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General Forums => Hardware and Software => Topic started by: SKJohn on November 08, 2005, 02:57:12 PM

Title: X45 Continuing Key Presses??
Post by: SKJohn on November 08, 2005, 02:57:12 PM
Also posted this in the Saitek BBS looking for help.

In the profile editor, I have the Rotary 1 switch set to control elevator trim. Ususally things work fine, but after a while I noticed that it would start acting like I was pushng the j and K buttons even when I wasn't using the rotary button. For instance, push the "/" key to bring up the text box, and it fills in the space with KKKKKKKKKKKKK automatically without me pushing any buttons.  I found that jiggling the rotary button alittle back and forth off of center would get the continious J's and K's to stop.

Now, Even after exiting the game, it continues. Makes it almost impossible to use the computer because when I try to select something on the desktop, it keeps jumping around like I'm pushing the afore mentioned buttons. I have to unplug the X45 to be able to use the computer. A little frustrating to say the least.
I swapped out X45's thinking it was the joystick rotary button causing the problem, and put in my brand new one. (Was using a refurbished one).
Could it be something to do with the SST software? My computer? I've tried the sticks in different USB ports, and still get the same problems...
When I check under the Windows "gaming Devices" it shows everything working normally, and when checking the switches under "properties" I see no spiking or other problems - again, all appears normal.
Anybody else experiencing anything lie this? Any ideas on what I can check or change to fix the problem?
THank you
Title: X45 Continuing Key Presses??
Post by: Xjazz on November 08, 2005, 05:16:19 PM

I had similar problems with saitek POSware drivers. Unofficial Dhauzimmir driver with XD-profiler works much better for me.

Handy Stick Test  util for any sticks

About Dhauzimmer x36/x45 driver

About XD-profiler for x36/x45
Title: X45 Continuing Key Presses??
Post by: Eagler on November 08, 2005, 07:37:45 PM
in the banding of the rotor in the saitek software, make your dead zone in the middle larger

check out my AH X45 profile in my sig for an example of this on rotor1
Title: X45 Continuing Key Presses??
Post by: SKJohn on November 08, 2005, 10:01:01 PM
I think I'm using your original settings for the trim.  (You sent me the original file a year or so ago - I've changed differnent things to fit my needs, but I think that part is still the same.)  Currently the dead zone is about 35% betweeen the two key settings - does it need to be more than that?
Title: X45 Continuing Key Presses??
Post by: Eagler on November 09, 2005, 05:33:48 AM
shouldn't have to be any larger then

have you tried unstalling the stick and saitek software and re-installing fresh? or at least try a new profile with  only the rotor programmed, sounds like it is hosed up and maybe not seeing the dead zone in the middle

once you disable the profile in the lower right of your desktop, it shouldn't be throwing out stick commands all over windows
Title: X45 Continuing Key Presses??
Post by: OOZ662 on November 09, 2005, 05:35:27 PM
Make a backup of your files before doing this incase you don't like it. Don't see why you wouldn't though.

Don't use keypresses for the trim. Take the K and I (or whatever keys you have assigned) off the rotary in Saitek's software and assign the rotary directly to the trim control.

Setup>Controls>Joystick>Select Joystick. Select Elevator trim (Vertical trim?) in the left box, the X45 in the middle, them move the rotary you want. Select the one that has the numbers flinging around when you spin it. Hit "Set Input." Then calibrate the X45. Make sure you spin and center the rotaries during calibration or they won't work.

Note that you have to hit control-x (or just map "Toggle Combat Trim" to a JS button) before the trim changes. When you hit the button, the trim will go straight to where it is set. If the rotary is set full up, then it will stay level until you turn CT off; the nose will steadily and pretty quickly rise to max up trim.