Aces High Bulletin Board
General Forums => Films and Screenshots => Topic started by: Sketch on July 27, 2005, 07:44:27 AM
Here is a film I just did using Sony Vegas 5.0 & Fraps
Right click & Save As
Great film. Liked the 'camera eye' a lot.
PS: was there a reason you kept DT during the fight?
Thanks for the viewing Schatzi! I have done a few films but none have really made it in here. I have another one but still have to get in up somewhere on a site. As far as the drop tank, I always seem to take one with me in case I decide to go for a long cruise... In this case, a CV showed up and just hung on to it as I could boom 'n' zoom all day with the CV Aircraft was low and I had a major advantage. Once again Thanks! :aok
nice:aok but
where the $@#@ did u get the pirates of the caribean song?
Originally posted by Lan784
nice:aok but
where the $@#@ did u get the pirates of the caribean song?
Downloaded it....... :D
Liked the video! The music and action was quite nice, even the landing scene!
That movie looks veryfamiliar (
Originally posted by Sp4de
That movie looks veryfamiliar (
And.......................... .............:confused:
Oh yeah, here is another one.... (Thanks Stream)
Originally posted by ChristCAF
Oh yeah, here is another one.... (Thanks Stream)
And...... So does the flak sound in this one:lol
Originally posted by Sp4de
And...... So does the flak sound in this one:lol
And your point is..... And the Flak will sound the same way in how many others AH game.... :rolleyes:
Sp4de whined:
And...... So does the flak sound in this one:lol
Hey Spayed:
How many ways are there to portray the same subject matter of planes flying around fighting? Geez, all car chase scenes in movies look a lot alike, too.
It's Spade* And Calm down I wasnt "whining" just making a comment. It's very odd that his movie has the same music and very closly queued up almost like mine. I didnt flame away or anything. I dont care about the sounds, sounds arent copyrighted and neither my movies. I just thought it was strange and pointed it out. And i dont appreciate the flame.
Bullet I know you are only defending your squadie, but you have to tell me how you get the idea that hes whining? He is just saying something he noticed. Its fine if you dont want to believe him or agree, but dont try to degrade him for that. Besides he didnt say anything offensive or anything resembling a whine. I hope this makes you realize you shouldnt be getting flustered by your false dipiction of Spades reply.
He is:p
All said and done with Spade. I could care less if it was direct in a harsh way or just something "pointed out".....
I never even seen that film that you did, and have had that soundtrack clip (which mine is only like the 2 minute one) on my computer for like a year now. I have just had no software to make any films, let alone my old computer could never run AH Film, always got the Error message.
If you ever want help on a film, let me know.... I don't get to fly with my squadmates alot. I am stationed in Italyin the Air Force, they all live in the states. All my footage is by solo runs and 9/10 times... I am on the short end of the stick! :rofl So.... I am done with it, I give you a on your films, sounds and I am not gonna burn any bridges over this with you or Fubar. Bullethead was making a point as well, that is all. And like you said Fubar, he was backing up a Squadmate. I will see you in the skies, and if you need someone to fly with....I make good bait! :D