Aces High Bulletin Board

General Forums => The O' Club => Topic started by: Leslie on August 28, 2005, 10:39:57 AM

Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: Leslie on August 28, 2005, 10:39:57 AM
175 mph winds catagory 5.  Be careful!!!  Expected landfall tomorrow.  Good luck all.

Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: Curval on August 28, 2005, 10:43:10 AM
Good luck is right!!!

Sustained winds of 160mph!!!!  SUSTAINED!!!!   That is just simply devastating.

You in the way man?

I just checked the NHC and the SUSTAINED winds are at 175!!!  I thought that was "gusts" Leslie was referring to...but it isn't at all.  The actual gusts are higher than 175!!  :eek:
Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: Leslie on August 28, 2005, 10:52:46 AM
Hi Curval.  I'm in Mobile.  The last bad hurricane we had here was in 1979 Hurricane Frederick at 135 mph winds.  Direct hit.  It literally broke every longleaf yellow pine tree in Mobile.  THe eye passed over my house and I went outside during the calm zone which lasted about 20 minutes.  It was filled with tornadoes and one of those pine trees snapped before my eyes from about 20 feet away.

After seeing that, nothing scares me anymore.;)

Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: Curval on August 28, 2005, 11:02:50 AM Hurricane Center (

Linked the NHC for ease of keeping up with the hurricane...even spelled "centre" wrong for you guys.  ;)

Sounds like a scary one you went through Leslie...:eek:
Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: Leslie on August 28, 2005, 11:18:29 AM
Thanks for the link Curval.

Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: SuperDud on August 28, 2005, 11:27:29 AM
It's not looking good for ya Les:(  

Good luck!!!
Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: SkyTex on August 28, 2005, 11:36:43 AM
good luck to anyone in it's path. Did it turn north yet or still goin west? if it keeps the western path up, we may get hit over in texas.
Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: Curval on August 28, 2005, 11:37:51 AM
They are evacuating New Orleans.

NEW ORLEANS - Mayor Ray Nagin ordered an immediate evacuation Sunday for all of New Orleans, a city sitting below sea level with 485,000 inhabitants, as Hurricane Katrina bore down with wind revved up to nearly 175 mph and a threat of a massive storm surge. Acknowledging that large numbers of people, many of them stranded tourists, would be unable to leave, the city set up 10 places of last resort including the Superdome arena. "This is a once in a lifetime event," the mayor said. "The city of New Orleans has never seen a hurricane of this magnitude hit it directly."
Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: LePaul on August 28, 2005, 11:47:22 AM
Wow, New Orleans worst nightmare...that's a lot of water heading their way, nevermind the winds.
Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: Sox62 on August 28, 2005, 11:57:44 AM
If you live in the NO to Mobile area...GET OUT NOW .
Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: Gunslinger on August 28, 2005, 12:08:56 PM
Originally posted by LePaul
Wow, New Orleans worst nightmare...that's a lot of water heading their way, nevermind the winds.

for a city that's 6ft below sea leval I'd say yea that's a big deal.

My parents live in West Point GA right on the border of GA and AL.  I betch they end up seeing some nasty weather from this.
Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: Thrawn on August 28, 2005, 12:53:02 PM
Apparently Katrina has been classified as a 5.5 (first time I have ever heard of that).  I don't think New Orleans is going to exist come tomorrow.  Gridlock on the main highway out of town.  :(
Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: Ripsnort on August 28, 2005, 01:10:09 PM
rpm might be right about $3.00 a gallon gas by Labor day, but only because Mother Nature intervened..
Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: Ripsnort on August 28, 2005, 01:13:36 PM
Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: kevykev56 on August 28, 2005, 01:40:44 PM
902 MB and 184MPH winds at sea level just reported on TWC.

Living in the florida panhandle we were looking at this storm hitting us. I sure am glad it isnt coming our way but really wish It wasnt hitting NO. A much more vulnerable area. After Ivan and Dennis we really need a break from these storms.

Thoughts and prayers out to all those in this storms path.

Edit: TWC just recanted their wind statment to 175mph sea level and 184mph at the flight level of hurricane hunter aircraft. Is their really a difference?
Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: Golfer on August 28, 2005, 01:49:10 PM
You couldn't convince me to fly into that thing...good luck everyone in it's path I hope you don't have a chance to read this because you're in your car heading away from that monster.
Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: Karnak on August 28, 2005, 02:36:43 PM
Good luck everybody in that area and I hope you only read this thread later.  This one is looking really, really ugly.
Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: Hangtime on August 28, 2005, 02:42:42 PM
Get out. Move north and west. Anything within 200 miles of the coast and within 200 miles immeadiately to the east of it's path will be destroyed. If you live between panama city and new orleans get OUT!

