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General Forums => The O' Club => Topic started by: Staga on September 12, 2001, 06:30:00 AM

Title: WWIIOL: 30 day trial begins September
Post by: Staga on September 12, 2001, 06:30:00 AM
"Following the successful release of 1.2.5 will begin the 30 day free trial, which has been suspended since the launch of the game in June. Expectations are that the 30 day free trial will begin the week of September 9th with paid subscriptions going into effect the week of October 7th."
Title: WWIIOL: 30 day trial begins September
Post by: AKDejaVu on September 12, 2001, 07:39:00 AM
Prepare for a ghost town.

Too bad... I was really hoping they'd be farther along before this happened.

Title: WWIIOL: 30 day trial begins September
Post by: Mickey1992 on September 12, 2001, 07:49:00 AM
The Rats have said that they would not "start the clock" until a couple of things happened.  One of which was "one world-one server".  I don't think that this will happen for a while yet.
Title: WWIIOL: 30 day trial begins September
Post by: Jochen on September 12, 2001, 07:52:00 AM
Those who are waiting WWIIOL to be a ghost town might be quite disapointed  :)

WWIIOL has come long way after initial release. It also is cheaper than other sims and it has a credible first person shooter part tha nobody else has.
Title: WWIIOL: 30 day trial begins September
Post by: Kieran on September 12, 2001, 07:53:00 AM
You're not kidding, AK. While there are some people with good gameplay, there are many more that don't have, and many, many more in denial saying things like "I know it is bad now, but I have faith in CRS".


Numbers don't exceed 2,000 on a weekend night anymore, and that is while the game is free. Pay-to-play will whittle that down greatly, then CRS will be able to put everyone on one server without having to fix the code. Ingenious, really, except the question remains whether the 500 or so on the server at any time will be enough to keep the lights on.
Title: WWIIOL: 30 day trial begins September
Post by: Mickey1992 on September 12, 2001, 07:53:00 AM
I wish you would have told me that that quote was from the official web site.  :eek:

Well, it looks like they will start the free trial eventhough the one world server is not ready for weeks.
Title: WWIIOL: 30 day trial begins September
Post by: Kieran on September 12, 2001, 08:00:00 AM
Keeping promises is not something CRS is well-known for. Don't be too shocked.
Title: WWIIOL: 30 day trial begins September
Post by: Nifty on September 12, 2001, 08:08:00 AM
Looks like I'll stop playing on Oct. 7th.  wait...  I've already stopped playing...   ;)  Couldn't be helped really.  I got into the Dark Age of Camelot beta, so been playing for free, I mean I've been testing the game during most of my online playing times.  Actually found a minor bug, and they fixed it a day or so after I emailed them.  I'm sure others reported it, but it's cool to actually help get something fixed in a game.  I'll say one good thing about WWIIOL...  Every other online game company is making damned sure their game is ready to be shipped.