Aces High Bulletin Board

General Forums => Aces High General Discussion => Topic started by: Ripsnort on August 24, 2001, 07:49:00 AM

Title: The ONE feature that I really hate about AH is..(Fill in blank)
Post by: Ripsnort on August 24, 2001, 07:49:00 AM
Title: The ONE feature that I really hate about AH is..(Fill in blank)
Post by: Ripsnort on August 24, 2001, 07:51:00 AM
Same old "Strat" in main.
Title: The ONE feature that I really hate about AH is..(Fill in blank)
Post by: Westy MOL on August 24, 2001, 07:55:00 AM
The icons. We need em, but not something so obsolete as the ones we're using now.

Title: The ONE feature that I really hate about AH is..(Fill in blank)
Post by: iculus on August 24, 2001, 07:59:00 AM
Same here:  "same old 'strat'"
Title: The ONE feature that I really hate about AH is..(Fill in blank)
Post by: rosco- on August 24, 2001, 08:06:00 AM
Smoke, its a frame rate killer, not worth the extra immerision imo. Wish I could turn it off or limit the effect or something.
Title: The ONE feature that I really hate about AH is..(Fill in blank)
Post by: hazed- on August 24, 2001, 08:36:00 AM
Id have to say after a recent event the complaints about what you do when you are flying.People can play this game how they like i think and if someone wants to fly to 30k I say let them or shoot them down if you dont like it.All this 'alt dweeb' or 'luftwhiner' crap really drives people away from their enjoyment of what is a GAME.

However, if there are mistakes in the FM or the game as a whole that allow 'gaming the game' like off map flying etc these should be discouraged.(for example, and I dont know if its true, the B17s handleing at 30-35k  is too good? I find it hard to get the nose of my fighter to stay on target at these heights and it seems crazy that a small powerfull/light fighter should struggle to attack these and other bombers at these heights)(NOT A MOAN!!!  :D)
Title: The ONE feature that I really hate about AH is..(Fill in blank)
Post by: skernsk on August 24, 2001, 08:40:00 AM
The ack.
Title: The ONE feature that I really hate about AH is..(Fill in blank)
Post by: Alpo on August 24, 2001, 08:51:00 AM
Whiners... oh, you meant stuff HT can fix I'll bet  :)

Need more strat (not jumping on a band wagon here) but factory complexs that hamper aircraft manufacturing (maybe causing increases in perk costs... kill a 50% of a factory causes SpitIXs or N1K2s to be 5 PPs, kill 75% 8 PPs, 100% factory destruction 10 PPs)

Instead of X number of minutes for hangers to regen, if supply lines were cut (when we get trains in 1.08), the amount of time increases.

Sorry, this became a wish list of sorts  :o
Title: The ONE feature that I really hate about AH is..(Fill in blank)
Post by: Ripsnort on August 24, 2001, 08:56:00 AM
Originally posted by Alpo:

Sorry, this became a wish list of sorts   :o

Hey, no problem! (Throws a can of Pedigree Chunky beef his way)
Title: The ONE feature that I really hate about AH is..(Fill in blank)
Post by: Tac on August 24, 2001, 09:08:00 AM
same strat system

1 ping kill ack (and hitting 500mph planes but not 100 mph planes circling 2k over the ack)

icons (ww2ol icon system "the more I look at you the better I see your icon" system is perfect!)

car bombing

titanium m16's

damage model and flaps on all planes.

Oh, you said ONE?  ;)
Title: The ONE feature that I really hate about AH is..(Fill in blank)
Post by: Rude on August 24, 2001, 09:27:00 AM
Flight model of the La7

[ 08-24-2001: Message edited by: Rude ]
Title: The ONE feature that I really hate about AH is..(Fill in blank)
Post by: AKDejaVu on August 24, 2001, 09:32:00 AM
No real complete planeset from any one era of the war.

Pick a period and fill it.. move on to the next.

