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Special Events Forums => Scenario General => Topic started by: Krusty on July 27, 2006, 10:19:56 AM

Title: Future ideas brainstorm
Post by: Krusty on July 27, 2006, 10:19:56 AM
Please keep this on topic. I've got a few minutes at work and am on the forums. I thought I'd read up on future scenario suggestions, but didn't see a thread.

If there is, my apologies, I didn't notice it.

These are general ideas. The specifics can be hammered out by whomever wishes, in another thread.

There have been a couple of scenarios that feature new terrains, tokyo and karelia specifically, but these are ideas that go off of terrains we already have.

Midway (SBDs and Vals vs CVs, ack reduced to 0.4, much scouting, escort, intercept, attack. Reduce strength of CVs to require 3 good hits to sink)

Battle of Britain (We did one in '04 that re-wrote all the rules. How about one that recreates the event, as it was, with all the rules intact?)

Name TBD (1942 Brits start attacking LW airfields in France to draw out the fighters -- using boston III's for light bomber substitute, using LANCS for small-and-medium-sized raids on STRAT, escorts Hurr2 and spitV vs 109E4,F4, maybe spit9 and 190a5 for last frames)

Other thoughts?
Title: Future ideas brainstorm
Post by: Vudak on July 27, 2006, 10:56:14 AM
I would personally like to see an 8th AF vs. Luftwaffe '43 or '44 event.  It seems to have been awhile (although I'm sure they've been done over and over and over again).

I just have this itch to escort some bombers in a 47 or 51 :)

Either that or an Okinawa or Iwo Jima scenario sometime in the future (too similar to Downfall for now).  Maybe with more of a ground element attached, not that we really have many gvs or any inf to do it with.
Title: Future ideas brainstorm
Post by: Nifty on July 27, 2006, 11:15:21 AM
No rerun of Battle of Britain until the He111 is modeled.  :)  At least that's my opinion.

We did a Midway one not too long before Battle of Britain did we not?  For Pacific stuff, I wouldn't mind doing a "what if" type of thing where the Japanese were not able to take the Philippines and we could do some early war Pac stuff while having some CBI influence (P-40's and Spits/Hurris.) That would give us opportunity for some CV vs CV action that you mentioned as well as some IJN vs P-40 action.  Not sure if the Philippines terrain is still available.

The 1942 setup you mentioned sounds like a lot of fun. I'd enjoy that one.

If we had the ground vehicles for it, and more people actually enjoyed ground vehicles, I'd say a North Africa one could be entertaining.  Though it still might be.  Sicily was a fun one (or was it Malta, all I remember was leading a P-38 flight with half Mongrels and half FDB)!  Again, not sure the Tunisia terrain is still available.

When's the last time we've done an 8th Air Force one?  Big Week was a looong time ago, but still, that was a blast (even though I got stuck in a FW190A-8 against my vehement protests :cry )
Title: Future ideas brainstorm
Post by: jordi on July 27, 2006, 02:10:30 PM
I am always up for a Pearl Scenario . ..

8th OPS would be good. I liked the idea we used where a critical part of the score was how many bombs the bombers got on a LARGE Target tile. That equated the idea of CEP (radius of circle centered on the Aiming Point, containing 50% of the pattern centers) and getting the bombs on the target. Not everyone in the bomber group had to be perfect bomber - but it helped to have a few good ones leading each group.
Title: Future ideas brainstorm
Post by: Roscoroo on July 27, 2006, 02:20:47 PM
were running an Scenario after downfall and befor Pearl ...

(I'm not at liberty to say which one ... but We know it works already) :D
Title: Future ideas brainstorm
Post by: Krusty on July 27, 2006, 07:51:07 PM
Somebody mentioned Pearl in the Downfall forum. I'll post what I posted there here as well.

How can you get a full scenario out of Pearl? It's a 1-time short-span sneak attack. There's just no way the allies will have anything to do, and there's no way the japanese will have anything to do outside of the 1 frame.

