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General Forums => Aces High General Discussion => Topic started by: Messiah on July 26, 2005, 02:34:00 AM

Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: Messiah on July 26, 2005, 02:34:00 AM
Isn't Vulching NOT allowed in the DA?  IMO what happens in This Film ( is utter BS.
Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: 2bighorn on July 26, 2005, 02:59:51 AM
We had several threads about crap in DA but no actions were taken, so it's maybe better that you send film directly to HTC.

All we need is ROE posted as MOTD and give TA trainers boot and mute privies in DA.

Hell, we got 8 MPs in O'Club, but none in DA
Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: SkyChimp on July 26, 2005, 03:46:22 AM
:lol  I know sloe hates to vulch he vulches the vulchers ;)
Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: Nexsys on July 26, 2005, 03:50:38 AM
This was instigated by LiamRay.  Rules of engagement in the DA are that you give the person you wish to fight a check 6 call before engaging them.  Liam repeatedly and outright refused to do so, often swooping in without warning on squad dogfights, as more than a few people can attest to over the past few days.  We not only gave him warnings, asking him to follow that rule, but made sure he actually knew about it.  After more than a few times of putting up with his crap, over the past few nights of him doing this over and over even after being reminded, most of the people in the DA, not just one or two, but the majority of the room kept him on the ground.  He was asked to follow the rules, but insisted on smarting off and whatnot to us all.  I'll more than gladly write an email about him and what he does, but when he ruins the fun for everyone in there, time and time again, I don't think anyone wants to stop their fun to wait for a response by email.  Instead the DA kept him down for a bit, and then went back to their duels.  This is someone who can't admit his own mistake, or just follow one simple rule.  We tried, and we were more than patient with him.  Tonight however, was thekind of the last straw for a few people.
Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: Sloehand on July 26, 2005, 04:14:40 AM
What Messiah did not say was that there was a context to this incident and the film he is showing.  And while agree with Messiah that vulching is not the best solution, it is the one that I was taught by while learning in the DA by most of the older pilots who fly duels there, as the only way to get people to stop disrupting the arena after they have been asked several times to stop.  And at that moment, it was the only solution available to me.  Allowing for the fact that I and others wanted to continue to play properly in the DA.
LiamRay (forever to be known as the Perp) had been asked repeatedly, by several pilots, to stop his disruptive behavior in the DA.  He had behaved the same way the night before even to the point of antagonizing the Hell's Angels squad who were having a practice in the DA (just ask them about the Perp).
On both nights he continued to:
A: shoot planes down from behind while taking off.
B: refuse to wave off of private duels, cherry picking everyone, without any Check6.
C: did a little vulching of his own
D: utterly refused to leave people alone who did not want to fight with him.

As always, I asked several times if he knew the rules most pilots play by in the DA, and got no answer. There was no response from him for quite awhile when he was being asked to stop.  When he did eventually respond he was insulting, aggressive, antagonistic and rude at best.
He would just not stop attacking indescriminately, which pissed off 5 or 6 of us, who, subsequently told him if he wouldn't play by the rules, we would keep him on the runway.  Which we did.
Periodically, I would tell him if he would agree to stop, we would stop.  
I personally do not get any great enjoyment from vulching anyone, especially in the DA.  But I have no other alternative to stop that kind of behavior in the moment.  
I think anyone who has spent anytime in the DA with me, knows  I follow the rules very carefully with everyone (except for Sniper -  :) ).
I would think it wonderful if HTC could find a way to prevent any disruptive behavior in the DA.  But we don't regularly have Trainers in there to enforce it on the spot, so I don't know how that would work.
I do know that when I pay my money, and go into the DA, I want to play the right way and have fun.  And I will take exception and action against anyone so dweeb enough to not let other people enjoy themselves.
Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: Slash27 on July 26, 2005, 04:36:49 AM
(just ask them about the Perp).

He upped at the field we were all at and proceded to vulch and pop guys just getting wheels up. He was told what we were doing and to knock it off. He refused and wasnt allowed to get airborne after that. Then the "FUs" began. I dont have film (as usual) but it sounds like its his calling card in the DA from others Ive talked too. Seems like there is always one of these guys in the DA lately.
Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: Schutt on July 26, 2005, 05:25:15 AM
Here you see how taking a film out of context or arriving somewhere in the middle of the action can give you the totally wrong picture.

Thats why its not really a good idea to play police about something your not really involved in, if the guy getting vulched complaines i understand it, but as you see he had no reason since he did missbehave himself.
Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: Schatzi on July 26, 2005, 06:09:36 AM
Dont know what happened those times with LiamRay. But ive been vulched as well the other night in DA. Cant remember by whom. I think it was someone bailed with .45. Sucks to be upping for duels with a PW from the start.

While i think that Sloe may be right and at that moment it was the only way seen by those online to stop him from doing what he did i also agree with Messiah. What happend in that film, context or no context, is simply wrong. Youre weakening your own position regarding the rules by clearly not following them either. Good reason for that or none.

And Messiah got shot after telling Racdogg off. Twice. Rules on that?

My 2cts: If this ever happens again (LiamR or anyone else) film it, take a screenie, send it off to HTC.
Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: Sloehand on July 26, 2005, 07:07:51 AM
Originally posted by Schatzi

While i think that Sloe may be right and at that moment it was the only way seen by those online to stop him from doing what he did i also agree with Messiah. What happend in that film, context or no context, is simply wrong. Youre weakening your own position regarding the rules by clearly not following them either. Good reason for that or none.

And Messiah got shot after telling Racdogg off. Twice. Rules on that?


Hey, we both can't be right, can we?  Seriously, its a matter perspective.  The solution must occur immediately at the time of infraction, or its pointless.
Given that, I had to make a decision.  I can either:  
1. Leave the DA- which means he has succeeded in adversely  impacting my entertainment and my right (?) to play the game as it was intended.
2. Try to ignore him (we tried for quite awhile) and getting shot down repeatedly without warning while engaged with someone else, or being shot off the runway -- once again, ruining my enjoyment of the game while I'm trying to play it properly, respecting others enjoyment of the game.
3. Do what is necessary to stop him from imposing chaos on my (and others) experience in the DA. i.e. keep him from being able to shoot us down, which means keeping him from flying in the only way possible.
Being on high moral ground is a great thing, and I know he was clearly in the wrong, and that two wrongs don't make a right, BUT my objective -- after trying to reason with him -- was to make him stop his behavior (U)immediately(/U) and go away so I and the rest of the room who were up till then playing nice, could continue.  By the way, it worked -- 27 vulches later he left and we got on with the dueling.

As for what happened to Messiah, I admit I wan't paying any attention to him or Racdogg so I don't know what was said or what happened between them (haven't watched the film yet, either).  I do know that if Messiah is as knowledgable and reasoning as he seems, and has been in the DA a significant amount, then he has to have seen a room go off on a miscreant before, and should know that once it reaches that point, and if he wasn't there when it started (which he wasn't), its better to stay uninvolved.
Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: megadud on July 26, 2005, 07:19:08 AM
i thinmk liam is skitzo because sometimes he vulches and cherrys me and sometimes he fights me fair. I know vulching is ghey and shouldn't be done. It's kind of like stooping down to the kids level. By kids i mean the 12 year olds that do it non stop in the DA. My only question is how can it be fun just waiting around to shoot the same guy over and over?

LEARN THE GAME GEEZE!!!! Only like 94% of the game is vulches and cherry picks!!!!!! GEEZE!!!! :mad: :mad:  what are you going to do if you run into the other 6% that involves a fair ACM fight?! then you're lost!!
Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: Westy on July 26, 2005, 07:41:47 AM

If I have to pull this car over someone is going to be VERY very sorry.

Now sit down, shut up and just look out the cawdamn window.

LiamRay if you touch Messiah or Mexsys again I'm gonna reach over and smack your hand so hard you won't be able to see thru the tears till next Tuesday.
Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: Schatzi on July 26, 2005, 08:44:28 AM
Originally posted by Sloehand
Hey, we both can't be right, can we?  Seriously, its a matter perspective.  The solution must occur immediately at the time of infraction, or its pointless.
Given that, I had to make a decision.  I can either:  
1. Leave the DA- which means he has succeeded in adversely  impacting my entertainment and my right (?) to play the game as it was intended.
2. Try to ignore him (we tried for quite awhile) and getting shot down repeatedly without warning while engaged with someone else, or being shot off the runway -- once again, ruining my enjoyment of the game while I'm trying to play it properly, respecting others enjoyment of the game.
3. Do what is necessary to stop him from imposing chaos on my (and others) experience in the DA. i.e. keep him from being able to shoot us down, which means keeping him from flying in the only way possible.
Being on high moral ground is a great thing, and I know he was clearly in the wrong, and that two wrongs don't make a right, BUT my objective -- after trying to reason with him -- was to make him stop his behavior (U)immediately(/U) and go away so I and the rest of the room who were up till then playing nice, could continue.  By the way, it worked -- 27 vulches later he left and we got on with the dueling.

