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Help and Support Forums => Help and Training => Topic started by: Socks on January 28, 2006, 10:41:12 PM

Title: Salute for Schatzi
Post by: Socks on January 28, 2006, 10:41:12 PM
I'd like to thank Schatzi for spending a good hour and twenty minutes (duration of film I recorded for later review, so even longer) this morning in the TA showing me that I sure didn't know as much as I thought I did. From her showing me the importance of vertical seperation, some basic manuevers and their uses, giving me a better understanding of the merge, and explaining everything to me every step of the way what I did wrong, what I could've done, and what I should've done. It really has kick-started my interest and dedication in improving my "game" in every sense. Every engagement now, in any arena, is to be considered a learning experience instead of a frustration of getting shot down.

From the fight after the first merge ending in 2 seconds with Schatzi on my 6, to the last fight after the last merge some 1 hour and 10 minutes later ending in a solid 8 minutes, I really have to thank Schatzi and the whole Training Corps for what you guys do - to take time out of free time to help players that are willing to improve in any aspect. I can only high suggest any player whether new, average, or just wanting to learn something to take advantage of the great utility that's been provided for us. The tools are there, the Training Arena is in place, there are patient trainers that can tailor to what you need.. all it takes is a little initiative on your part.

So I  will be getting on the horn shortly in seeking out a trainer that's capable of some weekly sessions like Schatzi suggested. There's a plethora of stuff to learn, practice, and utilize and it all starts somewhere. Thanks for the wake-up call Schatzi, but of the good kind. A big to you, and the entire Training Corps.

Title: Ditto that
Post by: daMIG on January 29, 2006, 05:37:40 AM
:D Well put Socks. Schatzi does a great job and quietly continues to help all those who ask. The trainers corp does a great job. I owe them alot myself. It is people like Schatzi, fuzeman, Silat, WMLute, baddog, Knuckels and the rest that make this community the best!

"...and may your sites run true and ur six hard to hit."
Title: Salute for Schatzi
Post by: B@tfinkV on January 29, 2006, 05:49:07 AM
she is indeed a wonderfull soul, and a dangerous fighter pilot.

i would ask you fellows to return the circle, in 6 months time help out one person looking to improove, and the circle continues :aok
Title: Salute for Schatzi
Post by: Schutt on January 29, 2006, 06:23:30 AM
Shes mostly harmless just stay 800yards away from hurry mk1 its no problem with a plane that has more than snail speed.
Title: Salute for Schatzi
Post by: Schatzi on January 29, 2006, 06:26:32 AM
>S< Socks and thank *you*. As i said, the pleasure was all mine, i had a great hour and a half with you there! Its great to have people show interest in improving themselves and learning and not just asking for "the button that makes them turn tighter".

Ill always be happy to fight you again!

Thanks miggy and Bat for your kind words as well. >S< you both as well.

Bat, when i still wore my AH diapers, you took me to DA and showed me "the ropes". And countless other players and trainers did as well. Huge Thank Yous for that. Im just giving a little bit of what i got back to the community. And to top it off,  i have fun doing it.
Title: ur right
Post by: daMIG on January 29, 2006, 07:31:51 AM
..and thanks to Ren, BatfinkV, daddyack, that goofy brit Pooface, mAxiss, SloeHand  =NKL= Racrx, countless others.... my apologies, i lost a few braincells in the 60's. Makes the game "NEW Map" every day.

laters, I gotta go p
Title: Salute for Schatzi
Post by: Pooface on January 29, 2006, 07:43:04 AM
goofy brit?? :D

and yeah, schatzi, big . i always see you in there doing whatever you can. if there's one person here that should be promoted to trainer it'd be you. i think it might be a good idea to get a few european trainers.
Title: Salute for Schatzi
Post by: B@tfinkV on January 29, 2006, 07:50:55 AM
she says i helped her, shes being too kind. I just shot her down SOOOOOO many times untill she got mad enough and reversed me and blasted me big time :D

S! miggy, i take it youve seen our web page and the roster photos then :p

*ducks poo's uppercut and dives for my P40*
Title: Salute for Schatzi
Post by: Pooface on January 29, 2006, 09:22:44 AM
lol, that picture of me on squad site is HORRIBLE!!

