Aces High Bulletin Board

General Forums => Aces High General Discussion => Topic started by: RAM on April 29, 2000, 01:56:00 PM

Title: Urgent help requested (brought from technical support forum)
Post by: RAM on April 29, 2000, 01:56:00 PM
Hi there.
I have a friend that downloaded AH 2 days ago and who cant connect properly. He has used it offline and likes the sim very much...but he is having serious problems and I dont know why.

the connection with HTC is good, he pings (  and he gets good results...but as soon as he comes into an arena, or EVEN H2H!! (?), he gets disconnected in 30-60 seconds.

I asked HT yesterday about it and he told me that maybe the joystick or the modem were giving problems, so I asked to my friend about his configuration...

Stick;ThrustMaster. FLCS 16 - TQS - Rudder pedals

Modem:US Robotics 56K FAX EXT

So...any hints on what is all this about?...It MUST be the program, I fly Falcon 4.0 with him and his connection is good indeed!...

The problem is that he cant connect properly to the MA, but he cant do it too in TA, even to the H2H!!!! (in H2H you are supposed to connect other people,not HTC host).

The reason why I say it MUST be something wrong with AH itself,is that it seems to dont work well with my friend's computer as he cant connect for nothing longer than 30 seconds...

PLEASE, NEED HELP IN THIS MATTER!!! Thanks again for help

Ram, out

Fw190D9? Ta152H1? The truth is out there
JG2 "Richthofen" (


[This message has been edited by RAM (edited 04-29-2000).]
Title: Urgent help requested (brought from technical support forum)
Post by: -raxx- on April 29, 2000, 10:23:00 PM

Has he checked with his ISP that they allow UDP and possibly X11 packets through to his computer via the dial in connection.  I had this problem with Warbirds when I first started and it looked like my work connection was filtering the X11 protocol  at the firewall.

Spotcha in the Air

raxx (
Title: Urgent help requested (brought from technical support forum)
Post by: crabofix on April 30, 2000, 12:33:00 AM
As I changed motherbord, processor, a while ago, I had a tremenduos problem conecting to the HTC. It was possible to fly offline.
Had some joystick spikes to. The problem was solved by getting direct x 7.0a and uppdating my videodrivers (asus 3800 ultra , tnt2)

Title: Urgent help requested (brought from technical support forum)
Post by: Saintaw on April 30, 2000, 03:20:00 AM
What raxx said, plus some ISP's will only keep your connection alive when transfering tcp packets (others as well, but not UDP, as it is set to low priority). Let him try another ISP, you must have some trial CD,s in Spain, don't you ?

Title: Urgent help requested (brought from technical support forum)
Post by: Badger on April 30, 2000, 09:04:00 AM

I'm not sure if "skuzzy" frequents this forum or not, but perhaps this should be cross posted into Internet Connections where I know he checks regularly.  He's really sharp on communications protocols and connectivity, so I bet he can help.

He's been a terrific resource to the community.  You can also try e-mail to:

Title: Urgent help requested (brought from technical support forum)
Post by: moose on April 30, 2000, 11:50:00 AM
What is the difference between TCP and UDP ?

In H2H i always get the "switched to TCP" message..

Is UDP better ?
Title: Urgent help requested (brought from technical support forum)
Post by: skeet on April 30, 2000, 04:18:00 PM
Tcp sends numbered packets
1,2,3 etc
If you get 5 and have missed 4 it re-requests 4 then 5 - ie. the mail always gets through.
(a later TCP/IP protocol keeps no. 5, and only re-requests 4 but keeps 5 and carry's on ....)
My understanding is that UDP doesn't worry about missed packets /sequences, so for on-line sims it's better - if you've missed some AH won't worry but just use the latest info. to upgrade other user's vector etc. and if earlier packets then arrive it will discard them.

skeet - out
Aces High - Fight Stimulator