As for what happened to Messiah, I admit I wan't paying any attention to him or Racdogg so I don't know what was said or what happened between them (haven't watched the film yet, either).  I do know that if Messiah is as knowledgable and reasoning as he seems, and has been in the DA a significant amount, then he has to have seen a room go off on a miscreant before, and should know that once it reaches that point, and if he wasn't there when it started (which he wasn't), its better to stay uninvolved.

I *do* think we can both be right. But that would lead to a discussion about absolute truth and absolute lies and the in betweens that doesnt belong here in this thread. :)

I know i havent been there. Dont know what id have done. And i mean that honestly: maybe id have vulched him, maybe id have left DA, maybe id have picked another beer and upped a Hurri out of hangar and killed him, or maybe id just logged frustrated. I really dont know.

But i dont think leaving the DA (as group) makes him 'succeed' in any way. He might be standing on the runway slapping his chest... buuut: noone there who sees it. Pathetic though, isnt it?

I also dont know Messiah, so i wont comment on his personality. But the film is clear. He recieved chk6 and said no. Twice. Then got shot while autolevel.
Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: Schatzi on July 26, 2005, 08:48:39 AM
Another thought. And again, i havent been there and dont know LiamRay. Anyone feel free and tell me: No, impossible... quit thinking girl.

Maybe, just maybe Liam doesnt know whats going on? Youd be amazed at what some guys dont get. Just stay on channel 6 for a bit.
Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: Shane on July 26, 2005, 09:29:25 AM
personally what i'd do (and have done in past) if playing in the FFA area of the DA and warnings/requests being ignored, would be to up from another base, cap his *** and then proceed ot vulch *him* repeatedly until he gets the idea to play nice. enlist a deputy or 2 to help with this police action.

i mean, jeez, c'mon... whining solves nothing in this kind of situation, take action!! stand up for yourselves - show him who's boss!

here, have a cookie.
Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: SlapShot on July 26, 2005, 10:06:19 AM
Originally posted by Schatzi
Another thought. And again, i havent been there and dont know LiamRay. Anyone feel free and tell me: No, impossible... quit thinking girl.

Maybe, just maybe Liam doesnt know whats going on? Youd be amazed at what some guys dont get. Just stay on channel 6 for a bit.


From a past experience in the DA (about a month ago now) this type of behavior is becoming the norm and not the exception in the DA. From all the post above ... it appears that the Perp has been explained the rules of engagement MANY times and refuses to abide by them.

Until HTC steps in and wacks some people around, I wholeheartly agree with the actions taken by the "group" (vulch the vulchers).

About a month ago I dropped into the DA ...

Start to roll ... ping ping ping ... plane is trashed ... perp (not Liam) flys by ... note name to self.

Start to roll ... ping ping ping ... BOOM ... see perp (not Liam) fly by from the tower ... note name to self.

Start to roll ... get wheels up ... engage in a great duel with Jish ... rolling sissors from 5K to tree tops ... finally get angle on Jish and just about to pull the trigger ... ping ping ping ... plane is trashed ... perp (not Liam) flys by ... note name to self.

Start to roll ... get wheels up ... proceed to shoot perp out of sky ... then proceed to vulch perp for the next 10 minutes ... perp starts swearing at me ... I explain why he won't get wheels up ... land ... perp get wheels up, I get wheels up ... proceed to shoot perp out of sky ... then proceed to vulch perp for the next 10 minutes ... rinse and repeat until he logged.

Not proud of it, but it solved my problem ... I much rather would have been dueling but one can only take so much and no one with any authority has been present in the DA to stop this crap.

Next time I go to the DA and it happens again ... I will apply the Shane Doctrine all over again.
Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: Shane on July 26, 2005, 10:20:03 AM
Originally posted by SlapShot
Not proud of it, but it solved my problem ... I much rather would have been dueling but one can only take so much and no one with any authority has been present in the DA to stop this crap.

that's one other thing to keep in mind...  in the DA there is the usual FFA area... when i go into duel with someone we'll use some other base(s) away from the FFA area.  99% of the time we never get bothered.    .9% of that 1% of the time a simple explanation will clear the area of someone who upped behind us.

and in the FFA area, as long as some chumpwad doesn't vulch, i could care less if i get a check 6 before engagement - i mean, wtf? it's a mini FFA furball, caveat aviator.
Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: Schatzi on July 26, 2005, 10:26:42 AM
Originally posted by Shane
that's one other thing to keep in mind...  in the DA there is the usual FFA area... when i go into duel with someone we'll use some other base(s) away from the FFA area.  99% of the time we never get bothered.    .9% of that 1% of the time a simple explanation will clear the area of someone who upped behind us.

and in the FFA area, as long as some chumpwad doesn't vulch, i could care less if i get a check 6 before engagement - i mean, wtf? it's a mini FFA furball, caveat aviator.

Well said.
Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: DamnedRen on July 26, 2005, 11:28:27 AM
You guys wouldn't want me to patrol the DA would you? Imagine the guys that'd be watching TV five minutes after I arrived.

Heck, you might even be able to to get some decent duels in.

Naw, keep Ren away from the DA.

Actually, IMHO, the DA should be available for anyone to set up duels and squad functions so they can practice, unlike the TA, up to and including the dying part. Like who needs learning on dying anyway? :lol

FFA does have it's place...but IMHO it's the H2H arena.

The Damned

The above statements are the humble opinions of a fellow flyer and do not neccessarily reflect the thoughts and policies of AH2. :)
Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: Nexsys on July 26, 2005, 12:53:42 PM
Nice to know more than not most people agree with what we did.  I know Sloe and I aren't proud of vulching him over and over (hell, ask anyone who knows me, I hate doing it in the MA, I prefer a fair fight, even if I do get my arse handed to me 99% of the time, which I do) but like was said, we not only explained the rule to him, multiple times, then warned him multiple times that if it continued, he'd be put down until he could tell us he'd play fair, and we never got a response until we made good on what we'd said we'd do, and kept him down.  Even then he insisted, as you'll note in the video at about 4:27 in the chatbox he writes out "I always follow the rules".  I know I personally spent another 20 mins or so after things had calmed down TRYING to explain things to him, only to be insulted over and over and over.  People like Liam, and I seriously hope there isn't more like him out there (I haven't seen any others, at least not any that after you explain it to them or warn them off, they will realize what they've done and you won't have a problem after that) just don't get it, and seem to want to cause a problem in there.  Sure, next time it happens, and I'm sure it will, I'll film it, take a few shots, and send it in.  But in the meantime, while doing it, I won't hesitate to preserve the fun in the DA for the other pilots there.  He wasn't just ruining the fun for the people he was shooting down without warning, it was everyone in there.  People just need to be aware whats going on in there, so this isn't a huge suprise to anyone if it happens to them.  DA is my escape from the MA when I'm sick of it.  So naturally, I don't want to try and lighten my mood by getting shot down out of nowhere while in a duel with another pilot :eek:
Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: SlapShot on July 26, 2005, 01:02:12 PM
Originally posted by Shane
that's one other thing to keep in mind...  in the DA there is the usual FFA area... when i go into duel with someone we'll use some other base(s) away from the FFA area.  99% of the time we never get bothered.    .9% of that 1% of the time a simple explanation will clear the area of someone who upped behind us.

and in the FFA area, as long as some chumpwad doesn't vulch, i could care less if i get a check 6 before engagement - i mean, wtf? it's a mini FFA furball, caveat aviator.

Absolutley agree and understand Shane.

Prior to this new breed ... the FFA area was just as you described ... a furball ... but there was NO VULCHING.

Also in the FFA area if you saw two planes hooked up and fighting on the outer edges of the fight area , ya just stayed away and watched or went back to the melee and picked your own fight. What I don't understand is what satisfaction does one get by picking/sniping 1 of 2 planes that are already entangled in a fight. It proves NOTHING (if you feel the need to prove something) ... most importanly ... you have learned NOTHING.

