Aces High Bulletin Board

General Forums => Aces High General Discussion => Topic started by: JMFJ on December 16, 2005, 05:41:06 PM

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: JMFJ on December 16, 2005, 05:41:06 PM
I think that if you are going to challenge someone to the DA there should be something on the line for the player challenged.

Example: The challenger should be willing to foot the next months HT bill for the player that was challenged, should the challenger lose.  Best of 3

It would definitely be entertaining, I would get off line and go take a seat at the colleseum (DA) to see which gladiator's blood gets spilled.  At least It would mean alot more when a challenge is shouted.

Cause for the most part the only challenges I see are from guys who know they have an advantage, or they won't run there mouth.  You don't see skyrock, chi, or any of the other guys that use the 200 channel alot challenging SHawk to the DA.

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: DipStick on December 16, 2005, 05:44:03 PM
That's because he is meat under 10k or co-alt. Rank means nothing. ;)
Title: Re: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: navajoboy on December 16, 2005, 05:45:31 PM
Originally posted by JMFJ
I think that if you are going to challenge someone to the DA there should be something on the line for the player challenged.

Example: The challenger should be willing to foot the next months HT bill for the player that was challenged, should the challenger lose.  Best of 3

It would definitely be entertaining, I would get off line and go take a seat at the colleseum (DA) to see which gladiator's blood gets spilled.  At least It would mean alot more when a challenge is shouted.

Cause for the most part the only challenges I see are from guys who know they have an advantage, or they won't run there mouth.  You don't see skyrock, chi, or any of the other guys that use the 200 channel alot challenging SHawk to the DA.


truth... then you'll need moderators in the DA to determine the winners..  in case of events like an even duel which no one gets off a shot and end up running out of fuel.. or something like that.
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: navajoboy on December 16, 2005, 05:46:54 PM
Originally posted by DipStick
That's because he is meat under 10k or co-alt. Rank means nothing. ;)

OOO yeah? DA now. before i they implement the suggested rules! :rofl
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Morpheus on December 16, 2005, 06:48:09 PM
You don't see skyrock, chi, or any of the other guys that use the 200 channel alot challenging SHawk to the DA.

Because the suck.

skyrock is the only one who would stand a chance in a crowd.

And besides, DA has lost its apeal to most. In the past 6 months the only person who has had enough balls to get into the DA because he was that pissed, was a 15 year old.
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Stang on December 16, 2005, 06:51:59 PM
Originally posted by Morpheus
Because the suck.

skyrock is the only one who would stand a chance in a crowd.

And besides, DA has lost its apeal to most. In the past 6 months the only person who has had enough balls to get into the DA because he was that pissed, was a 15 year old.
And you're only 10?  What's yer point?  That being prepubescent ankle biter makes you l337?  puhlease...  Go back to your teletubby.
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Morpheus on December 16, 2005, 06:55:50 PM
shut yur mouth Mr I'm 1 Year older than you. Jerk, go pick on someo1 your own size. Loser, go pleay wtih your HeMan dols.
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Stang on December 16, 2005, 06:56:41 PM
Arabic Barby dolls, b1tch.
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Morpheus on December 16, 2005, 07:00:34 PM
whatever. Teletubies will kill your fat ugly dols.
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Quah! on December 16, 2005, 07:03:45 PM
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Krusty on December 16, 2005, 07:05:15 PM
Okay please lock and/or DELETE this thread.
Title: Re: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Ack-Ack on December 16, 2005, 07:05:39 PM
Originally posted by JMFJ
You don't see skyrock, chi, or any of the other guys that use the 200 channel alot challenging SHawk to the DA.


Because SHawk is too timid to engage in a 1v1 fight.

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Morpheus on December 16, 2005, 07:07:24 PM
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: DREDIOCK on December 16, 2005, 07:09:31 PM
I dont bother going to the DA.

I'd much rather kill my oponent in the MA where all can see

Besides. Half the fun is hunting him down
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Morpheus on December 16, 2005, 07:13:52 PM
MA is nice, its always fun to run into the same people time and time again in the course of a night. But DA is where the real learning takes place. Ask anyone who's spent any good amount of time in there and they will tel you the very same thing. But there is no substitute for the strain put on your s/a like the MA can do.
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Vudak on December 16, 2005, 07:47:36 PM
What's wrong with people going off to the DA?

I've never understood why anyone except someone who thinks they have something to "lose" would decline.

At the very least it gets two mouths out of the MA and off 200 for a few minutes.
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: mechanic on December 16, 2005, 07:59:27 PM
Shawk is not easy meat under 10k, he does take uneven fights on, and i have found him on the deck TnB'ing his Dora with spitfires so you guys are wrong.

thats not an argument, but a true statement.

and yes shawk is still a cherry picken dweebn, but he can fight when he is forced to.

S! all
Title: Re: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: wetrat on December 16, 2005, 08:19:02 PM
Originally posted by JMFJ
I think that if you are going to challenge someone to the DA there should be something on the line for the player challenged.

Example: The challenger should be willing to foot the next months HT bill for the player that was challenged, should the challenger lose.  Best of 3

It would definitely be entertaining, I would get off line and go take a seat at the colleseum (DA) to see which gladiator's blood gets spilled.  At least It would mean alot more when a challenge is shouted.

Cause for the most part the only challenges I see are from guys who know they have an advantage, or they won't run there mouth.  You don't see skyrock, chi, or any of the other guys that use the 200 channel alot challenging SHawk to the DA.

SHawk is a bad example... he sucks. :noid
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: yayyyy on December 16, 2005, 08:21:42 PM
Originally posted by Quah!

[SIZE=200]D1G1M0N P1K4 P1K4[/SIZE]
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Waffle on December 16, 2005, 08:36:15 PM
Originally posted by mechanic
Shawk is not easy meat under 10k, he does take uneven fights on, and i have found him on the deck TnB'ing his Dora with spitfires so you guys are wrong.

That's because he's jockeying for posistion at the head of the vulch line.
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: mechanic on December 16, 2005, 08:52:44 PM
well the best bit about him in my eyes is he doesnt give a damn about what we say :)

and no one hears people having a go at me on the board everyday.  i must not be as good or difficult to fight than shawk :(
Title: Re: Re: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: DREDIOCK on December 16, 2005, 09:06:17 PM
Originally posted by wetrat
SHawk is a bad example... he sucks. :noid

Naaa SHawk is good.
He's nowhere near that #1 ranking good but hes' good.

Good enough so that I will specifically hunt him when I know he's in the area.
I've specifically made it a point to study the way he flies to make hunting and identifying him easier.

Good enough that
I'd rather know his exact location at all times then then fly around not knowing where he is.

As a result of this I've gotten the better of him our last few meetings
but I know he is very dangerous if you arent careful.
Make a mistake and you usually pay for it
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Morpheus on December 16, 2005, 09:26:17 PM
The true measure of a man is not his successes in life... But the risks he overcame to get there.

Aint it funny how the ones who avoid risk at all costs in this game are rewarded with their name on the front page? :)

Of course this game aint life, and this of course is just my opinion.

Now back to l33t Teletubie talk.
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Zazen13 on December 16, 2005, 10:06:43 PM
Originally posted by DREDIOCK
I dont bother going to the DA.

I'd much rather kill my oponent in the MA where all can see

Besides. Half the fun is hunting him down

You get the point of the game, congratulations! ;)

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Zazen13 on December 16, 2005, 10:23:44 PM
Originally posted by Morpheus
MA is nice, its always fun to run into the same people time and time again in the course of a night. But DA is where the real learning takes place. Ask anyone who's spent any good amount of time in there and they will tel you the very same thing. But there is no substitute for the strain put on your s/a like the MA can do.

I'll use one of my favorite analogies here, "Saying a pilot is great in the MA because he has mastered the 1 vs. 1, same plane, Co-Alt/E merge in the DA is exactly like saying an artist is great because he is able to draw a geometrically perfect triangle."

There is is sooooooooooooo much more that goes into being an 'effective' MA pilot than mastering a knockout merge move in one or a couple of planes (usually only TnB planes). I have duelled literally thousands of times, for the most part it's the same co-alt/co-E mege at low-alt, he who has the 'slickest' merge usually wins. That in no way compares to the infinite variety of multiple plane engagement types, relative and disparate plane types and E states the MA offers. Having the exact same MA engagement as another is highly unlikely...ever.

As a learning tool to become an all-around effective pilot in any plane use the MA, you will need to learn alot more than a 'slick as owl chit" merge move. If you want to work on a co-E/Alt masta-merge move or how to ride the edge to get that extra second off from a stall turn in a Spit the DA is a great place to learn that. Listen to channel 200, 75% of the obsessive-compulsive whiners after they die are those that have a 'slick as owl chit' merge move, fancy themselves DA super-stars, can jerk a Spit around like it made 'em angry, but are not effective in the MA because they lack the other skills that make a good pilot in that unstructured chaotic environment (ie: Situational Awareness, Tactical Awareness, Gunnery, Energy Management, Wingman Tactics, Teamwork). The DA teaches none of those other things, they can only be learned by ALOT of MA experience. Who would you rather have clearing your six? A guy with a wonderfully fabulous, unbeatable merge masta-move in a Spit5 if he's co-alt/E, same plane cultivated by years of DA challenges and watermelon talking, or a MA fighter jock who's a good stick, with great SA, TA, good gunnery, tactics and teamwork cultivated by years of trigger-time slugging it out in an infinite variety of situations?


Title: Re: Re: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: BBQ_Bob on December 16, 2005, 10:56:00 PM
Originally posted by Ack-Ack
Because SHawk is too timid to engage in a 1v1 fight.


Talk about someone not wanting to go below 10K, Ack Ack is the only one here that has NASA on the side of his P-38. :aok

From the UKNIGHTED Hit List
Got Shawk (
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Morpheus on December 16, 2005, 10:56:03 PM
Zazen I've told you how many times already?


Talk about fighters like you know them... Yet spend the vast majority of your on line time in a field gun or osti.

I told you before... Save the preaching for those that do not know you. Cause you'll always suck to those who do know you.

Edit: Few more things...

Anyone who's gone into the DA will tell you without a doubt in their mind that they perform better in the MA because of their knowledge gained in the DA.

What you learn in the DA will simply help you... Another tool so to speak... To build on your skills in the MA. Dont think for a minute that energy tactics are not learned in the DA. Again, anyone who knows about dueling will tell you its simply not about turning your plane as fast and as hard as you can to gain a gun solution.

There is alot more to be had in the DA than just 1v1s. You can set up 2 on 1's or 2 on 2s ect. They help greatly in providing you with more "tools" which you can use when you need them in the MA. We used to have a little even with a dozen or so people in the DA just about every sunday... One thing I heard the most after it was over.... a few days later was how helpful that was for them and that they learned alot about fighter tactics that they could then use in the MA.

So please... You are giving people the wrong idea about the DA. Its in no way just...yank the stick as hard as you can and get to the other guy first.

If more people would go to the DA and spend some time learning in there, and gain some confidence in them selves, things might be a little different in the MA than what they curently are.

Could you do all of the above in the MA? Sure you can. Could you do all of the above to the frequency you can in the DA... In the MA? Nope.

If you think your so bad Zazen why dont you stop by one day... That's not chest thumping... Its an invitation.
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: wetrat on December 16, 2005, 10:59:57 PM
I agree with Zazen for the most part (wingman tactics and teamwork are unnecessary :p), BUT... I learned how to be effective in a fighter in the DA. Granted, it was with Urchin (I'm sure some of you oldies remember that bastid :p) teaching me stuff, but the DA is the best place to learn rolling scissors/flat scissors/reversals/etc. In my opinion, you won't really learn anything in the DA flying spits (or other TnB'ers).. your best bet is with something like a 109, and against someone who isn't all about merging at 200mph so they can use their idiotic DA merge (that noone would even consider using in a real situation).

That being said, the co-alt, co-E, head-on/cold gun (I'd totally blast someone in the MA if they pulled some of the stuff I see on merges in the DA) merges in the DA are in NO way reflective of the actual MA game... they rarely happen, and, in all honesty, I prefer fighting from an alt/E disadvantage than "merging." What separates the men from the boys in the MA is the ability to kill people on your 6, gain an advantage quickly over someone with more alt/E, and handle situations where you've got more than 1 fighter going after you. THOSE things can only be mastered in the MA, but the best place to learn the fundamentals is in the DA with someone (ie. a good stick) attacking you from an alt advantage, showing you how to reverse on someone, etc.

Not that I have anything against the DA - other than some of the retarded merges that go on (ie. the ones where whoever merges slowest wins), that's where the best fighting is done, and it's the best place to learn how to fight 1v1.

And Zazen, what you said about it only being "better" sticks challenging people to the DA... I call BS on that. 9/10 people I see challenging someone to  a duel SUCK. BADLY. Nearly everyone that's actually worth a damn in a fighter doesn't bother with that kinda stuff (obvious exception being Shane - I know there are others, drawing a blank). I think just about everyone that's "called me out" in recent memory (I have a really good memory) was a newbie that I wouldn't piss on if they were on fire.

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: mechanic on December 16, 2005, 11:13:28 PM
Originally posted by Morpheus
Zazen I've told you how many times already?



I'm afraid i have to disagree, I know him resonably well, and he has certainly impressed me a few time in the arena, not to mention being a civil and inteligible BB member. his anti air gunnery is the finest in the game, and after a heated discusion in here he shot my spit5 down in his pony. the circumstances and advantages he had we're the very basis of his agument. so although i still disagree (i forget about what) his argument still stands at 1 - 0 between us for fighter planes.

what you might dislike in him could be his self confidence ?
(selfconfidence. arogance.  any difference? only in the eyes of the beholder)
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Morpheus on December 16, 2005, 11:23:35 PM
I dont dislike anything about him. That's why you and I are totally different people. I dont think that him saying the DA is a worthless place is even remotely close to being correct.

As for you and arguments... Well... You lost yours with me too. So what's your point?
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Masherbrum on December 17, 2005, 12:01:54 AM
Originally posted by mechanic
Shawk is not easy meat under 10k, he does take uneven fights on, and i have found him on the deck TnB'ing his Dora with spitfires so you guys are wrong.

thats not an argument, but a true statement.

and yes shawk is still a cherry picken dweebn, but he can fight when he is forced to.

S! all

Yep, and I'll always try and clear SHawk anytime he is in trouble.  Why?  He has cleared me many times too.

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Masherbrum on December 17, 2005, 12:05:17 AM
In the DA in a 1 vs 1, you aren't panning your hat and seeing that 2nd dot you would see in the MA, 6k out and wondering if he is gonna come in.

1/2 the battle in the DA is the merge.  To deny it is foolish.  

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Hajo on December 17, 2005, 12:45:52 AM
I unfortunately don't put much stock in playing a computer game.

Fun is the reason.  The chest pounding and score left me about 10 years ago in AW.  Object for me now is just have fun with the few minutes of spare time I currently have.
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: mechanic on December 17, 2005, 01:13:57 AM
Originally posted by Morpheus
I dont dislike anything about him. That's why you and I are totally different people. I dont think that him saying the DA is a worthless place is even remotely close to being correct.

As for you and arguments... Well... You lost yours with me too. So what's your point?

 Zazen and I had a gentleman's disagreement about our core flying style and something that defines who we are.

our disagrement was about what a cetain plane could do.

I'm just stating my view, and that is that shawk is a good stick, a gentleman, and a good laugh.
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: SFCHONDO on December 17, 2005, 01:21:50 AM
Here Here Hajo. I get a kick out of some of the guys that think being a master Video Game pilot is all so great. So what if I die, be it by HO, Cherrypick, Vulch, good 1 on 1, 10 on 1. It really doesn't matter. Sure I might throw out an occasional good hearted banter at the enemy. But some of these guys get way to frustated and aggitated (sp) when they die. The threat to take them to the DA to prove he's better after he died just cracks me up. Who gives a rat asss who's better, It's a freaking game. have Fun and enjoy. Now asking to go to DA to learn to get better from a better video game pilot is another story, you can get alot out of it.
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Zazen13 on December 17, 2005, 01:35:02 AM
Originally posted by wetrat

And Zazen, what you said about it only being "better" sticks challenging people to the DA... I call BS on that. 9/10 people I see challenging someone to  a duel SUCK. BADLY. Nearly everyone that's actually worth a damn in a fighter doesn't bother with that kinda stuff (obvious exception being Shane - I know there are others, drawing a blank). I think just about everyone that's "called me out" in recent memory (I have a really good memory) was a newbie that I wouldn't piss on if they were on fire.


I never said the best sticks are the DA noodle measuring freaks, I just said most of the ones who always want to 'prove' something in the DA are also the ones whining, pissin' n' moanon' after they get shot down, which is apparently very, very often.

What you are talking about wetrat, is more training with Urchin, that has alot of value but only because you are actually setting up common scenarios that occur in the MA. What this thread was about, is the DA noodle measuring freaks. Usually one guy gets wacked by another guy, the one that gets wacked gets his panties in a bunch and wants to goto DA. Those are Head-on merge, same plane, co-alt/Co-E affairs. As you said, this a freakishly rare occurrence in the MA, the likelihood of encountering that situation in the MA is astronomically against. If you did you likely would treat it entirely differently as 9 out of 10 head-on merges in the MA equal Ho/evade or Ho/Ho non-merge.

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Zazen13 on December 17, 2005, 01:36:29 AM
Originally posted by Morpheus
Zazen I've told you how many times already?


Talk about fighters like you know them... Yet spend the vast majority of your on line time in a field gun or osti.

I told you before... Save the preaching for those that do not know you. Cause you'll always suck to those who do know you.

Edit: Few more things...

Anyone who's gone into the DA will tell you without a doubt in their mind that they perform better in the MA because of their knowledge gained in the DA.

What you learn in the DA will simply help you... Another tool so to speak... To build on your skills in the MA. Dont think for a minute that energy tactics are not learned in the DA. Again, anyone who knows about dueling will tell you its simply not about turning your plane as fast and as hard as you can to gain a gun solution.

There is alot more to be had in the DA than just 1v1s. You can set up 2 on 1's or 2 on 2s ect. They help greatly in providing you with more "tools" which you can use when you need them in the MA. We used to have a little even with a dozen or so people in the DA just about every sunday... One thing I heard the most after it was over.... a few days later was how helpful that was for them and that they learned alot about fighter tactics that they could then use in the MA.

So please... You are giving people the wrong idea about the DA. Its in no way just...yank the stick as hard as you can and get to the other guy first.

If more people would go to the DA and spend some time learning in there, and gain some confidence in them selves, things might be a little different in the MA than what they curently are.

Could you do all of the above in the MA? Sure you can. Could you do all of the above to the frequency you can in the DA... In the MA? Nope.

If you think your so bad Zazen why dont you stop by one day... That's not chest thumping... Its an invitation.

Yup, I suck! I think you've established that Morpheus, I totally 100% agree you're a God and I suck, but anyways, on with the debate!... ;)


PS. This thread was not about setting up training scenarios within the DA, it was about wagering a month's subscription on the old, tried and true, HO merge noodle measuring duel.
Title: DA
Post by: Mulligan on December 17, 2005, 04:53:03 AM
I am a very poor pilot.  I would love to go to the DA and be taught by some of you masters.  I agree with Morpheus However, in that  evereytime I go to the DA it is filled with kids with high squeaky voices.  I have
been playing AH just about a  year and apart from initial lessons in the TA, have had little help with my pilot skills other than from trial and error.  The MA is not the same as the DA but most of the skills do cross over.

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: storch on December 17, 2005, 06:56:39 AM
I get challenged to the DA regularly by people who get annoyed not by my *flying* (which resoundingly sucks) but my my scathing commentaries on 200 or sometimes here.  I love it and I LMAO when it occurs.  the one that makes me laugh the most is that WussMenstruatorpolLute
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Masherbrum on December 17, 2005, 07:27:44 AM
Originally posted by Zazen13
Yup, I suck! I think you've established that Morpheus, I totally 100% agree you're a God and I suck, but anyways, on with the debate!... ;)


PS. This thread was not about setting up training scenarios within the DA, it was about wagering a month's subscription on the old, tried and true, HO merge noodle measuring duel.

$500 says Zazen would pwn in an Ostie in the DA.   That is your calling Zazzy!  Some 10 year old twirp starts vulching in the DA, bring em down.

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Delirium on December 17, 2005, 07:30:13 AM
It would be nice if you could bet perks on DA fights, sort of akin to 'racing for pinks'. It would be even better if people could bet perks who were not involved as well.

However, it would be worthless unless HTC reset perks every month on your renewal date. Everyone has 20k perks currently...
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Ghosth on December 17, 2005, 08:39:56 AM
Comparing the DA to the MA is like comparing a pistols at dawn duel to a barfight.

The only thing the same about them is that a few people excell at both.

SA is much more important in the MA.

You want to tell what pilots are truly good, fogret score & tour winners.

Go hang out in the KOTH.

You have to be able to fly any plane in the set well. Not just your favorite.
You have to be the last guy left alive, not once, not twice, but 3 times.

2 time winners become "wabbits" and  everyone hunts them. 3,4,5 on 1 and no whining allowed. Its root hog or die time.

You can't afford to get locked into a single fight, because if you do some no name dweeb will slide up to both of you & blow you away.

You want to know who the dangerous people are in AH. In no particular order.

 1olo ,  Asmodai , BadBoy , Balsy , BigMax , BluKitty , BuLLZ , Cavalear
 DrkBlue,  Flyboy,  GooseCH , Jish65 , ManeTMP , Nuke33 , pellik ,piterkO
 SkyChimp ,  Stang ,tartew ,TC ,Vlkyrie1 ,Wadke , Wilbuz ,WindX , WMLute
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: slyph on December 17, 2005, 09:50:31 AM
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Morpheus on December 17, 2005, 10:43:26 AM
Originally posted by Ghosth

 1olo ,  Asmodai , BadBoy , Balsy , BigMax , BluKitty , BuLLZ , Cavalear
 DrkBlue,  Flyboy,  GooseCH , Jish65 , ManeTMP , Nuke33 , pellik ,piterkO
 SkyChimp ,  Stang ,tartew ,TC ,Vlkyrie1 ,Wadke , Wilbuz ,WindX , WMLute

Guess what. Those two in bold.

Are the same person. :)

Skychimp = dangerous? :lol
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Lazerr on December 17, 2005, 11:45:04 AM
lol.. none of them are "dangerous"...

They might put up a little fight, but they are sure to be squealing on the way down.;)

Stang and Bigmax are the only two I really would think twice about engaging in the same plane, especially coalt.
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Zazen13 on December 17, 2005, 11:48:36 AM
Originally posted by mechanic
I'm afraid i have to disagree, I know him resonably well, and he has certainly impressed me a few time in the arena, not to mention being a civil and inteligible BB member. his anti air gunnery is the finest in the game, and after a heated discusion in here he shot my spit5 down in his pony. the circumstances and advantages he had we're the very basis of his agument. so although i still disagree (i forget about what) his argument still stands at 1 - 0 between us for fighter planes.

what you might dislike in him could be his self confidence ?
(selfconfidence. arogance.  any difference? only in the eyes of the beholder)

Thank-You Batfink. I speak from 15 years of experience, I never professed to be the 'best' at anything, I simply have seen and done everything there is to do in these types of games 1,000 times over, upside-down and backwards.

What alot of people don't realize is being a great MA pilot does not require you to actually be 'great' at anything, sure it helps, but what is really important is being 'good' at everything. Flying skill is obviously important, but in the MA flying skill is no more important than any of the other skills, it gets the most attention because it is the least subtle and most visually obvious skill. Having an over-abundance of flying skill and being weak in the other skills (ie: Situational Awareness, Tactical Awarness, Gunnery, Energy Management, Wingman tactics and Teamwork) is perfectly fine for the DA, you can still be a DA superstar. But, without all of those other skills at the 'good' level you will still be a 'hapless victim' in the MA, I don't care how highly evolved your flying skill is, without the other skills you will be largely 'in-effective' in the MA. My favorite type of MA pilot is the guy with amazing flying skill, piss-poor gunnery and ZERO SA or TA. He just can't understand why he's a 'hapless victim', he's a DA super-star, he knows he can turn inside anyone in 3 turns or less with his Spit, but he goes down in the MA like a 3 dollar hooker. It's these guys who always want to drag soemone to the DA each and every time they get waxed in the MA to assuage their bruised egos, which is usually every 3 to 7 minutes .

I will use Levi as an example of effective skill 'composite', goto the BK's website, download Levi's films. What makes Levi great in those films and others I have of him, is not actually his flying skill, no doubt he is a good pilot, what makes him great is his Gunnery, SA and TA combined with his flying skill. You take away Levi's spectacular gunnery, SA bordering on clairvoyance and uncanny tactical awareness and his flying skill alone would just leave him an interesting target that takes more than the usual 3 seconds to kill. I know about 50  pilots that have flying skill equal to or better than Levi's, but I know only 1 or 2, past or present, that have his unique 'composite' of the full spectrum of fighter skills (specifically Gunnery, SA and TA) that make him the MA force he is today.

I have nothing against the DA personally, as a training tool it is fabulous, I have used it many times for that purpose myself. However, using it to 'measure noodlees' specifically those lil' hurt feelin' noodlees from the MA as judge, trial and jury of someone's relative MA talent is rediculous. That would be like a Miss America Judge rating the contestants solely on the basis of how well manicured their fingernails are. What makes a great pilot is the old axiom, "The whole is greater than the sum of its parts". That's what's great about AH, someone who is merely average at everything will be a 'good' MA fighter pilot. Someone who is 'good' at everything will be a 'great' MA fighter pilot. It is partly this that gives AH such a wide base of appeal. Great-ness or merely 'Good-ness' is not reserved for the tightest turning Spit jocks with a hammerlock masta-merge, or the La7 driver with a trick wrist who can scissor like nobody's business. Great-ness in AH is attainable by anyone willing to be at least good at each of the facets that go into being a fighter pilot (Flying Skill, Gunnery, Situational Awareness, Tactical Awareness, Energy Management, Wingman Tactics, Teamwork).

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: FX1 on December 17, 2005, 12:08:25 PM
I wish shawk would post something but he doesnt come on the bbs that much. He is not a slack in the da i have never been their with him but he gives credit to anyone that da's him. I would love to da shawk but i have only been flyn with him for 6 years.
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Zazen13 on December 17, 2005, 01:04:30 PM
Originally posted by Morpheus
I dont dislike anything about him. That's why you and I are totally different people. I dont think that him saying the DA is a worthless place is even remotely close to being correct.

