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General Forums => The O' Club => Topic started by: Hangtime on October 27, 2005, 08:38:20 AM

Title: !@#@%$^%$#@! Arrrgh!
Post by: Hangtime on October 27, 2005, 08:38:20 AM
Just woke up. Stumbled into the kitchen to make coffee. Tossed in the filter, the grounds and instead of pouring in the filtered water from the brita pitcher, i poured in milk.

and didn't notice.

switched it on, stumbled into the shower.

refreshed and a bit more awake I stand in front of the coffee machine with my cup... and i'm still cursing my moronic idiot befudedled mind...

Title: !@#@%$^%$#@! Arrrgh!
Post by: Suave on October 27, 2005, 08:41:53 AM
That's as bad as having one of those drip machines with the check valve that is levered open by the plastic lid on the coffee pot. And you make a pot of coffee and put the pot in it without that lid. And then you come back to find hot coffee all over the counter and the floor and only two teaspoons in the coffee pot.
Title: !@#@%$^%$#@! Arrrgh!
Post by: oboe on October 27, 2005, 08:42:35 AM
You will drink the coffee....

Title: !@#@%$^%$#@! Arrrgh!
Post by: Suave on October 27, 2005, 08:42:46 AM
BTW How is your latte cafe latte ?
Title: !@#@%$^%$#@! Arrrgh!
Post by: Jackal1 on October 27, 2005, 09:04:47 AM
Aww cheer up Hang. It could be worse. You could have brushed your teeth with Brycreem or Preparation H. :D
Title: !@#@%$^%$#@! Arrrgh!
Post by: Hangtime on October 27, 2005, 09:08:30 AM
This is the third machine to find itself in a high parabolic trajectory aimed at a dumpster about 30' away. aside from the posioning I gave it, the damn thing had one of those lids you describe.. and yah, I've had the blow out mess when the valve didn't open. To add insult to injury, the damn thing on a good day would dribble/spill about a 1/4 of the first cup unless i poured at an agonizingly slow pace.

...he shoots, he scores... inna da dumpsta.

any reccomendations on a replacement machine?
Title: !@#@%$^%$#@! Arrrgh!
Post by: Suave on October 27, 2005, 09:22:28 AM
My favorite coffee maker.




But in my kitchen it's an El Chipo brand plastic drip with super convienent stop flow valve.
Title: !@#@%$^%$#@! Arrrgh!
Post by: Hangtime on October 27, 2005, 09:27:01 AM
damn. looks like my girlfriends home pregnancy checker.


Thanks. But I prefer something that plugs into a wall.
Title: !@#@%$^%$#@! Arrrgh!
Post by: Sandman on October 27, 2005, 09:45:11 AM
Originally posted by Hangtime
This is the third machine to find itself in a high parabolic trajectory aimed at a dumpster about 30' away. aside from the posioning I gave it, the damn thing had one of those lids you describe.. and yah, I've had the blow out mess when the valve didn't open. To add insult to injury, the damn thing on a good day would dribble/spill about a 1/4 of the first cup unless i poured at an agonizingly slow pace.

...he shoots, he scores... inna da dumpsta.

any reccomendations on a replacement machine?

Melitta Mill & Brew (
Title: !@#@%$^%$#@! Arrrgh!
Post by: Westy on October 27, 2005, 09:49:03 AM
My favorite coffee maker....


(Conf calls are teh worste thigns eVar.  I'll be out your hair shortly - 10 minutes)
Title: !@#@%$^%$#@! Arrrgh!
Post by: Mustaine on October 27, 2005, 09:56:12 AM
Originally posted by Hangtime
any reccomendations on a replacement machine?
Title: !@#@%$^%$#@! Arrrgh!
Post by: Dinger on October 27, 2005, 11:48:29 AM
Dude if I saw one of those, I'd call EOD!
Title: !@#@%$^%$#@! Arrrgh!
Post by: Tarmac on October 27, 2005, 12:34:09 PM
I once came home from the gym and wanted a glass of orange juice.  I also always drink one of those whey protein powder drinks after working out.  You know where this is going.  

