Aces High Bulletin Board

General Forums => Aces High General Discussion => Topic started by: wylieboy on May 22, 2006, 08:46:04 AM

Title: The Game is called Aces High
Post by: wylieboy on May 22, 2006, 08:46:04 AM
You know lookin through the wish lists and stuff I have come to conclusion that most of you gentlemen have already come to.This game is suppose to be an aircraft game! not some gv game I mean gv's are nice and all and they're fun to have battles in but the real purpose for this game is for the airplanes so why are these people wanting to have new gvs and stuff. we should be askin for new airplanes and stuff that flys. well thats all
Title: The Game is called Aces High
Post by: Brenjen on May 22, 2006, 09:09:45 AM
I always hear/read the same thing out of people who I will resist calling morons, the game is called "aces high" why are there GV's? why do people post in the wishlist for more GV's?

 Do you want the short answer?

 Or isn't it obvious without an explanation?

 What the designer chose to name his game is irrelevant, the fact that he put the GV aspect into the game is a fact. That people pay the same $14.95 a month to play the GV side or the AC side or both is a fact. That people have equal use & priveledges to request whatever they want as long as they stay within the rules is a fact.

 If I design a game and call it Ferret Fart, I can put whatever I want in it that includes NOT putting in Ferrets. It's up to the consumer to pay & play or not.

 I see people ask for new planes all the time, I believe they even put some in now & then. I don't recall seeing a couple of the planes in the plane set when I started playing. The only new GV that has come along is the fearsome jeep.
Title: The Game is called Aces High
Post by: Kweassa on May 22, 2006, 09:18:33 AM
Under that logic,  wylieboy, about 80% of us should have to quit this game. The game is "Aces High", not "Dweebs High" or "Dolts High". All the people who can't manage at least a 2.0 k/d factor, and all the people who do all kinds of dweeb stuff should be expelled from the MA.
Title: The Game is called Aces High
Post by: SuperDud on May 22, 2006, 09:36:35 AM
At least I'd get to stay!
Title: The Game is called Aces High
Post by: TinmanX on May 22, 2006, 09:40:05 AM
I thought it was a poker game, I'm still a little disappointed.
Title: The Game is called Aces High
Post by: Simaril on May 22, 2006, 09:40:17 AM
Originally posted by Kweassa


All the people who can't manage at least a 2.0 k/d factor, and all the people who do all kinds of dweeb stuff should be expelled from the MA.

Not to nitpick, but since you're calling folks dolts I thought I'd point out that because inhe arena total kills MUST equal total deaths, you CAN't throw out all the people whose kpd's are under 2.0.

As soon as you do, then everyone elses kpd drops and there's a new crop under 2.0...who are then summarily ejected.

Oh, and might be good to remember that being a newb isnt a matter of skill, it's a matter of timing...

unless I'm mistaken, we all were new to flight sims at one time or another. We only got better because we had time to get experience. People dont unlearn dweeby behavior unless they are taught, or unless there are game design incentives that encourages changes.
Title: The Game is called Aces High
Post by: Kweassa on May 22, 2006, 09:50:09 AM
Sarcasm, Simaril, sarcasm.
Title: The Game is called Aces High
Post by: Simaril on May 22, 2006, 09:52:51 AM

I'd apologize sheepishly, but in this territory its downright dangerous....
Title: The Game is called Aces High
Post by: badhorse on May 22, 2006, 10:12:09 AM
Originally posted by Simaril
Not to nitpick, but since you're calling folks dolts I thought I'd point out that because inhe arena total kills MUST equal total deaths, you CAN't throw out all the people whose kpd's are under 2.0.

As soon as you do, then everyone elses kpd drops and there's a new crop under 2.0...who are then summarily ejected.

Oh, and might be good to remember that being a newb isnt a matter of skill, it's a matter of timing...

unless I'm mistaken, we all were new to flight sims at one time or another. We only got better because we had time to get experience. People dont unlearn dweeby behavior unless they are taught, or unless there are game design incentives that encourages changes.

Whether the orginal post was sarcasm or not, as a newb myself I appreciate your thoughts Simaril.  In my short time (just short of 2 months) on AHII I have met some wonderfully helpful people.  But there are a few that expect everyone to know everything. I spent hours offline and in the TA prior to going into the MA so that I would know the basics, but the learning curve is huge on this game.  Everytime I log on I learn something new. (usually a new way to get shot down!).

