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General Forums => The O' Club => Topic started by: Brenjen on June 04, 2006, 03:34:11 PM

Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: Brenjen on June 04, 2006, 03:34:11 PM
I saw a special on Japans atomic projects during WWII, they reported that documents surfaced in 2001 from a Japanese professor who had moved to the U.S. on a special visa (like Von Braun) & had been teaching at the University of Arkansas. The documents he smuggled out of Japan were found in his estate upon his death & were authenticated when they interviewed Japanese scientists who were named in the papers & were still alive.

 The claim is that Japan had exploded it's own atomic device in occupied Korea (Northe Korea) just after the U.S. bombing of Hiroshima!:O

 I have always been against the detonation of the bombs on Japan, not because of any touchy-feely thoughts on my part, I just thought we could have won with the fire bombings we were carrying out nightly & a naval blockade while keeping the atomic secret...a secret. You know, save it as our ace in the hole against a future enemy.

 Now I have changed my position, apparently we were only months or weeks away from having an atomic weapon detonated on our west coast. They claimed the Japanese navy had planned to load a device on a submarine & detonate it in California.

 Kamikaze nukes...lovely.
Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: Elfie on June 04, 2006, 03:54:48 PM
Interesting. I wonder if the site where the Japanese supposedly detonated their own atomic device still has measurable residual radiation so this story can be authenticated?
Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: john9001 on June 04, 2006, 04:29:13 PM
japan and germany were both years away from having the "bomb"
Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: Brenjen on June 04, 2006, 04:41:12 PM
Originally posted by Elfie
Interesting. I wonder if the site where the Japanese supposedly detonated their own atomic device still has measurable residual radiation so this story can be authenticated?

 I'm sure it you have access to North Korea to test for it?
Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: Brenjen on June 04, 2006, 04:42:40 PM
Originally posted by john9001
japan and germany were both years away from having the "bomb"

 Interesting observation. So you are an expert on WWII era Japanese atomic research? Because the scientists they interviewed are & actually worked on the project.
Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: Elfie on June 04, 2006, 04:44:12 PM
Originally posted by Brenjen
I'm sure it you have access to North Korea to test for it?

Of course not......none of us do. Neither do I have the knowledge to complete the tests personally. However, something might be able to be worked out with the North Koreans to allow a team of scientists to verify the test site as having a   atomic device detonated there at the end of World War 2. :)
Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: Brenjen on June 04, 2006, 05:13:51 PM
It appears they detonated it offshore. But seriously, you think the North Koreans would "work something out" with the Untied States or anyone affiliated with the us? China maybe, but us.

 The Russians captured the area & collected everything there, transporting it all to Russia. Four Russian Yak fighters from nearby Hammung Airfield even apparently shot down an American B-29 on Aug. 29, 1945 en route to the area.

 All of this was reported in 1946 & it was only in 2001 that the smuggled documents came to light with the death of the Japanese professor.

 All the Japanese officials involved agree, the Japanese exploded an atomic weapon that was about 1/3 the size of our trinity device three days before the end of the war.

 If this interests you, be on the lookout for it on one of the History channels. I saw it on last night at 1 A.M. my time.
Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: Bruno on June 04, 2006, 06:07:11 PM
It's complete bunk, there was also claims that the German's detonated there own version of an 'atomic bomb' at Ohrdruf on 4th and 12th March 1945.

There are even 'documents', 'eye witnesses' and 'officials' supporting the claims. They are bunk just like the claim that the Japanese had built their own bomb.

The 'history channel' puts out an inordinate amount of nonsense and should change its name to the 'lets sensationalize and make stuff up channel'.
Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: Gunslinger on June 04, 2006, 06:16:18 PM
Originally posted by Bruno
It's complete bunk, there was also claims that the German's detonated there own version of an 'atomic bomb' at Ohrdruf on 4th and 12th March 1945.

There are even 'documents', 'eye witnesses' and 'officials' supporting the claims. They are bunk just like the claim that the Japanese had built their own bomb.

The 'history channel' puts out an inordinate amount of nonsense and should change its name to the 'lets sensationalize and make stuff up channel'.

What you just said is bunk and like you I offer no proof or back up my asertations of 'bunkness'
Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: DiabloTX on June 04, 2006, 06:28:55 PM
From the Wiki:

Disputed reports about the nuclear program in Konan in 1945
Very little is known about the size of the atomic program in Konan though it is conventionally thought to have been small in comparison with the successful U.S. effort. In 1946, a journalist named David Snell working for the Atlanta Constitution wrote a sensationalist story which indicated that Japan had in fact successfully developed and tested a nuclear weapon in Konan. Snell was a former reporter, soon to become Life Magazine correspondent assigned to the 24th Criminal Investigation Detachment in Korea. He interviewed a Japanese officer who said he had been in charge of counter intelligence at the Konan project before the fall of Japan.

According to the officer, who used a pseudonym in the article because he was afraid of retaliation by occupation forces, the program was able to assemble a complete nuclear weapon in a cave in Konan and detonate it on August 12, 1945 on an unmanned ship nearby. Reportedly, the weapon produced a mushroom shaped cloud with a diameter of about 100 m (the first American bomb, "Trinity", had a mushroom cloud some three times the size of that), and also destroyed several ships in the test area. To the observers 20 mi (32 km) away, the bomb was brighter than the rising sun. The officer then claimed that the Russian Army, which captured Konan in November 1945 after some of the last fighting in the war, dismantled the Japanese project and shipped it and some of its scientists taken prisoner back to the Soviet Union.

Most mainstream historians dispute that the Japanese program got close to developing an atomic bomb but US intelligence took the possibility very seriously and continued to question repatriated Japanese from the Konan area about the project.