As for you and arguments... Well... You lost yours with me too. So what's your point?

I never said the DA was worthless. As a training tool it serves a very usefull purpose. What is useless is trying to equate the Ho-merge, co-E/Co-alt , same plane, 'noodle measuring' typical DA duel as some sort of meaningfull  'quantification' of a person's MA fighter pilot talent, it isn't. To say that it is, or is even representative in any way of the full spectrum of skills that goes into being a good MA fighter pilot is like saying a car mechanic is good because he can check the engine oil.

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Zazen13 on December 17, 2005, 01:08:26 PM
Originally posted by Masherbrum
In the DA in a 1 vs 1, you aren't panning your hat and seeing that 2nd dot you would see in the MA, 6k out and wondering if he is gonna come in.

1/2 the battle in the DA is the merge.  To deny it is foolish.  


I'd say 90% of the DA is the merge, you lose the merge in the same plane and there is almost no way to recover that lost angle vs. a similiar level  opponent. The DA is all about dropping E as fast as you can to the best corner speed for your plane and racing for the angle. Doing that and blowing that kind of E to 'perhaps' get an angle on a single opponent is usually a guarenteed express trip to the tower in the MA.

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Zazen13 on December 17, 2005, 01:14:31 PM
Originally posted by Masherbrum
$500 says Zazen would pwn in an Ostie in the DA.   That is your calling Zazzy!  Some 10 year old twirp starts vulching in the DA, bring em down.


Alot has been made of the fact that I do the field gun and Ostwind alot. Some even go so far as to jump to the conclusion that because I am a good shot with 37mm AA guns I must not be able to fighter. This is not the case, there's three reasons I devote alot of time to AA gunnery:

1) Killing vulchers pushes fights away from fields, making for far more frequent, longer lasting and better MA fights overall and alot less gang-vulching.

2) When my team is defensive I can shoot down 2 to 3 times as many per unit time in AA as I can in a fighter, it's like home delivery they come to me, so I can help my team alot more, in military terms this is a force multiplier, I'm multiplying my relative effectiveness by 300% in this situation.

3) I'm really good at it and to stay good at something you need to practice.

The simple fact is, if my team is not being vulched I am in a fighter.

Title: Re: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: SkyRock on December 17, 2005, 01:43:41 PM
Originally posted by JMFJ
I think that if you are going to challenge someone to the DA there should be something on the line for the player challenged.

Example: The challenger should be willing to foot the next months HT bill for the player that was challenged, should the challenger lose.  Best of 3

It would definitely be entertaining, I would get off line and go take a seat at the colleseum (DA) to see which gladiator's blood gets spilled.  At least It would mean alot more when a challenge is shouted.

Cause for the most part the only challenges I see are from guys who know they have an advantage, or they won't run there mouth.  You don't see skyrock, chi, or any of the other guys that use the 200 channel alot challenging SHawk to the DA.

Title: Re: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: SkyRock on December 17, 2005, 02:17:39 PM
Originally posted by JMFJ
I think that if you are going to challenge someone to the DA there should be something on the line for the player challenged.

Example: The challenger should be willing to foot the next months HT bill for the player that was challenged, should the challenger lose.  Best of 3

It would definitely be entertaining, I would get off line and go take a seat at the colleseum (DA) to see which gladiator's blood gets spilled.  At least It would mean alot more when a challenge is shouted.

Cause for the most part the only challenges I see are from guys who know they have an advantage, or they won't run there mouth.  You don't see skyrock, chi, or any of the other guys that use the 200 channel alot challenging SHawk to the DA.


I was laughing so hard trying to reply to this that I accidentally hit submit with out typing at all.  I have been to DA with SHawk twice.  First when I was a newbie 4 months experience and we fought ponies and he handed arse to me.  Second, we fought Dora's some time last year and he augered in an on the water slow rolling scissors fight!  Shawk is a good fellow and not scared to go DA but he plays this game and enjoys being in the top rank spot.  So he does what that takes.  I played that way for first year and eventually got ranked in top 5 overall.  SHawk came over range and said good job 031598, you have to be very dweeby to get in top5.  So he is able to laugh at it all.  
     As far as me asking folks to go to DA, I haven't  and never will pass   challenge and invite many per week to go DA.  There are people that kik me arse in DA but the only way to learn is to fight the best.   I have learned that once you reach a certain level of skills, anyone can beat anyone on a given merge.  Also, once you reach certain level of flyin skills, then gunnery becomes more important.  
      You don't know how I fly from MA because I usually am looking for 1 vs 2's or 1vs3's etc.  As many times you hear me say twit when I die, there are just as many times that I kill 2 of the three and some I last one flying in a 1 vs 2 or 3.  
SHawk DA now!  JMJF training arena is the one below combat theatre, you should go there!
I openely challenge all who read this post to the DA for a good killin! :aok
Especially Morpheewww, wetspat, SHank, Leviaturd, Shine, YANCCA,  Wodky, Deadlaos, Kacrya, Snipper67, Spang, ManePMS, LiteBlue, Balsoid, 1soslow, Jish438, flybox, badbox, GooseCRY,  skychump, Nook33, Pitwerp0, THC, Willbuzzzzz, and WMLoot.
Title: Re: Re: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: SkyChimp on December 17, 2005, 02:22:42 PM
Originally posted by SkyRock
I was laughing so hard trying to reply to this that I accidentally hit submit with out typing at all.  I have been to DA with SHawk twice.  First when I was a newbie 4 months experience and we fought ponies and he handed arse to me.  Second, we fought Dora's some time last year and he augered in an on the water slow rolling scissors fight!  Shawk is a good fellow and not scared to go DA but he plays this game and enjoys being in the top rank spot.  So he does what that takes.  I played that way for first year and eventually got ranked in top 5 overall.  SHawk came over range and said good job 031598, you have to be very dweeby to get in top5.  So he is able to laugh at it all.  
     As far as me asking folks to go to DA, I haven't  and never will pass   challenge and invite many per week to go DA.  There are people that kik me arse in DA but the only way to learn is to fight the best.   I have learned that once you reach a certain level of skills, anyone can beat anyone on a given merge.  Also, once you reach certain level of flyin skills, then gunnery becomes more important.  
      You don't know how I fly from MA because I usually am looking for 1 vs 2's or 1vs3's etc.  As many times you hear me say twit when I die, there are just as many times that I kill 2 of the three and some I last one flying in a 1 vs 2 or 3.  
SHawk DA now!  JMJF training arena is the one below combat theatre, you should go there!
I openely challenge all who read this post to the DA for a good killin! :aok
Especially Morpheewww, wetspat, SHank, Leviaturd, Shine, YANCCA,  Wodky, Deadlaos, Kacrya, Snipper67, Spang, ManePMS, LiteBlue, Balsoid, 1soslow, Jish438, flybox, badbox, GooseCRY,  skychump, Nook33, Pitwerp0, THC, Willbuzzzzz, and WMLoot.

OOOOOHHH u fuged up now lets go!:lol

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: mechanic on December 17, 2005, 03:57:13 PM
one thing i would say is that a DA fight is at most 60-70% merge, and there are few ways of turning back a fight. but then i have only about 2000 DA fights to speak for experience about. just a random geuss though speaking from the eyes of only one player.
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: x0847Marine on December 17, 2005, 04:05:02 PM
All this time I thought it was the Dating Arena.

Another man, stick in hand, wants to meet, alone... away from the 'others', why?, to blow a digital load in my eye for which I call him a HO?

This after said man uses the power of his mighty stick seeking another mans 6... ready, aim, twist it, jerk it, stroke it... just a bit more, not yet,........POW!! 1 man dumps a load in anothers tail.

The Romans would love the DA, speaking of which the DA should have a "Bath haus" rather than an o'club.
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: mars01 on December 17, 2005, 05:21:06 PM
LOL All you guys that say, "all the DA is about, is the merge." have not spent enough time with quality opponents in the DA.  Sure if you have some noob or you are the noob then yes the merge is about as far as it gets.

I once watched Nomak and Edbert go at it in the DA and it went way past the merge.  These two guys would go on for 3 or 4 mins fighting.  You will never get that in the MA because the lamer will run or some lamer will cherry pic one of you.

I will challenge and accept anyone who wants to go to the DA, because I am not afraid of getting schooled or do the schooling.  The bottome line is having fun and maybe learning something new or teaching some one else a little something.  

All you guys that need to hide in the MA are shurly never going to go to the DA nor would you accept it as a great place to learn something.  But then again thats why you have your perches too.

All you guys that turn down a Challenge to DA are just skeered of getting shot down in a real fight and what that would do to your fragile egos.
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Zazen13 on December 17, 2005, 06:54:04 PM
Originally posted by mars01

I once watched Nomak and Edbert go at it in the DA and it went way past the merge.  These two guys would go on for 3 or 4 mins fighting.  You will never get that in the MA because the lamer will run or some lamer will cherry pic one of you.


Wow! A four minute duel from 5k? Were they both blind drunk at the time? :rofl I've duelled perhaps 1,500 times counting ladder competitions back in AW (I used to foolishly accept disgruntled victims DA challenges until I ended up spending 90% of my flying time in the DA with cry-babies). I think my longest recorded duel was 43 seconds after the merge and it was only that long because the guy tried to run?!?! I'm not sure if I want to see a 4 minute duel, would be like getting a 12 hour root canal. ;)
If your duels take over 1 minute on average you and/or your opponent need some serious, hardcore work on your gunnery.

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Dead Man Flying on December 17, 2005, 07:02:21 PM
Originally posted by Zazen13
If your duels take over 1 minute on average you and/or your opponent need some serious work on your gunnery.

That's not really true.  Long average fights often mean well-matched opponents.  NathBDP and I easily duel for minutes on end, and I think most would agree that gunnery is not one of our weaknesses.  Now, fights between well-matched newbies or well-matched veterans can take a long time; the key is parity.  

-- Todd/Leviathn
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Zazen13 on December 17, 2005, 07:05:44 PM
Originally posted by Dead Man Flying
That's not really true.  Long average fights often mean well-matched opponents.  NathBDP and I easily duel for minutes on end, and I think most would agree that gunnery is not one of our weaknesses.  Now, fights between well-matched newbies or well-matched veterans can take a long time; the key is parity.  

-- Todd/Leviathn

I'd love to see a film of you and Nath, I've never even seen a filmed duel that lasted more than 2 minutes after the merge. Often in the heat of the battle what seems like minutes is actually only 30 seconds, adrenalin dilates the perception of time by your brain, this enhances reaction times in times of crisis.

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: SkyChimp on December 17, 2005, 07:20:17 PM
Originally posted by Zazen13
I'd love to see a film of you and Nath, I've never even seen a filmed duel that lasted more than 2 minutes after the merge. Often in the heat of the battle what seems like minutes is actually only 30 seconds, adrenalin dilates the perception of time by your brain, this enhances reaction times in times of crisis.


i have a 5 min fight with me as p51d and dano dano as spit16

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Zazen13 on December 17, 2005, 07:23:46 PM
Originally posted by SkyChimp
i have a 5 min fight with me as p51d and dano dano as spit16


Did you"Egress" on him for 4 and a half minutes? ;)

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: wetrat on December 17, 2005, 08:09:00 PM
Originally posted by Zazen13
Wow! A four minute duel from 5k? Were they both blind drunk at the time? :rofl I've duelled perhaps 1,500 times counting ladder competitions back in AW (I used to foolishly accept disgruntled victims DA challenges until I ended up spending 90% of my flying time in the DA with cry-babies). I think my longest recorded duel was 43 seconds after the merge and it was only that long because the guy tried to run?!?! I'm not sure if I want to see a 4 minute duel, would be like getting a 12 hour root canal. ;)
If your duels take over 1 minute on average you and/or your opponent need some serious, hardcore work on your gunnery.

HEH... you need to duel better people if that's the longest your fights ever last.
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Zazen13 on December 17, 2005, 09:06:41 PM
Originally posted by wetrat
HEH... you need to duel better people if that's the longest your fights ever last.

Apparently. ;)

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: SkyChimp on December 17, 2005, 09:18:47 PM
Originally posted by Zazen13
Did you"Egress" on him for 4 and a half minutes? ;)


lol no we merged with immel than 2nd immel then stall fighting then rope he passed rolls and i take wing. Had to cut throttle to make shot tho:eek:

( don't forget scissors ):D
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: jamusta on December 17, 2005, 09:25:03 PM
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Chitownflyer on December 18, 2005, 11:27:22 AM
Originally posted by JMFJ

The Notorious DA Challenge

I think that if you are going to challenge someone to the DA there should be something on the line for the player challenged.

Example: The challenger should be willing to foot the next months HT bill for the player that was challenged, should the challenger lose. Best of 3

It would definitely be entertaining, I would get off line and go take a seat at the colleseum (DA) to see which gladiator's blood gets spilled. At least It would mean alot more when a challenge is shouted.

Cause for the most part the only challenges I see are from guys who know they have an advantage, or they won't run there mouth. You don't see skyrock, chi, or any of the other guys that use the 200 channel alot challenging SHawk to the DA.


Originally posted by Morpheus
Because they suck.

skyrock is the only one who would stand a chance in a crowd.

And besides, DA has lost its apeal to most. In the past 6 months the only person who has had enough balls to get into the DA because he was that pissed, was a 15 year old.



Listen and listen well,
I used to DA and in most cases I WON...
bank on that....Its a FACT.

IN FACT, I would win
in DA 90% of the time.  Understand two facts

a. I have trained as a real pilot, general aviation.

b. I have been flying online combat sim for 10years.
AW, WB, TWR, Fbirds, and NOW AH for the last
3 years.   By vurtue of the time I spent at this
would "implie" I know my business of killing
in AH.

Now there were times, that I did lost, and there are
pilots better then me, rest assure of that, and
rest assure I know who they are, and also
rest assure  Mopheous


Regarding the fact I don't DA there is 3 reasons for
that... Reason 1.

Every DIM WITED NOOB wants to
DA, and I know I would win and why bother?
Espeically, when most of the Noobs I run into
are either, young 15year noobs that don't know
any better or ankle biters like Morpheous.

and REASON 2...
The last time I DA's was against a loser by the name
of "RManiac" and I kicked his butt.  (for those that don't
belive, I have film of that including his Charge that I was
"Cheating" and his complaint that I sucked even after
I killed him, repeatly)

AND reasson 3.
When I would DA some Noob, they would bring in
"Friends" and violate the rules and "GRIEF" ie..
their freind would jump in to the Duel and
and killme.  and laugh and think that was funny.
I had that happen about 4 times.

I think, they do it because they know that they can't win
so the only thing they can do now is "GRIEF"

There was a time when things, in Air combat sims
were "kinder and more Gentle" but not now with
pre-pubesent noobs  ankle humpers
and dweeblets around these days.

SO I don't DA unless I FEEL LIKE IT,

Now, Morphues, be glade, right now I'm a
rook and not a bish or nit, cuz I would hunt
your sorry, over rated butt from north
to south, from east to west, until you
cried like a little girl with a busted balloon.  

Be carful what you wish for, cuz you may die
trying to get it bub.

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Waffle on December 18, 2005, 12:25:55 PM
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Murdr on December 18, 2005, 12:55:22 PM
Originally posted by Chitownflyer
SO I don't DA unless I FEEL LIKE IT,

Translation- I am great....I dont have to prove it.  Proclaiming it on the BBs is proof enough.
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Dead Man Flying on December 18, 2005, 01:00:46 PM
I mean no offense to you, Chi, but I'm absolutely certain that Morpheus would do very well against you in the DA.  I think most here would agree with that assessment.

-- Todd/Leviathn
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Stang on December 18, 2005, 01:03:46 PM
maybe even hub could beat him .
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: 2bighorn on December 18, 2005, 01:46:40 PM
All arenas can be fun and all require certain skill to excel in and if you are good in MA most likely you'll be good in DA and vice versa.

Some prefer one over another simply because it's more fun, or more exciting for them to do so.

To belittle certain arenas is just silly and probably reflection of fragile and overbloated egos.
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: SkyRock on December 18, 2005, 02:47:07 PM
Originally posted by Dead Man Flying
I mean no offense to you, Chi, but I'm absolutely certain that Morpheus would do very well against you in the DA.  I think most here would agree with that assessment.

-- Todd/Leviathn

I would agree, Lev.  He11 he barely beat RMhandicap!
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Ack-Ack on December 18, 2005, 03:44:11 PM
Originally posted by Chitownflyer


Listen and listen well,
I used to DA and in most cases I WON...
bank on that....Its a FACT.

IN FACT, I would win
in DA 90% of the time.  Understand two facts

a. I have trained as a real pilot, general aviation.

b. I have been flying online combat sim for 10years.
AW, WB, TWR, Fbirds, and NOW AH for the last
3 years.   By vurtue of the time I spent at this
would "implie" I know my business of killing
in AH.



Oh, please save your self dilusional drivel for yourself.   We all know why you don't go to the suck and it's really that simple.  

And whether or not you're a pilot IRL has no bearing on your abilities in this game.

So to just suck CHI.

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: wetrat on December 18, 2005, 04:10:29 PM
Chi, you're awful. You suck. You're incompetent. Your grasp of the english language sucks.

The only person who thinks Chi doesn't suck? Chi.

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Morpheus on December 18, 2005, 04:27:11 PM
lol wetrat i love you man.

in of course a very manly kinda way.

no not a big man bear kinda way either.

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: wetrat on December 18, 2005, 04:58:50 PM
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Silat on December 18, 2005, 05:36:18 PM
Well if you challenge SH you have to let him have a 15k advantage and promise to loan him your purse if you lose..
I for one will not loan my Prada bag to anyone...
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Wadke on December 19, 2005, 09:55:05 AM
Originally posted by Zazen13
I'd love to see a film of you and Nath, I've never even seen a filmed duel that lasted more than 2 minutes after the merge. Often in the heat of the battle what seems like minutes is actually only 30 seconds, adrenalin dilates the perception of time by your brain, this enhances reaction times in times of crisis.


I know of a duel that lasted 9 minutes after the merge.

Here Ya Go: Morph vs Wadke in T3H F6F!! (
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: mars01 on December 19, 2005, 10:04:53 AM
Wow! A four minute duel from 5k? Were they both blind drunk at the time?  I've duelled perhaps 1,500 times counting ladder competitions back in AW (I used to foolishly accept disgruntled victims DA challenges until I ended up spending 90% of my flying time in the DA with cry-babies). I think my longest recorded duel was 43 seconds after the merge and it was only that long because the guy tried to run?!?! I'm not sure if I want to see a 4 minute duel, would be like getting a 12 hour root canal.
If your duels take over 1 minute on average you and/or your opponent need some serious, hardcore work on your gunnery.

This just proves my point, you have no clue. "I've duelled perhaps 1,500 times counting ladder competitions back in AW"  Yeah back in AW where I was good.  Right.  Put up or shut it Zazen.  Come spank me a few times in the DA and well see how skilled you are.  1500 times hahaha well then whats one more time LOL.  I suck in the DA most will confirm that, you shouldn't be so afraid.

I'm not sure if I want to see a 4 minute duel, would be like getting a 12 hour root canal.
Of course you wouldn't, then you would have to accept that there is more to ACM than swooping down on some unsuspecting con and running away. LOLH

I ended up spending 90% of my flying time in the DA with cry-babies
PLEAAAASSEEE!  What flying time!  You spend most of your preciouse flying time in a F Osti.  Like your flying time is so valuable.

Can any other AW vets confirm this, I doubt it.
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Zazen13 on December 19, 2005, 10:09:51 AM
Originally posted by Wadke
I know of a duel that lasted 9 minutes after the merge.

Here Ya Go: Morph vs Wadke in T3H F6F!! (

Nice film, that F6 is one tough bird...Alot of missed shots and glancing blows that shoulda been game over though...

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Zazen13 on December 19, 2005, 10:11:26 AM
Originally posted by mars01
you shouldn't be so afraid.


You are mistakingly confusing fear for me not giving a rat's ass, your bad. ;)

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Zazen13 on December 19, 2005, 10:12:42 AM
Originally posted by mars01

 PLEAAAASSEEE!  What flying time!  You spend most of your preciouse flying time in a F Osti.  Like your flying time is so valuable.

Can any other AW vets confirm this, I doubt it.

AW did not have Ostwinds so I had time to duel. ;)

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Zazen13 on December 19, 2005, 10:24:00 AM
Originally posted by mars01
Come spank me a few times in the DA and well see how skilled you are.  1500 times hahaha well then whats one more time LOL.  I suck in the DA most will confirm that, you shouldn't be so afraid.

I still duel, but I do so with friends and squadmates as a training or learning tool, not as a noodle measuring stick. The days of me going to the DA to measure noodlees with every little whiney Spit dweeb with a chip on his shoulder, a bad attitude, and something to prove to himself like you are long gone. I've done my time, I am now having a blast, I have nothing to prove to you, myself or anyone else. If you had a better attitude and were a little less down on anyone who enjoys flying differently than you I might have considered it just to be a nice guy and make you feel better. Heck, I even duelled Shane when I first started AH. I hope that gives you a clue where you stand on the AH obnoxious meter. ;)

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: FuBaR on December 19, 2005, 10:57:44 AM
Happy Holidays
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: mars01 on December 19, 2005, 11:19:15 AM
I still duel, but I do so with friends and squadmates as a training or learning tool, not as a noodle measuring stick. The days of me going to the DA to measure noodlees with every little whiney Spit dweeb with a chip on his shoulder, a bad attitude, and something to prove to himself like you are long gone. I've done my time, I am now having a blast, I have nothing to prove to you, myself or anyone else. If you had a better attitude and were a little less down on anyone who enjoys flying differently than you I might have considered it just to be a nice guy and make you feel better. Heck, I even duelled Shane when I first started AH. I hope that gives you a clue where you stand on the AH obnoxious meter.

Umm a little obsessed with noodle aren't you?  It's obvuiouse you can't go to the DA anymore cause all you are thinking about is noodle instead of dueling.

You can continue to hide in your rhetoric but I think the picture is clear to everyone at this point, when your done crying and ready for a challenge let me know LOLH.:lol :rofl
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Bobby on December 19, 2005, 11:31:08 AM
Is this my wee wee is bigger than your wee wee?.. If your social - economic self perception is based on your skills in AH you lead a truly sad life. Does this game make most boys act like little boys?
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Zazen13 on December 19, 2005, 11:31:32 AM
Originally posted by mars01
everyone at this point, when your done crying

Who exactly is everyone and how the hell am I crying? :huh

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: mars01 on December 19, 2005, 11:35:38 AM
Is this my wee wee is bigger than your wee wee?.. If your social - economic self perception is based on your skills in AH you lead a truly sad life. Does this game make most boys act like little boys?
What is this obsession you guys have with noodle.  

Every time someone is afraid to go to the DA they start talking about noodle.  

Go back to your boy on boy BBs if thats what your looking for.:rolleyes:
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Zazen13 on December 19, 2005, 11:49:39 AM
Originally posted by mars01
What is this obsession you guys have with noodle.  

Every time someone is afraid to go to the DA they start talking about noodle.  

Go back to your boy on boy BBs if thats what your looking for.:rolleyes:

It's an analogy to what the DA is about for some people, it's about shriveled lil' peni that got/get spanked repeatedly in the MA. They want to restore their poor lil' shrivelled member to its former glory but they are incapable of doing so in the MA. So, with 1 inch ruler in hand they tromp off to the DA in a huff, hoping with baited breath they get to euphorically gulp down that 'virtual viagra' that is a DA victory bragging session thus bracing  them for yet another in an inevitably long series of noodle shrivelling bellybutton whippings in the MA. Then the cycle repeats.

noodle is a metaphor for the male ego by the way, in case you are failing to comprehend.

This isn't the mentality of everyone who uses the DA for whatever reasons, just some, and YOU know who YOU are. ;)

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: mars01 on December 19, 2005, 12:01:06 PM
Only you would need to explain that Zazen.

And your basic premis is flawed as usual.  If some one is repeatedly spanled in the MA the they are in no way going to go to the DA where the will undoubtably get spanked.

If you can't hack it in the MA you are not going to do well in the DA.  One can do well in the MA and suck in the DA but not visa-versa.

You guys afraid to go the DA always turn it into an ego thing.  For me I would just like to see if you are half as good as you say you are Zazen and after all our BS on this BB I thought you would too.  

The fact that you wouldn't go to the DA with me shows that you are more worried about your ego than I.  I suck in the DA, but I'm not afraid to go becuase of that.

Oh well it's not that important anyway.  I just thought it would be fun.
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Zazen13 on December 19, 2005, 12:11:54 PM
Originally posted by mars01
Only you would need to explain that Zazen.

And you basic premis is flawed as usual.  If some one is repeatedly spanled in the MA the they are in no way going to go to the DA where the will undoubtably get spanked.

If you can't hack it in the MA you are not going to do well in the DA.  One can do well in the MA and suck in the DA but not visa-versa.

Actually, that is completely untrue. People tend to be subjective in evaluating outcomes and their root causes. Most people who aren't successful in the MA do not ever consider it is because they lack talent or skill. They instead blame intangibles like cherry picking, gang-banging, vulching, HOing, ramming, running, Spits, Lgay7's etc., the list is endless. It's just human nature, when there's a problem people tend to first look outisde themselves for the cause (it's a hard-wired survival instinct), only mature and enlightened folks, those who can check their egos look introspectively for the cause of their troubles.

So, in actual fact the MOST likely people to 'take it to the DA' are those who are dellusional about their relative skills and talents, in their world they fight great, it's the evil MA that is constantly picking on them unfairly, if they could just get one guy alone in the DA they'd show him a thing or two therby achieving the success that eludes them in the MA with all of those nasty intangibles thwarting them at every turn. If you don't believe me check out the DA at random intervals, it's filled with 12 year old kids all hopped up on hormones crowing about how fabulous they are when in reality they couldn't fight their collective way out of a wet paper bag.

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: SkyRock on December 19, 2005, 12:15:46 PM
Originally posted by Zazen13
It's an analogy to what the DA is about for some people, it's about shriveled lil' peni that got/get spanked repeatedly in the MA. They want to restore their poor lil' shrivelled member to its former glory but they are incapable of doing so in the MA. So, with 1 inch ruler in hand they tromp off to the DA in a huff, hoping with baited breath they get to euphorically gulp down that 'virtual viagra' that is a DA victory bragging session thus bracing  them for yet another in an inevitably long series of noodle shrivelling bellybutton whippings in the MA. Then the cycle repeats.

noodle is a metaphor for the male ego by the way, in case are failing to comprehend.

