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General Forums => Aces High General Discussion => Topic started by: DB603 on February 23, 2001, 06:30:00 PM

Title: Strange kill
Post by: DB603 on February 23, 2001, 06:30:00 PM

 Was flying with my 2 squad mates back home from an uneventful mission.Just when I was about to land my sledge on A27,the plane exploded and a person was credited a kill of me.Weirdest thing was that there was NO visible con even near us!Our formation leader confirmed the airspace was clear when he arrived a bit after us from S/SE.Also my wingie scanned the sky immediately after the explosion and no trace of a con.Anyone else had these strange "outtanowhere" kills?Just curious since there has been a fair share of problems with AH and connection...

Lentolaivue 34
Title: Strange kill
Post by: Midnight on February 23, 2001, 06:35:00 PM
You said uneventful, but did you take even one bullet? The way the kills work in here, that's all you need.

I have received a few kills on planes where I just managed a glancing shot (maybe 2 or 3 pings) as they flew into AA range. AA finishes them off and I get the kill.

"Wing up, Get kills, Be happy"

13th TAS

"I see you have made your decision. Now let's see you enforce it." -Brandon Lee (The Crow)
Title: Strange kill
Post by: Fishu on February 23, 2001, 06:41:00 PM
Back in last november, I was watching many times when guy over 6k away got a kill of vehicle.

Once I was in tiffie, just going to dive on a panzer or M3, when he did exit at the spawn point after noticing me and then team mate at the field, about 8k away got the kill (and I was just 600 yards away)

This was not unique case at all..
Funny thing also is that maneuver kills seems to come more from 2k than of within 500 yard situations.

Once team mate had fought with enemy for long time and I was just flyin my B-17 towards the field close by, when enemy crashed 2.8k below me and I got kill - not the guy whos he fought with. (he was just top of him almost)
Title: Strange kill
Post by: DB603 on February 23, 2001, 06:47:00 PM

 Didn't take a single hit during the flight nor fired upon.Only when I was landing heard this "hit sound" and BOOM!And there was NO con in the area...

Lentolaivue 34
Title: Strange kill
Post by: Voss on February 23, 2001, 06:48:00 PM
Just a quick question. Was V26 in enemy hands or recently re-taken?  (

Title: Strange kill
Post by: DB603 on February 23, 2001, 07:02:00 PM

 I can't recall it so well,but we Knights were getting pounded from 2 fronts.Sounds kinda historical... (

Lentolaivue 34
Title: Strange kill
Post by: Dago on February 23, 2001, 07:27:00 PM
I have lobbed shells from a cv cannon at an airfield, and gotten kills that way.  Using the targeting system I was able get the range and bearing to aim, and boom, get a kill sometimes.  I imagine its possible when that happens, the guy I got the kill from wonders how.
Just a possibility.
Title: Strange kill
Post by: Fishu on February 23, 2001, 08:12:00 PM
I forgot to mention that no hits were made in either case by me (and in first case nobody shot at the m3 or panzer, whichever it was) which I mentioned.
Title: Strange kill
Post by: Wardog on February 23, 2001, 08:37:00 PM
I had the weirdest death ever last night. I was 190a8 and a hi p47 dove in on me. I did a yaw roll and hard pull under, checked my 6 con was low and went vertical. watching the con above me as he reached 1k i heard ton o pings. I looked out my 6 and no cons.

Sure enought the p47 got the kill but we both had good connects. Ive been dealing with lag for 12 years in online sims and have never had this happen before. The film cleary shows no warping, and i asked the p47 driver if i was warping. He said no, i was rock solid.

Ill leave it as an oddity that only happens once in 12 years  (

Dog out......
Title: Strange kill
Post by: TheWobble on February 23, 2001, 08:49:00 PM
Wardog, I had a smiliar incident yesterday, I was in a 51 and a d-hog was after me, i pulled hard right and he was going so fast (dropped in from about 3 k above me) that he shot past me, he didnt even fire at me either, then a few seconds later I saw him fire a burst INTO THE WATER and I heard pings, i was flying level now..then i saw him begin to pull up and he fired another burst straight up into the air and again i heard pings lost a wing and in I went.  when firing he was never closer than 2.2k away.  There were no othe planes in the grid square.

My ping to HTC is usually between 35-50, so i doubt connection could make it appear that way..

Title: Strange kill
Post by: Kieren on February 23, 2001, 09:15:00 PM
I get flicked off carriers occasionally this way. No one around, no red sector bars, just death.

Yes, I can lift a plane off a carrier.  (
Title: Strange kill
Post by: AKDejaVu on February 23, 2001, 09:26:00 PM
I was flying with a squadie just south of A8.  He was chasing a 109 and I engaged a Typhoon.  After I was clear.. I asked how he was doing.  He said "I've pumped 100 rounds into this 109 and he's not even damaged".  He broke off.