A 1985 book by Robert Wilcox reprinted the Snell interview as a basis for investigating the Japanese WWII nuclear efforts. In addition to detailing the known Japanese army and navy efforts, the book cites numerous intelligence reports and interviews which indicated the Japanese might have had an atomic program at Konan. It also gave evidence that the Japanese navy, taking up the atomic project after Nishina’s Riken had been destroyed, increased the Japanese efforts to make a weapon. The book, prefaced by Derek deSolla Price, Avalon professor of the history of science at Yale University, who endorsed it, was both panned and praised. Price wrote, “No longer can we maintain that a Japanese bomb just couldn’t have happened. Obviously it ‘nearly’ did. The only questions are how near and what does it do to our judgment on the one case we have of atomic warfare.” James L. Stokesbury, author of A Short History of World War II, wrote: “I had no idea the Japanese were working as seriously on an atomic bomb...this has to modify our perception of one of the crucial issues of the war.”

A review by a Department of Energy employee in the journal Military Affairs degraded it:

Journalist Wilcox' book describes the Japanese wartime atomic energy projects. This is a laudable, in that it illuminates a little-known episode; nevertheless, the work is marred by Wilcox' seeming eagerness to show that Japan created an atomic bomb. Tales of Japanese atomic explosions, one a fictional attack on Los Angeles, the other an unsubstantiated account of a post-Hiroshima test, begin the book. (Wilcox accepts the test story because the author [Snell], "was a distinguished journalist"). The tales, combined with Wilcox' failure to discuss the difficulty of translating scientific theory into a workable bomb, obscure the actual story of the Japanese effort: uncoordinated laboratory-scale projects which took paths least likely to produce a bomb. In the historical journal Isis, two historians of science said only of Wilcox's work that his thesis stood "on the flimsiest and most unconvincing of grounds," and surmised that the hidden agenda of such conspiracy theories was "to furnish a new exculpation for America's dropping of atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki."
Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: Brenjen on June 04, 2006, 06:30:39 PM
LOL, I was thinking the same least the historians have proof of their claims & investigate to discover the truth if it is out there to find.

 All I can say is, I saw it, it was interesting & if you see it on, give it a watch.

 Oh, BTW anyone can write anything in wikpedia, it is far from a reliable source of information.
Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: Debonair on June 04, 2006, 06:32:29 PM
someone set them up the bomb:noid :noid :noid :noid
Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: Gunslinger on June 04, 2006, 06:33:34 PM
Originally posted by Debonair
someone set them up the bomb:noid :noid :noid :noid

You have no chance to survive, make your time.
Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: Arlo on June 04, 2006, 06:37:50 PM
Eh .... *ShruG* ... when the hitler ... errr ... I mean ... history channel first came out I was kinda excited about it. As time went on I saw more and more slipshod sensationalist rumor magazine style shows being aired and came to the conclusion that they're specifically shooting for the conspiracy theory/paranoid/alternate history/"graphic novel" crowd's buck. I suppose from an entertainment - suspend belief viewpoint it may have some use, though Hollywood's better at it. I guess you get what you pay for. ;) :aok
Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: DiabloTX on June 04, 2006, 06:38:18 PM
Originally posted by Brenjen
Oh, BTW anyone can write anything in wikpedia, it is far from a reliable source of information.

Yup.  Just like any numbnut can watch the History Channel and espouse it's validity.
Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: Arlo on June 04, 2006, 06:39:05 PM
Originally posted by Brenjen
LOL, I was thinking the same least the historians have proof of their claims & investigate to discover the truth if it is out there to find.

 All I can say is, I saw it, it was interesting & if you see it on, give it a watch.

 Oh, BTW anyone can write anything in wikpedia, it is far from a reliable source of information.

The history channel being far more reliable. ;)
Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: DiabloTX on June 04, 2006, 06:42:00 PM
Hey Arlo, you remember when A&E first came on?

It should have been called "Der Luftwaffe Channel".
Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: Bruno on June 04, 2006, 06:53:09 PM
What you just said is bunk and like you I offer no proof or back up my asertations of 'bunkness'

I don't have to prove a negative. Its up to those making the claim to prove those claims. I know it's tough to comprehend but work at it a little...
Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: Bruno on June 04, 2006, 06:55:07 PM
when the hitler ... errr ... I mean ... history channel

I rremember an old "Married with Children' episode when Al was watcjing TV and the annoubce says:

"Next on A & E, 'It's a Hilter Christmas'..."
Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: Arlo on June 04, 2006, 07:09:32 PM
Originally posted by DiabloTX
Hey Arlo, you remember when A&E first came on?

It should have been called "Der Luftwaffe Channel".

Sourkraut tv dinners baybee. ;)
Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: Arlo on June 04, 2006, 07:10:24 PM
Originally posted by Bruno
I rremember an old "Married with Children' episode when Al was watcjing TV and the annoubce says:

"Next on A & E, 'It's a Hilter Christmas'..."

This begs a photoshop. Alas ... those days are .... delayed. ;)
Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: Brenjen on June 04, 2006, 07:53:40 PM
Originally posted by DiabloTX
Yup.  Just like any numbnut can watch the History Channel and espouse it's validity.

 Post a history channel documentary that was bunk. I see alot of people who think one thing & can't prove anything.

 The history channel backed up their claims, can any of you?

 I only posted it because it was interesting to me & I thought others might be interested in it too, not to be called numbnuts by you. If you want to flame someone & jump on some childish imaginary internet bandwagon have at it, I know you wouldn't say anything of the sort to my face; not more than once anyway.

 So all you guys bashing without proof of your opinions, put up or shut up.
Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: Arlo on June 04, 2006, 08:06:16 PM
How did the hitleree channel show about Japan testing a nuke in N. Korea (or offshore of N. Korea) during WWII back up it's claims?:lol
Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: lasersailor184 on June 04, 2006, 08:08:38 PM
Just remember folks, death, doom and gloom sell the most.

