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Special Events Forums => Friday Squad Operations => Topic started by: skernsk on December 17, 2005, 09:27:03 PM

Title: FSO Players speak up ....
Post by: skernsk on December 17, 2005, 09:27:03 PM
I am going to be writing up some FSO's in the coming weeks and would like to ask for some suggestions from those of you who participate.  What do you guys want to see.  What theatres, planes, etc.  From here I can get building.

If you prefer to do it throught the events website:
Title: FSO Players speak up ....
Post by: Hornet33 on December 17, 2005, 09:51:51 PM
What are the odds of having a battle of Kursk scenerio?? Maybe have a full scale tank battle at the end of it with Panzers and T34's. A little eastern front action might be nice for a change. Mid war would leave out the LA-7 and the souped up 109's and 190's. Can use the A-20's on the russian side as well since they have a Russian skin for it.

Just an idea.
Title: FSO Players speak up ....
Post by: Easyscor on December 17, 2005, 10:35:34 PM
Originally posted by Hornet33
What are the odds of having a battle of Kursk scenerio?? ...
You'd have to sub a terrain as we don't have one right now.
Title: FSO Players speak up ....
Post by: skernsk on December 18, 2005, 12:05:22 AM
I wrote a FSO called "Black Cross - Red Star" in my previous stint as a CM and that was based on Kursk.  That one can be dusted off and updated:cool:
Title: FSO Players speak up ....
Post by: mussie on December 18, 2005, 12:43:58 AM
What about a ficticious battle for FSO

Stuka's and panzies vs Il2's and T34's

Use Tank Town and see who can hold it

Title: FSO Players speak up ....
Post by: Easyscor on December 18, 2005, 08:09:19 AM
Originally posted by mussie
What about a ficticious battle for FSO
I hope not.  We stretch things when necessary but to me, part of the draw is the history.
Title: FSO Players speak up ....
Post by: Hornet33 on December 18, 2005, 09:12:18 AM
Yeah I would have to agree with Easy on that. The historical aspect is what makes it fun.

As far as terrian.....I thought we had an Eastern Europe map. Yes, No, I'm smoking crack?

I had anouther idea too.  Operation Market Garden aka A Bridge Too Far.

Frame one would consist of the Airdrop on the Allied side and the Axis would be primarily on the ground in Flaks and M-16's to repel. Have a list of key targets to take / defend. Is there a way to setup how far away the troops can be dropped from a target and they will still go there??

Frame two the Lufftwaffe would join the fight as they try to destroy the bases taken by the Allies if any and prevent the resupply of the troops. If a Allied captured base is 90% destroyed at the end of the frame it is lost, so resupply on the Allied side will be important.

Frame three would be the Axis counter attack, with troops in M-3's and heavy air cover. Of course this ground assult would have to be delayed a bit in the game to allow the Allies a little time to get in the air, say 15 minutes after game start before GV's can spawn. Also gives the Axis planes some time to work the town down before the troops get there.

The whole idea here is to take some bases, however you can't use those bases for launch and recovery. The only exception to this is frame 1 when the Axis can launch in GV's from those bases to defend the town from the airdrop. After that they are just markers really. Succesfull resupply runs by goons are recorded so dropping field supplies would represent resupplying the troops on the ground at the captured bases.

C-47's would get second life, and all Axis GV's would get second life, so the Axis planes would come in a little at a time.

I see the plane set something like this:
C-47(troops or supplies)
Spit VIII (I think this is the right time frame)
B-26 or Bostons

Flak Panzers
Me 109G6
Fw 190A8
Me 110G

It's an idea that needs the bugs worked out but could be different. Also be kinda cool to see 100 or so para troopers in the air at one time.
Title: FSO Players speak up ....
Post by: MAG1C on December 18, 2005, 05:02:21 PM
I enjoyed flying early war planes in Operation Dymano.  How about something based on the Battle of France (1940)?

For the German side I see Bf-109Es, JU-87s and JU-88s.  Bomber targets would be Allied held airfields and cities.

For the British side Hurricanes, B5Ns (substituting for Fairy Battles) and maybe Boston IIIs (substituting for French DB7s - early version of the Boston, didn't actually see action until May 31, 1940).  Bomber targets might be ack positions in German held cities and airfields - truck convoys and bridges would actually be more in keeping with what the Brits were bombing but I don't know that we have any targets like that in the BoB scenery file).
Title: FSO Players speak up ....
Post by: MAG1C on December 18, 2005, 05:14:00 PM
Here's another idea, something based on the Dieppe Raid.

For the British side we have Spit Vs, Hurricane IICs and Boston IIIs with a large fleet (DDs and a few CAs) to support the raid plus LVT2As to simulate the landing (second life for LVT drivers in fighters).

The German side could have Bf-109fs and FW-190A5s and JU-88s.

Frame 1 would involve the landing, frame 2 would continue the landing (if enough of the fleet remained), frame 3 would be the withdrawel of the fleet.
Title: FSO Players speak up ....
Post by: skernsk on December 18, 2005, 08:56:28 PM
Good ideas, keep em coming.  The Dieppe raid is already written.  