This is unprecedented.. because of the population density and the road network, getting out may be impossible at this point. Get a topograpical map, know where high ground is close to your location AT ALL TIMES. Bring a shovel to dig for wind shelter from flying debris.. structures are NOT shelter in these circumstances. The winds will be bad.. but the storm surge will kill you. GET TO HIGH GROUND, then seek shelter from the wind by digging. Do it before it's too late.. winds over 60mph will kill with debris, over 80 will just blow you away. This things packin winds over 150mph.

Anybody got a link to a topographical survey of the area? Best place would be 30' above sea level & have a nearby road network to get you outta the disaster area to water and food stocks immediately after the passage of the storm... because if you ain't out of the area now it's likely you'll not make it out because of traffic and panic. BEFORE you travel, go with a a topographical map so you can evac from the road to high ground if your caught in the open on the road.

Aftermath.. no clean water, low food stocks... could be very very dangerous. Go armed if you can.

Good luck, god bless.. prayers are with you.
Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: SuperDud on August 28, 2005, 02:49:51 PM
Originally posted by kevykev56
Edit: TWC just recanted their wind statment to 175mph sea level and 184mph at the flight level of hurricane hunter aircraft. Is their really a difference?

I don't think I'd be able to tell the difference between 175 and 184 if tey hit me. From what I know, once hurris hit that Cat5(155MPH) anything above that is pretty much just for records sake.
Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: Gunslinger on August 28, 2005, 03:28:49 PM
Originally posted by SuperDud
I don't think I'd be able to tell the difference between 175 and 184 if tey hit me. From what I know, once hurris hit that Cat5(155MPH) anything above that is pretty much just for records sake.

yea 150 feels like 180 except when you toss in debris.  Then 150 feels like 180 but 180 is still 180.  Anything else is just over kill on mother natures part.  :huh
Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: lasersailor184 on August 28, 2005, 03:47:33 PM
over 80 will just blow you away

Unless you're a stick, 80 won't blow you away.
Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: Hangtime on August 28, 2005, 03:48:39 PM
I was out in Gloria.. 85mph winds. Gust picked me up physically and tossed me about 30 feet.

Very humbling experience. Up to that moment it was 'fun', immediately afterwards, survival. I can't even begin to fathom how bad 150+ mph winds would be on an unprotected 200lb human. I'd expect cars to start flying at those speeds.

This is worse than bad.. it's a freakin disaster of the first magnitude.
Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: takeda on August 28, 2005, 04:03:59 PM
Check this PBS transcript from 2002:

Scary stuff
Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: Gunthr on August 28, 2005, 05:04:32 PM
I'm praying for those poor people.  This is will likely be the worst we've ever seen.
Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: indy007 on August 28, 2005, 05:11:02 PM
The swells are landing at Galveston & Surfside. Overhead & supposedly double overheard breaks. It never gets that good here. If you surf in Texas get after it while you can.

Friends started trickling in from Nola this morning, sure hope everybody makes it out.
Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: Silat on August 28, 2005, 06:01:34 PM
Is this just the beginning of Hurricane season?
Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: BlckMgk on August 28, 2005, 06:08:52 PM
Just went through "Sucker Punch Katrina" here in Miami.

God bless those who are about to experience Cat 5 Katrina.

I've been without power since 9pm thursday, but the devistation thats about to happen where Katrina lands is not going to compare.

There will be death, destruction and mayhem only thing I can hope is that most people have just gotten out of the way or found suitable shelter (AWAY FROM THE STORM!)

My prayers are with all of you!

Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: AKS\/\/ulfe on August 28, 2005, 06:09:11 PM
I blame Bush.
Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: CyranoAH on August 28, 2005, 06:09:28 PM
Any known webcams in NO to monitor the arrival of Katrina?


Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: Furball on August 28, 2005, 06:10:54 PM

that is going to hurt.  i hope that everyone in the city is leaving, or those that are not leaving are on high ground.
Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: FalconSix on August 28, 2005, 06:11:40 PM
Only three category five hurricanes have made landfall in US history. It is no exaggeration to say that this might be a catastrophe of historical proportions.
Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: Gunslinger on August 28, 2005, 06:20:57 PM
Originally posted by AKS\/\/ulfe
I blame Bush.

yup if he'd talked to cindy sheehan this wouldnt have happend.
Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: lasersailor184 on August 28, 2005, 06:27:21 PM
Only three category five hurricanes have made landfall in US history. It is no exaggeration to say that this might be a catastrophe of historical proportions

No, only three that we have recorded history on.  I'd be willing to be there have been many more.
Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: Curval on August 28, 2005, 06:32:00 PM
Originally posted by Silat
Is this just the beginning of Hurricane season?

No, hurricane season starts in June and runs through until the beginning of November.
Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: airbumba on August 28, 2005, 06:54:11 PM
902Mb, ain't good anywhere.:(

Good luck folks, my fingers are crossed for ya.

Troy, if you read this, I'm leaving you an email. Let me know if ya need crap like plastic sheets, batteries etc. Let me know , was sendin ya somethin anyway. Don't know how good delivery will be for the next few days.. :( Email me as soon as you can.
Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: airbumba on August 28, 2005, 06:57:18 PM
This sucker is gunna be basically a 200 mile wide F3 tornado. Real bad.
Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: FalconSix on August 28, 2005, 07:14:42 PM
Originally posted by lasersailor184
No, only three that we have recorded history on.  I'd be willing to be there have been many more.

The last category five hurricane that made landfall was in 1969. I'm quite sure that recorded history spans the history of the United States, so "only three category five hurricanes have made landfall in US history" would be correct. Would it not?
Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: Eagler on August 28, 2005, 07:39:20 PM
at this point all you can do it pray that it somehow shears and weakens as it closes on the coast

that eye is tight, the pressure is low and it is riding on the warmest gulf water possible - all we can do is pray for a miracle, or several
Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: Sparks on August 28, 2005, 07:41:15 PM
To anyone reading this in th NO area my thoughts and hopes are with you. I hope fate deals you a good hand - good luck and best wishes.

Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: RedDg on August 28, 2005, 07:45:22 PM
I mean no disrespect in this: The perfect storm, look at that eye.

My prayers are out to all of you.
Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: BlueJ1 on August 28, 2005, 07:46:46 PM
Originally posted by CyranoAH
Any known webcams in NO to monitor the arrival of Katrina?



Ive been using these. Found em on google. (
Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: StarOfAfrica2 on August 28, 2005, 07:57:50 PM
It's down now BlueJ.
Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: Silat on August 28, 2005, 07:59:20 PM
Originally posted by Curval
No, hurricane season starts in June and runs through until the beginning of November.

Thanks Curval. Where I live we only have to lookout for little volcanoes:)
Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: Goth on August 28, 2005, 08:02:13 PM
We have been preparing for this under what we called Hurricane Pam exercise. The slosh models linked here illustrate what will happen to storm surge hitting New Orleans from a Cat 3 storm.

slosh model (

When I left work about an hour ago there were 30,000 people using the Superdome as a shelter. It is estimated that once the water enters the bowl of New Orleans, it will be a long time to get it out due to pumping stations being down.

Estimates are for the eye to hit N.O. at 0700 tomorrow morning with sustained winds of at least 134mph.

This storm is not following the same path as Pam, but the surge was higher than the estimated Pam surge. are some cams of N.O....WARNING, I blocked cookies...

New Orleans Cams (

Here are cams of the traffic in Baton Rouge.

Baton Rouge Evac Cams (
Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: lasersailor184 on August 28, 2005, 08:11:42 PM
The last category five hurricane that made landfall was in 1969. I'm quite sure that recorded history spans the history of the United States, so "only three category five hurricanes have made landfall in US history" would be correct. Would it not?

No.  We weren't always recording the weather data.  Nor did we have satelites to track hurricanes.

There were 3 cat 5 hurricanes that hit land SINCE WE STARTED RECORDING DATA.

That says nothing about the ones that hit before.
Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: BlueJ1 on August 28, 2005, 08:25:40 PM
Try this one guys. (

Every site Ive found is either down or really slow. I think im not the only one looking.

The NOLA one still works for me.
Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: BlckMgk on August 28, 2005, 08:36:40 PM
Originally posted by FalconSix
The last category five hurricane that made landfall was in 1969. I'm quite sure that recorded history spans the history of the United States, so "only three category five hurricanes have made landfall in US history" would be correct. Would it not?

