Aces High Bulletin Board

General Forums => Aces High General Discussion => Topic started by: Pappy on January 20, 2001, 10:09:00 PM

Title: Does more players = more servers?
Post by: Pappy on January 20, 2001, 10:09:00 PM
Everyone in my squadron getting booted on a regular basis now, I realize we have many new additions but are we also getting new or more servers.
Great sim but starting to act a little like airborrior III with all the connect issues.
Title: Does more players = more servers?
Post by: Sancho on January 21, 2001, 12:32:00 AM
I think very shortly we may need new servers, new arenas.  Either that or larger terrains.  The current main arena is quickly becoming too crowded.
Title: Does more players = more servers?
Post by: Hangtime on January 21, 2001, 02:55:00 AM
Aye.. it's a subjective question for HTC... but I agree; I think it's high time for a 24/7 HA.
