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Help and Support Forums => Aces High Bug Reports => Topic started by: Eagle327 on January 06, 2006, 05:00:43 PM

Title: B24 1000 lb.Bombs vs. Hangars
Post by: Eagle327 on January 06, 2006, 05:00:43 PM
One salvo of 3 X 1000 bombs used to kill FHs and BHs. from any altitude in the MA using "formations"

Now it consistantly takes two salvos of 3 = 6 bombs even when the strikes are right on the money.

Has the lethality of 1K eggs been lowered or the hardness of hangars been raised ?

This problem started about 2 months ago.
I've checked the clipboard "Arena Settings" but have nothing to compare the current settings to.

Eagle, Group XO
327th Steel Talons Squadrons
Title: B24 1000 lb.Bombs vs. Hangars
Post by: RSLQK186 on January 07, 2006, 12:39:36 PM
I hear that the Mindeno map did not load the right settings in the SEA last night. It may be map related. Or has it happend on other maps?
Title: B24 1000 lb.Bombs vs. Hangars
Post by: OOZ662 on January 08, 2006, 01:41:18 AM
Even a dead-center hit with 3x1000 doesn't work; I blame it on bast radius. I myself don't mind using a double salvo; can still disable a medium field with a set of B24s.
Title: B24 1000 lb.Bombs vs. Hangars
Post by: thndregg on January 08, 2006, 02:17:46 AM
I heard that it was the blast radius and am a bit disgruntled by it.  I bomb A LOT and rarely miss.  Are we saying now that 1 formation of B26's cannot down FH's at a small field and we MUST up a small mission at least to do the task?  Correct me if I'm wrong about the blast, please.   Grrrr.:mad:
Title: B24 1000 lb.Bombs vs. Hangars
Post by: OOZ662 on January 08, 2006, 04:06:01 AM
It's not that bad. 3x1000 is doing enough damage that a strafe from a couple guns can take it down; probably around 2,900 lbs worth.
Title: B24 1000 lb.Bombs vs. Hangars
Post by: Wolf14 on January 08, 2006, 05:59:35 AM
Glad I wasnt the only one noticing this.
Title: B24 1000 lb.Bombs vs. Hangars
Post by: Eagle327 on January 08, 2006, 01:44:17 PM
I cannot accept that compromise, OOZ662.

After spending 30 minutes or more of my time climbing to a safe altitude, I want to see 3x1000 lbs. flatten a hangar as in real life.  

90+% of my drops are right on target.   I calibrate 3 times, 10 seconds each, inbound after lining up and when a single salvo surrounds 3 sides of a hangar, I expect it to go down.  Anything less is unacceptable.  

Since large fields have 7 FHs, it's impossible to disable fighter take offs now.

If it isn't fixed, I'm gone.  (after 4-5 years in AH)

Eagle, Group XO
327th Steel Talons Squadrons:furious
Title: B24 1000 lb.Bombs vs. Hangars
Post by: OOZ662 on January 08, 2006, 10:13:03 PM
Well, seeing as it's been around since the dawn of AH2; bye....
Title: B24 1000 lb.Bombs vs. Hangars
Post by: Krusty on January 08, 2006, 11:55:32 PM
TIP: Don't take the 1000 lb bombs. What happens? YOu salvo 1 and you use 3000lbs (total), but it's not enough, so you salvo 2, and you waste 6000 (total) on what would only need, say, 3500lbs.

Take 500lb bombs, salvo 3, that's 4500lbs (total) per hangar and you have more drops than if you used up surplus 1k bombs.

Or take 250lb bombs and salvo 5 (works best on slower bombers, if you're FFT at 250mph you'll miss the hangar with most of them).

One note on 1k bombs: Don't drop the salvo the second the hangar touches the crosshair, drop when the crosshair is dead center (or just past) the hangar, that way your drone bombs have the best chance of landing on the target and not next to it.

I've not used 1ks for hangars in a little while so I can't tell if it's changed. I have used the 6x 2000lb load in lancasters to good effect (salvo 1 and you can take out 6 hangars, even a VH, in one blow each).
Title: B24 1000 lb.Bombs vs. Hangars
Post by: Donzo on January 09, 2006, 07:52:53 AM
Originally posted by Krusty
Take 500lb bombs, salvo 3, that's 4500lbs (total) per hangar and you have more drops than if you used up surplus 1k bombs.

