Aces High Bulletin Board

General Forums => Wishlist => Topic started by: captkaos on August 11, 2006, 04:32:50 PM

Title: Top Ranked Pilot By A Selected Plane
Post by: captkaos on August 11, 2006, 04:32:50 PM
In an effort to get more people to fly early war planes and other planes that see little use in the main arena I think there should be a top pilot by a selected aircraft during each tour.  To limit the efforts, at the beginning of each month, one little used plane would be designated as the plane in the top rank pilot contest.

This would encourage some people to fly these little used planes to try to be the toped rank pilot for that plan for that tour.  Imagine being the best C.202 pilot four tour XX, or the best P-40 B, or the best Hurrican MK 1 pilot.

I think this might draw some people away from the LaLa's, the Spit's, the Nik's and the P-series planes.
Title: Top Ranked Pilot By A Selected Plane
Post by: Latrobe on August 11, 2006, 05:28:07 PM
ii like this idea and dont like it. i like it cuz then there wont be so many dang lala's flyin around (need that perked) and i dont like this idea because no1 still wouldnt fly the c202 or p40B
Title: Top Ranked Pilot By A Selected Plane
Post by: Ack-Ack on August 11, 2006, 07:20:22 PM
here's a novel idea....why not stop caring what other players fly and just enjoy the game?  If someone doesn't want to fly an early war plane then so be it.  No incentive in the world is going to get someone who doesn't want to fly an early war plane to fly one short of forcing them to do so and then you'll problably lose a paying customer.

Title: Top Ranked Pilot By A Selected Plane
Post by: bkbandit on August 12, 2006, 01:49:09 AM
its an idea that has been here before, it aint meant to force people out of there planes, i dont expect it to. but it would be a nice stat to add, u can prob start a couple of squads just from that alone. Get all the hardcore(for example) m3 drivers in the same squad. Or u can get the best spit guy against the best 109 guy. It wont force nobody to change there planes or flight styles, if all they do is ho and vulch  or suicide bomb they will continue to do so.
Title: Top Ranked Pilot By A Selected Plane
Post by: Vudak on August 12, 2006, 02:48:25 AM
There have been some friendly challenges for this in the MA in the past.

And, of course, this is also already in the game, it is called King of the Hill ;)
Title: Top Ranked Pilot By A Selected Plane
Post by: Saxman on August 12, 2006, 10:13:44 AM
I'd rather see it fixed so that if you haven't flown a particular sortie type, it doesn't affect your overall ranking.
Title: Top Ranked Pilot By A Selected Plane
Post by: Shifty on August 12, 2006, 10:43:32 AM
Originally posted by Ack-Ack
here's a novel idea....why not stop caring what other players fly and just enjoy the game?  If someone doesn't want to fly an early war plane then so be it.  No incentive in the world is going to get someone who doesn't want to fly an early war plane to fly one short of forcing them to do so and then you'll problably lose a paying customer.


Do you know how much time and BBS space would be saved if people quit worrying about what other people fly?  Not to mention all the time wasted feeling superior because your rides not on the uber list.................
Why we  just can't have it.

Title: Top Ranked Pilot By A Selected Plane
Post by: Stang on August 12, 2006, 12:32:07 PM
Ack-Ack sucks in a P-38, that's all I know...

Title: Top Ranked Pilot By A Selected Plane
Post by: captkaos on August 15, 2006, 01:03:25 PM
I do not care what others fly, I just think it would be interesting to see more early war aircraft in the MA.  Nor do I feel superior for not flying the uber planes, I just enjoy shooting them down.  The strange thing is I find it far harder to engage an enemy in a P-40 or Hawker Hurricane than it is to engage and kill a P-51 or LaLa.

I am just making a simple sugestion to add a bit a varity and fun to an already great game.

Also, image all the time and space that is wasted on this BB by people making personal attacks.
Title: Top Ranked Pilot By A Selected Plane
Post by: Hornet33 on August 15, 2006, 02:45:05 PM
I kinda had the same thought along these lines today, however it would show who the BEST pilot every month truely is.

