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General Forums => The O' Club => Topic started by: beet1e on December 14, 2001, 07:33:00 AM

Title: For your amusement – My most embarrassing moment aboard an airliner.
Post by: beet1e on December 14, 2001, 07:33:00 AM
It was Christmas 1994. I was rapidly approaching my 40th birthday and was aboard a Britannia Airlines 767 enroute from London to Tenerife in the Canary Islands for some winter sunshine. It’s about a four hour flight, and after some lunch I decided that it was time to take a comfort break. I was just walking up the aisle towards the forward lavatory when a fresh faced young lad wearing a white shirt and smart looking trousers beat me to it. As I waited for him to come out, I remember thinking that he must be on holiday with his parents, and that it seemed odd that he should be so nicely turned out, i.e. not wearing track suit bottoms and trainers.

After a couple of minutes, the door opened and the young man came out and I could see that he was even wearing a tie. I held the door for him and stepped forward to allow him to walk back down the aircraft. But he smiled at me, came round behind me, and walked into the cockpit. Geez! It turns out he was one of the pilots!!    :eek:

They say you know when you’re getting old when Policemen start to look young. The same applies to airline pilots it seems.
Title: For your amusement – My most embarrassing moment aboard an airliner.
Post by: loser on December 14, 2001, 07:45:00 AM
so you tripped him up as he walked by right?

never mind, of course you did.  ;)
Title: For your amusement – My most embarrassing moment aboard an airliner.
Post by: Curval on December 14, 2001, 08:14:00 AM
This happened to a friend of mine...hehehe

My "friend" was sitting next to an absolutely beautiful woman and at the time "he" was single.  The two engaged in a very pleasant conversation that was starting to look promising.  But, about an hour into the flight the junk food dinner and six or seven beers from the night before were struggling to get out of his body...he had to go....IMMEDIATELY.

So, he excused himself and went to the back.  Fortunately there was no line up and he was able to sit down and "bark at the porcelin" straight away.  

Extremely relived my "friend" was just thinking that he could now return and get the conversation with the gorgeous one back "on track".  With a laugh he thought to himself that he felt sorry for the poor person who was going to use the toilet next, as the smell was simply dreadful...he then opened the door, only to come face to face with the beautiful woman who was now first in a rather long line-up for the toilets...

There was nothing he could do...with a smile she pushed passed him and entered the small cubicle with the noxious odors and closed the door.

When she returned to her seat the woman no longer was smiling.  She had a frown that lasted practically the rest of the flight...and she didn't talk to me....I mean my friend...again.

Title: For your amusement – My most embarrassing moment aboard an airliner.
Post by: Nifty on December 14, 2001, 11:05:00 AM
That's downright awful!   :(  Never defile a public unisex lavatory!   ;)
Title: For your amusement – My most embarrassing moment aboard an airliner.
Post by: moose on December 15, 2001, 02:25:00 PM

that was a good one curval
Title: For your amusement – My most embarrassing moment aboard an airliner.
Post by: Leslie on December 15, 2001, 07:36:00 PM
Good one Curval.  Had to clean off my monitor after reading that one mate.  

Helpful hint:  Carry a box of matches and light a couple, then blow 'em out for a smoke mask...hehe.  Try it.  It works...LOL.


SCLeslie  :D
Title: For your amusement – My most embarrassing moment aboard an airliner.
Post by: texace on December 16, 2001, 05:46:00 PM
But Bama...something that noxious could ignite when exposed to flame. Be kinda hard to explain why the lavatory door was blown off and why your eyebrows are missing to a plane full of passengers and one pissed off flight crew...<G>

Title: For your amusement – My most embarrassing moment aboard an airliner.
Post by: Durr on December 16, 2001, 07:28:00 PM
A story (supposedly true) I heard once about a South African Airways airliner crew.
 It seems that they had just taken off and climbed to their cruise altitude.  The Captain set the autopilot, looked at the 1st officer and said, "I think I will have a cup of coffee and then go screw that pretty stewardess."  Unfortunately for him, the intercom switch was stuck in the on position so all the passengers heard this.  General laughter broke out in the back of the plane.  One of the stewardesses, started running forward to warn the pilots, but tripped and fell.  An old lady that was sitting there near her said, "Dont be in such a hurry, child, he said he was going to have a cup of coffee first!"  

That may be an aviation version of an urban legend but I have heard it repeatedly and it never fails to crack me up.   :D