Title: Bomb Blast Radius
Post by: F4J on January 16, 2006, 08:06:16 PM
I started the "Bomb Blast Radius" thread in this forum on 12/25/05 for this very same problem. The problem started with the last major AH update and one of the things changed in the update was "bomb blast radius". In my humble opinion, it was not a fix.

I have multiple screen shots of hangars that should have been flattened and were not. There are craters around them, and in the roofs and the hangar is still "up". I have been unsuccessful in flattening all hangars on a small field at times with perfect bomb drops, and as a result have been shot down and it has cost us field captures.

I have screenshots of CV damage caused by multiple 500 lb. bombs hitting the decks of the CVs without sinking them.  I have one screen shot showing twenty three (23) gun positions/emplacements/batteries/radar destroyed, etc. without sinking the CV. I had hit the CV with 18 500 lb. bombs.

I have become discouraged with making bombing runs and it has cut down on my time on Aces High as a result. It's just too frustrating to spend half an hour or forty five minutes climbing to altitude, getting to the target, lining up bomb runs and making a perfect drop, only to have the bombs fail to destroy the target. I seldom do anything other than flying bombers, and I am pretty good at it. HTC needs to fix this problem or I will probably spend far less time online. We don't need dumb problems increasing the burnout factor in this game.

As far as I can tell, it doesn't make any difference what bomber you're flying, I've had the same problem with Lancasters, B-17s, and B-24's.

I don't have any way of posting my screenshots since they don't allow attachments in this forum.
Title: B24 1000 lb.Bombs vs. Hangars
Post by: Golfer on January 16, 2006, 09:28:09 PM
So you're really truly actually upset that you (one person) can no longer put an entire airfield out of action?  The though of using teamwork or even the most basic social skills to go with a "friend" or wingman in order to blow things up is too haunting?

Could someone link me to the source that shows that one person has such a debilitating effect on the enemy with such regularity that you have experienced before?

God forbid you actually need to coordinate and plan an attack rather than just climb to 30k to disable an entire airfield single handedly.
Title: B24 1000 lb.Bombs vs. Hangars
Post by: fuzeman on January 17, 2006, 01:12:25 AM
Originally posted by Eagle327
flatten a hangar as in real life.  

When was the last time you actually bombed a hanger in real life with a heavy bomber?
Title: B24 1000 lb.Bombs vs. Hangars
Post by: Eagle327 on January 17, 2006, 01:39:57 AM
When was the last time you actually bombed a hanger in real life with a heavy bomber

I didn't have to.  My Dad took care of it.
I only had to drop torpedos on submarines from 500 feet above sea level.
35 years USN flight status. P2V5, SP2h, S2F, S2E and last 14 yrs in P3's.
What have you done to advance the cause of freedom ?

Title: B24 1000 lb.Bombs vs. Hangars
Post by: Golfer on January 17, 2006, 03:03:48 AM
Originally posted by Eagle327

What have you done to advance the cause of freedom ?


I live my life each day the way I choose to live my life exercising freedoms that exist in this country, thanks.

However, I don't try to "whip it out" on a virtual message board because virtual bombs dropped from a virtual airplane are not killing a virtual hangar.  I suggest you email and ask for a reimbursement of your lost 30 minute sortie during which your virtual bombs not killing a virtual hangar made you waste virtually one half an hour of your very real time.

35 years in the U.S. Navy should have, by now, taught leadership and the value of working as a team.  If finding a wingman in AH is proving to be too great a challenge then an extra prayer goes out to the crewmembers on board your Orion.
Title: B24 1000 lb.Bombs vs. Hangars
Post by: fuzeman on January 17, 2006, 07:56:09 AM
Originally posted by Eagle327

What have you done to advance the cause of freedom ?


Bombing a hanger in a flight sim game and then jumping to advance the cause of freedom, quite a leap there.

I'm going to try real hard to win the next reset in the Main Arena. I'm sure the world will be a better place then.
Who knows, maybe it will cure all diseases and sickness, stop people from starving and peace will envelop the world.
Heck, maybe it will even stop the universe from expanding or contracting.
Title: B24 1000 lb.Bombs vs. Hangars
Post by: Flayed1 on January 17, 2006, 10:08:57 AM
Ok people are upset at the low alt suicide lanc diving dweebs and I think they are some of the most skilless dweebs in the game but think of this if you make it so that a real bomber pilot as in one who takes the time to climb and calibrate can no longer cause a large amount of damage after taking the time to climb all that way would not this just make those dumb lanc diving dweebs with that big fat belly full of bombs all that much more enticeing? Especially to new players who will see that it is easier to just fly in and dump on the hangers than to actually bomb.
  Also I love the smaller bombers but I think we will see a drastic decrease in usage of KI-67's. They used to be just barly effective when 2 flights would go in on a medium field to kill hangers but now I drop on 2 hangers and 9 times out of 10 I only get 1 hanger kill and I'm one of the most accurate buff drivers I know. I have also found that with the bombs set this way you can still kill all FH's at a base with 17's or such but you have to get much lower to be more accurate in the sight.