Check 6s were given at a decent spread for a decent merge. Now, you get wheels off the ground, start a climbout, little or no speed and some wacko D200 off your 6 gives ya a check 6 and begins to fire ... DUH ... you are l337 when ya get one of those kind of kills. It proves NOTHING (if you feel the need to prove something) ... most importanly ... you have learned NOTHING.

Vulching in the DA. It proves NOTHING (even if you feel the need to prove something) ... most importanly ... you have learned NOTHING.

Common sense and common courtesy is something that is sorely lacking in the recent breed of virtual pilots that I have seen recently.
Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: Shane on July 26, 2005, 01:15:42 PM
Originally posted by DamnedRen
FFA does have it's place...but IMHO it's the H2H arena.

the DA is big enough to support the small FFA area.  as long as one is aware of the FFA area and the chaotic nature when killshooter is off....

however, vulching, especially with killshooter off has no place.
Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: Elyeh on July 26, 2005, 01:38:29 PM
Just my 2 cents....

I asked about an ROE for the DA months ago......
The DA used to be fun...hell I was in there almost every night.

But it has gone to hell in a hand basket and it dosent seem that anything is going to be done to fix it.

Miss fighting the regulars like Sloehand, phish, iko, Sunny1,eaglefab (and his zero), and others, but the DA isin't worth logging into 3/4 of the time anymore.
Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: 2bighorn on July 26, 2005, 03:13:00 PM
Originally posted by DamnedRen
You guys wouldn't want me to patrol the DA would you? Imagine the guys that'd be watching TV five minutes after I arrived.
It's no need to patrol the DA, but would be nice, when things get out of hand, to jump an TA and look for a trainer to "fix" a problem or two.

Originally posted by Shane
the DA is big enough to support the small FFA area. as long as one is aware of the FFA area and the chaotic nature when killshooter is off....
Yes there is. There are different fields and there's a place for FFA too (one field).

All we need is ROE posted (takes 5 minutes or less).

Self policing works to an extent only and honestly, instead of shooting microbs and hummingnoobs, we could have some fun instead.

It's really time that HTC makes the next step whatever that should be. I understand they are busy with ToD, but DA needs a fix (ie HTC word on matter).
Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: Sloehand on July 27, 2005, 05:04:51 AM
FYI - LiamRay was at it again today.  I saw him in the DA in the afternoon and for an hour or more we basically stayed away from each other.  He appeared to be behaving and was fighting Hemp a lot.  So I hoped he was through with the cherry picking and vulching crap and had gotten the message from the night before.
Later in the MA he shows up and eventually calls on me to help him with an enemy on his tail (was JB42). Deciding to help a countryman in trouble no matter who it was, I came over and took the fighter off him (killing both me and JB42 - JB42 is slippery).  Not a word of thanx from Liam.
About a half hour later I enter the DA and as I start to take off, I get shot down from behind as my gear goes up by Liam.  I didn't even know he was there.  Wolfala sees this and immediately drops Liam.
So, game on and Liam is again kept on runway by three of us until he stops coming up (about 20 minutes I'd guess).  All the while he's claiming that I cherry picked him first, which would have been a good trick on my part as I would have had to have done it from the MA before I got into the DA.  lol
Anyway, this guy is supremely anti-social.  His enjoyment is to purposely disrupt the DA, create havoc with the game, and generally antagonize people.  But he fools some people by periodically behaving and pretending to be the soul of innocence, then suddenly does a Mr. Hyde routine (and not just with me, though I'm sure now I'm his #1 target).
But now, he is also my number one target.  Three days of this behavior is enough.  I see him, I shoot him.  Everytime, anytime and I don't care if he is on the runway or not.  No more chances for this guy.  I have no more cheeks to turn (well, actually I have two more but I need them to sit on).
Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: Schatzi on July 27, 2005, 05:46:27 AM
Had roughly the same trouble with someone else last night. He got a bit nasty on Vox after I told him in a friendly tone to stop his disrupting behaviour (not that havent heard much worse before). When most of the people present stepped in to defend on behalf of my honor (TY Guys !!!) he stopped. He kept vulching and cherrypicking though. Went to another base for duels shortly after, so I dont know what happened later.

Have it taped, will go to HTC. Not because i think it was a particularly nasty case, but because i think nerves are lying blank here and things might be getting out of hand soon. Tides were pretty high on range.

PS: I think you were there as well Sloehand.

PPS: I just found out i only have the tail end on tape :(. Ill send it anyway, i think HTC needs to be alerted before this blows up. If anyone else has tapes, send them as well pls. Not to blame certain players, but to paint a picture of whats happening there.
Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: jetb123 on July 27, 2005, 06:09:41 AM
Lan784 and Kid11 are both DA vulching dweebs to. Who dont check six. Solution you may ask? Giving me rights to pwn them and boot them :) :p
Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: KONG1 on July 27, 2005, 05:57:38 PM
I feel sort of silly posting the glaringly obvious but…

You guys are doing exactly what Liam wants you to, you are all being pwned by Liam.

Psych 101.  He likes the attention. Liam could up from different base after a few vulches but doesn’t. hmmmm…let’s think about this….duhhh. 3 guys vulch him for 10 minutes, that’s 10 minutes of attention for Liam.  Look at all the attention he’s getting in this thread.

Vulched me 3 times therefore: Liam=tard
I vulch back 30 times therefore : I=tard*10

(but mommy, he did it first!)
(well your honor I didn’t steal the CD, you see last week they overcharged me for…)
(Look officer I had to slam my car into his, he dinged mine with his car door so…)
(He was yelling so loud I had to yell back so he could hear me.)

I’m not trying to be derogatory; I don’t know how old you guys are.  But if you’ve got more birthdays than fingers and toes and you’re a proponent of tit for tat, then……well……….(good time to stop typing)

If he got no reaction, just a cease and desist e-mail from HTC, he’d quit long before his 2 free weeks were up…nuff said.

My sincerest apologies to the silent majority that have sense enough to understand this already.
Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: Ack-Ack on July 27, 2005, 06:11:57 PM
Originally posted by jetb123
Lan784 and Kid11 are both DA vulching dweebs to. Who dont check six. Solution you may ask? Giving me rights to pwn them and boot them :) :p

They also help their squad CO, Who7 vulch a 2nd account.  Not sure if it's Lan784's or Kid11's account that gets vulched though.  So that kind of basically tells you what kind of players they are.  Even though they make nice targets for the rest of us, these kinds of players are really not needed in AH but unfortunately, it's rather hard to keep them out.

Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: FuBaR on July 27, 2005, 06:34:04 PM
awwwwwwwwwwwww hashahahahahahahahaha
Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: Wolfala on July 27, 2005, 07:14:15 PM
With regard to Liam, I got plenty of practice dropping bombs on his head last night. But on the other hand, i've also been victem to the exact same type of vultch from 5 feet away on takeoff. And like many before me, I took Shanes approach.

First and most glaring example was JohnnyRa, who must've gotten it by my count 25 times in a single run for the simple reason he pissed everyone off around him.

Don't get me wrong - i'm from New York so by defination fairly adept at creativity with language. But some of what's been said on VOX to me and others, well...lets just say that **** was no longer a word, it was a comma. So not trying to act self righteous in anyway, but there are those who will disrupt and a few who will maintain order. I don't have a problem regulating and i'll sleep just fine at night.

Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: culero on July 27, 2005, 08:37:59 PM
Originally posted by Ack-Ack
They also help their squad CO, Who7 vulch a 2nd account.

Who7? The same Who7 who was a trainer at AW?

Surely not.

Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: Ack-Ack on July 27, 2005, 10:05:12 PM
Don't think it's the same one, I'm pretty sure that he's not.  Who7 in AW was a good pilot and not someone prone to gaming games.  None of the traits this Who7 carries.  

To be fair, this Who7 might not be vulching a 2nd account but getting almost 50 C-47 kills in a night is kind of suspicious or he got really lucky and a spy told him where a massive C-47 mission was upping.

Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: Sloehand on July 28, 2005, 01:24:19 AM
Originally posted by KONG1
I feel sort of silly posting the glaringly obvious but…

You guys are doing exactly what Liam wants you to, you are all being pwned by Liam.