This isn't the mentality of everyone who uses the DA for whatever reasons, just some, and YOU know who YOU are. ;)


DA now tiff vs tiff and no, I don't want to see your noodle!
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: mars01 on December 19, 2005, 12:17:26 PM
So, in actual fact the MOST likely people to 'take it to the DA' are those who are dellusional about their relative skills and talents, in their world they fight great, it's the evil MA that is constantly picking on them unfairly, if they could just get one guy alone in the DA they'd show him a thing or two therby achieving the success that eludes them in the MA with all of those nasty intangibles thwarting them at every turn.
OMG Honestly man and I mean this as a friend...   You need help.

I have played this game for a few years now and I have never seen anyone in the DA because they were delusional and even if this type of person did exist, one time to the DA would cure them of their delusions.  Honestly dude do you really believe this stuff or are you just being silly now.
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Zazen13 on December 19, 2005, 12:17:51 PM
Originally posted by SkyRock
DA now tiff vs tiff and no, I don't want to see your noodle!

Ahh common' SkyRock! I'll show you mine if you show me yours! :eek:

Get into the spirit! This is what DA studmuffingery is all about!

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: SkyRock on December 19, 2005, 12:18:04 PM
Originally posted by Zazen13
Actually, that is completely untrue. People tend to be subjective in evaluating outcomes and their root causes. Most people who aren't successful in the MA do not ever consider it is because they lack talent or skill. They instead blame intangibles like cherry picking, gang-banging, vulching, HOing, ramming, running, Spits, Lgay7's etc., the list is endless. It's just human nature, when there's a problem people tend to first look outisde themselves for the cause (it's a hard-wired survival instinct), only mature and enlightened folks, those who can check their egos look introspectively for the cause of their troubles.

So, in actual fact the MOST likely people to 'take it to the DA' are those who are dellusional about their relative skills and talents, in their world they fight great, it's the evil MA that is constantly picking on them unfairly, if they could just get one guy alone in the DA they'd show him a thing or two therby achieving the success that eludes them in the MA with all of those nasty intangibles thwarting them at every turn. If you don't believe me check out the DA at random intervals, it's filled with 12 year old kids all hopped up on hormones crowing about how fabulous they are when in reality they couldn't fight their collective way out of a wet paper bag.


I go DA often and last time I was there it was me wax, dedalos, airvent, pnther!
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: mars01 on December 19, 2005, 12:19:18 PM
DA now tiff vs tiff and no, I don't want to see your noodle!

LOLH Sky.  Fights with you have always been fun.
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Zazen13 on December 19, 2005, 12:19:48 PM
Originally posted by SkyRock
I go DA often and last time I was there it was me wax, dedalos, airvent, pnther!

Maybe it was after 7PM well all the kids are doing their homework, chores and their mommies are tucking them into bed. ;)

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Zazen13 on December 19, 2005, 12:21:37 PM
Originally posted by mars01
LOLH Sky.  Fights with you have always been fun.

Sounds like you two have a date! :aok

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: mars01 on December 19, 2005, 12:35:56 PM
Well Zazen your latent homo side is getting the better of you lol
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Zazen13 on December 19, 2005, 12:40:32 PM
Originally posted by mars01
Well Zazen your latent homo side is getting the better of you lol

Who says it's latent!?! Come here you sexy thang! You're lookin' mighty fine in them jeans...boy! :eek:

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: wetrat on December 19, 2005, 12:45:55 PM
Uhhh zazen... anyone who's worth a damn in the DA can slaughter the tools in the MA without incident. If you think otherwise, it's YOU that's delusional. Show up for a KoTH some time... 9/10 guys there are good duellers (uhh.. duh.. KoTH is a giant duel), and all of them are "good" in the MA when they want to be.
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Zazen13 on December 19, 2005, 12:52:13 PM
Lag Double Post
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Zazen13 on December 19, 2005, 12:56:56 PM
Lag Double Post
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Zazen13 on December 19, 2005, 12:58:24 PM
Originally posted by wetrat
Uhhh zazen... anyone who's worth a damn in the DA can slaughter the tools in the MA without incident. If you think otherwise, it's YOU that's delusional. Show up for a KoTH some time... 9/10 guys there are good duellers (uhh.. duh.. KoTH is a giant duel), and all of them are "good" in the MA when they want to be.

Yup I agree, I never said people who are good at duelling cannot be or aren't good in the MA. What I said was a giant chunk of the guys on channel 200, freshly killed, that always want to take their slayer to the DA are not good at either the MA or the DA. If you are good at one you are very likely at least potentially good at the other, likewise if you suck at one you likely suck at the other. But there's a huge proportion of the population that suck at both, relatively speaking, these are the guys predominantly spewing DA challenges on 200 in the MA everytime they get wacked.

This is responsible for part of the stigma associated with the DA. Every two bit MA fairy that gets wacked wants to take the wacker to the DA. It gets rediculous, if someone who kills alot duelled everyone they killed, they'd have to quit work, stop eating and sleeping and eventually they'd never get to play in the MA at all, I know, I have been there. Eventually enough is enough and you either duel everyone and give up the MA altogther or, "Just Say No!" to disgruntled victim's duel challenges and enjoy the MA, I chose the latter course of action about 10 years ago and have been having tremendous fun.

I kept track a few months ago just out of curiosity, I was challenged to 83 duels during that one camp by people I killed (there were some repeats from the same people, 67 unqiue individuals) and that was a slow'ish month. That doesn't even count the challenges I get from people on the BBS who I beat in intellectual debate that want to try to reclaim victory by duelling ?!? ;)

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: GreenCloud on December 19, 2005, 01:43:27 PM
The reasons i am a KILLER


2) the

3) MA GAngbang

1...Koth teaches you SA
2... ladders teach you 1 vs 1..equal terms
3..MA..teaches gangbang and the various abilities of planes..and how to fight as underdog

I think if you dont know how other planes fly your screwed...

Come bring it to the

the DA challenge sheite is basiclaly way to DOCUMENT whos gettn their azzes kiked or not.....defnlty good for practice...but after
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: JMFJ on December 19, 2005, 01:44:04 PM
I wasn't trying to say whether DA has practical base of flying scenarios compared to the MA, nor or was I trying to say that it wasn't.

I think there is alot to learn in the DA, I have one of my squadies go there with me regularly to help me learn some fighting techniques that I can hopefully bring to the table in the MA.  It's tough to learn specific combinations, angles, and E-applications when you got someone always flying through for the cherry pick.  Now learning how to execute them once you understand them with the cherry pickers on the prowel etc... can only be learned in one place the MA.

What I was trying to point out, there is always someone challenging guys to DA over someone losing a HO, Vulch, etc...  It's usually some above average fighter who was dumb enough to go into an HO, or up on a capped field, etc... with some below average fighter.  Above average fighter gets pissed off they died and need to go on emergency ego repair ASAP.  Call that lesser guy out and make your revenge in the DA, which no one gives a crap about cause it happens 20 times a day.

It's getting old obviously we have alot of guys who don't seem to understand what being a good sport is.  As Loony stated on the 200 channel not too long ago "there's is no honor in here".  It's like frickin highschool all over again, the best athletes (good sticks) in the game abuse there position as looked up to individuals, and the non-athletic types (bad sticks) run there mouth cause they know you can't do anything about it.  Just seems so......... lame.

Although my suggestion was funny I know it would be hard to inforce.  But that's the type of midset that would straighten out alot of idiots.  Everyone wants to run there mouth until it costs them something, gettin butt physically kicked is usually top of the list (not practical), $$$$$MONEY$$$$$ close second, almost practical.

I feel if there was something tangible & real on the line, people not only would be less inclined to run there mouths.  But it would mean something if you won.  Of course then again that is still based on the concept that the players in here have an ounce of SHAME.

Example: It would be alot harder for Chi to continue runnin his mouth about how I'm a dweeb, dweebit, dweebor, or whatever version of his extended vocabulary of dweeb he wants to use, when he's payin for me to play.

For I could drop 50 bombs on his head, or blow up his tigers 10 times in a row with my panzer and he still keeps runnin his mouth.  But if he was payin for my account I bet he would shud up........

I don't know if I believe this little kids keep wanting to challenge me to DA crap that Chi is spillin.  Matter of fact I don't give any weight to anything Chi says, someone who runs there mouth that much on the 200 channel, especially to the extreme he does.  Will and in Chi's case already has, lost all respect from most if not the majority of the other players in the game.

I used SHawk as an example cause I haven't ever seen him turn someone down for the DA, and he is a good stick in all aspects of the game.  I'm not saying he's the BEST I'm saying you gonna have to earn it to get him.  No matter what you guys want to play him as he is a top stick in the game, if he wasn't he wouldn't be able to hold the spot as long as he has.  Gaming the game and dweebery might get you to the top in Bombers but it will only get you so far in the fighter mode.  If you disagree dethrone him, others wise it's pretty safe to say you can't.  Please keep the "I could but I don't want to" comments, It's like voting if you don't participate then you don't have an oppinion.  Saying I am #1 in the game is a little different and commands respect , then saying I could be if I wanted too, ya and if uncle Rico could go back in time he would of took state, and gone Pro.

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: mars01 on December 19, 2005, 02:10:24 PM
Gaming the game and dweebery might get you to the top in Bombers but it will only get you so far in the fighter mode.
Ummm it's just as easy, don' t fool yourself.  Anyone can fly safe at altitude, bug out when things get scary, vulch all night long and fly in the herd.  If you do your score will be good, you'll still suck (not you JMF, I ve never seen run into you in MA), but your score will be nice and shiny.

If you think that scores mean anything then you will be wrong  like all the rest of the misslead score potatos.

The problem is that the score doesn't take into account the difficulty of the sortie nor does it weight score based on odds.  Guys that always fly into bad odds get penalized as well as guys that select fighter but shoot at ack or gvs.  There shouldn't even be a Fighter or attack score.  If you are attacking ground the score system should know to score that as attack and if you are fighting other planes it should know to score that as fighter.
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: SlapShot on December 19, 2005, 02:16:30 PM
You're lookin' mighty fine in them jeans...boy!

Gotta say that in your best Mr. T voice ... god that was funny ... :rofl
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Zazen13 on December 19, 2005, 02:17:29 PM
Originally posted by mars01
Ummm it's just as easy, don' t fool yourself.  Anyone can fly safe at altitude  

Nothing will screw your fighter rank more than flying safe at altitude. Flying safe with alot of altitude = really bad Kills/Time and often really low Kills/Sortie. The fact is, to rank decently in a fighter you must be/go where the 'food' is, which is under 8k.

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: mars01 on December 19, 2005, 02:25:36 PM
Gotta say that in your best Mr. T voice ... god that was funny ...
Hahahaha I didn't get the Mr T thing at first, that is teh phunny.

Sheesh Zazen will you distort everything.  A safe flyer will always have a better score than one that takes risks.  The score system rewards one type of gameplay bottom line.  If you judge a person skill on score you will be surprised and wrong 90% of the time.
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: SlapShot on December 19, 2005, 02:36:25 PM
If you disagree dethrone him, others wise it's pretty safe to say you can't. Please keep the "I could but I don't want to" comments, It's like voting if you don't participate then you don't have an oppinion. Saying I am #1 in the game is a little different and commands respect , then saying I could be if I wanted too, ya and if uncle Rico could go back in time he would of took state, and gone Pro.

I can comment because I have been there done that ...

I think it was about 1 and 1/2 to 2 years ago, I (the total newb I was back then) achieved the rank of #10.

It was very easy ... just not very much fun. That was the last time I ever thought about rank ... if a newb who couldn't find his bellybutton with both hands when it came to dogfighting could achieve the rank of #10 ... please ... rank means squat ... it means you can control ANY CV group your wittle heart desires ... thats all.

Anybody can shoot buildings with PT boats ... bomb undefended strat targets with a Stuka ... capture with C-47s and M3s ... camp GV spawn points ... vulch and run with the horde.

I would rather stick sharp pencils in my eyes than try and achieve the #1 rank overall.
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Zazen13 on December 19, 2005, 02:37:41 PM
Originally posted by mars01
Hahahaha I didn't get the Mr T thing at first, that is teh phunny.

Sheesh Zazen will you distort everything.  A safe flyer will always have a better score than one that takes risks.  The score system rewards one type of gameplay bottom line.  If you judge a person skill on score you will be surprised and wrong 90% of the time.

I'm not judging anyone's skill, I was just pointing out that flying high and safe is not a magical recipe for a wonderfull fighter rank. In fact, ironically, flying low, killing fast and even dying is actually much better for your fighter rank. Anything passed a 4 to 1 K/D ratio really does nothing for your rank, you have reached the point of diminishing returns, attaining a 20 to 1 K/D ratio at the expense of 5 kills/hour and 2 kills/sortie would totally screw your fighter rank. The absolute most efficient way to achieve a high fighter rank is to fly a good climbing plane, kill as many as possible in the shortest amount of time as possible then die/ditch/bail so you do not waste time returning to base in a slow plane. So, as long as you can kill an average of 3 or 4 a hop before you die you will have a fantastic fighter rank, I promise.

Actually, now that I think about it this sounds exactly like how you fly! Oh, except for the killing 3 or 4 a hop part. ;)

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: wetrat on December 19, 2005, 02:57:59 PM
Originally posted by SlapShot
I think it was about 1 and 1/2 to 2 years ago, I (the total newb I was back then) achieved the rank of #10.

It was very easy ... just not very much fun. That was the last time I ever thought about rank ... if a newb who couldn't find his bellybutton with both hands when it came to dogfighting could achieve the rank of #10 ... please ... rank means squat ... it means you can control ANY CV group your wittle heart desires ... thats all.

Anybody can shoot buildings with PT boats ... bomb undefended strat targets with a Stuka ... capture with C-47s and M3s ... camp GV spawn points ... vulch and run with the horde.

I would rather stick sharp pencils in my eyes than try and achieve the #1 rank overall.

Yep.. hte last time I put any effort at all into overall rank was back when HTC was giving money to the top15 in early 2003. I flew for rank the first month of that, and after holding on to #1 for about the first week and a half I hated the game so much I stopped playing. Finished the tour with about 20 hours game-time total (but still got my money!).

The whole rank thing is pretty misleading to anyone that puts any stock into it... I routinely wind up in the "top 5" for fighters just doing my thing (only stat I pay attention to is my hit% - I can't get 40% like I did in AH1, but I can try :p), but I don't claim or believe that I'm "teh bestest." I think one month last spring I actually had 2 names in the top 5... heh. Means nothing. If you're somewhat above average and fly easy planes like a poossay, you can get a good fighter rank. If you're really good and fly crappy planes on the deck in furballs, you can have a crappy fighter rank. MEANS NOTHING!
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: YUCCA on December 19, 2005, 03:14:36 PM
Yes lazer you are too good for all of us... lmfao
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Lazerr on December 19, 2005, 03:17:48 PM
You all suck, I fly with a mouse and I can promise I would give each and every one of you a run for your money in the DA.  

Go into h2h for awhile, and try wheeling your mouse around, using q/w for flaps, a/s/d for rudder, number pad for looking around, and N for shooting, and still have the ability to keep up with a guy using a $100 piece of equipment to move his intardnet plane around.

*zips up pants*
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Lazerr on December 19, 2005, 03:19:42 PM
lol Yucca, I can open an h2h room at any time that works for you.  Im always up for giving the special kids a little education.

I haven't touched this game in about a month, and I have a strong feeling you'd get your salad tossed. ;)
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Lazerr on December 19, 2005, 03:23:12 PM

You as well suck, you might be the prom queen on the flight ladder, but I guess that shows there is some type of flaw with the system.

I made a fool out of you my last tour in the game in the MA, and then made a DA challenge that you quickly denied.  Share that with your buddies in the flight ladder. ;)
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: JMFJ on December 19, 2005, 03:39:01 PM
Just flying safe won't get you to the top, you still got Kill/hours to deal with not to mention total score.  Both will suffer if you fly too safe, based on those are 2 of your 5 stats your being ranked on for fighters.  So you do have to get dirty to accomplish high # rank to a certain degree.

Man now I wish I would of picked a different example of a good stick, hehehe Shawk is very controversial name.

I do have to dissagree that it is easy to have good overall rank, first of all it depends on who's country you on.  Anyone please, go look see where the top 100 ranked overall, fighters, bombers, attackers, GV's lye, there are on average 10 of them on bish.  The other 90 split between the knights and rooks (this excludes the blue knights cause they switch to much to be considered part of any country, no offense just pointing out consistent mismatching).  So if you fly with the masses and where the better pilots are then I'd have to say ya maybe it's easy to keep a high rank.  But come fly bish and hold that same rank, I doubt they would or could.  I believe that a fighter rank in the top 15 on bish would be a top 10 and possibly 5 if they flew for one of the other country's.  So in concept for every furball encounter bish have they face a 1 bish ace for every 4 knight/rook aces, I would call that a pretty hefty multiplier.

I'm not trying to pound chest that being high ranked bish is better than high rank knight or rook.  I'm saying your comparing everyone as a whole when not every one as a whole faces the same odds of success.

So all the while dealing with the country factor you also have bailing squadies out, missions, people furballing and capping wrather than protecting goon, not to mention when rooks have 230 guys on, Knights 180, & bish 145 (yesterday).  So it may be considered easy to have a good rank, but what about on the underdog country.

I still think it may be easy to hold 1 category by playing safe, but I still am not convinced it's easy to hold all 4, or maybe I'm just on the wrong country.

Thread subject-My main point was, it's always the big dogs mouthin someone who is less than them in skill.  Yellin on 200 channel "I'll kik your *** in DA anytime any plane" to someone they know they can beat, ......It's lame.  If your so confident of your skill put sumthin on it, you already have the advantage.

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Zazen13 on December 19, 2005, 03:45:12 PM
Originally posted by JMFJ
I do have to dissagree that it is easy to have good overall rank, first of all it depends on who's country you on.  Anyone please, go look see where the top 100 ranked overall, fighters, bombers, attackers, GV's lye, there are on average 10 of them on bish.  The other 90 split between the knights and rooks  But come fly bish and hold that same rank, I doubt they would or could.  I believe that a fighter rank in the top 15 on bish would be a top 10 and possibly 5 if they flew for one of the other country's.  So in concept for every furball encounter bish have they face a 1 bish ace for every 4 knight/rook aces, I would call that a pretty hefty multiplier.

I'm not trying to pound chest that being high ranked bish is better than high rank knight or rook.  I'm saying your comparing everyone as a whole when not every one as a whole faces the same odds of success.


I'm sorry JMFJ you must be incorrect. I too believed and statistically proved the threee countries had very differing demographic ratios of talent. For that I was tarred, feathered and boiled in oil by about 15 guys on this BBS. Do a thread search, I compiled a whole bunch of data from an entire year of MA fighter statistics to support that theory. So, according to the BBS bullies all three countries are exactly the same with the exact same ratio of skilled pilots, fighter statistics mean nothing, you are mistaken, to say otherwise is BLASPHEMY! ;)

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: wetrat on December 19, 2005, 03:48:23 PM
JFMJ, it is NOT HARD to get a high overall rank. AT ALL. I haven't dropped a bomb on anything in almost 3 years, and I guaruntee I could get top 5 bombers/attack. Milk running strats.. that's all it is. Give me a stuka and a fresh, untouched strat with no enemy fields nearby, I'll give you #1 in bombers (don't even think of asking me to prove that - that's how I did it in my rank whoring days --- ie when I was a newb --- and I don't care to repeat it.) Give me a whole bunch of fields with untouched towns and lots of low sissyfires (like every field in AH) and I'll give you #1 in attack. It isn't hard, it isn't fun, it isn't for me, but I've been there, done that. It doesn't matter what country you're on... 99% of the people on every country suck, so don't try to say otherwise.
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Zazen13 on December 19, 2005, 03:53:24 PM
Originally posted by wetrat
JFMJ, it is NOT HARD to get a high overall rank. AT ALL. I haven't dropped a bomb on anything in almost 3 years, and I guaruntee I could get top 5 bombers/attack. Milk running strats.. that's all it is. Give me a stuka and a fresh, untouched strat with no enemy fields nearby, I'll give you #1 in bombers (don't even think of asking me to prove that - that's how I did it in my rank whoring days --- ie when I was a newb --- and I don't care to repeat it.) Give me a whole bunch of fields with untouched towns and lots of low sissyfires (like every field in AH) and I'll give you #1 in attack. It isn't hard, it isn't fun, it isn't for me, but I've been there, done that. It doesn't matter what country you're on... 99% of the people on every country suck, so don't try to say otherwise.

I've got to agree here. Attaining a good Fighter rank requires some skill, alot of skill if you do not vulch, the rest of the categories that comprise Overall rank just require you to perform a short laundry list of annoying chores each camp to be ranked top 15. I too made HTC pay me for my rank during that contest. ;)

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: JMFJ on December 19, 2005, 04:17:39 PM
My last post states the truth, if others disagree It shows they did not do their home work or in denial.

The game has become fiercly lopsided, I understand from some of the old school guys that 3 years ago it was the bish that were lopsided advantage country back in AH1.  The game changes part of the coolness of it, but this chest beating ego maniac crap is rediculous.  Brag about what a big shot you are, kill a couple of good sticks to try to get your 3 seconds of the spotlight from the system announcing you landed your 9 kills in a LA7!!!!! and now you suppose to be my hero, sorry it don't work that way.  The ego's on this game are hillarious, everyone thinks they are a legend.

Accomplishing high rank in just an idividual category I feel is a good accomplishment, let alone in all 4 categories.  I just don't think that is something that should be crapped on.  It's the age old battle, talk crap about the guys on top, "I could do that if I wanted to", "it ruins the game", or "rank means nothing I was top ranked pilot in tour 42", or "it's boring trying to keep your rank", etc....  When in reality it usually relates back to cuase you flat out didn't have the patience, lost your temper due to a lack of concistent preformance, time, figured out how the game is scored, lack of ability, or A.D.D. as to why you don't think they matter.

I watched a top rank pilot over this last weekend have a couple of bad sorties in fighter and got mad and decided to duff his fighter score so he wouldn't have to worry about it for the rest of month, and then claim cause rank don't mean anything anyways.  That's the same attitude I hear from most of these guys, "I fly for rank until something goes wrong then claim rank is squat."

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: YUCCA on December 19, 2005, 04:29:19 PM
Waaah, i cant help it you too damn broke from buyin crack lazer you tweakin punk.  Truth is you wouldnt know how to use a joystick.  As far as you educating me i dont think so.. lmao  name a time and place.
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: YUCCA on December 19, 2005, 04:32:51 PM
By the way lazerr didnt you say "i dont believe in dueling" "it doesnt prove anything"  right after wildthing wooped yer arse lmao.
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: mechanic on December 19, 2005, 04:35:15 PM
i dont believe in dueling aftr fighting yucca in anything :(

its just not fair.
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Lazerr on December 19, 2005, 04:35:42 PM
Yeah, that crack sure is expensive.

Actually, if I bought a joystick I think my girlfriend would leave me.  She wouldn't dig a guy that plays with little intardnet planes while holding on to something that resembles a noodle.

Its Monday night, that means football, so not tonight.  I'll have a room set up at 7:00pm CST tomorrow night if that works for you.  Bring a notebook and something to write with.  It also might be a good idea to bring a full roll of film so you can review the many ways I apply wax to your aircraft.

Im going to brush the rust off as we speak.:eek:
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Bobby on December 19, 2005, 04:36:43 PM
Who is lazer flying as now??
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: JMFJ on December 19, 2005, 04:43:16 PM
wetrat-I did already state that getting top bomber score is an easy task.

You stated yourself you don't like to fly for rank, cause it's no fun, or just not for you, that's fine no prob there.  But why try to take away from someone who show's they can concistently do what you can't, the reason why you can't doesn't really matter you don't, won't, don't want to DOESN'T MATTER, the fact remains that someone else can, will, and is able.  Why try to steal someone elses thunder for an accomplishment.

When someone kills me I take it like a man, if someone talks crap about it I talk it back as much as anyone.  But when Awsomo edges me out for the #1 spot in GV's this month i'll give him a pat on the back, and work on how to get him next month.  Not go to my squadies and talk crap about him or try to make other players in the game dislike him.  Or generally post on this forum negativity about him cause I technically got more kills them him he beat me by blowing up all of the factories, and driving tigers all month etc....  Cause that's lame If I want to beat him then I got to blow up just as many factories, and drive just as many tigers.  And if that side of the game is boring for me then, at no point am I going to start in on him, his abilities, or how GV scores mean squat.  I would respect him for doing something I can't, don't want to, or just flat out don't have the patience to do.

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Zazen13 on December 19, 2005, 04:49:35 PM
Originally posted by JMFJ
My last post states the truth, if others disagree It shows they did not do their home work or in denial.


Ohhhh you're in big trouble now! The BBS bullies are going to suck your brain out thru a straw and make you like it! :O

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: mechanic on December 19, 2005, 04:53:30 PM
don't you even think of showing any personality either!1!@ zomgquah

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Lazerr on December 19, 2005, 04:54:52 PM
I'm not flying in MA as anything for now, got burnt out and giving it another few weeks.

Yucca, Wldthing beat me in the DA before I even learned the nice little trick of reducing the throttle.  He is actually the guy that I learned that from.

DA and MA are different.  Compare stats of tours when we both flew, and I am a farrr better main arena pilot than you.  Now tomorrow night will tell who the better dueling pilot is, right? ;)

Start thinking of planes you'd like to fly, because I don't think a fight where your in jug or I am in a 38 would be too fair.  We both know which one of those planes are better anyways.:D
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Lazerr on December 19, 2005, 04:56:45 PM
Glasses, I've had maybe three names in the 4 years I've played AH, each which was quickly changed back to the original.  Usually a different name was due to "Lazer" being locked.

Wish we could compare who has ran through more handles... :rolleyes:
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: JMFJ on December 19, 2005, 04:57:49 PM
Zazen-It's okay, I just keep reminding myself I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and gosh darnet people like me.

All you flamers, flame away these are my oppinions, but at least they are well thought out oppinions, but please do use comprehensive reading and please read in FULL what I wrote.  So irritating have someone argue something out of context with what I said or trying to imply I said something that was the complete opposite of what I posted.

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Bobby on December 19, 2005, 04:58:00 PM
Can I ever be left alone?
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: YUCCA on December 19, 2005, 05:05:22 PM
I think 7 should be fine.  Who's playin tonight anyways.
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: SuperDud on December 19, 2005, 05:08:25 PM
Wow, there are like 3 threads within this thread. Nicely done all!
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Bobby on December 19, 2005, 05:08:58 PM
correct spelling " opinions" " daren't "  But Harrisburg is a small town, maybe you went to school in Sweet Home
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Lazerr on December 19, 2005, 05:10:59 PM
Greenbay and Baltimore...