And beware the smell on the Bull farm.
Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: DiabloTX on June 04, 2006, 08:22:29 PM
Originally posted by Brenjen
Post a history channel documentary that was bunk. I see alot of people who think one thing & can't prove anything.

 The history channel backed up their claims, can any of you?

 I only posted it because it was interesting to me & I thought others might be interested in it too, not to be called numbnuts by you. If you want to flame someone & jump on some childish imaginary internet bandwagon have at it, I know you wouldn't say anything of the sort to my face; not more than once anyway.

 So all you guys bashing without proof of your opinions, put up or shut up.

Oh yeah?  Well, MY dad can beat up YOUR dad!!
Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: Brenjen on June 04, 2006, 10:31:53 PM
Originally posted by Arlo
How did the hitleree channel show about Japan testing a nuke in N. Korea (or offshore of N. Korea) during WWII back up it's claims?:lol

 With documents ( as I pointed out already - read ) & interviews of the last two surviving Japanese nuclear scientists.

 I suppose all you guys are WWF fans huh.
Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: Brenjen on June 04, 2006, 10:39:54 PM
Originally posted by DiabloTX
Oh yeah?  Well, MY dad can beat up YOUR dad!!

 And that means what? That you have some special right to flame or call me names? Or that your a ten year old?

 It was a very interesting program, I'm sorry however that I brought it up. You may return to your WWF now, you are dismissed.
Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: DiabloTX on June 04, 2006, 10:50:55 PM
Originally posted by Brenjen
With documents ( as I pointed out already - read ) & interviews of the last two surviving Japanese nuclear scientists.

 I suppose all you guys are WWF fans huh.

Looks who's having a "selective reading" moment.

WWF sucked.  WCW was much better.

And my dad can still whip your dad's prettythang!!!!!
Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: Brenjen on June 04, 2006, 11:10:33 PM
Originally posted by DiabloTX
Looks who's having a "selective reading" moment.

WWF sucked.  WCW was much better.

And my dad can still whip your dad's prettythang!!!!!

 What the hell are you going on about "selective reading" & that "my daddy can whip your daddy" thing?

 You flamed me & called me a numbnut. If you don't wish to be called on it, don't do it. If you would like to call me names face to face I would gladly oblige. Just let me know.

 And I knew you were a rasslin fan, why are you rasslin fans always so simple minded?

 Until you are ready to come out from behind that keyboard & put your money where your mouth is I am done replying to you, you're beneath me.
Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: john9001 on June 04, 2006, 11:29:02 PM
yeah, yeah, we have all heard/seen the shows about germany and japan's secret/super weapons and how they could have won the war IF ONLY( fill in the blank), but the FACTS are they lost the war to a bunch of untrained soda jerks, store clerks and farm boys with weapons made by "rosie the riveter".

so whats your point?
Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: DiabloTX on June 04, 2006, 11:32:46 PM
Originally posted by Brenjen
What the hell are you going on about "selective reading" & that "my daddy can whip your daddy" thing?

 You flamed me & called me a numbnut. If you don't wish to be called on it, don't do it. If you would like to call me names face to face I would gladly oblige. Just let me know.

 And I knew you were a rasslin fan, why are you rasslin fans always so simple minded?

 Until you are ready to come out from behind that keyboard & put your money where your mouth is I am done replying to you, you're beneath me.

Congrats Bren, you are now officially the B5N of this message board.
Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: Mr Big on June 04, 2006, 11:36:02 PM
The history channel is has some good shows, but most are riddled with incorrect info.

No other nation was even remotely close to creating a nuclear bomb back then.
Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: Pooh21 on June 04, 2006, 11:36:02 PM
OOhh an internet tough guy!!! These are almost as amusing as an internet special forces/pilot/bereaved military widow impersonators.
Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: Arlo on June 04, 2006, 11:43:10 PM
Originally posted by Brenjen
With documents ( as I pointed out already - read ) & interviews of the last two surviving Japanese nuclear scientists.

 I suppose all you guys are WWF fans huh.

Not really. Nor am I into fantasy role-playing. ;)
Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: Bruno on June 04, 2006, 11:49:08 PM
The show is not even 'new'. It has aired several times (I saw it last year IIRC) on both the 'History Channel' and 'History Channel International'. The claims made in the program haven't been taken seriously by any credible historian that I know of.

While it maybe 'interesting' to some it is so implausible that these claims just can't be taken seriously. They are right up there with the Wunderwaffe Foo-fighters, anti-gravity gun and the German A-bomb.
Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: DiabloTX on June 04, 2006, 11:55:34 PM
Originally posted by Bruno
They are right up there with the Wunderwaffe Foo-fighters, anti-gravity gun and the German A-bomb.

Oh they existed.  I know.  I saw it on CNN and read about it somewhere on the internet.
Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: Elfie on June 05, 2006, 12:00:46 AM
I was gonna respond more in this thread.....but I dont want to get flamed like you guys flamed Brenjen so I'll just leave. :D
Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: Arlo on June 05, 2006, 12:25:51 AM
Hey. C'mon now. Brennie got his knickers all twisted for the wrong reason. We were making fun of the history channel.

Tonight ... on the history channel ... the secret unknown German-Japanese space race to the moon in 1939.
Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: Debonair on June 05, 2006, 12:56:18 AM
hitler has the tsar bomb, but he didn't use it because he insisted it be delivered stuka style
Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: rpm on June 05, 2006, 02:57:10 AM
Originally posted by DiabloTX
Congrats Bren, you are now officially the B5N of this message board.
:rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl
Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: Slash27 on June 05, 2006, 05:13:03 AM
Originally posted by DiabloTX
Looks who's having a "selective reading" moment.
WWF sucked.  WCW was much better.