Title: The ONE feature that I really hate about AH is..(Fill in blank)
Post by: AN on August 24, 2001, 09:38:00 AM
Events aren't popular enough, the MA is way too popular.

(hmm, not really a 'feature', but it is something I 'hate' about AH.)
Title: The ONE feature that I really hate about AH is..(Fill in blank)
Post by: lazs1 on August 24, 2001, 09:43:00 AM
bombers and ground vehicles but mostly bombers..  They have way too much affect on the game for as little skill as is required  and it is because of the targets and gunnery and bombs/sights for the bombers and the respawn and toughness of the gv.
Title: The ONE feature that I really hate about AH is..(Fill in blank)
Post by: popeye on August 24, 2001, 09:50:00 AM
Lack of RPS in the MA.
Title: The ONE feature that I really hate about AH is..(Fill in blank)
Post by: Saintaw on August 24, 2001, 09:56:00 AM

Title: The ONE feature that I really hate about AH is..(Fill in blank)
Post by: Fatty on August 24, 2001, 10:07:00 AM
Title: The ONE feature that I really hate about AH is..(Fill in blank)
Post by: Ripsnort on August 24, 2001, 10:37:00 AM
Originally posted by Fatty:

Title: The ONE feature that I really hate about AH is..(Fill in blank)
Post by: LePaul on August 24, 2001, 11:10:00 AM
1.  The immersion.  I come home from my evening job at UPS and promise myself only 1 or 2 quick sorties.  This, is at 1030PM.  Finally, at 245AM, I realize I am now going to [once again] be a hurting unit come 7AM.  Replay this, oh, every night this week   :)

2.  Strat is getting old.

3.  Bomber dudes blacking out when there is a CREW of 5 or 6 on the plane.

4.  Blacking out repeatedly when close to home when wounded, yet if you bail, you never see a black out again.  Heck, you don't even get to see your poor plane auger in.

5.  Desktop Generals.   :)
Title: The ONE feature that I really hate about AH is..(Fill in blank)
Post by: Ripsnort on August 24, 2001, 11:13:00 AM
For you Paul:
One(wun)adj.:1.Being a single thing.

[ 08-24-2001: Message edited by: Ripsnort ]
Title: The ONE feature that I really hate about AH is..(Fill in blank)
Post by: funkedup on August 24, 2001, 11:38:00 AM
AWACS Datalink Vertical Situation Display
Title: The ONE feature that I really hate about AH is..(Fill in blank)
Post by: Ripsnort on August 24, 2001, 11:40:00 AM
Originally posted by funkedup:
AWACS Datalink Vertical Situation Display

LOL! "We know what your doing!"
Title: The ONE feature that I really hate about AH is..(Fill in blank)
Post by: LePaul on August 24, 2001, 11:46:00 AM
Originally posted by Ripsnort:
For you Paul:

[ 08-24-2001: Message edited by: Ripsnort ]

Ok, assmunch, then be sure to lecture at Tac for multiple suggestions as well   :D
Title: The ONE feature that I really hate about AH is..(Fill in blank)
Post by: AcId on August 24, 2001, 12:09:00 PM
The one thing I most dislike about AH would have to be getting shot down in any way shape or form.

The other one thing I most dislike about AH would have to be the frustration that ensues after said mishap.

The other other one thing I most dislike about AH would have to be the laser rangefinding icons.
Title: The ONE feature that I really hate about AH is..(Fill in blank)
Post by: Kweassa on August 24, 2001, 12:43:00 PM
Gunnery too easy

 ps) I felt this way after I tried IL-2 Demo. The Gunnery modeling in IL-2 is something realllly cool. 90 degree deflection? 400~500 sniper shots? No way jose.
Title: The ONE feature that I really hate about AH is..(Fill in blank)
Post by: FDisk on August 24, 2001, 12:48:00 PM
That when you bail your plane dissappears.