lol, long time before i got contacts and a haircut lol. then when i posted a new pic in squad forum they all said i had a long neck lol.

im cursed. i can never seem to get a decent photot of myself:lol

the said picture:

note the 'long neck' due to wide angle webcam lens lol.


its still a terrible picture lol, i need to get around to getting a proper one some day:rolleyes:
Title: Salute for Schatzi
Post by: B@tfinkV on January 29, 2006, 09:39:31 AM
you're so sexy poo! any girraffe would be lucky to have you :p
Title: Salute for Schatzi
Post by: Pooface on January 29, 2006, 10:51:30 AM
Originally posted by B@tfinkV
you're so sexy poo! any girraffe would be lucky to have you :p

lol, shut up clown boy. who wants to see batfink dressed up as a gothic clown??????? i know i do, very funny:aok :p
Title: Salute for Schatzi
Post by: SuperDud on January 29, 2006, 10:53:19 AM
Yup, some of the best people you'll ever meet in this game, you'll find in the TA. I know I owe a lot to the training staff and others in there who would just help out. Socks, you're lucky to have run into Schatzi, she's a VERY good stick and fun to be around. I know I've felt the wrath of her many a times:D

Originally posted by B@tfinkV
i would ask you fellows to return the circle, in 6 months time help out one person looking to improove, and the circle continues :aok

This is great advice. I think the game would be a better place if more people would do this.
Title: Salute for Schatzi
Post by: Pooface on January 29, 2006, 10:58:49 AM
well, a lot of people do, its just the burger kings are too busy vulching cherrypickin, and kill stealing in the MA to come visit us perverted teacher types :D

stop by some time, i haven't seen you about for a while
Title: Salute for Schatzi
Post by: SuperDud on January 29, 2006, 11:04:51 AM
I was just in there yesterday getting beat up by Schatzi:D
Title: Salute for Schatzi
Post by: Schatzi on January 29, 2006, 11:10:41 AM
Originally posted by SuperDud
I was just in there yesterday getting beat up by Schatzi:D

Haha. It took me over 3 hours to pluck all the bullets out of my butt!!!! You creamed me up well last night Super! But i got a great excuse for it - NEW STICK!!! ;)  :lol
Title: Salute for Schatzi
Post by: Pooface on January 29, 2006, 11:12:30 AM
oh yeah, how is the x45 schatz?? maybe i might get a chance at your arse now *runs and hides from schutt* lol

hows it feel?
Title: Salute for Schatzi
Post by: Schatzi on January 29, 2006, 11:31:08 AM
Originally posted by Pooface

hows it feel?

Like s****. Ask me again in a week, when i made some headway with all those hundreds and thousands of buttons, switches, rotaries and what not.

But i think that once i got used to it, im going to like it. I like the stiff feeling of the springs, and finally can max out all sliders (NO deadband/damping either) for max sensitivity again.

And Poof.... HANDS OFF MY BUTT!!!!!!! :furious
Title: Salute for Schatzi
Post by: B@tfinkV on January 29, 2006, 11:32:34 AM
i think its about time we (as a forum) stopped generalising the BKs.

i am guilty of defending myself and generalising them as a squad.

its not the squad its the individuals that are the problem.

it only gives them satisfaction when certain people think they are winding you up.

alot of the more mature and inteligent memebrs are very decent and good folk.

Superdud is the main threat, take him out!! :D
Title: Salute for Schatzi
Post by: Pooface on January 29, 2006, 12:02:50 PM
who is this superdud of whom you speak??

(maybe he means superdweeb) :)
Title: Salute for Schatzi
Post by: Grits on January 29, 2006, 12:37:16 PM
Originally posted by B@tfinkV
i think its about time we (as a forum) stopped generalising the BKs.

its not the squad its the individuals that are the problem.

Thank you Bat. I never generalise about JG54 either for the same reason, I point out the individual I have a problem with and not the whole squad.
Title: Salute for Schatzi
Post by: wetrat on January 29, 2006, 04:41:53 PM
Originally posted by B@tfinkV
i think its about time we (as a forum) stopped generalising the BKs.

i am guilty of defending myself and generalising them as a squad.

its not the squad its the individuals that are the problem.