Sorry falcon "the last cat 5" was not in 1969, but in 1992 with Andrew.

Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: stantond on August 28, 2005, 08:43:29 PM
What a terrible storm.  I vividly remember Hurricane Isabele hitting here in 2003, and it was a Cat 1!  I am praying Hurricane Katrina turns south!!  


Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: Masherbrum on August 28, 2005, 10:18:23 PM
Originally posted by lasersailor184
No.  We weren't always recording the weather data.  Nor did we have satelites to track hurricanes.

There were 3 cat 5 hurricanes that hit land SINCE WE STARTED RECORDING DATA.

That says nothing about the ones that hit before.

Knock it off already.

Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: Masherbrum on August 28, 2005, 10:20:57 PM
Originally posted by Goth
We have been preparing for this under what we called Hurricane Pam exercise. The slosh models linked here illustrate what will happen to storm surge hitting New Orleans from a Cat 3 storm.

slosh model (

When I left work about an hour ago there were 30,000 people using the Superdome as a shelter. It is estimated that once the water enters the bowl of New Orleans, it will be a long time to get it out due to pumping stations being down.

Estimates are for the eye to hit N.O. at 0700 tomorrow morning with sustained winds of at least 134mph.

This storm is not following the same path as Pam, but the surge was higher than the estimated Pam surge. are some cams of N.O....WARNING, I blocked cookies...

New Orleans Cams (

Here are cams of the traffic in Baton Rouge.

Baton Rouge Evac Cams (

As a former squaddie in NAZGUL Goth, I pray for you and yours.   I pray God shows some mercy, and the majority have already grabbed all they can and got the f**k out of dodge.


PS - my brother.
Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: StarOfAfrica2 on August 28, 2005, 10:33:58 PM
Was just looking at pictures of people lined up to get into the Superdome.  I hate to see this.  As vicious a place as NO can be, its got a beauty all its own.  It will be a long time recovering from this one.  

Caught this in a discussion of Katrina compared to the other Cat 5 hurricanes that have hit.  

Its central pressure — a measure of a storm’s intensity — fell to 906 millibars, making Katrina the second strongest storm on record after the Labor Day hurricane of 1935 that hit the Florida Keys. That storm recorded a minimum central pressure of 892 millibars on landfall.

“If it stayed at this intensity, it would be one of the two or three strongest to ever hit this country,” Rappaport, of the hurricane center, told CNN.
Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: AWMac on August 28, 2005, 10:52:08 PM
If there is anyone seeking shelter my home is open!!!!

PM me.

Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: AWMac on August 28, 2005, 11:02:01 PM
Leslie head towards Oklahoma...NW from you.  I'll take you and Family in pets and all.

Just leave now!!!

Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: Sox62 on August 28, 2005, 11:06:28 PM
You know what's really pissing me off?

The Weather Channel's hurricane expert Dr.Wise.

He acts concerned,but it seems like he is enjoying talking about what potential destruction Katrina may cause.
Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: Masherbrum on August 28, 2005, 11:10:06 PM
Originally posted by Sox62
You know what's really pissing me off?

The Weather Channel's hurricane expert Dr.Wise.

He acts concerned,but it seems like he is enjoying talking about what potential destruction Katrina may cause.

When it comes down to events like this, they go for ratings.   To me, they are worse than pondscum.  

Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: Goth on August 28, 2005, 11:27:51 PM
Originally posted by Masherbrum
As a former squaddie in NAZGUL Goth, I pray for you and yours.   I pray God shows some mercy, and the majority have already grabbed all they can and got the f**k out of dodge.


PS - my brother.

Hey bro...thanks...this gonna be a big nasty.

You know, I sit at work and watch this...sit at home and watch this and think (or hope) it's not as bad as they're painting it. Been working in this business for 8 years now, and maybe I have grown callous to it and that certainly lends a hand to my understanding of the average citizen when they hear "evacuate".

All that aside, I don't EVER throw out personal info over the internet, but for anybody that needs help in Louisiana after this storm, I work here...

email or call rweiser and I will see what I can do for you.
Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: kevykev56 on August 28, 2005, 11:32:06 PM
Those who are watching the cams, Grab the live video on the paradecam, The winds are really starting to pick up. I am thinking video will be down soon, power should be gone in a few hours.