Gotta be careful using Ju-88's and early Hurri and Spit 1's.  The Ju88 we have can outrun the Spitfire MkI so I did not use it in the last FSO.
Title: FSO Players speak up ....
Post by: Dace on December 18, 2005, 09:06:51 PM
How bout runnin the Rangoon 42' setup in FSO.....its 1 of my faves.
So much diversity in planeset;

Hurricane I
Spitfire I
FM2 (sub for Brewster Buffalo)
Boston III (sub for Bristol Beuafighter) used as fighter

Bf-110C4 (sub for Ki-48 "Lilly")
Ju-88 (sub for G4M2 "Betty")

That one is always fun.

Title: FSO Players speak up ....
Post by: doobs on December 18, 2005, 10:37:46 PM
Late war South Pacific   F4u-1d


Or anything that attacks skrensk candian mountains
Title: FSO Players speak up ....
Post by: Mystic2 on December 19, 2005, 11:02:25 AM
How about a carrier battle scenerio... like MIDWAY.... Just a thought
Title: FSO Players speak up ....
Post by: Newman on December 19, 2005, 11:56:38 PM
What about North Africa, '41- '42?

All aspects of a battle could be brought in with a good mix of hardware we have in AH. T34  for a Matilda is the only sub that I can think of off the top of my head.

There could be GV's, resupply, ground attack, medium bombers and fighters and a fleet or 2.

Something for everyone :aok

Logistic nightmare, though..


Title: FSO Players speak up ....
Post by: Casper1 on December 22, 2005, 11:29:54 AM
How about a late war 'raid' on germany?  

B24s/P51s/38s vs FWs/109s/110s

Personally, that would be a blast.
Title: FSO Players speak up ....
Post by: BBQ_Bob on December 22, 2005, 03:05:56 PM
Originally posted by Mystic2
How about a carrier battle scenerio... like MIDWAY.... Just a thought

Hey I like it. :aok  Let's go with this one.
Title: FSO Players speak up ....
Post by: daddog on December 24, 2005, 03:07:00 PM
Skernsk you might shoot this out on the Squad Ops e-mail.  :)
Title: FSO Players speak up ....
Post by: mussie on December 28, 2005, 01:19:14 PM
Dont know if this is feasable but could we emulate the Doolittle Raid

The sixteen bombers employed on the Doolittle Raid were all B-25B
Suggestion: Supp B25 with B26

These aircraft were stripped of some of their defensive guns
Suggestion: Fire all ammo from one or two positions on take off

Each B-25 carried four 500-pound bombs on the mission.
Suggestion: Supp 500's with 1000's

They ran low on fuel because they had to take off early
Suggestion:Give B-26's 25% fuel and adjust fuel burn so that they are short when reaching target even if they use cruise settings
Alternate Suggestion:  Set a head wind for the B-26's to fly into

Unless I am mistaken they did not run into any fighters
Suggestion: Tweak history for a bit of fun

Only 16 B25's that makes 32 allied players if each B-26 has a gunner
Suggestion: Not Sure..... Adjust number of B-26's

Do we have a map of japan ????

No Formations.
Each B-26 gets a Gunner.
B-26's must fly togeather as best they can
Disable external view
B-26's must Launch from CV (ITS EASY)

Allied Mission
Launch From CV
Bomb a city on a Map
Land at airfield that is just out of fuel range

Axis Mission
Patrol for enemy aircraft

Title: FSO Players speak up ....
Post by: skernsk on December 28, 2005, 01:47:46 PM
Mussie, that would make for a decent Snapshot but it would be hard to do three frames based on that scenario.  I'll try a few take-off runs offline and see if its possible to get her off the deck.
Title: FSO Players speak up ....
Post by: mussie on December 28, 2005, 02:09:50 PM
If ya find it to hard setup  a head wind for the CV :D

but ya should not need it
Title: FSO Players speak up ....
Post by: Easyscor on December 28, 2005, 07:41:18 PM
Mussie keep in mind that the Doolittle raid was such a surprise that it went unopposed even after a Japanese scout plane spotted the American carrier.  It was ridiculous to suppose the Americans would actually launch a raid from so far out to sea.

For game play, we'd need a Japanese CAP and armed bombers, otherwise you don't have any kind of event worth flying for either side IMO.
Title: FSO Players speak up ....
Post by: mussie on December 28, 2005, 10:18:49 PM

I already thought of that

Unless I am mistaken they did not run into any fighters
Suggestion: Tweak history for a bit of fun

There is also the limited number of allied playes and the fact that they removed guns....
Title: FSO Players speak up ....
Post by: Casper1 on December 29, 2005, 08:18:50 AM
Late war Germany Bomb Raid with Interceptors/Escorts!!!
Title: FSO Players speak up ....
Post by: Sisk on December 31, 2005, 03:32:11 PM
I like the idea of a late war raid on germany.  Maybe we could even get a flight of 262s in there (very limited though, and deaths could carry over to next frame).  P51s, P47s, B24s, B17s vs. 109s, 190s, 152/262 (in limited #s), 110s.  It would be a blast (no pun intended:p )
Title: FSO Players speak up ....
Post by: Stegahorse on January 02, 2006, 07:16:52 PM
I cannot understand the stickler to "Real History" There are so many oppotunities simply ignored by sticking to history. Like really studying the tactics needed for the choices each country made on their planes.
LW wanted to stop bombers, USA was more concerned about fighters and BIG bombers. Japan depended on CV to project power. Russia wanted to kill tanks. What if one of these changed?

How would USSR stack up against USA plane sets. We WERE very close to war with USSR through the 40's and 50's, especially '46 and 47.

How would Japan have faired against the USSR if Stalin had not opted out?

These are some things to explore.