Psych 101.  He likes the attention. Liam could up from different base after a few vulches but doesn’t. hmmmm…let’s think about this….duhhh. 3 guys vulch him for 10 minutes, that’s 10 minutes of attention for Liam.  Look at all the attention he’s getting in this thread.


Kong, I understand exactly what you are saying, and to a degree it does play into his need for attention.  But frankly, I don't give a damn. He also had a need to fly his airplane so he can do what he really likes, which is screwing with everyone else's fun.
Yes, he got attention, but after the first 5 or so minutes it was not the kind of attention he really wanted.  He whined, threatened, and baited everyone in an effort to get back into the air.  Eventually, he just left which, given such a person does not change his behavior, is exactly what I want at that point.  No more Liam, and the rest of us enjoyed the evening in the DA.  Also haven't seen him in there today.  People do many bad things to get attention, but you don't let them get away with it simply because it feeds that need.  You give him the kind of attention that he will come to hate and will change his behavior.  In this case, the change of behavior was him wanting to stay in the DA.  Someday, maybe (but I seriously doubt it) he'll change his ways and leave people alone when the don't want to be screwed with.

So, I'll restate my response choices to Liam's action of the past three days.

1. try to ignore him, but continue to get shot down while dueling someone else, get vulched off the runway, and generally have my evening ruined and my blood pressure explode.  All the while, he is still enjoying the hell out of it whether I react or not.

2. Leave the DA where I and my friends are playing and have every right to expect an enjoyable environment to play in.  Believe me, that will never happen.  I will never give up my space and my rights to anyone who behaves that way.  To me THAT is running away like a coward.  To have someone chase you out of the DA with bad behavior is completely unconscionable.  To paraphrase, "for bad people to do evil, good people must do nothing"

3. Take some action to resolve the situation in the most favorable way, which in this case, really leaves only responding in kind to the point of overwhelming him with the hope that a reasonable person will realize his mistake and change his behavior, but in the lessor objective, stop his disruption any way I can.

I chose #3 and will always choose it.  I try to be reasonable first and I will assume alot of grief before I react, but once I do, I never back down.  I know that, if you look at it in black and white, I am in the right and he is not.
Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: Slash27 on July 28, 2005, 02:24:51 AM
Sloe pretty much covered it:aok
Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: KONG1 on July 28, 2005, 01:05:03 PM

You are under the impression that you punished him and this caused him to run away.  You simply satiated his need for attention.  His complaining and whining about you acting like him just got him more attention.  You did not stop him from flying, he could have easily moved over one base and upped a jet or a rocket and harassed you guys some more.  No need, he worked you like a puppet and got his fix.  Look at this way: he kept poking you with his little donut until you wacked him off. Satisfied he went away.

If he’s gone now, it’s not that you ran him off, hard to do when you give him what he wants.  He’s just somewhere else, kicking over sandcastles, pulling girls hair, and griefing other gamers.  

Your retaliatory pavlovian response seems to be pervasive in human society.  Your behavior was as bad as his was unless you believe in the “Mommy he did it first “ excuse.

He cut me off so I zoomed in front of him and slammed on the brakes.
Jerk pulled out in front of me so I tailgated him.
Chef spits in food because customer sends back a steak.
Girlfriend keys your car because you were talking to another girl.
Yada yada yada….

You wrote “I try to be reasonable first and I will assume alot of grief before I react, but once I do, I never back down. I know that, if you look at it in black and white, I am in the right and he is not.”

What you are talking about is vigilantism. Who made you the judge of black and white in a grayscale world. HTC is the sheriff in this county and you have not been deputized.

Ask Palestinians why they blow up Israelis they will say (see quote above)
Ask Israelis why they blow up Palestinians they will say (see quote above)
(Just a philosophical point, not trying to compare war to computer game purse fights.)

You left out the correct option: Film it, send it in. Just sayin…………..:cool:
Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: SlapShot on July 28, 2005, 02:01:21 PM
KONG1 ... nothing but psycho babble.

You are under the impression that you punished him and this caused him to run away. You simply satiated his need for attention. His complaining and whining about you acting like him just got him more attention. You did not stop him from flying, he could have easily moved over one base and upped a jet or a rocket and harassed you guys some more.

But he didn't ... he logged cause he knew that no matter where he went or came from ... he was surely to die a qucik death.

If he’s gone now, it’s not that you ran him off, hard to do when you give him what he wants. He’s just somewhere else, kicking over sandcastles, pulling girls hair, and griefing other gamers.

Wrong ... he does what he does cause there is no real danger of physical repercussion. If he is out wrecking sandcastles, pulling hair ... he just might get a real bellybutton beating ... the likes of him wouldn't risk it.

Your retaliatory pavlovian response seems to be pervasive in human society. Your behavior was as bad as his was unless you believe in the “Mommy he did it first “ excuse.

LOL ... maybe you could start a morning TV show like Dr. Phil ... although he probably would recommend to kick his bellybutton too.

What you are talking about is vigilantism. Who made you the judge of black and white in a grayscale world. HTC is the sheriff in this county and you have not been deputized.

Geeesh ... wrong again ... its ... "you screw with me too much and your screwing with the wrong person". Nobody, and I mean nobody, has the right to harass people and fully expect not to being on the recieving end of some sort of counter-action ... regardless if the Sheriff is in town or not.

Vigilatism is basically acting on someone elses behalf ... Sloe was the one harrassed ... he did something about it. That is not a case of vigilantism.

Your insinuating that the rest of us don't really know how to handle a situation such as this. The Sheriff (HTC and HT) read this board religiously and this is not the first thread on this topic ... no need to send all sorts of films in. If they are reading, they simple need to log in under a shade account, go to the DA a couple of nights a week to see whats going on ... then they will see.

I would be more than happy to have the Sheriff and/or his deputies deal with the bad guys ... but this guy Liam ... as far as I have seen and/or read, needs the snot beat out of him ... thats what the likes of him understand ... simple as that.
Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: SuperDud on July 28, 2005, 02:48:06 PM
Originally posted by KONG1
What you are talking about is vigilantism. Who made you the judge of black and white in a grayscale world. HTC is the sheriff in this county and you have not been deputized.

I disagree with this. The MA, CT and TA have mods, trainers, etc and therefore are "policed" by HTC and crew. The DA is lawless, no one is there to make people behave so people have to take it upon themselves to stop it. I'm all for sloehand and what he does. I don't think it's right that 1 kids can ruin the fun for the other 10 people in there. If 2 of those 10 decide to stop the guy so the rest can have fun, I'm behind them 100%. If you are correct KONG and he wants the attention, then I'd be more than willing to give it to him because I know A) I'm helping the large group have fun. B) I'm enjoying killing the SOB myself C) It helps me work on my aim. I spend a large amount of time in there and can tell you everyone plays nice and you only get the "treatment" if you're being an arse. I don't think it has anything it has anything to do with your "mommy he did it 1st" idea, it's more of the "I won't let 1 jerk ruin it for the rest of us".
Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: Ack-Ack on July 28, 2005, 05:01:00 PM
Originally posted by SlapShot

LOL ... maybe you could start a morning TV show like Dr. Phil ... although he probably would recommend to kick his bellybutton too.

That line makes reading this thread worthwhile.

Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: Slash27 on July 28, 2005, 08:17:41 PM
KONG1 ... nothing but psycho babble.

Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: Stang on July 28, 2005, 08:28:52 PM
I've seen this Liam guy in the DA do this repeatedly.  When you retaliate he whines so much and in such high pitched sqeaks it's frikkin hillarious.  

He has a buddy, Kid11, who does this all the time as well.  When kid was being a typical teenage tard and vulching everyone in his Tempest, I did the same thing as Slo and vulched him until I could feel the hate coming from him.  However, I told him I'd let him up if he would promise to up and fly by the standards of the DA and not vulch.  So what does he do?  Grabs another Tempest and starts vulching everyone again.  I proceeded to not let his wheels get in the air after that, and in a couple minutes he logged.  It's the only way to deal with these lamers.

Dr. Phil
Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: KONG1 on July 29, 2005, 12:28:49 AM
Far be it from me to mess up a good thing.  Sounds like we got us a win-win situation here.  Liam gets the attention he craves and you guys get to feel heroic, valiantly defending your turf with self-righteous zeal and gallant bravado. Carry on.

Dr. Phil Good

PS Slash…go to your room…..NOW!
Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: Wolfala on July 29, 2005, 12:55:04 AM

lets pretend for a moment that I am Liam, and you

I meet you on a street corner. I punch you in the face and break your nose. What is the logical response according to what you wrote?