We are already getting lots of wind and rain where I am. I am far enough away not to have much to worry about. Forcasting only 50-75mph winds here.
Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: Masherbrum on August 28, 2005, 11:48:06 PM
Originally posted by kevykev56
Those who are watching the cams, Grab the live video on the paradecam, The winds are really starting to pick up. I am thinking video will be down soon, power should be gone in a few hours.

We are already getting lots of wind and rain where I am. I am far enough away not to have much to worry about. Forcasting only 50-75mph winds here.

I cannot sit and watch a live webcam, I feel it as being a vulture.   I'm not singling you out Kev, by any stretch of the means.  

Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: kevykev56 on August 29, 2005, 12:12:25 AM
I sure dont feel like a vulture, I can just look out the window and see this storm. I can safely say that I am somewhat relieved that it is hitting N.O. Tho I sure do not wish this on anyone.

From the day that Katrina hit the Gulf she was projected to turn towards my house. For two days the projected path was a line over my house on the map.

Its tough to watch but still very interesting and when you have evacuated and are wondering what is going on at home. To be able to see it can be a relief not just a bad thing. Wish I had a cam setup on my PC when i evacuated last year.

When Ivan hit last year I evacuated to T.N. I was calling my home every 10 minutes just to hear the answering machine pick up. When the phone just rang and rang after about 20 minutes following landfall I knew we were in trouble. All power was lost to my house because of a fallen tree in my front yard. It took a week before power came back, we went home after power came up but still had 2 freezers full of rotten stentch that had to be cleared. Only lost food and a few shingles and a tree, we were very lucky.

This storm scared everyone on the gulf, with waters this warm you knew it was gona be bad for someone. There are alot of eyes watching this storm and to be able to see it Isnt vulching, its more like sympathetic curosity.

More Prayers from here are going out to those effected, and will be throughout the night and tomorrow.

Sorry Karaya for the long post just wanted to explain.
Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: FiLtH on August 29, 2005, 12:49:09 AM
There is a bit of morbid curiosity with events like this. The news people, especially the Hurricane experts must feel very important, and being human, this is their big day. They are excited, and its probably why they use older experts because the young ones would be way to giddy to be on tv.

    We all watch. Its a sad thing.  But like Homer Simpson said..."Its funny...because its not happening to me." Its by all means not funny...but you get my meaning. In todays world, you are either the victim, or the spectator.

    All the people and animals are in my prayers.
Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: Godzilla on August 29, 2005, 01:12:41 AM
Originally posted by FiLtH
There is a bit of morbid curiosity with events like this. The news people, especially the Hurricane experts must feel very important,  

I think the hurricane experts are important.  :rolleyes:
Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: Nilsen on August 29, 2005, 01:35:28 AM
It has reached 282kph :eek:
Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: StarOfAfrica2 on August 29, 2005, 02:18:54 AM
Less than 4 hours to landfall and counting.  Good luck.
Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: mora on August 29, 2005, 03:50:29 AM
Here's a direct link to a live cam if anyone's interested:
Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: Nilsen on August 29, 2005, 04:04:32 AM
Ive seen it mora. abit dark there still
Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: CyranoAH on August 29, 2005, 04:51:50 AM
Actually, lights are out, it wasn't that dark 2 hours ago...

Title: MEDIA potatoS!
Post by: Hangtime on August 29, 2005, 09:24:31 AM
was thumbing the channels on the hurricane coverage.

..talking heads with microphones standing in the wind and rain.

wonder which network gets to claim the proud distinction of having their dypchit news crew flattened by a flying car.
Title: Re: MEDIA potatoS!
Post by: Ripsnort on August 29, 2005, 09:34:38 AM
Originally posted by Hangtime
was thumbing the channels on the hurricane coverage.

..talking heads with microphones standing in the wind and rain.

wonder which network gets to claim the proud distinction of having their dypchit news crew flattened by a flying car.

The dummy on Fox standing beneath that huge sign at the hotel...Darwin award on the horizon for him.
Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: Nilsen on August 29, 2005, 09:35:43 AM
LOL! :rofl
Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: FiLtH on August 29, 2005, 11:01:23 AM
LOL ya I was thinking the same thing. Its only a matter of time before someone is whacked. The anchors saying "Please Jim..dont take one for the careful", while the channel heads are saying.."Wade out doesnt look dangerous enough for our viewers...go!"