Im from WI so Im pullin all the stops to have ANOTHER big Greenbay monday night party.
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: SlapShot on December 19, 2005, 05:12:39 PM
Originally posted by wetrat
JFMJ, it is NOT HARD to get a high overall rank. AT ALL. I haven't dropped a bomb on anything in almost 3 years, and I guaruntee I could get top 5 bombers/attack. Milk running strats.. that's all it is. Give me a stuka and a fresh, untouched strat with no enemy fields nearby, I'll give you #1 in bombers (don't even think of asking me to prove that - that's how I did it in my rank whoring days --- ie when I was a newb --- and I don't care to repeat it.) Give me a whole bunch of fields with untouched towns and lots of low sissyfires (like every field in AH) and I'll give you #1 in attack. It isn't hard, it isn't fun, it isn't for me, but I've been there, done that. It doesn't matter what country you're on... 99% of the people on every country suck, so don't try to say otherwise.

LOL ... ahhh ... yes ... the good ole Stuka bomber run and the P-38 or P-47 attack run on undefended out of the way strats.

JFMJ ... a real score potato WILL switch countries when undefended strats and towns are needed to milk, and hordes to be flown with.

Take our word for it ... it's EASY !!!
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: JMFJ on December 19, 2005, 05:20:38 PM
Harrisburg is a small town we had to give up our english & typing class budgets so we could afford.....hmmm what did they do with all that money.

Where you from bobby you sure seem to know the area?  You aren't that sheep farmer they had on the front page with........nevermind.

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: SlapShot on December 19, 2005, 05:21:11 PM
Originally posted by JMFJ
wetrat-I did already state that getting top bomber score is an easy task.

You stated yourself you don't like to fly for rank, cause it's no fun, or just not for you, that's fine no prob there.  But why try to take away from someone who show's they can concistently do what you can't, the reason why you can't doesn't really matter you don't, won't, don't want to DOESN'T MATTER, the fact remains that someone else can, will, and is able.  Why try to steal someone elses thunder for an accomplishment.

When someone kills me I take it like a man, if someone talks crap about it I talk it back as much as anyone.  But when Awsomo edges me out for the #1 spot in GV's this month i'll give him a pat on the back, and work on how to get him next month.  Not go to my squadies and talk crap about him or try to make other players in the game dislike him.  Or generally post on this forum negativity about him cause I technically got more kills them him he beat me by blowing up all of the factories, and driving tigers all month etc....  Cause that's lame If I want to beat him then I got to blow up just as many factories, and drive just as many tigers.  And if that side of the game is boring for me then, at no point am I going to start in on him, his abilities, or how GV scores mean squat.  I would respect him for doing something I can't, don't want to, or just flat out don't have the patience to do.


What don't you understand about ... been there ... done that ... got the freakin' T-Shirt ?

Those of us that HAVE DONE IT .. KNOW how easy it is ... and hold no stock in rank ... simple as that. Nothing more, nothing less ... if you choose to idolize those with high ranks ... knock yourself out. Those of us that don't ... well thats our opinion and were stickin' to it ... LOL.
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: mechanic on December 19, 2005, 05:23:30 PM
Originally posted by Dead Man Flying
That's not really true.  Long average fights often mean well-matched opponents.  NathBDP and I easily duel for minutes on end, and I think most would agree that gunnery is not one of our weaknesses.  Now, fights between well-matched newbies or well-matched veterans can take a long time; the key is parity.  

-- Todd/Leviathn

i would wager that this, a fight between friends with nothing to proove, is the best type of DA fight possible.  

a long fight might not only mean poor gunnery, it could simply be the enjoyment of the fight and not taking shots you would against someone else.

its the love of the 1 on 1 fight with someone you have experience fighting, and nothing to argue with about.
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Bobby on December 19, 2005, 05:32:23 PM
I used to work at the D-H, lived in Creswell. Sweet Home's excitement for the year, mud bogs, and taking your cousin to the prom.
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: JMFJ on December 19, 2005, 05:34:22 PM
Slapshot-if i had your group to fly with I'm sure it would be alot funner when you got a large horde of the top sticks all piled into one squad, switchin countries to find the good brawl of a fight w/numbers slightly in my favor.

by the way I didn't say idolize (refer to 2nd paragraph of my post zazen highlighted 2 posts down), I said I would give them a pat on the back.  Rather than cut them down like a school yard bully.  You don't have to give them a pat on the back any more than you have to go out of your way to cut someone down.

Next time someone wants to post the "did it done been there got the t-shirt" jive, name the tour or don't bother.

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Zazen13 on December 19, 2005, 05:35:59 PM
Originally posted by Lazerr

DA and MA are different.  Compare stats of tours when we both flew, and I am a farrr better main arena pilot than you.  Now tomorrow night will tell who the better dueling pilot is, right? ;)

Lazer read this thread, you will find to your dismay being excellent in the MA means nothing. Your worth is judged soley by 'the powers that be' by how well you ho-merge co-alt/E Spit5's at 5k in the DA. ;) Yea, I know that doesn't take much gunnery or any SA etc. but it's the judge and jury !!!! ;)

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Zazen13 on December 19, 2005, 05:39:43 PM
Originally posted by JMFJ
Zazen-It's okay, I just keep reminding myself I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and gosh darnet people like me.

All you flamers, flame away these are my oppinions, but at least they are well thought out oppinions, but please do use comprehensive reading and please read in FULL what I wrote.  So irritating have someone argue something out of context with what I said or trying to imply I said something that was the complete opposite of what I posted.


Just a head's up from bitter experience, most of these 'anti-smart' flying adrenalin freaks only have enough attention span in their A.D.D crippled brains for one paragraph. More than one paragraph and their physical stimulus starved brains shut down and their eyes roll back into their head. The only way to resucitate them is to hold their eyelids open and show them pictures of Spitfires close to the ground while playing metallica tunes REALLY LOUD! :aok

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Lazerr on December 19, 2005, 05:40:17 PM
Yeah Zazen, they are two different worlds.  Unfortunately, Im at a disadvantage in both arenas.  :cool:
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: SlapShot on December 19, 2005, 05:49:00 PM
Originally posted by JMFJ
Slapshot if i had your group to fly with I'm sure it would be alot funner when you got a large horde of the top sticks all piled into one squad.  Matter fact I'll bet it's a blast, but last I checked your not takin on new squadies.


Watch what ya wish for ... they are nothing but a bunch of lame-arse kill-stealin' bastages ... ya gotta make 'em explode or forget getting the kill.

Another thing about our squad ... funny ... but none of us are concerned about rank ... if anybody is concerned about rank ... that is one sure way not to get invited into our squad.
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: SlapShot on December 19, 2005, 05:53:31 PM
Originally posted by Zazen13
Just a head's up from bitter experience, most of these 'anti-smart' flying adrenalin freaks only have enough attention span in their A.D.D crippled brains for one paragraph. More than one paragraph and their physical stimulus starved brains shut down and their eyes roll back into their head. The only way to resucitate them is to hold their eyelids open and show them pictures of Spitfires close to the ground while playing metallica tunes REALLY LOUD! :aok


Bahhh ... we may have A.D.D. but we surely don't suffer "diahrrea of the mouth" and have a Narcissus complex ... ;)
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: JMFJ on December 19, 2005, 06:02:36 PM
slapshot-sorry i have no interest in blueknights, I was quoting your web sight where someone wrote "Sorry we are curently full, but are willing to accept applications and you'll be notified if you are BK material".... I thought it was funny.

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: SuperDud on December 19, 2005, 06:04:28 PM
Originally posted by JMFJ
Slapshot-if i had your group to fly with I'm sure it would be alot funner when you got a large horde of the top sticks all piled into one squad,

I see you haven't met hub yet eh?
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Zazen13 on December 19, 2005, 06:07:34 PM
Originally posted by mechanic

a long fight might not only mean poor gunnery, it could simply be the enjoyment of the fight and not taking shots you would against someone else.

its the love of the 1 on 1 fight with someone you have experience fighting, and nothing to argue with about.

Well that explains why my longest ever duel was 43 seconds, I have good aim and I haven't met a person that didn't really, really want to shoot me down at each and every opportunity, friend or foe. ;)

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Zazen13 on December 19, 2005, 06:09:25 PM
Originally posted by SlapShot
Bahhh ... we may have A.D.D. but we surely don't suffer "diahrrea of the mouth" and have a Narcissus complex ... ;)

Ummm Slappy, don't take this the wrong way, but some of you guys are so hung up on yourselves you make me look like I have the humulity of Mother Theresa. ;)

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: GreenCloud on December 19, 2005, 06:11:25 PM
Lazer...U got mad becuase i wacked you

get over it?..Oh..i didnt go to DA with you..are you asking me for a date?...Why would you even ask to go on a date with me to DA?..BECUASE I KILT YOU and your sorry friend..

so ..listen hear sausage fingers..take some more ranch dressing shots...put your wanna be "FOOTBALL PLAYER" jerzy around the room yelling like a school boy for a field goal..AND GROW A PAIR....yargghhhhhh  LAMBAUGH!!!!! ..he licks camel balls

"My girl will get mad at me becuase i have a joystik"..lmfao..guess we know who wears the pants in your apartment

We can tell who ever the loser is...hes the shmuck crying..LETS GO TO DA!!! whaaaaaa......
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: wetrat on December 19, 2005, 06:18:30 PM
Originally posted by JMFJ
But why try to take away from someone who show's they can concistently do what you can't, the reason why you can't doesn't really matter you don't, won't, don't want to DOESN'T MATTER, the fact remains that someone else can, will, and is able.  Why try to steal someone elses thunder for an accomplishment.

Are you dense? When did I say that I "can't" bore myself to tears to get a meaningless number next to my name on the roster page? I've been there, done that. I know what it entails, I know how to do it, I'm able to do it, I would never subject myself to that boredom again. And your followup of someone "edging me out of top spot" or whatever is completely out of place. I've got all of 7 minutes in GV's this camp (which is probably a 2 year high), and any time I have in bombers/attack was spent upping A20's or IL2's from vulched fields with no FH's.

The facts are simple: getting a high rank in AH isn't difficult, it just requires effort and knowledge of how to do it. That's it. I'm done argueing with you about this --- I know from experience that I'm right, and I'm guessing you're new here, so there's really no point. I'm right, you're wrong. Case closed.

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: mechanic on December 19, 2005, 06:25:41 PM
Originally posted by Zazen13
Well that explains why my longest ever duel was 43 seconds, I have good aim and I haven't met a person that didn't really, really want to shoot me down at each and every opportunity, friend or foe. ;)


well its easier for you then, no compassion, just a cold blooded killing machine!!1 :)
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: JMFJ on December 19, 2005, 06:43:28 PM
wetrat-first of all name the tour you did it, done it, been there.

secondly what are you trying to say 7min gv and a20 IL2's? what was your point.  Why don't you reread what i posted you took my "can't" out of context anyways, comprehensive reading skills wetrat.  I plainy put it that if guys like you are too cool for rank cause you been there done that.  What tour? that backs it up, i'm having trouble finding it.

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: SkyRock on December 19, 2005, 07:03:05 PM
Originally posted by GreenCloud

Skeered twit!
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Morpheus on December 19, 2005, 07:13:42 PM
Vulch/chery pick furballers/ then run home as fast as you can =#1 Fighter rank.

Drop a bomb on a city , strafe tool sheds/vulch cherry pick, bomb/stafe tanks then run home as fast as you can = #1 attack rank

Roll a Ju87 to a Factory or City with the big bomb and kill alot of buildings = #1 bomber rank.

Spawn camp/ Then take a PT boat to a town and shoot buildings with rockets = #1 GV rank.

People going for rank have too much time on their hands.

Jmfj, you are new, so rank is probably a real cool thing to you. Most of you new guys think those numbers next to your name makes you a hard ass. You'll learn in a few years that rank means squat. Look up to them all you want. Sooner or later you too will discover that rank means nothing. In fact, the only thing rank is good for is either getting your name on the front page of Aces High or being able to control a CV. That's it. Nothing more.
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: SkyRock on December 19, 2005, 07:16:58 PM
Originally posted by JMFJ
I wasn't trying to say whether DA has practical base of flying scenarios compared to the MA, nor or was I trying to say that it wasn't.

I think there is alot to learn in the DA, I have one of my squadies go there with me regularly to help me learn some fighting techniques that I can hopefully bring to the table in the MA.  It's tough to learn specific combinations, angles, and E-applications when you got someone always flying through for the cherry pick.  Now learning how to execute them once you understand them with the cherry pickers on the prowel etc... can only be learned in one place the MA.

What I was trying to point out, there is always someone challenging guys to DA over someone losing a HO, Vulch, etc...  It's usually some above average fighter who was dumb enough to go into an HO, or up on a capped field, etc... with some below average fighter.  Above average fighter gets pissed off they died and need to go on emergency ego repair ASAP.  Call that lesser guy out and make your revenge in the DA, which no one gives a crap about cause it happens 20 times a day.

It's getting old obviously we have alot of guys who don't seem to understand what being a good sport is.  As Loony stated on the 200 channel not too long ago "there's is no honor in here".  It's like frickin highschool all over again, the best athletes (good sticks) in the game abuse there position as looked up to individuals, and the non-athletic types (bad sticks) run there mouth cause they know you can't do anything about it.  Just seems so......... lame.

Although my suggestion was funny I know it would be hard to inforce.  But that's the type of midset that would straighten out alot of idiots.  Everyone wants to run there mouth until it costs them something, gettin butt physically kicked is usually top of the list (not practical), $$$$$MONEY$$$$$ close second, almost practical.

I feel if there was something tangible & real on the line, people not only would be less inclined to run there mouths.  But it would mean something if you won.  Of course then again that is still based on the concept that the players in here have an ounce of SHAME.

Example: It would be alot harder for Chi to continue runnin his mouth about how I'm a dweeb, dweebit, dweebor, or whatever version of his extended vocabulary of dweeb he wants to use, when he's payin for me to play.

For I could drop 50 bombs on his head, or blow up his tigers 10 times in a row with my panzer and he still keeps runnin his mouth.  But if he was payin for my account I bet he would shud up........

I don't know if I believe this little kids keep wanting to challenge me to DA crap that Chi is spillin.  Matter of fact I don't give any weight to anything Chi says, someone who runs there mouth that much on the 200 channel, especially to the extreme he does.  Will and in Chi's case already has, lost all respect from most if not the majority of the other players in the game.

I used SHawk as an example cause I haven't ever seen him turn someone down for the DA, and he is a good stick in all aspects of the game.  I'm not saying he's the BEST I'm saying you gonna have to earn it to get him.  No matter what you guys want to play him as he is a top stick in the game, if he wasn't he wouldn't be able to hold the spot as long as he has.  Gaming the game and dweebery might get you to the top in Bombers but it will only get you so far in the fighter mode.  If you disagree dethrone him, others wise it's pretty safe to say you can't.  Please keep the "I could but I don't want to" comments, It's like voting if you don't participate then you don't have an oppinion.  Saying I am #1 in the game is a little different and commands respect , then saying I could be if I wanted too, ya and if uncle Rico could go back in time he would of took state, and gone Pro.


Wow! longwinded and green!  DA is a learning curve ball check!  If you talk smak then get in the ring!  Many times one player comes out of the DA realizing how much they have to learn to have some real skilled fun in this game.  Many of those who resist DA challenges are simply not willing to step up and say, "Damn, I fought, I lost/won, I learned, and I had fun!"
Sometimes it is good to have 2 pissed off M'Fers in there just fighting it out for bragging rights!  Hu R teh /33Tiest?:aok
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Zazen13 on December 19, 2005, 07:22:21 PM
Originally posted by SkyRock
Sometimes it is good to have 2 pissed off M'Fers in there just fighting it out for bragging rights!  Hu R teh /33Tiest?:aok

That kind of neadrathal mentality lost its appeal sometime during my sophomore year of High School. ;) Bragging rights and a $1.50 will get you a small coffee at McDonald's.

For some reason your post provokes the image of two cavemen with wooden clubs taking turns wacking each other over the head REALLY HARD. The last one standing wins the really ugly, dirty, cave-chick with sagging boobies and drags her off by her hair to his cave for some brutish lovins'. :eek:


Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: SkyRock on December 19, 2005, 07:32:19 PM
Originally posted by Zazen13
That kind of neadrathal mentality lost its appeal sometime during my sophomore year of High School. ;) Bragging rights and a $1.50 will get you a small coffee at McDonald's. For some reason your post provokes the image of two cavemen with wooden clubs taking turns wacking each other over the head, last one standing wins the really ugly, dirty, cave-chick with sagging boobies and drags her off to his cave for some brutish lovins'. ;)



It's that kind of elitist attitude that makes the clubbing so much fun!  :aok
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Zazen13 on December 19, 2005, 07:36:18 PM
Originally posted by SkyRock
It's that kind of elitist attitude that makes the clubbing so much fun!  :aok

Tell me about it, I have mars so keyed up to try to whip my bellybutton in the DA today he probably lost control of his bodily functions and soiled himself in anticipation just fantasizing about it! :lol

Bad Zazen!

Mental Note To Self: It's un-kind to use the carrot and the stick routine on humans. But, then again humans are really fun mental chew-toys ;)

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: TequilaChaser on December 19, 2005, 07:49:43 PM
geez, started reading this whole thread at 7:15 even noticed the page# in bottom left climb to 5. all for another 1,oooth post of  what has already been argued about a million times over.......

rank is there for those who enjoy it, nothing more, er yes for a spot on the frontpage of HTC website and to control a CV.

Lazer, I am not worthy:p   but bring it  balltracker, er is that TrackBaller? :D ( when you make it back to Online Play )

regardless if you use a mouse or not, I would say we both can hold our own in any given match ...............

The Damned
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: SkyRock on December 19, 2005, 09:01:53 PM
Originally posted by TequilaChaser
geez, started reading this whole thread at 7:15 even noticed the page# in bottom left climb to 5. all for another 1,oooth post of  what has already been argued about a million times over.......

rank is there for those who enjoy it, nothing more, er yes for a spot on the frontpage of HTC website and to control a CV.

Lazer, I am not worthy:p   but bring it  balltracker, er is that TrackBaller? :D ( when you make it back to Online Play )

regardless if you use a mouse or not, I would say we both can hold our own in any given match ...............

The Damned

I'll have Lazer asking his girlfriend for a Siatech after first merge!  :aok
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: wetrat on December 19, 2005, 09:13:17 PM
OK JMFJ... "sploid", tour 34, "wetrat", tour 35,36,39. Tour 34 was my third month playing. Only times I actually tried for rank was 34 (totally green newb) and 36 (money). Happy? Noob. :noid
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: mars01 on December 19, 2005, 09:37:47 PM
Tell me about it, I have mars so keyed up to try to whip my bellybutton in the DA today he probably lost control of his bodily functions and soiled himself in anticipation just fantasizing about it!

Well now we know who the delusional one is.
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Zazen13 on December 19, 2005, 09:39:14 PM
Originally posted by mars01
Well now we know who the delusional one is.

I always knew you were delusional mars. It can be our lil' secret though buddy, I won't tell anyone. ;)

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: GreenCloud on December 19, 2005, 10:14:02 PM
lolo..thats funny

"hes going to be asking his girlfriend if he can get a saitek"
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: FuBaR on December 19, 2005, 10:15:34 PM
more testosterone needed, quickly.
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Nomak on December 19, 2005, 11:06:33 PM
Originally posted by Dead Man Flying
That's not really true.  Long average fights often mean well-matched opponents.  NathBDP and I easily duel for minutes on end, and I think most would agree that gunnery is not one of our weaknesses.  Now, fights between well-matched newbies or well-matched veterans can take a long time; the key is parity.  

-- Todd/Leviathn

With all due respect...... I wonder why you never give anyone besides Nath credit for going the distance with you in the DA?

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Nomak on December 19, 2005, 11:10:08 PM
Originally posted by mars01

I once watched Nomak and Edbert go at it in the DA and it went way past the merge.  These two guys would go on for 3 or 4 mins fighting.  


Not to dog on Ed here.......   he and I have never had any real "Good" fights.  Most of the time I fight with him I am training him and I am flying just barly beyond his ability on purpose.

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Dead Man Flying on December 19, 2005, 11:13:45 PM
Originally posted by Nomak
With all due respect...... I wonder why you never give anyone besides Nath credit for going the distance with you in the DA?

Nath was an example.  This thread isn't about me, nor is it about my opponents.  Why even post this?

-- Todd/Leviathn
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Nomak on December 19, 2005, 11:20:00 PM
Originally posted by Dead Man Flying
Nath was an example.  This thread isn't about me, nor is it about my opponents.  Why even post this?

-- Todd/Leviathn

Todd.... Please dont take me worng..... not trying to start chit.  Its just that after years of reading your posts I notice that time and time again Nath is always the one mentioned.  I just always wonderd why.  Nothing wrong with a little hijack eh? ;)

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Nomak on December 19, 2005, 11:21:49 PM
Just my opinion here... but it seems to me that Lazer must be a teenager.

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: FuBaR on December 19, 2005, 11:25:14 PM
NOOOOO  not the teen stereotyping AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Dead Man Flying on December 19, 2005, 11:52:33 PM
Dave, Nath and I have been dueling partners for four to five years now.  It seems natural to mention him when talking about dueling.

-- Todd/Leviathn
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: 2bighorn on December 20, 2005, 12:23:19 AM
Originally posted by FuBaR
more testosterone needed, quickly.
Not really. As soon as I've opened browser and clicked on this thread I got good squirt right into my eye. Aces... :rofl
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: mars01 on December 20, 2005, 12:49:32 AM
Not to dog on Ed here....... he and I have never had any real "Good" fights. Most of the time I fight with him I am training him and I am flying just barly beyond his ability on purpose.

I don't know about your other fights with Ed, but he had you the majority of the time that night.  If I remember his double immle was giving you a bad time.  I may have the film, I'll look.  They were good fights.
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: JMFJ on December 20, 2005, 03:05:46 AM
Wetrat- your version of flyin for rank is a 24 overall you didn't even have a top 10 score.  Your best score was 50 on gv's, not to mention your so easy to get bomber comment and you packin a 100+.  What are you talkin about.

Flyin for rank means actually accomplishing it, a top 5 spot not a close 24th.  It looks more like you tried and it was too much work or not capable so you gave up.  Why don't you beat shawk and then claim how easy it is otherwise you just rat without a tail.  But way to embelish yourself bankin that no one would look it up.:aok Way to call yourself out.  At least Zazen can claim a 11 spot in tour 40.

Matter of fact I looked up a whole swath of you guys, not one of you has a top 10 OVERALL rank position ever achieved (i spent 1 hour lookin through past tours all the way back to 30).  So I guess if you gonna claim it's so easy then why haven't you ever accomplished it? hmmmmmmm.  Cause I don't think you can I think you use the easy way out "it don't mean crap", ya cause you can't do it.  Looks like this newb at least pays attention to the facts.:confused:

If you at least accomplished it I'd give some credit to your "I could if I wanted to comments", cause ya you've shown you could.  But to say it and never have done it, wow that is pretty weak.

Ya I could be president of the united states, if I really wanted to but i don't want to.

So if you gonna run your mouth about rank is crap why don't you just post the tour that you ranked top 10 OVERALL right afterwards.  Otherwise you got nothin too say :O

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: SkyRock on December 20, 2005, 06:01:33 AM
Originally posted by GreenCloud
lolo..thats funny

"hes going to be asking his girlfriend if he can get a saitek"

Why, thank you, thank you very much!
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Schatzi on December 20, 2005, 06:10:09 AM
ROFLMAO, this thread is beyond funny.

Keep it coming guys, keep it coming!! :lol :lol

PS: Id love to duel more then i am right now....... but i guess i cant win a size contest obviously ;). Anyone still willing to target practice on me, just holler :).
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: SkyRock on December 20, 2005, 06:20:10 AM
Originally posted by JMFJ
Wetrat- your version of flyin for rank is a 24 overall you didn't even have a top 10 score.  Your best score was 50 on gv's, not to mention your so easy to get bomber comment and you packin a 100+.  What are you talkin about.

Flyin for rank means actually accomplishing it, a top 5 spot not a close 24th.  It looks more like you tried and it was too much work or not capable so you gave up.  Why don't you beat shawk and then claim how easy it is otherwise you just rat without a tail.  But way to embelish yourself bankin that no one would look it up.:aok Way to call yourself out.  At least Zazen can claim a 11 spot in tour 40.

Matter of fact I looked up a whole swath of you guys, not one of you has a top 10 OVERALL rank position ever achieved (i spent 1 hour lookin through past tours all the way back to 30).  So I guess if you gonna claim it's so easy then why haven't you ever accomplished it? hmmmmmmm.  Cause I don't think you can I think you use the easy way out "it don't mean crap", ya cause you can't do it.  Looks like this newb at least pays attention to the facts.:confused:

If you at least accomplished it I'd give some credit to your "I could if I wanted to comments", cause ya you've shown you could.  But to say it and never have done it, wow that is pretty weak.

Ya I could be president of the united states, if I really wanted to but i don't want to.

So if you gonna run your mouth about rank is crap why don't you just post the tour that you ranked top 10 OVERALL right afterwards.  Otherwise you got nothin too say :O


OK, JMJF, or letters as I now will call you!  I understand you want to try and call wetrat on this but he prolly was flyin under another name.  Besides, letters, his point is still valid.  What he says about acheiving rank is quite true.  I used to be #'s dude 031598,  check out tour 59 I think and you will see me in top 5 overall.  This was achieved quite easy by trolling everymap for easy-score opportunities.  I would only up in fighter mode in a CHOG and go where the vulch was close to ripening.  Couldn't dogfight worth a damn.  Got arse handed everytime I lost E or alt advantage and still made top 25 fighter.   Not even now am I the top 25 best fighter guy that is currently signed up to AH.  This means that the way scoring goes is not a good litmus test for skills.  GV rank, attack rank, bomber rank, are all easy to reach by merely fighting ack guns and defenseless buildings.  GV rank is one where spawn cmping helps quite a bit though.  Lets not forget to get some PT rockets in on a town or enemy CV.
     Back to the point letters, achieving a high overall rank is much easier than most think as soon as you know how to calculate and plan your sorties to best take advantage of the scoring system.  Therefore using the rank of a player to determine how "good" he is at dueling is way off base!
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: SkyRock on December 20, 2005, 06:22:05 AM
Originally posted by Schatzi
ROFLMAO, this thread is beyond funny.