I grabbed two glasses, put the powder in one glass, and grabbed the orange juice and milk out of the fridge.  I must have been distracted, because, you guessed it, I grabbed the orange juice first and proceeded to pour it into the glass with the whey protein powder in it.  I didn't realize it until I'd poured the milk and went to stir it.  

Picture orange juice mixed with chocolate milk mix.  It turns a strange color.  

I drank them both anyway.  Whey protein is expensive.
Title: !@#@%$^%$#@! Arrrgh!
Post by: Chairboy on October 27, 2005, 12:38:20 PM
The ancient shepherds of Java would slowly chew the raw beans as the day passed, getting the caffeine needed to stay alert.  You should attempt to replicate this, preferably while wearing a poncho.  As an added bonus, you will garner additional social status as people start to assume that you use chewing tobacco.  Be sure to let a little of the black spittle dribble from the side of your mouth when talking for added realism.
Title: !@#@%$^%$#@! Arrrgh!
Post by: Clifra Jones on October 27, 2005, 12:38:59 PM
Originally posted by Hangtime

any reccomendations on a replacement machine?

Buy a Bunn, I've gone through numerous coffee makers over the years. Most only lasting a few months. Bought a Bunn for $99.00, makes a 10 cup pot of coffee in 1 minute flat! Had it for 1.5 years now and going strong!

Title: !@#@%$^%$#@! Arrrgh!
Post by: Gunslinger on October 27, 2005, 01:25:38 PM


This is the best damn coffee maker I've ever owned.  Not pot to worry about, easy to use, and makes GREAT coffee.

The only draw back that I hate about it is that if you take a rather large cup of coffee to work you have to move it to the edge to poor it.

like I said, it's the BEST coffee maker I've ever had
Title: !@#@%$^%$#@! Arrrgh!
Post by: Clifra Jones on October 27, 2005, 01:27:04 PM
Originally posted by Gunslinger

This is the best damn coffee maker I've ever owned.  Not pot to worry about, easy to use, and makes GREAT coffee.

The only draw back that I hate about it is that if you take a rather large cup of coffee to work you have to move it to the edge to poor it.

like I said, it's the BEST coffee maker I've ever had.

Had one, lasted about 10 months.

We drink a lot of coffee, can you tell?
Title: !@#@%$^%$#@! Arrrgh!
Post by: Gunslinger on October 27, 2005, 01:28:29 PM
Originally posted by Clifra Jones
Had one, lasted about 10 months.

We drink a lot of coffee, can you tell?

I've had mine for 2 years and it's pretty beat up but still makes a great pot of coffee and we use it ALOT.

The thing I like is the fact that there's no carraf to crack and the coffee doesnt sit in the thing and burn all day long if you drink coffee through out the morning.
Title: !@#@%$^%$#@! Arrrgh!
Post by: Clifra Jones on October 27, 2005, 01:55:18 PM
Originally posted by Gunslinger
I've had mine for 2 years and it's pretty beat up but still makes a great pot of coffee and we use it ALOT.

The thing I like is the fact that there's no carraf to crack and the coffee doesnt sit in the thing and burn all day long if you drink coffee through out the morning.

Well, i should mention that hear in FL we have very hard water. Tends to shorten the life of most coffee pots.

A water softener is in the future.
Title: !@#@%$^%$#@! Arrrgh!
Post by: Hangtime on October 27, 2005, 02:05:49 PM
Originally posted by Chairboy
The ancient shepherds of Java would slowly chew the raw beans as the day passed, getting the caffeine needed to stay alert.  You should attempt to replicate this, preferably while wearing a poncho.  As an added bonus, you will garner additional social status as people start to assume that you use chewing tobacco.  Be sure to let a little of the black spittle dribble from the side of your mouth when talking for added realism.

