Aces High Bulletin Board
Special Events Forums => Scenario General => Topic started by: Hornet33 on July 16, 2006, 10:16:21 PM
I need to request that I be removed from the Axis roster for the upcoming scenario. Real life is going to have to take priority.
Thank you,
Yes! And the mutiny begins.....
Is there a board for just the axis forces ???? and are we going to be putr into set squads with set objectives ????
yes there is what is your registered cpid, you prob already in a flight.
Originally posted by jamesdeanoo7
Is there a board for just the axis forces ???? and are we going to be putr into set squads with set objectives ????
You must be one of the guys on the list doobs posted here (
Only a few days left and I have not received any email or info on how we are going to do things in Axis.
I am registered for the scenario and flew in the beta test.
Who's responsible for pulling Axis pilots together?
pick (registered as
No sorry I am not one of those guys, I just registered and wondered if there is a secure board where axis only guys are exchanging ideas etc...
There is a secure board. Doobs will get all the new guys assigned and able to view it.
Glad you made it :aok
Originally posted by p38ah
pick (registered as [email])
You want to edit that email addy out-a-here. Not a good idea to leave it and you should have included it when you registered, that makes it available to the CO. The CM team went to a lot of trouble to protect your email addresses.
Originally posted by p38ah
Only a few days left and I have not received any email or info on how we are going to do things in Axis.
I am registered for the scenario and flew in the beta test.
Who's responsible for pulling Axis pilots together?
pick (registered as
sorry you cant see it. You have been on the board some time now.
Try logging out and then back.
Originally posted by jamesdeanoo7
No sorry I am not one of those guys, I just registered and wondered if there is a secure board where axis only guys are exchanging ideas etc...
which cpid do you fly under, or registered with. I need that to get ya on the board..
I got an autoreply to my email that someone posted here but no email telling me
how to get connected up with the axis planners.
Maybe I should tell you this is the first time I've been in one of these scenarios (at least in AH). Should I just be waiting until the big night, no practice, no planning? Sorry for asking again but I have no clue what to do after registering.
you dont see ijn general forum? in the special events forums.
Forgive my stupidity but I go to the website,
Click on the downfall scenario link
Click again for more info
See a link for message board on the left hand side
Click that
End up here.
Where should I be looking?
look two forums down title should look like this
Operation Downfall IJN General
IJN General forum for Operation Downfall
Found it.
I think i see what your doing, up top of the page you should see
ACES HIGH BB > special events forums> Scenario General> operation downfall
Click on special events forum should open up an whole new world.
welcome aboard, good news is after we sink carriers beer cans float.
Lol what the hell is a cpid ?????
I have looked everywhere and I cant find the ijn board I will wait till friday and if I cant see it no probs I will do something else on saturday.
Originally posted by jamesdeanoo7
Lol what the hell is a cpid ?????
He is asking for your in-game handle / nickname
Oh right...its jdjnr and I am on the axis rosta but cant find an axis only board or any other info.
Information is a wonderful thing :)
Now that we know who you are, you should be able to see the IJN General Board.
Originally posted by doobs
welcome aboard, good news is after we sink carriers beer cans float.
Doobs, you IJ guys have a secret method for resealing them? When I've tried to make rafts, they keep filling up with water....
Originally posted by Simaril
Doobs, you IJ guys have a secret method for resealing them? When I've tried to make rafts, they keep filling up with water....
shh the secret is to sink task group before the flyboys get back to open them;)
See, now you are making the rafts with the cans laying Sideways.
Point the Open Side down, air get's trapped and the empty cans float.
You clearly haven't had enough beer by the lake to have this kind of experience :p
Originally posted by doobs
shh the secret is to sink task group before the flyboys get back to open them;)
Wont cut it. You think there's any beer left by the time they take off? All that's in the PX will be the relly lousey boxed wine, 'cause they save that for the ewes after the mission.....
I've removed you from the scenario registration on
why does everytime i try to join scenario,,,it tellls me it's closed?? and how do i "walk on"?
Read up on the rules and the time the frame starts.
Get in before hand. People plan for these things weeks in advance, walking on last minute is hard enough, but after it's started just doesn't work.
It would be good to have you in one, but you simply have to get there on time.
Originally posted by ROC
People plan for these things weeks in advance
They like to, when given that opportunity.
I'd take that up with your CO then Culero.
Originally posted by ROC
I'd take that up with your CO then Culero.
ROC, with all due respect, that's not fair.
The rules are a contract about how the game is played, and "if its not on paper it didnt happen" is the way contracts work. Every hear about the midget they put up to bat in 1940's? By the rules, his strike zone was teenie tiny -- adn so he got lots of walks. It was legal under the rules, and nothing could be done about until the written rules were changed.