Keep it coming guys, keep it coming!! :lol :lol

PS: Id love to duel more then i am right now....... but i guess i cant win a size contest obviously ;). Anyone still willing to target practice on me, just holler :).

Sure!  I'll aim for the lower back.......................po rtion of your hurricaneMKI! hee hee:D :aok
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Schatzi on December 20, 2005, 06:45:12 AM
I forgot to ask...... what do you think of my efforts at playing for score??

I even made top 500 fighter rank sometime this tour. I dropped back down a bit, due to lack of my HOing abilities, but i promise to work on those.

SkyR, anytime you catch me online just holler and ill get my Hurri ready for you to shoot at.
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: SkyRock on December 20, 2005, 07:23:11 AM
Originally posted by Schatzi
I forgot to ask...... what do you think of my efforts at playing for score??

I even made top 500 fighter rank sometime this tour. I dropped back down a bit, due to lack of my HOing abilities, but i promise to work on those.

SkyR, anytime you catch me online just holler and ill get my Hurri ready for you to shoot at.

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Morpheus on December 20, 2005, 07:40:43 AM
Originally posted by JMFJ
Wetrat- your version of flyin for rank is a 24 overall you didn't even have a top 10 score.  Your best score was 50 on gv's, not to mention your so easy to get bomber comment and you packin a 100+.  What are you talkin about.

Flyin for rank means actually accomplishing it, a top 5 spot not a close 24th.  It looks more like you tried and it was too much work or not capable so you gave up.  Why don't you beat shawk and then claim how easy it is otherwise you just rat without a tail.  But way to embelish yourself bankin that no one would look it up.:aok Way to call yourself out.  At least Zazen can claim a 11 spot in tour 40.

Matter of fact I looked up a whole swath of you guys, not one of you has a top 10 OVERALL rank position ever achieved (i spent 1 hour lookin through past tours all the way back to 30).  So I guess if you gonna claim it's so easy then why haven't you ever accomplished it? hmmmmmmm.  Cause I don't think you can I think you use the easy way out "it don't mean crap", ya cause you can't do it.  Looks like this newb at least pays attention to the facts.:confused:

If you at least accomplished it I'd give some credit to your "I could if I wanted to comments", cause ya you've shown you could.  But to say it and never have done it, wow that is pretty weak.

Ya I could be president of the united states, if I really wanted to but i don't want to.

So if you gonna run your mouth about rank is crap why don't you just post the tour that you ranked top 10 OVERALL right afterwards.  Otherwise you got nothin too say :O


Translation: yummmmmmmmmm drugs are good.
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: SlapShot on December 20, 2005, 08:46:08 AM
Matter of fact I looked up a whole swath of you guys, not one of you has a top 10 OVERALL rank position ever achieved (i spent 1 hour lookin through past tours all the way back to 30).

Tour 41 6-02-03 to 6-30-03

Fighter Rank : 125
Bomber Rank : 26
Attack Rank : 50
GV Rank : 38

Total Rank : 10

I started playing this game at Tour 26 03-01-02 to 03-31-02

So, in just a little over a years experience I ranked #10.

Now, this same tour there were pilots such as kappa, Taki, AHGOD, GBall, MANDOBLE, Steve, ManeTMP, crowMAW, DogSpit, Furious, Mathman, Wilbuz, rthus, DmdDano, Manx, Shane, and Urchin ... all who ranked significantly lower than I (except AHGOD and rthus) ... and all of them could hand me my arse (and the majority of MA pilots) in 1/2 to 1 turn in a dogfight ... but I could sit there and try to convince myself that I was better than them 'cause I was ranked #10 ... I think not. This is when I really realized than rank meant crap.
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Shane on December 20, 2005, 08:46:41 AM
Originally posted by Schatzi

Keep it coming guys, keep it coming!! :lol :lol
PS: Id love to duel more then i am right now....... but i guess i cant win a size contest obviously ;). Anyone still willing to target practice on me, just holler :).

i am soooooo staying away from replying to this....


edit:  but obviously skyrock didn't. :D
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Schatzi on December 20, 2005, 10:03:50 AM
Originally posted by Shane
i am soooooo staying away from replying to this....


edit:  but obviously skyrock didn't. :D

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: FuBaR on December 20, 2005, 10:23:31 AM
Originally posted by 2bighorn
Not really. As soon as I've opened browser and clicked on this thread I got good squirt right into my eye. Aces... :rofl

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: SkyRock on December 20, 2005, 10:42:13 AM
Originally posted by Shane
i am soooooo staying away from replying to this....


edit:  but obviously skyrock didn't. :D

I couldn't resist shooting on her lower back.........portion of her hurriI!:D
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Lazerr on December 20, 2005, 10:42:14 AM
Nomak, You can sit there and guess my age all day.  I'll let you know, your in the ballpark, but what does that prove?

You think if your age doubles mine your entitled to some sort of award?  Give me a few days and I will create a little ribbon you can wear around proudly saying " I am older than Lazer."  

Maybe that will get you to realize I really don't care.

As for you GreenCloud, I finally got done decoding your post, and I think I made sense out of it.  You say you "whacked me"...  You killed me in a 3 vs 1 after I killed you TWO times before that, look the stats up if your unsure.  After that, you were challenged to the DA, and declined.  So pretty much what I'm trying to say is.... you suck.  If you post something I can read next time, maybe this could turn into a decent conversation.

Skyrock, I won't even bother starting a flamefest with you.  Your just another guy that flys little dweebfires around and outclasses most of the other planes in MA.  Way to go, but plane superiority won't save you in the DA when two guys are in the same plane, hope you took that into account before making the saitek comments.  I'll be back soon enough to prove this point to you.

YUCCA, I need to set this room up a few hours early tonight because Im going to be at a hockey game at 7:00.  Ill have one up at 5:00pm CST if any of you badasses care to show up.  If not, I may resubscribe as soon as Friday, so you can't hide forever. ;)
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Lazerr on December 20, 2005, 10:47:19 AM
Yeah Shane, You should have some sort of talent before you post in this pissing contest.

Keep brushing up your ELgay7 skills, you'll get there some day.
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: JMFJ on December 20, 2005, 10:47:41 AM
Skyrock- wetrat clearly gave what his old handle was which is the one I looked up "Sploid", comprehensive reading skills.  Wtg I have more respect for someone who is gonna give his oppinion if they've at least accomplished it.

p.s. for future reference Skyrock read first, post second, you won't look like as much of what's the word......oh ya twit.  

Morpheus- you too join these ranks of mouths that can't back there own smack.  When did you ever rank in top 10, I'm havin a little trouble finding it.  Oh ya you havn't/can't.  For someone who types what is needed to be #1 in all 4 categories you haven't EVER accomplished it in any 1 of them ever.  So quit wasting mine and everyone elses time, you are as full of it as skyrock and wetrat, just lookin for someone to argue with.  Way to call yourself out :aok

Slapshot- I'll give ya props for your 1 month scorin the #10 spot WTG, was a close one.  But really Is that what this is about you trying to make sure that people with good ranks don't make the all to common mistake and form an oppinion that they are better than you, wow keep toting that torch.  They are better than you, at consistently keeping a high rank, deal with it they can/want too and you don't.  If you don't try, what gives you the right to try to demean what others do, let alone expect us to listen to your oppinions.

You fly on the most ego driven squad in the game, they accomplish nothing.  What honor is there in hording the majority of top sticks in the game to go around like a bunch of jocks showing off how tough your group is, yaaaaaay.  You take no bases, switching countries so you are always on the winning side, and for the most part are chasing the win, the most prime example of lack of honor in the game.

Funny how your website says you don't care about rank, taking bases, etc.... but here you are going into long winded debate over something I thought you didn't care about.  It's interesting how you guys try to enforce these unsaid rules of what you think is the way it is, based on how you wanna play, and what you think is important.  Well sorry that that your ego's get a little bit of mud on them cause, your trying to apply rules you can't enforce.

When out of the 3400 people who flew this month only 10 can be in the top ten, it's pretty easy to see how the masses form these oppinions to help supplement their ego's.  I guarantee my rank backs up my ability, I'm crappy in fighters, crappy in attack, cheeseballed the bombers, and rarely lose in a GV fight.


Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Mime on December 20, 2005, 10:53:17 AM
Originally posted by Nomak
With all due respect...... I wonder why you never give anyone besides Nath credit for going the distance with you in the DA?


anything but first place never gets any mention.  get your skills up and maybe you can then be mentioned along with the big leaugers.
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Lazerr on December 20, 2005, 10:56:03 AM
"Whaaaaa, why won't levi give me any credit for dueling him, I want to be cool too! WHAAAAAA"
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: 2bighorn on December 20, 2005, 11:01:57 AM
Originally posted by JMFJ
Skyrock- wetrat clearly gave what his old handle was which is the one I looked up "Sploid", comprehensive reading skills.  Additionally I looked up all of your tours too, why am I not seeing your supposed top 10 score I went all the way back to your first month ever played as handle "Skyrock" tour #60.  Looks like you too can't back your talk either, way to call yourself out for being an embelisher.:aok

p.s. for future reference Skyrock read first, post second, you won't look like as much of what's the word......oh ya twit.  

Originally posted by Skyrock
I used to be #'s dude 031598, check out tour 59 I think and you will see me in top 5 overall.

What did you say about "comprehensive reading skills"? Twit? :rofl
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Morpheus on December 20, 2005, 11:12:33 AM
Originally posted by JMFJ

Morpheus- you too join these ranks of mouths that can't back there own smack.  When did you ever rank in top 10, I'm havin a little trouble finding it.  Oh ya you havn't/can't.  For someone who types what is needed to be #1 in all 4 categories you haven't EVER accomplished it in any 1 of them ever.  So quit wasting mine and everyone elses time, you are as full of it as skyrock and wetrat, just lookin for someone to argue with.  Way to call yourself out :aok

Actually no one is wasting your time but you. Every post you wrote about rank, and how great it is, is just a waste of time. I only care about one thing. Fighters. In all honesty I havent even tried to keep a good fighter rank and its in the 30's now, that's with rolling from a vulched or near vulched field, strafing down ack or various other ground objects whilist scoring under fighter. I can also tell you that even if I were ranked 3000 I would still hand you your bellybutton in a fighter, on a silver platter. To me, that's all that maters.

Its like I said before. Rank is for new players or vets who have way too much time on their hands. You aint no vet, not even close, just a new player, with a big mouth who think's the bad asses, hold the lowest numbers. Its fine if you want to go for rank, you will never get better in a fighter thinking only about rank. But then again, you might not care that you suck in a fighter.
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: mars01 on December 20, 2005, 11:17:07 AM
You fly on the most ego driven squad in the game, they accomplish nothing. What honor is there in hording the majority of top sticks in the game to go around like a bunch of jocks showing off how tough your group is, yaaaaaay. You take no bases, switching countries so you are always on the winning side, and for the most part are chasing the win, the most prime example of lack of honor in the game.

OMG what a noob you are JMF - you'ev got me laughing so hard I pissed myself.

1) Anyone with a clue, even the 2 week nobodies know the BKs Suck.
2) Who is showing off?
3) 99%  of the time we switch to the country whom has the lowest numbers for the fights not for your precious war.

Funny how your website says you don't care about rank, taking bases, etc.... but here you are going into long winded debate over something I thought you didn't care about.

Ummm if you had a clue you would realize our web site is mostly sarchasm.  And who is talking about taking bases here?  All I have read are posts about fighters and different styles.

It's interesting how you guys try to enforce these unsaid rules of what you think is the way it is, based on how you wanna play, and what you think is important. Well sorry that that your ego's get a little bit of mud on them cause, your trying to apply rules you can't enforce.

What rules are we trying to enforce?  I didn't even know we had rules. LOLH hahaha.  

God talk about taking this game to seriously.  Take a pill dude hahaha.

Something tells me JMF is either one of Zazens many shades or he has been sleeping with him too long LOLH.:rofl

Keep em commin dude, this is comedy gold.:lol :rofl :aok
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: JMFJ on December 20, 2005, 11:22:08 AM
Hey morpheus you can kick my but in a fighter yay, I can kick yours in a gv double yay.

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Morpheus on December 20, 2005, 11:29:05 AM
Its called Aces High for a reason. GV's dont count. :)

You started this thread about dueling, like a big man, then it got hijacked. Wanna toss something on the line and duel me?
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Shane on December 20, 2005, 11:40:20 AM
Originally posted by Lazerr
Yeah Shane, You should have some sort of talent before you post in this pissing contest.

Keep brushing up your ELgay7 skills, you'll get there some day.

reading is phundamental... so is context...

you still miffed cuz recognition of your greatness is being denied you? :cry
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: SkyRock on December 20, 2005, 11:41:59 AM
Originally posted by Lazerr
Skyrock, I won't even bother starting a flamefest with you.  Your just another guy that flys little dweebfires around and outclasses most of the other planes in MA.  Way to go, but plane superiority won't save you in the DA when two guys are in the same plane, hope you took that into account before making the saitek comments.  I'll be back soon enough to prove this point to you.

LMAO! Plane superiority!  LMAO!  Pick a plane and make sure it is one you don't mind dying in, then when you save up your lunch money your girlfriend gives you to buy a stick(don't want you to be able to use mouse as excuse) then give me a shout on 200 or here and we'll go.  I'll even give you some free lessons after your spanking!
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: hubsonfire on December 20, 2005, 11:42:22 AM
I want my 15 minutes back. :cry
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: JMFJ on December 20, 2005, 11:43:23 AM
Who cares what the games called, put up or shud up.  As soon as your ready to pay for my account if I win I'll duel you, isn't that what the post is about.  What did you hijack?  You and slapshot have show yourselves to be everything I claimed you guys were.  When your ready to duel in Gv's or ready to pay for my account next month if I win I'll duel ya.  You only want to duel in manners that are stacked in your favor, lol.

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Shane on December 20, 2005, 11:44:56 AM
Originally posted by hubsonfire
I want my 15 minutes back. :cry

sorry, all out of minutes, but skyrock is giving out things on lower backs... of hurri's... you fly one too?
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Morpheus on December 20, 2005, 11:45:40 AM
I didnt say I hijacked anything. Wow, you really must be retarded.

Wtf is a duel in a GV? That's like two people holding a 45 to eachothers head and pulling the trigger. BFD.

Funny how when the time comes to put up or shut up you arent up for the moment.
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Shane on December 20, 2005, 11:47:07 AM
Originally posted by JMFJ
When your ready to duel in Gv's or ready to pay for my account next month if I win I'll duel ya.  You only want to duel in manners that are stacked in your favor, lol.

ok ok ok i'll be an impartial arbitrator of this...

they're good in fighters, you're good in gv's... meet in middle ground, duel buffs... say ummmm, a-20's.  :aok
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: SkyRock on December 20, 2005, 11:51:14 AM
Originally posted by Shane
sorry, all out of minutes, but skyrock is giving out things on lower backs... of hurri's... you fly one too?

Shane, You feel left out don't you?   too bad:D
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Shane on December 20, 2005, 11:54:22 AM
of course not.  i don't care what other poepl do with their joysticks but if they start waggling it indiscrimately around me, they soon find themselves back all alone in tower, away from civilized, cultured and sensitive souls such as myself.
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: JMFJ on December 20, 2005, 11:55:01 AM
Read your own post Morph :rofl

Keep trying, if you read this whole post and look at what you sayin now morph it is clear that you're trying to be the poster child of my entire point/post.


You make no points just derogetory comments.:aok

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: hubsonfire on December 20, 2005, 11:56:27 AM
Originally posted by Shane
sorry, all out of minutes, but skyrock is giving out things on lower backs... of hurri's... you fly one too?

Am I the only one who got extremely uncomfortable when he said that?
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: SkyRock on December 20, 2005, 11:58:16 AM
Originally posted by JMFJ
Who cares what the games called, put up or shud up.  As soon as your ready to pay for my account if I win I'll duel you, isn't that what the post is about.  What did you hijack?  You and slapshot have show yourselves to be everything I claimed you guys were.  When your ready to duel in Gv's or ready to pay for my account next month if I win I'll duel ya.  You only want to duel in manners that are stacked in your favor, lol.


Total newbery!  Out of ouch!  Candle with little wic!  Light on, noone home! Leader of the pack.........of morons!  JFMJ, I'll be glad to duel you in GV's!  After I kick ur arse, I'll give you some free lessons in 75mm, 88mm, and 37mm gunnery!
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: SkyRock on December 20, 2005, 11:59:20 AM
Originally posted by Shane
of course not.  i don't care what other poepl do with their joysticks but if they start waggling it indiscrimately around me, they soon find themselves back all alone in tower, away from civilized, cultured and sensitive souls such as myself.
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Morpheus on December 20, 2005, 12:14:02 PM
Originally posted by JMFJ
Read your own post Morph :rofl

Keep trying, if you read this whole post and look at what you sayin now morph it is clear that you're trying to be the poster child of my entire point/post.


You make no points just derogetory comments.:aok


mmmkay, its now prefectly clear that we are dealing with a teenie bopper.
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Bobby on December 20, 2005, 12:16:58 PM
Skuzzy close this Pleaseeeeeeeeeeee
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Morpheus on December 20, 2005, 12:28:12 PM
Why bobby? Is it bothering you that much? Is someone forcing you to read this thread?
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: GreenCloud on December 20, 2005, 12:33:43 PM
lol..rank mean scrap..BORING..

You have to be  a true weenie to run from fights

btw Slapshot..26 in buffs?...MOOO!!!!1...; )

Glazer ur ...well....ur the mouse  eek..Im skeered  DA DA DA

the letters guy..why what a dolt..RANK RANK RANK!!..he wont last a second in KOTH
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Zazen13 on December 20, 2005, 12:41:54 PM
Originally posted by Lazerr

Skyrock, I won't even bother starting a flamefest with you.  Your just another guy that flys little dweebfires around and outclasses most of the other planes in MA.  Way to go, but plane superiority won't save you in the DA when two guys are in the same plane

Yup, Lazer, it's amazing the ego on these guys that ONLY fly Spitfires then talk about their acheivements of turnfighting with one like they just summited Mount Everest or sumfin'. When these guys start turnfighting in the Non-Top-Shelf turner and succeeding to the same degree they do in the Spitfire I'll be impressed. The Spit is the La7 of the turning world, both of them should probably be perked but aren't due to financial concerns for HTC.

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Shamus on December 20, 2005, 12:57:42 PM
Wow, the weenie wavers are out in force in this thread :)

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: mars01 on December 20, 2005, 01:00:18 PM
Yup, Lazer, it's amazing the ego on these guys that ONLY fly Spitfires then talk about their acheivements of turnfighting with one like they just summited Mount Everest or sumfin'. When these guys start turnfighting in the Non-Top-Shelf turner and succeeding to the same degree they do in the Spitfire I'll be impressed. The Spit is the La7 of the turning world, both of them should probably be perked but aren't due to financial concerns for HTC.

Yup, Guys, it's amazing the ego on these maroons that ONLY fly Typhoons and 51s, then talk about their acheivements of like they have a clue. When these guys start Hording, Cherry Picking and Running in the Non-Top-Shelf Horder, Cherry Picker and Runner and succeed to the same degree they do in the Typhoons and 51s I'll be impressed.  

"The Spit is the La7 of the turning world, both of them should probably be perked but aren't due to financial concerns for HTC."   I guess I can't use this part because the planes you fly are the Uber Horder, Cherry Picker and Runners.  Bwahahhaahha hahahahhah LOLROTFF lol hahahahha

 :lol :lol :rofl :rofl :rofl
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Zazen13 on December 20, 2005, 01:06:32 PM
Originally posted by mars01
Yup, Guys, it's amazing the ego on these maroons that ONLY fly Typhoons and 51s, then talk about their acheivements of like they have a clue. When these guys start Hording, Cherry Picking and Running in the Non-Top-Shelf Horder, Cherry Picker and Runner and succeed to the same degree they do in the Typhoons and 51s I'll be impressed.  


The difference is the P51 or Typhoon pilot isn't typcially boasting, nor is he espousing that anyone who does not fly the P51 or Typhoon and in the manner he chooses to is a patehtic skill-less dweeb with no skill or talent. There's a reason 9 out of 10 noobs gravitate toward the Spitfire and can enjoy immediate success. You know the answer...but I'll tell you anyways....


So, stallfighting on the deck even disadvantaged in a Spitfire, proves little else other than you can take a great plane, fly it the way it is best at, and do ok with it. Whooopdeeeedoooo!

This is no different than the P51 or Typhoon pilot that E-Fights. That's what the plane is good at, that's what the pilot does and if he's ok or better at it well Whooopdeedoo for him too!

The people that really impress me are the ones that fly a plane that's only mediocre at turning but still kick ass, now that's something to feel proud of,  they definately get a big . Bullz is a good example of that I can think of off the top of my head, he's always flying some mediocre plane you rarely see and yankin' and bankin' it, now THAT's impressive, if he were doing that in a Spit it'd just be a big he's no different than the other 500 guys doing that in a Spit.

Do you get my point?

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Shamus on December 20, 2005, 01:15:56 PM
Originally posted by Zazen13
The difference is the P51 or Typhoon pilot isn't typcially boasting, nor is he espousing that anyone who does not fly the P51 or Typhoon in the manner he chooses to is a patehtic skill-less dweeb with no skill or talent. There's a reason 9 out of 10 noobs gravitate toward the Spitfire and can enjoy success. You know the answer...but I'll tell you anyways....


So, stallfighting on the deck even disadvantaged in a Spitfire, proves little else other than you can take a great plane, fly it the way it is best at, and do ok with it. Whooopdeeeedoooo!

This is no different than the P51 or Typhoon pilot that E-Fights. That's what the plane is good at, that's what the pilot does and if he's ok or better at it well Whooopdeedoo for him too!

Do you get my point?


Unless your the T&B guy that has to put up with endless B&Z passes by said tiff or pony pileit untill you get fed up with it and HO him..then the whines begin.

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: mars01 on December 20, 2005, 01:21:37 PM
The difference is the P51 or Typhoon pilot isn't typcially boasting, nor is he espousing that anyone who does not fly the P51 or Typhoon in the manner he chooses to is a patehtic skill-less dweeb with no skill or talent. There's a reason 9 out of 10 noobs gravitate toward the Spitfire and can enjoy success. You know the answer...but I'll tell you anyways....
Ahh Zazen the great putter of words in other peoples mouths and incorrect facts.  I don't boast or espouse, "that anyone who does fly the P51 or Typhoon in the manner he chooses to is a patehtic skill-less dweeb with no skill or talent."  I espouse that anyone who flies these planes, in the horde, on their perch, timidy are skilless dweebs.  If you fit this category I can undersand why you get so bent out of shape LOL.

And most noob BnZs grab the Typhi first there bud.

So, stallfighting on the deck even disadvantaged in a Spitfire, proves little else other than you can take a great plane, fly it the way it is best at, and do ok with it. Whooopdeeeedoooo!

This is no different than the P51 or Typhoon pilot that E-Fights. That's what the plane is good at, that's what the pilot does and if he's ok or better at it well Whooopdeedoo for him too!
I don't argue against this, you are the one that keeps bringing up the plane crap.
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Zazen13 on December 20, 2005, 01:22:45 PM
Originally posted by Shamus
Unless your the T&B guy that has to put up with endless B&Z passes by said tiff or pony pileit untill you get fed up with it and HO him..then the whines begin.


TNB guys complaing about E-Fighters BnZ'ing them would be like an E-Fighter pilot complaining a TNB fighter tried to turn with him. It's rediculous.

It's a very basic trade-off for most planes, you can fly a slow plane that out-turns everything but you are vulnerable to fast planes' high-speed passes or you can fly a fast plane that can be out-turned by almost everything but has the speed to maintain the tactical initiative in most situations. We hear, non-stop, guys in slow planes complaining about fast planes, but never not once ever, have I ever in 15 years heard a fast plane flyer complain about a slow plane because he tried to turn with him. Slow planes are supposed to turn, fast planes are supposed to make high-speed passes, it's the name of the game. It's the way it was in WW2 and it's the exact same way in AH. Why this is a shock to people I have no clue.

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Shamus on December 20, 2005, 01:26:44 PM
Originally posted by Zazen13
TNB guys complaing about E-Fighters BnZ'ing them would be like an E-Fighter pilot complaining a TNB fighter tried to turn with him. It's rediculous.

It's a very basic trade-off for most planes, you can fly a slow plane that out-turns everything but you are vulnerable to fast planes' high-speed passes or you can fly a fast plane that can be out-turned by almost everything but has the speed to maintain the tactical initiative in most situations. We hear, non-stop, guys in slow planes complaining about fast planes, but never not once ever, have I ever in 15 years heard a fast plane flyer complain about a slow plane because he tried to turn with him. Slow planes are supposed to turn, fast planes are supposed to make high-speed passes, it's the name of the game. It's the way it was in WW2 and it's the exact same way in AH. Why this is a shock to people I have no clue.


Its not a shock, I just explained my solution and the normal response.

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: SlapShot on December 20, 2005, 01:29:37 PM
Slapshot- I'll give ya props for your 1 month scorin the #10 spot WTG, was a close one. But really Is that what this is about you trying to make sure that people with good ranks don't make the all to common mistake and form an oppinion that they are better than you, wow keep toting that torch. They are better than you, at consistently keeping a high rank, deal with it they can/want too and you don't. If you don't try, what gives you the right to try to demean what others do, let alone expect us to listen to your oppinions.

You fly on the most ego driven squad in the game, they accomplish nothing. What honor is there in hording the majority of top sticks in the game to go around like a bunch of jocks showing off how tough your group is, yaaaaaay. You take no bases, switching countries so you are always on the winning side, and for the most part are chasing the win, the most prime example of lack of honor in the game.

You DON'T get it ... I know who is better than me and I don't need nor use the ranking system at determining who they are ... oh ... your not one of them.

They are better than me a gaming the game ... SWEET !!! ... like I said before ... been there ... done that ... got the fluff'n T-shirt.

I did try it ... back in Tour 41 doofus and got into the top 10 ... that does give me the right and the experience to talk about it ... unlike you.

ego driven squad ... BWAHAHAHAHAHA !!! Hording the top sticks ? ... nah ... just a few of them ... the rest of us SUCK.

We take no bases ... UNTRUE ... on occasion we will take a base ... but don't spread that around.

