" "it's a special relationship" blah blah blah.

The RELATIONSHIP might be special, but why does %/¤&#¤ marriage change that?

Oops, looks like it shows I've grown to love life as a single male  (

Any takers? Rip, what made YOU marry your wife?

Title: What are your other hobbies?
Post by: Ozark on May 24, 2000, 01:07:00 AM
Several hobbies here:

Flying (pilot for 26 years)
Homebrew Beer
Ham Radio (kb0ofo)
Love to BBQ  (
Trout fishing
Riding the Harley
and trying to keep this darn computer running

332nd Flying Mongrels (

Title: What are your other hobbies?
Post by: Ghosth on May 24, 2000, 02:10:00 AM
OHH MY GOD, where do I start.

First off Boats are for SAILING, yeah with those big cloth things. Best non polluting relaxing, challenge, & hobby I've ever found.

Next, diveing, well snorkling is cool, but can't afford the gear for the deep stuff. If it's not in the top 30 feet, who cares.   (

(OK OK it's cool & maybe someday)  (

StSanta, judgeing by your attitude you'll never have to worry about marriage.

Yes the commitment makes a difference, a HUGE one. One that can only be experienced, not discribed, discussed, or analized. Ask that black lab again, it's been committed to you for 14 years.

On the other hand there is no need to rush into it either. I think too many people think they need to get married & settled down too soon in life. If it happens that way, well fine. But if it doesn't, shrug, forget it.

I waited till I was 44 before finding that special someone. We've lived more in some ways in 4 years than most couples do in 20.
It's worth doing right if it's worth doing at all. And yes for 98% of most females doing it right means a ring on the finger.

As for me, well sailing, training dogs (although I'm dogless right now, looking at getting one soon.  Considering building a sailboat, but can't afford strip planked. Will have to make do with stitch & glue.

Computers, games, fishing, hunting, boating (all sorts). I agree that all jetski's should be banned. Would love to learn rock climbing, diveing, flying, glideing, sky diveing. Just havn't found the time & the money at the same place yet.
Title: What are your other hobbies?
Post by: Swager on May 24, 2000, 06:40:00 AM
I was 35 when I got married.  I believe I was mature enough to handle it!  My wife is my best friend and I could not imagine life without her!

Oh!  She has the basic control of the cash! She is much better with money!    (

Not to worry, she gave me the OK to buy a new snowmobile, if I want!    (

"Damn.....I can't believe I missed that shot!!!"
JG2 "Richthofen" (

[This message has been edited by Swager (edited 05-24-2000).]
Title: What are your other hobbies?
Post by: leonid on May 24, 2000, 08:22:00 AM
Great thread going here, people!

Sorry, StSanta, I haven't checked this forum in a while as I've been working on a website when no playing games.

As to Guam, well, I'm half Guamanian (word for 'one who comes from Guam'), and my Dad is a native of the island.  When I was 12 years old my Dad decided to split California and move back to the homeland, and I'm glad he did, because it's the home of my heart.  I miss a lot about Guam, the fiestas, the sunsets, the water, coconuts, mangos, guava, star apples, avacados, papaya, etc, etc, etc <sigh>  I swear to you all I'll go back to stay too!  Oh, and yes I have a ton of relatives there   (

Anyway, about the water.  StSanta, I only remember one place where I dove past the reef that had any sand!  The rest was pure coral!  Towers of coral, some 8-10ft(2.5-3m) tall!  It's really something to swim in such an environment.  And fish all over the place too.  The water can get amazingly clear as well.  In fact, while snorkelling once in a bay down in southern Guam, we got to some water that got deep pretty fast.  I still remember the chill of looking down towards the unseen bottom as sun rays streaked downwards.  The water was so incredibly blue that for a second I thought I was floating in space and that I'd fall right in!

My relatives and I did a bit of net-fishing and deep-sea fishing too.  I still remember the day my father came home with this 4 foot Yellowfin Tuna!  We had tuna for months!

I really miss the place now, especially the local food (Guam was a Spanish colony for 300 years before the USA took it in 1898 - my last name is Leon Guerrero), the island mentality, and the tropical weather.  Someday I'll go back.  Someday   (

[This message has been edited by leonid (edited 05-24-2000).]
Title: What are your other hobbies?
Post by: leonid on May 24, 2000, 08:39:00 AM

Regarding your musings of marriage.  From everything you have said it's obvious to me that you are not ready for marriage, and no reason to rush it.  When/if it happens you'll know.

For me, marriage is not so much a social institution, or even a committment in the stark sense of the word.  Marriage is a gift of mutual love and respect.  Its not open to all, but when someone comes along who expands your life in that weird way it seems that the only gift worth giving(and receiving) is that.

[This message has been edited by leonid (edited 05-25-2000).]
Title: What are your other hobbies?
Post by: StSanta on May 24, 2000, 08:59:00 AM
Oh, I believe it was my musings  (

Don't mean to say it's a Bad Thing(tm) or anything like that - I just fail to get the point. It wouldn't be the first time I fial to get a point  (

Now, I understand deep relationships. I just fail to see what difference a legal technicality can do. You're either comitted or you're not, regardless of papers, at least in my book.

Should it be seen as a manifestation of a comittment, bringing the abstract down to a concrete plane?