This has merit. You got any links? Like you mention, the effect is diminsihed without the proper regalia.

Ok.. for the resta you guys, I just drove past a parked but for sale 1972 Chevy Impala. Good paint, Tires, Brakes, slightly worn interior, 134,000 miles, rebuilt engine and tranny. "Runs Great".


I expect a coffee maker to cost less than a '72 chevy.

Just bought a beautiful classic WWII long gun, shoots great. Less the price of the ammo purchased at the time, the gun cost me $90.00

I expect a $%#@#$@@! coffee maker to cost less than a decent american car or a good gun.


So.. any decent coffee makers out there that cost 50 bucks or less?
Title: !@#@%$^%$#@! Arrrgh!
Post by: Sandman on October 27, 2005, 02:07:06 PM
Originally posted by Hangtime

So.. any decent coffee makers out there that cost 50 bucks or less?

Sure... Mr. Coffee.
Title: !@#@%$^%$#@! Arrrgh!
Post by: Tarmac on October 27, 2005, 02:13:40 PM
Why is it so expensive to make a machine that drips hot water on beans?
Title: !@#@%$^%$#@! Arrrgh!
Post by: Mustaine on October 27, 2005, 02:16:24 PM
Originally posted by Hangtime
So.. any decent coffee makers out there that cost 50 bucks or less?

the Bunn i linked to is about $250, but think about the bonuses... it can / should be hooked directly to a water line, so no pouring water into it, and makes a pot in a minute or two.

best coffee ever too, steam forced resturant coffee is always better than a drip maker at home.

search Ebay for them, used form resturants, they can be cheap, and should last 20 years easy.
Title: !@#@%$^%$#@! Arrrgh!
Post by: Sandman on October 27, 2005, 02:19:28 PM
$24.99 and it will NEVER clog. Added bonus is that it makes excellent tasting coffee.
Title: !@#@%$^%$#@! Arrrgh!
Post by: StarOfAfrica2 on October 27, 2005, 02:52:10 PM

You will NEVER get better coffee than the old perk kind.  Drip stinks.  Steam?  What, you want a whistle on it too?  Steam is for teakettles.

This baby is 59.95, perks the coffee just like it should be, steel carafe so no glass to break, comes off the stand so you can set the carafe on the table, dont need no steenking hotplate to keep your coffee hot.  Thus no chance of burning it to the bottom.  

Rinse and repeat daily.  


Title: !@#@%$^%$#@! Arrrgh!
Post by: Skuzzy on October 27, 2005, 02:57:29 PM
Originally posted by Sandman
Sure... Mr. Coffee.
He asked for a coffee maker, not a device which takes clear water, heats it, and turns it some color of what is left in the toilet after eating a bad burrito the night before (and tastes about the same).

While I am not a coffee snob, I do have standards.  And the Mr. Spewfee is far below them.

Try a Braun or Krupp.  Cheap enough ($30 at Best Buy, I think) and they make a good cup of joe.  Takes a lot less coffee to make it strong as well.
Title: !@#@%$^%$#@! Arrrgh!
Post by: Maverick on October 27, 2005, 03:11:12 PM
I go and buy the least expensive drip style Mr. Coffee or similar machine. Since I want my coffee ready made in the morning I set up the machine the night before so it brews before I wake up. I don't spend the bigger $ for one with a timer. I have a vacation timer adn set it to turn the machine on before I wake up. This is a sytem that has worked for years at home and for better than a year and a half of full time RV'ing. It makes good coffe when decent material is used, is reliable and the entire darn thing, timer and all is under $25.00. Since it's a cheap machine the darn thing seems to NEVER wear out. I've had the same coffee maker for 3 years now. Not bad for a $12.00 unit. The first vacation timer finally wore out after more than 5 years of constant use. I had a couple spares from the house so I'm set for a while. ;)
Title: !@#@%$^%$#@! Arrrgh!
Post by: Hangtime on October 27, 2005, 03:14:07 PM
Originally posted by Sandman
$24.99 and it will NEVER clog. Added bonus is that it makes excellent tasting coffee.

