Aces High Bulletin Board
Help and Support Forums => Help and Training => Topic started by: Gonz0 on January 15, 2006, 05:18:09 PM
Haven't played the game for over a year. When I came back I am getting locked out of online play...message says hit the alt-tab button and give Aces High access in your Zone Alarm firewal.
I have done everything I know to get this to work up to and including uninstalling Zone Alarm and still cannot get access to the game.
Any ideas from the more technically talented bunch?
Thanks in advance for your help!
i had this firewall its was horrible imo constant locks and dumps
i found a free 1 that has worked good for me over a yr now
ive had 1 disco in that time
its called AVG free edition
Click Here For AVG (
Thanks Blixen.
I searched the boards for any information and found that some had reinstalled the entire AH2 instead of using the updater after being away from the game for so long. So I did and now the Zone Alarms lets me approve AH and everything seems to be working fine.
Also, the server addresses have changed in the last year. You will need to update to the most current version to have the correct server addresses to connect to.
I think reloading the latest version was the fix, Gonz0
Make sure that in ZA, you right click on AH2.exe in the approved programs list and select "Changes Frequently". This will keep ZA from asking for permission for AH to access the Internet everytime you update AH.
Glad it worked, ZA's always been great for me. Very easy to minimize game via windows key and allow any permissions that may be asked for.
Originally posted by Blixen
i had this firewall its was horrible imo constant locks and dumps
i found a free 1 that has worked good for me over a yr now
ive had 1 disco in that time
its called AVG free edition
Click Here For AVG (
AVG is not a firewall. AVG is anti-virus. You still need a firewall. I've used ZA for 3 years + now with 0 problems.
IIRC, AVG came out with a virus/firewall combination program.
So it might be a floor wax and a dessert topping, using a SNL reference.
Originally posted by fuzeman
IIRC, AVG came out with a virus/firewall combination program.
So it might be a floor wax and a dessert topping, using a SNL reference.
Grisoft does have a anti-virus / firewall combo, but it is not free.
I stand corrected, even though I'm sitting down at the present time.
Thanks for clearing my mud Hammer.
my email addy hasn't changed. ya' can prob. use, or p.m. me a # and i'll call ya'.
'bout time you started flying again. what? golf get old finally?
is it Gonz0 when flying? I can send squad invite, or grab me or teufl.
I turned off the Windows firewall and I am useing ZA again. ZA seems to work well with AH. AH minimizes when the ZA box pops up. I never did that before, so I am not sure what changed. Make sure you have the latest version of ZA.
In the past, if it locked up, alt F4, then go into ZA and check the box to allow AH to always access the internet. If this will not work, you can always manual add AH program to ZA.
Originally posted by Ack-Ack
Make sure that in ZA, you right click on AH2.exe in the approved programs list and select "Changes Frequently". This will keep ZA from asking for permission for AH to access the Internet everytime you update AH.
I don't see this option on my cheapo freeby version.
At my home we used to use Zone Alarm. It caused some frustrating problems for us with some of the online games. Find Sygate on the web and us it. It's a much better firewall. Symantics recently purchased the company and took the Sygate firewall (personal/free version) off the market, but you can still find downloads of it. The Sygate firewall was just too much competition for their less than stellar product.
in ZA right click on the programs and u will see the option to allow program
thru with newer versions......
The only 2 options I see are remove, add program
You might need to get a manual update of ah2 since servers have changed.
Also note that the alt-tab now to check firewall window comes up always, so it doesnt necessaryly mean you have to allow the program to the firewall, might also be it take a couple o seconds to pick up connection or you have no internet connection at that moment.