 All in all this didn't really fix anything just made things a bit more frustrating and dweeby for those of us that try to use bombers the way they were meant to be used.
Title: B24 1000 lb.Bombs vs. Hangars
Post by: Lye-El on January 17, 2006, 11:13:26 AM
Let bomber Pilots control ONE thing at a time like everybody else.
I would like to control a formation of Ostis please. As I can't take out  formations of bombers with one. Heck I'm lucky if I can take out one with the 4,5,6 37mm hits it takes. Ever try to hit a plane 5 times with a 37mm?

Super Norden bomb sight coupled with JDAM bombs with the whole formation electroniclly coupled to drop perfectly together. No watching for the lead bomber to drop BEFORE releaseing from the secondary aircraft.

Then the "I dropped 3 whole bombs and I didn't get a kill for the hanger." Geez....... (http://[img][/)
Title: Bombers vs. Hangars
Post by: F4J on January 17, 2006, 12:42:16 PM
To get back to the original point brought up by the originator of this thread, the bombs have been rendered more ineffective than they should in the last major AH update. Last night I dropped 18 500 lb'ers on a CV and got 21 damage messages but no ship destroyed.  There is no way that ship should have survived. I took a screenshot of the damage messages if anyone would like to see it. The CV is still visible showing through the text buffer.

Realistically, most WWII hangars were wooden frame structures with possibly sheet metal or wooden siding and roofing. A single 500 lb. bomb should be sufficient to demolish it and everything in it. I have repeatedly salvoed three 500 lb. bombs times 3 bombers, for 4500 lbs. of bombs on hangars and had them fail to demolish the hangars. A near miss with a single 500 lb. should damage the hangar badly or destroy it completely. "3 whole bombs" from 3 bombers w/500s equates to 4500 lbs. of high explosives which the concussion alone would blow a tin building down, probably 500 yards away. "Geez"

If you look at the hangars in this game, they are not the modern, hardened concrete and steel reinforced structures that the military uses today. Next time you're in the hangar selecting your plane and loadout, look at the hangar structure. Use your hat switch or view buttons to look around.

A formation of 3 B17's or 3 B-24's or 3 Lancasters dropping on a small airfield would disable every hangar that they hit. If there were only four or six hangars and all of them were hit, yes, that airfield would be wiped out if all the planes were in the hangars. Personally, I think we should be able to crater the runways and make them unuseable as well.

The issue here is, if you make a good bomb drop on a hangar, or all the hangars on the field, they should be destroyed, not still standing. If you make good hits on the CV with big bombs, they should be sunk. If you can't do that, why bother to fly bombers.

Title: B24 1000 lb.Bombs vs. Hangars
Post by: fuzeman on January 17, 2006, 01:18:07 PM
Realistically if the hanger was destroyed, do the pilot, crew chief and whoever it takes to get a plane up in the air pack it up and take a break?
I think not, they'd be working thier behinds off in the open to get that crate flying.

And Eagle, I you for your service to the country.  Personal issues would have made me F4 and I doubt I would have gotten thru boot camp, I'm a wimp. My father was also unable to join up due to birth defects. My Uncle did serve and it was my pleasure to help care for him for 10+ years after he had a stroke.
Title: B24 1000 lb.Bombs vs. Hangars
Post by: Eagle327 on January 17, 2006, 02:44:47 PM
Originally posted by fuzeman
And Eagle, I you for your service to the country.  Personal issues would have made me F4 and I doubt I would have gotten thru boot camp, I'm a wimp. My father was also unable to join up due to birth defects. My Uncle did serve and it was my pleasure to help care for him for 10+ years after he had a stroke.

I would say, Fuseman, that you certainly served your country looking after your Veteran Uncle for 10+ years.