Sandy.. coffee making more complicated than shoveling coffee in the basket and pouring water in the top and flipping a switch has already demonstrated itself to be damn near too complicated for my imbecilic incompetent brain in the morning.

I have no idea what a 'coffee press' is.. but it sounds complicated. Knowing that's an assumption, can you possibly enlighten me as to wot in hell a 'coffee press' does and what input is required from the operator to get coffee outta it?

And thanks for the tips guys... I even went back and read that enlighting coffee thread from a coupla months back, but didn't find an inexpensive machine mentioned. I did decide that some of you yuppie puppies have more money than I do to spend on lab equipment that makes coffee when it's not centrifuging influenza vaccine.

Title: !@#@%$^%$#@! Arrrgh!
Post by: Curval on October 27, 2005, 03:35:12 PM need one of these:

Keurig (

They dispense single cups quickly and takes about 15 seconds.

We have one at the office and I am getting one for home this Christmas.  It is practically morning proof.  ;)
Title: !@#@%$^%$#@! Arrrgh!
Post by: Sandman on October 27, 2005, 03:44:25 PM
Originally posted by Hangtime

I have no idea what a 'coffee press' is.. but it sounds complicated. Knowing that's an assumption, can you possibly enlighten me as to wot in hell a 'coffee press' does and what input is required from the operator to get coffee outta it?

Pour boiling water into the carafe. Add coffee. Stir. Wait five minutes. Press the screen down, forcing the grounds to the bottom. Pour and enjoy. It makes coffee far better than any electric machine, IMHO.

...and it's simle enough for you. I promise. :)
Title: !@#@%$^%$#@! Arrrgh!
Post by: Sandman on October 27, 2005, 03:45:46 PM
Originally posted by Skuzzy
He asked for a coffee maker, not a device which takes clear water, heats it, and turns it some color of what is left in the toilet after eating a bad burrito the night before (and tastes about the same).

While I am not a coffee snob, I do have standards.  And the Mr. Spewfee is far below them.

Try a Braun or Krupp.  Cheap enough ($30 at Best Buy, I think) and they make a good cup of joe.  Takes a lot less coffee to make it strong as well.

As far as I can tell, a drip machine is a drip machine is a drip machine. They all basically work the same way regardless of whether it says Braun, Krupp, Mr. Coffee, or Black and Decker on the label.
Title: !@#@%$^%$#@! Arrrgh!
Post by: Nilsen on October 27, 2005, 03:52:36 PM
I have two coffemakers... both are Moccamasters from this company.

One is 10 years old or something and the other is brand new. both makes excellent coffe. :)

They are handmade and I highly recomend them!
Title: !@#@%$^%$#@! Arrrgh!
Post by: Nilsen on October 27, 2005, 03:56:38 PM
Originally posted by Sandman
As far as I can tell, a drip machine is a drip machine is a drip machine. They all basically work the same way regardless of whether it says Braun, Krupp, Mr. Coffee, or Black and Decker on the label.

What sets them apart is build quality and the temperature they make the coffe at... as far as i know anyway.

Title: !@#@%$^%$#@! Arrrgh!
Post by: Skuzzy on October 27, 2005, 03:57:47 PM
Originally posted by Sandman
As far as I can tell, a drip machine is a drip machine is a drip machine. They all basically work the same way regardless of whether it says Braun, Krupp, Mr. Coffee, or Black and Decker on the label.
Nope, nope.  Braun/Krupp make a surprisingly good cup of coffee and are very frugal with how much they need to make it (3 spoonfuls make a rich 10 cup pot of joe).
No matter how hard you try, you will never be able to get those other drippers to make a cup of coffee anywhere close to what Braun/Krupp make.

