Aces High Bulletin Board
Help and Support Forums => Help and Training => Topic started by: macleod01 on June 03, 2006, 11:25:21 AM
Can anybody help me? I cannot manage to take territory. I bomb the city to the ground but cannot get 10 troops into the maproom in time! Can anybody give me any advice as to how to do this!
Well, unless bases are VERY close, you simply cant do it alone :). Get someone to help you.
If youre talking about OFFLINE mode: In the Arena Settings you can change the downtimes for Objects. Just make the down time for town buildings 180 mins and you got plenty of time to take the base.
Thanks any chance of telling me how to do that?
When in offline mode, click on
options->arena setup->environment->arena settings
In the list there must be an item called "Downtime Modifier" if i remember correctly. Change it to any desired modifier and save it. A modifier of 10 means the buildings will stay down ten times as long
Anybody correct me if I´m wrong...
thanks, much appreciated
Originally posted by Lusche
When in offline mode, click on
options->arena setup->environment->arena settings
In the list there must be an item called "Downtime Modifier" if i remember correctly. Change it to any desired modifier and save it. A modifier of 10 means the buildings will stay down ten times as long
Anybody correct me if I´m wrong...
Not sure if that works, too. Ive never messed around much with those settings.
IIRC, you can change the downtime for each object (townbuilding in this case) seperatly in "objects Settings" (which is also somewhere in the Arena Setup). Read how to do it here:
On the left side, to the very bottom of the list, theres help on "How to configure an arena".