Aces High Bulletin Board

General Forums => The O' Club => Topic started by: Downtown on July 21, 2000, 10:44:00 AM

Title: Seen the new WBIII Movie?
Post by: Downtown on July 21, 2000, 10:44:00 AM
At Dogfighter (  I know that some WB folks complain that AH looks cartoony, but that is the impression I get from WBIII?  I watched it several times and I don't like it.  I don't really understand why, but I didn't.

I guess the main things that bug me are the sky and terrain.  Just a plain blue sky and a plain brown terrain.  Cool elevations in teh terrain, but too much like hersheys coco powder I think.

Smoke and explosions look kinda forced also.  Would have like to have seen from inside the spit attacking the pony, and a few shots from inside the pony.  Guess they don't have cockpits developed yet.

So far nothing there to make me change back.

"Downtown" Lincoln Brown. (
Wrecking Crews "Drag and Die Guy"
Hals und beinbruch!
Title: Seen the new WBIII Movie?
Post by: indian on July 21, 2000, 01:13:00 PM
Hope it gets better then that very choppy and the spit flew thru the pony should have crashed.

Tommy (INDIAN) Toon
Indians Home page were links to help pages can be found.
Indian's Homepage (
Title: Seen the new WBIII Movie?
Post by: Yeager on July 21, 2000, 01:26:00 PM
I thought it looked fine except for the contrast between the planes and the environment.  Seemed too sharp but hey, its a work in progress.

Plainly amounts to extremely delayed proof that work is underway rather than a demo of any substantial amount.

I do plan on checking WBs3 out so its more than a trivial matter for me.



[This message has been edited by Yeager (edited 07-21-2000).]
Title: Seen the new WBIII Movie?
Post by: Westy on July 22, 2000, 06:46:00 AM
 That's AW with a better damage model.

 Seriously. The flying thru opponant ability, the landscape, he sky and especially that smoke from the wounded 51. I feel like I was watching an AW3 gun camera movie.
 WB III has to be better than what we just saw. Really. Or else iEN is in a world of hurt when that thing comes out.


Title: Seen the new WBIII Movie?
Post by: Ghosth on July 22, 2000, 07:00:00 AM
OK for the 2nd time I've downloaded & watched
WB 3 video and again I'm not impressed.

The planes look "pasted" into the sim, like they are cardboard cutouts. Smoke wasn't modeled very well IMO. Fairly decent job on the bits & pieces falling off. But no better than AH IMO.

That brings you down to the terrain.


Sorry, no contest, iEN's going to have do to better than that to stay alive again In my opinion.

Title: Seen the new WBIII Movie?
Post by: Windle on August 01, 2000, 11:45:00 PM
I suppose 'Work In Progress' doesn't register with you guys?  Do you really need WBIII to suck to justify something personal?  

Personally, I think I'll wait 'till the beta (along time off) before I start whining.
Title: Seen the new WBIII Movie?
Post by: Ozark on August 02, 2000, 12:18:00 AM
I don't think it's personal. The "work in progress" has been going on for 14+ months. I think more than anything else, some folks are just disappointed. HTC opened the doors 12 months ago and has come a long was in that time. I, like most folks in the WWII flight sim community, want to see WBIII survive. Two good flight sims in a limited market will spark innovation and were all winners.
Title: Seen the new WBIII Movie?
Post by: -lynx- on August 02, 2000, 06:03:00 AM
Well - smoke effect sucks but at least the prop is not windmilling on a dead engine (

13 Sqn RAF
Title: Seen the new WBIII Movie?
Post by: Ghosth on August 02, 2000, 07:27:00 AM
No I don't think I need WBIII to suck to justify my move to AH.

However, can those Warbirds pilots who are pinning all their hopes on WBIII say the same?

Ozark made the important point IMO. iEN has been working on WBII for a LONG time now, this is the best they have to date?

Look at what Aces High has become in a year!
(And with a very small design group may I add)

When it comes to WBIII methinks the shoes on the other foot!
Title: Seen the new WBIII Movie?
Post by: Hangtime on August 02, 2000, 09:51:00 PM
Frankly; I hope WBIII and AWx and WWIIOnline are succesful.

This will reduce the AH server load; reduce warps; and generally improve frame rates.

Everybody wins.  (

Title: Seen the new WBIII Movie?
Post by: Toad on August 03, 2000, 12:30:00 AM
Hang, I think you are presuming a major expansion in the online ACM player base.

Which could of course happen.

Or, the pie might not grow and all diners will have to make do with a smaller slice.

Could lead to starvation for some?
Title: Seen the new WBIII Movie?
Post by: Westy on August 03, 2000, 10:37:00 AM
 Windle, why did you take folks opinions here like they were pissing in your wheaties. You're stoked about WB III, good for you. I'm neutral about it. It's no threat to me and I offered my honest opinion. This same question on the WWII Online ubbboard got the same responses. And in both topics no one was impresseed except you, Yak and -Ireg-. And most folks said the reason for the major disappointment was because they expected more from a work that has been in progress for SO LONG. What I have seen is uninspiring and doesn't break any new ground at all. HTC on the other hand has at least introduced the superb view system  and clouds - to just name two major contributions to online play that come to mind. (Add in customer support and iEN doesn't have a leg to stand on). There are actually many new features AH has that WB, AW and the other sims do not. WB III only has MAC support to be able to call itself different imo.
 This again, imo. Your post was plainly a personal Pro-WBIII knee jerk defense reflex. You should get that checked out.

Title: Seen the new WBIII Movie?
Post by: Downtown on August 03, 2000, 11:03:00 AM
Windle, I fly AH for two main reasons.

The View System and the flat rate.

I would still be flying WB if I could afford it.  I know I fly quite a bit, and with the flat rate I get to enjoy myself on AH.  I am not a pilot in RL and have never flown a WWII Era fighter so beyond my book reading on the subject I can't judge the FM.  They are both very close IMO.

Watching that WBIII Movie did not demonstrate anything that I felt was worth $2.00 an hour.

HTC has integrated almost exactly several suggestions I have made to the strat model.  They continue to add planes (planes That I am quite fond of by the Way.)

So it comes down to I am currently satisfied with the way HTC treats me.  I wasn't satisfied with the way iEN or many of the folks over on AGW treated me.  I don't see a lot of hostility from the HTC account holders as I do see from AGW toward HTC flyers.

Right now I believe there is a more harmonious and stable community, and I feel I am getting the service I desire.

I had decent connects to the servers for WB when they were in Texas.  The move to North Carolina made my connections terrible (Washington DC, and New York killed them.)

I still have some connection issues, but I have noticed that when I can't connect or have a poor connection to HTC I have difficulty even surfing the internet.

If iEN Wants me back.

3. A router in the Washington DC exchange to improve my connection to iEN.
4. A Flat Rate comparable or lower to what HTC has.
5. An improved Strat Model.

Then I would have to compare between AH and WBIII and make a decision.  What I have seen so far, I feel that there is no decision.  HTC is where I stay.

"Downtown" Lincoln Brown. (
Wrecking Crews "Drag and Die Guy"
Hals und beinbruch!