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Help and Support Forums => Aces High Bug Reports => Topic started by: Krusty on January 11, 2006, 01:33:19 AM

Title: Black spit problem
Post by: Krusty on January 11, 2006, 01:33:19 AM
It's been mentioned before -- new spits have black outlines at times then it disappears when closing into range. I don't recall folks getting screenshots of it, but I managed to snag this as an afterthought the other day. Bottom shows spit with colors of the paint scheme. Same guy just a couple hundred yards outshows up black. It's hard to see in the image (it was hastily snapped) but the black spreads from the edges inward, and is rather odd. The black when away when a certain level of detail or range of detail was reached, I don't know which.

EDIT: The image:

Title: Black spit problem
Post by: Krusty on January 11, 2006, 04:25:30 PM
Also saw this today more. Saw it on the newly re-modeled 190s as well.

I saw a perfect example of it on a spit so I snapped a screenshot, only when I checked it it was fine, but this is because it passed into 200yds when I took the screenshot. I noticed that this is the range the black outlines disappear and the normal plane appears. Saw it on different spit models (8s and 16s, from memory) and on a 190a8 (didn't notice it on a 190d, was close to one but was too busy to take note).
Title: Black spit problem
Post by: OOZ662 on January 11, 2006, 04:46:12 PM
I've only noticed this on the Spits. My sliders are all full, 3GHz Intel and an nVidia 6800. My spits aren't all black, but it looks like someone took a big ol' Sharpie to the outline and scribbled the plane in with grey. Once it gets close, it changes to how they should look.
Title: Black spit problem
Post by: RSLQK186 on January 11, 2006, 06:13:10 PM
Would have been nice to see your sight in both pics as a referece. In both shots the plane seem to be at about the same distence(measured the wing spans) yet one is twice as far away. Is that how it apeared to you? Does the outline make it look close than it is?
Title: Black spit problem
Post by: Krusty on January 11, 2006, 06:21:07 PM
I don't know.. One was in my sight the other was 45 degrees off the side. Note that when it says "-400" that means it's any distance between 200 and 399, so it was probably on the lower end (250 or so).

EDIT: Never mind it listed exact numbers

EDIt 2: Eh, looking at the image, they're not that close to each other. One is pretty large, hte other fairly compact, pixel-wise.
Title: Black spit problem
Post by: bozon on January 12, 2006, 12:45:26 AM
AH has also some sort of "fish-eye" effect to increase the field of view. If it is not linear then obects at twice the range may not be half the angular size.

Title: Black spit problem
Post by: RSLQK186 on January 12, 2006, 07:35:18 PM
That would explane why the RAF gunnery primmer I read a while back makes sence geometricly but seems off when applied to AH. Thanks bozon.