The scenario rules as written do not say that every carrier had to be staffed -- and though you think they implied it, that is NOT the same thing when it comes to rules. Yet, unlike the major leaguers in the 40's. you enforced what you meant rather than what you said, and that required Filth to completely redo his plan just days before the start.
It wasnt his fault, he didnt misread anything, and he did enormous preparation -- that went out the window when you enforced unwritten rules on one side.
I am honestly appalled that with all the controversy about the scenario's balance, the very first thing you say on these forums is to reflect blame on Filth.
No other discussion, no response to legitimate issues, even from disinterested parties lilke WIdewing.
I had expected a classier response.
Originally posted by ROC
I'd take that up with your CO then Culero.
Oh well said, and so bravely done as well, since you know Filth quit last night.
And your response here and your not addressing the discussions going on in the other forums pretty much sums up the lack of CM leadership of this event.
This is where you guys went wrong, you are looking for a fight where one doesn't exist.
I didn't reflect blame on filth.
I said Take it up with your CO.
I work with the COs, they are on the design team.
I'm frankly getting tired of the pot shots, Take it up with your CO, that's who I work with.
Culero posted a jab, I told him how to address it. Same here, take it up with your CO.
Fencer, you posted in another thread quoting the rules, and said the US Team shall use N/7. Problem is, the rules didn't say that. Said shall use up to. Get your facts straight before you go off on rants, it's beneath you, makes you look bad.
There is a squadron assigned to each CV, and an AirWing assigned to each squad. Ya, guess you missed that, clearly my bad. Then again, with Fencer interpreting rules that don't exist, it doesn't suprise me that bad advice was given and helped cause a last minute change. Clearly, I'm not blaming Filth.
I'm not blaming Filth for anything. I've spent the weekend reviewing logs, counting bombs, watching films and all the other fun stuff that happens when an event runs.
I've seen good and bad on both sides, Ive seen settings that didnt take and some really good plans that went bad.
Now, again, Take it up with your CO.
The CO brings issues to the design team, they are solved, agreed to, and move on. If you think I'm going to try and sit out here mucking through all the tirades and rants' your nuts. I've got work to do.
Originally posted by Simaril
I am honestly appalled that with all the controversy about the scenario's balance, the very first thing you say on these forums is to reflect blame on Filth.
No other discussion, no response to legitimate issues, even from disinterested parties lilke WIdewing.
I had expected a classier response.
Smaril he can't and won't make a case against widewing's post.
If he did wide would swamp him with verified facts that would make the team look foolish. So I really don't blame him for the no response.
Notice I didn't say the team are fools . They are just taking the precaution of not looking it.
What truly amazes me is the team didn't use people like Widewing as a resource. All you have to do is search his posts to know the man is a well of knowledge. If the team would just have drawn from it... There would have been much less controversy on what the capabilities were on both sides.
Bronk, debate widewings post?
Wide is very knowledgeable, has some good points which I have read. I am spending my time reworking the event. Would you prefer I came in here and chewed fat with you? Or debated a post that, although has merit, was opened with the fact that he wasn't there?
It's a good opinion, but that's all it is, valid points yes, but an opinion, he wasn't there so cannot possibly know all of what happened.
What, exactly, would you like me to debate? That someone else could have built a different event? Gee, how brilliant you are. Imagine that, a scenario that Didn't Happen in real life, being recreated, and Someone coming up with a different way to run it.
You want me to debate That?
Originally posted by ROC
You want me to debate That?
stepping in here, ROC!
I want you to work on the redesign, if it is even feasible, and I want you and the CM Staff and Doobs to talk FiLtH into at least staying the course thru the next Frame, Frame#2!!!
then go from there...........
Thank You
added: we got what 5 CVs left? and some AAF planes left too? right? well we are not actually beaten yet then are we?
why drop all this hard work after 1 beta Frame and the 1st True Frame? that is alot of wasted time if this thing was to not continue!!!
Originally posted by ROC
Fencer, you posted in another thread quoting the rules, and said the US Team shall use N/7. Problem is, the rules didn't say that. Said shall use up to. Get your facts straight before you go off on rants, it's beneath you, makes you look bad.
There is a squadron assigned to each CV, and an AirWing assigned to each squad. Ya, guess you missed that, clearly my bad. Then again, with Fencer interpreting rules that don't exist, it doesn't suprise me that bad advice was given and helped cause a last minute change. Clearly, I'm not blaming Filth.