For it to be a scenario, it has to be 2-ways, methinks.
Title: Future ideas brainstorm
Post by: mrmidi on July 27, 2006, 08:33:24 PM

Wasn't that what we just had this past saturday (code named downfall)

except it was out to sea.......;)
Title: Future ideas brainstorm
Post by: Krusty on July 27, 2006, 10:54:50 PM
New idea:

Jet Age:
Against greater numbers, a small unit of jet fighters and bombers must establish themselves in Nazi Germany. They will be covered at first by Doras (when vulnerable) and Ta152s (when in the air) as they brave the massive Allied juggernaught. Their goal is to do as much damage as they can to halt the Allied invaders, including intercepting B17s, B24s, and even taking up the new Arado to strike back at tactical targets.

It's not as easy as you think, the 262 is horrible at dogfighting, the Arado has very short range and weak payload, and can easily be caught by late war Allied planes.
Title: Future ideas brainstorm
Post by: Nifty on July 28, 2006, 09:38:30 AM
Originally posted by Krusty
Somebody mentioned Pearl in the Downfall forum. I'll post what I posted there here as well.

How can you get a full scenario out of Pearl? It's a 1-time short-span sneak attack. There's just no way the allies will have anything to do, and there's no way the japanese will have anything to do outside of the 1 frame.

For it to be a scenario, it has to be 2-ways, methinks.

I'm sure if they did Pearl for a full scenario, it would involve a "what if" situation.  What if Japan intended to invade and hold the Hawaiian Islands, and what if the United States knew of the plan and was prepared to defend the Hawaiian Islands?

That could work and be fun.
Title: Future ideas brainstorm
Post by: jordi on July 28, 2006, 09:59:30 AM
Originally posted by Krusty
Somebody mentioned Pearl in the Downfall forum. I'll post what I posted there here as well.

How can you get a full scenario out of Pearl? It's a 1-time short-span sneak attack. There's just no way the allies will have anything to do, and there's no way the japanese will have anything to do outside of the 1 frame.

For it to be a scenario, it has to be 2-ways, methinks.

The Pearl Scenario was a smashing success 2 years in a row back in the Air Warrior Days.

It is usually a 3 frame event - then both sides CHANGE Sides and do 3 more frames.

There is a dedicated TEAM ZEKE that flies fighters for the IJN Both times.

The 3 frames equate to the 3 waves of attacks the IJN Sent against Pearl.

The US does get to some LIMITED Patrolling like it was a regular sunday morning so there is a chance the US Spots the IJN Attack wave and gets a few extra minutes warning and can get some planes off the runway and into the air. But it will not be a cake walk for the IJN Side either. Even with suprise they have to get BOMBS / TORPS on targets. It does no good to shoot down a bunch of US Fiters if they can not bomb the targets and sink the BB's and any CV's that may show up.

With the side swap if one side DOES feel they are at a disadvantage they get to turn the tables and try it from the side they feel did have the advantage and see how much ofa real difference there is.

Iam cure the CM's can fill in more as needed. The above is just going off of the AW version. Heck the fleets MOVE Now - we did not have that int he good old days.

Title: Future ideas brainstorm
Post by: Krusty on July 28, 2006, 10:50:52 AM
Well.... In Pearl they're not SUPPOSED to move! :P
Title: Future ideas brainstorm
Post by: 1ijac on July 28, 2006, 10:53:50 AM
I enjoyed the Pearl Harbor scenarios I've participated in.   :aok

Title: Future ideas brainstorm
Post by: jordi on July 28, 2006, 11:46:03 AM
Originally posted by Krusty
Well.... In Pearl they're not SUPPOSED to move! :P

Well the IJN just want the US Ships to move in a DOWNWARD direction.

Title: Future ideas brainstorm
Post by: Krusty on July 28, 2006, 12:33:31 PM
I got an idea, but I don't know if it will work.