   As for the hurricane experts, I know they are important. I just said THEY know at times like this they know they are important. Dont you roll yer eyes at me! I'll poke em out with a pointy stick! :P
Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: Eagler on August 29, 2005, 11:16:17 AM

these are the ones many turn to so that they may find out how to feel about the issues .....

... yet they ain't even smart enough to get out of the rain not to mention a hurricane - LOL

two small miracles this morning: the jog east and with it the lowering to a 4 from a 5 may have saved N.O.
Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: Meatwad on August 29, 2005, 11:22:58 AM
For anyone that still has the big satellite dishes, there is a live feed of hurricane coverage on satellite T-5 transponder 9 of stations WBRZ and WGNO. Just heard there have been about 20 buildings collapsed in NO  and possibly some people trapped. Also something about 2 major pump stations failing and water overflowing the banks and re-running back into the city. :(
Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: Nilsen on August 29, 2005, 11:23:35 AM
From CNN headline:

"Total structural failure" in parts of New Orleans
Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: Makarov9 on August 29, 2005, 11:48:26 AM
Me and my wife's family are 50 miles west of New Orleans. For their sake I'm glad it jogged east but you have to feel for the people east of New Orleans and Missisppi coast. God I don't miss being in hurricanes. Now I just have to worry about earthquakes.
Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: Curval on August 29, 2005, 03:02:07 PM
Heavy flooding in Mobile Al.

Leslie, post when you can mate.  Hope you are okay.
Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: boxboy28 on August 29, 2005, 07:55:06 PM
LOL well im no weather man (Karaya - hehe CHUCK Gateica or Sunny Elliot)  but that dang storms/hurricane  going up to see Nashesass in Canada!
Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: BlueJ1 on August 29, 2005, 08:09:54 PM
Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: boxboy28 on August 29, 2005, 08:26:04 PM
BlueJ    ild say yes and Michigan and Canada and any other area in that path!

but i see it splitting right there where the blue ridge mtns start(GA/AL/TN/OK) the corner there, but a small part will come up the eastern side on the Appilacions(sp) and blue ridge/smokies

If your look at the DAR im in NC just above the NC/SC line 30 min. south of Ashville or 45 from Greenville. off hwy26

LOL at least its good for the farmers!    not to mention in prep. for this they dropped my lake about 8-10 ft.(damned up mtn lake/river)....we really do have sandy beaches .....when the water levels down!
Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: airbumba on August 30, 2005, 01:40:36 AM
This thing is WAY worse than they think. Hearing them say that NO just missed a big hit, you'd think it wasn't that bad, i fear they are way wrong.

My neighbour is a ham radio dude and he has a ham buddy on some higher ground NW of Biloxi, his pal said there's a small town near him that isn't there anymore, and they haven't heard from anyone that was from that small town. Bad stuff.

Just while I type, they said (cnn) said something about the levi just broke. The lake Ponchatrain(sp?) one. The CNN reporter girl broke down talking about all the people trapped in their atticks, and the water is rising. Bad stuff.

I fear by the time I wake up tommorrow, I will read that this is a huge disaster, I hope I'm wrong.
Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: Lazerus on August 30, 2005, 03:21:16 AM
Was in downtown Charleston when Hugo hit in '89. The storm broke course just before hitting us to the south like Katrina did NO. There are a few small fishing towns north of here that had over 25' storm surges, completely erasing everything that was there. There were stories of single members of families surviving after being swept off the roof with the rest of their family. Entire families found in their attic. Houses lifted squarely off their foundation and moved hundreds of yards.



The first image is the Ben Sawyer Bridge. It was torn from its locked position and turned to where you see it.

It will be 16 years next month. I have memories as clear as yesterday.

My prayers go out for each and every person that lives down there tonight, same as I did last night. The next 2 months will be horrific.

Just as an emphasis. Hugo hit Sep. 21/22. I got power back a few days before Holloween. These people need all the help you can spare.
Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: Nilsen on August 30, 2005, 03:50:46 AM
Now would prolly be a good time to start thinking about not rebuilding and move to somewere above sea level.

Storms will get worse in the future and the water level is rising.

I would never move back if my house was gone. There is plenty of safe land in America.
Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: stantond on August 30, 2005, 07:26:54 AM
One would think.