Are you kidding me? WCW was nothing compared to the WWF superstars. The Rock and Stone Cold could whip any WCW hacks bellybutton in a cage match let alone a barbed wire luberjack  I mean....  that stuff is so fake... who watches that crap anyway???:O

Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: Nilsen on June 05, 2006, 05:32:21 AM
We could all colaborate and make up a good story on wiki.

Lets come together and create a person and his adventures! We could call him.. i dunno.. Voss?

If we put our brains together we could make up his entire life, family, job, friends etc

Fun oclub project.

Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: Brenjen on June 05, 2006, 11:53:53 AM
Originally posted by Arlo
Hey. C'mon now. Brennie got his knickers all twisted for the wrong reason. We were making fun of the history channel.

Tonight ... on the history channel ... the secret unknown German-Japanese space race to the moon in 1939.

 Hardly. I don't like being called names. Do you? You guys can bash the History channel all you like, I could'nt care less. But anyone who wishes to insult me has the opportunity to do it in person. Just let me know. I am no internet tough guy, I'll give you my address. It's the ones commencing the attack who are hiding behind a keyboard for safety.

 As far as the wild eyed connections made. Umm, lets see; the German atomic research was sabotaged by it's own scientists who feared Hitlers use of it & the documents associated with their work were captured.

 And how can anyone make a jump from a comparatively simple process of building a bomb to U.F.O.'s?

 I have seen the same nonsense on the History channel about the U.F.O. culture, I never heard the show once call any of it fact, they just put all the evidence out there for the viewer to decide. As soon as they have proof the U.F.O.'s people are reporting are actually military aircraft, I'm sure they will update.

 Yes, nilsen, you could. It's been done before. Wikpedia is only as accurate as the person who typed the write-up.

 So now that Monday has come, lets see the moderators in action....this simple post was clearly flamed to hell & back & I was attacked on a personal level. Or are you youngsters special cases? Polishing mod wood are you? Is that why you have the wooderson avatar?:lol
Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: rpm on June 05, 2006, 12:04:25 PM
Originally posted by Brenjen
I am no internet tough guy, I'll give you my address.
Jay and Silent Bob will be around shortly.;)
Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: Brenjen on June 05, 2006, 12:09:22 PM
Since I didn't watch the movie, I have no idea what that is supposed to mean.
Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: rpm on June 05, 2006, 12:18:09 PM
They get a list of everyone on a BBS that trashed them and then went around door to door kicking their arse.
Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: Goomba on June 05, 2006, 12:34:43 PM
I'll betcha that, with 60 years of passionate ethical debate on the morality of using the atomic bomb at stake, if it were true it would have long since been made very, very public.

If you think about it, proof that the Japanese were only a short step away from a successful bomb would be very powerful justification.  The fact that the Germans had an active program has long been espoused as one of the main motiovations for the Manhattan Project.

Them or Us.

Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: Stringer on June 05, 2006, 12:55:20 PM
"Ahh...the Luftwaffe, the Washington Generals of the History Channel".....Homer Simpson
Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: Brenjen on June 05, 2006, 03:32:17 PM
Originally posted by rpm
They get a list of everyone on a BBS that trashed them and then went around door to door kicking their arse.

:rofl  Sounds funny, I'll have to give it a look.
Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: Arlo on June 05, 2006, 03:39:47 PM
Originally posted by Brenjen
(edited for brevity's sake)I don't like being called names. You guys can bash the History channel all you like, I could'nt care less. I'll give you my address. hiding behind a keyboard for safety.

German atomic research ... feared Hitlers use. U.F.O.'s? As soon as they have proof the U.F.O.'s people are reporting are actually military aircraft, I'm sure they will update. Wikpedia boo. Monday. moderators. I was attacked on a personal level. you are youngsters. Polishing my wood as I type this. wooderson avatar.

Get over it. Nobody was calling you names. We just weren't taking this thread seriously. If you can't handle that then you can't handle much. :D
Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: Brenjen on June 05, 2006, 03:45:27 PM
I consider being called a numbnut being called names on a personal level, if you want to bash the history channel, GET OVER IT & start your own thread, stop flaming mine.

 I can handle it fine, & have.
Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: Arlo on June 05, 2006, 03:49:16 PM
You have? Then what's with the case of I'llkickyourassformakingfunofmeitis? ;) :aok
Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: Elfie on June 05, 2006, 04:06:20 PM
Originally posted by Brenjen
:rofl  Sounds funny, I'll have to give it a look.

I would suggest not wasting your time on that movie. The only part that was even remotely funny was when they went around beating people up for bashing them on a BBS. They showed up at this one house and a kid around 11 or 12 answers the door. (They have this list (and its HUGE) of people who talked trash about them and what they said.) They ask the kid....did you say such and such about so and so? They kid smiles and proudly says....yeah I did! He gets his butt kicked and they move on to their next victim. That same type of scene gets repeated about a half a dozen times or so.
Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: Brenjen on June 05, 2006, 04:06:54 PM
Originally posted by Arlo
You have? Then what's with the case of I'llkickyourassformakingfunofmeitis? ;) :aok

 I never said I'll kick your as for making fun of me to anyone, I simply am giving the cowards behind the keyboards the option to pony up their mouths.

 If a person feels comfortable typing insults & is too much of a coward to do it face to face it's not my fault, I'm giving the opportunity to say it to my a man.

 If someone were to take me up on it & it came to blows, I may or may not come out on top, but I'll be damned to an eternity in hell if I curl up & let someone wipe their feet on me. Who knows, we might end up talking it out & having a beer together.
Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: Arlo on June 05, 2006, 04:12:46 PM
Originally posted by Brenjen
I never said I'll kick your as for making fun of me to anyone, I simply am giving the cowards behind the keyboards the option to pony up their mouths.