When you look at stats, can you tell how many lbs of bombs were dropped on something, even if that something wasn't destroyed?
Title: Re: Future ideas brainstorm
Post by: Sikboy on July 28, 2006, 12:59:51 PM
Originally posted by Krusty

Midway (SBDs and Vals vs CVs, ack reduced to 0.4, much scouting, escort, intercept, attack. Reduce strength of CVs to require 3 good hits to sink)

Don't forget the Torp planes :aok

Title: Future ideas brainstorm
Post by: jordi on July 28, 2006, 01:55:07 PM
Originally posted by Krusty
I got an idea, but I don't know if it will work.

When you look at stats, can you tell how many lbs of bombs were dropped on something, even if that something wasn't destroyed?

WE did this for a 8th AF scenario. We created a tile later that was basicaly undestructable. Then in the logs you can see how many times it was hit. Now we TOLD the B17's to carry the 100lb load out. So if the logs saw the tile got hit 434 times then we know 43,4000 lbs of bombs hit.

Now if a plane took off and used 500lb'ers - to bad but we had to count it as 100lb'ers.
Title: Future ideas brainstorm
Post by: Krusty on July 28, 2006, 01:58:14 PM

I was thinking of "Bomb Berlin" -- Rhine map, US bombers must bomb the German HQ building over and over (but up the lbs required to a million, so it never goes down) then add up the hits to calculate the score -- this way if you miss the target you don't get points, but there's also the escort/defense side of things, too.

So basically you keep bombing it over and over, but it wont' go down (unless maybe in the last frame you set it so that it can?)
Title: Future ideas brainstorm
Post by: jordi on July 28, 2006, 02:14:36 PM
1 target really limits your potential strategy. It would just be one big pig pile over 1 target.

If you had multiple targets you could hit so it spreads things out some and both side have to do some strategizing  . . .
Title: Future ideas brainstorm
Post by: mussie on July 28, 2006, 02:28:17 PM
Originally posted by jordi
1 target really limits your potential strategy. It would just be one big pig pile over 1 target.

If you had multiple targets you could hit so it spreads things out some and both side have to do some strategizing  . . .

Yeah But imagine the carnage.......

Everyone knows where the NME will be....

Everyone is going to be there....

Buff's and BF109's raining down from the sky for three hours... LOL

Title: Future ideas brainstorm
Post by: Krusty on July 28, 2006, 04:23:04 PM
Well the defenders will have to move out and intercept before the enemy gets there. Otherwise it does no good to kill the bombers after the bombs are gone. Bombers would get bonuses for landing (to encourage nursing woudned rides back home) or limited craft (for same reason). The attackers have a 360-degree path of attack. They can plan what they want, including feints and false radar signatures, including breaking up the escorts into several groups to distract the enemy. The enemy can do the same, spread out as far and as fast as possible to scout the enemy main group, but they have to watch their gas consumption because it takes a while to land, refuel, and climb back out.

You're probably right. It's probably too limited for a full scenario.

How about upping the start hardness a LOT, and having frame 1 require them to bomb 5 strats closest to them. Then IF they bomb enough, they can move to the next targets, and IF they move in far enough by frame 4 they actually can take down the HQ building. Again you'd have to up the hardness to really make them work for it, but I think there could be a good balance in there somewhere.
Title: Future ideas brainstorm
Post by: Krusty on July 28, 2006, 04:37:33 PM

"French Strife"

In 1944 Germany occupies France, and while the 8th AF flies high and bombs far, the ground attack units also played a major part. Towns/strat for major targets, possibly including airfield strikes. Escorts and attackers, flaks, GVs. Ack lethality at 1.5.

P47sD11, D25, P38G or J, Maybe P51B, 109G6s, 190a5s, 110Gs, maybe others. Extra bonus for hunting down enemy trains and destroying them!!! :P

EDIT: Flip side: Instead of USAF could use spit8s, 5s, typhoon for attack, hurricanes with bombs, and the like. That would work too, it's just that I was thinking P47s when I imagined this.
Title: Future ideas brainstorm
Post by: thrila on July 28, 2006, 05:32:14 PM

British + canadian landing craft trying to capture a port + maybe vh's?
RAF- Spit V's, Hurri IIC, Bostons, 1 squad of tiffies + spit 9's

LW- 109 mix, 110g, 190a5s and ju88s
Title: Future ideas brainstorm
Post by: Krusty on July 28, 2006, 05:51:13 PM
I think you could pull a scenario out of that. A single fleet for the brits to start. The more ports they take the more CVs they get. If the entire thing goes down no more LVTs can spawn. Even if they do, the axis can spawn Pnzr and lighter GVs to defend (unless field is shut down). Air superiority would be essential for the brits, otherwise the LW would strafe all the LVTs/troops.