Your attitude is very refreshing and I thank you for it.
Title: The Game is called Aces High
Post by: SlapShot on May 22, 2006, 10:46:37 AM
Title: The Game is called Aces High
Post by: Slash27 on May 22, 2006, 10:53:28 AM
Originally posted by SuperDud
At least I'd get to stay!

Yeah, about that.......
Title: The Game is called Aces High
Post by: Simaril on May 22, 2006, 10:56:44 AM
Originally posted by badhorse


 I spent hours offline and in the TA prior to going into the MA so that I would know the basics, but the learning curve is huge on this game.  Everytime I log on I learn something new. (usually a new way to get shot down!).

Your attitude is very refreshing and I thank you for it.

I've got "only" two years more experience than you, and in this business thats not much. A significant number of these flyers have been at it 6-10 years, and it shows.

This is my first serious attempt at a flight sim, and I cant begin to say how much I had to learn (and UNlearn).

Dont think of offline and the TA as being just for beginners -- in fact, if I could do it all over again I would spend time learning there every week. My advice:

1) Contact the trainers (see my sig) and let them show you how to get through that incredible learning curve faster. Or, jsut show up in the TA and ask for somebody to show stuff. (after 9pm est seems a good bet)

2) Turn off tracers, learn your gunsight, and practice killing drones till you know where your bullets will be. And, if you havent already, turn off stall limiter. It hurts at first, but you'll be happy you did it.

3) When you get outmatched, find yourslef wondering "How'd that happen?" -- PM the killer and ask what you did wrong. Most of the truly good sticks are open and generous with those tips...though by now you've learned some of the names its not worth asking.

4)Learn to "see" where trouble is and where its likely to come from. Swivel your views, remember where bad guys are,  learn to judge their dangerousness in speed, plane type, and alt. You ought to find yourself asking, "Shoot, where'd that Tiffy go?" -- that means you knew he was there and could hurt you.

4) When you learn something new, try it out -- in the MA, the AvA, or even Head to Head. (AvA and H2H both give you chance to fight faster with lower numbers. This weekend I messed around in H2H and found it really helpful -- there are some players who are very good, and some who give you a chance to practice gunnery on targets jsut slightly smarter than the drones...)
Title: The Game is called Aces High
Post by: Flatbar on May 22, 2006, 11:15:55 AM
What the original poster is forgetting is the interaction between the A/C and G/V's in AcesHigh. It would be very boring having just buildings to bomb and attack A/C like the Il2 would be used very little.

One of my favorite things to bomb is a Tiger while flying a Stuka with the 1800kg bomb.

Figuring out the flow of the ground war and effectivley engaging the attacking horde in an attack A/C is, for some, a lot of fun.
Title: The Game is called Aces High
Post by: airbumba on May 22, 2006, 11:30:11 AM
Originally posted by Brenjen

 If I design a game and call it Ferret Fart, I can put whatever I want in it that includes NOT putting in Ferrets. It's up to the consumer to pay & play or not.


so there you sit broken hearted,
you paid your dime , but no ferrets farted.
Title: Re: The Game is called Aces High
Post by: Jackal1 on May 22, 2006, 11:37:46 AM
Originally posted by wylieboy
The Game is called Aces High

Got a link? That  sounds like a cool game. May have to look into it.
Do they have tanks and stuff in this game?
Title: The Game is called Aces High
Post by: Brenjen on May 22, 2006, 02:02:57 PM
Originally posted by airbumba
so there you sit broken hearted,
you paid your dime , but no ferrets farted.

:D    ;)
Title: The Game is called Aces High
Post by: Ohio43 on May 22, 2006, 02:06:12 PM
Originally posted by TinmanX
I thought it was a poker game, I'm still a little disappointed.

LOL, you must have typed the wrong address in for your poker game..I think you meant to go to    not
Title: The Game is called Aces High
Post by: Iceman24 on May 22, 2006, 02:51:44 PM
"and all the people who do all kinds of dweeb stuff should be expelled from the MA."