However, based on previous observations that will not happen.  I remember being very concerned, after first moving to Virginia, about people losing their homes in ocean storms this time of the year on Cape Hatteras (which is about 60 miles away).  Then, the next year people lost homes on Cape Hatteras.  And then the next. It happens every year!  Fortunately, these are typically summer homes that the owners can affort to rebuild.

I haven't figured out how they keep getting insurance money to rebuild these homes nearly every year, but they do.  After awhile, the Federal Government will buy land that is prone to catastrophic flooding to stop people from building there, much like after the floods along the Mississippi river in the late 90's.   I believe that waterfront property is preceived as valuable and someone is always going to live there regardless of the risks.  Of course people live at the base of Mt. Vesuvius, which seems risky to me as well.  

That said, I really feel for those people who were in the path of Katrina, plus I have a neice living in Shreveport.  Been through the hurricane experience, it's no fun.  


Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: Masherbrum on August 30, 2005, 08:07:14 AM
Originally posted by boxboy28
LOL well im no weather man (Karaya - hehe CHUCK Gateica or Sunny Elliot)  but that dang storms/hurricane  going up to see Nashesass in Canada!

Chuck rules!!!!  

Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: StarOfAfrica2 on August 30, 2005, 12:02:52 PM
According to reports on the radio this morning, 80% of NO is under water at this time.  Only the French Quarter was spared heavy flooding.  The streets outside the Superdome are knee deep in water.  Most of the flooding is from the 17th St. canal levee that broke last night.  Last report I heard was 57 dead, but they expect to find lots more trapped in houses.  They found an entire apt. building full of people in Mississippi.
Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: Nilsen on August 30, 2005, 12:13:39 PM
Originally posted by StarOfAfrica2
According to reports on the radio this morning, 80% of NO is under water at this time.  Only the French Quarter was spared heavy flooding.  

I guess the French Quarter surrendered.. ha ha ha haaa
Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: Meatwad on August 30, 2005, 12:17:25 PM
Originally posted by Nilsen
I guess the French Quarter surrendered.. ha ha ha haaa

:rofl :rofl :rofl
Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: Makarov9 on August 30, 2005, 12:35:29 PM
Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: Hangtime on August 30, 2005, 12:44:17 PM
this is just getting started.

Three cities in ruins, infrastructure wiped out. We've kicked into a local food & clothing drive, dropping stuff at the local FD.

Here we go again....
Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: FuBaR on August 30, 2005, 12:48:59 PM
Lets get a count of those who play AH who live on the gulf coast who are safe please.
Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: boxboy28 on August 30, 2005, 02:53:02 PM
I know GOTH of the Nazgul lives down that way!  Goth you servive?
Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: BlueJ1 on August 30, 2005, 03:04:30 PM
According to the news whats left standing, and is not flooded is now on fire. And they are finding alot of bodies.

Doom lives in New Orleans, or in that area.

Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: Hangtime on August 30, 2005, 03:07:27 PM
Originally posted by boxboy28
I know GOTH of the Nazgul lives down that way!  Goth you servive?

He not only survived, he's been working nonstop helping others since before the emergency.. he's with the FEMA crews.

Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: Curval on August 30, 2005, 03:27:53 PM
Goth.  More people needed there who are willing to do that.

Be safe...lots of power lines down in the flooded areas and nasty stuff floating about.

I read one report that said power would not be fully restored in NO and surrounding areas for TWO MONTHS!!!!  I would be one very unhappy camper due to this alone.

Lots of reports of huge losses of life...way above the 80 figure reported earlier today.

Horrific stuff.
Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: Makarov9 on August 30, 2005, 03:51:48 PM (

WWL TV is a New Orleans station that has life video feed of their broadcast through the internet. It has the most up-to-date and indebt coverage.

Senator Mary Landrau, who flew over the tsunami areas last year, said that the area of SE Louisiana she just flew over, looked just like those areas affected by the tsunami.

God bless those people.
Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: Makarov9 on August 30, 2005, 04:03:34 PM (

They have video from the Misissippi gulf coast. It's looks like a nuke went off. :(
Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: StarOfAfrica2 on August 30, 2005, 04:26:16 PM
They expect the death toll to be in the hundreds by the time this is done.  I remember helping during the Mississippi flood in '93.  We spent hours sandbagging and everyone had to get tetanus shots because of the dead animals and nasty stuff in the river being washed down by the flood.  I cant even begin to imagine what it must be like down there right now.  The scale of devastation is far broader than just flood waters.  The floods will start to kill off any survivors though, from disease, if they arent rescued soon.
Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: Goth on August 30, 2005, 04:37:51 PM
Quick word from here at work. I work for Louisiana Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness, so I can't really do much for you guys that got affected outside Louisiana. IF you got affected in anyway, check your insurance, then call the 1-800-621-FEMA number and register. I also posted links earlier in this thread for anyone living in Louisiana that needs help, don't hesitate to contact me and I will do what I can.