I think you could have it be a capture-the-coast type of thing, use tunisia as the map, and have them start on one corner and have to capture the entire coastline before the scenario's over. something like Stailn's 4th but less GVs.
Title: Future ideas brainstorm
Post by: Krusty on July 29, 2006, 12:49:40 PM
New idea:

Okay this might just be retarded....

What about a PT attack scenario? Use them as delivery ships (well armed ones) where the enemy has to attack them. Anti-shipping role B26s or P47s and the like, vs japanese convoys? Just a thought
Title: Future ideas brainstorm
Post by: Krusty on July 31, 2006, 12:44:06 PM
New (wacky) idea

What about something with a lot of fields (insert setup here) where the downtimes are set to infinite? That way the impetus is on both sides to defend their strat. Once one team has lost 100% strat for a sector, they lose the bases in that sector? This would be something that requires bombers, jabos, fighters, you name it. I could see this being PTO, ETO, you name it. I'd suggest perhaps a dense map like rhine. The end result would be to take over the map, victory based on field count. With, of course, special points awarded for destroying the enemy HQ (if possible).
Title: Future ideas brainstorm
Post by: mussie on July 31, 2006, 12:57:45 PM
Originally posted by Krusty
New idea:

Okay this might just be retarded....

What about a PT attack scenario? Use them as delivery ships (well armed ones) where the enemy has to attack them. Anti-shipping role B26s or P47s and the like, vs japanese convoys? Just a thought

Dam Krusty.....

I like it :aok

Hmmm I can see the tracer flying around right now....

Low B-26's and A-20's strafing the PT's...

Make their "landing area a friendly field with no ACK (so they dont hit the B-26's and A-20's) and for frame two the number of landed players get GV's for an attack on a nearby base and all those who did not make it get to fly cover....

Then do two more frames with the sides swapped and tally the result

Or something like that....  

Would need some tweaking but would be different....
Title: Future ideas brainstorm
Post by: Hornet33 on July 31, 2006, 03:13:56 PM
I would suggest the D-Day landings, but the Luftwaffe never showed up for that one.

Some early war Med action would be nice. North Africa, Malta. Maybe toss a couple of fleets out there.
Title: Future ideas brainstorm
Post by: mussie on July 31, 2006, 03:30:08 PM
Originally posted by Hornet33
I would suggest the D-Day landings, but the Luftwaffe never showed up for that one.

Some early war Med action would be nice. North Africa, Malta. Maybe toss a couple of fleets out there.

Ya know Horny with if we took Krusty's idea and had a map with lots of shore batteries and manned ack guns for the AXIS and destroyers off shore for the Allied that could almost work....  

D-DAY The next AH scenario :D
Title: Future ideas brainstorm
Post by: Krusty on July 31, 2006, 03:41:25 PM
Well from the air perspective, the LW did get some planes up. Just not right away. If you want to do the extended D-Day, you could have B17s softening targets for the beach landings, you could have P47s flying rhubarbs, etc, and 190s/109s taking them on at low alt. You could spice things up, try something new in every frame. It's got possibility, but you would have to expand it past just Jun 6th, like the month of June, or the month following the landing, etc.
Title: Future ideas brainstorm
Post by: Krusty on August 03, 2006, 03:00:58 PM
New Idea:

This might just be wickedly evil... but....