Switch countries so we are on the winning side ... BWAHAHAHAHAHA ... thats the ****in' funniest thing I have heard in a very long time. Even our BBS sparring partners are laughing their collective tulips off over that statement. We usually switch to the side that has the least amount of players or where the best fights are

Chasing the win ... BWAHAHAHAHAH ... We don't give a flying truck who wins.

Honor ? ... in a video game ? ... BWAHAHAHAHAHA ... Honor is only bestowed upon those that earn it in everyday life ... like the troops over in Iraq ... not some google-eyed dweeb playing an online video game.
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Furball on December 20, 2005, 01:31:00 PM
IN FOR TEH WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!¬!
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: mars01 on December 20, 2005, 01:35:19 PM
TNB guys complaing about E-Fighters BnZ'ing them would be like an E-Fighter pilot complaining a TNB fighter tried to turn with him. It's rediculous.

It's a very basic trade-off for most planes, you can fly a slow plane that out-turns everything but you are vulnerable to fast planes' high-speed passes or you can fly a fast plane that can be out-turned by almost everything but has the speed to maintain the tactical initiative in most situations. We hear, non-stop, guys in slow planes complaining about fast planes, but never not once ever, have I ever in 15 years heard a fast plane flyer complain about a slow plane because he tried to turn with him. Slow planes are supposed to turn, fast planes are supposed to make high-speed passes, it's the name of the game. It's the way it was in WW2 and it's the exact same way in AH. Why this is a shock to people I have no clue.

This isn't a shock to anyone.  Who complains that Fast planes won't turn?  The complaints start when the fast planes don't fight and even with all the advantages are still timid.  The complaints start when the fast planes have to hyper extend or just plain run.  Anything else is just in your head bud.
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Zazen13 on December 20, 2005, 01:37:09 PM
Originally posted by mars01
I espouse that anyone who flies these planes, in the horde, on their perch, timidy are skilless dweebs.  If you fit this category I can undersand why you get so bent out of shape LOL.

And most noob BnZs grab the Typhi first there bud.


What I would like to know is on the basis of what empirical information do you determine certain individuals only fly from a perch or in a horde and do not get down low and mix it up? I can't remember the last time I saw you in my area, the only reason I know you fly low n' slow is you are telling me you do and I'm assuming you're not lying about it.

I don't think I've ever seen a noob in a Typhoon. The Typhoon is a fairly rare plane, especially if you discount those that just use it to Jabo-pork. Most noobs pick planes they recognize the name of like the 109, Spit, P51 and Hurricane.

I'm not going to split hairs here but I think most would agree the Spitfire requires significantly less skill and talent to fly well than a Typhoon under similiar circumstances. The Typhoon is not overly forgiving of over-handling, nor is it especially easy to manuever especially slow, it requires alot of throttle control and rudder authority to make up for it's abysmal roll-rate.

The Spit XVI by comparison is the Porche of the planeset, it's incredibly forgiving to over-handling, is reasonably fast, climbs like a scalded monkey, and rolls as well as Fw190s. The Spits really have no weak point, they are the best all-around plane in the set IMHO. I don't think anyone, not on really good drugs, would ever accuse the Typhoon of  being the best all around plane.

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Stang on December 20, 2005, 01:38:33 PM
Originally posted by JMFJ

You fly on the most ego driven squad in the game, they accomplish nothing.  What honor is there in hording the majority of top sticks in the game to go around like a bunch of jocks showing off how tough your group is, yaaaaaay.  You take no bases, switching countries so you are always on the winning side, and for the most part are chasing the win, the most prime example of lack of honor in the game.

Chasing the win?  ROFL, I don't think I've been on the winning side of a reset in the past 6 or 8 months... maybe even longer.  It's the lowest number side most of us usually switch to, because there's more targets to engage.  Sheesh.  

Wait a sec here... how are we hording "top sticks in the game," if your definition of that is how highly one ranks?  Are you realizing that rank doesn't show how good a pilot really is? hmmm.
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Stang on December 20, 2005, 01:40:00 PM
Originally posted by Zazen13
I don't think I've ever seen a noob in a Typhoon.  
Kermit flies the Typhoon.
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Zazen13 on December 20, 2005, 01:40:50 PM
Originally posted by mars01
This isn't a shock to anyone.  Who complains that Fast planes won't turn?  The complaints start when the fast planes don't fight and even with all the advantages are still timid.  The complaints start when the fast planes have to hyper extend or just plain run.  Anything else is just in your head bud.

This line has always amused me. Who gives a flying fug if the guy is timid? Is he the only plane in the arena? There's plenty of fish in the sea, quit obsessing about the guy that won't, for whatever reason,  fight you and get busy wacking the ones that will. If you want to be able to force people to fight you who are choosing not to it's really, really simple...FLY A FASTER PLANE. Yes it won't be able to turn on a dime and give you nine cents change but you won't have to worry about people being timid. I rarely encounter timid pilots, because if I want a fight, I get a fight, speed and people feeling they have a chance to out-manuever me does that for ya. ;) If timid pilots annoy you, perhaps it's time to put the Spit away and fly something that has the speed to dictate the terms of engagements thru initiative. Ask Shane why he started flying the La7....

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Shamus on December 20, 2005, 01:48:48 PM
Originally posted by Zazen13
What I would like to know is on the basis of what empirical information do you determine certain individuals only fly from a perch or in a horde and do not get down low and mix it up? I can't remember the last time I saw you in my area, the only reason I know you fly low n' slow is you are telling me you do and I'm assuming you're not lying about it.

I don't think I've ever seen a noob in a Typhoon. The Typhoon is a fairly rare plane, especially if you discount those that just use it to Jabo-pork. Most noobs pick planes they recognize the name of like the 109, Spit, P51 and Hurricane.

I'm not going to split hairs here but I think most would agree the Spitfire requires significantly less skill and talent to fly well than a Typhoon under similiar circumstances. The Typhoon is not overly forgiving of over-handling, nor is it especially easy to manuever especially slow, it requires alot of throttle control and rudder authority to make up for it's abysmal roll-rate.

The Spit XVI by comparison is the Porche of the planeset, it's incredibly forgiving to over-handling, is reasonably fast, climbs like a scalded monkey, and rolls as well as Fw190s. The Spits really have no weak point, they are the best all-around plane in the set IMHO. I don't think anyone, not on really good drugs, would ever accuse the Typhoon of  being the best all around plane.


If the "similiar curcumstances" are 1v1 co e engagement low alt I would agree,
if on the otherhand you are in the tiffs enviroment...start high, dive,shoot, climb rinse and repeat, naw :)

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: DipStick on December 20, 2005, 01:52:59 PM
Originally posted by Stang
Kermit flies the Typhoon.

That's just mean! :huh :cry :eek: :furious :O
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: thrila on December 20, 2005, 01:55:15 PM
hooray for mossies!
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: mars01 on December 20, 2005, 01:55:25 PM
What I would like to know is on the basis of what empirical information do you determine certain individuals only fly from a perch or in a horde and do not get down low and mix it up? I can't remember the last time I saw you in my area, the only reason I know you fly low n' slow is you are telling me you do and I'm assuming you're not lying about it.

I'm going on what others have said and what you have said.  You fly to live at all costs and would rather spend another 15 bucks a month than get your Zazen account dirty.  So I can't believe you are taking many chances.

I don't think I've ever seen a noob in a Typhoon. The Typhoon is a fairly rare plane, especially if you discount those that just use it to Jabo-pork. Most noobs pick planes they recognize the name of like the 109, Spit, P51 and Hurricane.

I'm not going to split hairs here but I think most would agree the Spitfire requires significantly less skill and talent to fly well than a Typhoon under similiar circumstances. The Typhoon is not overly forgiving of over-handling, nor is it especially easy to manuever especially slow, it requires alot of throttle control and rudder authority to make up for it's abysmal roll-rate.

The Spit XVI by comparison is the Porche of the planeset, it's incredibly forgiving to over-handling, is reasonably fast, climbs like a scalded monkey, and rolls as well as Fw190s. The Spits really have no weak point, they are the best all-around plane in the set IMHO. I don't think anyone, not on really good drugs, would ever accuse the Typhoon of being the best all around plane.

If you mean by similiar circumstances, turn fighting, then I do agree.  The Typhi is no turn fighter, due to it's poor roll rate, but what it lacks in roll, it makes up in every other category against the spit.  The cannons alone make it much easier plane to score with and is probably the main reason alot of noobs fly it.  Keep some alt, fly timidly, hyper extend or run and you will rarely get into trouble with it.

It just makes me laugh when you start the "but you fly this plane argument" because for the way you fly, the typhoon is a much better plane then the spit, but you can't see it to realize there really isn't an argument here.  But you keep falling back to it like it does hold weight.
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Zazen13 on December 20, 2005, 01:59:44 PM
Originally posted by Shamus
If the "similiar curcumstances" are 1v1 co e engagement low alt I would agree,
if on the otherhand you are in the tiffs enviroment...start high, dive,shoot, climb rinse and repeat, naw :)


Obviously comparisons are heads-up, Heads up a Spitfire is great at practically everything, a Typhoon is great at 2 things, speed and firepower. No doubt if the Typhoon driver is flying in a way that accentuates the two things he is great at, speed and firepower, he can attain some measure of conditional superiority to the all-around best plane, the Spitfire.

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Zazen13 on December 20, 2005, 02:03:32 PM
Originally posted by mars01
I'm going on what others have said and what you have said.  You fly to live at all costs and would rather spend another 15 bucks a month than get your Zazen account dirty.  So I can't believe you are taking many chances.


Your basing your judgement of me as a pilot on heresay? Umm, that just stupid. I never said I live at all costs, I just put living ahead of killing as my priority. For example, I am not going to dive onto 5 guys for a kill and risk dying for that one kill, when I can negotiate the pack patiently and perhaps get 3 or 4 of them and not die.

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: mars01 on December 20, 2005, 02:09:04 PM
This line has always amused me. Who gives a flying fug if the guy is timid? Is he the only plane in the arena? There's plenty of fish in the sea, quit obsessing about the guy that won't, for whatever reason, fight you and get busy wacking the ones that will. If you want to be able to force people to fight you who are choosing not to it's really, really simple...FLY A FASTER PLANE. Yes it won't be able to turn on a dime and give you nine cents change but you won't have to worry about people being timid. I rarely encounter timid pilots, because if I want a fight, I get a fight, speed and people feeling they have a chance to out-manuever me does that for ya.  If timid pilots annoy you, perhaps it's time to put the Spit away and fly something that has the speed to dictate the terms of engagements thru initiative. Ask Shane why he started flying the La7....
It has probably amused you cause you are so close to it.

I log in to fight, not chase other guys around.  Even when I do grab a faster plane the timid won't engage after you have reversed them a few times.  

What do you do as Zazen, when you have dove in on a con and he has reversed you 3 times in a row.  Do you press the fight or go look for an easier mark?

And It's not a matter of dictating the fight either.  I dictate the fight even in a disadvantage, all you have to do is turn your six to some of these guys and they engage once in a while.  Mostly it's the guys that even after you hand them your six, make 2 or 3 lame passes and then disengage or run from a 1 Vs 1 half a sector back to the horde.  That is timid, boring and ghey.

BTW - do me a favor, pull up the list of planes I have flown so far this tour and post them for me.  I would but I had to back door the BBs from work to get into them.  I can't get to stats and score pages.
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Zazen13 on December 20, 2005, 02:09:47 PM
Originally posted by mars01

It just makes me laugh when you start the "but you fly this plane argument" because for the way you fly, the typhoon is a much better plane then the spit, but you can't see it to realize there really isn't an argument here.  But you keep falling back to it like it does hold weight.

AHA! I finally got you to say it! Woohooo! What you just basically said is a poor pilot like myself, can take what is otherwise a mediocre plane, fly it meticulously to it's strengths and make it conditionally better than a better pilot in a much all-around better plane.

That's my point, a good pilot isn't someone who stallfights or dives into 1 on 3's. A good pilot is simply someone who flies whatever plane he is in to maximize its strengths, minimize its weaknsses while at the same time negating the strengths and accentuating the weaknesses of the enemy. A pilot isn't only good if he turnfights, a pilot isn't only good if he E-Fights, a pilot is good if he flies whatever plane he chooses to it's maximum potential..period....end of story.

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Shamus on December 20, 2005, 02:10:49 PM
Originally posted by Zazen13
Obviously comparisons are heads-up, Heads up a Spitfire is great at practically everything, a Typhoon is great at 2 things, speed and firepower. No doubt if the Typhoon driver is flying in a way that accentuates the two things he is great at, speed and firepower, he can attain some measure of conditional superiority to the all-around best plane, the Spitfire.


Gee I guess thats what we are talking about, if the tiff driver uses that endlessly, like some in the arena, you HO him :), well gotta go fly now, have fun postulating :)

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: mars01 on December 20, 2005, 02:14:11 PM
Your basing your judgement of me as a pilot on heresay? Umm, that just stupid. I never said I live at all costs, I just put living ahead of killing as my priority. For example, I am not going to dive onto 5 guys for a kill and risk dying for that one kill, when I can negotiate the pack patiently and perhaps get 3 or 4 of them and not die.
No the people are quite stand up and there are plenty of posts that you have said you fly to live at all costs.

You make me laugh, you say "Dive in" there is your first clue.  No one is going to fly into any fight for 1 kill.  If I fly into 4 or 5 guys it is to kill all of them.

I have never seen you in any fights where you and your country men did not well out number the reds and even then you guys come in at retarded alts.  I'm sure you would never engage a fight at lower alt to even the playing field.
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: mars01 on December 20, 2005, 02:19:34 PM
AHA! I finally got you to say it! Woohooo! What you just basically said is a poor pilot like myself, can take what is otherwise a mediocre plane, fly it meticulously to it's strengths and make it conditionally better than a better pilot in a much all-around better plane.
Well this is a great example of how you put words into peoples mouths.

It just makes me laugh when you start the "but you fly this plane argument" because for the way you fly, the typhoon is a much better plane then the spit, but you can't see it to realize there really isn't an argument here. But you keep falling back to it like it does hold weight.
OMG LOLH In no way did I say nor does my statement mean what you are trying to twist it into.  Nice try.  Tho.  Sheesh, if you have to start a response telling me what I just said your streaching a bit, don't you think.

The Typhi is an uber plane flown BnZ style.  It is better then the spit on all counts that way.

Just as the Spit is an uber plane flown TnB style.
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Zazen13 on December 20, 2005, 02:24:20 PM
Originally posted by mars01

I log in to fight, not chase other guys around.  Even when I do grab a faster plane the timid won't engage after you have reversed them a few times.  

What do you do as Zazen, when you have dove in on a con and he has reversed you 3 times in a row.  Do you press the fight or go look for an easier mark?

And It's not a matter of dictating the fight either.  I dictate the fight even in a disadvantage, all you have to do is turn your six to some of these guys and they engage once in a while.  Mostly it's the guys that even after you hand them your six, make 2 or 3 lame passes and then disengage or run from a 1 Vs 1 half a sector back to the horde.  That is timid, boring and ghey.


Mars, if you fly a plane that does not out-turn them, they will engage you. If you fly a Spit only other Spits, Hurricanes, Zekes and Fm2s are going to really want to knife-fight you. Fly a plane like the Typhoon, 205, 109, F6, etc, and EVERYONE and their uncle will be willing to have a go at you in a knife fight. The irony is because I fly a Typhoon I actually probably get more even turnfights than you do in your Spit. You basically have to dive into 1 vs 3's to make yourself an attractive enough target to knife fight by any plane other than a another uber-turner. The only planes I ever have had not want to engage me is La7s and Fw190D9s and 109K4s. Any other plane I encounter can't wait to get a piece of me.

As far as what I do in that situation. It's all about seperation. I am actually, in spite of rumors to the contrary, a very aggressive pilot. When I choose to attack I'm not fugging around, it's a ballz to the wall attack. I may be selectively timid, but the other side of that coin is selectively aggressive. So long as I can maintain seperation on a more manueverable plane I will press the attack, that is where E-Fighting shines. If I am doing my job correctly I should be able to maintain my E advantage almost indefinately, providing me with at least several shooting opportunities ( I usually only require one). Of course both our E states will degrade over time, so how long I can press the attack without losing that critical seperation is determined largely by the starting altitude of the fight. Once the fight gets on the deck I will inevitably not be able to maintain seperation, so must either break off, turnfight him, or kill him before that happens. Ask Greebo about it, he's got one of the best reversals and overshoot moves in the game, I never let go of him until one of us is dead.

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: mars01 on December 20, 2005, 02:25:33 PM
That's my point, a good pilot isn't someone who stallfights or dives into 1 on 3's. A good pilot is simply someone who flies whatever plane he is in to maximize its strengths, minimize its weaknsses while at the same time negating the strengths and accentuating the weaknesses of the enemy. A pilot isn't only good if he turnfights, a pilot isn't only good if he E-Fights, a pilot is good if he flies whatever plane he chooses to it's maximum potential..period....end of story.

Ok lets seperate good from average.  Yes an average pilot can do all the things you have mentioned.  It's not hard.  Pick your fights, fly your plane correctly with all advantages kept in your pocket.

A good pilot is one who can take any plane into a 1 or 2 vers 1, take some chances and win.

A great pilot is one who can take any plane into greater odds and win.

Anyone can fly safe and manipualte a planes strengths.  Take some chances, make a plane do more than it's supposed to, fly it beyond it's envelope and back.  That is a good pilot.
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: mars01 on December 20, 2005, 02:30:22 PM
Mars, if you fly a plane that does not out-turn them, they will engage you. If you fly a Spit only other Spits, Hurricanes, Zekes and Fm2s are going to really want to knife-fight you. Fly a plane like the Typhoon, 205, 109, F6, etc, and EVERYONE and their uncle will be willing to have a go at you in a knife fight
You make is sound like if someone doesn't turn fight they are timid.  That is not the case.  re-read my posts then try to reply with something that applies.

BTW - can you or someone please go get my plane stats for this tour and post them.
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Zazen13 on December 20, 2005, 02:31:10 PM
Originally posted by mars01
Ok lets seperate good from average.  Yes an average pilot can do all the things you have mentioned.  It's not hard.  Pick your fights, fly your plane correctly with all advantages kept in your pocket.

A good pilot is one who can take any plane into a 1 or 2 vers 1, take some chances and win.

A great pilot is one who can take any plane into greater odds and win.

Anyone can fly safe and manipualte a planes strengths.  Take some chances, make a plane do more than it's supposed to, fly it beyond it's envelope and back.  That is a good pilot.

I won't totally disagree with that, but be aware a good pilot in an E-Fighter can engage a superior number of enemy and win and do it without having to turnfight them. Is he great too or is he not great because he won a 1 vs 3 by E-Fighting the 3 enemy not turnfighting them?

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Zazen13 on December 20, 2005, 02:35:24 PM
Originally posted by mars01
You make is sound like if someone doesn't turn fight they are timid.  That is not the case.  re-read my posts then try to reply with something that applies.

BTW - can you or someone please go get my plane stats for this tour and post them.

 I re-read it, that's what it sounded like to me, sounds like you reversed on someone enough to remove his seperation and he fled. Had he not fled, without seperation, it would end up being a turnfight. So, does that means that anyone who loses seperation to your far more manueverable plane and chooses to disengage is timid? I'm sorry mars but that is just smart flying, he may not win the Testosterone Jockey of the Year Award but it's still smart... Getting into a knife-fight with a more manueverable plane that is piloted by someone with obvious skill is 'un-intelligent'. It's as un-intelligent as you trying to run from an La7 in your Spitfire...

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: mars01 on December 20, 2005, 02:40:29 PM
I won't totally disagree with that, but be aware a good pilot in an E-Fighter can engage a superior number of enemy and win and do it without having to turnfight them. Is he great too or is he not great because he won a 1 vs 3 by E-Fighting the 3 enemy not turnfighting them?
I don't have a problem with agressive e fighters.  My statements stand irregardless of style in that way.  

But I do not call a 3 V 1 where the one starts out 5k higher than the others and has a drastically better advantage then his opponents.  Again fighting with the advantage is what I would also call average.
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: JMFJ on December 20, 2005, 02:41:51 PM
Wow you guys are better fighter sticks than me.  That must mean all of your opinions are right and all of mine are wrong, man I never thought of it that way before.:rofl

I painted your picture pretty accurate, you deny what i describe and then repeatedly act just like I described.  Amazing, you can claim what you want cause some people are naive enough to believe what they are told, or what you tell them.  I judge you by what I've seen.

I tried to throw out some oppinions, I'm not finding any constructive debate only name calling, newbie comments etc.... I have posted multiple threads over the last month or so and It is strangely interesting that the same people post these oppinionated no one elses oppinion matters comments and when faced down with statistics start in with the name calling and generally childish behavior, EVERY THREAD.

Hope that all works out for you guys, your views are based on your advantages plain and simple.  The same day you guys lose your advantage you'll probably quit playing.

Skyrock-any time.;)

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: mars01 on December 20, 2005, 02:46:58 PM
I re-read it, that's what it sounded like to me, sounds like you reversed on someone enough to remove his seperation and he fled. Had he not fled, without seperation, it would end up being a turnfight. So, does that means that anyone who loses seperation to your far more manueverable plane and chooses to disengage is timid? I'm sorry mars but that is just smart flying, he may not win the Testosterone Jockey of the Year Award but it's still smart... Getting into a knife-fight with a more manueverable plane that is piloted by someone with obvious skill is 'un-intelligent'. It's as un-intelligent as you trying to run from an La7 in your Spitfire...
That is one case and it's still timid, you don't need to flee a fight if you are an uber pilot.  You talk of tactics and dictating the fight.  If you lose seperation then you should be manuevering to increase seperation not disegaging and running, especially in a 1 Vs 1.  Again I don't expect a BnZ guy to knife fight me, but I do expect them to fight.  If they blow some of their advantage they should still fight.

Another case is the pilot thinks they are outmatched and just gives up and uses their uber advantages to just leave.  That is also timid.
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: mars01 on December 20, 2005, 02:50:58 PM
Wow you guys are better fighter sticks than me. That must mean all of your opinions are right and all of mine are wrong, man I never thought of it that way before.
No it doesn't.  But all of your ideas in this thread are misguided and actually wrong.  No matter how you slice it and even if you cry "woe is me" doesn't make wrong ideas right.
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Zazen13 on December 20, 2005, 02:58:34 PM
Originally posted by mars01
That is one case and it's still timid, you don't need to flee a fight if you are an uber pilot.  You talk of tactics and dictating the fight.  If you lose seperation then you should be manuevering to increase seperation not disegaging and running, especially in a 1 Vs 1.  Again I don't expect a BnZ guy to knife fight me, but I do expect them to fight.  If they blow some of their advantage they should still fight.

Another case is the pilot thinks they are outmatched and just gives up and uses their uber advantages to just leave.  That is also timid.

Disengaging is restoring seperation...Once there is parity bewtween your E states he has 2 choices:

1) Dis-engage from you to restore seperation.
2) Continue to fight a more manueverable plane in a turnfight.

I would always do #1 unless I thought either of these 2 things:

1) He was not very good
2) His plane is not a total over-match to mine in a turnfight. For example in my Typhoon I will have a go in a turn-fight with anything German except 109E/Fs, La7s, P51Ds, any perk plane and obviously another Typhoon.

If #1 or #2 applied I would opt to turnfight rather than regain seperation.

So you see if you fly a Spitfire and someone like me thinks you have some skill you won't get a turnfight, you will get dis-engaged from. That is unless he is also in a Spitfire or similiarly manueverable plane.

Don't take this the wrong way but alot of what you are calling timid is in actuality wisdom.

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: SkyRock on December 20, 2005, 03:03:34 PM
Originally posted by Zazen13
Yup, Lazer, it's amazing the ego on these guys that ONLY fly Spitfires then talk about their acheivements of turnfighting with one like they just summited Mount Everest or sumfin'. When these guys start turnfighting in the Non-Top-Shelf turner and succeeding to the same degree they do in the Spitfire I'll be impressed. The Spit is the La7 of the turning world, both of them should probably be perked but aren't due to financial concerns for HTC.


Zazen, I seem to remember engaging 2 typhoons against my  spit and smoked one and the other went running to deck to friends.(not calling out CPID)   Also, you would actually have to turn fight with them to see, instead of zooming past cannons blazing!
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: JMFJ on December 20, 2005, 03:10:08 PM

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Zazen13 on December 20, 2005, 03:10:32 PM
Originally posted by SkyRock
Zazen, I seem to remember engaging 2 typhoons against my  spit and smoked one and the other went running to deck to friends.(not calling out CPID)   Also, you would actually have to turn fight with them to see, instead of zooming past cannons blazing!

I see 'em just fine as they go down in flames. ;)

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Zazen13 on December 20, 2005, 03:37:09 PM
Originally posted by mars01
I don't have a problem with agressive e fighters.  My statements stand irregardless of style in that way.  

But I do not call a 3 V 1 where the one starts out 5k higher than the others and has a drastically better advantage then his opponents.  Again fighting with the advantage is what I would also call average.

It would be just like you fighting 3 planes that are on the deck that turn alot worse than you, You have all the advantages in that situation. That is no more impressive than an E-Fighter that effectively manages and maintains his E advantage over 3 more manueverable enemy simulataneously and destroys them all.

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: SkyRock on December 20, 2005, 03:46:02 PM
Originally posted by Zazen13
It would be just like you fighting 3 planes that are on the deck that turn alot worse than you, You have all the advantages in that situation. That is no more impressive than an E-Fighter that effectively manages and maintains his E advantage over 3 more manueverable enemy simulataneously and destroys them all.


Zazen, never does a plane in a 1 vs 2 or 1 vs 3 have the advantage!
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Zazen13 on December 20, 2005, 03:49:24 PM
Originally posted by SkyRock
Zazen, never does a plane in a 1 vs 2 or 1 vs 3 have the advantage!

I don't know about that, I would bet money on a decent Spit driver vs. a Typhoon and a Fw190D9 on the deck everytime and win most of the time. In my opinion if their E is equal a Spit should beat those two planes on the deck, and that's just one example. Once the SPit starts turning tightly with one, the other cannot stay with him to get an angle, soon the first one will be dead, then the next guy is in deep crap. Like E/Alt to an E-Fighter the turnrate of a turnfighter gives it some degree of immunity from attack. Turning is the quintessential defense in air combat.
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: SkyRock on December 20, 2005, 03:58:52 PM
Originally posted by Zazen13
I don't know about that, I would bet money on a decent Spit driver vs. a Typhoon and a Fw190D9 on the deck everytime and win most of the time. In my opinion if their E is equal a Spit should beat those two planes on the deck, and that's just one example. Once the SPit starts turning tightly with one, the other cannot stay with him to get an angle, soon the first one will be dead, then the next guy is in deep crap. Like E/Alt to an E-Fighter the turnrate of a turnfighter gives it some degree of immunity from attack. Turning is the quintessential defense in air combat.