As to meeting the responsibilities of leadership, as Group XO of the 4 squadrons of the 327th Steel Talons, totaling 56 pilots, I must employ leadership, management and organizational functions just about 24/7.  It's a damned good thing I am retired, hehe.  None the less, like most AH'ers, I occasionally still draw "Wife Flack"

Salute !
Title: B24 1000 lb.Bombs vs. Hangars
Post by: fuzeman on January 17, 2006, 04:21:50 PM
Got ya  :)  I been a CO for almost 4 years now. Can't find anyone that wants the job LoL Good thing we're very relaxed and layed back.
back at ya. I know/knew some of those 327th guys, STICK comes to mind from way back in AW and KOTH.
If ya see him pass on a hello and He started a good thing and WMLute and I are keeping it going.
Title: Re: Bombers vs. Hangars
Post by: Lye-El on January 17, 2006, 04:48:55 PM
Originally posted by F4J

The issue here is, if you make a good bomb drop on a hangar, or all the hangars on the field, they should be destroyed, not still standing. If you make good hits on the CV with big bombs, they should be sunk. If you can't do that, why bother to fly bombers.


And if flack gave a high percentage of loss to a bomber stream attacking an airfield? Weak hangers should be countered with accurate flack. Bombers have all the advantage.

A bomber crew was rotated out IF they survived 25 missions. Flack was dangerous. I think once or twice I've seen flack hit a bomber. If it wasn't for fighters, and the 1K Bomber PILots. There would be practically NO bomber losses. AirFields protect by 3 AA guns is ludicrous. Puffy Ack as it is, is pretty much eye candy and offers no airfield defense.

WWII bombers targeting a single structure is ludicrous.

USAAF leaders firmly held to the claim that they were conducting "precision" bombing of military targets for much of the war, and energetically refuted claims that they were simply bombing cities. In reality, the day bombing was "precision bombing" only in the sense that most bombs fell somewhere in or near the desired city
Title: Re: Re: Bombers vs. Hangars
Post by: F4J on January 17, 2006, 05:45:30 PM
Originally posted by Lye-El
And if flack gave a high percentage of loss to a bomber stream attacking an airfield? Weak hangers should be countered with accurate flack. Bombers have all the advantage.

A bomber crew was rotated out IF they survived 25 missions. Flack was dangerous. I think once or twice I've seen flack hit a bomber. If it wasn't for fighters, and the 1K Bomber PILots. There would be practically NO bomber losses. AirFields protect by 3 AA guns is ludicrous. Puffy Ack as it is, is pretty much eye candy and offers no airfield defense.

WWII bombers targeting a single structure is ludicrous.

I lost several bombers to puffy ack last night, and I may even have it on film.
Title: B24 1000 lb.Bombs vs. Hangars
Post by: fuzeman on January 17, 2006, 09:31:47 PM
I'm not sure but I think I'm geting my 327ths mixed up, squelch me.
Title: B24 1000 lb.Bombs vs. Hangars
Post by: Eagle327 on January 17, 2006, 10:13:04 PM
Originally posted by fuzeman
I'm not sure but I think I'm geting my 327ths mixed up, squelch me.

I wouldn't think of squelching you, Fuseman.
I respect your comments.  That's one of the freedoms we all fight for.
Here's our Roster with a link at the bottom to the main index page for easier navigation.

Just click on roster call-signs for profiles of our members.

Title: B24 1000 lb.Bombs vs. Hangars
Post by: fuzeman on January 18, 2006, 09:06:00 AM
Originally posted by Eagle327
I wouldn't think of squelching you, Fuseman.
I respect your comments.  That's one of the freedoms we all fight for.
Here's our Roster with a link at the bottom to the main index page for easier navigation.

Just click on roster call-signs for profiles of our members.


Most squelch me now as a reflex, like pulling back when you touch something hot LoL I'm just kidding... I hope :)

I do think someone forgot to pay the bills though.
Linkus brokenus.  I also tried via your personal webpage and got a 'could not be found', just a heads up. Links must be good but maybe a server burp.
Title: B24 1000 lb.Bombs vs. Hangars
Post by: Eagle327 on January 18, 2006, 02:19:36 PM
Originally posted by fuzeman
I do think someone forgot to pay the bills though.
Linkus brokenus.  I also tried via your personal webpage and got a 'could not be found', just a heads up. Links must be good but maybe a server burp.

Gee...that's odd.
I just tested the link and the website page and all is well.
Do you  have your reader/browser set to receive HTML,  POPUPS blocked, security level set too high ??
This is the very first time anyone reported trouble.