Here's my idea. Anyone with a score over 2000 can fly anything they want. Perk rides are still perk rides. 2000-1500 lose all rides under 10 ENY. 1500-1000 lose all rides under 20 ENY. 1000-500 lose all rides under 30 ENY. 500 and less lose all perk rides in addition to all rides under 30 ENY.

Let's see if these aces can still be aces when they lose their La La's and Runstangs and actually have to MANUVER to get a kill.
Title: Top Ranked Pilot By A Selected Plane
Post by: Sikboy on August 15, 2006, 02:58:55 PM
I'm unconcerned what everyone else flys, but I would still have been interested to see how I ranked vs. other pilots in the same plane. It would also make it a bit easier to find other players who were interested in the same planes. I think it would certainly be a nice touch if added.

Title: Top Ranked Pilot By A Selected Plane
Post by: bkbandit on August 15, 2006, 04:20:17 PM
i would like to see this, more stats to look, it wouldnt be met to but it could get people to give more attention to the early war fighters. and it would end debutes that start out like this" im the best zerp pilot in here".
Title: Top Ranked Pilot By A Selected Plane
Post by: Shifty on August 15, 2006, 04:38:35 PM
Originally posted by bkbandit
i would like to see this, more stats to look, it wouldnt be met to but it could get people to give more attention to the early war fighters. and it would end debutes that start out like this" im the best zerp pilot in here".

But I am the best zerp pilot in here.:D
Title: Top Ranked Pilot By A Selected Plane
Post by: Guppy35 on August 15, 2006, 05:44:30 PM
Originally posted by Sikboy
I'm unconcerned what everyone else flys, but I would still have been interested to see how I ranked vs. other pilots in the same plane. It would also make it a bit easier to find other players who were interested in the same planes. I think it would certainly be a nice touch if added.


Just checked since I'm a P38G dweeb

The 38G has 589 kills and I have 91 of them.

The 38G has 680 deaths of which I have 43.

At the same time the LA7 has 17543 kills and 14445 deaths
Spit 16 has 15558 kills and 14351 deaths

Interesting to note that he only 'early war' plane that really seems to make an impact is the Hurri IIc which has upwards of 8000 kills.  This is far more then some of the Corsairs, 109s and many others.  It speaks volumes to the use of those 4 20mm cannons and their lethality.

I'd say that there aren't many of us 38G drivers but based on the stats I'm doing ok in it :)
Title: Top Ranked Pilot By A Selected Plane
Post by: Flayed1 on August 15, 2006, 11:16:55 PM
Some of us fly the early war planes anyway, like tonight I chased down a spit-8 with my D3A. :)  Some time during the fight with him I got a proxy but wasn't fast enough to get out alive with the 2 kills lol.

  I would like to see more early war planes in the game, I liked it when the ENY thing was first put into effect and was much stronger than it is now. That was one of the few times I've ever seen massive early war plane missions to take bases, it was quite impressive.
Title: Top Ranked Pilot By A Selected Plane
Post by: zorstorer on August 16, 2006, 12:31:53 AM
Is the 190F8 early war? ;)  Just kidding.

Dan it is kind of cool to see that you have a large percentage of kills in a given aircraft :)

105 out of 850 kills in the 190F8 and 10 deaths out of the almost 1000 deaths ;)

Ok went back and looked, in tour 72 I had almost half of hurri mk1 kills ;) (201 out of 528)   :aok
Title: Top Ranked Pilot By A Selected Plane
Post by: thndregg on August 16, 2006, 09:37:20 AM
Just for the sake of fluff'n around, I put together a P40-B mission with about 10 guys in it, went over to a freshly taken Rook base, dove in, and here comes an La-7 straight up at me. A split second before we collided, I threw some pea-shots at him, and got 13.86 perks after we both went down.
Title: Top Ranked Pilot By A Selected Plane
Post by: Kuhn on August 16, 2006, 01:39:25 PM
Originally posted by Sikboy
I'm unconcerned what everyone else flys, but I would still have been interested to see how I ranked vs. other pilots in the same plane. It would also make it a bit easier to find other players who were interested in the same planes. I think it would certainly be a nice touch if added.


What he said:aok
Love my La-5