You are giving way too much credit to the spit bro!
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Zazen13 on December 20, 2005, 04:05:33 PM
Originally posted by SkyRock
You are giving way too much credit to the spit bro!

No I'm not. I flew the SPitXVI when it first came out. It's an incredibly good plane. I beat a very, very, very  good pilot (I don't name names, he knows who he is)  who flies SPits almost exclusively co-alt/Co-E same plane in 3 turns. I got into a 1 on 3 and won fairly easily on  my second hop. I did this even though I have no talent or skill, it was all the plane doing it, I was just along for the ride. It's a very great plane and a very easy plane to fly well. Against two lesser planes it's an almost sure win if the Spit driver has a clue and one of the two is not also a Spit. I'd probably even go so far as to say it's even money vs. any 3 planes on the deck provided none of the 3 are another Spit  or a very good La7 or P51 pilot.

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: mars01 on December 20, 2005, 04:23:36 PM
It would be just like you fighting 3 planes that are on the deck that turn alot worse than you, You have all the advantages in that situation. That is no more impressive than an E-Fighter that effectively manages and maintains his E advantage over 3 more manueverable enemy simulataneously and destroys them all.

On the deck out numbered 3 to 1 you have no advantages and should be an easy kill.  Just like being outnumberd  3 to 1 with an alt advantage, the 3 lower cons should be easy kills.  This is proven in the MA almost constantly.

It's a very great plane and a very easy plane to fly well. Against two lesser planes it's an almost sure win if the Spit driver has a clue and one of the two is not also a Spit. I'd probably even go so far as to say it's even money vs. any 3 planes on the deck provided none of the 3 are another Spit or a very good La7 or P51 pilot.
No way.  Any 3 pilots that are average should be able to defeat a single Spit16 all day long in any planes, even bombers.  Now your just dreaming.  Give me 3 IL2s and you in a spit16 and we will kill you every time.
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: DipStick on December 20, 2005, 04:41:39 PM
Originally posted by Zazen13
Disengaging is restoring seperation...Once there is parity bewtween your E states he has 2 choices:

1) Dis-engage from you to restore seperation.
2) Continue to fight a more manueverable plane in a turnfight.

I would always do #1 unless I thought either of these 2 things:

1) He was not very good
2) His plane is not a total over-match to mine in a turnfight. For example in my Typhoon I will have a go in a turn-fight with anything German except 109E/Fs, La7s, P51Ds, any perk plane and obviously another Typhoon.

If #1 or #2 applied I would opt to turnfight rather than regain seperation.

So you see if you fly a Spitfire and someone like me thinks you have some skill you won't get a turnfight, you will get dis-engaged from. That is unless he is also in a Spitfire or similiarly manueverable plane.

Don't take this the wrong way but alot of what you are calling timid is in actuality wisdom.


It's not timid it's just plain ghey. Those who fly by "rules" like those above are what make this game suck.

If you will only give it a go in the "uber spit16" then fly the damn thing. We need people to fight not spank their monkey like you.

Fly what you want but fight. Otherwise you are just boring us all... :rolleyes:
Title: Re: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: betty on December 20, 2005, 05:28:49 PM
Originally posted by JMFJ
I think that if you are going to challenge someone to the DA there should be something on the line for the player challenged.

Example: The challenger should be willing to foot the next months HT bill for the player that was challenged, should the challenger lose.  Best of 3

It would definitely be entertaining, I would get off line and go take a seat at the colleseum (DA) to see which gladiator's blood gets spilled.  At least It would mean alot more when a challenge is shouted.

Cause for the most part the only challenges I see are from guys who know they have an advantage, or they won't run there mouth.  You don't see skyrock, chi, or any of the other guys that use the 200 channel alot challenging SHawk to the DA.


i like the DA, i haven't been playin long, but just playin in the DA with kermit, yucca, savige, 2cmex and others, gives me practice for in the MA.

just my opinon
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Zazen13 on December 20, 2005, 05:34:12 PM
Originally posted by DipStick
It's not timid it's just plain ghey. Those who fly by "rules" like those above are what make this game suck.


It only sucks for the slow plane guy that can out-turn everything who gets mad when planes they know they can out-turn won't fight them on their terms. This is just a , "Fly my way" whine...I feel your pain though, when I am in a slow turner I really, really hope and pray every plane I happen upon will attempt to turn with me too. The only difference is I understand why they won't and don't blame them or whine about it.

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Zazen13 on December 20, 2005, 05:35:59 PM
Originally posted by DipStick
If you will only give it a go in the "uber spit16" then fly the damn thing. We need people to fight not spank their monkey like you.


I don't fly any of the Top 3 planes, and never will. If the Typhoon becomes a Top 3 plane I will stop flying it (although it never will).

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Zazen13 on December 20, 2005, 05:41:36 PM
Originally posted by mars01

 No way.  Any 3 pilots that are average should be able to defeat a single Spit16 all day long in any planes, even bombers.  Now your just dreaming.  Give me 3 IL2s and you in a spit16 and we will kill you every time.

Well the guys I fought must have been extraordinarily pathetic then. ;)

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: DipStick on December 20, 2005, 05:41:51 PM
Then you'll always be boring to fight.

I've only flown the 38 this tour. I fight EVERY plane that comes along. Zeke, hurri, spit16 whatever. To do less would be ghey... or "timid"... or "intelligent" as you would say.
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Shane on December 20, 2005, 05:43:55 PM
Originally posted by Zazen13
If timid pilots annoy you, perhaps it's time to put the Spit away and fly something that has the speed to dictate the terms of engagements thru initiative. Ask Shane why he started flying the La7....

per-zachly!!  and to my amazement once i got past the claustrophobic cockpit, crappy ballistics and testy low speed  handling... i found out what it could really do.  i've been doing my bit to get it perked ever since. :aok
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Zazen13 on December 20, 2005, 05:45:02 PM
Originally posted by mars01
On the deck out numbered 3 to 1 you have no advantages and should be an easy kill.  Just like being outnumberd  3 to 1 with an alt advantage, the 3 lower cons should be easy kills.  This is proven in the MA almost constantly.


Is it? What do you suppose the other two cons are doing while the E-Fighter is attempting to manuever with the third for a shot? They are degrading his relative energy advantage by alting or building up speed, as is the third guy if he has half a brain with suck-drag evasives. Once 3 more manueverable planes degrade the E of the E-Fighter he's pickled if he doesn't kill them all or disengage.

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Zazen13 on December 20, 2005, 05:47:34 PM
Originally posted by DipStick
Then you'll always be boring to fight.

I've only flown the 38 this tour. I fight EVERY plane a come along. Zeke, hurri, spit16 whatever. To do less would be ghey... or "timid".

This is going to come as a HUGE shock to you so brace yourself!


You sure?!?

I don't fly to be interesting to other people! I fly in a way I find interesting  to myself! I expect others to do the exact same for themselves. Whining because people won't fight your way is...well.....incredibly ego-centric and stupid...

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: DipStick on December 20, 2005, 05:49:52 PM
Originally posted by Zazen13
Whining because people won't fight your way

Not whining just stating facts.

Just want them to fight period.
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Zazen13 on December 20, 2005, 06:15:35 PM
Originally posted by DipStick
Not whining just stating facts.

Just want them to fight period.

So what if a guy doesn't want to engage you? Are you so target fixated you can't move along to one of the 50 other guys just waiting to fight? What is this morbid fascination and pre-occupation with what others will or won't do when, if, how, you want them to. Do what you want to do, and if your potential playmate doesn't want to, simple, go find a playmate that will...Half the planes in the air are turnfighters just like you I'm sure the vast majority of them will be more than happy to knife fight in a phone booth with you.

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: YUCCA on December 20, 2005, 06:31:00 PM
I didnt get back home till 6:30 est :(  Perhaps when you re-subscribe we can track eachother down easier.
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Nomak on December 20, 2005, 07:15:14 PM
Originally posted by Mime
anything but first place never gets any mention.  get your skills up and maybe you can then be mentioned along with the big leaugers.

Lots o treble hooks on that one :lol   Think Ill let it pass on by.
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: SkyRock on December 20, 2005, 09:45:39 PM
Originally posted by Zazen13
It only sucks for the slow plane guy that can out-turn everything who gets mad when planes they know they can out-turn won't fight them on their terms. This is just a , "Fly my way" whine...I feel your pain though, when I am in a slow turner I really, really hope and pray every plane I happen upon will attempt to turn with me too. The only difference is I understand why they won't and don't blame them or whine about it.

Zaz I will give you alt and 6 in ur tiff, me in average plane and if its just u and I, I wil drain ur E and kill you!  I think you probably are experiencing self doubt as you read this because you know I probably would kill you.  Take this as a test to your theory of "smart" flying!  Anytime you want to try this just give me a yell.:aok
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: SkyRock on December 20, 2005, 09:47:32 PM
Originally posted by Zazen13
I don't fly any of the Top 3 planes, and never will. If the Typhoon becomes a Top 3 plane I will stop flying it (although it never will).


Cop out!  You fly the tiff because u only get a snap while booming in at 400.  With 4 20mm cannons its ur life saver!
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Zazen13 on December 20, 2005, 09:59:28 PM
Originally posted by SkyRock
Cop out!  You fly the tiff because u only get a snap while booming in at 400.  With 4 20mm cannons its ur life saver!

I fly the Typhoon because it has the three qualities I prize most in an Air Superiority Fighter: Speed, Firepower, and Good Nose-Low deflection view. It's all offense baby!

Turning = Defensive Quality
Speed & Firepower = Offensive Quality

If your a pilot that likes the intiative to dictate the terms of fights, speed and firepower is the way to go.

If you want to be a slippery target that can pull some tight turns to try to dodge slashing attacks turnrate is the way to go.

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: DipStick on December 20, 2005, 10:29:23 PM
Originally posted by Zazen13
Are you so target fixated you can't move along to one of the 50 other guys just waiting to fight?

Target fixated? Not in the least.

What is this morbid fascination and pre-occupation with what others will or won't do when, if, how, you want them to.

morbid fascination and pre-occupation? You need to lay off the meds dewd.

Don't go Batfink on me now. We're just having a chat about your "fighting style" lameness. No need to get your panties in a wad. Just admit you suck and blow at the same time and we'll all just move along. No harm no foul. ;)
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Zazen13 on December 20, 2005, 11:48:05 PM
Originally posted by DipStick
Don't go Batfink on me now. We're just having a chat about your "fighting style" lameness. No need to get your panties in a wad. Just admit you suck and blow at the same time and we'll all just move along. No harm no foul. ;)

I freely admit I suck, look back in this thread, I say I suck at least 7 times. ;)

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Ack-Ack on December 21, 2005, 12:58:35 AM
Originally posted by Zazen13
I fly the Typhoon because it has the three qualities I prize most in an Air Superiority Fighter: Speed, Firepower, and Good Nose-Low deflection view. It's all offense baby!

Turning = Defensive Quality
Speed & Firepower = Offensive Quality


Ahh...the Typhoon...the prized plane of the Timid AH flyer.  

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Zazen13 on December 21, 2005, 02:01:26 AM
Originally posted by Ack-Ack
Ahh...the Typhoon...the prized plane of the Timid AH flyer.  


Really? I can only think of 3 people that fly the Typhoon as their main ride.


I guess if you want to call me timid you can, but I don't think those other two are timid. The Typhoon is not a very popular air superiority plane most just use it to Jabo fields not strictly to fight fighters as I do.

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: straffo on December 21, 2005, 03:20:31 AM
Originally posted by DipStick
Not whining just stating facts.

Just want them to fight period.

Ok let explain me how a Typhon pilot should deal with a Co-E spitXVI.

I need badly some insight.

Originally posted by Ack-Ack
Ahh...the Typhoon...the prized plane of the Timid AH flyer.  


Let stop with the cliché please.
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: FuBaR on December 21, 2005, 11:33:22 AM
Originally posted by Zazen13
Really? I can only think of 3 people that fly the Typhoon as their main ride.


I guess if you want to call me timid you can, but I don't think those other two are timid. The Typhoon is not a very popular air superiority plane most just use it to Jabo fields not strictly to fight fighters as I do.



Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Zazen13 on December 21, 2005, 11:36:45 AM
Originally posted by FuBaR


Yup, forgot about them. I don't know how BGB flies, but I know Xdak isn't particularly timid either...So, that's 5 people out of 3,000 that fly the Typhoon as their main ride...Yea, you must be right Akak, it must be a fabulous plane relative to the rest of the set to attract such an enormous and dedicated percentage of players. :rofl

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: GreenCloud on December 21, 2005, 12:17:17 PM

the reason its my main ride for just going out to kill planes

1) CANNONS   -

they shoot like lazers and lotsa ammo..i rarley have time enuff to use smaller calibers as it seem im always in a gang bang..and outnumbered so i need the power to kill soemone with a small quick burst..then move on to next taget quickly

    Catching the runners in the game..not the fastest..but its fast
    It turns decent but spits-p51s ect can all outturn it..So typically i have 3-    4 turns with the enemy, before i need to extend to get the guy to     overshoot again; )

Basiclaly if you know your planes abilitites use them..whatever you fly

I have flown the LA7 in the MA maybe 10 times in 3 years..just flew it agian few days ago...AMAZING RIDE..truly

and ak say typhoon timid?..I say Your a purse swingn cherry picker..But like i said before..If your in a plane that isnt the fastest and you wan tyour naem up in lights ..fighting liek u usally do is the right way...purse swinger; )

How does a typhoon figth a coalt spit?..JOUST FIRST...then turn once or twice..if he gets behind you dive..put brakes on ..make him over shoot..make shot
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: SlapShot on December 21, 2005, 12:22:55 PM
Hey you blabbering idjit ... tell Urbacus I said HI ... happy holidays to you guys ... and the MAW.
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Zazen13 on December 21, 2005, 12:33:27 PM
Originally posted by GreenCloud

How does a typhoon figth a coalt spit?..JOUST FIRST...then turn once or twice..if he gets behind you dive..put brakes on ..make him over shoot..make shot

I HATE jousting with the Typhoon. It has an EXTREMELY vulnerable front end. A few small calibre rounds from a forward quarter shot is generally enough to knock out your engine oil, radiator and/or engine. But, I do agree on the overshoot thing. The Typhoon is FABULOUS at making planes like the La7 overshoot, or any plane that retains E very well. The only problem is if you force the overshoot and miss your shot you risk getting into a rolling scissors fight which is Baaaaad Mojo for a Typhoon.

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Ack-Ack on December 21, 2005, 03:09:09 PM
Originally posted by GreenCloud

and ak say typhoon timid?..I say Your a purse swingn cherry picker..But like i said before..If your in a plane that isnt the fastest and you wan tyour naem up in lights ..fighting liek u usally do is the right way...purse swinger; )

No real offense intended but you're a shining example of a timid limp wristed player that flies a Typhoon.  Every time I've run into you in the MA, you've always run for help or to nearby acks, regardless if you have the advantage or not.  

It's OK though, we've known for a long time that you're just a typical Rainbow Warrior, we don't hold it against you but don't get mad if we do point and laugh at your from time to time.

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: mars01 on December 21, 2005, 03:20:54 PM
What I would like to know is on the basis of what empirical information do you determine certain individuals only fly from a perch or in a horde and do not get down low and mix it up? I can't remember the last time I saw you in my area, the only reason I know you fly low n' slow is you are telling me you do and I'm assuming you're not lying about it.
Well Zazen now I have empirical information.  Last night was a perfect example of how you fly and what I said.

You sat a top the Rook horde over 18, cherry picking to your little hearts desire.  You got lucky enough to nail Stang at the top of a zoom climb and Max.  So I guess those that spoke of you and your dweeb style were telling the truth after all.

The funniest thing about it was how you gushed all over yourself and chan 200 after landing your huge 4 kill sortie and how you got Stang and Max.  LOLH  Big skillz there bud:aok :rofl

For the way you fly, the Typhi is more uber and easy mode than a spit16 under any circumstance.
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Zazen13 on December 21, 2005, 03:24:56 PM
Originally posted by mars01
Well Zazen now I have empirical information.  Last night was a perfect example of how you fly and what I said.

You sat a top the Rook horde over 18, cherry picking to your little hearts desire.  You got lucky enough to nail Stang at the top of a zoom climb and Max.  So I guess those that spoke of you and your dweeb style were telling the truth after all.

The funniest thing about it was how you gushed all over yourself and chan 200 after landing your huge 4 kill sortie and how you got Stang and Max.  LOLH  Big skillz there bud:aok :rofl


Well it was either that, no fight at all or vulch like all the other Rooks were doing! ;) The only reason I commented on the nature of my kills is because Slapshot said,  "Wtg Zazen, nice vulches", on 200, I just pointed out that they were not vulches. ;)

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: mars01 on December 21, 2005, 03:26:58 PM
Well it was either that, no fight at all or vulch like all the other Rooks were doing!  
Well at least your not denying it now.:aok   But there were other fights, or you could have done what the rest of us did, switch to the side where the fights were more challenging. ;) :D

The only reason I commented on the nature of my kills is because Slapshot said, "Wtg Zazen, nice vulches", on 200, I just pointed out that they were not vulches.
You were gushing like a school girl.:lol

I'm just suprised Stang was such a grapefruit and didn't take you to task on it.:D   Then he started with the other guy.  hhahahah   He likes you.:D
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Zazen13 on December 21, 2005, 03:34:00 PM
Originally posted by mars01

For the way you fly, the Typhi is more uber and easy mode than a spit16 under any circumstance.

Mars buddy, I think I found out where you are not clueing in here. The Typhoon is not the best plane for how I fly. I fly to make the best use of the Typhoon's strengths. The plane is the absolute, it is the inflexible aspect of the equation, it cannot change its most basic properties, it's all hardcoded mathematics. Therefore, it is up to the human being to adapt to the plane they are flying because the plane sure as hell isn't going to adapt to the pilot. Human beings are not constrained by any absolutes, human beings can adapt almost infintely to accomodate their environment.

Only a fool would fly a Typhoon the same way as a SpitXVI or vice versa. The style one flies is largely dictated by the plane one flies. When in a turning plane you are primarily looking for planes to turn with, when in a speed plane you are primarily looking for planes to E-Fight.

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Zazen13 on December 21, 2005, 03:41:10 PM
Originally posted by mars01
Well at least your not denying it now.:aok   But there were other fights, or you could have done what the rest of us did, switch to the side where the fights were more challenging. ;) :D

 You were gushing like a school girl.:lol

I'm just suprised Stang was such a grapefruit and didn't take you to task on it.:D   Then he started with the other guy.  hhahahah   He likes you.:D

I can't switch sides on a whim I am part of a squadron that is loyal Rooks. The only times I switch is when Rooks do something  that utterly disgusts me, such as when they attempted to capture FT on donut map.

Stang and I are friends. We have known each other for over 10 years, we were squadmates for 7 of those years. I have been Stang's (and his brother Neo's) squadmate waaaaaaaaay longer than any BK's have. He knows very well if he makes a tiny mistake around me, being the opportunistic bastard I am, I will take advantage of it. He's just man enough to not be shocked or pissed-off or piss n' moan publicly when I do so. His very next hop he gave me a shot on his 262, I dropped him then too, he knew he blew it, and again didn't blame me for taking advantage. Unlike some people he doesn't blame other people for what happens to him, he knows if I killed him he screwed up and I just took advantage of his mistake.

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: mars01 on December 21, 2005, 03:48:04 PM
Mars buddy, I think I found out where you are not clueing in here. The Typhoon is not the best plane for how I fly. I fly to make the best use of the Typhoon's strengths. The plane is the absolute, it is the inflexible aspect of the equation, it cannot change its most basic properties, it's all coded mathematics. Therefore, it is up to the human being to adapt to the plane they are flying because the plane sure as hell isn't going to adapt to the pilot. Human beings are not constrained by any absolutes, human beings can adapt almost infintely to accomodate their environment.

Only a fool would fly a Typhoon the same way as a SpitXVI or vice versa. The style one flies is largely dictated by the plane one flies. When in a turning plane you are primarily looking for planes to turn with, when in a speed plane you are primarily looking for planes to E-Fight.

I didn't say anything about TnB with a Typhi.  What I did say is a typhi is one of the easiest planes to fly BnZ or in a horde any style.
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Zazen13 on December 21, 2005, 03:53:20 PM
Originally posted by mars01
I didn't say anything about TnB with a Typhi.  What I did say is a typhi is one of the easiest planes to fly BnZ or in a horde any style.

I'm not sure about that. The P47, P51D, Fw190, Yak, La7, La5, 109, 205 and P38 excel in that role as well, which is best probably depends on the pilot more than the plane.

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: straffo on December 21, 2005, 03:55:20 PM
Originally posted by mars01
I didn't say anything about TnB with a Typhi.  What I did say is a typhi is one of the easiest planes to fly BnZ or in a horde any style.

I'm a typhoon dweeb and I pee on your spit XVI

Now we got the things straight can you just stop posting non sense and stop offending people not involved in your "debate" ?
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: SlapShot on December 21, 2005, 04:03:51 PM
Originally posted by Zazen13
Well it was either that, no fight at all or vulch like all the other Rooks were doing! ;) The only reason I commented on the nature of my kills is because Slapshot said,  "Wtg Zazen, nice vulches", on 200, I just pointed out that they were not vulches. ;)


WHOA DOGGIES !!! You must have me confused with someone else ... I said nothing of the sort.
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Lazerr on December 21, 2005, 04:10:02 PM
Yeah, sorry YUCCA, I never had the room set up because I was too busy.  I resubscribed yesterday under the shades account "Sway" until I get my CPID unlocked.

Ill hollar next time I run into ya in the MA.:cool:
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: SkyRock on December 21, 2005, 04:10:37 PM
Originally posted by Zazen13
Mars buddy, I think I found out where you are not clueing in here. The Typhoon is not the best plane for how I fly. I fly to make the best use of the Typhoon's strengths. The plane is the absolute, it is the inflexible aspect of the equation, it cannot change its most basic properties, it's all coded mathematics. Therefore, it is up to the human being to adapt to the plane they are flying because the plane sure as hell isn't going to adapt to the pilot. Human beings are not constrained by any absolutes, human beings can adapt almost infintely to accomodate their environment.

Only a fool would fly a Typhoon the same way as a SpitXVI or vice versa. The style one flies is largely dictated by the plane one flies. When in a turning plane you are primarily looking for planes to turn with, when in a speed plane you are primarily looking for planes to E-Fight.


Zazen, I consider you a fellow friend, good competitor, and quite intelligent!  So, in a nice way (until I see you flying the planeset and stop hiding behind Tiff cannons, excuses like the tiff determines that I must perch and lerch, and bullchit of the like), please just stfu with that!  I mean if you only fly the typhoon(less the dozen or so other sorties in the last 5 months that you "mixed it up" with F6F, Jug, and pony) and then say the typhoon's flying characteristics make you BnZ and cherry pick, then what you have decided on is your flying style!  It's what you do!  Don't blame the plane by saying "The typhoon made me fly lame, sir!", just admit that you are lame enough to totally enjoy the BnZ cherry picking style of flying that has become your trademark.  The fact that you fly it exclusively tells one that you have chose that style to be yours.  I personally don't care what or how you fly, although I will give you an earful when you try to twist what is really happening.  Just repeat after me Zazen, I__, Zazen__________, am a cherry-picking________________, boom and zoom______________, Tifftard_________!  Now, that wasn't so hard was it?:aok
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: SkyRock on December 21, 2005, 04:13:42 PM
Originally posted by Zazen13
I'm not sure about that. The P47, P51D, Fw190D9, Yak, La7, La5, 109, 205 and P38 excel in that role as well, which is best probably depends on the pilot more than the plane.


None of those planes have the life saving 4 20mm cannon package!
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Zazen13 on December 21, 2005, 04:14:43 PM
Originally posted by SlapShot
WHOA DOGGIES !!! You must have me confused with someone else ... I said nothing of the sort.

Might have been mittens. It was one of you guys, hard to tell ya'll apart, you're like lil' Borg clones. :p

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Zazen13 on December 21, 2005, 04:22:20 PM
Originally posted by SkyRock
Zazen, I consider you a fellow friend, good competitor, and quite intelligent!  So, in a nice way (until I see you flying the planeset and stop hiding behind Tiff cannons, excuses like the tiff determines that I must perch and lerch, and bullchit of the like), please just stfu with that!  I mean if you only fly the typhoon(less the dozen or so other sorties in the last 5 months that you "mixed it up" with F6F, Jug, and pony) and then say the typhoon's flying characteristics make you BnZ and cherry pick, then what you have decided on is your flying style!  It's what you do!  Don't blame the plane by saying "The typhoon made me fly lame, sir!", just admit that you are lame enough to totally enjoy the BnZ cherry picking style of flying that has become your trademark.  The fact that you fly it exclusively tells one that you have chose that style to be yours.  I personally don't care what or how you fly, although I will give you an earful when you try to twist what is really happening.  Just repeat after me Zazen, I__, Zazen__________, am a cherry-picking________________, boom and zoom______________, Tifftard_________!  Now, that wasn't so hard was it?:aok

Haha! I never ever said I did not enjoy flying the Typhoon for some of those reasons, I love it. I love if for maintaining the initiative. I even love turnfighting in the Typhoon against planes it's prudent to do so with. I initially chose the Typhoon for one reason and it wasn't to be the BnZ King of the Universe. I chose the Typhoon because it has great guns and I have good aim, that's a deadly combination however I end up getting the kills.

That is also part of the reason I choose not to fly slow turnfighters very often, it puts alot less emphasis on SA and aim (my strongest skills) and far more emphasis on luck and individual plane-type match-ups, while all but making maintaining tactical initiative impossible against more than a single opponent. I am not the kind of person to be comfortable leaving much to chance, I am a perfectionist, a cold, calculating bastard. Thus, I prefer a plane with the speed and firepower to make the most of my strongest skills, maintain the tactical initiative and leave the least to chance.

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: SlapShot on December 21, 2005, 04:23:49 PM
"Zazen, I consider you a fellow friend, good competitor, and quite intelligent!

Geeeeesh SkyRock ... now you've done it !!! ... go to your room and don't come out 'til your called.
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Zazen13 on December 21, 2005, 04:44:35 PM
Originally posted by SkyRock
None of those planes have the life saving 4 20mm cannon package!