Yes of course, I punch you again, and this time break your jaw. And continue, breaking it this time in several places, followed by concussion, detached retina...  Get the point?

I crave attention, yes. And i'm not getting it from you, so I continue punching you, getting an occasional kick to the balls in - all this time you keep ignoring me, while your medical bills skyrocket and you coax yrself with the singsong notion that "if you ignore me, i'll get bored and stop on my own."


Maybe, but not in the neighborhood I grew up in.

Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: KONG1 on July 29, 2005, 08:50:58 AM

This has nothing to do with self-defense against violence and physical injury.

A good comparison:

While Little Johnny’s siblings try to watch the TV Little Johnny dances around like a chicken in their line of sight and sings la-la-ti-da at the top of his lungs. In retaliation when Little Johnny is trying to watch his favorite show they all dance around like chickens and sing la-la-ti-da. Mom would have been happy to give Little Johnny some alone time but instead we get the dance of the singing chickens. Dad walks in the room sees all the prancing children, shakes his head, and goes back to the garage where he belongs.

Like I said before, they all seem to be getting something out of it and nobody’s getting hurt.  Children will be children, let them play.

Dr. Phil Good - providing high quality psycho-babble since 1978
Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: Trippy on July 29, 2005, 09:14:34 AM
you lost me at singing chickens:)
Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: Shane on July 29, 2005, 09:53:38 AM
Using the johnny analogy, it's more liek johnny is standing behind his siblings rapping on their heads with a spoon while they're trying to watch TV.

Instead of crying for mommy who's busy in the kitchen making dinner or daddy who's busy in the garage and is "not to be bothered or else" - what happens is big brother turns around and puts lil johnny in his place by sitting on him and making him regret being such a little ass.  then everyone goes back to watching their program.  

the only "mistake" in handling lil johnny is by bringing it here to the forums - i.e. the attention factor.  in the DA itself, the only way to ignore him would be to log, which would only provide him with the ultimate victory and reinforce the concept that bullying works.
Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: KONG1 on July 29, 2005, 10:08:31 AM
No, Shane, your example is of physical restraint to deal with somewhat painful violent assault.  What we have is childish behavior being retaliated with the exact same childish behavior.

If you have to change the circumstances to justify the behavior…

Dr Good Phil
Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: Shane on July 29, 2005, 10:14:11 AM
Originally posted by KONG1
No, Shane, your example is of physical restraint to deal with somewhat painful violent assault.  What we have is childish behavior being retaliated with the exact same childish behavior.

Dr Good Phil

sometimes violence (even the virtual kind in this case) *is* called for as an appropriate response to ensure future behavior isn't repeated.

want a perfect example?  WW2.  everyone tried to ignore germany and japan.  we all know how that turned out, right? as a result, both are now playing nicely with the rest of us.

mmmmmkay?  :aok

do we really need to call in mommy/daddy in this case when it can be handled amongst the kids themselves? :rolleyes:
Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: KONG1 on July 29, 2005, 10:21:59 AM
Comparing the aggressive actions of a nation state to childish behavior in a computer game is hardly a perfect example.

If you have to change the circumstances to justify the behavior…

Phil Dr. Good
Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: DamnedRen on July 29, 2005, 10:26:37 AM
Shane. Yep we do. Kiddies need parental supervision.

Anyone who thinks they don't is has either never been a parent or been to busy with their own lives to care what the kiddies are up to.

However, it's not the rest of societies job to teach these kids.

Spare the rod, spoil the child still holds true. A rod doesn't have to be a stick. Just remove the kid from the environment. He doesn't get his jollies off anymore and the rest of society gets on with enjoying their life. When the kid learns how to be a  part of society he gets to come back in without malice.

Theres the rub. You discipline without prejudice. You use the required amount then allow him back into the fold, so to speak. He learns and adjusts.

The Damned
Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: Shane on July 29, 2005, 10:35:57 AM
Ren, I'd rather let mommy make dinner and daddy finish fixing my bike.

Kong - it's immaterial whether his actions are occurring in a "game. " you have someone engaging in spitefully disruptive behavior. no amount of "talking to"  by his "peers" is working. the peers do have the ability to mete out "an eye for an eye" justice.

i simply don't see this as needing mommy/daddy's intervention when the matter is both capable of and willingly being handled by a few others.

he *is* physcially interferring with people's ability to enjoy a "game". he's just doing it remotely.

man, that's what's wrong with many players these days an ability to dish out a little online "hate."   buncha milquetoast oprah loving stuart smalleys.
Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: DamnedRen on July 29, 2005, 10:43:18 AM
Sorry Shane, the HATE died with AW.

It's now the time of the WHINE.

The Damned
Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: Vudak on July 29, 2005, 10:47:53 AM
Originally posted by DamnedRen

Spare the rod, spoil the child still holds true.

Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: DamnedRen on July 29, 2005, 10:56:36 AM
LOL, Vudak. I saw your email. I have a few training sessions already set up this weekend.
Mon-Thurs Im working swings = 2pm-11pm CT.
Im off from 10 days after that so whenever youd like to get together.....:)

Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: KONG1 on July 29, 2005, 11:29:09 AM
Shane, If you wish to extol the virtues of peers meting out "an eye for an eye" justice then you have much history to learn.

It’s a shame to turn a perfectly good whine thread into a philosophical discussion but here’s something to chew on. Ask any terrorist why he is doing what he’s doing and you know what he’ll say?

I’ll quote slapshot on this one.

... "you screw with me too much and your screwing with the wrong person". Nobody, and I mean nobody, has the right to harass people and fully expect not to being on the recieving end of some sort of counter-action ...

Good Phil Dr.

Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: dedalos on July 29, 2005, 12:44:42 PM
You guys spent way too much time tring to reason.  I will ask once nicely to stop.  If I don't see a responce, out comes the NIKI.  Some of these guys do this trying to create an FFA when nowone wants one.  About 50% of the time after they are repeatedly vulched, they will go to the other field and coe in in a 262.  At no point does it acure to them that they can get into a fight very easyly by asking.  Then again, those are the guys that are dead after the first 10seconds of the engagement.  Non of thise applies to LRay since I was not there, but there plenty of people doing this.
Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: SlapShot on July 29, 2005, 12:59:30 PM
Originally posted by KONG1
Shane, If you wish to extol the virtues of peers meting out "an eye for an eye" justice then you have much history to learn.

It’s a shame to turn a perfectly good whine thread into a philosophical discussion but here’s something to chew on. Ask any terrorist why he is doing what he’s doing and you know what he’ll say?

I’ll quote slapshot on this one.

... "you screw with me too much and your screwing with the wrong person". Nobody, and I mean nobody, has the right to harass people and fully expect not to being on the recieving end of some sort of counter-action ...

Good Phil Dr.


Oh ... I see ... we are on the same level as terrorist I guess. You have no clue as to how stupid that analogy is.

If ya think about ... you are really no different than Liam himself. You have done nothing constructive in this thread at all, except to poke people in the eye with the "I am all knowing Psycho Babble Bullpoopy". I guess we are feeding your "attention getting" personality too.

Well guess what ... ? buhbye Dood Ghil Pr.
Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: Vudak on July 29, 2005, 01:04:29 PM
I thought i was fighting LiamRay in the DA last night? :confused:
Dedalos, was he in there while we were?

If so, it looks like he got the point, maybe just a bit slower than most.
Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: dedalos on July 29, 2005, 01:34:05 PM
Originally posted by Vudak
I thought i was fighting LiamRay in the DA last night? :confused:
Dedalos, was he in there while we were?

If so, it looks like he got the point, maybe just a bit slower than most.

He was there and I had some fun fights with him.  Wonder if it is a different person.
Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: DamnedRen on July 29, 2005, 01:45:44 PM
Unless your degreed and licensed in Psychology I'd suggest you stay away from saying someone might have some sort of split/bi-polar personality.

The Damned
Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: Shane on July 29, 2005, 01:47:39 PM
Originally posted by DamnedRen
Unless your degreed and licensed in Psychology I'd suggest you stay away from saying someone might have some sort of split/bi-polar personality.

why?  you a lawyer?

Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: DamnedRen on July 29, 2005, 01:54:41 PM
Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: KONG1 on July 29, 2005, 02:54:49 PM
Dear Mr. Shot,

What could be more constructive than supporting the correct course of action or less constructive than supporting two wrongs make a right thinking. If you see inappropriate behavior, record it and send it to the proper authorities.