Nilsen is right (did I say that?)  It's all about the temperature of the water and the rate of flow.

But dunt take my word for it.   The makers are cheap.  Try it.
Title: !@#@%$^%$#@! Arrrgh!
Post by: Gunslinger on October 27, 2005, 04:32:58 PM
after getting the "brewstation" I will never go back to something that uses a pot ever again.  It may not last as long as a traditional coffee maker it is still well worth it.
Title: !@#@%$^%$#@! Arrrgh!
Post by: Gunslinger on October 27, 2005, 04:35:09 PM
Originally posted by Chairboy
The ancient shepherds of Java would slowly chew the raw beans as the day passed, getting the caffeine needed to stay alert.  You should attempt to replicate this, preferably while wearing a poncho.  As an added bonus, you will garner additional social status as people start to assume that you use chewing tobacco.  Be sure to let a little of the black spittle dribble from the side of your mouth when talking for added realism.

In the Marines we used to chew the instant grinds that came with our MRE meals in order to stay awake on watch while out in the field.  It was so nasty that there's very little way of accidently falling asleep.
Title: !@#@%$^%$#@! Arrrgh!
Post by: MrRiplEy[H] on October 27, 2005, 04:50:37 PM
Moccamaster is a good brand. They cost though.

Hangtime I know where you can get a vintage -82 moccamaster for $5 if you like. :D

I mean if you compare it to -72 Impala you need to get a vintage brewer too.
Title: the only way to make a cup of java
Post by: Eagler on October 27, 2005, 05:08:54 PM
French Press (
Title: !@#@%$^%$#@! Arrrgh!
Post by: Nilsen on October 27, 2005, 05:14:30 PM
yup Eagler.. you can make good coffe that way.
Title: Re: the only way to make a cup of java
Post by: Sandman on October 27, 2005, 05:19:17 PM
Originally posted by Eagler
French Press (

Exactly what I've been saying. They work great for backpacking also.
Title: !@#@%$^%$#@! Arrrgh!
Post by: Chairboy on October 27, 2005, 05:24:39 PM
You mean...  Freedom Press, right?

har har har, I kill me.
Title: !@#@%$^%$#@! Arrrgh!
Post by: icemaw on October 27, 2005, 05:32:08 PM
Originally posted by Suave
That's as bad as having one of those drip machines with the check valve that is levered open by the plastic lid on the coffee pot. And you make a pot of coffee and put the pot in it without that lid. And then you come back to find hot coffee all over the counter and the floor and only two teaspoons in the coffee pot.

God dont I know that one. But you left out the wife ack screaming about coffee all over the floor.
Title: !@#@%$^%$#@! Arrrgh!
Post by: Stringer on October 27, 2005, 07:14:32 PM
Finally, a thread worthy of the bandwith it consumes!
Title: !@#@%$^%$#@! Arrrgh!
Post by: DREDIOCK on October 27, 2005, 07:58:13 PM
Originally posted by Gunslinger


This is the best damn coffee maker I've ever owned.  Not pot to worry about, easy to use, and makes GREAT coffee.

The only draw back that I hate about it is that if you take a rather large cup of coffee to work you have to move it to the edge to poor it.

like I said, it's the BEST coffee maker I've ever had

I concur.
I have the same pot.
Best coffee maker I've ever owned.

And if your smart, you can even set it up the night before while your awake and alert and set it to make your coffee about ten min before your alarm goes off.

Unless you have a kid that gets up for school before you get up and makes the coffee before he heads out to school. Then you dont even have to do that.;)
Title: !@#@%$^%$#@! Arrrgh!
Post by: DREDIOCK on October 27, 2005, 08:00:30 PM
Originally posted by Clifra Jones
Well, i should mention that hear in FL we have very hard water. Tends to shorten the life of most coffee pots.

A water softener is in the future.

Oh man you have TERRIBLE water in Fla.