About 30 seconds later DB306 was killed at a27 and my squadie was awarded the kill.  He never even entered that sector.

Title: Strange kill
Post by: Fishu on February 23, 2001, 10:30:00 PM
Geez.. HTC should implement maximum lag / packet loss filter for the arenas  (

Not fun if some guy lags +2 seconds and you'll be flying with one tenths of second latency.
Title: Strange kill
Post by: Skorpyon on February 23, 2001, 11:15:00 PM
Howzabout this?...  After engaging in a fight against 2 or 3 cons in a mini furball, I get shot down and die.. so far normal, especially for me.   (  After I die, I am returned to the tower at least a sector away, from whence I originally took off.  Within 15 seconds after getting to the tower, I receive a kill message, supposedly having downed one of the pilots from the mini furball.  I hadn't ever had a shot at that particular pilot, and I had died and was already back in my own tower when it happened.  Hey, I'll take kills any way I can get 'em, but geez.  

~900th Bloody Jaguars~
"Feel the Sting......"
Title: Strange kill
Post by: MrSiD on February 24, 2001, 03:38:00 AM
That is what I liked best in Warbirds..

I could run into a furball with my spit (yeah I flew spits back then) and die after a kill or two.. Then when in tower or taking off the kills start to drop.. all the planes that I severely damaged but didnt drop get now killed and I get rewarded for the critical damage inflicted..

It's really great. Once I got 5 kills posthumously. Makes dying feel a lot less miserable  (
Title: Strange kill
Post by: Voss on February 24, 2001, 05:53:00 AM
I haven't seen any of this. I have the worst connection in the world (not really *that* bad) and frequently see every plane in sight disappear. First the little ID banners disappear, then the planes. It's my junky WinModem about to get round filed. But...

So far I've had good luck. With icon range pulled in like it is things happen pretty quick and enemies are on you pretty fast when you do see them. Still, I got two pretty smooth kills last night. They both wiggled a little bit to tease my gunnery, but it didn't work.

The WinModem caused me to disco, so I'll be easy on the fighter sorties, until I have a new modem.

I have seen some really bad warps (realizing it is my equipment at fault), but nothing like you describe. I have seen this before. Even what happened to WD. It's just lag.

Title: Strange kill
Post by: DB603 on February 24, 2001, 07:29:00 AM

 To AKDejaVu.Correct..U attacked another 109 and Typhoon.And I got killed.We were flying a formation of 3 109G's...Is there a slightest possibility to get wrong packet and causing symptoms like this?

Lentolaivue 34

[This message has been edited by DB603 (edited 02-24-2001).]
Title: Strange kill
Post by: AKDejaVu on February 24, 2001, 09:15:00 AM
I don't really know what could have caused it DB603.  It seemed just as weird to us.  None of it made any sense.

It definately wasn't lag since he shot you almost a whole sector away from where you were.  Something was screwed up as far as packet data went.  Ah.. the net giveth and the net taketh away (

Title: Strange kill
Post by: DRILL on February 24, 2001, 09:47:00 AM
 well last nit i took off from a field being hit n got a kill befor my gear was up  ( was thinking it might be a close proxamity thin ..all i did was take off nothing more

 DRILL                     CO 457TH
Title: Strange kill
Post by: DB603 on February 24, 2001, 06:09:00 PM

 Yes..The net takes and gives.Today it took more than gave  ( Thought I had entered Communist Party spring conference,so much RED all over the place  (

Kersantti DB603
Lentolaivue 34 (
Title: Strange kill
Post by: Vulcan on February 25, 2001, 03:10:00 PM
Somethings definitely porked with the manoevre kill code. I had 4 guys auger right next too me last night, nobody else for miles, no manoevre kills awarded at all. All of them were real close, ie under d700.

I only seem to get manoevre kills awarded if they're d1.5 away or greater.

I doubt the problem is net/packet related. Any bad packets get thrown away at various stages of the route.

It could have been a collision/kill? IE someone dove on you to fast and ended up hitting/killing you, and the kill system awarded it to whoever was closest.
Title: Strange kill
Post by: AKDejaVu on February 25, 2001, 03:13:00 PM
He was being seen in the arena in two different places vulcan.  He disappeared and was almost instantly on channel one asking what happened.  We were on squad channel asking the same thing.

Title: Strange kill
Post by: Vulcan on February 26, 2001, 02:44:00 AM
Originally posted by AKDejaVu:
He was being seen in the arena in two different places vulcan.  He disappeared and was almost instantly on channel one asking what happened.  We were on squad channel asking the same thing.


Well why didn't you say so. The leaves only ONE possible answer ... alien technology.

$100 says N1kis were involved.