Title: B24 1000 lb.Bombs vs. Hangars
Post by: fuzeman on January 18, 2006, 02:37:01 PM
Gota be operator error than.  I went to  and got to that AOK. Has to be my setttings I'd assume.
I'll shaddup now  :D

I do see STICK listed, guess I'm not getting my 327ths confused.

EDIT- FYI, Zulu ran into me other day in the TA and said he was going to have a couple people from the MA stop in to get some help.
I did wait for the 30 minutes as I said but there wasn't any response when I asked 'Did Zulu send any of you here to get help?' so I left.
Title: B24 1000 lb.Bombs vs. Hangars
Post by: Eagle327 on January 18, 2006, 03:02:51 PM
Originally posted by fuzeman
Gota be operator error than.  I went to  and got to that AOK. Has to be my setttings I'd assume.
I'll shaddup now  :D

I do see STICK listed, guess I'm not getting my 327ths confused.

EDIT- FYI, Zulu ran into me other day in the TA and said he was going to have a couple people from the MA stop in to get some help.
I did wait for the 30 minutes as I said but there wasn't any response when I asked 'Did Zulu send any of you here to get help?' so I left.

Well, thanks for trying to help with training, anyway.
Zulu is one of our newest members.  Has great enthusiasm and thirst to learn.
I have no idea whom he was referring to, but here's his email if you want to explore this further:


Title: B24 1000 lb.Bombs vs. Hangars
Post by: Iceman24 on February 02, 2006, 12:32:46 PM
I posted the following in the Bomb Blast Radius thread but I think it is better suited for this thread

i was in a formation of B 24's about 15k the other day and bombed a Vehicle base, I had the 4x2000lb bomb package, I was calibrated perfect and dropped all 4 of my 2000lbers X 3 ( formation ) right in the middle of all 3 VH's, I didn't even get 1, the bombs all hit right in the center... Usually I just drop 2 X 2000lbers and it takes all three out, I didn't get any this trip and when I landed I didn't get any perks so it registered as a miss I guess. Weird though, they all landed right in the mid of the 3 VH's, I was looking through my ball turret the whole time and they all hit in the sweet spot, but did no damage
Title: B24 1000 lb.Bombs vs. Hangars
Post by: F4J on February 02, 2006, 06:51:19 PM
Originally posted by Iceman24
I posted the following in the Bomb Blast Radius thread but I think it is better suited for this thread

i was in a formation of B 24's about 15k the other day and bombed a Vehicle base, I had the 4x2000lb bomb package, I was calibrated perfect and dropped all 4 of my 2000lbers X 3 ( formation ) right in the middle of all 3 VH's, I didn't even get 1, the bombs all hit right in the center... Usually I just drop 2 X 2000lbers and it takes all three out, I didn't get any this trip and when I landed I didn't get any perks so it registered as a miss I guess. Weird though, they all landed right in the mid of the 3 VH's, I was looking through my ball turret the whole time and they all hit in the sweet spot, but did no damage

That is a common problem these days. Ever since the last major upgrade the bombs have been wimpified. It's pretty frustrating to fly for 20 or 30 minutes, make a perfect bomb drop and not kill your target.
Title: B24 1000 lb.Bombs vs. Hangars
Post by: ChopSaw on February 18, 2006, 02:22:20 PM
When was this last update/ugrade nerfing the blast radius?
Title: B24 1000 lb.Bombs vs. Hangars
Post by: 101ABN on February 22, 2006, 05:33:15 AM
i havent experienced the problem that you all are talking about... im gonna have to check it out tonight.  Ive been bombing for some time now since im no good at dogfighting... ive been able to destroy hangers with a single salvo of 1000lbs...  i do like the idea of taking 500lbs and setting the salvo to 4.. gonna try that too..
Title: B24 1000 lb.Bombs vs. Hangars
Post by: Flayed1 on February 23, 2006, 08:08:28 AM
the other night I lined up on a medium field with my 24's and dropped 12000 pounds of bombs on each set of hangers and not a thing went down. There were several craters in contact with the hangers and not 1 burning hanger. At the very least they would have a lot of hole filling to do :)
Title: B24 1000 lb.Bombs vs. Hangars
Post by: 101ABN on February 23, 2006, 05:08:34 PM
saw it last night... B24s went over head and did a full salvo on the 3 VHs... not one went down...