I love to watch it go IN TO THE GROUND!!
Title: The ONE feature that I really hate about AH is..(Fill in blank)
Post by: Russian on August 24, 2001, 01:28:00 PM
Gunnary feels wrong after playing Il2. Its too easy to "snipe" things. I don't know why it feels that way but it would be great if Hitech would impliment it.  ;) "wink, wink"
Title: The ONE feature that I really hate about AH is..(Fill in blank)
Post by: Ripsnort on August 24, 2001, 01:36:00 PM
Originally posted by Kweassa:
Gunnery too easy

 ps) I felt this way after I tried IL-2 Demo. The Gunnery modeling in IL-2 is something realllly cool. 90 degree deflection? 400~500 sniper shots? No way jose.

LOL, just checked your gunnery, .08, say what?
Title: The ONE feature that I really hate about AH is..(Fill in blank)
Post by: SKurj on August 24, 2001, 01:37:00 PM
Same old strat....

Title: The ONE feature that I really hate about AH is..(Fill in blank)
Post by: mrfish on August 24, 2001, 01:44:00 PM
endless twilight and darkness hours (unless they could be done differently somehow)
Title: The ONE feature that I really hate about AH is..(Fill in blank)
Post by: Fester' on August 24, 2001, 02:02:00 PM
wind layers

followed closely by 88mm and cv flak
Title: The ONE feature that I really hate about AH is..(Fill in blank)
Post by: shoppe123 on August 24, 2001, 02:55:00 PM
Hi my name is LeadPump and I'm addicted to online ganes  :)

I'm new here so maybe I can give this some insight from a new player.

I did play AW a few years ago (then took a 2-3 year vacation into RPG's). But the one thing I found superior to AH in AW was the radar. I'd say otherwise you've got a far superior game here otherwise. But the radar system here really blows.  :) It's the only thing I was disappointed with, but I rely on it probably as much as any other feature. It's difficult for me to spot exactly what's going on there. I'm sure overtime I'll get more adjusted to it, but it is an aquired taste.

Also as was stated the smoke really is murder on frame rates. I like how a plane can get lost in the smoke. It can be hard for a field gunner to spot a plane in the smoke and I do like that, seems realistic. I've been doing a lot of field gunning waiting on my new flying stuff to get here (my usb CH throttle just got here today *gush*). But that smoke is a killer to my system performance.

That's 2 things, but it's about the only things that's bugged me. Other than everyone having a field day on my newbie butt  :) LeadPump
Title: The ONE feature that I really hate about AH is..(Fill in blank)
Post by: Russian on August 24, 2001, 03:09:00 PM
Originally posted by Ripsnort:

LOL, just checked your gunnery, .08, say what?

So what, I have .06 with only 18 hours playing. Its still too easy. Try to shoot down Yak-1 on ace  ;)
Title: The ONE feature that I really hate about AH is..(Fill in blank)
Post by: Wardog on August 24, 2001, 03:20:00 PM
The whiners who consistantly whine about the same thing 50 times an hour for the last 2 years. Nothing spoils the game more for me.

Dog out.........
Title: The ONE feature that I really hate about AH is..(Fill in blank)
Post by: Tozza on August 24, 2001, 03:43:00 PM
People who cant be bothered learing or reading help files and blurt out in CAPS things like:

Squelchy Squelchy Squelchy
Title: The ONE feature that I really hate about AH is..(Fill in blank)
Post by: Professor Fate on August 24, 2001, 04:02:00 PM
No real complete planeset from any one era of the war.
Pick a period and fill it.. move on to the next.

agree 100%

and for me the perceived silence HTC seems to take when it comes to game play, flight modelling, and where the sim is going in the future. An issue for me was the CT, I took leave of AH about a week before this came out, maybe I was looking in the wrong places for intel because it's introduction took me totally by surprise.  I realize hindsight is 20/20 but I don't believe I would've quit had I known it was otw.  As it stands I'm waiting for 1.08    :)

[ 08-24-2001: Message edited by: Professor Fate ]
Title: The ONE feature that I really hate about AH is..(Fill in blank)
Post by: delta on August 24, 2001, 04:42:00 PM
The Clipboard,

It gets in the way of both fuel and ordanance readings and selection.

