Aces High Bulletin Board
General Forums => Axis vs Allies => Topic started by: 1Duke1 on August 09, 2005, 10:45:02 PM
Nice run away tonight...1v1...classic:aok
1 V 1?? oh you mean what we were doing until you lost the advantage, dove and ran back towards your base. I see. good thing I brought up the map too or!!! and the three dots following closely behind you?? observers no doubt. I was tired of being tag teamed by you and more than a little angry at the lameness you guys exhibited last night. I'll be on again tonight as usual.
You really think he needs help to own you?:D
why do you get upset when others apply jg54 "tactics" back at you?
"do unto others .... "
Duke doesn't need any help, I just gang because you guys said its aok to gang in ct
- sure have a limited memory....your still thinking about the fight where you kept turning your motor on/off, but I will leave that lameness for another time.
This was the flight right before you logged....a 1v1 in the middle of nowhere, and you had alt advantage. You did your usual, zoom down and climb away, afraid to actually commit, and then ran away.
Maybe you would like to see the film??:aok
oh i see you want me turn fight in a 109G6 against a pony. let me give you a clue here, the 109 is most effective in the vertical. i'm not going to yank and bank in a G6 against a pony or any other gamy flapping allied ride and i wasn't going to chase you back to your friends. and that was the "fight" before i logged there were three guys not far behind you on dar. the fact is you lost the advantage and you dove away which was smart on your part. with regard to shutting off the engine. that allows the 109 to snap the nose around very quickly or to create an overshoot which it did twice to you.
chickener, you both needed tons of help last night evidenced by the running you both did the whole night. It's alright, you needed to be ganging. you have been smacked around for three weeks now, you were entitled to small victory, hollow though it may have been. I don't know what he can or cannot hold but he sure isn't playing like he was a few months back, perhaps it's pre-menopausal symptoms. anyway alone he dies easily and that's why he runs.
stork - u r funny guy here while you seem quite angry in arena
if your ability ever = ur mouth, Levi better watch out
in the meantime, whenever you want a 1v1 spanking, just holler.
can you hit a p38 flying on the deck from 200d yet?
made it all the way back with a pw
lol lol lol
Originally posted by Eagler
if your ability ever = ur mouth, Levi better watch out
ROFL....somebody just got pwned.
I can see it now, in 2 more days this thread will be locked with a message that says "Locked for flamebait, see rules #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10, #11, #12, #13, #14, #15, #16"
Hey Krusty, good fight in the MA other night. You had me right there at the end before JB(your number here) picked me and stole your kill.
ok chickener but all i ever see of you lately is elbows and gluteous maximus. you have developed into quite a runner, i commend you. thank tk and jamusta for repeatedly saving you. you do well to stay in the horde. try the cartoon boston marathon you may yet win it.
Why dont you back up your mouth in the DA then?
Think this thread falls under rule 15.
But I already know the answer Slash. Because he has nothing to prove to you or anybody;)
Originally posted by TrueKill
Think this thread falls under rule 15.
I think you just pulled a #6. Sorry, couldn't resist:p
Originally posted by Eagler
stork - u r funny guy here while you seem quite angry in arena
if your ability ever = ur mouth, Levi better watch out
in the meantime, whenever you want a 1v1 spanking, just holler.
can you hit a p38 flying on the deck from 200d yet?
made it all the way back with a pw
lol lol lol
oh and eagler if your so good why did u check 6 me and jam so we can come down and save u? if i knew it was storch and tank then i would have kept on flying and let u die. ahhh to bad
Originally posted by SuperDud
I think you just pulled a #6. Sorry, couldn't resist:p
so did you :lol
Originally posted by TrueKill
so did you :lol
Good point:D
oh yea of course the dipchit arena, how could i forget thats where all the legends in their own minds go.
Originally posted by storch
oh yea of course the dipchit arena, how could i forget thats where all the legends in their own minds go.
Why talk so much trash then? We all know you cant back it up, let it go. Try to have some fun.:aok
smoked your arse last night and that was fun ;)