I think so, I think AH should have a 3 month probation period for newbs to fly in and then they should have to pass some form of a basic flying test to get into the MA, nothing too difficult just the regular flight basics, and some basic acm's such as immel, split s, and high and low yo yo's. IMO a smaller more skilled community is better than 600 dweebs diving down from 25k in La7's or spit 16's with guns ablazing for the HO attempt. When I started playing over a year ago this game had on average 250-300 ppl in the MA at any given time. The game was by far better during that time in just about every aspect than it is now. It is  being flooded by the 12-15 year olds that accidentally switch there t.v.'s over to the military channel by mistake when they were tryin to click on MTV
Title: The Game is called Aces High
Post by: Donzo on May 22, 2006, 03:03:22 PM
Originally posted by Iceman24
"and all the people who do all kinds of dweeb stuff should be expelled from the MA."

I think so, I think AH should have a 3 month probation period for newbs to fly in and then they should have to pass some form of a basic flying test to get into the MA,

Would this be free in your proposal?
Title: The Game is called Aces High
Post by: Iceman24 on May 22, 2006, 03:46:29 PM
free ???  heck no !!!  nothing in life is free -  $29.99 for the test :D
Title: Re: The Game is called Aces High
Post by: Lye-El on May 22, 2006, 04:37:15 PM
Originally posted by wylieboy
You know lookin through the wish lists and stuff I have come to conclusion that most of you gentlemen have already come to.

Most probably play with GVs at times so most probably haven't drawn that conclusion.

  I mean gv's are nice and all and they're fun to have battles in but the real purpose for this game is for the airplanes

The real purpose is to give a client an enjoyable gameing experience so they will pony up for a subscription.

so why are these people wanting to have new gvs and stuff. we should be askin for new airplanes and stuff that flys. well thats all

It's not like the B-29 and nook doesn't get requested a couple of times a week.

Don't forget the the stuff that flys also flys against Ground Vehicles only two of which have a real chance to down said aircraft.
Title: The Game is called Aces High
Post by: DamnedRen on May 22, 2006, 04:39:08 PM
Originally posted by Iceman24
"and all the people who do all kinds of dweeb stuff should be expelled from the MA."

I think so, I think AH should have a 3 month probation period for newbs to fly in and then they should have to pass some form of a basic flying test to get into the MA, nothing too difficult just the regular flight basics, and some basic acm's such as immel, split s, and high and low yo yo's. IMO a smaller more skilled community is better than 600 dweebs diving down from 25k in La7's or spit 16's with guns ablazing for the HO attempt. When I started playing over a year ago this game had on average 250-300 ppl in the MA at any given time. The game was by far better during that time in just about every aspect than it is now. It is  being flooded by the 12-15 year olds that accidentally switch there t.v.'s over to the military channel by mistake when they were tryin to click on MTV

So you're saying you want to make it much easier for the noob's to kill you? I agree with that. :)

The Damned
Title: The Game is called Aces High
Post by: Iceman24 on May 22, 2006, 04:41:21 PM
"So you're saying you want to make it much easier for the noob's to kill you? I agree with that. "

ummm yeah, but correctly, and in a very less dweebish style :D
Title: The Game is called Aces High
Post by: DamnedRen on May 22, 2006, 04:49:03 PM
Originally posted by Iceman24
"So you're saying you want to make it much easier for the noob's to kill you? I agree with that. "

ummm yeah, but correctly, and in a very less dweebish style :D

Ah, ok.:) The secret is not letting them kill you in any style.

Here's an interesting concept (which goes completely againsts Boelcke's Dicata but might make it much more interesting for you)'s the rule...

2. Always carry through an attack when you have started it.

Ok, now don't follow that rule. ISO of jumping right on his 6 let him get some angles and work for a shot. Then see of you can work your way out of it. It improves your ability to defend yourself and gives the noob a chance to get a shot off. It can be a great confidence builder for the both of you. :)

Of course, you might get surprised but some old vet who smokes you on his firing pass. :)

The Damned
Title: Re: The Game is called Aces High
Post by: Badboy on May 22, 2006, 05:03:45 PM
Originally posted by wylieboy
This game is suppose to be an aircraft game! not some gv game I mean gv's are nice and all and they're fun to have battles in but the real purpose for this game is for the airplanes so why are these people wanting to have new gvs and stuff. we should be askin for new airplanes and stuff that flys. well thats all

You said it yourself, "they're fun to have battles in" and that's probably a good enough reason. But allow me to suggest a line of reasoning you might not have considered yet...