Stinks too. Like rotten eggs.

Title: !@#@%$^%$#@! Arrrgh!
Post by: SFRT - Frenchy on October 27, 2005, 09:08:36 PM
Remembers me the time I almost peed in my fridge.:huh
Title: !@#@%$^%$#@! Arrrgh!
Post by: Maverick on October 27, 2005, 10:15:07 PM
Originally posted by DREDIOCK
Oh man you have TERRIBLE water in Fla.

Stinks too. Like rotten eggs.


You think Florida water is bad?? Try central to Northern Indiana. That crap looks and smells like it's coming out of the sewer instead of the fresh tap!!!
Title: !@#@%$^%$#@! Arrrgh!
Post by: eskimo2 on October 27, 2005, 10:34:14 PM
Grinders are important.  The little cheapies have blades that spin so fast that they burn parts of the coffee grounds.  I’d been keeping an eye out for a good but cheap grinder that will truly crush and grind beans.  This summer I bought one of these 60 pound commercial monsters for $15 at a garage sale.  It has a gazillion settings and is pretty quick.  Of course it’s so friggin big that I have to keep it in the garage.


Title: !@#@%$^%$#@! Arrrgh!
Post by: Sandman on October 27, 2005, 10:35:02 PM
Originally posted by eskimo2
Grinders are important.  The little cheapies have blades that spin so fast that they burn parts of the coffee grounds.  I’d been keeping an eye out for a good but cheap grinder that will truly crush and grind beans.  This summer I bought one of these 60 pound commercial monsters for $15 at a garage sale.  It has a gazillion settings and is pretty quick.  Of course it’s so friggin big that I have to keep it in the garage.



Nice... $15 is a steal.
Title: !@#@%$^%$#@! Arrrgh!
Post by: eskimo2 on October 27, 2005, 10:45:30 PM
P.S. Hangtime,

I played a great joke on my old coffee junkie roommate long ago.  He got up in the AM, made a pot of coffee and then hit the shower, like every other morning.  When the pot was full, I poured it into a carafe, hid it, filled the pot with hot clean water, and played dumb.  

At first he thought he forgot the grounds, but opening the lid showed hot, wet grounds.  It really wouldn’t have been that great of a joke had he not carried on repeatedly for 10 minutes about, “How the hell did the %@~# water get past the *%#@ grounds and into the $*!% pot &%$! clean!  I played it straight and practically ignored him.  Finally I couldn’t stand it and handed him the hot carafe.  It still took him 10 seconds to realize that he had been had.

Title: !@#@%$^%$#@! Arrrgh!
Post by: Hangtime on October 27, 2005, 11:32:06 PM
my god.

i've opened the gates to the koffee nazi's. the coffee mafia. the lacosa latte nostra.

honest to god koffee klatch intellgenza.

and coffee commies.

and even coffee comedians.

with 200lb coffee grinders in their garages.

I drink Folgers. In a 2 dollar yard sale South Park Mug. Brewed in a $24.95 Hamilton Beach Mr Coffee Clone. When it's time to ruff it, it's 7-11 in paper dribble cup.

And I like[/i] it.
Title: !@#@%$^%$#@! Arrrgh!
Post by: Gunslinger on October 27, 2005, 11:33:34 PM
Originally posted by Hangtime
my god.

i've opened the gates to the koffee nazi's. the coffee mafia. the lacosa latte nostra.

honest to god koffee klatch intellgenza.

and coffee commies.

and even coffee comedians.

with 200lb coffee grinders in their garages.

I drink Folgers. In a 2 dollar yard sale South Park Mug. Brewed in a $24.95 Hamilton Beach Mr Coffee Clone. When it's time to ruff it, it's 7-11 in paper dribble cup.

And I like[/i] it.

Then go with the Hamilton Beach Brewstation.  I'm the same, I like Foldgers dark roast.
Title: !@#@%$^%$#@! Arrrgh!
Post by: AdmRose on October 27, 2005, 11:38:04 PM
I drink decaf.