This storm hit hard here and New Orleans is suffering badly. Let's not forget about our bro's in Miss., Tenn., and Kentucky. This storm cell might be bad enough to affect Ohio, Penn and Mass.

It's pretty chaotic here at work, won't be able to shoot some of you down for quite a while. Catch you when I can.
Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: lasersailor184 on August 30, 2005, 04:51:12 PM

Crap.  Well Rip, we need to pick another state now.
Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: boxboy28 on August 30, 2005, 05:14:24 PM
GOTH and all other busting arse wth relief and FEMA  <<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>  (biggest salute)  to all!  I know that lil damn storm couldnt kill GOTH-MAL!  

On a Side note ,   Rich i guess i wont be down there next May for that Biloxi gaming convention seeing as 3/4 of the barges are in the highway or floated to the back bay!!   even thought it didnt really give us a fit in NC my company is gonna take a nice loss with 5 of the major casinos there out of commision for a while!(we stock there product 3 months out at a time)...
Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: Lazerus on September 01, 2005, 02:44:58 AM
Originally posted by Curval

I read one report that said power would not be fully restored in NO and surrounding areas for TWO MONTHS!!!!...........

Horrific stuff.

It took over a month for us to get power back, and my house wasn't in a flooded area. It's getting to the point where people are wondering if New Orleans might be permanently out of commision. Biloxi and Gulf Port, Port St. Louis and all the small communities on the coast East of New Orleans aren't in the position of being below SL, but they are completely, utterly destroyed. 3 to 4 months is a safe estimate of the time it will take to get power completely restored there.

I have family that lives/lived in Mobile, a great aunt and uncle, Iwo vet married to my grandfathers sister. I haven't been able to get through to my family in North AL to find out if they left and are OK.

Anyone that has been through anything close to this has an inkling of what these people are going through. If anyone is thinking of making a donation, stop thinking and do it.
Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: Russian on September 01, 2005, 04:19:57 PM
There's a post from a med-evac pilot, BeachAV8R. It's a good read from first hand experience.;f=142;t=000139
Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: Pyro on September 01, 2005, 07:37:22 PM
That brings back a lot of memories Lazerus.  I was in the Coast Guard in Charleston when Hugo hit.    Those were not fun days that followed.  I can't even  imagine what the crews working Katrina are going through.
Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: Goth on September 01, 2005, 08:12:07 PM
Russian, that story is about right. I might get in trouble for this, but it's a total charlie foxtrot here. I'm working 14-16 hour days, mentally fried, depressed from watching the area I grew up in destroyed, embarrassed from the looters.

Today they had to send police to downtown Baton Rouge. Apparently the lowlifes are forming thug gangs here now too. We're at such a disconnect, anything I hear is wildass rumor until I see it confirmed on TV. I heard that about 3k people were holed up in the Dome, barricading themselves in threatening to kill anyone that comes in. Looters setting fires. I'm really asking myself why I care about those idiots, why am I breaking my body to save them?

The military dispatched supposedly 7k MP's, Sheriff Lee is trying to deputize people in Jefferson Parish (actual law enforcement agents from out of state, not the average joe).

I got politicians in the EOC with their "hangerons", you know, the little suckups. Our work area is clustered with people that have no business there and are just getting in the way.

We have agencies arcing off acting on their own without communicating or coordinating. We have ego's that are so inflated it's sad. We're so wrapped up in life saving, that we can't move on stabilizing people in shelters which is making their morale worse, causing higher tempers and flare ups.

And don't get me started on the gas stations around here. Fights are breaking out. I actually called my parents today and begged them not to go outside.

I better quit before I blow a gasket. Gonna crack a beer, hit bed, then start all over again early tomorrow.
Title: Hurricane Katrina
Post by: Maverick on September 01, 2005, 08:32:42 PM
Goth hang in there buddy. It's a crappy duty and job right now but at least you are doing something to help and not hinder. It will be something to tell the grandkids about later on.