 If a person feels comfortable typing insults & is too much of a coward to do it face to face it's not my fault, I'm giving the opportunity to say it to my a man.

 If someone were to take me up on it & it came to blows, I may or may not come out on top, but I'll be damned to an eternity in hell if I curl up & let someone wipe their feet on me. Who knows, we might end up talking it out & having a beer together.

You're reading more personal insults than people are making. You have issues. I suggest professional help. Other than that, I suggest you also not take everything you see on the history channel as gospel. Have a nice day, big guy.  :aok
Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: Brenjen on June 05, 2006, 04:18:42 PM
Nope, I only read the one & that's all I need.

Yes I do have issues with poeple insulting me.

I suggest you not flame threads if your not interested in the topic, don't post in it.

I will trust the History channels physical documentation & personal interviews & other first hand interviews with people who worked on the project conducted by other media sources over the years over Wikpedia any day thanks.

I am having & will continue to have a nice day, thank you.
Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: DiabloTX on June 05, 2006, 04:34:46 PM
Ok B5N, read this and read it carefully.  I'll give you as much time as you need to think out your reply.

Where SPECIFICALLY did I call YOU a numbnut?  

Come on, I know you can do it.   Read carefully.  Insinuation and direct insults are 2 different things.  

You can bash Wiki all you want and others can bash the History Channel all they want.  Rather than just have a knee jerk reaction why don't you engage your brain before posting?  The Wiki, just like THC, is nothing more than a source of information.  It's how you process that information that makes a difference.  The beauty of Wiki is that it can be edited by anyone, that's what makes it unique, it has a built-in set of checks and balances that are constant.  With a media resource like THC all you get is what they produce.  All I did was list the entry from Wiki and rather than just use it as another source for the subject of your thread you decide to flame it.  

But, hey, who am I to stop someone from looking like an idiot...

I am betting that we get another tough guy response...I can hardly wait.
Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: Pooh21 on June 05, 2006, 07:14:04 PM
hmm this toughguy thread has gone on 2 pages without him backing up his Toughguy credentials.

so I shall for him

I am 6'2"(all internet toughguys are ALWAYS  6'2"+ I am thinking it is a manifestation of shortman syndrome.)

230 lbs of muscle!!11one, because I am [played football in school,wrassled gators,Bodybuilder,Steel plant worker,].(pick one)

I am a  [Boxer,Wrestler,Ninja,Snip3r,Hong Kong Phooey](pick one)
Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: Debonair on June 05, 2006, 07:36:31 PM
history channel ever run documentaries about flame wars?
Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: Brenjen on June 05, 2006, 07:42:56 PM
Originally posted by Pooh21
hmm this toughguy thread has gone on 2 pages without him backing up his Toughguy credentials.

so I shall for him

I am 6'2"(all internet toughguys are ALWAYS  6'2"+ I am thinking it is a manifestation of shortman syndrome.)

230 lbs of muscle!!11one, because I am [played football in school,wrassled gators,Bodybuilder,Steel plant worker,].(pick one)

I am a  [Boxer,Wrestler,Ninja,Snip3r,Hong Kong Phooey](pick one)

 ROFLMAO; none of the above, close on the height for me, I have no idea about the big mouth on the other end of the network.

 Come on, I know you can do it. Read carefully. Insinuation and direct insults are 2 different things

 No they're not. They're one & the same, insinuation is just a way for a coward to attempt to hide or later change the tone to fit his later arguements. Only a fool wouldn't take it in the spirit it was intended.

 Edit: What does a jap plane have to do with this? I am not & never have gone by B5N
Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: Arlo on June 05, 2006, 07:43:32 PM
The Japanese were on the verge of developing the flamewar before the U.S. did. They even tested it in North Korea a couple of days after we tested it over Hiroshima. :D
Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: Brenjen on June 05, 2006, 07:46:45 PM
I also see what a few posters have noted, the mods do play favorites, picking & choosing who they nab for flaming or insulting other posters.

 Skuzzy I'm sure is busy, but there are several other mods listed & I see their handywork regularly.
Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: DiabloTX on June 05, 2006, 08:03:51 PM
Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: Arlo on June 05, 2006, 08:06:14 PM
Originally posted by Brenjen
I also see what a few posters have noted, the mods do play favorites, picking & choosing who they nab for flaming or insulting other posters.

 Skuzzy I'm sure is busy, but there are several other mods listed & I see their handywork regularly.

I think it's more along the lines of your inability to differentiate between good natured ridicule of the subject matter of the thread and people picking on you because it was a subject you take more seriously than they do. Perhaps if you practiced taking yourself less seriously for a day you would see yourself in the same light others actually do. ;)
Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: Slash27 on June 05, 2006, 08:12:30 PM
Originally posted by Pooh21
hmm this toughguy thread has gone on 2 pages without him backing up his Toughguy credentials.

so I shall for him

I am 6'2"(all internet toughguys are ALWAYS  6'2"+ I am thinking it is a manifestation of shortman syndrome.)

230 lbs of muscle!!11one, because I am [played football in school,wrassled gators,Bodybuilder,Steel plant worker,].(pick one)

I am a  [Boxer,Wrestler,Ninja,Snip3r,Hong Kong Phooey](pick one)

But I am 6'2" and played football:cry

Not a sniperninja though. Is that available as an online course yet?
Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: Pooh21 on June 05, 2006, 09:28:35 PM
Originally posted by Slash27
But I am 6'2" and played football:cry

Not a sniperninja though. Is that available as an online course yet?

Send me 29.95 and I will send you a certificate certifying your awesome ninja skills, suitable for framing

Act Fast this is a limited time offer
Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: DiabloTX on June 05, 2006, 09:34:55 PM
Originally posted by Pooh21
Send me 29.95 and I will send you a certificate certifying your awesome ninja skills, suitable for framing

Act Fast this is a limited time offer

Do you have a course in Super Sniping with a focus on Monkey Love?  If so sign me up!
Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: Hangtime on June 05, 2006, 09:56:23 PM
Originally posted by DiabloTX
Do you have a course in Super Sniping with a focus on Monkey Love?  If so sign me up!