How many times have you been up in a tangle and you engine quits   :eek: because you only took 25% fuel when you intended or thought you had selected 50% or 75% fuel?

Same goes for ordanance.

The Animation sequences in going from tower to hanger, in bring up the map on the clipboard, etc.  too slow...

The view system default slew view (F8).  My preferences  is for the instant snap (F9) view.  It would be nice if this was user configurable.

those are the major ones.

Title: The ONE feature that I really hate about AH is..(Fill in blank)
Post by: SKurj on August 24, 2001, 06:47:00 PM
delta.. the animation sequence is adjustable... Mine is set to virtually instantaneous.

I am lucky +) only once have i pushed thru to 25% fuel

Title: The ONE feature that I really hate about AH is..(Fill in blank)
Post by: Otto on August 24, 2001, 07:10:00 PM
In flight Radar   :mad:
Title: The ONE feature that I really hate about AH is..(Fill in blank)
Post by: Spatula on August 24, 2001, 08:39:00 PM
The Flak and its ESP.
the N1k2 (the vertical helicopter).
Title: The ONE feature that I really hate about AH is..(Fill in blank)
Post by: Enduro on August 24, 2001, 09:02:00 PM
This sim is very good.   :cool:

Title: The ONE feature that I really hate about AH is..(Fill in blank)
Post by: brady on August 24, 2001, 09:02:00 PM
Playing for chess pices,I want to fly for countries, Japan, Germany ,USA, Briton, Italy,USSR....
Title: The ONE feature that I really hate about AH is..(Fill in blank)
Post by: Karnak on August 24, 2001, 09:41:00 PM
The lack of stratigic targets.  The fuel ammo and rebuild time items don't really do they same thing.  Something permament until the reset occurs would be nice.

I liked the idea about having 50% fields and 50% cities/factories and when a side has been reduced to 50% total, say fields reduced by 70% and cities/factories reduced by 30%, the reset occurs.

I would also like fixed ground cover for the tanks.
Title: The ONE feature that I really hate about AH is..(Fill in blank)
Post by: Seeker on August 24, 2001, 09:51:00 PM
CV ack, and a rigid and Euro unfriendly events regime.
Title: The ONE feature that I really hate about AH is..(Fill in blank)
Post by: flakbait on August 24, 2001, 10:21:00 PM
One ping ack kills at 500mph, but no hits at all under 250mph.

Clipboard/items in Hangar. Ditch the items and make loadouts/fuel selectable on the clipboard.

Buffs turning on one wing at 30k.

Glass tail on P-38.

Single engine taxiing in twin engined A/C

Lanc 50 mile takeoff run.

Flap errors.

Flakbait [Delta6]
Delta Six's Flight School (
Put the P-61B in Aces High
"For yay did the sky darken, and split open and spew forth fire, and
through the smoke rode the Four Wurgers of the Apocalypse.
And on their canopies was tattooed the number of the Beast, and the
number was 190." Jedi, Verse Five, Capter Two, The Book of Dweeb

Title: The ONE feature that I really hate about AH is..(Fill in blank)
Post by: Hajo on August 24, 2001, 10:41:00 PM
More use for the C-47 besides just dropping troops.  C-47 just might be the best aircraft in that war.  Using it to supply bases bombed with ammo, fuel etc. would be nice.
Title: The ONE feature that I really hate about AH is..(Fill in blank)
Post by: gijeff on August 24, 2001, 11:15:00 PM
Salute Gents,

NO CONTEST it is the F#)(@%&$(^%$ pilot wounded effect, most frustrating damned thing I have ever experienced.  Just #@%$)(&# kill me and have done with it!!