Are you suggesting I saw a school of internet tough guy vigilante heroes, baited my hook with the simple truth, and snagged a bunch.:eek:

It’s INconceivable and INaccurate that I would INcite. I am Incensed, INfuriated and profess my INnocence.:mad:


Dr Phil’s having bouillabaisse tonight!:D
Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: dedalos on July 29, 2005, 03:20:09 PM
Originally posted by KONG1
Dear Mr. Shot,

What could be more constructive than supporting the correct course of action or less constructive than supporting two wrongs make a right thinking. If you see inappropriate behavior, record it and send it to the proper authorities.

Are you suggesting I saw a school of internet tough guy vigilante heroes, baited my hook with the simple truth, and snagged a bunch.:eek:

It’s INconceivable and INaccurate that I would INcite. I am Incensed, INfuriated and profess my INnocence.:mad:


Dr Phil’s having bouillabaisse tonight!:D

Kong is right.  Next time you get vulched or your fights are being ruind in the DA, DO NOTHING about it.  Just record for the next 2 hours so you can fully document your case and send it to HT (like he cares id you got vulched) :rolleyes:

I think one NIKI load with about 20 or 30 vulches gets the message across just fine.  Not vigilante heros, but since I know I will be vulched or picked off if I let him take off, I make sure he does not.  Whats it to you any way?  Are you their lawyer or are you the super hero deffender of the dweebs?
Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: Wolfala on July 29, 2005, 03:35:05 PM
All BS aside, if I get vultched on takeoff - the guy gets an extended lesson in rocketry - until he apologizes. No quarter, no regrets - sorry. You don't like it, get ****ed.


Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: KONG1 on July 29, 2005, 03:38:27 PM
Snagged me two more.:aok

So you guys are saying his vulching is wrong but your vulching is right because

He did it first

(this is toooo easy)

Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: Vudak on July 29, 2005, 03:42:59 PM
Originally posted by KONG1
Snagged me two more.:aok

So you guys are saying his vulching is wrong but your vulching is right because

He did it first

(this is toooo easy)


Actually, they're saying they don't want to vulch or cherry pick.  They want to have their duels with the customary check 6 beforehand.  Since he won't do this, and instead will constantly cherry pick them or not let them take off, they've decided to have one guy protect the other two's fair duel.

For someone who signs their posts "Dr." you sure are dense...  I take it you have good malpractice insurance?

And, on another note, you've snagged one more :p
Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: Wolfala on July 29, 2005, 03:46:44 PM

If we meet in person, we're going to have a live demonstration of the street corner example.

Tell ya what - i'll even cover yr co-pay.

Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: DamnedRen on July 29, 2005, 04:01:04 PM

You either need anger management class or maybe a real doctor so you can learn to handle a game for what it is, a game. To threaten bodily injury to another individual for a game takes things to a whole other level.

IMHO, you should be damned glad I don't own this game or you'd be gone, never to return to AH2.

The Damned
Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: Wolfala on July 29, 2005, 04:03:59 PM

I love you Ren!
Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: Wolfala on July 29, 2005, 04:06:47 PM
Almost forgot 1 thing Ren. While I was NOT the first member in this fourm to threaten bodily injury to another, I was the first to use bodily injury as an active example for the behavior shown in the DA.

Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: DamnedRen on July 29, 2005, 04:13:00 PM
You need to get a gripe on reality.

read carefully....

It's a game.

G     A    M    E

Get help. Sooner is better....

The Damned
Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: Wolfala on July 29, 2005, 04:22:14 PM

Unlike you, I was there when the DA incidents happened. Go back to your ivory tower and i'll find a suitable small animal to run over with a car to satisfy my blood lust.
Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: DamnedRen on July 29, 2005, 04:26:39 PM
Ivory tower? MUAHAHAHAHAHA. Not!

Please.....get help.

The Damned
Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: KONG1 on July 29, 2005, 04:38:48 PM
Holy compensation Batman!!! I think I’d have to call that hook, line and sinker!!!  For having a different opinion than Wolfala he has threatened me with violence. Your mama must be proud.  

I’m in the CT almost every night tough guy, come shoot me down a few times. You’ll feel better.:)
Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: Wolfala on July 29, 2005, 04:45:08 PM
My boss took my paintball gun from my office, put it on full auto and used it against some black squirls chasing each other around the parking lot. I feel much better now. Especially since they were driving him nuts and making faces at him.

I guess they wanted the jar of planters Cashews he had in his window.
Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: KONG1 on July 29, 2005, 04:59:10 PM
Why do you have a pa…never mind.

Look I’ve been vulched and cherry picked in the DA.  Wait till he’s otherwise involved or take off one base over.  Check 6 him from a reasonable distance then fight him and shoot him down.  One guy can take off from each direction and another from the hanger; someone will get up.  Check 6 him from a reasonable distance then fight him and shoot him down.
In the mean time other guys can get up.

Let him take off and get some alt then one guy can check 6 him from a reasonable distance then fight him and shoot him down.  Rinse repeat.

It’s called leading by example.

PS Ren, "gripe on reality", that's good. can I use that? I got a few gripes of my own.
Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: Stang on July 29, 2005, 05:46:13 PM
Kong, get a life, grow a sack and quit being a metrosexual wuss.
Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: Slash27 on July 29, 2005, 05:46:13 PM
Originally posted by KONG1

It’s called leading by example.


The example was, act like an idiot suffer the consequences.This is how non-wussys do things KONG. Take your " high road" and hope the bad people realize their mistakes. The rest of us will deal with it.

 I know this where you do most of your fighting in AH2, but if you want to go a few rounds in the DA some night let me know.
Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: SuperDud on July 29, 2005, 05:54:00 PM
I know I've takin KONG's advice, he is now on my ignored list! Thx for the tip, I already feel much better:aok
Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: popgun on July 29, 2005, 06:40:18 PM
Originally posted by KONG1
Snagged me two more.:aok

So you guys are saying his vulching is wrong but your vulching is right because

He did it first

(this is toooo easy)


Your point is theoretically true but oversimplistic in reality.
Vulching is shooting someone in the back. You see someone shooting people in the back. You can either shoot that person in the back or call the police.
Obviously noone's life is at stake here, but people pay to have a good time ( I know, highly subjective). Someone is preventing that from happening. You can stop that NOW, or call the police and hope it doesn't happen in the future. It's more a matter of practicality and expediency than two wrongs making a right.
...or that's the way it looks :cool:
Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: Easyscor on July 29, 2005, 07:25:59 PM

Definition: Flame bait
n. See Kong1's original post in this thread. ;)

Back when I was raising my kids, if I gave them a time out and they refused to sit in the corner I was forced to sit down beside
them and see that they didn't move until the time was up.  It wasn't pleasant but better then the consequences of having an unruly
antisocial child.

Edit: Just to clarify, sounds to me like the kid needs a forced time out.
Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: Antonio on July 29, 2005, 08:13:52 PM
ok thats it! im sick of this BS, first of all, im not on 2 weeks trial i paid for da.sloehand: only recall fighing him like 3 times b4 this epidemic started..nexsys: way i got to realized he played AH was whn im in a duel and he cherrypiced me,from that i thought he was a dweeb,didnt fight him after that.hmm Wolfala:..u always fly a 38..u took this thing up on YOUR head  bcuz there were your friends! i never did u anything i only did fight fair wit u, so u draaged urself into this.second , im not a dang vulcher i been playing Ah1 for like 2 years and i been in all AH2 so i dont they could see im alot better than them nexsys and sloehand. but im just a guy who likes to fight, ask the GOOD pilots, if u disrespect me i will 2 this whole vulching thing was statted buy them..but dont get me wrong , i play in DA mostly..and sometime they have a uncontrollable FFA going on..u cant help but join in..and my bad if i mess wit u u just didnt seem any diferent from the noobs that get vulched all the time. prolly the spit jocks in DA are getting tired of fighting me ..but if u want to fight as i said tons o times just check6.. i fergot all about this thing in DA some time now,,but seems u still have it bottled up in ya sloehand. u cant get me out of AH be vulching FYI it just makes u suk alot more. i tried so hard to tell him that when his tail was cliped off my me it was a mistake..cuz i was just upping from a fight with hemp, and was complimenting him on his good work,but u dont listen to me.i did send that film of u guys vulchin me like crazy..and those guys i see replin..i never saw em in DA so they cant say notn about me..try asking the more people who play in DA about me.was surproised to hear a bud say my name was slandered in bbs so i had to say somn.BTW im LiamRay so i wish u could end this silly dillema all u guys who think im a vulcher or cherrypicker or whatever plz . :)
Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: KONG1 on July 29, 2005, 08:33:15 PM


Life is sooooo goooood!!