Title: Salute for Schatzi
Post by: Grits on January 29, 2006, 06:23:08 PM
Title: Salute for Schatzi
Post by: Socks on January 29, 2006, 06:41:57 PM
I got lost like halfway through the thread, I feel so ashamed. :(

My comprehension, idea processing, and sense of humor are the absolute suckage. Almost as bad as my dogfighting skills before I bumped into Schatzi.
Title: Salute for Schatzi
Post by: B@tfinkV on January 29, 2006, 06:42:25 PM
btw, if anyone is looking for good tips on how to get your F4U-4 shot down by flak from 4k altitude, ask tartew :p
Title: Salute for Schatzi
Post by: Schatzi on January 30, 2006, 02:09:52 AM
Originally posted by Socks
I got lost like halfway through the thread, I feel so ashamed. :(

My comprehension, idea processing, and sense of humor are the absolute suckage. Almost as bad as my dogfighting skills before I bumped into Schatzi.

Im 100% positive its *not* your sense of humour or comprehension capabilities. This thread - for some unknown reason - was victim of a hijack towards a topic that i cant really relate to either.
Title: Salute for Schatzi
Post by: Gianlupo on January 30, 2006, 08:58:25 AM
HEY! Don't look at me!!!!! :furious

I'm innocent this time!

Socks, you just need to spend a bit more time on the forum, and you'll get then meaning of what people said here... but if you want an advice.... DON'T do it, or you'll be doomed forever! :D

Oh, yeah, one last thing: Poo, you suck, gyraffe!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Pooface
Post by: daMIG on January 30, 2006, 09:32:13 AM

My Apologies sir, I did not mean anyharm by the goofybrit comment. I was told by my friend fro Scotland, that if you were Scot, you might be inclined to push me down. lol

Here is the Real photo of Poo, in my mind.. Fighter Ace Pooface


This is Poo, for real...
(I borrowed this idea from a Brillant poster on the "photos of you and your setup")

Pooface, thanks for your Training help as well. Especially liked the Bufs and the Aircraft carrier training.. lol
Title: Salute for Schatzi
Post by: EPER on January 30, 2006, 11:29:29 AM
I'm jelous ,you had an hour and a half with SCHATZI
Title: Re: Pooface
Post by: Pooface on January 30, 2006, 11:32:42 AM
Originally posted by daMIG

My Apologies sir, I did not mean anyharm by the goofybrit comment. I was told by my friend fro Scotland, that if you were Scot, you might be inclined to push me down. lol

Here is the Real photo of Poo, in my mind.. Fighter Ace Pooface


This is Poo, for real...
(I borrowed this idea from a Brillant poster on the "photos of you and your setup")

Pooface, thanks for your Training help as well. Especially liked the Bufs and the Aircraft carrier training.. lol

dude, no way to apologise, i was joking too! :D

ty very much anyways, any time you're bored or need some help you know who to call or PM eh? :)

that carrier stuff was fun
Title: Salute for Schatzi
Post by: wetrat on January 30, 2006, 12:48:05 PM
Originally posted by Schatzi
Im 100% positive its *not* your sense of humour or comprehension capabilities. This thread - for some unknown reason - was victim of a hijack towards a topic that i cant really relate to either.
Title: Salute for Schatzi
Post by: Socks on January 30, 2006, 05:32:58 PM
Originally posted by wetrat

NOE I KANT   :cry

I remember a reading about a study that was conducted that found that when a person reads something it dsoen't mttaer waht cofingruaiton teh eltters rae in cebuase we raed owrds as a wolhe nad nto invidiual leretts. Of course, add my memory to that list of suckage, and so I can't source it directly. In any case, I thought it was pretty interesting. I read an entire 2 pages of funked words without having to look over a word twice just as if they were written correctly.