Jeff Waite
aka GIJeff
Title: The ONE feature that I really hate about AH is..(Fill in blank)
Post by: majic on August 24, 2001, 11:53:00 PM
no Liberator, no Superfo...ok, maybe not the superfortress
Title: The ONE feature that I really hate about AH is..(Fill in blank)
Post by: tanij on August 25, 2001, 12:03:00 AM
Can drop a bomb even a plane upside down.
Title: The ONE feature that I really hate about AH is..(Fill in blank)
Post by: Sancho on August 25, 2001, 12:53:00 AM
my biggest gripe is with same old MA-style play.  The CT and TOD are keeping me very interested though.  What's left to gripe about?  Not much... I wish we had choosable skins and customized code letters on side of plane (like in Il-2  :) ) and oh yeah, CONTRAILS at high altitude.  :D
Title: The ONE feature that I really hate about AH is..(Fill in blank)
Post by: AKcurly on August 25, 2001, 01:05:00 AM
I think base capture is too easy, but I don't think more AA is the way to solve it.

Maybe each field should have a supply shed and the ack stays up until the supply shed is destroyed.  After the supply shed goes down, yeah, you can shoot ack.  Maybe the supply shed should take about 12k of bombs to take down.  Maybe the trains/trucks could be responsible for keeping the supply sheds alive.  

I dunno, base capture needs to be more complicated.

I don't "hate" the current base capture, but I would enjoy it more if it were more complicated.

Title: The ONE feature that I really hate about AH is..(Fill in blank)
Post by: elstevie on August 25, 2001, 01:43:00 AM

make fighter 50cal. as lethal as buff.50cal.  :eek:
Title: The ONE feature that I really hate about AH is..(Fill in blank)
Post by: eskimo2 on August 25, 2001, 04:51:00 AM
The uncoopperative sheep.
Title: The ONE feature that I really hate about AH is..(Fill in blank)
Post by: Betown on August 25, 2001, 05:03:00 AM
AWACS Datalink Vertical Situation Display

Got to be mind as well

*Also base capture needs to be more complicated
Title: The ONE feature that I really hate about AH is..(Fill in blank)
Post by: Grayarea on August 25, 2001, 05:26:00 AM
Perk points. I am being discriminated against because I don't play as often or am as good as other people, yet I pay the same amount of money as they do.

I have no better suggestion for a alternative I just hate the current system. It is so UNFAIR.
Title: The ONE feature that I really hate about AH is..(Fill in blank)
Post by: Mark Luper on August 25, 2001, 05:39:00 AM
Although I would like to see some changes, many listed already, there is only one thing that gets my goat worse than anything: a display of rudeness or lack of sportmanship online in the arenas or on this bbs.

 (  (
Title: The ONE feature that I really hate about AH is..(Fill in blank)
Post by: minus on August 25, 2001, 05:56:00 AM
whiners about whine and  freakz who like to keep the things in dark age  :p
Title: The ONE feature that I really hate about AH is..(Fill in blank)
Post by: FDisk on August 25, 2001, 06:02:00 AM
That there is a large % of amazinhunks and "elitists" people that play this game. I play alot of online games over about 7 years and i've never met so many bad apples that ruined the bunch.
Title: The ONE feature that I really hate about AH is..(Fill in blank)
Post by: Leslie on August 25, 2001, 07:36:00 AM
Here's my soundoff on the subject.  I truly hate getting into an uncontrollable spin out, and not being able to get out of it, and crashing.  That's what I don't like.  :mad:
Title: The ONE feature that I really hate about AH is..(Fill in blank)
Post by: shoppe123 on August 25, 2001, 09:07:00 AM
Originally posted by Tozza:
People who cant be bothered learing or reading help files and blurt out in CAPS things like:

Squelchy Squelchy Squelchy

Not a flame or anything. But having just started my learning curve in the game, I must comment on #2. First there's just a massive amount of things to figure out just starting. It's human nature to just want to hop in there and start having fun. And while a new player may be a bit of a pain, if they are treated poorly or ignored (in their mind), they may feel the community is unhelpful and view the game in an unfavorable manner. If there's fewer new players entering the game, we all know what that means. It means LeadPump isn't gonna see any new dweebs he has a chance at killing  :D But seriously, I think we all need to try and help a new player, even if it's to direct them to the web site. I fully understand your frustration, and how distracting this can be. I tend to post on the messages boards and found them far more informative than the help files. I've always gotten a surprising amount of help here on the boards in the past few weeks in a very timely fashion. While I know how distracting and difficult it is to give lengthy instructions online, new players probably do not feel this way. And what is the fault of unclear help files reflects unjustly on the community as unresponsive or uncaring.

Anyway back to #2. Bombing really isn't described well. To an advanced player these instructions seem very clear. And it is easy once you "get it". To a dweeb like myself, primary and secondary, and selecting secondary, to me didn't in the least instruct *me* on bombing. I related secondary as cannons (etc) till it dawned on me. It was a few days, after reading the instructions several times, that it started to dawn on me that my secondary weapon some how related to bombing. These instructions could be broken down to be much more effective and I feel they should be brought up to speed. I can write my name and everything, but I had a very hard time learning some of the game basics. Now I know them it's a piece of cake. But figuring it out was another thing. It took a lot of experimenting, and that shouldn't be necessary. Some of the instructions talk a lot but tell nothing. Much like my long winded posts.

I didn't get off the field till I read about take offs on these boards. The help files often just don't break it down into clear language and clear steps that need to be taken.

It really needs to be put as 1. start engine 2. apply throttle etc. I think you'd get many more new players sticking with the game if it was done this way. While I usually enjoy a challenge, not everyone's like me. The help files need a serious tweeking in a few areas, and it's the game and it's players that deal with the fall out of this in the mean time. Thanks for the read, LeadPump
Title: The ONE feature that I really hate about AH is..(Fill in blank)
Post by: Geeb on August 25, 2001, 10:33:00 AM
interesting idea leadpump. funny though i played the game offline for about 2 weeks b4 i tried it online though? that way i knew what i had to do instead of yelling on ch1 or ch2. funny thing is i didnt know how to work the radio wen i finaly got online :)
then one day titanium told me about the ".radio 1 2" command & i thought there might be more dot commands shure enough there were. so i looked em up :)
ps this was in the beta b4 they had the fancy radio they got now :) damn i loved that terrain :)
Title: The ONE feature that I really hate about AH is..(Fill in blank)
Post by: shoppe123 on August 25, 2001, 11:10:00 AM
Well certainly there's no flaw in your logic. There's a two week free period, and that certainly motivated me to get into the game and give it a good working over as quickly as possible.

I'm not the type to ask very much in game. Being into online games for a very long time (AW, MPBT, LoK, Ever Quest, Ultima Online, to name a few), I realize this is basicly not warmly welcomed. It doesn't really matter to me, as I'll figure something out by hook or crook. But I feel it would benefit the game and the community if the help files were tweeked a "little". You'd have a better trained and less annoying new player, who would be more likely to enjoy the game and stick around. Seems like a win win for everyone. I hoped to spread a little understanding for the new player, because just looking at the help files isn't always the answer. I for one am going to read what the deal is for land and sea "field guns" settings once again, cause after reading it a few times I'm still not sure what the heck that's about  :) I'm not bragging, although I love too  :D But I got straight A's in college and I haven't had the easiest times with the help files. So I imagine those one or two people on the internet that aren't as sharp as I am, or had the wealth of my online gaming experience might have a difficult time indeed. I'm not making excuses for people who don't try to help themselves, but there is a middle ground. For what it's worth, LP
Title: The ONE feature that I really hate about AH is..(Fill in blank)
Post by: SKurj on August 25, 2001, 02:09:00 PM
I dug through the game offline for about 4 days before I went online.  I didn't want to waste any of my free trial period cuz at the time, I didn't think I would be able to subscribe (true, took me about 4 months b4 i could)
Once I logged in I did have a few questions, not ALOT but a few nonetheless which covered areas i had ignored.  When I logged in for the first time I had already set my headpositions for the aircraft I thought i would fly the most, set convergence, and mapped all my controls. +)

I dunno how guys can install, press play and then launch without ever checking control mappings....  This ain't quite quake where controls are almost universal.