(Pulls up chair, pops a brew, opens a fresh bag of pork skins, aaaahhhhh)
Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: Shane on July 29, 2005, 10:26:08 PM
well in addition to what's been discussed it's apparent you're an non-paragrapher too!!!  

when did you stop vulching in DA?
Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: Wolfala on July 29, 2005, 10:43:39 PM

Hey man, long time! Whats up with you? Not much here. Eva and I just moved into one of those manufactures homes. She was pushing for this old Victorian deal, but I took one look at the pricetag and knew it wasn't going to work. This analyst job with the military isn't exactly the cash cow I thought it would be, but my last CO says it's the healthiest thing he's ever heard of, and last time I argued with him I got eight weeks in the brig. So anyway, I said to Eva, "Baby, I want a home that's a flimsy and fabricated as our relationship." She's a kidder, Eva. Likes jokes like that. She didn't actually laugh out loud. The laughter was in her eyes. You notice things like that when you've been together as many weeks as we have.

Anyway, like I said, not much going on here. Eva keeps saying she wants to meet people in our neighborhood, but i'm not much of a social butterfly so I try to avoid that stuff. I had this great plan to bring the neighbors over by spraying their kids with the garden hose. I managed to knock one of them off his bike while he was riding past, and when I saw his parents come running I thought Eva would be thrilled. but all they would talk about was how their kid lost an eye when he fell on the fire hydrant, and she didn't talk to me for hours. Women!

Well I certainly can go on about myself. Glad to hear you are doing well down on the island. Eva sends her love to your woman or whatever the 4 leg'd substitute is this week, and we both hope that twelve step thing is working out for the two of you. Keep in touch.


Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: Azul32 on July 30, 2005, 12:18:06 AM
Ok guys i just wanted to say that there is a Jekyll and Hyde to is father and son!!!!!!

When you see the vulching and other BS going on that is the 9 yr old kid

When he is fighting fairly and not vulching it is the father.

I did not read all this thread on this it got way to long, but i agree something should be done about the vulchers and when i go in there I will keep their arse on the runway too if it happens to me.

The TA Trainers have no authority in the DA....I seen Ghosth in there one day when this crap was going on .He must have been just sitting in tower watching then he left.Out of curiosity i went over into TA to see if he was there, and he was.I asked him if he booted anyone from DA and he told me that he couldnt.I told him i had film on what was going on and he urged me to call HTC and to send the film to HTC.

Enough said on the subject IMO if it happens film it and send it to HTC directly maybe if he gets enough of them he will get sick of watching them and get some moderators. Or call them if he gets enough phone calls he will get some moderators , seeing as he so busy with ToD:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

just my 2 cents
Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: Masherbrum on July 30, 2005, 01:00:32 AM
Originally posted by KONG1

You are under the impression that you punished him and this caused him to run away.  You simply satiated his need for attention.  His complaining and whining about you acting like him just got him more attention.  You did not stop him from flying, he could have easily moved over one base and upped a jet or a rocket and harassed you guys some more.  No need, he worked you like a puppet and got his fix.  Look at this way: he kept poking you with his little donut until you wacked him off. Satisfied he went away.

If he’s gone now, it’s not that you ran him off, hard to do when you give him what he wants.  He’s just somewhere else, kicking over sandcastles, pulling girls hair, and griefing other gamers.  

Your retaliatory pavlovian response seems to be pervasive in human society.  Your behavior was as bad as his was unless you believe in the “Mommy he did it first “ excuse.

He cut me off so I zoomed in front of him and slammed on the brakes.
Jerk pulled out in front of me so I tailgated him.
Chef spits in food because customer sends back a steak.
Girlfriend keys your car because you were talking to another girl.
Yada yada yada….

You wrote “I try to be reasonable first and I will assume alot of grief before I react, but once I do, I never back down. I know that, if you look at it in black and white, I am in the right and he is not.”

What you are talking about is vigilantism. Who made you the judge of black and white in a grayscale world. HTC is the sheriff in this county and you have not been deputized.

Ask Palestinians why they blow up Israelis they will say (see quote above)
Ask Israelis why they blow up Palestinians they will say (see quote above)
(Just a philosophical point, not trying to compare war to computer game purse fights.)

You left out the correct option: Film it, send it in. Just sayin…………..:cool:

Step away from the pipe.

Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: KONG1 on July 30, 2005, 09:27:54 AM
More fish for the stew:
“Step away from the pipe.”

Now that’s brilliant, original too!  A fine example of reasoned discussion.  The little hamster in your head must have been running in his wheel for hours to come up with that.

Check out Azul’s post:

“…when i go in there I will keep their arse on the runway too…”

Another do as I say not as I do wanna be sheriff.  Then he talks to Ghost:

“…he urged me to call HTC and to send the film…”

OK Einsteins, answer this.  Why didn’t Ghost tell him to go vulch the guy repeatedly?

According to Stang that makes him a lifeless, sackless, metrosexual wuss because as Slash sais that’s not  “how non-wussys do things”.

Try as you might shooting people down in a game is not gonna make your winkie grow.
Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: Shane on July 30, 2005, 10:26:17 AM
Originally posted by KONG1
OK Einsteins, answer this.  Why didn’t Ghost tell him to go vulch the guy repeatedly?

ummm, because the Trainers are seeking to make a subtle power grab and extend their aegis to the DA?

Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: DamnedRen on July 30, 2005, 10:41:01 AM
Power? MUAHAHAHAHA. You're a riot, sometimes! :rofl

Shane, sometimes you out do yourself. And you call others a slobberdonkey. I guess yer starting to believe yer own blather? :rofl

If you call stopping someone from doing things like ya'll claim is happening in the DA then you might call it a public service not a power grab. But you're you so call it whatever you want. :rofl
Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: Shane on July 30, 2005, 10:47:50 AM
muahahahahha, see kong, this is *how* to properly fish!!

Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: KONG1 on July 30, 2005, 11:30:42 AM
Well Done.
Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: Azul32 on July 30, 2005, 12:25:57 PM
Kong go away from what i read in this thread you said you never even go in the DA .......So quit trolling
Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: Slash27 on July 30, 2005, 07:44:20 PM
Originally posted by Azul32
Kong go away from what i read in this thread you said you never even go in the DA .......So quit trolling

He cant quit, its all he gets for $14.95.:D
Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: eilif on August 01, 2005, 12:01:39 AM
i love vulchers, they all cant fly, its great when you can really wind one up and then  get him to disco from phear. ;)
Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: dedalos on August 01, 2005, 11:27:32 AM
Thats right Kong.  Say something stupid, reallize you did, and claim you are fishing.  No need for films, we cant take care of our selves.  Last night Fantom tried his usual crap.  Takes off and shoots the guy in front of him, then he claims it was an accident (he does this everytime).  Then he starts following me 1K out.  I asked him 3 times to stop.  5 vulches latter, he was the nicest guy in the DA. :lol

You cant be sending films to HT, until he sets some rules.  What rules did they or we break?

Kong, how is vulching in the CT now days?
Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: Schatzi on August 01, 2005, 11:40:53 AM
BTW: I *did* send email to HTC, and i got a reply.
Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: Iceman24 on August 01, 2005, 12:45:02 PM
whats really funny is i think its a game to these people... i really think they enjoy just pissing ppl off... We were in the DA aout 2-3 weeks ago and were continually vulched by lan784... after yelling at him on vox didnt fix it we switched countries and bases, onloy to have him do the same... I got soo pissed off I had to turn off my PC... Speaking of Liam Ray, I fight him every other night or so in the DA... He has only shot me on the ground 1 time, and that was basically just saying hello, because he took off right behind me... maybe he's different around other people but I duel him every other night or so and can say I have nothing bad to say about him.... now Lan784 is just a punk kid that trys to piss ppl off
Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: dedalos on August 01, 2005, 12:45:30 PM
Originally posted by Schatzi
BTW: I *did* send email to HTC, and i got a reply.