I took the Monkey Love course as a stand alone. Failed the Poo Fling Final. *sigh* I still have all the course material if yer interested.
Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: Fury on June 05, 2006, 10:20:23 PM
All in all, this was quite a fun thread to read.  It kinda imploded shortly after the initial post and never really recovered.
Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: Sixpence on June 05, 2006, 10:26:08 PM
"the program was able to assemble a complete nuclear weapon in a cave"

lol!! what, they smuggle MacGyver out of the US?
Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: DiabloTX on June 05, 2006, 10:31:22 PM
Originally posted by Hangtime
I took the Monkey Love course as a stand alone. Failed the Poo Fling Final. *sigh* I still have all the course material if yer interested.

You realise of course that's just like admitting you failed PE, right?

Damn, who flunks the Poo Fling????? (That's what I've been told anyway.)

Yeah I'll take the materials...
Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: Hangtime on June 05, 2006, 11:19:06 PM
Originally posted by DiabloTX
Damn, who flunks the Poo Fling????? (That's what I've been told anyway.)

It was ugly.

The other monkey had the runs.

I had nuthin to throw back.
Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: Brenjen on June 06, 2006, 12:09:06 AM
Originally posted by Sixpence
"the program was able to assemble a complete nuclear weapon in a cave"

lol!! what, they smuggle MacGyver out of the US?

 We assembled one on a gigantic tower, and without MacGyver :lol
Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: Arlo on June 06, 2006, 12:21:24 AM
Actually .... it wasn't assembled on a tower. :aok
Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: Hangtime on June 06, 2006, 12:28:00 AM
don't poke the monkey.

monkey flings poo.
Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: Arlo on June 06, 2006, 12:40:43 AM
Paper wipes poo. Scissors cut paper. :D
Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: DiabloTX on June 06, 2006, 12:51:41 AM
Yes, but who cut the cheese?
Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: Arlo on June 06, 2006, 12:54:27 AM
Frenchie. :D
Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: Slash27 on June 06, 2006, 05:14:54 AM
Originally posted by Pooh21
Send me 29.95 and I will send you a certificate certifying your awesome ninja skills, suitable for framing

Act Fast this is a limited time offer

Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: Westy on June 06, 2006, 08:16:13 AM
"Just like any numbnut can watch the History Channel and espouse it's validity."

lol.  Bullseye.

Anyone who treats the History Channel "doctoredmentaries" as hardcore research is truly a numbnut.   Thier "what if" and "exposed after 50 years!" type of productions are simply "inuendo sprinkled with fact" entertainment.

 lol.  "It must be true! I saw in on the History channel..."

Too much.
Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: Shifty on June 06, 2006, 08:36:09 AM
Crap I always miss the good ones. Everytime I turn on the History Channel it's a sleeper like The History of ball bearings.:(
Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: john9001 on June 06, 2006, 09:57:37 AM
i thought " history of ball bearings" was very interesting, can't wait for the sequel.
Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: Edbert1 on June 06, 2006, 11:05:49 AM
So, does this mean that the Japs did not have bombers that could launch from a sub and take out the Panama canal?
Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: Brenjen on June 06, 2006, 12:45:02 PM
So, does this mean that the Japs did not have bombers that could launch from a sub and take out the Panama canal?

 To some it does, of course. It was documented & people who saw it were interviewed, how much more made up can you get :p

 What I really like about this is not one of the people who have flamed in this thread have brought out a counter to the authenticated documents that were discovered & the first hand interviews with two of the scientists who worked on the project.
 The allies captured the German documents & the German scientists. Yet most of the flamers here apparently believe those interviews & documents that claim the scientists steered the German atomic projects in the wrong direction; but refuse to believe the documentation & interviews of the Japanese. I think conspiracy nuts like that should be hunted down & medicated by force, they are a danger to themselves, they're gonna be running around with tin-foil hats on shortly. These are the same people who think the Pentagon was hit by a missle or something, come on.

 I was hoping for an actual intelligent discussion, I found that intelligence is no more common here than on the Yahoo forums lol....just a bunch of immature trolls.

 I missed the show on the ball bearings, I would have liked to have seen it. It's the little things that make the world go that get overlooked a lot of times.
Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: AlGorithm on June 06, 2006, 01:00:19 PM
Last night on The History Channel...


Welcome to the remote, top-secret military base Kapustin Yar, which is alleged to have housed the wreckage and remains of no fewer than eight UFO crash incidents between 1945 and '91. Interviews, on-camera tours, dramatic reenactments, and extensive recreations reveal this extraordinary facility, showing the ways in which Soviet UFO research scientists used and processed the wreckage... and the alien bodies.
Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: Brenjen on June 06, 2006, 01:18:22 PM
LOL what does that have to do with anything?

 I never said the History channel didn't run shows for entertainment purposes. You have to speak english to understand when something is being put forth as fact or alleged as fact. The History channel is very careful to use the correct english terms in these cases from what I have seen.

 Look at this snip "which is alleged ";  they didn't say authenticated. It's little differences like that you must understand. By using your snip as a point then we must assume you believe the U.S. govt's own U.F.O. research makes their aeronautical accomplishments bunk? There aren't really B-2 bombers or F-14's or F-22's or the space shuttle are there? Because they investigated U.F.O.'s too right?

Ask yourselves this;

 The Russians built a bomb very quickly after the end of WWII, how do you suppose they obtained this technology if it was impossible for anyone but the incredible United States to figure out? The Russians were about as technologically backwards as a society could be when the war started.

 How about those dirt farming Chinese who can't even design a plane without help, how did they do it?