Title: !@#@%$^%$#@! Arrrgh!
Post by: Sandman on October 27, 2005, 11:40:12 PM
Originally posted by AdmRose
I drink decaf.


Drinking decaffeinated coffee is rather like slow dancing with your own sister.

More effert than it's worth.
Title: !@#@%$^%$#@! Arrrgh!
Post by: Hangtime on October 27, 2005, 11:48:31 PM
unless she's a hot lesbian with a friend.
Title: !@#@%$^%$#@! Arrrgh!
Post by: AdmRose on October 27, 2005, 11:51:40 PM
Originally posted by Hangtime
unless she's a hot lesbian with a friend.

hmm, someone want to do a cost/benefit analysis on this one?
Title: !@#@%$^%$#@! Arrrgh!
Post by: Hangtime on October 28, 2005, 12:12:52 AM
I don't have to do much but drink coffee and watch?
Title: !@#@%$^%$#@! Arrrgh!
Post by: Shaky on October 28, 2005, 08:49:11 PM
Want good coffee without doing the snob routine?

First...beans...look for 100% arabica beans. Anything that doesn't say that is probably mostly robusto beans, which are more bitter and can have that "burnt" taste.

Grinder...grind your own beans. Sure, a roller grinder is better, but they can be expensive and hard to find...a blade grinder is not as good but better than buying pre-ground coffee.

Brewing...stay AWAY from percolators or anything that does anything but mix fresh water with grounds ONCE. A percolator circualtes a boiling water/coffee solution over the grounds again and again. Boiling coffee is a very bad thing.

Drip coffee, a press, whatever, its all up to how much convenience you want vs the taste you are after.

Get rid of the "warmer plate"...that can overheat or boil the coffee and that is a very bad thing . Get a brewer with a thermal carafe or an dispenser type as illustrated by others here.

Summarize: fresh ground coffee, hot water over the grounds ONCE only, and never ever reheat it :)
Title: !@#@%$^%$#@! Arrrgh!
Post by: Hangtime on October 28, 2005, 09:21:51 PM
Got a Braun today. 26 bucks. 'regularly' 55 bucks.

I expect it'll make drinkable coffee.

damn near bought the 19 dollar mr coffee but decided to upgrade based on skuzzy's reccomendation.

Nope, nope. Braun/Krupp make a surprisingly good cup of coffee and are very frugal with how much they need to make it (3 spoonfuls make a rich 10 cup pot of joe).
No matter how hard you try, you will never be able to get those other drippers to make a cup of coffee anywhere close to what Braun/Krupp make.

Nilsen is right (did I say that?) It's all about the temperature of the water and the rate of flow
Title: !@#@%$^%$#@! Arrrgh!
Post by: Hangtime on October 29, 2005, 08:22:17 AM
I set the new machine up last night.. loaded; prepped primed and programed.

Woke up this morning to the enticeing smell of fresh brewed coffee.

Loaded up a cup, added the milk....


...sour milk.
Title: !@#@%$^%$#@! Arrrgh!
Post by: eskimo2 on October 29, 2005, 08:26:54 AM
I bet all of those people who line up at Starbucks each morning have had experiences just like yours.  Just give up Hangtime, surrender to Starbucks (or 7-11 if you live in a trailer).

Title: !@#@%$^%$#@! Arrrgh!
Post by: Skuzzy on October 29, 2005, 08:28:11 AM
Remember the PM I sent you Hang?  Watch eskimo2, he is trying to lure you in for the shot. :D
Title: !@#@%$^%$#@! Arrrgh!
Post by: Hangtime on October 29, 2005, 08:34:07 AM
LOL.. went fer the backup plan.

swapped a cup of joe for a glass of milk with the cutie next door.

uuuuuuummmmm goood coffee.

i think she was chuckling at my animaniacs pajamas.