Title: The ONE feature that I really hate about AH is..(Fill in blank)
Post by: eskimo2 on August 25, 2001, 02:13:00 PM
I changed my mind...
The sheep arn't that bad...

Those mornings after I stay up and play till 4 AM, they just hurt!

Title: The ONE feature that I really hate about AH is..(Fill in blank)
Post by: Zigrat on August 25, 2001, 05:14:00 PM
the worst thing is the lack of role playing, there is no value to a life

little satisfaction from getting a kill as it is now unless its against an ace since you know he can just respawn

similarlyly, little fear of getting shot down, because like i said, you can just respawn

thats why things like tod are great but they are just on friday nights
Title: The ONE feature that I really hate about AH is..(Fill in blank)
Post by: LePaul on August 25, 2001, 05:58:00 PM
...people who do not use the Training Room.

Can't say I recall many war footage where people are radio'ing "How do I get to the bombsight"   :)

C'mon newbies, RTFM (Read The F*cking Manual) and go practice in the Training room.  We're paying to play, not educate.  If you feeling offended, take your weepy but to the training room.  See a consistent thread?   :D
Title: The ONE feature that I really hate about AH is..(Fill in blank)
Post by: Fidd on August 25, 2001, 06:50:00 PM
Lack of player customisable skins, and an FE program to swap them around.

Title: The ONE feature that I really hate about AH is..(Fill in blank)
Post by: oboe on August 25, 2001, 07:25:00 PM
The dearth of Japanese aircraft models.
Title: The ONE feature that I really hate about AH is..(Fill in blank)
Post by: 1776 on August 26, 2001, 07:55:00 AM
Too expensive at $29.95/mo!!!

Title: The ONE feature that I really hate about AH is..(Fill in blank)
Post by: snafu on August 26, 2001, 01:56:00 PM
Hi all,

MA strat (or more strat needed for CT)
Troop Icons (loose them or reduce range down to 500ft - or less)
Not enough roles for the C47
My inability to hit anything unless it's nailed down

Title: The ONE feature that I really hate about AH is..(Fill in blank)
Post by: Maniac on August 27, 2001, 06:54:00 AM
The focus on late war monsters.
Title: The ONE feature that I really hate about AH is..(Fill in blank)
Post by: Karnak on August 27, 2001, 07:09:00 AM

I agree with you, but the problem starts when we define "Late war monsters".

Some people defined "Late war monsters" as anything after 1941.

Some people want an early war focus, some people want a mid-war focus and some people want a late war focus.

The problem is that the later the focus gets the more screwed the fans of early aircraft are and the earlier the focus gets the more late war fans are screwed as more and more of their toys aren't even present.

I myself would prefer a 1943 arena, but that has the unfortunate affect of removing the P-51D (which is almost a mandatory aircraft in these games) and the popular Fw190D-9.

I feel that 1943 gives the widest variety of competative aircraft for all six of the major powers.
Title: The ONE feature that I really hate about AH is..(Fill in blank)
Post by: Toad on August 27, 2001, 07:58:00 AM
Originally posted by Wardog:
The whiners who consistantly whine about the same thing 50 times an hour for the last 2 years. Nothing spoils the game more for me.

Dog out.........

Title: The ONE feature that I really hate about AH is..(Fill in blank)
Post by: rammjagr on August 27, 2001, 12:22:00 PM
Icons show plane/vehicle type. letting people pick and choose vulnerable targets. Also, perk planes become instant attention getters.....
Title: The ONE feature that I really hate about AH is..(Fill in blank)
Post by: snafu on August 27, 2001, 01:55:00 PM
one more for the list....