Title: Salute for Schatzi
Post by: wetrat on January 30, 2006, 05:34:26 PM
You're wrong... the first and last letters need to be in the right place. Everything in the middle doesn't matter.
Title: Salute for Schatzi
Post by: Socks on January 30, 2006, 05:43:27 PM
Hmm, this material didn't have that sort of limitation. The letters were in no specific order, first and last included. This was back in early high school, so like 6 years ago. But I know what you're talking about with the first and last being in the right places, as a pal of mine had a link in his AIM buddy profile for a long time.

In which that's not the case I'm talking about.
Title: Salute for Schatzi
Post by: B@tfinkV on January 30, 2006, 06:15:53 PM
guys we're making schatzi very angry, cant you see.

Title: Salute for Schatzi
Post by: SuperDud on January 30, 2006, 07:43:41 PM
Isn't Schatzi always angry? Or is it always because of me?
Title: Salute for Schatzi
Post by: Schutt on January 31, 2006, 01:16:12 AM
need to have first and last letter in place.

For example "rae" and "nad" doesnt work, "wohle" works just fine.
Title: Salute for Schatzi
Post by: B@tfinkV on January 31, 2006, 06:21:52 AM
cna yuo unsdteadn tihs?

its jstu teh frist lertte

lsat oen is onyl improtnta on cetrani wrods, shrot oens patriuclaryl
Title: Salute for Schatzi
Post by: Gianlupo on January 31, 2006, 07:00:37 AM
Oh my god.... I works even in english..... what's wrong with me??? :D
Title: Salute for Schatzi
Post by: zorstorer on January 31, 2006, 05:20:54 PM
Originally posted by Schatzi
Im 100% positive its *not* your sense of humour or comprehension capabilities. This thread - for some unknown reason - was victim of a hijack towards a topic that i cant really relate to either.

Schatzi....when hijacked....the only thing that will save you is to....REMEMBER TEH HURRICANE MK1  :D

(I just read soda's eval on the beloved Mk1 and he says it's not much of a threat in the MA ;) )
Title: Salute for Schatzi
Post by: Schatzi on February 01, 2006, 03:46:18 AM
LoL zorstorer!

Yes, i *always* remeber my Hurri1 :). Got a new stick last week. I need that comfort and "home" feeling right now. Shes never disappointing me.

Yes i read Sodas eval, too. Prooves that im all harmless and easy target in my Hurri ;).
Title: Salute for Schatzi
Post by: B@tfinkV on February 01, 2006, 05:09:34 AM
40!! :D
Title: Salute for Schatzi
Post by: Gianlupo on February 01, 2006, 05:19:44 AM
Oh no! The number game again!!!!!!!

And, btw, that was the 40th reply, so you should have posted 41... hence...

Title: Salute for Schatzi
Post by: Schatzi on February 01, 2006, 05:32:59 AM
Uh oh... here we go again. Poor Skuzzy!

H&T ring a bell guys????? ;)

Should you feel that urge, that need top post, simply click here.... (
Title: Salute for Schatzi
Post by: Gianlupo on February 01, 2006, 05:54:34 AM
Oh come on! This time it's all of Batfink's fault!!! :furious He hijacked the.....

HEY, WAIT!!! He hijacked???? He stole my job!

Title: Salute for Schatzi
Post by: B@tfinkV on February 01, 2006, 07:41:01 AM
Originally posted by Gianlupo
Oh no! The number game again!!!!!!!

And, btw, that was the 40th reply, so you should have posted 41... hence...



i'll get you next time!
Title: Salute for Schatzi
Post by: Gianlupo on February 01, 2006, 12:01:29 PM
:lol With all the way I was named.... I never heard this one!

Everyone knows I'm Guacamole! (Thanks, Raptor... :D)
Title: Salute for Schatzi
Post by: B@tfinkV on February 02, 2006, 02:45:02 AM
you ever seen insepector gadget?

the cartoon always end with the bad guy flying off in his spaceship excaliming 'I'll get you nex time, gadget!'
Title: Salute for Schatzi
Post by: Gianlupo on February 02, 2006, 08:23:16 AM
Yes, I saw it, I didn't remeber that line. :)
Title: Salute for Schatzi
Post by: wetrat on February 02, 2006, 11:58:28 AM
That cartoon sucked... hte movie they made of it disgraced an already bad show.