You are correct about the airplanes, and the thing we shouldn't forget about the airplanes in WWII is that they didn't just fight each other. Infact fighting each other wasn't even their primary function. The main purpose of aircraft in WWII was bombing, both tactical and strategic and of course reconnaissance. Tactical bombing took the form of either close air support of ground troops, or battlefield interdiction and the strategic bombing was intended to destroy the means of production. Fighters were used in an ancillary role, both to prevent and support those missions, and to do that they had to fight each other. If there were no bombers and no reconnaissance, there would be no point in putting fighters in the air.  

Bombing was so important, that many fighters were adapted to ground attack, with the ability to carry bombs and rockets... and once you decide you want to fly that sort of mission, it wouldn't be much fun if you didn't have a nice assortment of GVs to kill, because for  anyone who enjoys ground attack, each type of vehicle presents a different challenge, so the more there are, and the more people who drive them, the more targets there will be, and the more fun will be had by all.

More variety in a game like this can only mean more fun for more people, and that's got to be good.

Hope that helps...

Title: The Game is called Aces High
Post by: MINNOW on May 22, 2006, 05:04:21 PM
Originally posted by Iceman24
"and all the people who do all kinds of dweeb stuff should be expelled from the MA."

I think so, I think AH should have a 3 month probation period for newbs to fly in and then they should have to pass some form of a basic flying test to get into the MA, nothing too difficult just the regular flight basics, and some basic acm's such as immel, split s, and high and low yo yo's. IMO a smaller more skilled community is better than 600 dweebs diving down from 25k in La7's or spit 16's with guns ablazing for the HO attempt. When I started playing over a year ago this game had on average 250-300 ppl in the MA at any given time. The game was by far better during that time in just about every aspect than it is now. It is  being flooded by the 12-15 year olds that accidentally switch there t.v.'s over to the military channel by mistake when they were tryin to click on MTV

LMAO  Thats just what HTC should do... bite the hand that feeds
Title: The Game is called Aces High
Post by: BlueJ1 on May 22, 2006, 05:31:26 PM
Originally posted by badhorse
Whether the orginal post was sarcasm or not, as a newb myself I appreciate your thoughts Simaril.  In my short time (just short of 2 months) on AHII I have met some wonderfully helpful people.  But there are a few that expect everyone to know everything. I spent hours offline and in the TA prior to going into the MA so that I would know the basics, but the learning curve is huge on this game.  Everytime I log on I learn something new. (usually a new way to get shot down!).

Your attitude is very refreshing and I thank you for it.

The gentlemen and few ladies in the game that are the ones you speak of helping newer players are usually not found in the BBS. Most of us are dweebs who come in here to complain and battle egos. I know of alot of great pilots in-game who changed my flying experience greatly and they are not found in here. They may not be the greatest but they are helpfull. The pilots found in here are also some of the best pilots in the game. Some of the best fighter pilots can be found currently posting in here. But most forms of help in here are heaped with sarcasm and other things we shall not speak of. Either way help for newer players is here, its just seems that the ones that are the loudest are the ones who'd rather not help.
Title: The Game is called Aces High
Post by: zorstorer on May 22, 2006, 05:32:47 PM
Thats a cool idea Ren, gonna try it out.   :)
Title: The Game is called Aces High
Post by: BBQ_Bob on May 22, 2006, 05:49:43 PM
You what this game needs,

Title: The Game is called Aces High
Post by: hubsonfire on May 22, 2006, 06:28:23 PM
Originally posted by BlueJ1
But most forms of help in here are heaped with sarcasm and other things we shall not speak of. Either way help for newer players is here, its just seems that the ones that are the loudest are the ones who'd rather not help.

Generalizations based on opinion, and not experience or fact, are worth nothing.
Title: The Game is called Aces High
Post by: DamnedRen on May 22, 2006, 06:36:50 PM
Originally posted by zorstorer
Thats a cool idea Ren, gonna try it out.   :)

One thing you need to be aware of...(read BEWARE).....:)

The reason Boelcke stated you need to carry through the attack is you need to stay very aggressive in the fight and as you get better with dogfighting tactics you will actually see when the other guy makes a mistake then capitolize on it and get the kill. The mistake might be anything from him turning late, bearing away, which can give you needed angles or something so simple as falling off on a wing.

