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Help and Support Forums => Help and Training => Topic started by: Schatzi on June 05, 2006, 05:49:48 AM

Title: Yak vs 109 - two great fights
Post by: Schatzi on June 05, 2006, 05:49:48 AM
Heres two films that show that a 109K4 can do more then BnZ or run. And a Yak is a greatly underestimeated plane. Both planes flown well to their strenghts and always trying to get on the opponents weak side.

>>S<< TexMurph and Schutt, awesome fighting.

Yak9U vs 109K4 (

Yak9U vs 109K4, take two (

Feel free to analyse, point out mistakes and good stuff.

Title: Yak vs 109 - two great fights
Post by: TexMurphy on June 05, 2006, 10:05:22 AM
Thanks Schatzi for posting it...

In the second film there are two key moments from my perspective.

In the early stages I basicly setup the move that comes around 3:00.

What I do after the first merge is that I feel the oponent out. Can I outmanouver him easily or not. If I can then I commit harder if I cant then I want him to start climbing. The advantage of the 109 (g2 and newer vs yak) is the climb. The advantage of the Yak is the dive. I want to play his advantage against him.

I want him to start climbing. I follow him a bit and then I fall off. He wants to rope me so Im quite sure he will follow.

I tried the same manouver at 1:10ish into the fight which was too early and fell off to late so he almost had me.

But back to 3:00.

So he dives with me. Now he is on my six in a plane that manouvers worse then mine in a dive.

I do a barrell roll based manouver. I always start em of with a slight turn left or right. This serves two purposes one to get the other pilot to commit to that side two to offeset the direction of the barrell roll based manouver that is to come.

I either barrell roll and then split S when Im inverted in the barrell. This is the manouver I wanted to do at 1:10ish but scrwed it up. The barrell has to be much much higher vertically now it was just a lame turn, but it still worked decently.

Or I can do what I did at 3:00ish... Start off a to one side, the enemy commits to that turn, I go up, into a barrell roll, over and around his heading and you see how it turned the advantage of the fight.

Suddenly Im putting more preasure on him.

Next key moment is at 5:00ish.

Schutt starts to climb as he wants out of the bad situation the previously described manouver put him in.

This time since we are low I dont follow him.  If we would have been higher I would have followed and fallen of just like I described above.

What I do now is that I go into BnZ defense mode. I know he wount BnZ and that he will commit much harder has he has shown that he is agressive. But still I go into BnZ defense mode. What I do when I defend against BnZ is that I set up where I want the enemy to come at me.

When I defend against BnZs my goal isnt to stay alive, its to turn the steaks. I set up a reverse move which once again is based on a barrell roll.

I turn to one side so that he is comming at me from top behind. Important is that this turn is a very wide sustained turn so that you carry as much speed as you can though it. This forces him to take a very very hard shot.

I make it even harder on him as I start my barrell roll when he is 600 out.

Once again roll over and around him and we are back into a agressive E fight.

The diveout that comes after that was a shame but I had to as I was typing to the rook spit to stay out.

Was a great fight.

Title: Yak vs 109 - two great fights
Post by: Pooface on June 05, 2006, 10:07:30 AM
nice films :)

109k4 is a really fun plane, like you say, it does a lot more than climb run and BnZ. turnfighting in it is hard but a nice change from the usual:)

nice flying guys:aok
Title: Yak vs 109 - two great fights
Post by: SAS_KID on June 05, 2006, 09:20:30 PM
Heh i was dogfighting with a Spit16 manover after manuver in a 109K4 we were just tradeing firing positions but due to my poor gunnery i missed on a lot of snapshots with the 30mm and he extended but i was able to catch him again and we went round and round again then he tried to run and some reds got on my 6 i manuvred he came around and i got a high quarter shot on his wing he went down then i went down fighting 2 spits but then i tlaked to him and i knew what he was going to say. He was out of ammo thru most of the fight:lol . i was like o dear.... for he must of been drooling at some of the firing attempts he had and all that time i thought i was out manu:lol ering a great spit16 driver >.> most of these manuvers were where he was on my 6 i would go up into a sorta high yoyo but not come down stall over with flap and elevator help cut throttale watch him try to pull for a shot and zoom pass me then i would do a small split S and into a scissor fight cut throttale full flaps and wait for him to cross my field of fire. In the end i had about 45 rounds left in my 30mm and i only fired 1 or 2 shot bursts. So that gives you an idea of how many shot attempts i had on him. Was funny to see blukitty was watching me fight the whole time radioed m in to go land. But i knew she had ran out of ammo and landed 7 kills:cry  and then again no one came to help after she radio'd me in. Thanks guys:( :cool: . Twas a fun fight. But i gotta say them Messerspits can fly well hehehe. Great planes.
Title: Yak vs 109 - two great fights
Post by: Creton on June 05, 2006, 09:28:14 PM
109's are great planes.Wish I could figure out how to fly them better.
Title: Yak vs 109 - two great fights
Post by: TDeacon on June 05, 2006, 11:19:33 PM
109s turn quite well in current version.  Even the 109-K outturns a P-51 now (just barely), per my measurements.  Also, due to the current bug in the P-51s at full flaps, if the P-51 goes to full flaps the 109-K will eat it for breakfast.  If the P-51 stays at 0/5 through 4/5 flaps, the 109-K has a slight advantage.
Title: Yak vs 109 - two great fights
Post by: Eagler on June 06, 2006, 07:37:32 AM
the k is too fast to give the yak a good fight

the k and a la7 woud match up closer

The g2 or f4 are a much better match up for a yak to test the pilot’s mettle

thanks for the pair of fights this am Tex
Title: Yak vs 109 - two great fights
Post by: TexMurphy on June 06, 2006, 07:51:18 AM
For me personally the best matchup is G2 or G6...

I need to work on how to fight the F4 without booring it tooo much.... but the F4 does out turn the Yak by quite a bit... or rather You in a F4 outturns me in a Yak by quite a bit.. ;)