Ground Vehicle control system, Please can we have rudder for steering, Throttle (for Throttle), allowing full control of the vehicle even when in a gun position.

Title: The ONE feature that I really hate about AH is..(Fill in blank)
Post by: Erlkonig on August 27, 2001, 02:45:00 PM
The night/dusk/dawn cycle. I log off whenever it comes around.
Title: The ONE feature that I really hate about AH is..(Fill in blank)
Post by: Fatty on August 27, 2001, 02:47:00 PM
Im with Snafu.  Besides having Ripsnort banned, that's the second most thing I'd like to see.
Title: The ONE feature that I really hate about AH is..(Fill in blank)
Post by: llbm_MOL on August 27, 2001, 04:11:00 PM
B29 Buff guns..... lets save that feature for the B29...OH! I want the A-Bomb with the B29!

LLB OUT!!!!!   :cool:

[ 08-27-2001: Message edited by: llbm_MOL ]
Title: The ONE feature that I really hate about AH is..(Fill in blank)
Post by: NUTTZ on August 27, 2001, 05:19:00 PM
Gotta be the Strat.
Hopefully roads and trains will intermingle and we will have strat.

The biggest waste of code has to be the ground clutter, I hope in the future this will be usable.

Title: The ONE feature that I really hate about AH is..(Fill in blank)
Post by: agosling on August 27, 2001, 05:26:00 PM
It doesn't run on Linux  :(
Title: The ONE feature that I really hate about AH is..(Fill in blank)
Post by: Glasses on August 27, 2001, 05:32:00 PM
Spidermonkeys ruin the game they crawl around throueing poop at each other they stain the carpet and after than they want you to feed them I mean WTG are they thinking just because you're wildlife doesn't give you the right to step over me a human . Yes the spidermonkey must be stopped before they take it further maybe even a lawsuit ,nno I don't want to be sued but you know ....

Uh yeah Ico system change it,strat add more,planes smashing into the ground after bailout...been asking for this since beta. Metric cockpits,yeah I know far fetched but at least let us to be able to edit the gauges and put some for ourselves crapola!
Title: The ONE feature that I really hate about AH is..(Fill in blank)
Post by: Wotan on August 27, 2001, 05:46:00 PM
inflight dar
ammo counters to the exact bullet
out of the cockpit adjustable head positions
plane type icon
range icons
lack off greater sunblindness
no 410  :)
Title: The ONE feature that I really hate about AH is..(Fill in blank)
Post by: StSanta on August 27, 2001, 06:53:00 PM
What the poster above me said

Focus on what if planes and late war monsters.
No disadvantage on hispanos (i.e jamming etc). No overheating of barrels.

Title: The ONE feature that I really hate about AH is..(Fill in blank)
Post by: eskimo2 on August 28, 2001, 10:00:00 PM
This is eskimo's wife.... my biggest complaint is that my husband is totally worthless the day after he stays up playing until 5 am - which is too often!
Title: The ONE feature that I really hate about AH is..(Fill in blank)
Post by: Cobra on August 28, 2001, 10:56:00 PM
Posts like these  :)

Title: The ONE feature that I really hate about AH is..(Fill in blank)
Post by: milnko on August 29, 2001, 12:36:00 PM
The frames per second eating smoke and clouds.

Me thinks the code might need some optimizing.
Title: The ONE feature that I really hate about AH is..(Fill in blank)
Post by: AKSWulfe on August 29, 2001, 12:49:00 PM
Everyone who posted to this thread, excluding me of course.    :)

[ 08-29-2001: Message edited by: SWulfe ]
Title: The ONE feature that I really hate about AH is..(Fill in blank)
Post by: batdog on August 29, 2001, 01:01:00 PM
Geee...this IS a simple one. No porn on the clip board.