You MUST be able to see him throughout the fight and if you give any quarter he may be able to use that lack of aggressiveness to get you. And that's where my suggestion makes the game more interesting. You give him an advantage then fight until you regain the initiative. You end up learning to immediately spot a mistake no matter how small it is.

Where it really gets fun is when you fight someone who is doing exactly the same thing. Then you get to try fakes on him to get him to commit to an action in the middle of the fight.

Lasty, it's sometimes the easiet thing in the world to create an merge where you "make" the guy do exactly what you want by the way you set up the engagement. He thinks everything is normal until you end up 200 on his 6. Boom!

One thing I've always taught, at the very beginning of training, is how to always mantain visual contact with the enemy. The old adage, "Lose sight, lose the fight" is very true in AH2.

Hope this helps.

THe Damned
Title: Re: The Game is called Aces High
Post by: yayyyy on May 22, 2006, 06:42:04 PM
Originally posted by wylieboy
YThis game is suppose to be an aircraft game! not some gv game

this is the gayest saying ever, and it is over used. if it was suppose to be an aircraft game i think it would be an aircraft game without any gv's at all
Title: Re: Re: The Game is called Aces High
Post by: BlueJ1 on May 22, 2006, 06:43:33 PM
Originally posted by yayyyy
this is the gayest saying ever, and it is over used. if it was suppose to be an aircraft game i think it would be an aircraft game without any gv's at all

And HTC wanting to add subs to the game sooner or later.
Title: Re: Re: Re: The Game is called Aces High
Post by: yayyyy on May 22, 2006, 06:55:33 PM
Originally posted by BlueJ1
And HTC wanting to add subs to the game sooner or later.

nice avatar. check
Title: The Game is called Aces High
Post by: Nightshift82 on May 22, 2006, 08:09:33 PM
GO SABRES!!!!!!!!!!
Title: The Game is called Aces High
Post by: Stang on May 22, 2006, 09:14:38 PM
Anyone who thinks this game is not truely based around air combat is a "clueless dolt."  GV's are necessary, but not what the game is really about.
Title: The Game is called Aces High
Post by: Toad on May 22, 2006, 09:46:10 PM
Originally posted by Pyro

09-18-1999 02:10 AM

The game is about aerial combat and that takes precedence to everything else. There will be tanks and such in the game but they won't ever be the main focus.

Vehicles will be useful for harrassing the enemy and capturing bases. There will be a lot more vehicle bases scattered around the terrain than airfields, so the travel distances won't be a huge factor.

But the gist of the message is that yes, we'll be putting more into this game than airplanes but our focus of the game is still aerial combat.

Doug "Pyro" Balmos
HiTech Creations
Title: The Game is called Aces High
Post by: Morpheus on May 22, 2006, 10:29:40 PM
My morning load has more interesting tidbits in it than this thread.
Title: The Game is called Aces High
Post by: jaxxo on May 23, 2006, 12:23:39 AM
the only thing sadder than the gv gameplay is the aircraft gameplay..rock on spawncampers
Title: The Game is called Aces High
Post by: g00b on May 23, 2006, 03:01:27 AM
Originally posted by Kweassa
Under that logic,  wylieboy, about 80% of us should have to quit this game. The game is "Aces High", not "Dweebs High" or "Dolts High". All the people who can't manage at least a 2.0 k/d factor, and all the people who do all kinds of dweeb stuff should be expelled from the MA.

LOL, not everyone can have a postive K/D ratio.
Title: The Game is called Aces High
Post by: MOIL on May 23, 2006, 03:54:20 AM
Originally posted by BBQ_Bob
You what this game needs,


Finally,  someone with some common sense :D
Title: The Game is called Aces High
Post by: yayyyy on May 23, 2006, 05:17:59 AM
we dont already have one of those?? osti
Title: The Game is called Aces High
Post by: DamnedRen on May 23, 2006, 06:18:49 AM
Originally posted by g00b
LOL, not everyone can have a postive K/D ratio.

Actually, just about anyone CAN have a positive K/D ratio with a little training. But you gotta commit to a bit of training even if it means going back to basics and maybe "unlearning" a few things that might appear to be right but really ain't helping you win dogfights.