 I suppose the fact that GERMAN scientists here in the U.S. were responsible for the creation of the U.S. bomb goes overlooked by the masses as well.

 All these backwards countries just skipped the atomic weapons like we tested at the Trinity site & jumped straight into thermonuclear devices & neutron bombs I suppose.
Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: Hangtime on June 06, 2006, 01:26:49 PM
Originally posted by Brenjen
LOL what does that have to do with anything?

 I never said the History channel didn't run shows for entertainment purposes. You have to speak english to understand when something is being put forth as fact or alleged as fact. The History channel is very careful to use the correct english terms in these cases from what I have seen.

 Look at this snip "which is alleged ";  they didn't say authenticated. It's little differences like that you must understand. By using your snip as a point then we must assume you believe the U.S. govt's own U.F.O. research makes their aeronautical accomplishments bunk? There aren't really B-2 bombers or F-14's or F-22's or the space shuttle are there? Because they investigated U.F.O.'s too right?

Ask yourselves this;

 The Russians built a bomb very quickly after the end of WWII, how do you suppose they obtained this technology if it was impossible for anyone but the incredible United States to figure out? The Russians were about as technologically backwards as a society could be when the war started.

 How about those dirt farming Chinese who can't even design a plane without help, how did they do it?

 I suppose the fact that GERMAN scientists here in the U.S. were responsible for the creation of the U.S. bomb goes overlooked by the masses as well.

 All these backwards countries just skipped the atomic weapons like we tested at the Trinity site & jumped straight into thermonuclear devices & neutron bombs I suppose.

First rule of hole digging: when yer in over yer head, stop digging.
Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: AlGorithm on June 06, 2006, 01:39:28 PM
Brenjen wrote;
Ask yourselves this;

The Russians built a bomb very quickly after the end of WWII, how do you suppose they obtained this technology if it was impossible for anyone but the incredible United States to figure out? The Russians were about as technologically backwards as a society could be when the war started.

How about those dirt farming Chinese who can't even design a plane without help, how did they do it?

I suppose the fact that GERMAN scientists here in the U.S. were responsible for the creation of the U.S. bomb goes overlooked by the masses as well.

All these backwards countries just skipped the atomic weapons like we tested at the Trinity site & jumped straight into thermonuclear devices & neutron bombs I suppose.

Alien UFOs?

j/k ;)

Our ever truthful government blamed it on a communist/jewish conspiracy. Rosenbergs -> Russia -> China.

Or did the feds abuse the death penalty and execute innocent people?
Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: Brenjen on June 06, 2006, 01:39:35 PM
So why dont you guys stop digging? Trying to find that counterpoint I asked for?
Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: john9001 on June 06, 2006, 01:44:42 PM
Originally posted by Brenjen


Ask yourselves this;

 The Russians built a bomb very quickly after the end of WWII, how do you suppose they obtained this technology if it was impossible for anyone but the incredible United States to figure out? The Russians were about as technologically backwards as a society could be when the war started.


we already know the answer, well some of us anyway.

some English nuke engineer who thought the world would be safer if USSR and the USA had the bomb gave USSR the technical theory for it and the rosenbergs gave the Russians the mechanical info.*

* rosenbergs brother-in-law worked at los alamos.

the USSR has always had and still does have spies and sympathisers in the USA.
Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: Edbert1 on June 06, 2006, 01:55:35 PM
The German scientists working for the USA landed on the moon before the German scientists captured by the Russians did. Sputnik, manned orbit, and the space-walks were a side-show :D
Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: Brenjen on June 06, 2006, 02:04:43 PM
Originally posted by Edbert1
The German scientists working for the USA landed on the moon before the German scientists captured by the Russians did. Sputnik, manned orbit, and the space-walks were a side-show :D

 ROFL; be careful Edbert1...all we have to go by is documentation & first hand accounts of the people involved that we actually landed on the moon. These guys will probably jump on the "we didn't land on the moon, it was done in a studio" conspiracy next.

 When someone can't prove or disprove they make leaps to unconnected stories & prop each other up. They feel stronger in packs.:lol  Where was that post about flamer caricatures with the bulldog & the little yapping sidekick on his shoulder, it fits.
Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: Brenjen on June 06, 2006, 02:08:30 PM
Originally posted by john9001
we already know the answer, well some of us anyway.

some English nuke engineer who thought the world would be safer if USSR and the USA had the bomb gave USSR the technical theory for it and the rosenbergs gave the Russians the mechanical info.*

* rosenbergs brother-in-law worked at los alamos.

the USSR has always had and still does have spies and sympathisers in the USA.

 There is no doubt the Rosenburgs helped the soviets enormously with their treason if you believe documentation & eyewitness accounts.
Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: Eagler on June 06, 2006, 02:11:14 PM
if its on the tele or the internet it must be true ...

makes one wonder what the next generation of mush minds will believe as truth
Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: GtoRA2 on June 06, 2006, 02:32:48 PM
This thread has like a black haze over it..... Or maybe a black cloud?

Or is that a sniper in black back there by the cave?
Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: Brenjen on June 06, 2006, 02:36:19 PM
Originally posted by Eagler
if its on the tele or the internet it must be true ...

makes one wonder what the next generation of mush minds will believe as truth

 If it's backed up with documentation.

 How were things proven to the masses before? In print? So every newspaper article is true?

 I only see one arguement in opposition to the documentary & not one of the brainiacs on these boards have even bothered to bring it up;

 The documents found in 2001 could have been forgeries & the two surviving Japanese scientists could have been (would've had to have been) involved in their creation.

 I saw no scientific tests of the paper or ink listed, they may have & I just missed it. But then this begs the question, why would men in their late 80's or 90's keep quiet all these years & let the documents surface on their own?

