Aces High Bulletin Board

General Forums => The O' Club => Topic started by: NHFoxtro on June 02, 2001, 10:04:00 PM

Title: Were are the Teachers, NYC PS suck
Post by: NHFoxtro on June 02, 2001, 10:04:00 PM
Today in the New York Post:

<A 5 year old girl was sexually abused this week by two boys inside a Brooklyn public school, police said last night.
The boys, ages 10 and 11, were arrested yesturday for incidents that occurred Wednesday and Thursday.
The schools principal called cops yesturday afternoon after hearing how the boys bragged to their schoolmates about the incident. The youths are charged with first degree sodomy and first degree sexual abuse. >

How can any school have a child in kindergarten left with out adult supervision on two separate occations. This has to be the worse story I have ever read in the newspaper. (
Title: Were are the Teachers, NYC PS suck
Post by: ispar on June 03, 2001, 02:37:00 PM
I've read worse.

And what do you expect? Understaffing, and the like cause serious problems. I find the age of those involved more surprising than that something happened.

If it makes you feel any better, you don't hear about it when things go well.

I heard somewhere (NPR, actually) that it may be better for people to pay less attention to the news than they do. Nothing wrong with keeping up to date, but apparently too much news increases stress and depression, probably because of things like this.

Chill man 8)...

And then moralize about stupid things like this  ( Egad, that story makes me sick! :mad

"E's bound to be guilty, or 'e wouldn't be 'ere!
Starboard gun! FIRE!
Shootings to good for 'im, kick the louse out!
Port gun! FIRE!"
- Old chant used to time saluting of guns on ships