Drop by the TA and check out any of the trainers. Any one of them can give you an evaluation of where you might use a little coaching.

Hope this helps.
Title: Re: The Game is called Aces High
Post by: NoBaddy on May 23, 2006, 07:00:23 AM
Originally posted by wylieboy
You know lookin through the wish lists and stuff I have come to conclusion that most of you gentlemen have already come to.This game is suppose to be an aircraft game! not some gv game I mean gv's are nice and all and they're fun to have battles in but the real purpose for this game is for the airplanes so why are these people wanting to have new gvs and stuff. we should be askin for new airplanes and stuff that flys. well thats all

Welp, we also have a game called "football" and only one or 2 guys touch the ball with their feet. It's an American thing. :)
Title: The Game is called Aces High
Post by: DamnedRen on May 23, 2006, 07:26:07 AM
I thought that was called fooseball. :)

The Damned
Title: The Game is called Aces High
Post by: JMFJ on May 23, 2006, 03:13:44 PM
Man I hate those GV guys, LOL

Title: The Game is called Aces High
Post by: g00b on May 23, 2006, 03:39:07 PM
Originally posted by DamnedRen
Actually, just about anyone CAN have a positive K/D ratio with a little training. But you gotta commit to a bit of training even if it means going back to basics and maybe "unlearning" a few things that might appear to be right but really ain't helping you win dogfights.

Drop by the TA and check out any of the trainers. Any one of them can give you an evaluation of where you might use a little coaching.

Hope this helps.

Umm, in order for me to have a postive ratio someone else must have a negative (or less than 1/1, however you want to say it). It is mathematically impossible for everyone to have a postive K/D ratio. Even pro's need noobs to pad their scores.

And thanks for the training offer, but you know what they say about old dogs.

Title: The Game is called Aces High
Post by: E25280 on May 23, 2006, 08:27:10 PM
Originally posted by yayyyy
we dont already have one of those?? osti
Osti = single 37mm gun (in game).  That is a Wirbelwind, quad 20mms.
Title: The Game is called Aces High
Post by: DamnedRen on May 23, 2006, 09:29:18 PM
Originally posted by g00b
Umm, in order for me to have a postive ratio someone else must have a negative (or less than 1/1, however you want to say it). It is mathematically impossible for everyone to have a postive K/D ratio. Even pro's need noobs to pad their scores.

And thanks for the training offer, but you know what they say about old dogs.


LOL, there will always be enough new folks showing up who jump right into the MA to give many a 2/1 K/D.  We can't train everyone by tomorrow.

Yep, old dogs sometimes forget they gotta go outside to do their duty?

Oh oh, was that the right saying? :)

The Damned
Title: The Game is called Aces High
Post by: scottydawg on May 23, 2006, 09:35:05 PM
Originally posted by Kweassa
Under that logic,  wylieboy, about 80% of us should have to quit this game. The game is "Aces High", not "Dweebs High" or "Dolts High". All the people who can't manage at least a 2.0 k/d factor, and all the people who do all kinds of dweeb stuff should be expelled from the MA.

Not to be pedantic, but if you imposed a 2.0 k/d ratio, pretty soon there would be one player left.  It's pretty basic math.

Remember, it's us dolts that give you your 'leet' kill ratios.

Just sayin'.

And yeah I know you're kidding, but I know there are some that do honestly share this view.
Title: The Game is called Aces High
Post by: hubsonfire on May 23, 2006, 11:52:14 PM
Originally posted by DamnedRen
LOL, there will always be enough new folks showing up who jump right into the MA to give many a 2/1 K/D.  We can't train everyone by tomorrow.

Yep, old dogs sometimes forget they gotta go outside to do their duty?

Oh oh, was that the right saying? :)

The Damned

Goob's point still stands. It is mathematically impossible for everyone to have a 2/1 K/D ratio.
Title: gOOb!!
Post by: Morpheus on May 24, 2006, 06:34:02 AM
Where in the name of god is Black shark?!?!:furious

I cant wait any longer!:)
Title: Re: The Game is called Aces High
Post by: viper215 on May 24, 2006, 11:40:16 AM
Originally posted by wylieboy
The Game is called Aces High

really:noid :noid :noid :noid