 I really hate having to bring up counter-points to my own questions but I'm tired of waiting on an actual thought to emerge from the flame posters.

 Oh BTW Mods where were you on this one:

5- Flamebaiting, trolling, or posting to incite or annoy is not allowed.

 Are these flamers related to you or just in the "club"

And with that I am leaving this thread, I have already put three people on the ignore list to get this far without losing my temper.
Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: Hangtime on June 06, 2006, 02:43:34 PM
Originally posted by Brenjen
So why dont you guys stop digging? Trying to find that counterpoint I asked for?

stinky cheeze must use better bait put-the-shovel-down
Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: straffo on June 06, 2006, 03:05:40 PM
Originally posted by Brenjen
The Russians built a bomb very quickly after the end of WWII, how do you suppose they obtained this technology if it was impossible for anyone but the incredible United States to figure out? The Russians were about as technologically backwards as a society could be when the war started.

Now explain  the T34, the Lavochkin ?

Technologically backwards  , I don't think so.

Who wrote cheese ? I'm greedy now !
Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: DiabloTX on June 06, 2006, 04:22:06 PM
Originally posted by straffo
Who wrote cheese ? I'm greedy now !

I did.  Want some more?

Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: DiabloTX on June 06, 2006, 06:42:54 PM
Ok, I have done a ton of internet research on this subject, as I must admit, interested me as I had never heard of the possibility of Japan creating a nuclear weapon and testing it during WWII.

After going through the websites that I found I came to the conclusion that they did NOT squib a nOOk but that they were trying like hell to get to that point.  

Anyway, this is the best information I could find:

Japan's research into nuclear weapons during WWII  (
Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: Brenjen on June 06, 2006, 06:50:24 PM
At least you stopped flaming long enough to look into it further, that's all a discussion needs for it to be an interesting one. Maybe there's hope for you yet; I welcome disagreement & opposition, that's what forces you to look deeper & helps to expand the mind. All I ask is a little common courtesy & I will be happy to return the same to you.

  06-07-2006 12:42 AM  This person is on your Ignore List. To view this post click [here]  

 Funny that I would pick that particular post to look at.
Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: DiabloTX on June 06, 2006, 07:10:02 PM
Originally posted by Brenjen
At least you stopped flaming long enough to look into it further, that's all a discussion needs for it to be an interesting one. Maybe there's hope for you yet; I welcome disagreement & opposition, that's what forces you to look deeper & helps to expand the mind. All I ask is a little common courtesy & I will be happy to return the same to you.

  06-07-2006 12:42 AM  This person is on your Ignore List. To view this post click [here]  

 Funny that I would pick that particular post to look at.

Oh, BTW anyone can write anything in wikpedia, it is far from a reliable source of information.

Yup.  I tried that the first time.  You more or less didn't even bother to look at that data but rather attacked the source.  It's not a discussion if the person who brings up the topic refuses to partake in a discussion.  A more relevant answer would have been, "Wikipaedia is not the best source of information but is a good place to start research on just about any topic.  While I disagree with that entry, I'll try to find more information to support my side of the discussion."

Rather than be civil about it we got a complete dismissal of the information instead of an intelligent reply.  To dismiss my source was no different than my dismissal of yours.  BUT, unlike you I pursued the topic further through research (the so-called "flaming" was just having fun at your expense, you're an easy, easy target.  Thus the "B5N" moniker.).  

Putting someone on an ignore list is pretty damn lame too.  Someone doesn't agree with you?  IGNORE!!!!  Yeah, ignoring them is going to make your position more relavent.
Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: Brenjen on June 06, 2006, 07:25:43 PM
Originally posted by DiabloTX
Yup.  I tried that the first time.  You more or less didn't even bother to look at that data but rather attacked the source.  It's not a discussion if the person who brings up the topic refuses to partake in a discussion.  A more relevant answer would have been, "Wikipaedia is not the best source of information but is a good place to start research on just about any topic.  While I disagree with that entry, I'll try to find more information to support my side of the discussion."

Rather than be civil about it we got a complete dismissal of the information instead of an intelligent reply.  To dismiss my source was no different than my dismissal of yours.  BUT, unlike you I pursued the topic further through research (the so-called "flaming" was just having fun at your expense, you're an easy, easy target.  Thus the "B5N" moniker.).  

Putting someone on an ignore list is pretty damn lame too.  Someone doesn't agree with you?  IGNORE!!!!  Yeah, ignoring them is going to make your position more relavent.

 I DID look at the wikipedia link & I saw it was one I had already read after seeing the History channel segment, I did my own research. I dismissed it only after knowing what it contained & the fact that the links it provided are more of the same, opinions & no evidence. I was civil about it.

 That part about "but unlike you I pursued the topic further...." Yeah, after slinging insults my way on a personal level, being shot down & begining to look silly for doing it you decided to arm yourself with knowledge, that's the wise thing to do.

 Also, if you insult me with personal attacks I will stand up for myself & if that makes me "easy" then you bet I am. Using the ignore list is not lame, it's the only way I can keep from losing my temper with some people who refuse to do anything but gang flame because it makes them feel superior.

 I'm a fighter; I always have been, as I grew older I began to get my attitude in check but, that doesn't mean I'm weak. Many people mistake kindness for weakness, it's hard to make that mistake with me as I am neither. But I can be cordial if I am in a setting that is conducive to cordiality.
Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: DiabloTX on June 06, 2006, 07:36:34 PM
Yeah.  Your first two replies to posts were real cordial.  In fact I'd call them "condescendingly cordial".

You started the tone of this thread with those replies.  You are now reaping the benefit of those replies.
Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: Brenjen on June 06, 2006, 07:40:42 PM
Time to ignore you again pee-wee.
Title: Last night on the history channel
Post by: DiabloTX on June 06, 2006, 07:44:56 PM