Take Tokyo, or some map with LOTS of CVs. Put them all on the same side, line them all up as if they're one HUGE arse convoy. Real convoys had 50-150 ships in them. Team with CVs must spawn and sit on CV deck until radar or scouts spot incoming bombers. Then can start engines and roll planes. 1 scout for every 2 CVs may be allowed to fly around. Bombers must find the force, and sink as many ships as necessary before they reach their destination. The 4 frames would center on stopping the ships. Sort of like Atlantic convoys to Britain, but in the PTO.

Have 2 frames of fleet attacks, and if the fleet reaches the end, have a Malta-like situation where planes have to fly to the base and land there, and repeat, and the other team has to intercept. Then switch sides, and repeat!! Attacking side would be 90% bomber formations for the first 2 frames, and probably 75% fighters for the last frame.
Title: Future ideas brainstorm
Post by: tedrbr on August 03, 2006, 03:41:19 PM
Originally posted by Krusty
Somebody mentioned Pearl in the Downfall forum. I'll post what I posted there here as well.

How can you get a full scenario out of Pearl? It's a 1-time short-span sneak attack. There's just no way the allies will have anything to do, and there's no way the japanese will have anything to do outside of the 1 frame.

For it to be a scenario, it has to be 2-ways, methinks.

Alernative History:  

What would have happened if Japanese had decided to launch additional sorties to take out the fuel depots and drydocks?  Would have kept America from taking offensive with wide spread sub operations and many of the ships brought up from the bottom of the harbor would have not been back in service any where as soon as they were.  Guadacanal would have been lost, possibly Midway before America could get their feet under them again.  Might have cut the link to Australia.

Or had they decided to really go for broke and occupy the island, thinking that many of the Japanese Americans would join them?  It would have been a bloodbath for both sides, but a sizable relief force from the Atlantic would have taken forever to get there.  They might have caught the U.S. Carriers attempting to relieve Pearl.  With all airfields capped, fleet sunk, and complete air cover to help advance landing forces, they could have occupied and continued to bomb and strafe the population until they surrendered.  

Would have took 2 or 3 move CV's plus a large landing force and fleet resupply train.

In either case, as a senerio, the Allies would be at a very big disadvantage in planes and resources, but all they need to really do is prevent the total destruction of Pearl or a successful landing foothold on the island.  This would probably be a large senerio with multiple lives.... 3 per hour maximum maybe? Or a fixed number of lives.  To represent the huge numbers.
Title: Future ideas brainstorm
Post by: tedrbr on August 03, 2006, 03:51:48 PM
I'd be up for a D-Day Senerio I suppose.  Do you line the beach with many map rooms and have the LTV's disgorge them at the shoreline?  

If fact, many map rooms would be the key to a D-Day run..... many small fields and bases as close to each other as you could get them..... landing forces troops.  The paratroopers inland.

Such a senerio would be a GV'ers dream come true.  Lot's of GV's, ground guns, heavy ack.  Have to be a mnay-life senerio.....they would die in droves along the shoreline.

Allied pilots would spend alot of time strafing ground targets.  Cruiser guns in heavy use.  Limited bomber was not good for buffs during the invasion, but JABOS would be in.  Limited Axis fighter cover, but more in the game than was actually seen over Normandy.  Not a senerio for everybody, but a change from the normal.

I think a major fighter/attack plane/GV senerio for North Africa should be done as well.  Get those desert skins on boys!  Wide open... massive GV tank forces..... dogfighting over the desert.
Title: Future ideas brainstorm
Post by: Krusty on August 03, 2006, 04:29:38 PM
Any D-Day scenario wouldn't actually be ON the beach. It would be in the air behind the beaches. Maybe have something like C47s dropping supplies to troops that have already landed, and 190s intercepting them? P47s strafing trains, jabo'ing strats, etc.
Title: Future ideas brainstorm
Post by: badhorse on August 07, 2006, 07:07:30 AM

We did a Midway one not too long before Battle of Britain did we not?  

Is ther a Miday map available for downloading. I would really like to have it.

I like the idea of doing a Scenario of the Battle of Midway.  Especially the fact that it would have clear objectives.  The Japanse forces must capture Midway in order to win.