And the reply was?
Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: dedalos on August 01, 2005, 12:47:07 PM
Originally posted by Iceman24
whats really funny is i think its a game to these people... i really think they enjoy just pissing ppl off... We were in the DA aout 2-3 weeks ago and were continually vulched by lan784... after yelling at him on vox didnt fix it we switched countries and bases, onloy to have him do the same... I got soo pissed off I had to turn off my PC... Speaking of Liam Ray, I fight him every other night or so in the DA... He has only shot me on the ground 1 time, and that was basically just saying hello, because he took off right behind me... maybe he's different around other people but I duel him every other night or so and can say I have nothing bad to say about him.... now Lan784 is just a punk kid that trys to piss ppl off

Exactly, they are not new or stupid or cant read or hear.  They do it to piss people off.
Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: Iceman24 on August 01, 2005, 12:59:26 PM
i go to the DA quite a bit and every now and then will run into the "DA VULTCHER" sometimes it is just some newb that doesn't know any better and once you explain to him the way the DA works they quit, but for the most part its a bunch of inexperienced pilots that can't get kills in the MA, heck they can't even vulch in the MA without getting killed which is why they do it in the DA.. they will respond to your request to not vulch with something like "well u have to make it off the runway to shoot me" crap... if there are 5 or more people at any DA base you will see 1 of these vulchers, which brings me to a quick question.... Do kills and deaths in the DA count on your stats ???? I'm not sure if they do or not, haven't ever checked em out... Just wondering if the vulchers and the guys that try and land there DA kills do it because it does affect there stats.... there isn't anything that makes me as mad as getting vulched in the DA... makes me just wanna reach through the monitor and choke people... i need that choke move that Darth Vader had, that would be neet ;)
Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: Vudak on August 01, 2005, 01:24:31 PM
Originally posted by Iceman24
i go to the DA quite a bit and every now and then will run into the "DA VULTCHER" sometimes it is just some newb that doesn't know any better and once you explain to him the way the DA works they quit, but for the most part its a bunch of inexperienced pilots that can't get kills in the MA, heck they can't even vulch in the MA without getting killed which is why they do it in the DA.. they will respond to your request to not vulch with something like "well u have to make it off the runway to shoot me" crap... if there are 5 or more people at any DA base you will see 1 of these vulchers, which brings me to a quick question.... Do kills and deaths in the DA count on your stats ???? I'm not sure if they do or not, haven't ever checked em out... Just wondering if the vulchers and the guys that try and land there DA kills do it because it does affect there stats.... there isn't anything that makes me as mad as getting vulched in the DA... makes me just wanna reach through the monitor and choke people... i need that choke move that Darth Vader had, that would be neet ;)

Even if they did count in your stats, I don't know anyone who would care.

I really need to work on my 262 gunnery.  If I'm in the DA and this stuff is happening lemme know and I'll make passes at the bugger all night :)
Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: Schatzi on August 01, 2005, 02:49:08 PM
Originally posted by dedalos
And the reply was?

They are aware of whats happening, they know something must be done and they are thinking of ways how to do it.
Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: Sloehand on August 03, 2005, 05:44:21 PM
Originally posted by KONG1

You are under the impression that you punished him and this caused him to run away.  You simply satiated his need for attention.  His complaining and whining about you acting like him just got him more attention.  You did not stop him from flying, he could have easily moved over one base and upped a jet or a rocket and harassed you guys some more.  
If he’s gone now, it’s not that you ran him off, hard to do when you give him what he wants.  He’s just somewhere else, kicking over sandcastles, pulling girls hair, and griefing other gamer

You remind me of those whimpy, do-gooders who let 3-time murderers back on the street for good behavior.
Actually, Kong I (we) did run him off.  He left the DA.  He came back an hour later and spent 10 minutes in the tower (never upped or said a word) waiting for us to leave.  He did that again a half hour later.   He was gone for two days.
Next time I saw him, we was playing nice, fighting with Hemp.  Eventually Check6'ed me, to which I replied I would never engage with him again and if I saw one round go in my direction from him, he was on the ground again.  He never said a word and left.
I've been in there twice more and he eventually Check6's me and I ignore it.  He's never fired another round at me.
So Kong, the proof is in the results.  Punishment, if its near enough and dear enough to the perp's heart, will work.  Of course, he's the socially inept, short-memory type so I expect he'll get rambunctious again some time in the future.  But I'll bet the resulting punishment will not have to be as long or severe to get results.  We'll see.

As for whether there are two people using the same account, I obviously can't be definitive, but I don't buy it.
First, his Jekyll and Hyde behavior has occured in the same session.  And the voice has always been the same.  So unless there is tag team flying going on, it's a single person who both plays nice, then goes off the wagon, hard.  
And here is another reason this guy is a little off.  I don't know if any of you have seen this as well, but I've seen Liam in the MA trolling for victims to come with him to the DA.
His message usually reads something like, "Anyone up for going to the DA?".   I mean this tells me he's hard up for whatever kicks he's getting in the DA and that he has no clue about the MA.  Now, that's his perogative, but leads me to buy into his being a very strange individual (like all of us are not, ha!).

Anyway, the main thing you are missing Kong is that the rules in the DA have been agreed upon by the greater majority of the society that plays there, and it is encumbent upon every individual who values and abides by those rules to enforce them because the reality of the DA is, there is currently no other authority to do so.  Not the Trainers or HTC, at the moment.
And given that and the reality of the limited actions capable in a virtual gaming world where everyone is essentially anonymous and untraceable, the only available method of 'policing' the DA left to the members of its society, and enforce some restraint on violators, is to use the airplane in the only way possible, i.e. vulch him to prevent him from flying and interfering with others.

Finally, IF there are two people using LiamRay's account, AND one is a parent, adult or other such authority over the junior partner, then THAT person is ultimately responsible for the behavior of the junior.  Should THEY know about this behavior and not do anything about it, then they are just as guilty, in my opinion.
Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: Azul32 on August 03, 2005, 07:50:12 PM
Yes Sloehand the father IS just as guilty I have called him on it and he wont admit it.
But I have personally heard two voices before. Dad obviouslly knows whats going on but I guess chooses to ignore it. Just another case of bad parenting.
I am with you though I will not fight him anymore either and actually I quit going into the DA because of the crap that does happen in there.
Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: KONG1 on August 03, 2005, 09:59:16 PM
Is this thread still around? INconceivable. I really don’t care if you kiddies circle-vulch yourselves into a chafed stupor. I just happened upon a bunch of chest-pounders doing the very thing they were complaining about. Irresistible.

Give it up Slowhead, it’s an unsupportable position. You start your post comparing childish behavior to murder then pontificate about rules.  

Is vulching against the rules?

Did you vulch?

Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: Slash27 on August 04, 2005, 12:20:57 AM
Actually the only one not supporting his position is you. If the "chest thumpers" bother you so much why do you keep posting?   But I already covered the reason for it earlier:aok
Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: Masherbrum on August 04, 2005, 08:59:50 AM
Originally posted by KONG1
More fish for the stew:
“Step away from the pipe.”

Now that’s brilliant, original too!  A fine example of reasoned discussion.  The little hamster in your head must have been running in his wheel for hours to come up with that.


Let me know when you are through swinging your feet on the toilet little one.  

Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: KONG1 on August 04, 2005, 10:24:43 AM
Being deluged with perspicacious diatribe and a litany of witty repartee I have decided to capitulate.  I cast aside all previous held theories of jurisprudence and acquiesce to your seditious nihilism.

edited to provide translation for the troglodytes:
u r teh l33t brainy!!!!!!!i r rong u r rite!!!mob rules!!!!@!!!!!!:aok
Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: FiLtH on August 04, 2005, 10:54:53 AM
You had me at "perspicacious". :)
Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: Slash27 on August 04, 2005, 11:04:12 AM
About time you saw the light KONG:aok

(btw, Im no damn nihilist:mad: )
Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: popgun on August 07, 2005, 06:16:43 PM
Originally posted by KONG1
Being deluged with perspicacious diatribe and a litany of witty repartee I have decided to capitulate.  I cast aside all previous held theories of jurisprudence and acquiesce to your seditious nihilism., that's gotta be one dogeared thesaurus you got!

... ;)
Title: Excuse me if im wrong but...
Post by: DrDea on August 07, 2005, 06:25:22 PM
Originally posted by KONG1
Being deluged with perspicacious diatribe and a litany of witty repartee I have decided to capitulate.  I cast aside all previous held theories of jurisprudence and acquiesce to your seditious nihilism.

  Hmmm...thats some nice circumlocution