Title: What are your other hobbies?
Post by: Ripsnort on May 24, 2000, 09:46:00 AM
Originally posted by Swager:
I was 35 when I got married.  I believe I was mature enough to handle it!  My wife is my best friend and I could not imagine life without her!

Oh!  She has the basic control of the cash! She is much better with money!     (

Not to worry, she gave me the OK to buy a new snowmobile, if I want!     (

Same here, was 30 when I married, we put all the money into one pot, she's the banker, anything over a $500 dollar purchase, we have a "Needs/Wants" conference, this was suggested by me.  Works out very well, as in Swagers case, my wife is the better budgetor, and she's not materialistic, doesn't have to have the latest dress, etc.  Very simple woman.  I feel so fortunate, but sad, since I have found the ultimate woman, and no one else will have a chance to enjoy her intelligence and company  at the same level I am.

We had children 4  years after marriage, bought all of our 'toys' and a house BEFORE having children, thus, lots of cash on hand once they got here!

My advice is to always live with a woman (though it is against some religions) prior to getting married to see if you are truly compatible, and tolerable of changing, because, when one becomes two, you must give, and you must take.

Forgot to mention I was into skydiving for a time in my 20's.  11 jumps, 6 of which were 30 seconds or  more free-falls.  Great sport, will return to it one day.

Title: What are your other hobbies?
Post by: Saintaw on May 24, 2000, 10:01:00 AM
Believe me or not, my favourite passtime is still walking my Dog...
Title: What are your other hobbies?
Post by: Saintaw on May 24, 2000, 10:05:00 AM
Almost forgot my 2nd passion ! : ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzz.......
Title: What are your other hobbies?
Post by: Gunthr on May 24, 2000, 11:35:00 AM
Guam sounds really warm and layed back, leonid. I'm sure they grow pineapple, bannana, kumquat/loquat, lychee, pomegranate, sweetsop, passionfruit and citrus there too.

The way you described floating in space over the deep blue abyss... ahhh, its a memorable experience that I've enjoyed too!

I was in the gulf stream 15 miles off Florida, where the water is absolutely crystal clear. I found a school of dolphin (mahi-mahi), and jumped over the side with my scuba gear and speargun. It was one of those mornings when the sea was like glass, the sun was hot, and the water was so cool.

 It was very erie because I was alone at the end of a 3/8 in lifeline, underwater, in the middle of the ocean.

Me, the boat and the frisky schoolies  drifting quietly, undetected, at 7 kts northward along with the gulf stream, out of sight of land. The water looked so nice. So blue and unknown down there below, with the sun slanting downward. There were larger dolphin under me, staying at the edge of my vision.

I won't forget that feeling, tinged with fear of the pelagics and that small, small feeling of being alone in the universe.

By the way, I bet that 4 ft. Yellowfin today would be worth $1500 on the market.

I'll bet you go back to Guam leonid, if you can make a living there...  (

PS: I think the main reason human beings get married is for the sake of the children, to give them a stable, loving home life to prepare them for the world. I think its a good way to go even if you don't have kids.  (


332nd Flying Mongrels
Title: What are your other hobbies?
Post by: leonid on May 25, 2000, 01:20:00 AM
I never looked at marriage as a legal technicality, never even considered its legal ramifications.  For me, the act of marriage is more a public declaration to family and friends of a mutual love that transgresses reason or logic.  The fact of having family/friends is so that they share in this declaration of something that may one day solve many problems: selflessness.  Because, at its heart, marriage really is a selfless act.  And I agree completely with Ripsnort, marriage is such a difficult journey that it should not be considered until one is a bit older, and knows themselves a little better, and can live with that knowledge.

My instructor called that form of diving 'shockline diving' where you go out into deep water, drop a line, then dive down to the end of the line, and wait to see what comes.  He said the scariest time he had was when a school of Yellowfin showed up.  They are so fast and agile that they would literally zoom into his face then stop on a dime, stare a bit, then tear off!  Imagine a 4-5ft fish, jaws moving with these formidible needle-like teeth sticking out, just staring at you from 3 feet away, only to zoom away at incredible speed!

Another time my instructor was shockline diving, he happened to spot a Great White just on the edge of the deep blue.  Without wasting any time he calmly, yet quickly, returned to the surface and the boat -Yeowzah!

As to finding a living on Guam, no problem!  I have the familia!  Because of the long Spanish tradition on Guam, community is very strong there, like in the Old World.  I will always have a place there  (
Title: What are your other hobbies?
Post by: StSanta on May 25, 2000, 07:33:00 AM
Awright rippie and leonid, you have spoken well.

Plus, you've given me 10-20 years before I am to even consider it.

Sounds like a good deal to me.

So, saying "yeh, she's my gal" just doesn't cut it later on then, huh?  (

Title: What are your other hobbies?
Post by: leonid on May 25, 2000, 11:33:00 PM
So, saying "yeh, she's my gal" just doesn't cut it later on then, huh?
- StSanta

You're missing my point, guy  (  It's not that it doesn't cut it.  It's that when the time comes you'll both think it doesn't cut it.  It'll be a mutual feeling, not so much a technical, legal, or social consideration.  Hey, if it's going to happen, it'll happen, trust me.  Don't sweat it, just get out there and have some fun  (