First of all, I haven't begun to rant. Trust me. :aok
Man, this is enlightening. Now its my fault that you cannot write rules to match what you wanted. I wondered how you were justifying the interpertation of the rules you foisted upon Filth the middle of last week.
US Forces Available
TF85 - USS ENTERPRISE CV-6 (CUSTOM AIRWING - CO's Discretion as per ROC)
TF77 - USS INDEPENDENCE CVL-22 - Airwing 4 - Fighting 46
TF78 - USS LANGLEY CVL-28 - Airwing 4 - Fighting 23
TF79 - USS SANTEE CVE-29 - Airwing 3 - Marine Air Group 24
TF80 - USS SUWANNEE CVE-27 - Airwing 3 - Marine Air Group 40
TF81 - NO CV
TF82 - NO CV
TF89 - USS WASP CV-18 - Airwing 1 - Fighting 86
TF90 - USS HORNET CV-12 - Airwing 3 - Fighting 17
TF91 - USS INTREPID CV-11 - Airwing 3 - Fighting 10
TF92 - USS BELLEAU WOOD CV-24 - Airwing 4 - Fighting 30
TF93 - USS SAN JACINTO CVL-30 - Airwing 4 - Fighting 45
TF94 - HMS IMPLACABLE - Airwing 3 - Fighting 5
TF95 - USS RANDOLPH CV-15 - Airwing 3 - Fighting 12
TF96 - USS ESSEX CV-9 - Airwing 4 - Fighting 83
TF97 - USS BUNKER HILL CV-17 - Airwing 4 - Fighting 84
TF98 - USS HANCOCK CV-19 - Airwing 4 - Fighting 6
TF99 - USS YORKTOWN CV-10 - Airwing 2 - Fighting 9
USAAF AirField A88-AirSpawn NE to sector 10-4
3rd FS, 3rd FG, 5th AF - P51D Primary
431FS, 475th FG, 5th AF-P38L Primary
34th FS, 413 FG, 5th AF - P47N Secondary
19th BS, 22nd BG, 5 AF - B24J Primary
Air wing Descrip:
Airwing 1:
F4U-4 - Primary
PT Boat
Airwing 2:
F4U-1C Primary
PT Boat
Airwing 3:
F4U-1D Primary
PT Boat
Airwing 4:
F6F-5 Primary
PT Boat
USAAF Planes Must AirSpawn North East. This Air Group will be limited to 1 Squadron of P-51, One Squadron of P-38 and One Squadron of B24. Each Pilot who Successfully Lands at A88 after their mission may Re Launch from A-88 in the same plane type. All those pilots who fail to land successfully MUST re-up in P-47. This includes the Bomber Pilots.
The number of pilots who can be in each unit is as follows, assuming total number of registered players on US side is N. Each airwing can have up to N/7 pilots. 3rd FS, 431st FS, and 19th BS each can have up to N/7 pilots. The 34th FS has no pilots assigned to it initially -- pilots in this group (with P-47N's) are the ones from 3rd FS, 431st FS, and 19th BS who fail to return in their primary rides.
The AirWing by your written description is the basic unit as to which the US and the Japanese must base it’s personnel allocation. It sure is on the Japanese side, why is it now different on the US side?
“Each airwing can have up to N/7 pilots” sounds like a choice the US CO has as to what he allocates. There are 8 different airwings on the US side. So the US CO should have had the option to shift his men as he saw fit. So, what is wrong with my description in the other tread? You identified which CVs each AW could use. Just like bases for the Japanese.
However as we both know, you changed this and made us crew each CV equally to ensure leadership for the hundreds of walkons that you expected. Least that was the reason I was told it was done.
I'll second that motion TC.
TC, I started reworking the event 2 hours into frame 1 lol
BIG edit...
Roc I would like to apologize to you for this post.
I am quite sure you are looking for fixes and you had the best of intentions for the scenario. I let my self get way out of line with the edited comment.
Please except my apology.
Oh man, you edited it before I got to See It?? :(
Its all good bud, I would never enjoy an event that was populated with spineless dweebs. Nothing makes an event more enjoyable that passionate people attending it. If you did not care enough about your event to fight over it, then there would be little interest in building them :)
All it does is tell me that there are people who really want the events to work, and keeps us coming back wanting each one to be better.
Thank you, but no apology needed, expected, nor required.
Roc you have a PM.
I would have to say that out of all the scenario's i have been a part of this is the best run one yet.When ever i had a question about the rules or any thing else the CM staff more than cleared them up for right away and there was no confusion about anything at all.
A big <<>> to ROC, Roscoroo, Nemeth and all who are responsible for putting this show on.Hopefully we can all finish the frames out and put this behind us.