I don't recall ever being saved as a result of 4 X 20mm, I only recall getting kills because of them.

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: SkyRock on December 21, 2005, 05:26:37 PM
Originally posted by Zazen13
I am not the kind of person to be comfortable leaving much to chance, I am a perfectionist, a cold, calculating bastard.

I prefer a plane with the speed and firepower to make the most of my strongest skills, maintain the tactical initiative and leave the least to chance.


I guess this is the closest this community will ever get to hearing Zazen admit that he is a cherry-picking, boom -n- zoom, lamer tiff-tard!  hee hee:D
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: SkyRock on December 21, 2005, 05:45:27 PM
Originally posted by Zazen13
I don't recall ever being saved as a result of 4 X 20mm, I only recall getting kills because of them.


Clinton couldn't recall, Reagan couldn't recall, Ollie North had absolutely no recollection, Saddam doesn't recall, hell, I don't recall cheating on my second girlfriend back in '85 myself!  Now, that being said, stop fibbin!  You've posted that you commonly go for that one shot!  I have witnessed it myself in battle with you.  last time we  fought you jumped me fighting another typhoon.  I smoked him while dodging your  bnz attempts then beat a rope u threw at me and pinged and chased you as you nose dived to 10feet off the water back underneath at least 40 friendlies.  You missed no less than three shots up there that would have torn me spit to pieces.  So when they do fail to save your arse, you use the dive speed of the typhoon to get out of trouble.  This is:  a. smart flying using the typhoons cannons and speed to get out of trouble and avoid getting into trouble or b. bnzrunlamerness?  or c. both?  *ding* *ding* times up!
my answer is C!  lmao :aok
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Zazen13 on December 21, 2005, 06:12:12 PM
Originally posted by SkyRock
Clinton couldn't recall, Reagan couldn't recall, Ollie North had absolutely no recollection, Saddam doesn't recall, hell, I don't recall cheating on my second girlfriend back in '85 myself!  Now, that being said, stop fibbin!  You've posted that you commonly go for that one shot!  I have witnessed it myself in battle with you.  last time we  fought you jumped me fighting another typhoon.  I smoked him while dodging your  bnz attempts then beat a rope u threw at me and pinged and chased you as you nose dived to 10feet off the water back underneath at least 40 friendlies.  You missed no less than three shots up there that would have torn me spit to pieces.  So when they do fail to save your arse, you use the dive speed of the typhoon to get out of trouble.  This is:  a. smart flying using the typhoons cannons and speed to get out of trouble and avoid getting into trouble or b. bnzrunlamerness?  or c. both?  *ding* *ding* times up!
my answer is C!  lmao :aok

I don't recall that fight, who was the other Typhoon? You knew it was me somehow? I assume then that you filmed it, can I have a copy please? I'd love to see where i made a mistake...

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: SkyRock on December 21, 2005, 06:37:08 PM
Originally posted by Zazen13
I don't recall that fight


:rofl :aok
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: mars01 on December 22, 2005, 01:00:43 AM
It's what you do! Don't blame the plane by saying "The typhoon made me fly lame, sir!", just admit that you are lame enough to totally enjoy the BnZ cherry picking style of flying that has become your trademark.
Classic :D:lol
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: mars01 on December 22, 2005, 01:04:35 AM
Who The _____ is Straffo?:rofl
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: mars01 on December 22, 2005, 01:08:37 AM
That is also part of the reason I choose not to fly slow turnfighters very often, it puts alot less emphasis on SA and aim (my strongest skills) and far more emphasis on luck and individual plane-type match-ups, while all but making maintaining tactical initiative impossible against more than a single opponent. I am not the kind of person to be comfortable leaving much to chance, I am a perfectionist, a cold, calculating bastard. Thus, I prefer a plane with the speed and firepower to make the most of my strongest skills, maintain the tactical initiative and leave the least to chance.
I hate to say it, but this is again one of the most retarded explanations and opinions of TnB that I have ever read LOLH.  Dude if I was this clueless about TnB, all I would do is BnZ, hide in the hord, cherry and run too.:rofl :lol
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Zazen13 on December 22, 2005, 10:22:49 AM
Originally posted by mars01
I hate to say it, but this is again one of the most retarded explanations and opinions of TnB that I have ever read LOLH.  Dude if I was this clueless about TnB, all I would do is BnZ, hide in the hord, cherry and run too.:rofl :lol

I keep trying to tell you! I suck! ;) I' m just not good enough to fly a Spit XVI. It's sad, but true! :(


P.S. Mars, how'd you shrink the font on your Sig text?
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Schatzi on December 22, 2005, 11:04:31 AM
 ###  [/SIZE.]
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: GreenCloud on December 22, 2005, 01:15:27 PM
Slappy ..same to u merry christmas ..ill tell urb

Ack -Ack..the only time u will see me extend is when u and some other PURSE SWINGN P38s come in from above.

We all know your style..u wan tto stay alive and land lotsa kill so we will see ur name and a p38 and say..OOOOOOOO!!! WTG!!

But we know 95% of the time you come in from your "perch"

please.............You dont have to lie to kick it
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Ack-Ack on December 22, 2005, 05:52:37 PM
Originally posted by Morpheus
I didnt say I hijacked anything. Wow, you really must be retarded.

Wtf is a duel in a GV? That's like two people holding a 45 to eachothers head and pulling the trigger. BFD.

Funny how when the time comes to put up or shut up you arent up for the moment.

you know, dueling with .45s would be kind of fun...doing the whole 10 paces and fire stuff.

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: mars01 on December 22, 2005, 06:36:59 PM
Pass it on for me too BGB.

LOL Ack Ack, both bail over same area haha.  Better yet both climb to 30K bail next to each other then try to get each other ski diving.  Save a bullet each for the duel once you get on the ground hahaha.  Whos first.
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Ack-Ack on December 22, 2005, 07:05:00 PM
Originally posted by SkyRock
Zazen, never does a plane in a 1 vs 2 or 1 vs 3 have the advantage!

I think that would vary on the situation.  If the lone plane is above the other two then the advantage lies with the lone plane as he can dictate the engagement.

If the situation has all three planes coalt, then the advantage could still swing towards the lone pilot if his plane is better suited for that particular engagement.  Examples could be like the already mentioned Spitfire vs. FW190 and Typhoon.  But if all the planes were equal or the other two planes included one that was equal or superior to the lone plane the advantage would be firmly on the side of the two plane team.

There are so many variables involved that it probably really depends on the situation at hand.

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Ack-Ack on December 22, 2005, 07:12:27 PM
Originally posted by mars01
Pass it on for me too BGB.

LOL Ack Ack, both bail over same area haha.  Better yet both climb to 30K bail next to each other then try to get each other ski diving.  Save a bullet each for the duel once you get on the ground hahaha.  Whos first.

lol! would be sweet if you could shoot the other guys chute off in mid air with the .45.

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: GreenCloud on December 22, 2005, 08:07:43 PM
will do mars.

and merry christmas too the rest of u all too..even the heathens; )

ill be at Snowbird carving some sweet  lines woo woo for the next week
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: SkyRock on December 22, 2005, 08:43:32 PM
Originally posted by Ack-Ack
I think that would vary on the situation.  If the lone plane is above the other two then the advantage lies with the lone plane as he can dictate the engagement.

If the situation has all three planes coalt, then the advantage could still swing towards the lone pilot if his plane is better suited for that particular engagement.  Examples could be like the already mentioned Spitfire vs. FW190 and Typhoon.  But if all the planes were equal or the other two planes included one that was equal or superior to the lone plane the advantage would be firmly on the side of the two plane team.

There are so many variables involved that it probably really depends on the situation at hand.


True ack ack, think that was in reply to being on the deck getting jumped.
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Vudak on December 23, 2005, 09:20:09 AM
Ok, seven pages in...  JMJF let me just say one thing:

You can fly how you want to, drive what you want, do what you want, this is your $14.95...  But until you're able to hang in there for a while in a duel with some of the people you're getting ticked at, you aren't getting your money's worth.  

I really think you'd enjoy yourself in there, and, I think you'll find that if you go in there with a friendly, good attitude, EVERYONE will leave their rulers at home.

That goes for anyone who's against this whole DA Challenge thing.

You know what?  I've dueled probably 60-70% of the more vocal people (amongst others) in this thread.  Been crushed in most fights, held in there in some, won a few, and learned from them all.

The thing is - every single one of those people was the complete antithesis of what you all might expect in there.  They were complete gentlemen and completely helpful, and I'm pretty sure the other 40-30% would be as well.

You really don't "know" a person in this game until you've spent some one on one time in the DA with them.  There you'll find a pretty good indication of whether they're really an bellybutton or not.

Anyway, back to your purses, gentlemen :D (edited for Schatzi) and Ladies :cool:
Title: JMJF, One More Thing...
Post by: Vudak on December 23, 2005, 09:34:41 AM
I would like to suggest an experiment:

January is coming up.  Starting on the 1st (after a few gallons of coffee and a cold shower to fix the night before, of course), fly for rank.  Take Morph's tips and use them, they work.  Ask high ranked people how to get a better rank and use their suggestions.  Try your very best at getting as good a low rank as you can.

Then, about the middle of the month, there is an event called King of the Hill (KOTH).  Fly in it (be sure to read the rules first).  Write down who participates in it, and, more importantly, who wins one round, two rounds, or the whole thing.  See how you do, and have a blast (this part is guaranteed).

After the event, look up the ranks of the people who've won at least one round.

I'd be willing to bet that many of their ranks will be substantially worse than yours.

It might give you a new perspective on things, or it might not, but it would be an interesting experiment if you're up for it.

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Shane on December 23, 2005, 10:35:07 AM
Originally posted by Vudak
I really think you'd enjoy yourself in there, and, I think you'll find that if you go in there with a friendly, good attitude, EVERYONE will leave their rulers at home.

That goes for anyone who's against this whole DA Challenge thing.

You know what?  I've dueled probably 60-70% of the more vocal people (amongst others) in this thread.  Been crushed in most fights, held in there in some, won a few, and learned from them all.

The thing is - every single one of those people was the complete antithesis of what you all might expect in there.  They were complete gentlemen and completely helpful, and I'm pretty sure the other 40-30% would be as well.

You really don't "know" a person in this game until you've spent some one on one time in the DA with them.  There you'll find a pretty good indication of whether they're really an bellybutton or not.

shhhhh!!!!  you're ruining the mystique!! :furious
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: JMFJ on December 23, 2005, 02:28:18 PM
This wasn't about me being pumped over MY rank, or for that matter anyone elses.  I realize rank is not always the most legit way to judge someones ability.  It was about them saying that SHawk may be #1 but he sucks, my point was it takes some skill to get where he holds the positions for multiple months.  And the fact that they claim it to be NO FUN to fly that way etc.., makes it all that much more of a challenge to accomplish.  There plain and simple reasoning was "anyone can do it", in which I pointed out no they coulnd't.  Saying you could be overall #1 and being overall #1 are two different things.

Of which then they wanted to duel me LOL, like that would change my oppinion.  Of which case I agreed to duel under one of two terms.  Either they honor my dueling system that this thread was based on.  Since they challenged me pretty much implies that they are pretty confident that they are the better stick.  So what have they got to lose they have all of the advantages, so if I win pay for my next months account.  Or Option two Duel me in G.V.'s right afterwards.

But as you can see they only want to duel in manners they are confident, will be sure wins for them with no risk.  With exception to Skyrock who was willing to duel in G.V. In which I stated anytime.

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Vudak on December 23, 2005, 02:48:06 PM
Originally posted by JMFJ

Of which then they wanted to duel me LOL, like that would change my oppinion.  Of which case I agreed to duel under one of two terms.  Either they honor my dueling system that this thread was based on.  Since they challenged me pretty much implies that they are pretty confident that they are the better stick.  So what have they got to lose they have all of the advantages, so if I win pay for my next months account.  Or Option two Duel me in G.V.'s right afterwards.

But as you can see they only want to duel in manners they are confident, will be sure wins for them with no risk.  With exception to Skyrock who was willing to duel in G.V. In which I stated anytime.


It just seems that your dueling system would only have the effect of turning the whole duel into a measuring contest, which, once you spend some quality time in the DA, you will come to realize it really isn't by default.

Besides, dueling is part of the process by which one becomes better.  No one is going to pay you to do this.  Judging by the various people that wanted to duel you, you can rest assured that their lack of an offer to pay you is not because they are afraid of losing, no offense.

Now of course that could very well change with time, but not if you're going to demand financial reimbursement for getting into the DA and having some fun :D

In a few weeks, once I've got my darn computer problems solved, if you'd like to have some fun and knock each other around in the DA, your plane(s) of choice, I'd be happy to oblige.  But of course I won't pay you if you win :)

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: JMFJ on December 23, 2005, 05:37:19 PM
rgr, I understand your point.  Do you understand mine?

The way you just asked me to go to DA seems like ya it could be fun, we go and have good time.  Now was morpheus offering the same?

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Morpheus on December 23, 2005, 05:42:26 PM
There is no such thing as dueling in a GV ok? NO SUCH THING.

The notion of it, is just simply... Gay.
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: GreenCloud on December 26, 2005, 12:27:44 AM
ive won 2 rounds of KOTH

it made me see that..holy crap...winning 3 can be really tuff

its a true GANG BANG

gv duels.....

Rule # deragotory  statements and belittiling of players
Title: Re: JMJF, One More Thing...
Post by: WMLute on December 26, 2005, 02:42:56 AM
Originally posted by Vudak
Then, about the middle of the month, there is an event called King of the Hill (KOTH).  Fly in it (be sure to read the rules first).  Write down who participates in it, and, more importantly, who wins one round, two rounds, or the whole thing.  See how you do, and have a blast (this part is guaranteed).

After the event, look up the ranks of the people who've won at least one round.

Saturday King of the Hill will be at 9pm EST on January the 14th.
Friday King of the Hill will be at 3pm EST on January the 20th.

LOVE to see some of y'as there, and yeah, it's hard as heck to win 3 rounds.  No cake walk to win two.  Just winning ONE round is saying something.
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: gatt on December 26, 2005, 05:48:58 AM
Oh my, seven pages mainly of nonsense. If you check the scores/stats of the most vocal players you can understand what the MA is today.

P.S.: Zazen, if I'm not wrong, you've got a nice 247/22 k/d in this TOD with the Typh. What the hell are you posting about and replying to in this thread?
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: DoctorYO on December 28, 2005, 03:21:00 PM
Why you all picking on Zazen...    He comes from the Old School..   JG27.....    Rook invasion veteran.. you go 250 + 250 vs 50 for 6-8 months then some of you clowns can start to talk about tactics..  All he's doing now is implementing those same tactics we put together so we wouldn't be completely smoked by the freaking bish tard horde.. (knits too but they were feeble)  Now you fellas created him by your unbalancing and now you say his tactics are cowardly in nature, Blasphemy..

Just because he fights unfair to you does not mean he's some coward..  Plenty of times I seen Zazen come and help people and put himself in perile only to be cleared by like minded pilots like myself and vice versa.  This is the old JG27 system later adopted into the Rook Defense System..   What Zazen did to stang sounds a whole hell of alot like high alt vulching we developed when the horde would overun a base and set up a vulch engine..  you bag the vulchers with high alt vulchers..  the try to rope or e fight, they get bagged going up...  its not rocket science..  is it craven...  yes...   is it Karate Kid sweep the leg....  yes...   muhahahahahahah

My type of Scum... (best Jaba voice.)

War is war fellas ...  Sun Tzu says fight on your terms not the enemy's..  

Zazen has just become very adept at that mostly from your own doing.. (Rook Invasion)

To the Lazzerr's  Jmfj's (whatever) In my best Revenge of the Nerds Voice...

Ogre:     Neeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr    OOOOOooooobbsss.....

my point was it takes some skill to get where he holds the positions for multiple months.

Morph or Zazen already gave the score whoring tactics..  follow them and don't deviate and your should be in the top ten if your not a slob and can get the amount of sorites in..

I would add  Fly the LA7...  defensive barcap only for fighter rank..  emphasize bombers and other ToO's (110's   Jugs..   jabo etc..)

Jabo f4u4 the double 1000lbr with no rockets for jabo..  (do multiple rearms) (in and out with final rearm going for vulches after..)

Bombing...    B17's  above 17k at 3 in the morning eastern time..  (milk to your hearts content)

GV's / ground..   already well put....

These boards have already covered all this so I would do some searching before you put out this gibberish of skill and non skill again.........

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: JMFJ on December 28, 2005, 03:52:23 PM
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Morpheus on December 28, 2005, 03:55:35 PM
You know what I find really works well when you want to tick off the score potatos?

Vulching squad mates or letting squad mates vulch you. Boy oh boy, does that tick them off.
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: mars01 on December 28, 2005, 06:25:12 PM
LOL- Um just before they put eny into action the knights were rediculosly outnumbered every night.  I flew knights exclusivly then and now switch to side with lowest numbers all the time.  Just cause you are outnumnered doesn't mean climb like a wuss and cherry pick from the horde.

Also with such a lame view of how and what TnB is like I hardly think he has a clue about the style.  Anyone who can stay alive, down low TnB while surrounded, dodging 4 or 5 guys should have a better perspective then he has demonstrated in all his posts.
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Guppy35 on December 28, 2005, 06:36:38 PM
Great part about this game is no matter what happens in a fight, I've yet to find myself really dead.  And wouldn't ya know, I get a brand new, factory fresh plane every time I go up.

No matter how many times I end up in the furball down on the deck, I ALWAYS get a new plane.  Even if I survive to land, I still get a new plane!

Ya gotta love HTC for that.  Brand new plane EVERY TIME and I don't really die!

Might as well jump into the fight and have at it with that kinda deal going all the time :)
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: gatt on December 29, 2005, 05:39:27 AM
Well, I think that another great part of this game is the possibility to play in your own style as well.

Theres nothing silly in Furballing, Cherrypicking, Boom&Zooming, Turn&Burning, HighFlying, LowFlying, HOing, BuffHunting, FighterBombing, Stratobombing ... (add your style here) ... and every mix of them.

Whats silly for sure is picking on other players for their playing style and, above all, teaching/forcing others to play in your own way. Ahh yes, thats really stoopid :rofl
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Nwbie on December 29, 2005, 07:49:25 AM
Originally posted by Shane
shhhhh!!!!  you're ruining the mystique!! :furious

One of the biggest mouths in the MA
Probably the most helpful in the DA
One of the best pee-lots in the game

Go figure , like someone said already
Impressions form the MA can be way off base
Some players..cough..cough..shane. ..cough...are most efficient with the taunt and control aspect of the game
Some players...cough..cough..NwBie ...cough... are more efficient making you laff so hard at their lousy flying that you auger...

Use what workz  

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Murdr on December 29, 2005, 11:15:03 AM
Originally posted by JMFJ
It was about them saying that SHawk may be #1 but he sucks, my point was it takes some skill to get where he holds the positions for multiple months.  And the fact that they claim it to be NO FUN to fly that way etc.., makes it all that much more of a challenge to accomplish.  There plain and simple reasoning was "anyone can do it", in which I pointed out no they coulnd't.

Looked to me like you held out the #1 rank as some kind of shining example of someone to fear in the DA, and you dislike being told you have no clue what you're talking about.  Some players base their flying style on staying out of trouble and not getting tied down.  As a concequence they do not get much practice in the skills required to fight (not run) their way out of trouble, or fight at close quarters for extended periods of time.  It so happens you rely on those skills in the DA.  I have no doubt many players of that vein *know* the skills needed for a duel, but *knowing* and executing with practiced fluid precision are two different things.  I think Ive been around that particular player long enough beyond AH ( to know if he fits this description or not.

Please feel free to vett my qualifications to have an opinion with the rankings...oh, and the koth bbs too.
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: JMFJ on December 29, 2005, 01:07:18 PM
DoctorYO-Read the fricken posts before you decide to inform us.

You guys keep taking half of what I write, take it out of context and use it as a weapon to prove I don't know what I'm talkin about, not to mention all the times I've had to defend things I've never even said LOL have fun.  READ WHAT IS WRITTEN NOT WHAT YOU WANT TO HEAR.  Gosh Frickin Idiots!!!!!! (best napolean dynamite voice)

Reread the my last 8 posts and you'll get your answer DR. YO to your post.

I NEVER said I wanted to be #1, I NEVER said I was trying to be #1, I NEVER said the #1 guy is my hero, (this is the part where you read carefully) I said I have respect for someone who holds that position for several months.  Just like I have respect for someone who can land 10 kills in a yak.  A plain and simple wtg good job, that doesn't mean that persons the biggest baddest guy in DA OR MA just means I'm giving them a WTG, my self esteem isn't so low that I can't give someone a pat on the back for an accomplishment well done.

I fly bish, Shawk and his High alt/always got a wingman rook gang work me more times than I'd like to admit.  But rather than chewing them up as lamers, I respect that they can do it and rather take on the task as to how I can out smart them on the next engagement now that I know there tactics.

But some keep confusing the facts of the game, Its just that A GAME and it can be played in many formats.  Some boring score whoring ,or die hard I don't care if I die methods, others want to furball, others want to G.V..  It really doesn't matter, unless it conflicts with the way you want to play, and what you have come to a conclusion is the most honorable/righteous way of playing.  As soon as someone makes a opinion that may conflict with what your fantasy based ideals of your virtual ego, UH OH look out.

Most everyone kept trying to turn this whole thread into anything but what it was about.  Score whoring, name calling, I'm better cause I don't B&Z but you do, or my plane is more of a challenge to score kills in then yours.  My methods are honorable yours aren't thread, with a load of patting yourself, or your squadie patting you on the back.  I mean really.... it had been pointed out multiple times that Zazen's methods are cheesball and he this and he's that, well if you guys know his game so well then beat him at his own tactics.  Cause if you know his tactics so well and he still gets the best of ya, what does that say about your learning curve.

In the end the thread really had nothing to do with any of that.  What it is was about actually ironically played out between me and morpheus.  Guy with more experience and generally a better stick in planes, calls me out to DA because I disagree with him.  Classic ape man thoughts unga bunga you disagree with me I'm going to kill you in DA unga bunga.  Like that would change anything.

By the way Morph dueling in gv's impossible my ***, you just don't want to lose any face, which I don't blame ya cause you would get your *** handed to you.

Morpheus-Didn't you get caught doing exactly what you just described in your last post about 5-6 months ago?  Then claimed it was your brothers account or something hmmmm..........

A truly good stick could kick someones butt on any terms not just their own.  Until that day comes we can agree to disagree.

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: JMFJ on December 29, 2005, 01:13:31 PM
Murdr- in your link you suplied you are #1 congradulations.  Where is Shawk on that list...#7.  How many participated, if more than 10 I'd say he held his own there too, wouldn't you?

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Murdr on December 29, 2005, 01:38:17 PM
Well the point of that was that Ive flown around him a long time.  As a matter of fact, I pestered a Dora the other day till it crashed from damage because I was fairly sure it was him by the plane type and how it was being flown (and it was).  That was secondary though, what I was primarily saying is that his rank does not nessacerly say how he may do in the DA.

IIRC when I downloaded that whole list there were about 4400 on it.  That was a free for all arena much like the MA.  Flying smartly in a fast plane and staying out of trouble was just as effective there as here, but it still doesnt translate directly to performance 1 vs 1 in an even situation.   And you did start this out by trying to link the 2.
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: JMFJ on December 29, 2005, 02:36:35 PM
I think you misunderstand what I started this off on, or the way I came accross wasn't presented well.  Either way I shouldn't of used SHawk as my example but rather someone else.

What I was trying to point out was


When Rauml has it out with leviathn and he feels like he was ho'd (whether he was or wasn't doesn't matter).  Rauml doesn't chew on 200 at levi. saying lets go to DA & I'll own your butt, name the plane and the time blah blah blah.  Cause he knows he's a good stick.

But if he had the same experience with me he won't hesitate to go right to that, because he knows I'm somewhat of a newbie.  My point was that if your gonna be a bully when you know you got an advantage, is it really that lacking in couthe (not sure if spelled that right) to ask for something to even it up a little.  If they deny the offer of evening it out a bit/meet me halfway concept doesn't that further imply that they are being just that.

It's perfectly ok for morpheus to not want to go to DA and have me blow his turret off over & over & over.

But I'm weak sauce for not wanting to go to DA and get my plane shot down over & over & over......please.

Anyone who has trouble seeing through that fog I question, cause it seems pretty straight forward to me.

The topic of whether SHawk was worth a crap in the DA compared to Ma or (in some debates on this thread) in general.  Was IMO to me a completely different topic.

Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Murdr on December 29, 2005, 06:42:49 PM
Ok, mabey there is some of what you suggest out there, but I think you're still missing some of the dynamics of the situation.  Let's put you in the hypothetical example for a moment.  Lets say (hypothetically) JMFJ is a hot stick that has been around awhile.  Lets say JMFJ has tangled with leviathn over the years and had some good fights, lost some, won some.  Then there was an incident like you described.  What would be the point of challenging a duel?  You both have fought each other enough to be familure with where each others proficencies are.  There is reallly nothing to prove.  Its just like anywhere else in life...a friend might pull a prank on you and you'll laugh about it, if a stranger does the same thing, you'll likely be ticked off.  

There is also somewhat of a gunslinger syndrome out there, where some punk who thinks they just learned all there is to learn, feels the need to annoy a 'name' pilot into the DA to try to prove they are the fastest gun in the west.  That actually flies in the face of what you are saying.
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Shane on December 29, 2005, 07:00:20 PM
Originally posted by Murdr
There is also somewhat of a gunslinger syndrome out there, where some punk who thinks they just learned all there is to learn, feels the need to annoy a 'name' pilot into the DA to try to prove they are the fastest gun in the west.  That actually flies in the face of what you are saying.

i like to annoy the up and coming hotchits who think they're all that so i can take 'em to the DA and show them they still have a ways to go. :aok
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: Murdr on December 29, 2005, 07:04:27 PM
lol :rofl
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: GreenCloud on January 02, 2006, 02:36:31 PM
i was out of state for a week..and this thread is still ghey rainbow warrior

jmfj..GVs duel in this game..are ghey
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: GreenCloud on January 02, 2006, 02:39:15 PM
and the Typhoon O DEATH

is the best evar
Title: The Notorious DA Challenge
Post by: SkyRock on January 02, 2006, 04:15:50 PM
Originally posted by GreenCloud
and the Typhoon O DEATH

is the best evar

Tiff sux:aok